Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 64 prepayment penalties 62 unamortized discount 60 Debt extinguishment 60 Prepayment penalty 60 Deferred Financing 59 deferred loan origination 58 Promissory note 58 loan origination fees 57 - - Total [052] 57 negatively amortizing 57 Convertible subordinated notes 57 prepayment penalty 56 Convertible subordinated 56 Convertible debenture 55 - Adjusted [016] 55 Current Liabilities Notes 55 - Adjusted [031] 55 unamortized deferred 55 unamortized financing 55 #,#,# #,#,# Accrued [001] 55 - - Total [020] 54 noncurrent portion 54 Non Current Liabilities 54 Other noncurrent liabilities 54 - - [093] 54 #,#,# #,#,# Repayment [002] 54 FHA insured mortgage 54 liabilities# [002] 54 Subordinated convertible debentures 54 - -Justice Lynn Ratushny 54 early extinguishments 54 Borrowings repayments 54 Financing Activities Repayment 54 Financing Activities Payments 54 Total Interest Expense 54 FDIC indemnification asset 54 - - Net [035] 53 - Adjusted [029] 53 Unamortized 53 - - [042] 53 Leasehold inducements 53 unamortized deferred financing 53 Other Income Deductions 53 Interest Expense Interest 53 prepayable 53 -Asci 53 - Total Current Liabilities [003] 53 Accrued severance 53 unamortized debt 53 - Total Liabilities [014] 53 -Stampede Grandstand 53 - - Loss [006] 53 Derivative liability 53 NCO GROUP INC. 53 - - Net [003] 53 SHAREHOLDER 'S EQUITY 53 Purchased intangible assets 53 Accrued liabilities #,#,# #,#,# [001] 53 - TOTAL LIABILITIES [008] 53 unamortized issuance costs 53 -Reynaldo Funez 53 TOTAL NONINTEREST EXPENSE 53 Amortized 53 Foreclosed real estate 52 - - Total [037] 52 borrower refinances 52 loan chargeoffs 52 Liquidated damages 52 = Interest 52 liabilities noncurrent 52 -nev 52 expense# [002] 52 Total Liabilities #,#,# #,#,# [002] 52 Overdrafts 52 FDIC indemnification 52 - - Net [006] 52 FINANCING ACTIVITIES Net 52 nonaccruing loans 52 Noncurrent 52 FINANCING ACTIVITIES Increase 52 CURRENT LIABILITIES Current maturities 52 - - [016] 52 Extinguishment 52 = LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOPinkNews 52 -David# 52 Debt extinguishment costs 52 Total nonaccrual loans 52 CASH USED IN 52 excluding depreciation depletion 52 Promissory notes 52 - Adjusted EBITDA [004] 52 - - Net [051] 52 Nonaccruing loans 52 - NET CASH [003] 52 nonaccrual loans accruing 52 borrowings repayments 52 Accrued interest 52 Lease termination 52 Prepayment Penalty 52 Current Liabilities #,#,# #,#,# [002] 52 liabilities #,#,# [001] 52 #,#,# #,#,# Allowance [001] 52 -deniable 52 - TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 52 Noncurrent liabilities 51 deemed uncollectible 51 Convertible subordinated debentures 51 Add subtract 51 accretable 51 expense# [001] 51 - - Net [047] 51 EXPENSE Interest expense 51 - - TotRobert Gisevius Jr. 51 borrower repays 51 liabilities# [001] 51 - - EarningsGordan Strachan 51 -Shulsky 51 Total nonperforming loans 51 amort 51 - NET