Jay Pasachoff

Related by string. * Jays . jays . jay . JAY . JAYS . Jayd . Jayer . JAY' : Toronto Blue Jays . Jay Leno Show . Jay Z Lil Wayne . rap mogul Jay Z . rapper Jay Z . Rapper Jay Z . Jay Leno Tonight Show . Jay Root . quarterback Jay Cutler . Jay Leno Conan O'Brien . GM Jay Feaster . Cher Jay Leno . headliner Jay Z . JAY ROOT . Jay Z Blueprint / : astronomer Jay Pasachoff . Pasachoff * Jay Pasachoff professor *

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(Click for frequent words.) 67 Jay Pasachoff professor 58 Pasachoff 53 Harlow Shapley 53 Richard Binzel 53 Thessaloniki Aristotle University 52 Zhifeng Ren 52 Nathan Kaib 52 professors emeriti 52 Astronomy Observatory 52 Mullard Space Science 52 Eric Feigelson 52 Astrophysicist 51 planetary astronomy 51 Franck Marchis 51 Deep Impact Principal Investigator 51 UA Steward Observatory 50 planetary astronomer 50 Kevin Schawinski 50 Wolfgang Ketterle 50 Space Physics 49 Alberto Saal 49 Cosmologist 49 Lamont Doherty 49 London Mullard Space 49 Giovanna Tinetti 49 Paul Sabatier 49 Nergis Mavalvala 49 Alicia Soderberg 48 Haraldur Sigurdsson 48 astronomer 48 Chris Lintott 48 theoretical astrophysicist 48 MIT Haystack Observatory 48 Observatory LDEO 48 Theoretical physicist 48 CU Boulder physics 48 Steward Observatory 48 Coel Hellier 48 Steven Reppert 48 Raphael Kudela professor 47 Observatoire de Paris 47 Rosaly Lopes 47 Nousek 47 Ray Jayawardhana 47 Sushil Atreya 47 Observatory astronomer 47 Andrea Ghez 47 Habitable Worlds 47 Pierre Simon Laplace 47 Michael Studinger 47 NAOJ 47 planetary geologist 47 Astronomical Observatory 47 Katlenburg Lindau Germany 46 Peter Jenniskens 46 Maria Zuber 46 Manchester Jodrell Bank 46 Kay Bidle 46 astronomer Edmond Halley 46 Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical 46 Bohdan Paczynski 46 Cassini magnetometer 46 Eyal Ophir 46 geobiology 46 biometeorology 46 Rogier Windhorst 46 Adrian Melott 46 Haystack Observatory 46 Richard Berendzen 46 profes sor 46 Guy Consolmagno 46 Planetary Lab 46 Atmospheric Oceanic 46 Warnell School 46 CALTECH 46 NASA astrophysicist 46 Bruce Margon 45 Owen Gingerich 45 Hubble astronomer 45 planetary geology 45 Sara Seager 45 Nial Tanvir 45 Stassun 45 Jan Zalasiewicz 45 Atmospheric Physics 45 Professor Richard Lindzen 45 Glaciologist 45 paleobotanist 45 Joseph Fourier 45 Arizona Steward Observatory 45 Lewis Dartnell 45 NASA Jet Propulsion Lab 45 Curt Stager 45 Pisgah Astronomical Research 45 Margarita Marinova 45 Alex Wolszczan 45 Primatologist 45 Mate Adamkovics 44 Semir Zeki 44 Astronomer 44 ETH Zürich 44 Makiko Sato 44 Popular Astronomy 44 Kalidas Shetty 44 École Polytechnique Fédérale de 44 Jeffrey Kargel 44 Harvard Smithsonian Astrophysical 44 STScI 44 UC Observatories Lick 44 Physics Astronomy 44 Pieter van Dokkum 44 Alessandro Morbidelli 44 Japan NAOJ 44 UCSD Scripps Institution 44 Scripps Oceanography 44 KIPAC 44 Nikku Madhusudhan 44 Halton Arp 44 Tommaso Treu 44 