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(Click for frequent words.) 74 Swift Boat Vets 70 Swifties 70 Swift Boat veterans 68 Swift Boat ads 65 Swift Boaters 65 Swift Boat Veterans 63 Swift Vets 62 Swift Boat 61 Swiftboaters 60 Swift Boat vets 56 outright untruths 55 Swift Boats 55 Swiftboat 55 blatant falsehoods 55 Moveon 55 Swift Boat Liars 55 Swiftees 55 54 Swiftboat Veterans 54 swiftboating 54 chairman Marc Racicot 54 MoveOn 53 swiftboated 53 VoteVets 53 VRWC 53 52 52 Swift Boating 52 Swift Boated 52 MediaMatters 52 outright falsehood 51 anonymously sourced 51 nonpartisan 51 nonpartisan 51 51 Swiftboating 51 demonstrably false 51 Crossroads GPS 50 truther movement 50 Stolen Honor 50 deliberate disinformation 50 spokeswoman Nicolle Devenish 50 swift boated 50 provably false 50 complicit enablers 50 MoveOn.Org 50 possessed WMDs 50 factually erroneous 49 Move 49 NARAL 49 strawman arguments 49 spokesman Jeff Grappone 49 factless 49 MMFA 49 Voter Fund 49 Colin Van Ostern 49 Drive Bys 49 Swift boated 49 PFAW 49 shifting rationales 49 serial exaggerator 49 Veterans Speak Out 49 disengenuous 49 49 Kerry 49 Petraeus Betray Us 48 Factcheck 48 distortions misrepresentations 48 NFPRHA 48 NSA wiretaps 48 48 factually untrue 48 Common Sense Issues 48 Betray Us ad 48 MoveOn PAC 48 Hannity Limbaugh 48 Chad Clanton 48 outlandish conspiracy theories 48 adviser Tad Devine 48 misinformation innuendo 48 48 Ed Patru spokesman 48 spokesman Jonathon Dworkin 48 Larry Thurlow 48 NRLC 48 Journolist 48 unsubstantiated innuendo 48 Rathergate 48 47 liberal 47 superficial plausibility 47 Kerryâ € ™ 47 swiftboat 47 revealing Plame identity 47 outright fabrications 47 Congresswoman Harman 47 seasoned debater 47 Sestak Romanoff 47 Blumenthal misstatements 47 Cleland patriotism 47 General Betray 47 Commonsense Ten 47 nutroots 47 defeatist rhetoric 47 Bushies 47 Jano Cabrera 47 spokesman Anson Kaye 46 Rove 46 Loscocco defection 46 adviser Howard Wolfson 46 consultant Mandy Grunwald 46 betray confidences 46 inconsistently applied rule 46 Birther movement 46 Patru 46 46 Operation Fortunate Son 46 Drudge 46 Atlantic Marc Ambinder 46 WHIG 46 McSame 46 Patriot Majority 46 Tracey Schmitt spokeswoman 46 Democratic Senatorial Campaign 46 birther nonsense 46 McCain 46 deliberate falsehood 46 Mister Bailout 46 RNCC 46 Jason Thielman 46 JournoList 46 MoveOn ad 46 RSLC 46 DNC 46 perpetuating falsehoods 46 Trump birther 46 VVAW 46 Tricia Enright 46 manager Keith Gilkes 46 Jesse MacBeth 46 truths distortions 46 Mell retracted 46 Joe Trippi Dean 46 Anson Kaye 46 Clintonistas 46 Kristian Denny 46 baldfaced lies 45 OpenSecrets Blog 45 Mccain 45 Civil Rights Initiative 45 Jennifer Coxe 45 factual misrepresentations 45 VANDEHEI 45 strategist Tad Devine 45 Porkbusters 45 downright deceitful 45 Bittergate 45 unfactual 45 Media Matters 45 Gannon Guckert 45 Pastor Jeremiah Wright 45 mmfa 45 AGW hypothesis 45 Pastor Hagee views 45 Political 45 WRTL 45 distortions exaggerations 