INCOME [020] 51 #,#,# Commitments 51 - - Total [060] 51 #,# -SPIN BOLDAK Afghanistan 51 Debt prepayment 51 - INCOMAlberto Nagel 51 Debt issuance 51 -worht 51 Loan origination 51 - - NetGranara 51 Accumulated depreciation depletion 51 Leasehold inducement 51 ⅝ % 51 Loan Payable 51 INCOME BEFORE PROVISION FOR 51 - - Total [061] 51 -Petrzelka 51 Stockholders equity #,#,# #,#,# [002] 51 Charge Offs 51 Reinsurance recoverables 51 Accreted interest 51 Nonperforming assets NPAs 51 - - [055] 51 - - Net [049] 51 Metris Master Trust 51 - -freefall parachute 51 - Loss [010] 51 Current liabilities Current maturities 51 - Total liabilities [001] 51 liabilities1 51 TOTAL EXPENSES 51 FINANCING ACTIVITIES Principal 51 Reinsurance balances 51 - Total noninterest expense 51 Net Charge Offs 51 Consumer Installment 51 - Total liabilities [013] 51 - Total Current Liabilities [001] 51 - - Net [059] 51 #,# =Bill Duemling 51 - Total Current LiabilitiDouglas H. McCorkindale 51 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS DEFICIT 51 non conforming jumbo 51 discount accretion 50 accrued liabilities #,#,# #,#,# [001] 50 Convertible subordinated debt 50 unamortized 50 UNITED COMMUNITY BANKS INC. 50 subordinate tranches 50 #,# -Outasight 50 FHA insures 50 - - Net [008] 50 Nonperforming 50 - - Total [001] 50 Interest Expense Net 50 Less Allowance 50 Borrowing Fees 50 -OT Nate Solder 50 NonInterest income 50 OLTV greater 50 Contingent consideration 50 EXPENSE NET 50 - Total Liabilities [011] 50 - - [019] 50 income# [002] 50 Restructured loans accruing 50 Prepaying 50 amortization# 50 - INCOME LOSS [001] 50 Stockholder equity 50 Intangible assets Goodwill 50 - Adjusted [028] 50 c Consists 50 #,#,# [005] 50 Total [001] 50 waive prepayment penalties 50 PROVIDED BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES 50 - Total Current Liabilities [002] 50 NON CURRENT LIABILITIES 50 TOTAL INTEREST EXPENSE 50 FHLBNY advances 50 - - Net [043] 50 Prepayment 50 Capitalized lease 50 INCOME TAX BENEFIT 50 #,#,# #,#,# -placekicker Sandro DeAngelis 50 - Income [005] 50 PREMISES AND EQUIPMENT 50 NonInterest expense 50 Noncurrent deferred income 50 Unbilled receivables 50 Option ARMS 50 Financing Activities Repayments 50 -subsidiaries Kraton 50 FINANCING ACTIVITIES 50 - - Total [056] 50 -Cuisinier 50 FRBNY Credit Facility 50 Accrued severance pay 50 Less Charge offs 50 Acquired intangible assets 50 OTHER INCOME Interest 50 -Robin Preiss Glasser 50 MINORITY INTERESTS 50 Escrow deposits 50 - Adjusted [015] 50 - - Total [018] 50 Nonprime 50 -Sunrise Surf Shop 50 #,#,# #,#,# -Army Recruiting Battalion 50 lease inducements 50 Nonrecurring 50 FINANCING ACTIVITIES Payments 50 PRE TAX OPERATING EARNINGS 50 #,#,# #,#,# Commitments [001] 50 #,#,# #,#,# Unsecured 50 Other Noncurrent Liabilities 50 Accumulated Depreciation Amortization 50 Shareowners equity 50 LOSS BEFORE INCOME TAXES 50 Imputed interest 50 ASSETS Loans 50 - -watt amp 50 -#,# -#,# [002] 50 Notes