Mikulski amendment

Related by string. * : Barbara Mikulski D Md . Mikulski D Md . Sen. Barbara Mikulski . A. Mikulski D-Md. . Senator Barbara Mikulski / amendments . Amendments . AMENDMENT . AMENDMENTS . Amendment : First Amendment protects . constitutional amendment banning . proposed constitutional amendment . constitutional amendment defining . First Amendment Establishment Clause * *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 54 Bilbray Y 54 Broun N 53 Aderholt N 53 Bilbray N 53 DeGette Y 52 Altmire Y 52 Phil Journey Haysville 52 Biggert N 52 Bilirakis N 51 circumvents Hyde 51 award delegates proportionally 51 Aderholt Y 51 Bayh disillusionment 50 Kyl R Ariz 50 Kim Belshe 50 ROVNER 50 SCHIP reauthorization 50 John Rockefeller DW.Va. 50 Unaffiliated voters outnumber 50 Enzi Barrasso 49 Jeffords defection gave 49 Beth Pellett Levine 49 David Snepp 49 Stupak Amendment 49 Jessica Santillo spokeswoman 49 Bilirakis Y 49 Carolyn Weyforth spokeswoman 48 Eileen McMenamin McCain 48 Deo Ferrer Daily 48 strategist Mark Mellman 48 By Ron Chimelis 48 Carolyn McGinn Sedgwick 48 Stupak Pitts Amendment 48 Daschle withdraws 48 Douglas Holz Eakin 48 JACKIE JUDD 48 PELOSI Well 48 fillibuster proof majority 47 SCHIP reauthorization bill 47 Mike Enzi Wyoming 47 Andy Arrenquin Appeal 47 Lumbee recognition 47 Nominations Sent 47 BY HOLLY MEYER 47 FMAP extension 47 defunding Obamacare 47 Blumenauer Y 47 voter apathy inexcusable 47 DADT repealed 47 Wyden Snowe 47 offered angry denouncements 47 retroactive immunity provision 47 Kerry liveliest disagreement 47 defunding Planned Parenthood 46 favors overturning Roe 46 Tiahrt amendment 46 Sebelius vetoed 46 Dr. JudyAnn Bigby 46 Elective abortions 46 CHAMPVA 46 Maria Speiser 46 Bob Corker R Tenn 46 wishy washy mealy mouthed 46 gunmaker immunity bill 46 vastly outraised McCain 46 ROVNER Well 46 defund Obamacare 46 mammograms Mikulski 46 reauthorizing SCHIP 46 Becky Hultberg 46 liberal Progressive Caucus 46 Mastercard Visa accepted 46 Quinn amendatory veto 46 chairman Glenn Hackbarth 46 Dori Salcido spokeswoman 46 bill 46 eliminate menstrual periods 46 me chills Turbeville 46 Milczewski 46 launched furious counterassault 46 coddle terrorists 46 Stupak Pitts 46 Teresa Fasanello Hunterdon 46 Stupak Pitts amendment 46 repealers already 45 THE FACTS Bennet 45 Lori Millin 45 By Otto Kreisher 45 Mike Johanns R-Neb. 45 Josh Kendrix Appeal 45 Con Bunde 45 spokeswoman Alisia Essig 45 SPECTER Well 45 spokesman Linden Zakula 45 Leader Dale Hargens 45 Kirstin Brost spokeswoman 45 Jacob Lew testifies 45 ELIZABETH KALFSBEEK Special 45 similarly noncommittal 45 Solomonese 45 Stupak amendment 45 defunds 45 Powdery substance 45 COREY CLARK Tallahassee 45 Rep. Nita Lowey DN.Y. 45 noncoverage 45 studiously avoided involvement 45 Kelly Ayotte RN.H. 45 Conscience Clause 45 Denali KidCare 45 Bryan DeMain Appeal 45 Sebelius vetoes 45 spokeswoman Jenny Backus 45 Robert Byrd DW.Va 45 RENDELL Well 45 Agency Kim Belshe 45 empower unaccountable bureaucrats 45 Pensions HELP 45 Collin Peterson D Minn 45 Baucus D-Mont. 44 John Barrasso