45 Matzzie 45 Ari Rabin Havt 45 Begala 45 Romney Mormonism 45 Damien LaVera spokesman 45 ACVR 45 spokesman Ed Patru 45 Ms. MonCrief 45 NRCC 45 Cillizza 45 McCainiacs 45 45 Republican Senatorial Campaign 45 Daioleslam 45 overpromise relief 45 misstate facts 45 Hari Sevugan 45 alarmist rhetoric 45 manager Nick Baldick 45 Nader Camejo 45 TPMDC 45 Karl Rove 45 liberally biased 45 aide Harold Ickes 45 easily refutable 45 45 hysterical rantings 45 falsities 45 false equivalence 45 spokesman Jano Cabrera 45 lib dem soc commies 45 blatant distortion 45 spokesman Carl Forti 45 NSA intercepts 45 Clintons 44 Bill O'reilly 44 War VVAW 44 ProtectMarriage 44 Carl Forti 44 Craig Varoga 44 operative Karl Rove 44 Cullen Sheehan 44 conclusory statements 44 Iran Contra Affair 44 spokesperson Kalee Kreider 44 factcheck 44 Bronze Star citation 44 44 dirty tricksters 44 WomenCount 44 Robb Silberman Commission 44 JobsPAC 44 Jeff Sadosky 44 Cilizza 44 spokeswoman Marion Steinfels 44 Aravosis 44 National Rifle Assn 44 Bob Shrum 44 Uncounted Enemy 44 adviser Bob Shrum 44 Rethink Reform 44 Aqua Buddha ad 44 Niger yellowcake 44 blatantly false 44 Jay Reiff 44 shameless fear mongering 44 Faux Noise 44 TPMMuckraker 44 Adwatch McCain 44 Nancy Pfotenhauer adviser 44 slate mailers 44 hysterical diatribe 44 BIAW 44 Tucker Bounds 44 Kyl Lieberman 44 Vicki Iseman 44 Wendy Morigi 44 SOTU speech 44 dishonest smears 44 blatant falsehood 44 tinfoil hat brigade 44 dishonorable underhand 44 Rathergate scandal 44 Snide remarks 44 TruthPAC 44 misstatements 44 spokesman Howard Wolfson 44 RNC 44 Republican Senatorial Committee 44 McCain Feingold 44 thoroughly debunked 44 Clintonista 44 uncritically repeated 44 Obamacans 44 CRNC 44 IRS Zashin says 44 wholly unsubstantiated 44 artfully worded 44 Americablog 44 Chalabi INC 44 Aipac 44 DCCC 44 Dan Gerstein 44 Nader candidacy 44 Brietbart 44 Jeff Giertz 44 FrumForum 44 tepid Heft 44 MoCRI 43 Justin Raimondo 43 racially tinged subtext 43 Billary 43 Moulitsas 43 advisor Karl Rove 43 factual assertions 43 pardon Scooter Libby 43 43 Zig Zag Zell 43 Howard Wolfson 43 43 automated robo 43 denounce Geffen 43 Clintonites 43 Hopefund 43 lobby AIPAC 43 Howie Kurtz 43 leaking Plame identity 43 ALIPAC 43 leaking Plame 43 Mrs. Pirro 43 smears 43 Nicolle Devenish 43 Rudy McRomney 43 ads 43 Nathan Sproul 43 Jill Hazelbaker 43 assertions 43 UFPJ 43 gross exaggerations 43 uncritical cheerleader 43 Republicrats 43 CIA briefers 43 MCain 43 Olberman 43 Non Interventionist 43 netroots 43 MMfA 43 scurrilous smear 43 43 Moderator Bob Schieffer 43 Abu Naba'a 43 Bushite regime 43 Rich Noyes 43 aide Wendy Morigi 43 CRU emails 43 DailyKos 43 43 Blinding ignorance does 43 Mark Graul 43 ActBlue 43 HuckPAC 43 Al Qeada 43 scurrilous 43 journalistic malfeasance 43 Truth Squad 43 43 43 serial flip flopper 43 Moveon.Org 43 historian Robert Dallek 43 vastly overstates 43 deliberate obfuscation 43 Karl Rove playbook 43 inartfully worded 43 thimerosal autism 