ICRA reaffirms

Related by string. * Icra : fund tracker ICRA . ICRA assigns . Icra Online . ICRA assigns ` . agency ICRA . ICRA Ltd . Icra Ltd . ICRA / reaffirming . Reaffirming . Reaffirmed . reaffirmed . REAFFIRMS . Reaffirms . Reaffirm . Re Affirms : reaffirms FY# EPS . Reaffirms FY# EPS . Reaffirms FY# Outlook . reaffirmed Outperform rating . Reaffirms FY# . reaffirms FY# . Reaffirms Commitment . reaffirmed Neutral * *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 82 ICRA assigns 81 TEXT Fitch affirms 80 ICRA assigns ` 75 Best Assigns 75 Assigns LS 74 RAM reaffirms 73 Assigns Issuer Credit 73 TEXT Moody assigns 72 Maintain Neutral 72 BBB ind 72 Maintained Buy 72 CARE assigns 72 MARC assigns 71 Assigns Outlooks 71 RESEARCH ALERT Goldman Sachs 71 TEXT Moody affirms 71 Maintain Equal Weight 71 Assigns Outlooks LS 71 A/A-1 counterparty credit 71 Downgrades Issuer Credit 71 TEXT Moody cuts 70 AA/A-1 + 70 IDR Affirmed 70 Keeps outperform 70 Structured Obligation 70 Affirms IDR 70 BB + ind 70 Moody Affirms 70 LAA + 70 Fitch Assigns AA 69 TEXT Fitch 69 IDR affirmed 69 AA + ind 69 Moody assigns 69 Maintain Buy 69 TEXT Moody raises 69 affirmation reflects 69 A.M. Best Assigns Debt 69 assigned Ba3 69 AA ind SO 69 CRISIL assigns 69 A#/P-# 68 assigns BBB 68 B-/RR5 68 S# Hybrid mileage 68 Baa1 Moody 68 AAA ind SO 68 Aaa Moody 68 Reiterates outperform 68 Baa2 Moody 68 Maintains outperform 68 0 Thumbs Up 68 + ind 68 IDR BB 68 CAM1 68 BRIEF Moody asgns 68 AA lka 68 Correction Fitch Downgrades 67 LBBB + 67 Baa#/P-# 67 BBB-/F3 67 AA ind 67 + mex 67 Fitch revises 67 AA mex 67 BBB/F2 67 Aa3 Moody 67 Baa3 issuer 66 Loss Severity 66 rtgs 66 ind SO 66 BBB Issuer Default 66 RESEARCH ALERT Nikko Citigroup 66 Baa2 issuer 66 Assigns Ratings 66 + twn 66 Rating Affirmed 66 LT IDR 66 Fitch assigns BBB 66 P Affirms 66 AAAf 66 F1 ind 66 Maintains Overweight 66 assigned PR1 + 66 IDR BBB 66 Best Affirms 66 BB ind 66 PR1 + 66 IFS Rating 66 Moody Lowers 65 Fitch Assigns Initial 65 BBB + ind 65 Maintains Sell 65 + zaf 65 PRESS RELEASE Fitch Affirms 65 Ser #B 65 Strength IFS 65 Stable Outlooks 65 IDR BBB + 65 Stable Outlook Short 65 PACRA 65 assigned Ba2 65 B + RR1 65 Correction Fitch Affirms 65 BBB mex 65 B + RR4 65 Distressed Recovery DR 65 P Assigns 65 Affs 65 CPS2 65 BBB-/A-3 65 AA arg 65 GLC deposit 64 Issuer Default 64 Loss Severity LS 64 A.M. Best Places 64 Rating Upgraded 64 Ratings Affirmed 64 BBB + lka 64 F2 ind 64 RPS1 64 Long Term IDR 64 Citi Maintains Hold 64 Non Convertible Debenture 64 PRESS RELEASE Fitch Rates 64 Nissan Leaf Chevy Volt 64 AAA/V1 + 64 Fitch Maintains 64 Long Term Issuer Default 64 Maintain BUY 64 Moody Assigns 64 Primary Servicer Rating 64 Moody downgrades 64 B/RR4 64 Baa1 issuer 64 minus ind 64 Piper Jaffray Reiterates Overweight 64 SMERA 64 LC IDR 64 FSRs ICRs 64 