R-Wyo. 44 Recess appointments 44 spokeswoman Adrianne Marsh 44 Maureen Knightly 44 SJR# [001] 44 Amy Klobuchar D Minn 44 KONDRACKE Well 44 Leader Ted Gatsas 44 Debbie Stabenow D Mich 44 office LuAnn Lind 44 Claire McCaskill D 44 Vinehout 44 Incumbent Richard Cordray 44 Paul Sarbanes D-Md. 44 CAGW Names 44 Trojan horse Braley 44 Dwayne Umbarger 44 Russell Feingold D-Wis. 44 reauthorize SCHIP 44 MTBE waiver 44 Commissioner Lucinda Jesson 44 cites strident partisanship 44 impeaching Sanford 44 Hobbled Dems eager 44 Commissioner Kevin Goodno 44 Andrew Welhouse spokesman 44 severability clause 44 Diagnoses vary 44 spokesman Rich Chrismer 44 Mary Lou Slinkard 44 hiring vetter 44 Ryan Klocke Appeal 44 Nancy Pasternack Appeal 44 Leader Capri Cafaro 44 distortion misrepresentation 44 Reps. Todd Tiahrt 44 HOW MANY COVERED 44 fillibuster 43 BUDGET DIRECTOR Peter Orszag 43 Program Reauthorization Act 43 Julie Teer 43 Russ Feingold D Wis 43 climactic Christmas Eve 43 Goodling immunity 43 Chafee DeWine 43 Secretary Kim Belshé 43 PAYGO rule 43 strengthen whistleblower protections 43 independents caucusing 43 defund Planned Parenthood 43 troop withdrawal deadlines 43 Bernie Sanders I-Vt. 43 Streamlined Procedures Act 43 override Lingle 43 Stephen C. MacNett 43 CHIP reauthorization 43 invoking cloture 43 Don Nickles R Okla 43 Howard Yune Appeal 43 Rep Eric Cantor 43 Schual Berke 43 Cal Ludeman 43 GOP govs 43 Robert LaHue Appeal 43 Joe Pitts R-Pa. 43 Schmit Albin 43 Romney flip flopper 43 Kymm Mann Appeal 43 EMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITY 43 Ron Amstutz Wooster 43 Lambrew 43 Schoolchildren chanting Assassinate 43 #st Nanakuli Makaha 43 VETO SB 43 McC R Ariz 43 Jon Corzine DN.J. 43 Sebelius Ample 43 lipstick maxim 43 JOHN CORNYN 43 approps 43 Posey R Fla 43 challenger Renee Ellmers 43 Roy Jeffus 43 Plame cause celebre 43 Nathan Deal R-Ga. 43 S.Amdt 43 Naishtat 43 commonwealth reflexively 43 embed Lapan 43 spousal notification 43 spokeswoman Jill Kozeny 43 Ashley Gebb Appeal 43 Paycheck Fairness Act 43 Unanimous consent 43 post-#/# worldview 43 setting Koffenberger 43 Parliamentarian Alan Frumin 43 Lincoln Chafee RR.I. 43 Kathleen Sibelius 43 JudyAnn Bigby 43 Lautenbaugh 43 Joanne Pescatore 43 VAN HOLLEN 43 abolish judicial filibusters 43 openly gay nonincumbent 43 By Amy Klamper 43 prolong Schiavo 43 Scott Mulhauser spokesman 43 Governmental Affairs Chairwoman 42 Aide Pitino 42 WELNA 42 worms weasels 42 Insure Missouri 42 Christmas Eve presuming 42 DEE BURKE Delta 42 D Prestonsburg 42 applying meat cleaver 42 GRASSLEY Well 42 partyline vote 42 Max Baucus Montana 42 MARY AGNES CAREY 42 Vermont legalizes 42 haphazard piecemeal 42 Paperwork Mandate Elimination 42 partisan gridlock Perino 42 impeaching Cheney 42 USPSTF recommendations 42 Bill Ketron Murfreesboro 42 LOGAN MOSBY Delta 42 McCarran Ferguson Act 42 Cilizza 42 Gene Gessow 42 Kim Belshe Schwarzenegger 42 Ben Cardin D Md 42 Kate Looby 42 HUD Appropriations Subcommittee 42 Jim Jeffords I-Vt. 42 Greg Mankiw economics 42 Peterson D Revillo 42 doc fix 42 Laurie Rubiner 42 