Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 74 America COMPETES Reauthorization 72 End Racial Profiling 72 Innocence Protection 71 Toxic Chemicals Safety 71 Combating Child Exploitation 71 Fire Sprinkler Incentive 71 Reduce Unnecessary Spending 70 Habeas Corpus Restoration 70 Iran Sanctions Enabling 70 Newborn Screening Saves Lives 70 Pedophile Protection 69 Teen Endangerment 69 Human Cloning Prohibition 68 Climate Stewardship 68 Broadcaster Freedom 68 Global Warming Response 68 Cosponsoring Fair Elections 68 Motorcoach Enhanced Safety 68 Student Non Discrimination 68 Credit Card Interchange Fees 67 Physician Payments Sunshine 67 Renter Protection 67 Multiple Peril Insurance 66 College Textbook Affordability 66 Recommendations Implementation 65 Lawsuit Abuse Reduction 65 Unemployment Compensation Extension 65 California Compassionate Choices 65 Industrial Hemp Farming 65 Anabolic Steroid Control 65 Surface Transportation Authorization 65 Taxpayer Transparency 65 Specialty Crop Competitiveness 64 Iran Counter Proliferation 64 Fetus Farming Prohibition 64 Financial Stability Improvement 64 Employee Misclassification Prevention 64 HR.# 64 Employee Non Discrimination 64 Distracted Driving Prevention 64 Clean Water Restoration 63 PROTECT IP 63 Conquer Childhood Cancer 63 Faster FOIA 63 COBRA Subsidy Extension 63 Native Hawaiian Recognition 63 Clean Boating 63 Employee Verification 63 Lung Cancer Mortality Reduction 63 Hedge Fund Transparency 63 Gramm Rudman Hollings 63 Common Sense Consumption 63 Workplace Religious Freedom 62 Captive Primate Safety 62 Affordable Footwear 62 Broadcast Decency 62 Homegrown Terrorism Prevention 61 Stop Arming Iran 61 Video Voyeurism Prevention 61 Scottsboro Boys Sister 61 Bipartisan Campaign Finance 61 Tyler Clementi Higher Education 61 Nonviolent Offender Rehabilitation 61 Bernie Sanders I-Vt. 61 Partial Birth Infanticide 61 Broadcast Decency Enforcement 61 Courtney Conk paid 61 Abortion Non Discrimination 61 DTV Delay 60 Amy Klobuchar D Minn 60 Terrorist Surveillance 60 Impoundment Control 60 Combat Meth 60 Data Breach Notification 60 Military Readiness Enhancement 60 Sexual Orientation Non Discrimination 60 MOBILE Cell Phone 60 FY# Defense Authorization 60 Hydropower Improvement 60 HJ Res 60 Fair Minimum Wage 60 Hate Crime Prevention 60 Intelligence Identities 60 Tax Extenders 60 Equitable Treatment 59 Clean Water Legacy 59 Price Gouging Prevention 59 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation 59 Loyalty Recognition 59 Great Ape Protection 59 Newspaper Revitalization 59 Voter Confidence 59 Approves Gay Marriage 59 Paperwork Mandate Elimination 59 Federal Torts Claim 59 Identity Theft Penalty 59 Violent Radicalization 59 Block Burmese JADE 59 Paul Wellstone Mental 59 Illegal Immigration Enforcement 58 SCHIP Reauthorization 58 Against Cyber Trespass 58 Cosponsor 58 Uniform Protection STANDUP 58 Ron Wyden D-Ore. 58 Diagnosed Conditions 58 NICS Improvement Amendments 58 Telecommuter Tax Fairness 58 Claire McCaskill D-Mo. 58 Securely Protect Yourself 58 Patient Self Determination 58 Child Abduction Prevention 58 Whistle Blower Protection 58 LA GRAD 58 Offshore Aquaculture 58 Activity Tax Simplification 58 Whistleblower Protection Enhancement 58 Mary Bono R-Calif. 