T Tauri

Related by string. * Ting . TER . TS . TD . TED . Ts . T. . ting . ter . Ted . ts . ted . Ter . td . Td . www.t . t . TING : t o . g t gold . g t Ag . & T . T shirt blue jeans . g t silver . Ted Kennedy D-Mass. . Booker T. Washington . starter Ted Lilly . Pe ter . don ` t . T U verse . T. Rowe Price . -0 * T . g t Au . Booker T . T shirts bumper stickers / Tauris . Taurid : Tauri Sb . Taurid meteor shower . IB Tauris . Tauri Group . Tauri * *

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(Click for frequent words.) 63 eclipsing binary 61 R Coronae Borealis 61 Milky Way halo 60 J# +# [002] 60 supermassive 59 Scorpii 58 Carinae 58 Camelopardalis 57 Rosette Nebula 57 metallicity 57 Eridani 57 exoplanet orbiting 57 nebular 57 Globular Cluster 56 starburst galaxy 56 protostars 56 globular cluster 56 Pluto Charon 55 Andromeda halo 55 circumstellar disks 55 protostar 55 luminosities 55 RR Lyrae 55 Ophiuchi 55 asteroseismology 55 circumstellar disk 55 nucleosynthesis 55 globular cluster M# 55 Carina Nebula 55 Cepheid variable 54 Beta Pictoris 54 cluster NGC 54 Epsilon Indi 54 elliptical galaxy NGC 54 Aurigae 54 red supergiant 54 HD# [002] 54 spatially resolved 54 NGC# 54 Cygni 54 constellation Hercules 54 Gliese #e 54 Active Galactic Nuclei 54 constellation Auriga 54 mu Arae 53 Astrophysical 53 Supernovae 53 X ray binaries 53 protoplanetary discs 53 blue straggler 53 dust enshrouded 53 Delta Cephei 53 SEGUE 53 Small Magellanic Cloud 53 planetary nebulae 53 TW Hydrae 53 SDSS II 53 Trapezium 53 Exoplanets 53 Cephei 53 Orion nebula 53 Extrasolar Planets 53 constellation Centaurus 53 Doradus 53 blazars 53 Eagle Nebula 53 Neutron stars 53 protoplanetary disk 53 brown dwarf 53 globular clusters 53 RS Ophiuchi 53 Omega Centauri 53 Lagoon Nebula 52 HL Tau 52 protoplanetary disks 52 Trifid Nebula 52 interstellar cloud 52 millisecond pulsar 52 starburst galaxies 52 constellation Aquarius 52 transiting exoplanets 52 trans Neptunian objects 52 X ray binary 52 IRC +# 52 Carina constellation 52 chemical abundances 52 SNe Ia 52 stellar seismology 52 GQ Lupi 52 AU Mic 52 GALEX 52 red supergiants 52 constellation Taurus 52 blue supergiant 52 Epsilon Eridani 52 circumstellar 52 Spectroscopic 52 Beehive Cluster 52 constellation Ursa Major 52 velocity dispersion 52 galaxy NGC 52 Lyrae 51 Dwarf galaxies 51 high redshift galaxies 51 HD# [005] 51 Tauri Sb 51 extrasolar planetary systems 51 Sagittarius B2 51 Hyades 51 Oscillations 51 PSR J# 51 star Spica 51 microquasar 51 Cepheus 51 hadron 51 Tarantula Nebula 51 galactic disk 51 interstellar dust clouds 51 spectroscopically 51 IRAS #-# 51 PSR B# +# 51 ULIRGs 51 nebula NGC 51 Wide Angle Search 51 spinning neutron 51 supernova SN 51 infrared spectral 51 planetary nebula 51 Ring Nebula 50 Orion Nebula 50 Quadrantid 50 Supergiant 50 extragalactic 50 BP Piscium 50 electroweak 50 constellation Carina 50 Trifid 50 planets orbiting distant 50 Tau Ceti 50 z ~ 50 Earths orbiting 50 HW2 50 stellar nurseries 50 FUV 50 infall 50 Wolf Rayet star 50 exoplanetary 50 SN #A 50 protoplanetary 50 prograde 50 galaxy M# [001] 50 Fermi telescope 50 Magnetars 50 rotating neutron 50 galaxy M# [002] 50 X ray observatory 50 Relativistic 50 Bug Nebula 50 AB Aurigae 50 Canes Venatici 50 Serpens 