Payable 50 assets# [002] 50 Foreclosed assets 50 Secured Debt 50 -Chris Bocklet 50 - Adjusted [003] 50 FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Proceeds 50 - - Net [031] 50 - - [061] 49 mso font pitch 49 BEFORE TAXES 49 - - Net [046] 49 j Represents 49 OTHER INCOME EXPENSES 49 #,#,# #,#,# Deferred [001] 49 revolver borrowings 49 - - Total [039] 49 - Total Liabilities [023] 49 Net chargeoffs 49 f Represents 49 nonrecourse 49 Premiums receivable 49 Total nonearning assets 49 - - NetMarigot Bay r 49 - TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIMinnie Vautrin 49 INCOME LOSS BEFORE INCOME 49 Pay Option ARMs 49 Senior unsecured debentures 49 - Total Liabilities [007] 49 Accrued Interest 49 IN FINANCING ACTIVITIES 49 Unamortized discount 49 Financing Activities Decrease 49 Accrued restructuring 49 TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 49 - - Net [011] 49 Convertible preferred 49 Identifiable intangible assets 49 #,#,# #,#,# Accrued [002] 49 Mortgage Servicing Rights 49 convertible exchangeable 49 receivable #,#,# #,#,# 49 #,# -INDUSTRIES INC. 49 - Total noninterest [009] 49 LIABILITIES Deposits 49 #,#,# - Total [006] 49 Valuation allowance 49 - Interbluebird trails 49 = Average [004] 49 - - Cash [004] 49 - Total liabilitieRebuked 49 LIBOR + 49 loans collateralizing 49 OTHER INCOME EXPENSE Interest 49 - - Total [035] 49 accretable yield 49 borrowings subordinated debentures 49 - Total liabilitinike shox 49 - -Faruk Ahmed 49 #,#,# [023] 49 - Total noninterest [005] 49 - INVESTING ACTIVITIES [004] 49 ACTIVITIES Purchases 49 margin teb 49 TOTAL OTHER INCOME 49 - TOTAL ASSETS [015] 49 AND MINORITY INTEREST 49 intangible assets impairment 49 - - Total [015] 49 #,#,# #,#,# TOTAL LIABILITIES [002] 49 BEFORE INCOME TAXES 49 Derivative instrument 49 Redeemable convertible preferred 49 #,# -Glenn Argenbright 49 DEFERRED RENT 49 Foreclosed Assets 49 -Health Care DMHC 49 OTHER EXPENSE 49 - Total liabilities [019] 49 CURRENT LIABILITIES Short 49 HELOCs 49 cash inflow outflow 49 - #,#,# #,#,# [003] 49 #,#,# -Somawansa Amarasinghe 49 - - Total [053] 49 Ambac insures 49 Non accrual 49 -Mandy Nightingale 49 Shareholders Equity Share 49 - Financing Activities [001] 49 TOTAL INTEREST INCOME 49 #,#,# #,#,# - [004] 49 Average Balances Assets 49 - Total liabilities [014] 49 INTEREST EXPENSE DEPOSITS 49 Impaired loans 49 #,#,# Total [002] 49 = Net [012] 49 Note Payable 49 noncovered loans 49 Write downs 49 - - [112] 49 Biolevier loan 49 - - Total [051] 49 distressed subprime mortgages 49 - EBITDA [003] 49 - Total Liabilities [013] 49 #,#,# Total [003] 49 Noncurrent Liabilities 49 #,#,# Loans receivable [002] 49 = Liabilities [013] 49 #,#,# #,#,# - [013] 49 - Total Liabilities [022] 49 Capital Lease Obligations 49 undernoted items 49 LONG TERM LIABILITIES 49 noncash intangible 49 - -secretary VK Duggal 49 undepreciated 49 noncovered 49 -FDLR rebels 49 MINORITY INTEREST 49 FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Net 49 income teb 49 - Total Liabilities [020] 49 -NM Sequeira 49 - Net [005] 49 - Loss [005] 49 Current Maturities 49 Commitments Stockholders equity 49 - - [043] 49 Nonperforming assets consist 49 From Financing Activities 48 #,#,#,# [010] 48 - InFree Documentation License 48 -verbatim transcripts 48 OTHER NON CURRENT ASSETS 48 - - Total [068] 48 - Income [017] 48 noninterest expense partially offset 48 - - [087] 48 - Stockholders equity [005] 48 - Total Liabilities [006] 48 Liabilities Current liabilities 48 Mortgages receivable 48 #,# -BOB SANSEVERE 48 INCREASE IN CASH AND 48 Currency fluctuation 48 - - Non GAAP [001] 48 - - Net [053] 48 - - Total [002] 48 severance accruals 48 Financing Activities Borrowings 48 Long Term Liabilities 48 liabilities Current maturities 48 - - Net [007] 48 CURRENT LIABILITIES Current 48 debt extinguishments 48 - Adjusted [001] 48 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 48 prepayment speeds loan originations 48 mortgages ARMs 48 Loans Receivable 48 DEFERRED INCOME TAXES 48 -Tioman 48 #,#,# #,#,# Provision [001] 48 Non accruing 48 - Loss [011] 48 b Excludes 48 FRMs 48 COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES SHAREHOLDERS 48 -Josephine Marcotty 48 Interest accrues 48 Total Capitalization 48 - - Nforecaddie 48 http:/ 48 TOTAL LIABILITIES 48 #,#,# - Total [007] 48 #,#,# = Liabilities [006] 48 FHLB borrowings 48 CMHC insured mortgages 48 Nonrecourse 48 - - Net [023] 48 HECM reverse 48 FINANCING ACTIVITIES Borrowings 48 - - [074] 48 Noncurrent liabilities Long 48 redeemable preferred stock 48 -Nahal Toosi Zahar 48 EQUITY - CurrenPARTNER PROGRAM 48 INCOME TAX EXPENSE 48 - ADLs 48 Noncash 48 - - Total [040] 48 INCOME BEFORE TAXES 48 -WayForward Technologies 48 Cumulative translation adjustment 48 Renegotiated Loans 48 Total Liabilities #,#,# #,#,# [001] 48 #,#,#,#,# [010] 48 Mezzanine Loans 48 Lease inducements 48 Other noncurrent assets 48 LOANS HELD FOR SALE 48 banker acceptances 48 Interest Earning Assets 48 = Current liabilities [004] 48 prepaids 48 - Total InteresGrowden Memorial 48 Redeemable preferred 48 - - Net [021] 48 -#,# -#,# [003] 48 Total noninterest expenses 48 - Total Liabilities [009] 48 FHLB advances decreased 48 #,# = Liabilities [006] 48 LibertyBank Acquisition 48 Financing Activities Principal 48 - NET CASH [002] 48 #,# -Abdullah Hamoud 48 Goodwill impairment charge 48 liabil ities 48 ACTIVITIES Issuance 48 - - Total [054] 48 FINANCING ACTIVITIES Repayments 48 securing MFA MBS 48 #,#,# #,#,# Accounts payable 48 TRUPs 48 Junior subordinated deferrable 48 Subordinated Debentures 48 - #,#,# #,#,# [006] 48 = Liabilities [008] 48 d Represents 48 - Commitments [012] 48 IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES 48 uncollectable receivables 48 Subordinated indebtedness 48 -PROCTOR Water 48 - - Total [045] 48 Reported Unaudited Condensed 48 NET DECREASE IN 48 Interest Income Expense 48 nonoperating expense 48 - - Total [007] 48 - Non GAAP [009] 48 liabilities #,#,# #,#,# [002] 48 - Loss [026] 48 -Aquila al Hashimi 48 - Income [023] 48 Acquired Intangibles 48 mandatorily redeemable preferred 48 - Total liabiliCorumba 48 #,#.