Emkay maintains 64 rating IDR 64 A.M. Best Upgrades 64 F1 + ind 64 Rtg 64 + RR6 64 rtg 64 Withdraws Rating 64 Rating Outlook Stable 63 Rating Lowered 63 Fitch Assigns BB 63 RESEARCH ALERT Citigroup 63 Moody Aa2 63 PRESS RELEASE Fitch Downgrades 63 AA-/A-1 + 63 Strength IFS rating 63 LS Ratings 63 maintaining Speculative Buy 63 BB/RR1 63 News Unternehmensnachrichten Fitch Affirms 63 BBB counterparty 63 Loss Severity Rating 63 AAA mex 63 BBB ind F3 ind 63 assigns Loss Severity 63 BBB lka 63 RPS2 + 63 JCR VIS Credit 63 ratings IDRs 63 AA + chl 63 Aa2 subordinated 63 Fitch Ratings Affirms 63 AA rus 63 A-/F1 63 #MM Notes 63 term IDR affirmed 63 strength rating IFSR 63 Maintains Positive 63 F2 + ind 63 assigned Loss Severity 63 STFCL 63 BB IDR 63 PRESS RELEASE Fitch Assigns 63 A.M. Best Comments 63 rated AAA/F1 + 63 Takes Various Actions 63 AA zaf 62 Aa3/AA- 62 Ctfs 62 twA 62 Issuer Default Ratings IDRs 62 A-/A-2 counterparty credit 62 BBB + issuer default 62 Fitch Issuer Default 62 LAAA rating 62 Issuer Default Ratings 62 Outlook Negative 62 #.#MM Bonds 62 Sr. Unsecured Notes 62 Assigns Rating 62 ord = + krdDartOrd 62 ruAA 62 F1 + zaf 62 Aaa AAA AAA 62 PR1 + SO 62 Fitch IDR 62 s FSRs ICRs 62 Fitch Lowers 62 Maintains Negative Outlook 62 Outlook Revised 62 RPS3 62 Assigns LS Ratings 62 # Reaffirmed 62 AAA lka 62 BB issuer default 62 Revises Rating Outlook 62 AAA Watch Neg 62 Maintains Market Perform 62 BBB + IDR 62 Ixe Banco 62 Fitch Withdraws 62 Neg/- 62 Corporation FSRs ICRs 62 IDR F1 62 News Unternehmensnachrichten Fitch Downgrades 62 BBB/A-2 61 A#/Prime-# 61 underlying obligor 61 B + RR3 61 Barclays Capital Reiterate Overweight 61 rated Ba3 61 IFSR 61 Upgrades Issuer Credit 61 Sun.Star Cebu Sunnex 61 Reiterate Buy 61 AAA Aaa 61 Newsroom VIDEO See 61 AAA zaf 61 reinitiate coverage 61 IFS Ratings 61 Servicer Rating 61 Fitch Removes 61 AA-/A-1 + counterparty 61 Fitch Assigns BBB 61 Takes Various 61 Bnds 61 Senior Unsecured Issuer 61 CCC + RR6 61 visit JDPower.com 61 Revises Outlooks 61 Affirms Outstanding 61 TEXT Moody 61 CCC/RR6 61 BAA1 61 rated A-/F1 61 BBB Stable Outlook 61 BBB-/Stable/A-3 61 Ratings IDR 61 Receives Highest Possible 61 currency IDR affirmed 61 Citi Reiterates Buy 61 Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein reiterate 61 B/RR3 61 Fitch Ratings assigns BBB 61 BBB + Stable/A-2 61 pi subscript 61 A/A-1 61 Fitch Assigns 61 + chl 61 #/#-mpg fuel 61 Individual Rating 61 MOODY 'S MCO 61 Resecuritization Trust 61 Citi Maintains Buy 61 RPS2 61 B-/RR4 60 CIFG Guaranty 60 Reiterates Sell 60 Fitch Ratings Downgrades 60 MSN Sunnex 60 Issuer Default Rating 60 Baa2/BBB 60 Special Servicer Rating 60 RPS3 + 60 Servicer Ratings 60 Bhd MARC 60 BBB + Stable 60 CCC/RR4 60 Excellent IX 60 AAA/A-1 + 60 Aa2 Moody 60 PTI COR 60 BBB/A-3 60 Rtgs 60 Fitch Ratings Upgrades 