astrophysicist 44 Nima Arkani Hamed 44 Lick Observatory 44 Uwe Bergmann 44 UW Applied Physics 44 National Astronomical Observatory 44 UAF Geophysical Institute 44 Dark Cosmology 44 CfA 44 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 44 Margaret Murnane 44 Brian Swimme 44 Giovanni Cassini 44 Worcester Polytech 43 planetary scientist 43 Rychard Bouwens 43 Ellen Stofan 43 Douglas Osheroff 43 MMT Observatory 43 Berkeley Seismological Laboratory 43 SOAR telescope 43 Fred Spoor 43 Electorate Nominating Committee 43 atmospheric chemist 43 astrophysical sciences 43 National Astronomical Observatories 43 Pete Vukusic 43 CIRES 43 miscellaneous ramblings 43 Astrophysical Institute 43 paleoecologist 43 Hans Deeg 43 Saul Perlmutter 43 atmospheric sciences professor 43 MIT Kavli Institute 43 Jim Kasting 43 prestigious Tsinghua 43 astronomy 43 Anne Verbiscer 43 sedimentary geology 43 Yong Qin 43 Williamstown Mass. 43 Grote Reber 43 Hod Lipson 43 Ilya Prigogine 43 Ulf Leonhardt 43 physicist 43 UMASS Amherst 43 Aberdeen Oceanlab 43 quantum astrophysicist 43 profesor 43 Richard Binzel professor 43 Michael Zolensky 43 Tsunemi Kubodera 43 Hiroo Kanamori 43 Shri Kulkarni 43 Peru Geophysics 43 geobiologist 43 Cosmological Physics 43 Roberto Danovaro 43 Ecole Normale Supérieure 43 Lynn Margulis 43 Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 43 Chandra Wickramasinghe 43 evolutionary anthropologist 43 High Angular Resolution 43 Jonah Choiniere 43 Huchra 43 Planetary Geology 42 Astrophysics Cambridge Mass. 42 Richard Lindzen professor 42 Frank Muller Karger 42 Carlos Frenk 42 Inez Fung 42 Image NASA JPL 42 ESO VLT 42 Galileo Copernicus 42 post doctoral fellows 42 Roger Revelle 42 cosmologist 42 UMASS Lowell 42 SEA Semester 42 Murray Gell Mann 42 nautical archeology 42 Shrinivas Kulkarni 42 Theoretical Astrophysics 42 atmospheric physicist 42 Fred Hoyle 42 inch Samuel Oschin 42 CU Boulder Laboratory 42 Christopher Chyba 42 Richard Mushotzky 42 physicist mathematician 42 Southampton Oceanography 42 Visiting Associate Professor 42 mathematician physicist 42 Theodor Hänsch 42 Gary Yohe 42 Amit Goswami 42 Darmouth 42 Steven Strogatz 42 Brasenose College Oxford 42 Dikpati 42 Caltech 42 Smithsonian astronomer 42 Astrophysics MOA 42 CU Boulder ecology 42 Martin Guthold 42 Jodrell Bank Observatory 42 Joint Hydrographic Center 42 Carnegie Mellon Robotics 42 Ferenc Krausz 42 Rainer Klement 42 astronomer mathematician 42 Spatiale des 42 Gmachl 42 Lee Smolin 42 Duari 42 CalTech 42 observatory 42 Derek Lovley 42 Jay Melosh 42 High Altitude Observatory 42 climate modeller 42 Seymour Benzer 42 Luca Cavalli Sforza 42 Microlensing Observations 42 Episcopal Theological 42 Daniel Boyarin 42 Peter Capak 42 Neil DeGrasse Tyson 42 Natalia Rybczynski 42 palaeontologist Dr 42 Nasa Goddard Space 42 Planetary Physics 42 Maurice Isserman 42 marine geophysicist 42 Galileo Daughter 42 Gerta Keller 42 Haskins Laboratories 42 physics astronomy 42 Gerhard