La.RS #:# [001]

Related by string. La.RS #:# [003] * : La.RS #:# [002] . La.RS #:#.# [002] . La.RS #:#.# [001] . La.RS / #:# [014] . #:# [017] . #:# [016] . #:# [004] . #:# [003] . #:# [005] . #:# - . #:# [011] . #:# [019] . #:# [010] : #-#:# pm [001] . TEAM #:# MISSED . #:# AM ET [002] . #.#.# #:# AM EDT . #.#.# #:# AM ET . #.#.# #:# PM EDT . #:# AM ET [001] . #:# SUB OUT . #:# MISSED FT SHOT . #.#.# #:# PM EST * *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 72 La.RS #:#.# [002] 69 LSA RS 69 HRS § 69 § #B#.# b 68 RCW #A.#.# [002] 67 Pa.CS § 67 § #-#-# [004] 67 NJSA 2C :# 3a 67 Code § #.#-# [002] 67 #a subdivision 67 § #-#-# [002] 66 § #-#.# [001] 66 NJSA 2C :# 2a 66 § #-# [001] 66 NCGS § 66 NJSA 2C :5 66 IC § #-# 66 La. RS #:# [003] 66 KSA #-# [002] 66 § #-#.# [002] 66 ARS § #-# [002] 65 Pa.CSA § 65 La.RS #:# [002] 65 TCA #-#-# [001] 65 Evid.R. 65 Pen. Code § § 65 section #.#.# 65 RC #.# B [002] 65 MRS § 64 Repl. 64 2C :# 64 USSG § #A#.# b 64 § #A [001] 64 Code § #.#-# [001] 64 Charge Probation 64 USSG § #B#.# b 64 Id. § 64 Evid. Code § § 63 Code § #.#-#.# [001] 63 ILCS #/#-# [001] 63 Supp. 63 USC § #A 63 La.Code Crim.P. art 63 § § #.# [002] 63 § #G#.# 63 DC Code § 63 TCA § #-#-# [003] 63 RS #:# [001] 63 § #C#.# 63 NJSA #:#-#.# [001] 63 § #.#.# [001] 63 Fam. Code § 63 § #.# [002] 63 id. § 63 #.# subd [004] 63 La. RS #:#.# 63 Sec.# [001] 62 USSG § 62 LSA RS #:# [002] 62 § #a [002] 62 Wis. Stat 62 ORS #A.# 62 NJSA #:#-# [002] 62 Okla. Stat 62 See TCA § 62 § #A [002] 62 RCW #.#A.# 62 § #-#.# [003] 62 La.RS 62 firearm Pen. Code § 62 Penal Code § 62 Defendant pled guilty 62 USSG § #G#.# b 62 ORC #.# 62 USSG § #B#.# [002] 62 § #G#.# b 62 Ohio Adm.Code 62 Section #-#-# [006] 62 § #B#.# [001] 62 CFR § #.# [007] 62 § #K#.# b 62 § #D#.# 61 OCGA § #-#-# [005] 61 #A.# [005] 61 NJSA #A :# 61 Idaho Code § 61 § #a [001] 61 Code § #.#-#.# [002] 61 USCA § 61 Section #.#.# [001] 61 Crim.R. 61 NJSA 2C :# 61 Wyo. Stat 61 OCGA § #-#-# [008] 61 Section #.# [001] 61 LSA RS #:# [001] 61 Pa. Code § 61 USC § #d 61 Pa.RAP 61 #B#.# 61 CFR #.# d 61 CFR #.# [005] 61 CFR § #.# [004] 61 § #.# subd [005] 61 CSR #-#.# 61 NJSA 2C :2 61 Evid. Code § 61 Sentencing Guidelines Manual 61 Veh. Code § 61 USSG § #K#.# b 60 § #L#.# b 60 OCGA § #-#-# [006] 60 #.# subd [003] 60 Section #.# RSMo 60 NJSA 2C 60 Prof. Code § 60 NJSA 2A #A 60 KRS #A.# [001] 60 Minn. Stat 60 USSG § #L#.# 60 Colo. Sess 60 NJAC #:#-#.# 60 #.# subds [003] 60 Sentencing Guidelines Manual USSG 60 RC #.# F 60 Batas Pambansa Blg 60 OCGA § #-#-# [002] 60 USSG § #D#.# b 60 VSA § 60 USSG § #B#.# [001] 60 § #.#.# [002] 60 Aggravated Burglary 60 USSG § #D#.# 60 § #.