Medigap supplemental insurance 42 Lacks Votes 42 Sen. Vincent Sheehen 42 fifths supermajority 42 Kailas Gheewala 42 Mark Mellman pollster 42 SCHIEFFER Well 42 Corey Boles Of 42 Interstate Abortion Notification 42 Chairwoman Barbara Boxer 42 spokesman Abe Amoros 42 MOLLY IVINS 42 SJR# [002] 42 gruesome inhumane 42 SJ Res 42 lieutenant governor presides 42 frosty reception awaits 42 relatively noncontroversial 42 Gonzales perjured himself 42 Lance Kinzer 42 BAIPA 42 invoked cloture 42 SCHUMER Well 42 Planned Parenthood #-# 42 overcome filibusters 42 Nancy Pfotenhauer adviser 42 Duane Goossen 42 Stephanie Grutman executive 42 Arlen Specter R-Pa. 42 Stephen Breyer dissented 42 RON WYDEN 42 markedly antigun 42 Bernard Sanders I-Vt. 42 Shays Meehan 42 fetal personhood 42 Sue Armacost 42 D Grosse Tete 42 Blackburn Wasserman Shultz 42 WYDEN 42 IHCIA 42 Kyl Cornyn 42 spokeswoman Kate Cyrul 42 Defund ACORN Act 42 spokesman Tim Schlittner 42 abort fetus 42 outlaw abortions 42 Shortey 42 COSBY WOODRUFF Delta 42 Pregnancy Discrimination Act 42 Amy Kelchner 42 Chairwoman Colleen Hanabusa 42 Russ Feingold D-Wis. 42 Diane Feinstein D-Calif. 42 GOVERNOR MITT ROMNEY 42 Nick Rahall DW.Va. 42 nor nuanced Eshoo 42 Partial birth 41 Leonard Lance R-Hunterdon/Warren 41 MacGuineas 41 GRASSLEY 41 Coburn R Okla 41 Cohn CongressDaily 41 DIRECTOR BOLTEN 41 recriminalize abortion 41 JUDGE SAMUEL ALITO 41 JULIE ROVNER 41 Fran Sypek 41 Opposes abortion 41 Bob Casey D-Pa. 41 BY JENNIFER BOWEN 41 Senate Judicary Committee 41 fetal viability 41 BY SCOTT WUERZ 41 Gronstal Council Bluffs 41 Pensions HELP Committee 41 spokesman Paul Sloca 41 predictably livid 41 Chairman Gary Nodler 41 Kuchinich 41 Ciboski 41 Tracy Schmaler 41 Jay Emler Lindsborg 41 Lara Azar 41 Senate 41 CongressDaily reports 41 elective abortions 41 wholehearted endorsement 41 spokesman Lindsay Nothern 41 sway wavering 41 By Roger Cleaveland 41 Stabenow D Mich 41 MO HealthNet 41 spokesman Rodell Mollineau 41 Marcia Crosse 41 Marshall Griffin KWMU 41 spokeswoman Marcie Ridgway 41 Carcieri vetoed 41 Karpisek 41 Mike Willden 41 HJ Res 41 Voted Yea 41 Pete Stark D-Calif. 41 justice Lossmann 41 D Bunkie 41 Marty Omoto 41 Schacter cautioned 41 Jeff Bingaman NM 41 Ask 41 Judiciary committees 41 Personhood amendment 41 Scott Lautenbaugh 41 precincts reporting Sestak 41 BY STEVE KORTE 41 On timelined withdrawal 41 Guglielmana hopes 41 Representative Bruce Braley 41 Rule XXII 41 BY ROGER SCHLUETER 41 Alia Faraj 41 earmark laden 41 ever divorced Utrera 41 virtual colonoscopies 41 unamendable 41 impose surtax 41 Jeff Stensland 41 Ranking Member Bob Goodlatte 41 overturn Bremby 41 ABX1 1 41 downticket races 41 Eisenla 41 MARCIA COYLE 41 thunderous acclamation 41 BY MIKE FITZGERALD 41 Representative NANCY PELOSI 41 Rep. Anh Cao 41 Jeff Colyer 41 attorney Jenny Durkan 41 FACT CHECK 41 Demcorats 41 MCCONNELL Well 41 spokeswoman Adrienne Elrod 41 PATRICK LEAHY 41 Phyllis Heineman 41 Paycheck Fairness 41 Subtitle B 41 BY SUZANNE BOYLE 41 skimmable oil 41 covering elective abortions 41 Leader Scott Heidepriem 41 Props aplenty 41 