Neukum 42 Filippenko 42 Max Planck Institut fuer 41 Dante Lauretta 41 Physique du Globe 41 Storrie Lombardi 41 theoretical astrophysics 41 Ray Villard 41 Yun Qian 41 Hari Manoharan 41 paleoclimatologist 41 Gerald Pomper 41 Charles Bailyn 41 Paul Thornalley 41 Theoretical Physicist 41 Geophysical Sciences 41 Doug Muzzio Baruch 41 Pluralism Project 41 ESA Herschel 41 Stephanie Pfirman 41 Meteoritics 41 Oceanology 41 Condensed Matter 41 Thomas Harriot 41 Ryerson Polytechnic 41 Dominion Astrophysical Observatory 41 Ellery Hale 41 Purdue Birck Nanotechnology 41 Bethany Ehlmann 41 Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe 41 evolutionary geneticist 41 Yerkes Observatory 41 NOAO 41 Lise Meitner 41 inch refractor telescope 41 geological sciences 41 Bill Borucki Kepler 41 Dana Yoerger 41 Aryabhatta 41 Brother Guy Consolmagno 41 climate modeler 41 Worcester Polytechnic 41 Planetary Sciences seminar 41 Marshall Nirenberg 41 Roland Burgmann 41 Terence Tao 41 atmospheric neutrinos 41 scholar Mesfin Woldemariam 41 Bernd Heinrich 41 Collaborative Neuroscience 41 Computational Cosmology 41 geomicrobiology 41 Microbiologist Cynan Ellis 41 Harold Urey 41 consultant hepatologist 41 Liu Jianhui 41 Nobel prizewinner 41 Hany Farid 41 Carl Wunsch 41 Virtual Planetary Laboratory 41 Stacia Sower 41 astronomer Pieter van 41 Stephen Krashen 41 Observatory 41 astro physics 41 Writing Seminars 41 Astronomy 41 Guggenheim Fellow 41 particle physicist 41 UA Lunar 41 Miguel Nicolelis 41 Yukawa Institute 41 Takao Someya 41 astronomical observatories 41 Felicia Keesing 41 Dudley Herschbach 41 astro physicist 41 Observatory NOAO 41 Rolf Kudritzki 41 Comet #P 41 Neural Computation 41 Harold Kroto 41 Keith Brownsey political 41 University 41 Fruitlands Museums 41 Nobel laureate physicist 40 Jason Rentfrow 40 Tullis Onstott 40 Grillmair 40 Rensselaer Polytech 40 Copernicus Galileo 40 MIT planetary scientist 40 NYU Courant 40 Lulin Observatory 40 Harvard Smithsonian CfA 40 marine geologist 40 African Astronomical Observatory 40 William Happer 40 Carnegie Melon 40 Mario Livio 40 Meenakshi Wadhwa 40 Xavier Delfosse 40 Joel Primack 40 Roger Bilham 40 Astrophysics Laboratory 40 Randt classmate 40 moons orbiting Saturn 40 Enrico Fermi Institute 40 Avishay Gal Yam 40 CMU Robotics 40 theoretical physicist 40 Dora Biro 40 Joao Zilhao 40 La Silla observatory 40 JILA joint 40 Wolfgang Brandner 40 Spectroscopy Laboratory 40 Jeremy Bailenson 40 Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory 40 Nicolaus Copernicus 40 Planetary Laboratory 40 Craig Heinke 40 Erich Jarvis 40 Johannes Kepler 40 Alex Filippenko 40 Fundamental Physics 40 Pierre Drossart 40 Nicholas Copernicus 40 Hans Laufer 40 WM Keck 40 Max Planck Institut fur 40 Laboratoire d' Astrophysique de 40 Niels Bohr Institute 40 Bamfield Marine 40 Alberto Behar 40 Don Gurnett 40 Steven Cummer 40 Thomas Jessell 40 Maciej Konacki 40 Dan Buhl Planetarium 40 Hiphop Archive 40 Gravitational