58 Earmark Reform 58 Omnibus Budget 58 Line Item Veto 58 #st Century Nanotechnology 57 Veto Stem Cell 57 Act S.# [001] 57 Reps. Edolphus Towns DN.Y. 57 Grassroots Lobbying 57 USA PATRIOT ACT 57 Fiscal Discipline 57 Internet Gambling Prohibition 57 Diesel Emissions Reduction 57 Defence Authorisation 57 Marijuana Decriminalization 57 Restore Employment HIRE 57 Sens. Dianne Feinstein D-Calif. 57 Startup Visa 57 Maria Cantwell D-Wash. 57 Sudan Divestment 57 Offshore Moratorium 57 Subtitle B 56 Defund ACORN Act 56 H.Res [002] 56 Reps. Ed Markey 56 Passes Gay Marriage 56 Enumerated Powers Act 56 Posey R Fla 56 Russ Feingold D-Wis. 56 REINS Act 56 H.Con.Res 56 SJ Res 56 Internet Gambling Enforcement 56 Marketplace Modernization 56 Barbara Boxer D Calif 56 Passenger Rail Investment 56 NAT GAS 56 Governmental Conduct 56 Mental Health Parity 56 prohibited cruel inhuman 56 Evan Bayh D-Ind. 56 Sheldon Whitehouse DR.I. 56 Barbara Boxer D-Calif. 56 Medicare Catastrophic Coverage 56 Nears Vote 56 Gang Abatement 56 Jo Ann Emerson R-Mo. 56 Medicaid Extenders 56 S.Amdt 56 Post-#/# Veterans Educational 56 Dorgan Snowe 56 Pain Capable Unborn Child 55 Breast Cancer Patient Protection 55 Impartial Justice 55 Superfund Amendments 55 Cameron Gulbransen Kids 55 Government Paperwork Elimination 55 Fetal Pain 55 Lame Duck Session 55 Anti Torture 55 Child Nutrition Reauthorization 55 Landrieu Snowe 55 Human Cloning Ban 55 Lobbying Transparency 55 Implementing Recommendations 55 Travel Restriction 55 Birthright Citizenship Act 55 CARFA 55 Paid Sick Time 55 Border Protection Antiterrorism 55 Russ Feingold D Wis 55 Debbie Stabenow D Mich 55 Radioactive Import Deterrence 55 Prioritizing Resources 55 Christopher Reeve Paralysis 55 Whistleblower Protection 55 Sam Brownback R-Kan. 55 Partial Birth 55 Precious Metals Marking 55 STOP Underage Drinking 55 Ben Cardin D-Md. 55 Safer Alternatives 55 Military Whistleblower Protection 55 PAMTA 55 Stem Cell Therapeutic 55 Postal Reorganization 55 William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims 55 NASA Authorization 55 Reauthorize 55 Homeland Security Appropriations 54 Meaningfully Promote Excellence 54 Bob Corker R Tenn 54 Piracy Prohibition 54 Consolidated Appropriations 54 Unborn Child Pain 54 Uniform Firearms 54 Telework Enhancement Act 54 Bi partisan 54 Unanimously Passes 54 Reasonable Prudence 54 Sens. Arlen Specter R-Pa. 54 Intelligence Authorization 54 Degette 54 Cramdown 54 resolution H.Res 54 Cybersecurity Enhancement Act 54 Senators Chuck Grassley 54 HJRes 54 Laser Pointers 54 Funeral Picketing 54 Flag Desecration Amendment 54 DADT Repeal 54 Liability Risk Retention 54 Eyewitness Identification 54 COMPETES 54 Jon Corzine DN.J. 54 S. #/HR [002] 54 International Crimes Tribunals 54 American Dream Downpayment 54 Cluster Munitions Civilian 54 Inducing Infringement 54 DFARS #.#-# Buy 54 Unanimous Consent 54 Healthy Forests Restoration 54 Drug Addiction Treatment 54 Deceptive Practices 54 #st Century Competitiveness 54 Mitigation CALM Act 54 Everglades Forever 54 Judy Biggert R-Ill. 54 Barbara Mikulski D-Md. 54 A#/S# [001] 54 Chairwoman Barbara Boxer 54 Nonprescription Drug Consumer 54 Bipartisan Effort 54 Physician Payments 54 Nunn Lugar Comprehensive 54 Wetland Protection 54 ESHB 54 Homegrown Terrorism 54 Bi Partisan 54 Antitrust Enforcement 54 Parental Kidnapping Prevention 53 Fishery Conservation 53 Restoring Financial Stability 53 Lobbying Reform 53 Repealed 53 Broadcast Indecency 53 MAX BAUCUS 53 BULB Act 53 Pulmonary Fibrosis Research 53 Amended Substitute 53 Rental Purchase Agreement 53 Veto Override 53 statutory PAYGO 53 Dianne Feinstein D-Calif. 