60 Fitch Publishes 60 e mail lee.mcdonald @ 60 AA cl 60 PRS Aaa 60 Aa2/AA 60 Baa#/Prime-# 60 Resi Servicer Ratings 60 Baa3/BBB- 60 BBB + F2 60 F4 ind 60 Watch Neg 60 Outlook Stable 60 AM Best Assigns 60 Wyckoff Intra Day 60 UBS Maintains Neutral 60 Strength Rating 60 BB-/RR2 60 AA Outlook Negative 60 Fitch Affirms Banco 60 RMBS Classes 60 UBS Maintains Buy 60 ASSIGNS 60 rated A/F1 59 GO Refunding Bonds 59 Canaccord Adams Reiterates Buy 59 AAAsf 59 Excellent VIII 59 Teen Mild Suggestive 59 AA chl 59 + rus 59 + Stable/- 59 C/RR6 59 Rating Outlook Negative 59 EÖ VK 59 prepayments deterioration 59 CMBS servicer ratings 59 #MM GOs [001] 59 ISIN XS# affirmed 59 REP FREQ #.# 59 assigned BBB + 59 BBB + Baa1 59 Rating Watch Positive RWP 59 Canaccord Genuity Maintains Buy 59 better flim tollywood 59 Bosna Re 59 Senior Unsecured Debt 59 Issuer Rating 59 BB + RR1 59 Support '1 59 Issuer Default Rating IDR 59 BRIEF Moody 59 + lka 59 rated RPS2 59 BBB Stable 59 Additionally Fitch affirms 59 Ratings IDRs 59 Panmure Gordon reiterate 59 assigned Negative Outlook 59 Rating Floor 59 Moody Aa3 59 rated Ba1 59 PUTTERs 59 F3 ind 59 China Lianhe Credit 59 AM Best Affirms 59 MAINTAINS HOLD 59 subsidiaries FSRs ICRs 59 Canaccord Genuity Reiterates Buy 59 B1 MM 59 B2 CFR 59 Transactions Designated 59 long-term/short-term 59 A-/Watch 59 AA Outlook Stable 58 PRESS RELEASE Fitch 58 MAINTAINS BUY 58 CC/RR6 58 Citi Initiates Coverage 58 Intercompany Pool 58 UBS Reiterates Buy 58 #.#MM Revs 58 Remains Negative 58 BB-/RR3 58 BB-/RR1 58 Gruh Finance 58 Affirms Ratings 58 Rating Raised 58 Marketweight 58 rated RPS2 + 58 AA1 rating 58 BNY Trade 58 AAA ind 58 Reaffirmed 58 John Biever SI 58 TEXT Moody revises 58 reinitiates coverage 58 Lease Revs 58 Rating IDR 58 -President Amadou Toure 58 Ibersecurities reiterate 58 PTI CORR 58 JCR VIS 58 ICRA Ltd 58 Residential Asset Securitization 58 LS5 58 Declares Dividend Quick Facts 58 A.M. Best Affirms Ratings 58 BluePoint Re 58 Positive Rating Outlook 58 Moody Downgrades 58 CMBS Servicer Ratings 58 B-/RR6 58 P Lilladher 58 BBB + counterparty 58 A.M. Best Assigns Ratings 58 Mezz Cap 58 Withdraws Ratings 58 SQ2 58 STOCK RATINGS SOURCE 58 Takes Rating Actions 58 assigns Rating Outlooks 57 Rzeczpospolita pp. A1 57 rated CAM1 57 Brickwork Ratings 57 AAAm 57 rated A3 57 assigned Baa2 57 57 allots # [002] 57 Underbelly slaughters night 57 PTI SJY 57 Moody Baa3 57 agency ICRA 57 subseries #B 57 rated CAM2 57 A-/A-2 57 Outlook Remains Negative 57 Al Tielemans SI 57 Currency IDR 57 Rating Watch Negative RWN 57 Counterparty credit 57 Fitch Affirms Ratings 57 AA2 57 assign Outlooks 57 CA GOs 57 ISOCOUNTRY3 57 BBB + Issuer Default 57 assigned Stable Rating 57 JDPower.com 57 AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables 57 UFO ALERT national 57 Rev Rfdg Bonds 57 Electro Re 57 AAAmmf 57 Applicable criteria 57 FITCH RATINGS 57 Selects Guidewire 57 gossips Calcutta Posted 57 Negative Outlooks 57 CSS2 + 57 PTI LKJ 57 Fitch Rates CWMBS 57 #.