Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 72 Bipartisan Effort 71 Fiscal Restraint 69 Alito Filibuster 69 Immigration Overhaul 68 Filibuster Reform 68 Negative Ads 68 Alito Confirmation 68 Extending Unemployment Benefits 67 Privatize Social Security 67 Workplace Smoking Ban 67 Minimum Wage Hike 67 Grassroots Effort 66 Cigarette Tax Hike 66 Redistricting Map 66 Minimum Wage Increase 66 Bipartisan Support 66 Stimulate Economy 66 Poll Shows Support 65 Extend Unemployment Benefits 65 Ambitious Agenda 65 Ethanol Subsidies 65 Sotomayor Nomination 65 Higher Minimum Wage 65 Fuel Efficient Cars 64 Veto Override 64 Abolish Death Penalty 64 Shutdown Looms 64 Bold Steps 64 Touts Progress 64 Prescription Drug Costs 64 Stimulus Dollars 64 Earmark Ban 64 Appliance Rebates 64 Create Jobs 64 Stimulus Spending 63 Homeless Vets 63 Earmark Reform 63 Deficit Cutting 63 Undecided Voters 63 Gay Marriage Issue 63 Single Payer Healthcare 63 Statewide Smoking Ban 63 Extend Jobless Benefits 63 Jobless Benefits 63 Major Step Toward 63 Hispanic Owned Businesses 63 Alito Hearings 63 Spending Freeze 63 Jobless Numbers 63 Abortion Foes 63 Fight Global Warming 63 Cut Greenhouse Gases 63 Traditional Marriage 63 Voter Anger 63 Troop Surge 63 Troop Withdrawl 63 Reduce Deficit 63 Recess Appointments 63 Auto Bailout 63 Troop Withdrawal Plan 63 Malpractice Reform 63 Renews Push 63 Budget Impasse 63 Help Small Businesses 63 Jobs Creation 63 Steel Tariffs 63 Automaker Bailout 62 Explores Ways 62 Fiscal Discipline 62 Bi Partisanship 62 Cheaper Drugs 62 NEWSWEEK Cover 62 Passes Legislation 62 Vote Nears 62 Rumsfeld Resignation 62 Polls Suggest 62 Farm Subsidies 62 Stopgap Spending Bill 62 Jobless Benefits Extension 62 Racial Divide 62 Base Closings 62 Distracted Drivers 62 Empty Rhetoric 62 Wage Gap 62 Gubernatorial Candidates 62 Budget Vetoes 62 Displaced Workers 62 Presidential Contenders 62 Gay Marriage Opponents 62 Proposed Budget Cuts 62 Attack Ads 62 Slumping Economy 62 Domestic Abuse Victims 62 Boost Economy 62 GOP Presidential Hopefuls 62 Flu Shot Shortage 62 Possible Budget Cuts 62 Net Neutrality Proposal 62 Troop Levels 62 Bill Clears Hurdle 62 Senators Propose 62 DADT Repeal 62 Partisan Politics 62 First Step Toward 62 Stem Cell Debate 62 Pension Overhaul 62 Spending Restraint 62 Lobbying Effort 62 Advocacy Groups 62 GOP Hopefuls 62 Troop Withdrawals 62 Medical Malpractice Reform 62 Filibuster Showdown 62 Fiscally Responsible 62 Wasteful Spending 61 Bipartisan Legislation 61 Midterm Election 61 Proposed Cuts 61 Paid Sick Days 61 Fear Mongering 61 Patriot Act Renewal 61 Distressed Homeowners 61 Re Energized 61 Troop Cuts 61 Raise Minimum Wage 61 Moderate Dems 61 Pork Barrel Spending 61 SCHIP Veto 61 Unemployment Benefits Extension 61 Tobacco Tax Hike 61 Unemployment Extensions 61 Outlines Plan 61 Tax Rebates 61 Same