53 Ron Wyden D 53 Praises Passage 53 Simpson Mazzoli 53 Threat Reduction 53 Improper Payments Information 53 NSA Spying 53 Balanced Refugee 53 Nominations Sent 53 Hate Crimes Legislation 53 Oil Tax Loopholes 53 Mitch Greenlick 53 HB# HB# 53 Roger Wicker R-Miss. 53 Extend Unemployment Benefits 53 H.# [001] 53 Hails Passage 53 Invents Act 53 CQ Transcript 53 Unorganised Workers Social Security 53 Navigable Waters Protection 53 Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic 53 BIO commends 53 Desert Peaks Wilderness 53 Barbara Mikulski D Md 53 Drought Preparedness 53 Servicemembers Protection 53 Medical Injury Compensation 53 Waters Pollution Prevention 53 Mary Landrieu D-La. 53 FAA Reauthorization Bill 53 Congresswoman Eshoo 53 Lifespan Respite Care 53 Bernard Sanders I-Vt. 53 SOAN 53 Honest Leadership 53 Passes Landmark 53 Status Passed 53 REPEAL 53 Snake Headwaters 53 Anna Eshoo D-Calif. 53 Sheppard Towner 53 MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly 53 Residential Landlord Tenant 53 Compassionate Use Medical 53 Anti Predatory Lending 53 AIP FYI # 53 Iran Refined Petroleum 53 USA PATRIOT Improvement 53 Veterans Omnibus 53 Debbie Stabenow D-Mich. 53 Representative Jackie Speier 53 Legislation Introduced 53 NAT GAS Act 53 Bob Corker R-Tenn. 53 Earmark Ban 53 Airborne Hunting 53 Paul Sarbanes D-Md. 53 Federal Meat Inspection 53 CIR ASAP 53 Ines Franck director 53 Spyware Prevention 53 Tell Repeal 53 Lynn Woolsey D-Calif. 52 Al Franken D-Minn. 52 Felon Voting 52 Extend Jobless Benefits 52 Revenue Stabilization 52 Auction Biddings Agreement 52 http:/ 52 Telecom Immunity 52 Gramm Leach 52 Immigration Restriction 52 Arbitration Fairness Act 52 Anti Smacking 52 Teacher Tenure 52 Immigration Overhaul 52 Hate Crimes Statistics 52 Uniform Electronic Transactions 52 Hate Crimes Prevention 52 Refined Petroleum 52 Mentally Impaired Persons 52 Passes Legislation 52 Junk Fax 52 Tammy Baldwin D-Wis. 52 Senators Maria Cantwell 52 Omnibus Spending Bill 52 Introduce Legislation 52 A.# [002] 52 ACESA 52 Humane Euthanasia 52 Global Warming Pollution 52 Syria Nonproliferation 52 S.# [002] 52 Transactions FACT 52 Jeff Merkley D-Ore. 52 Diesel Emission Reduction 52 No Taxpayer Funding 52 Judicial Nominee 52 Engineering COMSTE 52 Regulatory Flexibility 52 Filibuster Reform 52 Consequential Amendments Bill 52 Lauds Passage 52 Lobbying Disclosure 52 Healthy Forests 52 Frank Pallone DN.J. 52 Engrossed Substitute Senate 52 Abandoned Infant Protection 52 bipartisan cosponsors 52 HR6 52 Lobbyist Disclosure 52 Russell Feingold D-Wis. 52 Coalition Applauds 52 Ken Salazar D Colo 52 SUNY Empowerment 52 Deficit Reduction 52 Improper Payments Elimination 52 R. Ariz 52 Extending Unemployment Benefits 52 Anti Homosexuality 52 Ind Vt 52 Biological Weapons Anti Terrorism 52 Cloture Vote 52 launched furious counterassault 52 USA PATRIOT 52 Debbie Wasserman Schultz D-Fla. 52 FAA Reauthorization Act 52 Graham Leach Bliley 52 EFCC Establishment 52 Disabilities Act Amendments 52 Shays Meehan 52 HR# [003] 52 Kit Bond R-Mo. 52 Arlen Specter R-Penn. 52 Legislation Passes 52 Halting Airplane Noise 52 Healthy Pets 52 Panel Oks 52 SENATE BILL 52 RON WYDEN 52 Tammy Baldwin D Wis 52 Narrowly Passes 52 Alito Filibuster 52 Born Alive Infant 51 Introduces Legislation 51 Clear Skies Initiative 51 Ben Cardin D Md 51 Domenici Landrieu 51 TSCA reform 51 Begins Debate 51 Birthright Citizenship 51 WMD Proliferation 51 Sati Prevention 51 Act S.