Chair Chuck Grassley 41 Lyle Hillyard 41 CARFA 41 spokesman Seth Boffeli 41 Barry Straube 41 underfunds Medicaid 41 De Rugy 41 KYL Well 41 Chairman Roman Prezioso 41 Elizabeth Dole RN.C. 41 WASHINGTON A 41 Robert Casey D-Pa. 41 Melanie Sloan CREW 41 Sara Payne Scarbro 41 Kathy Ostrowski 41 Lindsay Graham RS.C. 41 approves impeaching Blagojevich 41 Chairman Marcus Oshiro 41 Pro choicers 41 Ms. Ignagni 41 Aaron Conetta 41 ROVE Well 41 Senator Fred Risser 41 Kyl Lieberman 41 Ray Merrick Stilwell 41 BIDEN Said 41 SJR2 41 INSURANCE MANDATE Like 41 Antonia Ferrier 41 wife Berlean 41 D. Rockefeller DW.Va. 41 BARRASSO 40 unallotment statute 40 Opposes gay marriage 40 Gary Hayzlett Lakin 40 Jay Angoff director 40 Marilyn Castaldi 40 disallow filibusters 40 Chris Steineger 40 eliminates CalWORKS 40 Sentate 40 DAVID VOWELL Delta 40 preventing unintended pregnancies 40 TOM COBURN 40 http:/www.pressrepublican.com/ 40 override veto 40 Final Season docuseries 40 Kelliher DFL Minneapolis 40 Specter defection 40 unemancipated minors 40 Sebelius 40 Rokeberg 40 Lawmakers overrode 40 3Com beefs 40 nominates Jacob Lew 40 toughen prohibitions 40 Jane Jankowski Daniels 40 waterboarding repugnant 40 Dr. Rohack 40 Legislature overrode veto 40 Leader Harry Reid D-Nev. 40 retroactivity clause 40 Rep. Koczera 40 KERI HOLT Delta 40 Hodes Shea Porter 40 Secretary Lanier Cansler 40 Abortion foes capitalize 40 MoCRI 40 Repulicans 40 Secretary Fred Cerise 40 Carl Levin D Mich 40 bypasses Dems 40 repealing ObamaCare 40 FACT CHECK Barbour 40 S. #/HR [002] 40 HJR# [001] 40 Senators Herb Kohl 40 Bransford Appeal 40 Sen. Carol Roessler 40 counsel Harriett Miers 40 L. Landrieu D-La. 40 Chairwoman Sen. Dianne 40 Degette 40 House impeaches Porteous 40 Doc Fix 40 Sandy Praeger 40 menthol exemption 40 basically abdicating 40 HUME Well 40 AB8 40 clears procedural hurdle 40 promulgate regulations 40 Karin Brownlee 40 IowaCare 40 BY ELIZABETH DONALD 40 Carey Wellston 40 Reynolds RN.Y. 40 Niki Zupanic 40 MILC program 40 Kathleen Sebelius 40 Beverly Marrero 40 ANWR provision 40 Ines Franck director 40 Ben Nelson D-Neb. 40 R Turnerville 40 Marco Rubios 40 Commissioner Nicholas Toumpas 40 privately groused 40 tacitly concede 40 unreasonable obstructionists 40 Carl Levin D-Mich. 40 Anna Whiting Sorrell 40 Kenneth Stolle 40 Reid Cherlin 40 Dickey Wicker 40 spokeswoman Christina Angarola 40 Medical Assistance Percentages 40 Rep. Vern Tincher 40 Stephene Moore 40 antichoice 40 Tom Loehner 40 chairwoman Tina Benkiser 40 Blanche Lincoln Ark. 40 LIFE DIGEST 40 Marla Augustine 40 excuse absentee balloting 40 challenger Claire McCaskill 40 Andrew Koneschusky 40 Gunsmoke Oxford 40 Jane Dreaper 40 override vetoes 40 reinsert feeding tube 40 lawyer Byron Georgiou 40 HEALTH SCIENCES Dental Assisting 40 Steve Morris Hugoton 40 Shomshor 40 Pomeroy DN.D. 40 Website www.cgi.com 40 Basil Merenda 40 Sheldon Whitehouse DR.I. 40 challenger Kristi Noem 40 standoff Stacho 40 Banning earmarks 40 appropriations bill 40 Favors parental 40 routine gynecological examinations 40 unconstitutional overreach 40 Leader Dominic Pileggi 40 prudent layperson 40 Chairman Bob Goodlatte 40 Ron Chimelis 40 Program FEHBP 40 Sen. Hob Bryan 40 Maedje 40 Emma Forkner 40 Cundiff FG 40 repealing DOMA 40 D Nanakuli Makua 40 Wessel Kroeschell 40 BY DEAN CRIDDLE 40 Roland Burris D-Ill. 40 Opposes constitutional amendment 40 Jim DeMint RS.C. 40 politically sacrosanct 40 ARB No.