Sex Weddings 61 Taxpayer Dollars 61 Scam Artists 61 Veto Threat 61 Double Digit Lead 61 Struggling Homeowners 61 Legislation Passed 61 Budget Shortfalls 61 Ballot Initiatives 61 Entitlement Reform 61 Swipe Fee Reform 61 Wildfire Threat 61 Earmark Moratorium 61 Traffic Headaches 61 Single Payer Health 61 Remain Committed 61 Sotomayor Confirmation 61 Delegate Count 61 Helping Small Businesses 61 Override Veto 61 Civics Lesson 61 Legalizing Pot 61 Underwater Mortgages 61 Billion Economic Stimulus 61 Smallpox Vaccinations 61 Fence Mending 61 Deficit Cuts 61 Renewed Effort 61 Hails Passage 61 Uphill Fight 60 Mortgage Modification Program 60 #B Bailout 60 Gay Marriage Foes 60 Miers Nomination 60 Texting Ban 60 Underscore Need 60 Net Neutrality Rules 60 Nursing Shortage 60 Could Imperil 60 Foreclosure Freeze 60 Aggressive Expansion 60 Ailing Economy 60 Prevent Foreclosures 60 Pot Legalization 60 Shaky Economy 60 Healthier Lifestyles 60 Shoring Up 60 Troop Escalation 60 Introduces Legislation 60 Secede From 60 Flu Vaccine Shortage 60 Effort Underway 60 Poll Indicates 60 Rivals Agree 60 Voters Favor 60 Unlicensed Drivers 60 Fill Gaps 60 Losing Steam 60 Lobbying Firm 60 Tuition Freeze 60 Diverse Workforce 60 Tax Surcharge 60 Impeachment Hearings 60 Political Clout 60 Kagan Nomination 60 Stimulus Funded 60 Tax Hikes 60 Reelection Bid 60 Gonzales Resignation 60 Immigration Raids 60 Dispelling Myths 60 Disconnect Between 60 Cut Deficit 60 Birthright Citizenship 60 Fundraising Totals 60 Troop Withdrawal 60 Discrimination Claims 60 Raise Debt Ceiling 60 Troop Pullout 60 Sagging Economy 60 Prevent Foreclosure 60 Alito Nomination 60 Collective Bargaining Rights 60 Reduce Poverty 60 Ad Blitz 60 Creates Jobs 60 Gay Marriage Amendment 60 Legalize Gay Marriage 60 Ken Schram Commentary 60 Abortion Debate 60 Seeks Compromise 60 Overwhelming Majority 60 Proposed Legislation 60 Sales Tax Hike 60 Offshore Drilling Ban 60 Curb Emissions 60 Mountaintop Mining 60 Helping Seniors 60 Foreclosure Mess 60 Leaders Vow 60 ANN MCFEATTERS 60 Wage Freeze 60 Warrantless Wiretapping 60 Imported Drugs 60 Devastating Impact 60 Minimum Wage Increases 60 Regulatory Overhaul 60 Healthier Eating 60 Too Costly 60 Biotech Crops 60 Tougher Rules 60 Renews Calls 60 Hopeful Signs 60 Airline Delays 60 Legislation Introduced 60 Tax Refund Loans 60 Fundraising Effort 60 Belt Tightening 60 Presidential Ambitions 60 Gov't Shutdown 60 Deeper Cuts 60 Premium Hikes 60 Mammogram Guidelines 60 Proposed Smoking Ban 60 Slavery Apology 60 Divvy Up 60 Views Differ 59 Same Sex Benefits 59 Dems Push 59 Leaders Propose 59 Doctor Shortage 59 Drug Reimportation 59 Lacks Votes 59 Obamacare Repeal 59 Recall Petitions 59 Faces Hurdles 59 Feds Urge 59 Fiscal Irresponsibility 59 Seat Belt Usage 59 Retiree Benefits 59 Gay Marriage Debate 59 Introduce Legislation 59 