# [004] 60 Ark. Sup 60 Colorado Revised Statutes 60 CFR § #.# [002] 60 Veh. Code § #.# 60 Forged Instrument 60 #.# subd [002] 59 Pen. Code § #.# [001] 59 § #-#-# [006] 59 La. RS #:# [001] 59 nonforcible 59 USSG § #L#.# b 59 Arkansas Code Annotated 59 b Vernon Supp 59 unsecured PHI 59 section #.# RSMo 59 CFR § § #.# [002] 59 CEQA Guidelines 59 Statute #.# 59 Vernon Supp 59 § #a subd 59 ARS § #-# [001] 59 USC § #u 59 Louisiana Revised Statutes 59 § #-#-# b [003] 59 PS § 59 § #A.# 59 IC § § 59 #.# subd [006] 59 Gen. Stat 59 Penal Code Sec 59 section #-#-# [003] 59 GL c 59 asportation 59 OCGA § #-#-# [001] 59 § #A [003] 59 La. RS #:# [002] 59 NJSA #:#-#.# [003] 59 RSA #:# [001] 59 NJSA #:# [001] 59 Pen. Code § #.# [002] 59 MSc Qualified Person 59 NRS #.# [001] 59 Tenn. R. Civ 59 USC #d 59 § #.# [006] 59 USCA § § 59 OCGA § #-#-# [003] 59 NRS #.# [002] 58 NJSA 2A :# 58 USSG § #G#.# 58 Tennessee Code Annotated 58 Sentencing Guideline 58 subds 58 Ark. R. Civ 58 § § #-#-# [001] 58 Criminal Contempt 58 CFR § #.#b 58 Civ. Code § 58 La.RS #:# [003] 58 General Statutes § 58 § #-# [004] 58 NCGS § #A 58 RC #.# B [001] 58 § #.# b 58 HRS § #-# [002] 58 § #-#-# [008] 58 FFDCA 58 Evid 58 ARS #-# 58 § #L#.# 58 § #-#.# [004] 58 Section #B#.# 58 TCA #-#-# [003] 58 USC § #a [001] 58 Ohio Adm.Code #-#-# 58 #.# subdivision [004] 58 § #.# [003] 58 KRS #.# [003] 58 AS #.#.# 58 SCR #:#.# [001] 58 Gov't Code § 58 First Degree Burglary 58 #.# subdivision [002] 58 subsec 58 PENAL CODE 58 Minn. R. Civ 58 section #.# subdivision 58 See USSG § #B#.# 57 Restatement § 57 Reproduced Record RR 57 Va. Code § 57 NJAC #A :4 57 KSA #-# [001] 57 Habitual Offender Act 57 USC § #t 57 RC #.# [002] 57 CFR #.# [007] 57 LBR #-# 57 ARS § 57 Aplt 57 NRS #A.# 57 Pen. Code 57 OS# § 57 ARS § #-#.# 57 Section #-#-# [007] 57 probation VOP 57 section #-#-# [002] 57 See ARS § 57 Pen. Code § 57 false imprisonment aggravated assault 57 DWLSR 57 USC § #c 57 NJSA #:# C 57 CFR #.# c 57 Uniform Controlled Substances Act 57 #.# subdivision [003] 57 RSMo 57 MR Civ 57 NJSA #A 57 Bail Jumping 57 § #c 57 La.Code Civ.P. art 57 § § 57 ORS #.# [002] 57 #b c 57 § #.#-# [005] 57 MGL Chapter 57 ORC § 57 Uniform Controlled Substance 57 See id 57 § #-#-# [001] 57 App.R. 57 NJAC 6A 57 #.# subds [001] 57 USC § #b [002] 57 Charge VOP 57 Code § § 57 OCGA § #-#-#.# 57 TCA § 56 section #-#-# [001] 56 Bankruptcy Code § 56 #:#.# [016] 56 DWLR 56 NJSA #:#-# [004] 56 § #:# [001] 56 SCR #:#.# [002] 56 KSA #-# b 56 § #E#.# 56 CODE § 56 § #-#-# [003] 56 subsection c 56 § #.#-#.# 56 cmt 56 OCGA § 56 plea bargain Canny 56 CFR § #.# [003] 56 Ord. 56 While Lic Susp 56 Pen. Code § #a 56 RCW #.#.# [002] 56 CALCRIM Nos. 56 section #.# 56 section #A.