43 Obambi 43 blatantly biased 43 patently false 43 Heidi Frederickson 43 43 Congressman Hayworth 43 impeachable crimes 43 lawyer Lanny Breuer 43 Chris LaCivita 43 Keith Appell 43 Miklaszewski 43 syndicated columnist Arianna Huffington 43 Andrea Saul 43 Defeatocrats 43 neoconservatives 43 conspiracy mongering 43 unsubstantiated assertions 43 adviser Darrin Schmitz 43 Plame leak 43 misinformation disinformation 43 Disclose Act 43 43 featuring Ashley Argota 42 Tad Devine 42 Reverend Wright 42 truth squadding 42 Civic 42 Robb Silberman commission 42 Ms. Toensing 42 Ms. Plame identity 42 Crossroads Grassroots Policy 42 Bushevik 42 falsehoods 42 truthy 42 Congressman Tancredo 42 nonfactual 42 DSCC 42 Congresswoman Shea Porter 42 possessed WMD 42 surrogates 42 fallacious arguments 42 spokeswoman Adrienne Elrod 42 Nicolle Wallace 42 Dailykos 42 Nazi appeasers 42 Liasson 42 42 journalistic malpractice 42 global warming denier 42 ManCrunch 42 Kucinch 42 spurious accusation 42 Redstate 42 Tom Matzzie Washington 42 SpeechNow 42 42 seeing pluses minuses 42 Medialens 42 WMD dossier 42 adviser Joe Trippi 42 Hanoi Jane Fonda 42 Tom Josefiak 42 Jed Lewison 42 global warming alarmism 42 Palinites 42 OLC memos 42 chickenhawks 42 SCRG 42 Ryan Rudominer spokesman 42 demonstrably untrue 42 Killian memos 42 robocalls 42 Max Cleland 42 Jonathan Collegio spokesman 42 FEC 42 Valerie Plame leak 42 strategist Geoff Garin 42 appeasing dictators 42 smear campaigns 42 Ayers reprized 42 MRFF 42 Swiftboat ads 42 HillPAC 42 McCarson Democrat 42 insufficiently patriotic 42 Patterico 42 acknowledged behaving inappropriately 42 easily disprovable 42 Neo Cons 42 slanderous accusations 42 spokesman Ryan Rudominer 42 spokesman Rich Chrismer 42 libels 42 adviser Greg Strimple 42 Salon Glenn Greenwald 42 Gutierrez Aguon 42 Eli Pariser executive 42 Dezenhall 42 ReformSC 42 Atsushi Ishii 42 categorical denials 42 NJDC 42 delegitimizing Israel 42 deliberate misrepresentation 42 John Hlinko 42 appeasing terrorists 42 flatly untrue 42 Sara Sendek 42 SourceWatch 42 SarahPac 42 Nail al Jubeir 42 Ed Patru 42 Forgy Kerr 42 warrantless wiretap 42 Isikoff 42 42 lobbyist Bilbray 42 ad 42 disinformation 42 Gail Gitcho 42 Mc Cain 42 disclosing Plame identity 42 innaccurate 42 Command Swift Boat 42 disinfo 42 Gen. Patraeus 42 baseless allegation 42 spokesman Jeff Sadosky 42 Mr Bonighton 42 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act 42 Drudge Report 42 OBama 42 Viveca Novak 42 Brad Woodhouse 42 specious arguments 42 scurrilous allegations 42 Memogate 42 dailykos 42 Grants Conferences 42 John Aravosis 42 Paduchik 42 spokeswoman Jennifer Crider 42 Senatorial Committee 42 misquotes 42 antiwar movement 42 Taras Chornovyl Yanukovych 42 mal intent 42 solicitations spamming 42 repealing DADT 42 42 manager Joe Trippi 42 baldfaced lie 42 Cheney 42 Politico 42 Obamabots 42 uncommitteds 42 Von Spakovsky 42 prochoice 42 Eric Boehlert 42 Leakgate 42 Matt Drudge 42 blatant misrepresentations 