Repeal Effort 59 Gubernatorial Bid 59 Swipe Fee 59 Teenage Drinking 59 Heroic Efforts 59 Trans Fat Ban 59 Redistricting Reform 59 Tax Cheats 59 Move Towards 59 Recess Appointment 59 Voter Registrations 59 Same Sex Unions 59 Troop Buildup 59 Indoor Smoking Ban 59 Trillion Spending 59 Ad Touts 59 Against Gay Marriage 59 Failed Policies 59 Panel Debates 59 Sees Progress 59 Presidential Hopefuls 59 Fierce Urgency 59 Stimulus Checks 59 McCain Myth Buster 59 Anti Meth 59 Candidates Differ 59 Help Tsunami Victims 59 Prevent Identity Theft 59 Tobacco Buyout 59 Slight Lead 59 Consumer Protections 59 Your Tax Refund 59 Partisan Divide 59 #.#T Budget 59 Senators Urge 59 Budget Surpluses 59 Last Ditch Effort 59 Physician Shortage 59 Raising Taxes 59 Felon Voting 59 Proposes Cuts 59 Success Depends 59 Workers Comp Reform 59 Lays Out Plan 59 Systemic Failure 59 Fundamental Shift 59 Re Energize 59 Election Nears 59 Admit Mistakes 59 Income Tax Hike 59 Dollars Spent 59 Nears Vote 59 Gas Tax Hike 59 Overtime Rules 59 Visitor Logs 59 Stronger Ties 59 Abortion Foe 59 AIG Bonuses 59 Mortgage Refinance Plan 59 Budget Stalemate 59 Antiwar Movement 59 Poll Suggests 59 Legalizing Marijuana 59 Renews Pledge 59 Combat Childhood Obesity 59 Would Weaken 59 Helped Create 59 Government Shutdown Looms 59 Reduce Congestion 59 Deficit Reduction 59 Morning Must Reads 59 Toward Socialism 59 Veto Stem Cell 59 Jobless Recovery 59 Underserved Markets 59 Yellowstone Snowmobile 59 Ex Convicts 59 Joplin Tornado Victims 59 Less Costly 59 Sirius XM Merger 59 Long Term Unemployed 59 Budget Ax 59 Employer Mandate 59 Nonprofit Groups 59 CAREER PROS 59 Mortgage Modifications 59 Risky Mortgages 59 Pared Down 59 Closer Scrutiny 59 No Longer Afford 59 Gitmo Prisoners 59 Voter Suppression 59 Gaining Steam 59 Billion Stimulus 59 WTC Rebuilding 59 Homeownership Opportunities 59 Trade Pacts 59 Jobless Aid 59 Chilly Reception 59 Loan Modification Program 59 Lie Ahead 59 Deficit Spending 59 Troop Reductions 58 Jobless Benefit 58 Delinquent Taxpayers 58 Conflicted Over 58 Congestion Pricing Plan 58 Ill Prepared 58 Prevent Suicides 58 Candidates Spar 58 Child Abuse Cases 58 Hits Speed Bump 58 Avoid Foreclosure 58 Sotomayor Confirmation Hearings 58 Aid Tsunami Victims 58 Lame Duck Session 58 Skilled Immigrants 58 Stem Cell Veto 58 Motivate Employees 58 Lawmakers Vow 58 Petition Signatures 58 Disabled Vets 58 Fight Childhood Obesity 58 Katrina Aftermath 58 Few Takers 58 Workers Comp Rates 58 Faring Better Than 58 Voter Rolls 58 Traffic Tie Ups 58 Deployed Soldiers 58 Deeply Divided 58 Delivers Remarks 58 Airport Screeners 58 Increased Scrutiny 58 Lobbying Efforts 58 Obstructionism 58 Death Penalty Moratorium 58 Buckling Up 58 Gets Endorsement 58 Raising Debt Ceiling 58 Cuba Embargo 58 Discretionary Spending 58 Seek Compromise 58 Pre Emptive Strike 58 