Physics 40 en Sciences Sociales 40 Jorge Chavarro 40 primatology 40 Physics Laboratory 40 NASA Heliophysics 40 Meg Urry 40 Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar 40 Dimitar Sasselov 40 Svante Pääbo 40 Woods Hole 40 Haifa Technion 40 Hakan Svedhem 40 moons circling 40 physics astrophysics 40 professor Arthur Zajonc 40 Etudes Politiques 40 Jamie Elsila 40 Nasa Ames 40 NOAO AURA NSF 40 Lawrence Krauss 40 Bonnie Bassler 40 UM Rosenstiel School 40 SSRL 40 Astrobiologist 40 Paris Institut d' 40 George Preti 40 Elizabeth Spelke 40 Observatory SDO 40 Benny Peiser 40 Astrophysicists 40 Christophe Lovis 40 Hans Moravec 40 Norton Mezvinsky 40 Bert Sakmann 40 Tetherless World 40 UMass Amherst 40 Jianyu Huang 40 Public Health BUSPH 40 Geoffrey Marcy 40 Nadrian Seeman 40 Ulrike Boehmer 40 Andy Ruina 40 Dan Werthimer 40 Lars Hernquist 40 mathematical physicist 40 Daniel Nocera 40 J. Donald Monan 40 Large Pelagics Research 39 glaciologist 39 Dr. Daniel Geschwind 39 geoarchaeologist 39 astronomer Tycho Brahe 39 CSIRO Wealth 39 Maria Goeppert Mayer 39 Eugene Wigner 39 Maria Wawer 39 Nasa astronaut 39 Raymond Jeanloz 39 Planetology 39 Worchester Polytechnic Institute 39 Computer Mathematical 39 Dave Reneke 39 Cambridge Massachussetts 39 Zellerbach Auditorium 39 Dorthe Dahl Jensen 39 Sol Gittleman 39 eHarmony Labs 39 atmospheric sciences 39 Mechanical Aerospace 39 Edmund Halley 39 Marcus du Sautoy 39 Stephen Mojzsis 39 Orbiting Solar 39 MIT 39 astronomer Johannes Kepler 39 Heinrich Jaeger 39 Willem Marx 39 Science Popularisation Association 39 Paul Mellars prehistory 39 Rainer Blatt 39 Margaret Leinen 39 postdoctoral associates 39 Brera Observatory 39 Laura Niklason 39 Kenneth Nealson 39 Louis Ignarro 39 Evolutionary biologist 39 Chajnantor plateau 39 Harvard 39 physicists 39 Credit NASA JPL 39 Gregory Asner 39 Nanfang Yu 39 Ecole des Hautes Etudes 39 Dava Sobel 39 Roukes 39 biological anthropology 39 Comet Halley 39 Robotic Exploration 39 Alex Zettl 39 Paul Kneib 39 Josh Bongard 39 inch refracting telescope 39 CSIRO Parkes radio 39 Astronomy buffs 39 Carlo Montemagno 39 Tycho Brahe 39 Roald Hoffman 39 Fran Bagenal 39 Nicholas Kotov 39 Dennis Van Gerven 39 geomicrobiology studying particles 39 Yoel Fink 39 Photo NASA JPL 39 CFHT 39 HD#b 39 EDUCATION BS 39 Armagh Observatory 39 Natalie Batalha 39 Planetary Science Institute 39 Anthony Aveni 39 Wide Angle Search 39 Gregory Benford 39 Comet Lulin 39 ethologist 39 Moon Mineralogy Mapper M3 39 IFM GEOMAR 39 Jennifer Heldmann 39 Institute Janelia Farm 39 Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental 39 Leslie Orgel 39 developmental biologist 39 Guhathakurta 39 Julian Dowdeswell 39 Cambridge 39 Meteorite Studies 39 Keck Graduate 39 Matthew J. Bruccoli 39 udesk@unc.edu 39 planetary Transits 39 Antarctica 39 Adrian Bejan 39 rocky extrasolar planet 39 Peter Grünberg 39 Director Charles Elachi 39 NASA Goddard 39 Astrophysical Research 39 Northfield Mount Hermon 