50 carbonaceous chondrites 50 Andromedae 50 TrES 4 50 globulars 50 ionized hydrogen 50 exoplanets orbiting 50 Orionis 50 SNe 50 Planetary nebulae 50 type Ia supernova 50 Orion constellation 50 Upsilon Andromedae 49 Wolfgang Brandner 49 supergiant star 49 magnetospheric 49 antihelium 4 49 accretion disks 49 extrasolar planets orbiting 49 AGNs 49 star Beta Pictoris 49 SMBH 49 planemos 49 supernova remnant 49 highly magnetized neutron 49 Chamaeleon 49 WASP #b 49 dynamical evolution 49 Pulsars 49 photoelectron 49 Milky Way Galaxy 49 VLTI 49 supernova remnants 49 OGLE TR 49 Red Rectangle 49 constellation Scorpius 49 active galactic nuclei 49 Ursa Minor 49 X ray emitting 49 CAIs 49 Kuiper belt objects 49 astrometry 49 G#.# +#.# 49 constellation Virgo 49 asterism 49 Globular 49 SMM J# 49 HII regions 49 galaxy formation 49 Pegasi 49 accretion disk 49 magnetar 49 Cepheid variables 49 galactic bulge 49 ALFALFA 49 chondritic meteorites 49 radial velocity technique 49 Fornax cluster 49 Cepheids 49 brown dwarfs 49 Proxima Centauri 49 ESO telescope 49 Wolf Rayet stars 49 constellation Bootes 48 proplyds 48 ESO PR 48 Fomalhaut 48 gravitationally bound 48 Lyman alpha 48 gravitational microlensing 48 Supernova #A 48 P/# A2 48 sized planets orbiting 48 Figure 4a 48 ESO VLT 48 particle acceleration 48 RX J# 48 Kuiper Belt Objects 48 filamentary structures 48 PZ Tel 48 Coma Cluster 48 XTE J# 48 supergiant stars 48 gravitational perturbations 48 galactic nuclei 48 nebulae 48 retrograde orbit 48 ROSAT 48 cosmological distances 48 asteroids comets 48 BLG #Lb 48 infalling gas 48 constellation Cassiopeia 48 extrasolar 48 nebula 48 Pleiades cluster 48 constellation Eridanus 48 VY Canis Majoris 48 Exoplanet 48 ε 48 multiwavelength 48 reflection nebula 48 precessing 48 Fornax 48 photoluminescence 48 Henize #-# 48 constellation Sagittarius 48 Triangulum 48 Virgo cluster 48 noctilucent clouds 48 Type Ia 48 southern constellation Carina 47 Ceti 47 polar mesospheric clouds 47 constellation Cetus 47 Bok globules 47 lapilli 47 Precession 47 Stephan Quintet 47 photosphere 47 transiting planet 47 planet orbits 47 Keplerian 47 infalling 47 Eta Carina 47 terrestrial planets 47 exo planets 47 X ray emission 47 CoRoT 47 X ray Spectrometer 47 stellar occultation 47 RY Sagittarii 47 retrograde orbits 47 supernova explosions 47 Eta Carinae 47 barred spiral galaxy 47 Triangulum Galaxy 47 nebulosity 47 elliptical galaxy 47 Pluto Eris 47 SAXS 47 Beta Centauri 47 Omega Nebula 47 Encke gap 47 interstellar clouds 47 Type Ia supernovae 47 Gondolo 47 Crab Nebula 47 Coma cluster 47 solar corona 47 filamentary structure 47 submillimetre wavelengths 47 Coma Berenices 47 GRB# 47 Supersymmetry 47 GRB # 47 Photometric 47 SDSS 47 Supernovas 47 radial velocity 47 Herbig Ae Be 47 HRTEM 47 lobate scarps 47 extrasolar planetary 47 Type 1a supernovae 47 gravitational radiation 47 spectrometric 47 auroral 47 distant quasar 47 Cold Dark Matter 47 elliptical galaxies 47 SNR #-#.