Spending Slows 58 Extended Unemployment Benefits 58 Legislative Session Ends 58 Decision Nears 58 Bargaining Rights 58 Revive Economy 58 Prosecutor Firings 58 Could Backfire 58 Domestic Spying 58 Libby Prison Sentence 58 Worker Shortage 58 Raising Minimum Wage 58 Coal Plants 58 Trade Jabs 58 Gubernatorial Hopefuls 58 Foreclosure Crisis 58 Dems Urge 58 Marijuana Legalization 58 Abortion Ultrasound 58 Global Warming Debate 58 Biggest Obstacle 58 Grassroots Lobbying 58 Gas Gouging 58 Faltering Economy 58 Differing Views 58 Cloture Vote 58 Voter Apathy 58 Teen Pregnancies 58 Insurance Rate Hikes 58 Property Tax Hike 58 Gains Traction 58 Tentative Deal Reached 58 Mend Fences 58 Smoking Bans 58 Lawmakers React 58 Possible Layoffs 58 Cosponsor 58 Gay Marriage Decision 58 Budget Deficits 58 Locals React 58 Passport Requirement 58 Homeowners Avoid Foreclosure 58 Sotomayor Hearings 58 Less Stressful 58 Deployed Troops 58 Midterm Elections 58 Homegrown Terrorists 58 Politicians React 58 Create Retain 58 Cold Temps 58 Stimulus Packages 58 Moral Imperative 58 Pregnant Smokers 58 Credit Card Fees 58 Touch Screen Voting Machines 58 Debt Ceiling 58 Distance Himself 58 Rebate Checks 58 Obesity Rates 58 Misinformation Campaign 58 MICHAEL GOODWIN 58 Religious Leaders Urge 58 Massive Layoffs 58 Legalizing Drugs 58 Teen Births 58 Lawmaker Seeks 58 Used Cell Phones 58 Approves Minimum Wage 58 Blackout Probe 58 Defend Itself 58 Cell Phone Users 58 Survey Finds Majority 58 Ban Gay Marriage 58 Tax Loopholes 58 Robo Calls 58 Privately Funded 58 Immigrant Crackdown 58 Leaders Urge 57 Wage Hike 57 Drug Importation 57 Face Hurdles 57 Cautiously Optimistic About 57 Lawmakers Urge 57 Gay Marriage Fight 57 Steps Toward 57 Harsh Realities 57 Hospital Readmissions 57 Lobbying Disclosure 57 Appears Poised 57 Gun Ownership 57 Satellite Radio Merger 57 Hate Crime Laws 57 Gets Earful 57 Loan Modification Plan 57 Domestic Violence Victims 57 Gay Marriage Ban 57 House Panel Approves 57 Organ Donations 57 Advocates Urge 57 Provides Glimpse 57 Economy Weakens 57 Tax Burden 57 Take Step Toward 57 Debate Focuses 57 POLITICS US 57 Painfully Slow 57 Bailout Funds 57 Sow Seeds 57 Ease Pain 57 Undocumented Workers 57 Federal Preemption 57 Stimulus Money 57 Charitable Donation 57 Welfare Recipients 57 Abortion Stance 57 Wyoming Caucuses 57 Hate Crimes Legislation 57 COBRA Subsidy Extension 57 Campaign Slogan 57 Unlikely Allies 57 Fruits Veggies 57 Frigid Temps 57 SCHIP Reauthorization 57 Costing Taxpayers 57 Homeless Shelters 57 Frigid Temperatures 57 Gets Mixed Reaction 57 Frigid Weather 57 Legalize Pot 57 Tornado Ravaged 57 Overwhelming Support 57 Troop Deaths 57 Repeal ObamaCare 57 Faces Uphill Battle 57 Grassroots Advocacy 57 Creating Opportunities 57 Trillion Deficit 57 Lawmaker Calls 57 Nurse Shortage 57 Debt Limit 57 Abstinence Programs 