39 Paleoanthropologist 39 Angela Belcher 39 Cancri e 39 Bryan Gaensler 39 Eric Becklin 39 Yenching 39 Kepler Mission 39 Jamshed Bharucha 39 Erik Seiffert 39 Hans von Storch 39 astrophysicists 39 Microlensing Follow Up 39 Exoplanet 39 COBE satellite 39 rare wekiu bug 39 Carl Friedrich Gauss 39 Mount Stromlo Observatory 38 Erik Asphaug 38 Wellesley College 38 Chet Raymo 38 Federico Capasso 38 Observatoire de la 38 Bruce Spiegelman 38 Sally McBrearty 38 Laura Koutsky 38 zoologist 38 Kip Thorne 38 Aristeidis Karalis 38 Robert Vajtai 38 postdoctoral scientist 38 bioacoustics 38 Undersea Research 38 cosmic ray astronomy 38 elite Peking 38 Isabella Velicogna 38 Birla Planetarium 38 Ecole Normale Superieure 38 La Silla Observatory 38 Professor 38 Romul 38 Ifremer 38 Archaeological Oceanography 38 Geophysical Laboratory 38 atop Mauna Kea 38 Project Ozma 38 Djorgovski 38 Hipparchus 38 Jakob Vinther 38 Infrared Telescope UKIRT 38 IfA 38 Vulcanologist 38 renowned cosmologist 38 Lijie Ci 38 Jelle Atema 38 Evolutionary Studies 38 de Pater 38 Kitt Peak 38 Claire Gmachl 38 Sweet Briar Va. 38 EDUCATION BA 38 NASA Goddard Spaceflight 38 Educators SPACE 38 Grenoble Observatory 38 INAF IASF 38 CU Boulder geological 38 Colin Pillinger 38 Herzberg Institute 38 Mary Voytek 38 botany professor 38 Nikolay Ovcharov 38 Caltech astronomer 38 Ramesh Raskar 38 N. Rathnasree 38 NASA Far Ultraviolet 38 Postdoc 38 James Fanson 38 Nir Shaviv 38 computational mathematics 38 marine geochemist 38 infrared astronomy 38 Faulkes Telescope Project 38 Dendrochronology 38 Semiletov 38 UKIRT 38 Institut d' Astrophysique de 38 Siding Spring 38 Planetary Institute 38 astronomer Percival Lowell 38 Justin Halberda 38 UCO Lick 38 astronautics 38 astrophotographer 38 Joanna Aizenberg 38 Stargazing Live 38 Ivan Kempson 38 Jedicke 38 Carlo Pedretti 38 Magueijo 38 Hartford Hartt 38 Carl Woese 38 biological oceanographer 38 Virpi Lummaa 38 vertebrate zoology 38 Peter Woit 38 Jonathan Lunine 38 neuropharmacology 38 Max Tegmark 38 FORCAST 38 Freie Universität Berlin 38 Martin Haehnelt 38 optical telescope 38 adjoint professor 38 Nanowerk News Researchers 38 Carnegie Observatories 38 Nicolas Copernicus 38 Rudolf Grimm 38 Cassini imaging 38 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski 38 Geraint Rees 38 Gary Ruvkun 38 Infrared Pathfinder Satellite 38 WIYN 38 Ishani Ganguli 38 cognitive neuroscientist 38 UH Mānoa 38 Alexandra Alvergne 38 Donald Eigler 38 John Joannopoulos 38 Stuart Pimm Duke 38 Africana Studies Program 38 Chameau 38 Exoplanets 38 Physics Applied Physics 38 Sommers Bausch Observatory 38 Robert Jedicke 38 manages NASA Jet 38 astronomers 38 Buehler Planetarium 38 Arno Penzias 38 SETI Search 38 Santa Barbara UCSB 38 Neils Bohr 38 Peter Bearman 38 Shuming Nie 38 Alan Plattus 38 Maine Orono 38 German astronomer Johannes 38 Nasa Kepler 38 Giacconi 38 Wallace Stegner Fellow 38 Ronald DePinho 38 Zoological Museum 38 Anita Thapar 38 SNRE 38 biophysicist 