42 Congressional Campaign 42 TRMPAC 42 baseless propaganda 42 Tea Party adherents 42 Maistelman 42 Rehnquist hospitalization 42 Judith DeSarno 42 Nicolle Devenish communications 42 warhawks 42 SMCLC 42 BigGovernment 42 blatantly untrue 42 Dirty tricks 42 spokesman Dan Conston 42 Tom Matzzie 41 blatant untruths 41 Sarah Pompei 41 felon Jack Abramoff 41 Bushites 41 NSA spying 41 overblown rhetoric 41 Bob Somerby 41 coalesce evangelicals around 41 veterans 41 TRUTH TEST 41 slate mailer 41 Mr. Pilchesky 41 BAIPA 41 Lashkar Abdullah Ghaznavi 41 WMD stockpiles 41 Coleen Rowley 41 Walt Mearsheimer 41 Daily Howler 41 ROVE Well 41 ClimateGate 41 41 Prosser Kloppenburg 41 Rather Osnos 41 Lenny Alcivar 41 ARMPAC 41 Sy Hersh 41 factual contentions 41 wishy washy mealy mouthed 41 Edwards DN.C. 41 Chinagate scandal 41 Ken Mehlman 41 kook fringe 41 scurrilous accusation 41 Note 41 Politifact 41 41 noncandidate 41 birther conspiracy 41 NCPPR 41 McCarthyist 41 Green Beret Jim Rassmann 41 thinly sourced 41 false equivalencies 41 spoken contritely 41 Tony Blankley 41 Rospars 41 Political Moneyline 41 Súmate 41 scurrilously 41 McCainiac 41 Guetzloe 41 sock puppetry 41 spokeswoman Nachama Soloveichik 41 HillPac 41 spokeswoman Karen Hanretty 41 factually incorrect 41 outrageous falsehoods 41 ImpeachPAC 41 By Gale Courey 41 sensationalistic journalism 41 Obama disowns critique 41 Pastor Hagee 41 AmericaBlog 41 Kalee Kreider 41 41 Operation Chaos 41 disingenious 41 NIPCC 41 blogger Erick Erickson 41 blog McCain Blogette 41 Haditha Massacre 41 Sec Def 41 Haditha massacre 41 NCGOP 41 Bill Sammon 41 NGO Monitor 41 Filegate 41 mendacities 41 flim flammed 41 non existent WMDs 41 prowar 41 Wiki leaks 41 Foncello 41 manager Justin Brasell 41 Religious Right 41 Continetti 41 global warming deniers 41 VoteSmart 41 41 acted hypocritically 41 Mickum 41 grossly misquoted 41 McBush 41 smear tactics 41 Howard Kurtz 41 Nader Camejo ticket 41 untruths 41 AE#Truth 41 CPAC straw poll 41 Terry McCauliffe 41 bimbo eruption 41 RNC Chair 41 neocons 41 blatantly dishonest 41 spokeswoman Tricia Enright 41 NeoCons 41 Plamegate 41 RGA 41 macaca moment 41 Congressman Hoekstra 41 exaggerations 41 factually accurate 41 spokeswoman Christy Setzer 41 privatizing Social Security 41 Repuglicans 41 Gary Schneeberger 41 harshest interrogation techniques 41 THE FACTS Biden 41 Politco 41 Gloriagate tapes 41 Liz Dupont Diehl 41 spokesman Kevin Kellems 41 NSA warrantless wiretapping 41 warrantless wiretap program 41 Karl Rovian 41 David Freddoso 41 41 vilifications 41 Hagee endorsement 41 Sununu 41 LIASSON 41 flip floppery 41 41 NRSC 41 Cleta Mitchell 41 WMDs 41 Plame cause celebre 41 spinmeisters 41 Romney Taxachusetts 41 41 unilateral preemptive 41 TargetPoint 41 Holtzman Vogel 41 litigiously denied 41 Mitt Romney Mormonism 41 Telemarketing Associates 41 good conniving betraying 41 orchestrated smear 41 warrantless electronic 41 Florida4Marriage 41 Pinocchios 41 Mearsheimer Walt 40 