# [001] 56 #-#-#.# [004] 56 CRS #-#-# [001] 56 UCMJ Article 56 § #-#-#.# 56 Commit Theft 56 KSA #-# d 56 NJSA 2C :# 1a 56 Vehicular Assault 56 Florida Statute #.# [001] 56 USCS § 56 #-#-#.# [002] 56 MCL #.# [001] 56 § #.# c 56 § #.#-# [002] 56 Code § #.#-# [003] 56 USSG § #C#.# 56 subpart 56 USC § #f 56 Rule #:#-# [002] 56 IC § 55 predicate offenses 55 HSW Act 55 § § #-# [003] 55 § #.# [001] 55 CFR § #.# [008] 55 § § #-# [001] 55 CFR § § 55 RCr 55 Subsection c 55 RSA #:# [002] 55 Petit Theft 55 Louisiana Revised Statute 55 NCAA Bylaw #.#.# 55 NDCC § 55 Criminal Trespass 55 Section #-#-# [005] 55 :9 55 OCGA § #-#-# [004] 55 State ex rel 55 USC § #a [002] 55 willful concealment 55 facially invalid 55 DR #-# 55 terroristic threats harassment 55 § #-# [003] 55 subsection d 55 #K#.# 55 USC § #e 55 MCL #.# [002] 55 Severity Level 55 #.# subdivision [001] 55 #.# subd [005] 55 § § #-# [002] 55 Nevada Revised Statute 55 Wanton Endangerment 55 § #-#-# c [001] 55 Fed.R.Civ.P. 55 CFR § #.# [001] 55 CFR #.# b 55 Burgl Unoccupied Conveyance Unarmed 55 CFR § #.# [006] 55 s ection 55 Charge FTA 55 § #-#-# [005] 55 postrelease control 55 ERISA § 55 IPC Sections 55 Receiving Stolen Property 55 RC #.# [001] 55 Sections #A [001] 55 Arizona Revised Statute 55 CFR § § #.# [001] 55 USC #a [002] 55 FAR clauses 55 Misdemeanor Assault 55 USC § #a [003] 54 #A #B [002] 54 Terroristic Threat 54 Charge Felony 54 Criminal Attempt 54 Code Sections 54 La.Civ.Code art 54 Listing Rule #.#.# [005] 54 ORS #B.# 54 Criminal trespass 54 Obstructing Governmental Administration 54 Statutes § 54 Unlicensed Operation 54 See Restatement Second 54 USSG § #A#.# 54 CFR #.# [006] 54 possessing hypodermic needle 54 § #.# Vernon 54 COA Circular 54 Official Misconduct 54 CFR § 54 Parole Violation 54 Charge Aggravated assault 54 Pl. 54 § #.# subd [001] 54 Subsections 54 VGCSA 54 Contracts § 54 #.#-# [005] 54 Subsection b 54 § 7B 54 KRS #A.# [002] 54 #B.# [001] 54 Reckless homicide 54 Rev. Stat 54 Minn. R. Crim 54 HSWA 54 Ind. Code § 54 habitual offender statute 54 See USSG § #A#.# 54 Commit Robbery 54 unanimity instruction 54 reckless endangerment terroristic threats 54 Section #b 54 Firearm Possession 54 Torts § 54 mens rea requirement 54 #A#.# 54 KRS #.# [002] 54 Felonious assault 54 Felony punishable 54 # subd 54 NJSA 2C :# 4a 54 Exh 54 Nevada Revised Statutes 54 Felony Larceny 54 Attempted Assault 54 Criminal Recklessness 54 Gov.Bar R. V 54 Code § # 54 Complaint ¶ 54 Aggravated Kidnapping 54 #a #a [002] 54 Abetment 54 USSG 54 Felonious Assault 54 f ailure 54 NJSA #A #A 54 Code § #.# [004] 54 Spreigl evidence 54 Ala. Code § 54 § #-#-# [007] 54 TCA § #-#-# [001] 54 § #E 54 NJSA #:#-# [001] 54 CFR § #.