38 astrophysics 38 Benaras Hindu University 38 geomorphologist 38 Physical Oceanography 38 told physicsworld.com 38 Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de 38 Infrared Telescope 38 Solar Observatory 38 MEarth 38 Andrew Fraknoi 38 Visiting Lecturer 38 University Lamont Doherty 38 PSR B# +# 38 Seismologist 38 Nanotechnologists 38 Ted Molczan 38 electron microscopist 38 Chief Chuck Gailes 38 Peter Kreeft 38 chancellor emeritus 38 John Grotzinger 38 Martin Tomasko 38 astronomy buff 38 UW Madison alumnus 38 Erkki Ruoslahti MD Ph.D. 38 Seth Shostak 38 earthshine 38 Hao Yan 38 Cathy Inglese 38 Masatoshi Koshiba 38 Muséum National 38 Mars CRISM 38 Franz Boas 38 Cum Laude graduate 38 Wolszczan 38 Donald Gurnett 37 biogeochemist 37 Ecole Polytechnique Federale de 37 coronal loops 37 Astrobiology Institute 37 John Preskill 37 École des Hautes Études 37 Earthscope 37 MP Birla Planetarium 37 biology botany 37 Harvey Mudd 37 Planetary Scientist 37 UC Berkely 37 David Wettergreen 37 Palomar Observatory 37 observatories 37 Kuumba Singers 37 Christos Zerefos 37 Randy Schekman 37 Mathematician 37 Keck Observatory 37 Pascale Ehrenfreund 37 UofC 37 Yadin Dudai 37 U Md 37 Marc Levoy 37 Thomas Zurbuchen 37 quantum physicist 37 Angela Onwuachi Willig 37 Bruce Sacerdote 37 Jonathan T. Overpeck 37 Matthew Fontaine Maury 37 Postdoctoral Fellow 37 Jenniskens 37 Nasa Jet Propulsion 37 M. Asara 37 Keck Telescope 37 Observatoire de Haute Provence 37 Harvey Sapolsky 37 Credits ESA 37 Balliol College Oxford 37 Larry Smarr 37 Relations Observatory STEREO 37 Lionel Bercovitch 37 Observatories 37 computational neuroscientist 37 Kazantzidis 37 Ina VS Mullis 37 Amateur astronomers 37 Alan Sokal 37 celestial observations 37 Yunsheng Ma 37 renowned theoretical physicist 37 Pi Tau Sigma 37 Sidewalk Astronomers 37 Technology IIT Kanpur 37 Estuarine Environmental 37 Astrophysics 37 Priyamvada Natarajan 37 Gamelan Galak Tika 37 Gemini Observatory 37 Francis Halzen 37 UGA Odum 37 Caltech JPL 37 Gail Dines 37 Anisotropy Probe 37 Wilfried Haeberli 37 Theodore Maiman 37 geochemist 37 Richard Feynman 37 glaciology 37 Monica Zani 37 Coauthor 37 Gaensler 37 Krimigis 37 Dr. Stanley Prusiner 37 Kim Bottomly 37 Consolmagno 37 Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute 37 National Optical Astronomy 37 Roald Hoffmann 37 StarDate 37 Rachel Herz 37 CUNY Baruch College 37 Keck telescope 37 Ann Graybiel 37 Alexei Abrikosov 37 Hasso Plattner Institute 37 Kristin Laidre 37 Geza Gyuk 37 Leonard Hayflick 37 Disembodied Poetics 37 Muchachos Observatory 37 Claremont Graduate 37 journalist Cokie Roberts 37 Seismological Observatory 37 Gehrels 37 investor Lawrence Velvel 37 Telescope LSST 37 Oceanographers 37 USGS Cascades Volcano 37 Marin Soljacic 37 UCLA Cotsen Institute 37 Peter Salovey 37 Noted historian 37 scientists 37 Kenneth Libbrecht 37 Bramley Murton 37 Kunlun Station 37 Caius College 37 RHESSI 37 THEMIS mission 37 TSN PZ camera 37 