# #,#.# #,#.# [002] 48 - INCOME LOEducation HMIe 48 ACTIVITIES Principal 48 - -seemingly unquenchable 48 - - Income [021] 48 - - Total [064] 48 - Aijaz Hussain 48 Refinanced 48 Acquired Intangible Assets 48 OTHER LONG TERM 48 - TOTAL ASSETS [006] 48 Installment Loans 48 - - [030] 47 Zayat Stables defaulted 47 Nonoperating income 47 RECEIVABLES 47 nonaccruals 47 - - [045] 47 interest entity VIE 47 - LONG TERM [006] 47 - Operating [028] 47 Unearned revenue 47 recourse indebtedness 47 = Average [015] 47 - Adjusted EBITDA [006] 47 NET INTEREST INCOME AFTER 47 Total Noninterest Expense 47 principal paydowns 47 - - [085] 47 LONG TERM ASSETS 47 - Loss [017] 47 #,#,# #,#,# -IBS C 47 Total Liabilities #,#,# 47 - - Net [040] 47 #,#,# #,#,# Deferred [003] 47 #,#,# [031] 47 - Total assets [005] 47 Unearned premium 47 securitized accounts receivable 47 Noncash investing 47 OTHER LIABILITIES Long 47 BANK OF ISRAEL 47 current liabilities #,#,# 47 repossessed assets 47 - Total Liabilities [025] 47 minute Elderberry Facial 47 CASH INVESTING AND 47 - -Kondhwa 47 FHA insured loan 47 - - Net [042] 47 mortgagers 47 NET INCREASE DECREASE IN 47 #,#,# Deferred [001] 47 LTV ratios 47 Financing Activities Increase 47 Assumed provision 47 - - IncoLawrence Schiffman 47 - - Income [016] 47 Financing Activities Net 47 Restricted Cash 47 -reaped windfall 47 current liabilities# [001] 47 OTHER EXPENSE Interest expense 47 Current Liabilities Current 47 - TOTAL [022] 47 CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING 47 Subordinated debt 47 callable CDs 47 Addback Depreciation 47 Accounts payable #,#.# #,#.# 47 FICOs 47 Notes Receivable 47 MINORITY INTEREST IN 47 -#,#.# -#,#.# 47 term borrowings FHLB 47 -FreeAgent Pro 47 Derivative instruments 47 uncollectible debts 47 #,#,# #,#,# Total [002] 47 - TOTAL LIABILITIES [002] 47 LIABILITIES Current 47 - Total Assets [005] 47 -#,# -#,# -#,# -#,# [003] 47 Noncurrent deferred 47 - CASH FLOWS [014] 47 - Total Liabilities [018] 47 = Adjusted [010] 47 -# -# -#,# 47 unconsolidated affiliate 47 #,#,#,#,# [007] 47 non cancelable lease 47 -RiverRats 47 USED IN FINANCING ACTIVITIES 47 DECREASE IN CASH AND 47 collaterised debt obligations 47 Assets #,#,# #,#,# 47 swingline loans 47 OREO valuation 47 - Total Liabilities [003] 47 PIK toggle 47 - - Net [016] 47 uncollectible accounts receivable 47 - - Non arachnophobes 47 Loans #,#,# #,#,# [001] 47 Deferred Credits 47 Unsecured loans 47 Excludes amortization 47 - - Net [028] 47 Unfunded pension 47 - Gross Margin [001] 47 - Financing Activities [002] 47 Restructured Loans 47 MBS AFS increased 47 INTEREST EXPENSE Interest 47 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Current 47 noncurrent liabilities 47 Alcott Routon intangible