# [005] 54 Dkt. No. 54 subsection b 54 Felony DWI 54 NYCRR 54 Charge Uttering false 54 accusatory pleading 54 Third Amended Complaint 54 OBTAIN PRO FALSE PRETENSE 54 ORS #.# [001] 54 Judgments § 54 Explosive Substance Act 54 felonious larceny 54 Fraud Offences 54 Income Tax Regs 54 RCW #.#.# [003] 54 DR #.#.#R 1 54 GEM Listing Rules 54 NJSA 2C :# 5b 54 forcible felony 54 Ark. R. Crim 54 La.RS #:#.# [001] 54 Rule #c 54 SEC Rule #b 54 Minn. R. Evid 54 commit indictable offense 54 NJRE 53 #.# 5T 53 Dangerous Weapon 53 IPC culpable homicide 53 FFOA 53 section #.#b 53 App'x 53 Arizona Revised Statutes 53 § #b [001] 53 ILCS 53 CFR Parts 53 Dangerous Drugs Ordinance 53 Domestic Abuse Battery 53 Florida Statute #.# [002] 53 Habitual Offender 53 Simple Assault 53 § #a [003] 53 Section #C [001] 53 Aggravated burglary 53 Aggravated robbery 53 PROBATION VIOLATION 53 CFR pt 53 § #-#-# MCA 53 Aggravated battery 53 Aggravated DUI 53 #.# subds [002] 53 2nd Degree Burglary 53 non compoundable 53 supra § 53 Charge Aggravated battery 53 FAR #.# 53 NDCC ch 53 Dkt. # 53 firearm specification 53 NJSA #:# [002] 53 Felony Conspiracy 53 R. #:#-# 53 Controlled Drug 53 CALCRIM No. 53 NASD Rule 53 XIV § 53 See USSG 53 USC § #a c 53 Penal Law 53 § #A#.# 53 USC #a [001] 53 Gross Sexual Imposition 53 § #A b 53 Lakeland Terrace Apartments 53 FOIA Exemption 53 Residential Burglary 53 Terroristic threats 53 § #-# [002] 53 Malicious Damage 53 § #-#-# g 53 HRS § #-# [001] 53 § 7A 53 La. Code Civ 53 #CFR 53 Charge Burglary 53 NCGS § 7B 53 Charge Disorderly intoxication 53 Uttering Threats 53 Degree Sexual Abuse 53 Hawaii Revised Statutes 53 nolo contendere plea 53 Multilateral Instrument 53 § #D#.# b 53 Sec.# [002] 53 Hindering Apprehension 53 Aggravated DWI 53 Oakhill Plaza 53 NCGS 53 DOB #/#/# [001] 53 GLc 53 CFR #.#b 53 § #.# d 53 FAR #.#-# Instructions 53 Malicious destruction 53 nonmoving violation 53 Defendant contends 53 Criminally negligent homicide 53 Weapon Possession 53 Aggravated Murder 53 NASD Marketplace Rule 53 See USSG § #D#.# 52 Criminal Impersonation 52 F/# F 52 Dkt. 52 Misprision 52 § #B#.# [002] 52 § #-#-# c [002] 52 Schedule VI 52 CUTPA 52 DFARS #.#-# 52 under IPC Sections 52 Reinspection 52 unclassified misdemeanor 52 § #:# [002] 52 False Imprisonment 52 RS #:# [002] 52 Penal Code section 52 covenants thereunder 52 #.# RSMo 52 Criminal Trespassing 52 Bus. & 52 SEBI Guidelines 52 probationable 52 s.# [001] 52 § #-#-# b [001] 52 burglarious tools 52 § #.#-# [006] 52 § #.# [005] 52 controlled substance paraphernalia 52 s Opp'n 52 NJSA 52 Controlled Dangerous Substance 52 Charge Battery 52 inattentive careless 52 Vehicular Homicide 52 Reckless Homicide 52 OCGA § #-#-# [007] 52 Misdemeanor punishable 52 nd Degree 52 Legal #.