#MM [002] 57 Concurrently Fitch affirms 57 Ba2 rating 57 rated AA/F1 + 57 + Hanzo 57 Reiterates Hold 57 + RR2 57 agency DBRS downgraded 57 AAA arg 57 rated Caa1 57 #.# Assigned 57 Lazard Capital reiterate 57 INR#.#m [001] 57 Upgrades Ratings 57 P FLOATs 57 BPN Brasil 57 Fitch Ratings affirmed 57 #MM GOs [002] 57 Ansvar 56 AUTOMATIC WITH OVERDRIVE 56 Fitch Issues Presale 56 Ba3 rating 56 Fitch Revises 56 Bob Rosato SI 56 noninvestment grade 56 AAA rus 56 Hsg 56 Ajil Islamic 56 And Finerman Own 56 rated Aa1 56 F1 zaf 56 MC# [001] 56 Ratings Definitions 56 downgraded Ambac Financial 56 Mtge PT Ctfs Series 56 Ibersecurities maintain 56 C/DR4 56 HZW 56 Icra Ltd 56 allots # [001] 56 Rating RR 56 ruAA + 56 Fitch Ratings Lanka 56 Outperformer 56 BOND STOCK RATINGS SOURCE 56 C/DR5 56 Applicable criteria available 56 BBB issuer default 56 Junk Status 56 ACR ReTakaful SEA 56 LAAA 56 BB BL 56 M. Blecha 56 PATRICK CORRIGAN TORONTO 56 Aa2 sovereign 56 IBD Composite 56 HBME 56 AA-/A-1 + ratings 56 yr Baa3/BB + 56 Non FBL 56 AA Watch Neg 56 lka 56 Maintains Outperform 56 U#A Series 56 Rev Bnds 56 Concurrently Fitch 56 #:# SYFY Sat 56 Rate Fix 56 RATING ON 56 rated Ba2 56 A#/P# 56 #.#MM Mtge PT Ctfs 56 Caa3 56 UL#V 0 56 RESEARCH ALERT Morgan Stanley 56 Stock Upgrades Downgrades 56 Rory Montgomery Gentry 56 Terms Undisclosed Quick Facts 56 Fitch Revises Rating Watch 56 + Negative/- 56 Financial Strength Rating 56 WNWA 56 P Asgns 56 Selective Default 56 ruAA Russia 56 Places Ratings 56 AXP COF 56 Voltamp Transformers 56 rating 56 Baa1 stable 56 BBB BBB 56 Sukuk Ijarah 56 AXIS Specialty Limited 56 EURO BONDS 56 + Stable/A-1 56 http:/events.fai.org 56 A-/Stable/A-2 56 assigned Stable Outlooks 56 RFC CDO #-# 56 Fitch Downgrades MSCI 56 AMBest 56 Merrill Lynch P FLOATs 56 Rfdg Bonds 56 Ingress Protection 55 RMS2 + 55 QBE Reinsurance 55 HEY ROCK 55 KeyCorp Student Loan 55 Ser #A 55 MMM TYC 55 DHCOGDHCOG 55 Rfdg Revs 55 Maintains Neutral 55 Baa2 rating 55 iLounge Rating B 55 Rating Guidelines 55 stocks Outperform Mkt 55 Downgrades Rating 55 #MM Revs AA 55 BACM #-# 55 Keeps Neutral 55 COs AA 55 AAAID 55 KeyBanc Downgrades 55 + BFSR 55 AAA Aaa AA 55 Magma Shrachi 55 Reiterates Outperform 55 IBNK outperforming #.# 55 #-#/# #/#L 55 A/A-1 ratings 55 Guides FY# Update 55 Natural Catastrophe Stress 55 rated Aaa AAA 55 Scale Rating 55 MC PPSC 55 assigned Negative Rating 55 SATURNS 55 Various Rating Actions 55 Prime Unsurpassed 55 RAM Ratings 55 Fitch affirms 55 Guides FY# Quick Facts 55 Strength IFS ratings 55 PIA SarGen top 55 twn 55 Mapfre Tepeyac 55 #MM Revs [002] 55 Fitch Withdraws Ratings 55 WNWCZM 55 Maintains Buy 55 Rating Notification 55 Corporate Loan Securitisation 55 & Sewer Revs 55 #.