# [002] 51 Balanced Budget 51 Voter Suppression 51 Law Enforcement Enhancement 51 John Rockefeller DW.Va. 51 RESTORE Act 51 Canonical Communion 51 http:/ 51 ACLU Applauds 51 nonbinding blueprints 51 Patrick Leahy Vermont 51 Defunding Planned Parenthood 51 Senators Dianne Feinstein 51 Closing Tax Loopholes 51 Federal Trademark Dilution 51 Sens. Bob Corker 51 Religious Freedom Protection 51 Magnuson Stevens Fisheries 51 IGREA 51 ACCCE Statement Regarding 51 Anti Bullying Bill 51 Overwhelmingly Approves 51 FAA Reauthorization 51 Novice Driver 51 Employment Non Discrimination 51 Dick Lugar R-Ind. 51 PFREA 51 Mike Johanns R-Neb. 51 Lacks Votes 51 UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE 51 Global Warming Solutions 51 Sensenbrenner R Wis 51 Redistricting Map 51 Carl Levin D-Mich. 51 S. Amdt 51 Props aplenty 51 Contraceptive Equity 51 51 Reps. Bob Goodlatte 51 Genetic Information Nondiscrimination 51 Christopher Shays R-Conn. 51 Kagan Nomination 51 Sexual Offences Amendment 51 Passes Sweeping 51 Omnibus Crime 51 Mineral Leasing 51 reauthorisation 51 SOX Sarbanes Oxley 51 Title VIII 51 GreenLane Maritime Cargo 51 Pro Tem Peter Shumlin 51 Supplemental Appropriations Bill 51 Intellectual Diversity 51 Boxer Feinstein 51 Slavery Reparations 51 Trade Preference 51 R-Ark. 51 Concussion Treatment 51 group Familias Argentinas 51 Snowe Dorgan 51 Feinstein D-Calif. 51 Anti Harassment 51 Equine Cruelty 51 Presidential Succession 51 Jerrold Nadler DN.Y. 51 Section #I 51 Corey Boles Of 51 Uniform Controlled Substance 51 Roland Burris D-Ill. 51 Greenhouse Gas Reduction 51 Payday Loan Reform Act 51 Excessive Speculation 51 DDA Disability Discrimination 51 Ron Kind D-Wis. 51 Hiring Incentives 51 Protection Reauthorization Act 51 Reps. Jay Inslee 51 DeGette Y 51 Severability 51 Gay Marriage Amendment 51 ARB No.# 51 CAGW Names 51 Enzi Barrasso 51 Ken Salazar D-Colo. 51 Applauds Passage 51 Telework Improvements Act 51 Fracturing Responsibility 51 S.# [001] 51 Orphan Works 51 SB #/HB [002] 51 Analysis Backlog Elimination 51 Johnny Isakson R-Ga. 51 Filibuster Showdown 51 Light Bulb Freedom 51 Cloture 51 Millennium Copyright 51 Reps. Edolphus Towns 51 Balanced Budget Amendment 51 PL #-# [002] 50 Drug User Fee 50 Tackling Violent Crime 50 HJ RES 50 Healthcare Reform 50 Lateral Attrition 50 regulate payday lending 50 Neotropical Migratory Bird 50 COMPETES Act 50 Smoot Hawley Tariff 50 Eminent Domain Reform 50 Stokes MOTHERS Act 50 Compensation Fairness 50 Signed Into 50 Economic Stabilization Act 50 Meyers Milias Brown 50 Bipartisan Legislation 50 Reauthorizing 50 Waxman Markey 50 Streamlined Procedures Act 50 Navigable Waters 50 Illegal Immigration Control 50 Jim Talent R-Mo. 50 Senators Jeff Merkley 50 Urges Passage 50 Conscience Clause 50 America COMPETES Act 50 Pension Overhaul 50 Physical Layer Specifications 50 Rejects Gay Marriage 50 Chafee DeWine 50 Arkansas Check Cashers 50 Electronic Waste Recycling 50 Medical Malpractice Reform 50 Senators Jeff Bingaman 50 End Racism ANSWER 50 Restore Employment 50 Paycheck Protection 50 ACELA 50 Senators Byron Dorgan 50 Overrides Veto 50 Fetal Homicide 50 Gary Forby 50 Civil Marriage Equality 50 Mike Enzi Wyoming 50 bipartisan bicameral 50 Architectural Barriers 50 Criminal Procedure Amendment 50 Coburn Omnibus 50 #.