assets 47 OBLIGATIONS UNDER CAPITAL LEASES 47 - Total liabilities [010] 47 Total nonperforming assets 47 Current liabilities Borrowings 47 Loans Held 47 #,#,# #,#,# Repayment [001] 47 Leverage ratios 47 DEFERRED TAX LIABILITY 47 - Non GAAP [023] 47 Convertible debentures 47 -BKD Technologies 47 - - Income [020] 47 #,#,# #,#,# TOTAL LIABILITIES [001] 47 #,# = Liabilities [001] 47 - Earnings [002] 47 Accretion expense 47 Interest expense decreased 47 swaps 2s #.#bps 47 liabilities #,#.# #,#.# [001] 47 - AdjusETON 47 Amended Facility 47 -ranolazine extended release 47 Securities Taxable 47 unconsolidated subsidiaries 47 - Interest expense 47 - - [092] 47 Repeat violators 47 uncollateralized 47 - Total Liabilities [002] 47 margin FTE 47 Total Nonperforming Assets 47 - Loss [013] 47 nonmortgage 47 -TUMS 47 - CASH FLOWS [009] 47 #,# - TOTAL [001] 47 - Loss [019] 47 Depreciations 47 INCOME TAX PROVISION 47 - - Net [004] 47 #,#,# - Total [008] 47 REQUIREMENTS FOR INDIVIDUALS Individuals 47 Funded Debt 47 Contingencies Shareholders equity 47 #,#,# #,#,# Borrowings 47 NET CASH USED IN 47 #,#,# = LIABILITIES [009] 47 junior subordinated deferrable 47 -READFIELD Maine 47 - Total assets [003] 47 Exchangeable Senior 47 Noninterest Earning Assets 47 intangible asset impairments 47 Postretirement benefit 47 - - Total [032] 47 #,#,# #,#,# Provision [002] 47 EQUITY Current 47 - - Net [034] 47 Deductions depreciation 47 jumbo ARMs 47 OREO write downs 47 - - Net [012] 47 FINANCING ACTIVITIES Issuance 47 INTEREST INCOME 47 - - Net [041] 47 Senior Secured Debt 47 Deferred Income Taxes 47 HECMs 46 Goodwill Impairment 46 adjustables 46 Renegotiated loans 46 Short Term Borrowings 46 Banker Acceptances 46 HAMP modification 46 #,#,# #,#,# Accrued expenses [002] 46 Balboa Reinsurance 46 Realised gains 46 # - -Huddinge 46 - - Total [059] 46 Net Gains Losses 46 unamortised 46 cardholder elects 46 -#,# -# 46 Repayment 46 Accounts payable accrued liabilities 46 #,#,# #,#,# - Totalholder Paul Tergat 46 OPERATING LOSS INCOME 46 - Total noninterest [003] 46 USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES 46 - - Total [025] 46 Accrued expenses #,#,# #,#,# 46 demand obligations VRDOs 46 - - Nesignandsight newsletter 46 - - Income [029] 46 - -Sumi é Art 46 - Loss [021] 46 CASH PROVIDED BY 46 Timberland disposals net 46 FINANCING ACTIVITIES Repayment 46 trust preferreds 46 - Income [002] 46 - - Total [021] 46 - Net [003] 46 undisbursed portion 46 junior subordinated debentures 46 - -Grabarkiewicz 46 -# -# -1 46 - CASH FLOWS FROM [004] 46 TOTAL EQUITY AND 46 - TOTAL LIABILITIES [001] 46 FHLB Borrowings 46 CASH FLOWS FINANCING ACTIVITIES 46 FINANCING ACTIVITIES Proceeds 46 Financing Activities Payment 46 #,#,# #,#,# -PWM generators 46 Collateralized mortgage 46 - Total liabilitiesDouglas Sughrue 46 Capitalized software 46 - - Net [033] 46 SHAREHOLDE RS EQUITY 46 d Reflects 46 - TOTAL [001] 46 #,#,# #,#,# - Total [005] 46 Tangible Equity 46 