# 40 LIASSON 40 defund ACORN 40 Commissioner Cal Ludeman 40 Barbara Mikulski D Md 40 Nena Bolan Glades 40 Gregory Nojeim 40 Allows 40 2 wks Vac 40 M4 harshest 40 Rell vetoes 40 testicle lockbox 40 Lisette Mondello 40 Senate 40 GIANNOULIAS 40 Bill Morrisette 40 Bobby Sturgell acting 40 Kan. gov 40 legally binding Perez Roque 40 Harriet Meirs 40 noninvasive outpatient 40 BY WALLY SPIERS 40 Granholm vetoed 39 successfully filibustered 39 Paul Burstow Liberal 39 CEO Betty Cockrum 39 Congresswoman Nancy Boyda 39 Row v. Wade 39 Thomas Carper D-Del. 39 eligibility determinations 39 Snowe 39 Nothing Wadden 39 Nevin Mindlin 39 Granholm vetoes 39 kemcha Way 39 Rep. Steve Gottwalt 39 Employment Nondiscrimination Act 39 law abridging 39 tamper resistant pads 39 Medscape MedicineNet RxList theheart.org 39 Sean Dilweg 39 Jeff McWaters 39 SCHIP 39 actuarially equivalent 39 John Kyl R-Ariz. 39 Jeanette DeForge 39 spousal notification provision 39 McCarran Ferguson 39 Markosek 39 Rahm Emanuel D Ill 39 Mark Pryor D-Ark. 39 Obama disowns critique 39 Congressman LoBiondo 39 HJRes 39 colorectal screenings 39 fill requiremetns 39 Tax Extenders Act 39 biopsy specimens resulting 39 Obtaining sodium thiopental 39 VETO HB 39 Luis Rosero 39 Chambliss Isakson 39 unilaterally abrogate NAFTA 39 Seante 39 Barbara Boxer D Calif 39 strategist Frank Luntz 39 D Wahiawa Poamoho 39 Baucus 39 GW Battleground 39 Override opponents 39 Republican 39 John Cornyn R-Tex. 39 Ron Ramsey Blountville 39 Sens. Jay Rockefeller 39 Senator HARRY REID 39 R. Ariz 39 VAN HOLLEN Well 39 repeal DOMA 39 O'REILLY OK 39 abridging freedom 39 unjustly detaining 39 abdominal ultrasounds 39 troop withdrawal timelines 39 prochoice 39 messianic mantle 39 Chris Dodd D-Conn. 39 Tom Coburn R-Okla. 39 Obey D Wis 39 PAMTA 39 franking privilege 39 Begins Debate 39 CLAIRE McCASKILL 39 Arlen Specter R 39 Glenn Hackbarth 39 Jonathan Snare 39 Pam Gulleson 39 Strongly Favor 39 By Greta Wodele 39 LIEBERMAN Well 39 Strongly Favor repeal 39 Jeanne Shaheen vetoed 39 Pamela Metaxas 39 legislation 39 Grassley Baucus 39 cynical stageshow 39 Peter Ashkenaz 39 spokesman Dave Dziok 39 FINEMAN 39 regulate greenhouse gasses 39 nonjudicial statewide 39 PASS ID 39 JoAnn Carrin spokeswoman 39 Cegavske 39 Threatens Veto 39 Kucinich jabbed 39 Status Passed 39 Opponents deride 39 Tim Huelskamp 39 notoriously balky Senate 39 Jodi Alberts 39 Rockefeller IV 39 Crain Waldrop 39 wording exonerates me 39 Patrick Leahy Vermont 39 BY MARIA BARAN 39 Wonkbook 39 somewhat monocellular 39 whiners remark 39 agrees Sinema 39 Rep. Steny Hoyer D-Md. 39 Sen. Max Baucus 39 Laura Keehner 39 Keroack appointment 39 Michelle Trupiano 39 contain pig snouts 39 LEON PANETTA 39 ANWR drilling 39 Eason McIntyre 39 