# 52 Wisconsin Statutes 52 Felony Assault 52 Hindering Prosecution 52 Criminal Offences 52 subparagraph B 52 PS § § 52 DOB #-#-# [006] 52 controlled substance hydrocodone 52 CFR #.# [008] 52 Dangerous Drugs Act 52 mens rea element 52 CrR 52 #a #a [003] 52 Public Drunkenness 52 Control Devices MUTCD 52 UCCJEA 52 Oregon Revised Statutes 52 Felony Theft 52 tortious act 52 #-#.# [026] 52 Evidence Code 52 Rule #:#-# [001] 52 Zina Enforcement 52 #A.# [001] 52 LARCENY MISDEMEANOR 52 depressant stimulant narcotic 52 Carrying Concealed Weapon 52 Code § #.# [002] 52 Prohibited Weapon 52 § #B 52 #-#.# [017] 52 accuses Philip Markoff 52 Code § #-#.# 52 Customs Tariff Act 52 § #.#-# [001] 52 habitual criminality 52 Evading Arrest 52 Felony Burglary 52 Rule #-#.# 52 Second Degree Assault 52 Offerors Commercial Items 52 Property Obtained 52 Resisting Law Enforcement 52 § § #.# [001] 52 Section #.# [002] 52 Substances Act CDSA 52 EITF Topic D 52 § #b [003] 52 Felony Offense 52 forcible compulsion 52 South Telshor Boulevard 52 Miscellaneous Offences Act 52 People v. Waidla 52 de minimis exception 52 Subsection d 52 Voluntary Manslaughter 52 involuntary deviant sexual intercourse 52 Appendix 3B Page 52 Double Jeopardy Clause 52 Precursor Chemicals 52 scienter requirement 52 Soundside Drive Gulf Breeze 52 McClinton impersonated law 52 ILCS #/#-# [002] 52 Recklessly Endangering Another 52 MGL c 52 #.#-# Convict Labor 52 Resp't 52 Compl 51 #-# CB 51 IRC § 51 VI § 51 Kentucky Revised Statute 51 roadway laned 51 #B.# [002] 51 § #.#-# [003] 51 Sex Offenders Registration 51 FS #.# [001] 51 p rior 51 Obstructing Justice 51 Compl. ¶ 51 2nd Degree Assault 51 intentional tort 51 internal quotations omitted 51 Charge Domestic 51 #.#-# [016] 51 m DOB #-#-# 51 See OCGA § 51 C/DR4 51 § 51 § #-#-# b [002] 51 Administrative Code § 51 Underage Consumption 51 1st Degree Burglary 51 Section #-#-# [004] 51 See INA § 51 DOB #/#/# [007] 51 Code § #.# [001] 51 Exercising jurisdiction 51 Charge DUI 51 Rules #b# 51 # et seq 51 Pennsylvania Clean Streams 51 2nd Degree 51 #-#.# [022] 51 Aggravated Sexual Assault 51 #d# [001] 51 Sunpower Corp Class 51 burglarious instrument 51 #-#.# [014] 51 section #WB 51 Maj. Op 51 Jury Instruction 51 § #A#.# b 51 Larc Petit Theft 51 Reasonable suspicion 51 postrelease supervision 51 Jeanne Clery Disclosure 51 para. 51 unlawfully discharging firearm 51 NJSA #:#-# [003] 51 Unlawful Flight 51 DOB #-#-# [007] 51 CS § 51 Compl. ¶ ¶ 51 Listing Rule #.#A 51 Unlawful Taking 51 Persistent Felony Offender 51 Degree Kidnapping 51 OSC Policy 51 USC § § 51 Rule #-# 51 Domestic Battery 51 ITEPA 51 #.