Self cert 46 borrower defaulted 46 Junior subordinated debentures 46 - NeDEFENDERS 46 - - Total [042] 46 #,#,#,# [014] 46 Assumed conversion 46 Tenant receivables 46 Annualized PCL 46 introductory teaser 46 mandatorily redeemable 46 Inventory obsolescence 46 Interest Expense Interest expense 46 payable noncurrent 46 ACTIVITIES Repayment 46 - - Net [015] 46 - - [070] 46 insured depositories 46 prepayment 46 Decrease Increase 46 #,# Total 46 - #,#,# #,#,# [002] 46 MSR hedging 46 outflow inflow 46 - - Total [058] 46 unconsolidated investee 46 INCOME TAX EXPENSE BENEFIT 46 - INCOME LOSS [006] 46 - Loss [020] 46 nondeductible portion 46 #,#,# Premises 46 -Boerne ISD 46 - Loss [024] 46 - Total Current LiabilitiesJon Scheyer Kyle Singler 46 - Income [033] 46 - Non GAAP [019] 46 #,#,# #,#,# #,#,# #,#,# [001] 46 CMBS mezzanine 46 #,# -ANDREW J. FERRARO 46 - - Total [070] 46 unsubsidized Stafford loan 46 INTEREST EXPENSE 46 Accounts receivables 46 defeasing 46 - Adjusted [006] 46 TOTAL LONG TERM 46 - INCOME FROM [002] 46 undrawn revolver 46 Accounts payable #,#,# #,#,# 46 Intangibles net 46 Loan servicers 46 -Sibusisiwe 46 Accrued Expenses 46 - Total Assets [014] 46 AND FINANCING ACTIVITIES 46 Adjustable Rate Mortgage 46 - Commitments [006] 46 OTHER INCOME Gain 46 Restructuring asset impairments 46 - Operating [008] 46 Less Accumulated depreciation 46 - Loss [034] 46 - - Net [056] 46 Realized Gains Losses 46 Accrued warranty 46 Summary Box Fixed 46 HELOC 46 OTHER LIABILITIES 46 #,#,# SUPPLEMENTAL DISCLOSURE [001] 46 - Net [028] 46 Variable Interest Rate 46 FHLMC preferred stock 46 - CASH FLOWS FROM [003] 46 Borrowed funds 46 QSPEs 46 -Vasilakis 46 Issuances 46 NET CASH PROVIDED BY 46 - Total assets [004] 46 Payday loans 46 HOA dues 46 Subordinated notes 46 - Loss [009] 46 Roth IRA withdrawals 46 Loans #,#,# #,#,# [002] 46 -AccessLine brand 46 INCOME LOSS FROM CONTINUING 46 - Non GAAP [015] 46 - - Net [026] 46 Refinance Your 46 Charge offs 46 assumable 46 #,#,# #,#,# - Total [002] 46 conforming jumbo 46 minimums FDIC insured 46 PITI 46 sublimit 46 CCJ IVA 46 hedge ineffectiveness 46 Senior Unsecured Term 46 unrealized derivative gain 46 addback 46 INTEREST EXPENSE Deposits 46 Covered Loans 46 Deducting 46 Loan servicing 46 Abandonments 46 #,#,# LONG TERM 46 - - Total [005] 46 EFFECT OF EXCHANGE RATE 46 Depreciation Depletion 46 RRSP contribution room 46 securitized cardmember loans 46 nonprime mortgages 46 -Itano 46 -demystification 46 Receivables Held 46 Loans Excludes 45 SEVERANCE PAY FUND 45 nonaccrual loan 45 AVERAGE BALANCES Loans 45 AND STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY CURRENT 45 Unrealized derivative loss 45 - Total Current Liabilities [005] 45 b Reflects 45 Current Portion 45 Expense Income 45 SUPPLEMENTAL CASH FLOW INFORMATION 45 collaterised 45 lease obligations 45 Compensation Expenses 45 OTHER ASSETS Deferred 45 Ps.7 45 - - Net [037] 45 - - Net [045] 45 Distributions payable 45 - Total