Planetary Studies 37 Nicholas Bellantoni 37 Muhlenburg College 37 postdoctoral researchers 37 AAAS fellows 37 Uranus Neptune 37 Laboratory NSCL 37 Sidney Verba 37 Hörst 37 Institut Laue Langevin 37 Keith Hamer 37 MGIMO 37 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas 37 Balliol College 37 Angelos Vourlidas 37 Glenn T. Seaborg 37 J Craig Venter 37 cosmological distances 37 Haffenreffer Museum 37 Christof Koch 37 cognitive neuroscientists 37 Gary Orfield UCLA 37 Kutluk Oktay 37 Victor Ambros 37 geoscientist 37 Dr. Denise Faustman 37 student Lauren DeJonghe 37 William Saturno 37 Allan Sandage 37 Physics 37 Pardee RAND Graduate 37 atmospheric scientist 37 Leonard Susskind 37 Daniel Patnaude 37 Cassini Ion 37 Katzman Automatic 37 Jianjun Yin 37 Comet McNaught 37 postdoctoral scholars 37 Kavli Institute 37 Fenglin Niu 37 iGEM competition 37 Nanoscale Systems 37 prestigious Juilliard 37 Gerard Kuiper 37 Renu Malhotra 37 Frank Bertoldi 37 V. Ramanathan 37 Illinois Champaign Urbana 37 Cynthia Rosenzweig 37 Andrew Chaikin 37 ESO Paranal Observatory 37 vertebrate paleontologist 37 NASA Exobiology 37 Leiden Observatory 37 Limnology 37 Ashok Gadgil 37 postdoctorate 37 Anthony Remijan 37 Gemini telescopes 37 Paul Mellars 37 Beichman 37 Fraser Stoddart 37 Emeritus Professor 37 Imke de 37 Woods Hole Oceanographic 37 NASA THEMIS 37 Palaeontologist 37 Cerro Paranal 37 SRON Netherlands Institute 37 Max Planck Institut für 37 Werthimer 37 Asantha Cooray 37 Solar Dynamics Observatory 37 GKSS Research 37 Jacques Donnez 37 Terrestrial Ecology 37 Pre med 37 telescope 36 professor emeritus 36 Martin Gutoski 36 Medical Institute HHMI 36 Longy School 36 Sasselov 36 mineralogist 36 Radioastronomy 36 EDUCATION Bachelor 36 Richard L. Cravatts 36 nightglow 36 Martinos Center 36 Planetary Geosciences Institute 36 Stan Woosley 36 ESA Integral 36 Harold D. Stolovitch 36 USC Viterbi School 36 Hubble Space Telescope HST 36 biochemist 36 Rami Burstein 36 Igor Semiletov 36 Christoph Boehme 36 Geoffrey Forden 36 evolutionary ecologist 36 Jean Luc Margot 36 Neil Turok 36 Royal Astronomical Society 36 Genomic Biology 36 Kewalo Marine 36 paleobotany 36 Gregor Gall 36 associate professor emeritus 36 Hawaii Manoa 36 Arlie Petters 36 Carl Wieman 36 Lamont Doherty Earth 36 maritime archaeologist 36 Keivan Stassun 36 Scott Fendorf 36 Institute STScI 36 Navindra Seeram 36 David Spergel 36 Anandalingam 36 BY EDWARD ZERIN 36 Mahzarin Banaji 36 Philip Tetlock 36 geographer 36 Theoretical Physics 36 MicroFUN 36 student Nicholas Ciarelli 36 Cosmic Microwave Background 36 Didier Sornette 36 Susan Hockfield 36 Virologist 36 Paul Chodas 36 SUNY Binghamton 36 physics laureate 36 Samuel Oschin Telescope 36 Hautes Etudes 36 Gamma ray burst 36 bio ethicist 36 Gastronomic Sciences 36 To Kelcey Forrestier 36 Paola Sebastiani 36 Jayant Narlikar 36 Ultraviolet Optical Telescope 36 HNRCA 36 Kenyata University

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