#-# Buy [001] 50 FHA Refinance 50 Tobacco Tax Hike 50 Violent Crime Control 50 Pamela Resor 50 Baucus D-Mont. 50 Video Voyeurism 50 Cosponsors 50 Combating Autism Act 50 Vibrant Economy 50 Nathan Deal R-Ga. 50 John Larson D-Conn. 50 Jeff Flake R Ariz 50 S. #/HR [001] 50 Be Repealed 50 Patriot Act Reauthorization 50 Education Affordability Reconciliation 50 Repeal ObamaCare 50 Bipartisan Support 50 Superhero Registration 50 Rosa DeLauro D-Conn. 50 Inc. OTCBB SOAN 50 Trademark Dilution Revision 50 Banning Gay Marriage 50 Amy Klobuchar D-Minn. 50 Workforce Protections 50 Immigrant Tuition 50 Kyl Cornyn 50 Jim Bunning R Ky 50 Minimum Wage Increase 50 HB #/SB [001] 50 Swipe Fee Reform 50 Act FDAAA 50 Unsolicited Electronic Messages 50 Death Penalty Repeal 50 Public Works EPW 50 Paycheck Fairness 50 Mike Enzi R-Wyo. 50 Phil Journey Haysville 50 Bilirakis N 50 Applauds Introduction 50 Chris Coons D-Del. 50 HCR# [002] 50 Alito Hearings 50 Vermont legalizes 50 Defund 50 OPEN GOVERNMENT 50 Postal Accountability 50 Jeffords defection gave 49 STRIVE Act 49 Enduring Assistance 49 Edolphus Towns DN.Y. 49 TESRA 49 Consumer Protections 49 Approves Minimum Wage 49 Anti Meth 49 Nears Approval 49 Superfund Toxics 49 Plastic Bag Reduction 49 Fostering Connections 49 Omnibus Spending 49 H.R. 49 Broun N 49 Jerry Moran R-Kan. 49 Governmental Affairs Chairwoman 49 ETHA 49 honoring Barbara Mikulski 49 Dems Push 49 Don Nickles R Okla 49 Explained Elmendorf 49 Charles McC 49 Commercial Advertisement Loudness 49 Ney Pleads Guilty 49 Debit Interchange 49 Jean Hanamoto 49 Alito Nomination 49 Maya Angelou Random 49 REPEALED 49 Racial Integrity 49 Stopgap Spending Bill 49 updated Interstate Horseracing 49 Food Allergen Labeling 49 Cloning Ban 49 Rick Santorum R-Pa. 49 Diana DeGette D 49 Ted Kaufman D-Del. 49 Colby Itkowitz CALL 49 Racial Privacy 49 Uniform Prudent Management 49 Adam Schiff D-Calif. 49 Panel Mulls 49 Raise Debt Ceiling 49 Jacob Lew testifies 49 Genuine Agrarian Reform 49 Leader Harry Reid D-Nev. 49 Sens. Blanche Lincoln D-Ark. 49 congressionally enacted 49 Is Unconstitutional 49 Homeowner Protection 49 SJR# [002] 49 Interstate Abortion Notification 49 Fiscal Imbalance 49 Marty Meehan D-Mass. 49 Stop Overspending 49 Physician Payment 49 HEALTH BILL 49 Hodes Shea Porter 49 Nondiscrimination Act 49 Addiction Equity 49 Million Solar Roofs 49 PASS ID 49 Poll Shows Support 49 Omnibus Appropriations Bill 49 Matrimonial Property 49 Richard Lugar R-Ind. 49 Higher Education Opportunity 49 Abortion Ultrasound 49 Rosa DeLauro D Conn 49 Paid Vacation 49 Surface Transportation Reauthorization 49 Cheaper Medicines 49 Moderate Dems 49 Home Oxygen Therapy 49 Jim Jeffords I-Vt. 49 Veto Threat 49 Reauthorization 49 Regulatory Overhaul 49 Drug Importation 49 Dignified Treatment 49 Employee Pension 49 Increased Accessibility Act 49 Enemy Belligerent Interrogation 49 Sheldon Whitehouse D 49 Would Restrict 49 Omnibus Appropriations 49 Oceans Atmosphere Fisheries 49 greenhouse gasses mirrors 49 Brady Handgun Violence 49 Armenian Genocide Resolution H.Res.