suborned perjury 40 Donna Brazile Gore 40 dirty trickster 40 slanderous libelous 40 MCCLELLAN Well 40 Congressman Murtha 40 spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt 40 40 NSWBC 40 Mike Biundo 40 Americans Against Escalation 40 James Fisfis 40 Rovian 40 Ben Brandzel 40 voter caging 40 Santorum 40 supporter Geraldine Ferraro 40 mistruths 40 Leveretts 40 FMNN 40 Borchgrave 40 MonCrief 40 Substantively 40 Rodell Mollineau 40 violated journalistic ethics 40 Sridhar Pappu 40 adviser Rahm Emmanuel 40 Nick Hemond 40 wholly untrue 40 Dick Blumenthal 40 Kristol 40 flip flopping opportunist 40 40 FOXNews 40 interrogation memos 40 Robb Silberman 40 Al Quada 40 Huck PAC 40 Peter Daou 40 Plame contends 40 Karmeier 40 downright falsehoods 40 McBama 40 frivolous Mulrain 40 Al Frankens 40 Bybee Yoo 40 flip flopper 40 EMILY List 40 Melissa Shuffield 40 Columnist Charles Krauthammer 40 General Patraeus 40 disavowed 40 leak Plame identity 40 Courrielche 40 CASMII 40 unsubstantiated hearsay 40 deliberate misrepresentations 40 Howard Dean 40 Reverend Hagee 40 NSA wiretap 40 DOJ OLC 40 hosts Steve Doocy 40 Obamaites 40 misimpressions 40 Rassmann 40 revisionist historians 40 WashTimes 40 Hulburd 40 equivocations 40 JILL COLGAN 40 40 self styled progressives 40 Deep Throats 40 committed impeachable offenses 40 Federal Election 40 General Betrayus 40 Fumento 40 labeled unpatriotic 40 WMDS 40 wing echo chamber 40 slanders 40 patently dishonest 40 Mr. Vinod Gupta 40 misspeaking 40 Smear Machine 40 Progressive Majority 40 Insults abound 40 Mr. Woewiyu 40 Dresner Wickers 40 Mike Slanker 40 Firedoglake Jane Hamsher 40 Lyn Utrecht 40 Powell Doctrine 40 ducking debates 40 Karl Frisch 40 Log Cabin Republicans 40 blogo sphere 40 attorney Cleta Mitchell 40 Karen Hanretty 40 Apologetic BP 40 Minuteman PAC 40 deliberate misinformation 40 NSA warrantless surveillance 40 factual inaccuracy 40 coddling terrorists 40 PNAC 40 warbloggers 40 Deaniacs 40 spokesman Jonathan Collegio 40 Eli Pariser 40 Mcain 40 chickenhawk 40 manipulated prewar intelligence 40 lamestream media 40 Tappening 40 Electability 40 Kathleen Willey 40 credulously 40 COMPAC 40 Mark Halperin 40 Adwatch Clinton 40 FOLKENFLIK 40 convicted felon Jack Abramoff 40 neo cons 40 Van Meteren 40 misrepresentations 40 Bushco 40 disconfirm 40 shameless demagoguery 40 Dupont Diehl 40 Neocons 40 ABC George Stephanopolous 40 Davis Manafort 40 wholly inaccurate 40 Romney 40 misspeak 40 climate alarmism 40 Second Ammendment 40 FONKAR 40 40 Smears 40 birther movement 40 Scott McCellan 40 Dan Ronayne 40 Anne Dunsmore 40 Gary Kreep 40 Tenthers 40 Think Progress 40 Patrick Ruffini 40 SFSOS 40 Bork nomination 40 ColorOfChange 40 Lichtblau 40 laying predicate 40 ad hominems 40 Darrin Schmitz 40 Democratic Senatorial 40 CheneyBush 40 WILLIAM KRISTOL 40 aide Tyler Matsdorf 40 borderline treasonous 40 40 Larisa Alexandrovna 40 Breck Girl 40 Jonathan Collegio 40 renounce Hagee endorsement 40 breathtakingly