Current Liabilities [008] 45 - Total Assets [009] 45 CURRENT LIABILITIES 45 Noninterest expense decreased 45 - Loss [004] 45 AP IMPACT Bypassing 45 ASSET QUALITY RATIOS Nonperforming 45 - Adjusted [009] 45 unabsorbed fixed 45 - Net [013] 45 freeze introductory teaser 45 -Pechauer 45 INCOME LOSS FROM OPERATIONS 45 Securitized 45 - Adjusted [025] 45 Xceed Mortgage Trust 45 - Stockholders Equity [005] 45 - - Total [010] 45 b Relates 45 Predatory lending 45 Option ARMs 45 #,#,# #,#,# Interest expense 45 Nonperforming loans totaled 45 reclass 45 -Boorowa 45 - - Tperimetry 45 AND EQUITY Current 45 TOTAL RECOVERIES 45 CMHC insured 45 Total noncurrent liabilities 45 Preferred OP Units 45 mortgages 45 - - Total [006] 45 #,#.# #,#.# - Total [004] 45 #,#,# #,#,# Intangible assets [002] 45 = LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS [006] 45 - CASH FLOWS [011] 45 Interest Expense Deposits 45 - Gross [025] 45 FIXED ASSETS NET 45 Total Nonperforming Loans 45 cramdowns 45 excluding unrealized gains 45 NSF OD 45 ratio LVR 45 Adjustable Rate Mortgages ARMs 45 b Represents 45 - Non GAAP [002] 45 accrued liabilities #,#.# #,#.# 45 unamortized premiums 45 - #,#,# #,#,# [004] 45 Reinsurance recoverable 45 #,# [022] 45 Depreciation -#.# -#.# 45 - Loss [022] 45 FGIC insured 45 Cumulated Translation Adjustment 45 - Total assets [001] 45 - Income [031] 45 net chargeoffs 45 defeased loans 45 #,#,#,#,# [004] 45 Convertible Debt 45 Annual Percentage 45 - Adjusted EBITDA [003] 45 #,#,# #,#,# OTHER ASSETS [001] 45 charging usurious 45 = LIABILITIES AND SHAREAbu Ubaidah al Masri 45 - TOTAL ASSETS [014] 45 Refund anticipation 45 - Shareholders Equity [001] 45 ACTIVITIES Net borrowings 45 - Adjusted EBITDA [001] 45 -By ANTHONY WITRADO 45 - Adjusted [022] 45 LIABILITIES Current maturities 45 - CASH FLOWS [013] 45 -regenerative medicine bioprocessing 45 Visa indemnification 45 - CASH FLOWS [005] 45 Derivative liabilities 45 #,#,# Deferred [002] 45 - Total Assets [007] 45 -ABGL 45 subprime mortages 45 - - Net [014] 45 mort gages 45 Brokerage commissions 45 OTHER INCOME 45 #,# -SYLACAUGA Ala. 45 -#kHz 45 - -Labyer 45 - Total Assets [013] 45 Financing Costs 45 CREDIT QUALITY RATIOS Allowance 45 - - Income [012] 45 Noninterest Expense 45 Subordinated debentures 45 reissuances 45 Mandatorily Redeemable Preferred Stock 45 Premiums Earned 45 #,#,#,# [016] 45 = LIABILITIES AND 45 - CASH FLOWS [006] 45 Based Compensation Expense 45 Securitized loans 45 - - Income [007] 45 - #,#,# #,#,#Mario Ancic Croatia 45 #,# -inch #:# widescreen 45 Revolving credit 45 Goodwill impairment - [003] 45 CCC/RR4 45 Accrued Liabilities 45 #,#,# #,#,# - [003] 45 nonfarm nonresidential 45 nonconsolidated affiliate 45 -# -#,# 45 collateralizing 45 Incremental Term 45 Trade accounts receivable 45 #,#,# #,#,# Shareholders Equity [001] 45 balance UPB 45 #,#,# #,#,# Inventory 45 - Non GAAP [021] 45 - Loss [032] 45 Goodwill impairment - [002] 45 TOTAL COSTS AND EXPENSES