Thomas R Wyo 39 FRAC Act 39 nemesis Shinseki 39 Sensenbrenner R Wis 39 Chairman Bob Filner 39 Representative Cynthia Lummis 39 Linda Toddy Puller 39 legalized abortion nationwide 39 Rhetoric heats 39 authorize warrantless surveillance 39 Vanessa Cullins 39 GOVERNMENT RUN PLAN 39 HAGEL 39 prohibited cruel inhuman 39 Nunez Perata 39 R-Essex/Orleans 39 Plakon 39 Sheldon Whitehouse D 39 PRO CON Should 39 D-Calif. chairwoman 39 Raecker 39 BY BRIAN BRUEGGEMANN 39 Enumerated Powers Act 39 mcjoan 39 Bill Nelson D-Fla. 39 Jason Butkowski 39 FOIA exemption 39 Stephen Miskin 39 RUDIN Well 39 Overriding veto requires 39 James Rohack 39 pollster Joel Benenson 39 oversee nonbank 39 AUMF 39 spokesman Scott Mulhauser 39 KRAUTHAMMER 39 RUSH ARCHIVE 39 Chairman Steve Achelpohl 39 nonpartisan scorekeeper 39 heavily gerrymandered 39 construing statutes 39 STABENOW 39 SEBELIUS Well 39 spokesperson Peter Ashkenaz 39 Doneen Hollingsworth 39 badgering biased 39 need costly MediGap 39 Mary Landrieu La. 39 proscribe abortion 39 Frist R Tenn 39 Kit Bond R 39 Secretary Mary Selecky 39 unelected bureaucrat 39 WALLACE Senator 39 overrule Roe v. Wade 39 saber rattling Holder 39 Pam Jochum 39 Councilwoman Charleta Tavares 39 SECRETARY LEAVITT 39 Mcare abatement 39 Cecelia Prewett 39 Aetna Cigna UnitedHealth 39 unvouchered expense 39 Robert Steurer 39 FHA Modernization Act 39 Dannenfelser 39 Constitutional Revision Committee 39 Jim Wansacz 39 abolish COAH 39 Harry Reid D Nev 39 Daud bodyguards 39 Percy Malone 39 spokesman Chris Paulitz 39 Phil Neuenfeldt president 39 Hinchey Rohrabacher amendment 39 Paul Wellstone Mental 39 Christopher Dodd D-Conn. 39 Representative JOHN BOEHNER 39 AgJobs bill 39 breast conserving lumpectomy 39 pro choicer 39 Kathie Osterman spokeswoman 39 Representative Todd Tiahrt 39 Ben Cardin D-Md. 39 amendatory veto 39 spokeswoman Christie Parell 39 provision 39 Pay Overdraft Coverage 39 troop withdrawal timetables 39 Janet Crepps 39 Wanda Moebius 39 Landske 39 SHERROD BROWN 39 Cornyn Kyl 39 CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER SYNDICATED COLUMNIST 39 Factcheck.org 39 Dickey Wicker Amendment 39 unfairly punishes patriotic 39 Drew Pritt 39 Troop Readiness 39 overcome procedural hurdle 39 Internal quotation marks 39 BRIAN NAYLOR 39 spokesman Coy Knobel 39 Secretary Kim Belshe 39 Jodi Whitaker 39 misspeaks 39 Congresswoman Capito 39 jabbering Genson told 39 RICHARD DURBIN 39 unconstitutionally delegated 38 filibustering Alito 38 starkest contrast 38 Partial Birth Abortion Ban 38 HIV AIDS PACHA 38 strategist Jenny Backus 38 Herb Kohl D Wis 38 Defunding 38 Veto override 38 KENT CONRAD 38 completed Abrames 38 procedural roadblock 38 BY NORM SANDERS 38 Gordon Smith R-Ore. 38 Richard Blumenthal D-Conn. 38 Conversely Culvahouse role 38 WRDA bill 38 BY BETH HUNDSDORFER 38 FAA Reauthorization bill 38 Rep. Elliott Naishtat 38 Tom Suehs 38 Government Pension Offset 38 Feith misled 38 Pro Tem Peter Shumlin 38 Erickson Ropes 38 Franking Commission 38 Jeanne Lambrew 38 Murphy DN.Y 38 Owcharenko 38 dueling visions 38 Ryan Boschetti DT 38 Al