# subd [001] 51 USC § 51 Custodial Interference 51 Supplementary Material 51 Explosives Substances Act 51 Warrant Arrest 51 :5 51 DR #.#.# 51 Professions Code section 51 Tex. Admin 51 Kentucky Revised Statutes 51 CFR #.# [001] 51 Proposed Arrangement 51 OUIL 51 Anti Kickback Act 51 IEEPA 51 Degree Burglary 51 DFARS 51 NYCRR § 51 Doc. No. 51 Felony DUI 51 terroristic threats criminal mischief 51 internal citation omitted 51 Wende supra 51 Fraudulent Use 51 #-#-#.# [003] 51 Rule #:#-# b 51 controlled substance oxycodone 51 END FOOTNOTE 51 felonious possession 51 Felony Battery 51 Subparagraph 51 subparagraphs 51 Marijuana 2oz 51 WAC #-#-# 51 breached conditional discharge 51 Charge Aggravated 51 st Degree 51 Motor Vehicle Ordinance 51 RoHS directive #/#/EC 51 s.# [002] 51 Agreement constitutes discloseable 51 Felony Possession 51 Defendant argues 51 Prohibited Acts 51 SDNY Mar. 51 forfeiture specification 51 Causing Death 51 attempted forcible sodomy 51 SLUSA 51 Controlled Substance Act 51 #:# [013] 51 Class IIIA felony 51 quotation omitted 51 CASE NUMBER 51 Def. 51 forcible fondling 51 PHD Orders 51 statutory maximums 51 Forcible Rape 51 DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE APPROVAL 51 Scheduled Tribes Prevention 51 Uniform Firearms 51 CDS paraphernalia 51 Act Pub. L. 51 YOA 51 Superseding Indictment 51 Commit Felony 51 Money Laundering Prohibition 50 DJ DGAP PVR Publication 50 MSRB Rule G 50 Ordinance Cap. 50 Society VICTIM 50 Malicious Wounding 50 KRS #.# [001] 50 Felony Aggravated 50 Y felony punishable 50 § #.#-# [004] 50 NRS #.# [003] 50 SEBI Regulations 50 Criminal Sexual 50 Accounting Standard AASB 50 STOLEN GOODS POSSESSION OF 50 drug paraphernalia resisting arrest 50 Causing Injury 50 RCW #A.#.# [001] 50 S ection 50 NPT safeguards 50 ¶ ¶ 50 Opening Br 50 KAR #:# 50 Illegal Possession 50 quoting Restatement Second 50 Hr'g Tr 50 CALCRIM 50 UFTA 50 waives sovereign immunity 50 TPR Towers 50 LARCENY AFTER B 50 Segregated Facilities Feb 50 HIPAA Privacy Rule 50 § #.# subd [004] 50 Doc. # 50 ND Tex. 50 Appellate Rule 50 MRTP Act 50 CALJIC No. #.# 50 IRCP 50 Offerors Commercial applies 50 nol prossed 50 Advisers Act 50 Occupied Dwelling 50 Def. s 50 § #.# subd [003] 50 Criminal Code Cap 50 #.#A [004] 50 B.1 50 Debt Settlement Agreements 50 Breach Probation 50 Felony Murder 50 #A.# [006] 50 #.#-# b [001] 50 felony terroristic threats 50 Serious Bodily Injury 50 Motor Vehicle Homicide 50 Civil Code § 50 Aggravated manslaughter 50 dishonesty deceit 50 habitual offender enhancement 50 Subchapter 50 CFR #.# [002] 50 Charge Larceny 50 Strickland supra 50 USC § #a b 50 Prompt Payment Act 50 § #.