57 Pullout Plan 57 Accepts Nomination 57 Gay Marriage Ruling 57 Terror Detainees 57 Removing Barriers 57 Reelection Campaign 57 Wary Eye 57 Hurricane Evacuees 57 Voter Registration Deadline 57 Avert Shutdown 57 AIG Bailout 57 Dems Seek 57 Reduce Carbon Emissions 57 Worker Misclassification 57 Ballot Measures 57 Prospects Dim 57 Wildfire Victims 57 Plant Closings 57 Economic Woes 57 Disservice 57 Foreclosure Moratorium 57 Filibuster Fight 57 Abortion Notification 57 Weak Economy 57 Experts Urge 57 Heal Wounds 57 Being Debated 57 Troop Morale 57 Taxpayer Funded Abortions 57 Is Unconstitutional 57 Credit Raters 57 Political Posturing 57 ACCCE Statement Regarding 57 Unwanted Horses 57 Stumbling Blocks 57 WIRE WATCH 57 Efforts Underway 57 Outline Plans 57 Radical Overhaul 57 Contempt Citations 57 Sputnik Moment 57 Face Obstacles 57 Troop Pullback 57 Vacation Spots 57 Troop Drawdown 57 Government Shutdown 57 Military Spouses 57 Burn Bans 57 Suggests Ways 57 Outlines Goals 57 Dan Abbett 57 Failing Grades 57 Pull Troops 57 Recalled Toys 57 Troop Presence 57 Antiwar Protesters 57 Racetrack Slots 57 Wounded Vets 57 Revive Stalled 57 Gender Inequality 57 Mend Ties 57 Bi Partisan 57 BLOG BITS 57 Celebrity Endorsements 57 Fight Looms 57 Casts Vote 57 Short Sighted 57 Subprime Lenders 57 Booster Seat Law 57 Changing Demographics 57 Laid Off Workers 57 Cross Hairs 57 Cloning Ban 57 Tax Cuts Expire 57 Leaders Criticize 57 Flu Vaccine Supply 57 Criticism Mounts 57 Mayoral Bid 57 Stroke Survivors 57 Roadside Memorials 57 Freezing Temperatures 57 Wounded Troops 57 Ease Restrictions 57 Ad Focuses 57 Faces Scrutiny 57 Tilt Toward 57 Poll Shows Voters 57 Sluggish Economy 57 Groups Endorse 57 Racial Disparities 57 Pay Hikes 57 Bailed Out Banks 57 Farmers Ranchers 57 Female Entrepreneurs 57 H#N# Vaccinations 57 Gov'T 57 Asthma Sufferers 57 Flu Vaccination 57 Harsh Interrogations 57 Issues Remain 57 Privacy Protections 57 Renews Debate 57 Organizations Urge 57 Supports Gay Marriage 57 Vows Fight 57 Minimum Wage Hikes 57 Oil Dependence 57 Death Penalty Debate 57 Candidates Spar Over 57 Pension Reforms 57 Bishops Urge 57 Withdrawal Timetable 57 XM Sirius Merger 57 Activists Urge 57 Tougher Penalties 57 Obese Teens 57 Tax Incentives 57 Raise Taxes 57 Will Backfire 57 Neediest 57 Closely Linked 57 Tighter Controls 57 Op Ed Columnist 57 Creates Opportunity 57 Gives Itself 57 Mortgage Servicers 57 Economic Stimulus Plan 57 Legislative Priorities 57 Remain Divided 57 Percent Tuition Hike 57 Lie Detectors 57 Flip Flopping 57 IRS Audits 57 Physically Fit 56 Charity Scams 56 Workers Comp Costs 56 Term Limit 56 Considers Options 56 Migraine Sufferers 56 Residency Requirement 56 Half Billion Dollars 56 Hard Choices 56 Anti Gay Marriage 56 Fundraising Efforts 56 GUEST COMMENTARY 56 Fuel Shortages 56 Scams Targeting 56 Expanding