# 49 sweeping antifraud 49 Patrick Leahy Vt. 49 PAUL RYAN 49 Maurice Hinchey DN.Y. 49 Unfunded Mandates Reform Act 49 49 Patty Murray D-Wash. 49 Aderholt Y 49 Government Shutdown 49 Disclose Act 49 National Defense Authorization 49 SCHIP Extension 49 Action Fairness 49 Nicholas Scutari 49 Accountability Appropriations 49 theSecurities Exchange 49 Nonadmitted 49 Representative Marty Meehan 49 Doyle TELEGRAM 49 Concurrent Resolution 49 Civil False Claims 49 repealing Glass Steagall 49 Sentate 49 Nonpublic Postsecondary Educational Institutions 49 Anti Illegal Immigrant 49 Healthy Hunger 49 HJR# [002] 49 Herb Kohl D-Wis. 49 Magnuson Stevens 49 Lee Terry R-Neb. 49 Miscellaneous Amendments 49 Thad Cochran R-Miss. 49 Hindu Succession Amendment 49 FoI Bill 49 Oregon Assisted Suicide 49 Deleting Online 49 Glass Stegall 49 Unemployment Benefits Extension 49 Mark Udall D-Colo. 49 Panel Debates 49 Privatize Social Security 49 S.Res.# 49 Jon Kyl Ariz. 49 PL #-# [001] 49 Employer Mandate 48 Assemblyman Alan Lowenthal 48 Reps. Anna Eshoo 48 Stem Cell Veto 48 Grassley Baucus 48 Head Start reauthorization 48 Maggie Jeffus 48 Depositor Protection 48 omnibus appropriations 48 Protecting Tenants 48 gunmaker immunity bill 48 Prescription Drug Benefit 48 Senate Judicary Committee 48 Engrossed Substitute House 48 Patriot Act Renewal 48 Chairwoman Sen. Dianne 48 Uniform Arbitration 48 Dan Boren D-Okla. 48 ADA Amendments Act 48 CACR 48 Explosives Substance 48 Amdt 48 Legislature overrode veto 48 Aderholt N 48 Accountable Care 48 defund Obamacare 48 Bob Casey D-Pa. 48 Bill Morrisette 48 Jeff Flake R-Ariz. 48 Multi Ethnic Placement 48 Sens. Phil Gramm 48 Tort Reform 48 Close Loopholes 48 D-Ariz. 48 exempted fracking 48 Voted Yea 48 Urges Immediate 48 Centennial Commemorative Coin 48 Compulsory Attendance 48 Senators Orrin Hatch 48 Defends Domestic Spying 48 By Corey Boles 48 Peaceful Atomic Energy 48 Jon Kyl R Ariz 48 Piracy Deterrence 48 Cruise Vessel 48 Christopher Bond R-Mo. 48 Higher Education Empowerment 48 Contempt Citations 48 Attainder 48 Alexander R-Tenn. 48 Sex Offenders Registration 48 Gramm Rudman 48 CHARTER SCHOOLS 48 Susan Ferrechio Chief 48 Widow Penalty 48 Te Ture Whenua Maori 48 Hemp Farming 48 Employer Sanctions 48 Lynn Woolsey D Calif 48 S.1 48 Security Breach Notification 48 Jobless Benefits 48 Approves Sweeping 48 constitutional amendment SJR 48 Sens. Jim Bunning 48 Rep Eric Cantor 48 Child Pornography Prevention 48 Impeachment Trial 48 Parental Notification Law 48 Anti Lynching 48 Illegal Alien Amnesty 48 INSURANCE MANDATE Like 48 Generations Invigorating Volunteerism 48 CHIP reauthorization 48 FCC Net Neutrality 48 Jon Kyl R-Ariz. 48 Lautenberg Menendez 48 House Panel Approves 48 Windfall Profits Rebate 48 Supermajority 48 Mutant Registration 48 Blumenauer Y 48 Discharge Petition 48 Border Protection Anti Terrorism 48 PennSecurity Fuels Initiative 48 BILL SUMMARY 48 FRAC Act 48 Billion Stimulus 48 offered angry denouncements 48 Auto Bailout 48 Sens. Jay Rockefeller 48 Continuing Appropriations 48 ENERGY INDEPENDENCE 48 Reps. Eric Cantor 48 William Delahunt