#/#.# L/# km [002] 55 strength rating BFSR 55 Racing #:#:# 55 FBR Capital Maintains 55 FITCH Ratings 55 Reaseguros 55 Fitch downgrades 55 Declares Qtr 55 poolwide characteristics modeled 55 LAAA SO 55 Bearish Average Crossover 55 Caparra Hills 55 CEAT Cricket 55 Bearish Speculation 55 AA-/Stable/A-1 + 55 TheStreet.com Ratings Screener 55 Synthetic CDO 55 KARACHI JCR VIS 55 Fin Auth 55 Ba1/BB + 55 Labuan Re 55 Murabahah Commercial Papers 55 COPs AA 55 Rating Reiterated 55 INR1 #m 55 AA1 55 Revises Outlook 55 HG LV 55 Financial XLF Bearish 55 Moving Average Crossover Alert 55 Maintains Hold 55 Energy LLC DPLE 55 BBB IDR 55 TSUK 55 LS4 55 TSX Delisting Review 55 CDO #-# 55 Fundamental Strength 55 Billing Mediation 55 Moody Aaa 55 GO Rfdg Bonds 55 Leads Risers 55 Gets Bearish Confirmation 55 + Watch Neg 55 Brean Murray reiterates 55 FORD TAURUS 55 assigned Rating Outlooks 55 Upgrades Issuer 55 BFSR reflects 55 #:# TOON Mon 55 UNI XC 55 Achieves CMMI Level 54 Bullish Average Crossover 54 rated Aa3 54 RATING FOR 54 GOs AA + 54 Sr Unsecured Notes 54 6mth parent results 54 RATING TO 54 #:# SYFY Tue 54 + RW DVD-R/-RW 54 var = # [001] 54 Rev Bds 54 #:# TOON Fri 54 Hannover ReTakaful 54 TVS Fiero 54 China Chengxin 54 IG FSV ;) CO 54 BFSRs 54 Notching Criteria 54 Citibank Credit Card 54 Lebensversicherung 54 Buy Speculative 54 #MM #A 54 NAIC RBC 54 Trust Unit Repackagings 54 Fitch assigns rating 54 Rfdg Bonds AA 54 ABSpoke 54 Mtge 54 Watch Negative 54 Its Accumulation Distribution 54 Certificate Downgraded 54 WNTSU 54 Default Rating 54 Fitch Assigns Ratings 54 outperformer rating 54 Fitch Teleconference 54 BB Issuer Default 54 Watch Neg/- 54 EMRG POL 54 issuer default ratings 54 NEW YORK TheStreet TheStreet 54 A/Stable/A-1 54 EMEA CMBS 54 #x Fujinon Lens 54 Receives Regulatory Approvals 54 PT Ctfs 54 Piper Jaffray Downgrades 54 By topi lyambila 54 DOWNGRADED ONE WEEK AGO 54 IFS rating 54 BBB Outlook Stable 54 Cantor Fitzgerald reiterates 54 TNUS 54 #-#/# #-#/#L 54 AUTOMATIC SEQUENTIAL PORT 54 AAA/LS1 54 Stock Upgraded 54 CCC BL 54 analyst Ping Chew 54 Downgrades Ratings 54 GRADE C 54 Fitch Upgrades 54 CWMBS 54 CRT Monitor 54 BBB + BL 54 RMBS Servicer Ratings 54 JMR Sunnex 54 plc Director PDMR 54 ukr 54 Kotak Mah 54 leashes bark 54 #/#-mpg 54 Baa BBB 54 RATINGS FOR 54 ANNUAL FITCH 54 Underperformer 54 TREAS MAKE WHOLE CALL 54 Thailand TRIS Rating 54 Citibank Omni 54 Westamerica Bancorporation WABC 54 Romantic Roles Bollywood 54 PRN CORRECTION 54 UNDIVIDED INTEREST 54 A/F1 54 FBR Capital Reiterates 54 ACCUMULATE 54 Wells Fargo Initiates Coverage 54 Stifel Nicolaus initiates 54 IDR BBB Stable Outlook 54 AA/F1 + 54 R RW DVD-R/RW 54 Agency IIRA 54 WB #-#/# #-#/# 54 A.M. 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