SCHIP 56 Offers Incentives 56 Being Counted 56 Underwater Homeowners 56 Veto Pen 56 NEWSWEEK POLL 56 Applauds Passage 56 Foie Gras Ban 56 Getting Flu Shots 56 Fertility Treatments 56 Nuke Treaty 56 Lobbying Reform 56 Congresswoman Tubbs Jones 56 Unpaid Overtime 56 THE PILOT LIGHT 56 Utility Shutoffs 56 Groups Warn 56 Daunting Task 56 Swipe Fees 56 Icy Weather 56 Switches Parties 56 Better Prepared 56 Premature Deaths 56 Disparity Between 56 Trouble Spots 56 PUBLIC VIEWPOINT 56 Racial Diversity 56 Poll Shows Majority 56 Flag Flap 56 Groups Applaud 56 Leaders Decry 56 Help Flood Victims 56 Hold Hearings 56 Ex Felons 56 Credit Card Debts 56 Reduce Expenses 56 Play Pivotal Role 56 Polygamous Sect 56 Badly Needed 56 Tough Decisions 56 Jobless Claims Increase 56 Makes Headway 56 Prescription Drug Coverage 56 Downpayment Assistance 56 Achieve Goals 56 Patriot Act Provisions 56 Terrible Idea 56 Be Scrutinized 56 Draws Mixed Reaction 56 Housing Slump 56 Snow Shoveling 56 Affirmative Action Ban 56 Often Overlooked 56 Rise Dramatically 56 Urgent Needs 56 Lawmaker Resigns 56 Katrina Relief Efforts 56 Judicial Nominee 56 Be Proactive 56 Eco Friendly Products 56 Reinvent Themselves 56 Oppose Gay Marriage 56 Spending Habits 56 Balanced Budget 56 Storm Ravaged 56 Ballot Issues 56 Identity Thieves 56 Tough Stance 56 Rx Drugs 56 DTV Switch 56 Ease Tension 56 Sets Priorities 56 Bailout Package 56 Flu Pandemic Could 56 Washn 56 Low Mortgage Rates 56 Political Rhetoric 56 Diabetes Epidemic 56 Abandoned Pets 56 Dem Nominee 56 Leaders Endorse 56 Vast Majority 56 Fiscal Woes 56 Oppose Abortion 56 Rate Freeze 56 Racial Ethnic Disparities 56 Democrats Assail 56 Avert Crisis 56 Avoid Shutdown 56 Outlines Plans 56 Stop Whining 56 Ending Homelessness 56 Mideast Truce 56 Fight Obesity 56 Cancer Screenings 56 Bankruptcy Filings 56 Flu Vaccinations 56 Panel Advises 56 Disturbing Trend 56 Global Warming Skeptics 56 Momentum Builds 56 Tax Filing Deadline 56 Administration Attacks SayAnything 56 Underscores Need 56 Feminist Activism 56 Lawmaker Urges 56 Troop Deployments 56 NewsMax Wires 56 Murder Victim Family 56 Backlash Against 56 Optimism Grows 56 Seek Reelection 56 Passport Breach 56 CHYRON 56 Troop Reduction 56 Weather Slows 56 Negative Consequences 56 Tackling Climate Change 56 Assisted Suicide Law 56 Male Dominated 56 Ad Attacking 56 Remains Elusive 56 Urges Passage 56 Taxpayer Funded 56 Wasting Money 56 Fee Hikes 56 Gun Lobby 56 Wintry Mix 56 Debt Forgiveness 56 Icy Conditions 56 Transparent Governance 56 Spend Billions 56 Warrantless Surveillance 56 Short Shrift 56 Burning Apartment 56 Defund NPR 56 Tax Filers 56 Troop Deployment 56 Slowing Economy 56 Haitian Earthquake Victims 56 Aging Populations 56 Payday Lenders 56 Population Grows 56 Tax Refunds 56 Coal Fired Plants 56 Childhood Immunizations 56 Fetal Homicide 56 