# subd [002] 50 FLSA minimum wage 50 Rule #:#-# e 50 Resisting Arrest 50 Criminal Procedure Law 50 ll.# 50 No. #AP 50 Speedy Trial Act 50 footnote omitted 50 Evading arrest 50 vphl Norwegian Securities 50 breaching recognizance 50 Faretta v. California 50 Deliver Cocaine 50 Act AECA 50 Goodlette Rd 50 w xml 50 2nd Degree Felony 50 creates rebuttable presumption 50 nondischargeability 50 Civ.R. 50 4 Section #-#-# 50 IV.#.# 50 SEBI ICDR Regulations 50 FS #.# [002] 50 Commit Aggravated 50 penal statutes 50 aggravated assault aggravated battery 50 Montana Code Annotated 50 spud #-#-# drlg [003] 50 CrR #.# 50 UNSC Resolutions 50 Prohibited Activities 50 burglarious instruments 50 criminal mischief resisting arrest 50 Summary Offences Act 50 Furnishing Alcohol 50 USC § #b [001] 50 Forcible Touching 50 Criminal Mischief 50 forcible lewd 50 Disclosure Requirement 50 Statutory Sodomy 50 Resisting arrest 50 Statute § 50 #B.# [003] 50 SUMMARY JUDGMENT 50 Punishable 50 Stimmrechtsmitteilung pursuant 50 CRZ Notification 50 section #AA 50 Disorderly intoxication 50 Professions Code 50 USSG § #D#.# c 50 FALSE PRETENSE 50 NJSA 2C :# #a 50 Rent Stabilization Code 50 USC § #o 50 Unfunded Mandates Reform Act 50 Civil Procedure Rule 50 subparts 50 recodified 50 Public Lewdness 50 footnotes omitted 50 Code § #-# [003] 50 UCLA Dragovic 50 People v. Carmony 50 Code § 50 nonstatutory 50 SEC Rule #g# 50 Maintaining Dwelling 50 END FOOTNOTE * 50 Attempted Burglary 50 CRIMINAL TRESPASS 50 Stephen Liczbinski liz skee 50 terroristic threats reckless endangerment 50 Reckless endangerment 50 ADAAG 50 CALJIC No. 49 Professional Conduct Rule 49 Zaccaro pleaded guilty 49 Commission Decision #/#/EC 49 ORCP 49 Internal Revenue Code § 49 LSA CCP art 49 FAR Subpart 49 d efendants 49 App. Div 49 Third Degree Assault 49 MB Docket 49 Hofsheier 49 Charge Trespass 49 IRC § § 49 Id. ¶ 49 Opp'n 49 Petit Larceny 49 Sec. 49 DOB #-#-# [002] 49 Safeguards Rule 49 OCGA § § 49 AGGRAVATED ASSAULT 49 r w 49 Bulk Ex Kandla 49 Stmt 49 Rev. Proc 49 parol evidence rule 49 Recognizance 49 Theft Forgery 49 #a #a [001] 49 intoxicants reckless 49 pp. #-# italics 49 Involuntary Manslaughter 49 EU Directive #/#/EC 49 PCPNDT Act 49 #.#-# Offeror Representations 49 willful evasion 49 Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs 49 Vulnerable Adult 49 Pl. s 49 reh'g 49 aggravated assualt 49 Plaintiff Complaint 49 Rule #b# 49 Reckless Conduct 49 Poss Cs Pg 49 ASSIGNMENT OF ERROR 49 OHSAA bylaws 49 USC § § #e 49 Drug Paraphernalia Possession 49 Fla. 3d DCA 49 NGER Act 49 Penal Code Cap

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