D-Mass. 48 Affordable Choices 48 Diana DeGette D Colo 48 NHS Redress 48 RN.H 48 Fee Disclosure 48 TRUTH TEST 48 Non Discrimination Act 48 Congressman Waxman 48 Prescription Drug Reimportation 48 Sen. Kathy Sheran 48 Blanche Lincoln D 48 Sonogram Bill 48 Governor Rendell PennSecurity 48 Asbestos Injury Resolution 48 Sens. Bernie Sanders 48 Cybersecurity Caucus 48 Unborn Victims 48 Acquisition Reform Act 48 Stem Cell Debate 48 FDAAA 48 HB #/SB [002] 48 Tom Ammiano D 48 Billion Economic Stimulus 48 S MINER 48 reauthorize SCHIP 48 S.3 48 Government Pension Offset 48 Judicary Committee 48 FHA Modernization 48 Patent Reform Act 48 AgJOBS 48 Domestic Spying Program 48 Bipartisan Task Force 48 Safe Accountable Flexible 47 #x'# 47 T. Meehan D-Mass. 47 Criminal Codification 47 Ken Blevens 47 Higher Education Reauthorization Act 47 unfairly punishes patriotic 47 Lincoln Chafee RR.I. 47 Higher Education Reauthorization 47 Workers Comp Reform 47 THE CAUCUS 47 Senators Mike Enzi 47 Nonproliferation Enhancement 47 Codifying 47 Stupak Pitts amendment 47 Baucus Tester 47 Representative Cynthia Lummis 47 Civil Confinement 47 Napolitano vetoes 47 repeal DOMA 47 Cooking Microwave Popcorn 47 Pension Reforms 47 Ban Gay Marriage 47 Chuck Hagel Nebraska 47 FHA Modernization Act 47 Unemployment Extension 47 Sanctions Accountability 47 Contracting Oversight 47 EPA Greenhouse Gas 47 Ending Offshoring Act 47 IHCIA 47 Bilbray Y 47 Smoking Ban Passes 47 Congressman Conyers 47 Tax Extenders Act 47 Maria Cantwell D 47 Defense Authorization 47 Coal Mines Nationalisation 47 Senators Ron Wyden 47 HR4 47 Nydia M. Velázquez 47 Human Organ Transplantation 47 Drug Offender 47 Detainee Interrogation 47 Diane Feinstein D-Calif. 47 Can Spam 47 Projection Forces 47 Individual Mandate 47 Schumer Gillibrand 47 unamendable 47 Sens. Jeanne Shaheen 47 Alcoholic Drinks Control 47 Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration 47 Gabrielle Giffords D-Ariz. 47 Chuck Hagel R-Neb. 47 Impeachment Hearings 47 Blanche Lincoln D-Ark. 47 Tobacco Buyout 47 Increasing Adoptions Act 47 Herb Kohl D Wis 47 S.# [003] 47 JON KYL 47 SAFE WEB 47 Leaders Applaud 47 Jay Inslee D 47 Drug Administration Amendments 47 Single Payer Health 47 Parental Consent 47 John Barrow D-Ga. 47 Alito Confirmation 47 NAIC Model 47 Lily Ledbetter Fair 47 Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against 47 Pete Domenici Mental Health 47 Collective Bargaining Rights 47 Rule XXII 47 Pets Evacuation 47 Mississippi Tort Claims 47 Website Accessed #/#/# [001] 47 patroned 47 Idling Reduction 47 Joseph Lieberman D-Conn. 47 Entitlement Reform 47 Louise Slaughter DN.Y. 47 PAY GO 47 litmus test Guillory 47 Christopher Shays R 47 Florida Contraband Forfeiture 47 Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation 47 Hobbled Dems eager 47 Restore Confidence 47 Holds Hearing 47 GREEN JOBS 47 GPRA 47 JOHN WARNER 47 Cornyn Kyl 47 Preferential Procurement Policy 47 strengthen whistleblower protections 47 Doc Fix 47 Threatens Veto 47 Competes Act 47 SJR2 47 Waxman Markey climate 47 EPW Committee 47 Companies Creditors 47 Ranking Member Grassley 47 Patents Amendment 47 Lobbyist Registration 47 HR3 47 Supplemental Appropriations 47 Farmland Assessment 47 Trillion Spending 47 Partial Birth Abortion Ban 47 Earmark Moratorium