Mideast Cease Fire 56 Stress Importance 56 Hurricane Evacuee 56 Cigarette Taxes 56 Wires 56 Annan Urges 56 Breastfeeding Moms 56 Put Brakes 56 Stimulus Needed 56 Cleanup Effort 56 Tougher Sanctions 56 Getting Fatter 56 Ease Tensions 56 Generic Ballot 56 Quell Violence 56 Tax Loophole 56 Expand Coverage 56 Regulation Overhaul 56 Highest Levels 56 Renewed Commitment 56 Critics Decry 56 Kicks Off Campaign 56 Near Ground Zero 56 Televised Debate 56 Budget Cuts Could 56 Collective Wisdom 56 Flag Burning 56 Stance Against 56 Seen Slowing 56 Mortgage Mess 56 Teen Pregnancy Rates 56 Growing Epidemic 56 Eminent Domain Reform 56 Religious Persecution 56 Execution Method 56 Talks Underway 56 Opinions Differ 56 Could Save Lives 56 Emissions Cuts 56 DAVID BRODER 56 Gets Backing 56 Preterm Births 56 Wrong Direction 56 Gas Prices Soar 56 Gaza Pullout Plan 56 Successful Entrepreneurs 56 Wrangle Over 56 Subprime Mortgages 56 Bailout Plan 56 Improve Profitability 56 Gaping Hole 56 Tax Breaks 56 Combat Global Warming 56 Draws Skepticism 56 Overlooks 56 Eminent Domain Ruling 56 Panel Mulls 56 Cut Emissions 56 Reelection 56 Harsh Criticism 56 Makes Mockery 56 Landrieu Snowe 56 Consumers Prefer 56 Tornado Cleanup 56 COMMUNITY COMMENT 56 Overdose Deaths 56 Dire Consequences 56 Gas Price Gouging 56 Immigration Raid 56 Tell Repeal 56 Drug Coated Stents 56 Reinvigorate 56 Unemployment Benefits 56 Different Approaches 56 Record Voter Turnout 56 Effort Needed 56 Voter Participation 56 Doing Better Than 56 Abortion Restrictions 56 Meth Addiction 56 Binge Drinkers 56 Proposes Legislation 56 Uninsured Drivers 56 Voter Registration Fraud 56 Reaction Mixed 56 Seismic Shift 56 Economists Predict 56 Will Occur 56 Runoff Vote 56 Could Derail 56 Tightening Concerns 56 Gain Competitive Advantage 56 Proves Difficult 56 Helps Save Lives 56 Thair Phillips 55 Reaches Compromise 55 Threatens Veto 55 Millage Increase 55 Powerful Storms 55 Amid Turmoil 55 Charitable Donations 55 Mission Creep 55 Anti Immigrant 55 Seat Belt Use 55 Arthritis Sufferers 55 Child Sex Trafficking 55 Withdrawing Troops 55 Fiscally Conservative 55 Poll Shows Strong 55 Curb Illegal Immigration 55 Convicted Sex Offenders 55 Deploy Troops 55 Evenly Split 55 Help Stabilize 55 Gloomy Outlook 55 Credit Card Interest Rates 55 Must Evolve 55 Underserved Communities 55 Move Swiftly 55 Employee Morale 55 Remain Vigilant 55 Stricter Regulations 55 Panel Examines 55 Tougher Laws 55 Global Warming Alarmism 55 Telecom Immunity 55 Human Cloning Ban 55 Must Cooperate 55 Surtax 55 Increased Patrols 55 Tax Delinquents 55 Productivity Gains 55 Urgently Needed 55 Carbon Pollution 55 Net Neutrality Debate 55 No Letup 55 Scaling Back 55 Flavored Cigarettes 55 Credibility Gap 55 Arms Pact 55 Breakaway Regions 55 Curb Underage Drinking 55 Blind Spots 55 BELTWAY BLOGROLL 55 Remain Sluggish