Franken D Minn 38 painful Salcer 38 nonmedical reasons 38 Daniel DaPonte 38 decriminalizing sexting 38 Gary Nodler 38 Charlene Frizzera 38 John Colmers 38 FACT CHECK Shaky 38 Vince Sheheen 38 PAT ROBERTS 38 fixed DeSeve 38 WREX.com Rockford News LeaderIllinois 38 DOMA repealed 38 ELVING 38 multimember districts 38 Shoemyer 38 allowable delegating 38 Sens. Mike Enzi 38 Pelosi D Calif 38 DEMINT 38 Burkesville Republican 38 BY WILL BUSS 38 Bark Stupak 38 Veterans Omnibus 38 Reproductive Choice 38 Minority Whip Dick Durbin 38 Commissioner Tom Suehs 38 Act S.# [001] 38 filibuster proof margin 38 ANTITRUST Amendment expected 38 Ken Salazar D-Colo. 38 destruction Billiot 38 constitutional prerogatives 38 pioneer LaLanne 38 Morton Brilliant 38 constitutional amendment disallowing 38 Rep. Lance Kinzer 38 Dale McFeatters SHNS 38 spokeswoman Gannet Tseggai 38 Hall Singe 38 auditor Claire McCaskill 38 nominee Vincent Sheheen 38 nonbinding resolution expressing 38 FRIST 38 MCare 38 spokesman Howard Gantman 38 neurologically stabilized 38 rape fetal malformation 38 SCHIP Reauthorization 38 memorial sobering reminder 38 Phil Garthwaite 38 defunding ACORN 38 cleared procedural hurdle 38 repealing Obamacare 38 soup Zimpfer 38 Rogert 38 Napolitano vetoed 38 Christopher Dodd D Conn 38 Thad Cochran R-Miss. 38 Project BioShield Act 38 Screening mammography 38 paygo rules 38 spokesman Stephen Hourahan 38 Hyde Amendment 38 Representative Louise Slaughter 38 Abby Ottenhoff 38 Kevin Mukri spokesman 38 ARKids First 38 AHCCCS eligibility 38 adviser Bob Shrum 38 RN.H 38 intraparty disputes 38 appoint conferees 38 fallback parachute 38 yearly physicals 38 debates Psaki 38 MCARE 38 OBAMACARE 38 Gawrylow 38 Don Carcieri 38 Faust Goudeau 38 Kimberly Belshe 38 Libby commutation 38 USPSTF 38 such pessimism assailing 38 Dawn Johnsen 38 Lundberg Stratton 38 Tom Caiazza 38 Mike Ross D-Ark. 38 Medically Needy 38 Parental Notice 38 partial birth 38 Mel Martinez R-Fla. 38 Tasy 38 Edwards DN.C. 38 RICHARD HAASS 38 spokesman Gary Tuma 38 COBRA subsidy 38 amendment SJR 38 Rosemary McAuliffe 38 WASSERMAN SCHULTZ 38 Sen. Karin Brownlee 38 BY DAVID WILHELM 38 RESTORE Act 38 John Hoeven RN.D. 38 nominate Solicitor General 38 divulged Plame identity 38 Baucus Tester 38 Omnibus Appropriations Bill 38 Congressional Budget Office 38 CBO crunches 38 knuckle dragging Neanderthal 38 Jim Sensenbrenner R-Wis. 38 replaced Solis Doyle 38 PAYGO rules 38 MIKE JOHANNS 38 Yoest 38 constitutional ammendment 38 I'ma serial monogamist 38 veto overridden 38 Maryann Sumi ruled 38 resubmitted Bolton 38 Virtual colonoscopy 38 Millionaires Amendment 38 nonbinding resolutions 38 strategist Geoff Garin 38 Miers withdraws 38 DENNIS KUCINICH Well 38 breast conserving lumpectomies 38 Nojeim 38 OFCCP jurisdiction 38 Sen. Susan Wagle 38 theSenate 38 Sen. Kathy Sheran 38 v. Wade 38 Candy Ruff 38 aide Paul Senseman 38 SAM BROWNBACK 38 Marco Rubio R Fla 38 supplemental appropriations bill 38 Sens. Jon Tester 38 Jason Helgerson 38 Fairness Act 38 Rep. Steve Wieckert

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