dishonest 40 neocon cabal 40 Freedomworks 40 categorical denial 40 Bybee memo 40 blogger Arianna Huffington 40 blatantly lied 40 Gen. Merrill McPeak 40 Brandon Thomure 40 Consequence Rove 40 40 Steve Jarding 40 impugning 40 liberal blogger Markos 40 Edmund Muskie Hubert Humphrey 40 untruthful 40 blatantly partisan 40 Tebelius 40 Repower America 40 Ciboski 40 evidence Ikuta 40 Gen. Zinni 40 40 NAFTAgate 40 WMD 40 robo calls 40 AIPAC 40 merely parroting 40 Professor Cronon 40 Koran desecration 40 Kam Kuwata 40 factually deficient 40 MEHLMAN 40 blatant untruth 40 categorically denying 40 40 called Hayworth huckster 40 heresay 40 Islamo fascists 40 strategist Howard Wolfson 40 SCOTT McCLELLAN 40 Niger forgeries 40 disingenuously 40 climategate affair 40 BILL KRISTOL 40 Rose Kapolczynski 40 Judicial Confirmation Network 40 40 flatly contradict 40 Bin Laden Determined 40 misinformation peddled 40 MAPLight 39 bumper sticker slogan 39 warrantless surveillance program 39 lib dem soc commie 39 Falmlen 39 neo conservatives 39 39 Greg Sargent 39 heatedly denied 39 HIllary Clinton 39 Freepers 39 underhanded tactic 39 Marty Meehan D-Mass. 39 uncredible 39 Microsoft Laptop Hunters 39 spokeswoman Debra DeShong 39 Betrayus 39 Lieutenant jg 39 Mr Scrafton 39 GOPs 39 disseminating misinformation 39 Tom Minnery 39 AKPD 39 inartful 39 Krvaric 39 pollers 39 perjurious testimony 39 al Queda 39 Hosenball 39 factually correct 39 McCarthyesque 39 RAGA 39 al Quaeda 39 giving michael jackson 39 battleground states 39 Bob Paduchik 39 Climategate emails 39 Al Quaeda 39 Newsweek Fineman 39 ProgressNow 39 conveniently glossed 39 TerriPAC 39 consultant Sal Russo 39 malicious imputations 39 paleocon 39 Joe Rospars 39 unwarranted inferences 39 Hannity 39 outed covert CIA 39 negatives Howman 39 David Axlerod 39 intentionally misleads 39 anthropogenic global warming 39 Hotline OnCall 39 McLame 39 candidate Deborah Senn 39 deliberate falsehoods 39 strategist Joe Trippi 39 reporter Elisabeth Bumiller 39 TPMmuckraker 39 advisor Randy Scheunemann 39 prolife 39 outed Plame 39 Boxer D Calif 39 Tea Party Movement 39 Roy Teicher 39 Katulis 39 psyop 39 disseminating disinformation 39 Hello Garci tape 39 denounced Farrakhan 39 RoBold 39 memogate 39 LEGAL DISPUTES Bidder agrees 39 spokesman Mo Elleithee 39 Gennifer Flowers 39 Mike Maistelman 39 betraying confidences 39 OLC memo 39 loosely knit conglomerate 39 Ya Libnan LLC 39 Adam Clymer 39 Allen macaca 39 Sergio Gor 39 Jill Bader 39 insults unwarranted 39 Ms. Scozzafava 39 VNRs 39 fellow Arizonan 39 birther controversy 39 rumor innuendo 39 antiwar activism 39 Dick Leggitt 39 Mirengoff 39 NARTH 39 Brock Landers 39 TOOBIN 39 insufficiently forceful 39 Resurgent Republic 39 C3SR 39 Garci tapes 39 Vitter 39 image reads 39 Melissa Mulliken 39 ACLJ amicus brief 39 blatantly misrepresented 39 Cliff Kincaid 39 Fred Wertheimer 39 Scurrilous 39 General Betray Us 39 warrantless wiretaps

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