# 46 occultations 46 Albireo 46 RHESSI 46 Super Earths 46 Galactic Plane 46 Horsehead Nebula 46 constellation 46 Anisotropy Probe 46 intracluster 46 Kuiper Belt object 46 constellation Pisces 46 kpc 46 galaxy 46 constellation Ara 46 Magellanic Clouds 46 Cosmological 46 XO 3b 46 Mpc 46 Cat Paw Nebula 46 blazar 46 redshifts 46 redshift 46 Heliospheric 46 emission nebula 46 martian meteorites 46 inhomogeneous 46 Type Ia supernova 46 silicate dust 46 Seyfert galaxies 46 Hipparcos 46 rotating neutron stars 46 Epsilon Aurigae 46 VHE gamma rays 46 spectroscopic 46 gamma ray observatory 46 eccentric orbits 46 rocky extrasolar planet 46 arcminutes 46 V# Sagittarii 46 SN #E 46 neutralinos 46 SNLS 46 planetary transits 46 Ray Spectrometer 46 type Ia supernovae 46 Spectrometry 46 Scanning Electron Microscopy 46 2MASS 46 spectral characteristics 46 optical wavelengths 46 planets orbiting sun 46 proto cluster 46 supernovas 46 Perseus Cluster 46 Milky Way 46 sunlike stars 46 IRAS 4B 46 Zeta Ophiuchi 46 Arabia Terra 46 Scorpius 46 constellation Leo 46 novae 46 MG J# +# 46 Fig. 4a 46 AUs 46 chondrites 46 ordinary chondrite 46 SUSY 46 Galaxy Evolution 46 zodiacal constellation 46 Eridanus 46 interstellar medium 46 SN #C 46 accreting 46 AKARI 46 Hot Jupiters 46 Dumbbell Nebula 46 spiral galaxy NGC 46 Redshift 45 dwarf galaxy 45 GRB #B 45 spectroscopic observations 45 spectroscopic measurements 45 BP Psc 45 optical spectra 45 planet orbiting 45 constellation Aquila 45 habitable worlds 45 Kepler 9c 45 Tarantula nebula 45 GRBs 45 Astronomical Units 45 gravitationally lensed 45 distant galaxies 45 spectra 45 constellation Orion 45 crystalline silicates 45 V# Sgr 45 Magnetospheric 45 Cor Caroli 45 constellation Perseus 45 Diviner 45 electrons orbiting 45 neutrino oscillations 45 constellation Draco 45 relativistic jets 45 Deneb 45 homochirality 45 neutron star 45 particle astrophysics 45 giant elliptical galaxy 45 Crystallographic 45 Io Europa 45 constellation Cygnus 45 active galactic nucleus 45 Anisotropy 45 arcsec 45 constellation Canes Venatici 45 planets orbits 45 Extrasolar 45 Oort Cloud 45 occulted 45 XMM Newton 45 protoplanet 45 Spectrograph 45 Hanny Voorwerp 45 Virginis 45 Sombrero Galaxy 45 delocalized 45 planets moons 45 MEarth 45 ellipsoidal 45 RRATs 45 Credits ESA 45 distant supernovae 45 Fossae 45 constellation Lyra 45 constellations Cygnus 45 ejecta blanket 45 Comet Holmes 45 CoRoT satellite 45 KBOs 45 arcseconds 45 Cancri 45 constellation Puppis 45 stellar occultations 45 Comet NEAT 45 zodiac constellations 45 interstellar grains 45 J#.# [001] 45 energetic electrons 45 infrared spectra 45 coronagraph 45 planet transits 45 Stassun 45 Rydberg atom 45 Meteor Showers 45 Microlensing 45 Konacki 45 Cygnus Lyra region 45 HD#b 45 HM Cancri 45 Butterfly Nebula 45 Globular clusters 45 Trojan asteroids 45 dwarf spheroidal galaxies 45 Paranal Chile 45 Beta Pictoris b 45 fig. S2 45 HiRISE image 45 anisotropy 45 Corot 9b 44 proto galaxies 44 Planetary Transits 44 Comet Halley 44 VIRTIS 44 Uranian 44 Reiner Gamma 44 galactic mergers 44 Confocal 44 astrometric 44 Veil Nebula 44 redshift z = 44 constellation Coma Berenices 44 braneworld 44 YORP effect 44 Spectrometers 44 Solar Orbiter 44 RXTE 44 Keck Interferometer 44 Cygnus X 44 W#A [001] 44 giant elliptical galaxies 44 globular star 44 surface plasmon resonance 44 valence electron 44 X ray absorption spectroscopy 44 SN #D 44 interferometry 44 GJ #b [001] 44 X ray wavelengths 44 X ray spectra 44 celestial object 44 supernova 44 planet Gliese #c 44 Fe Mg 44 Gaensler 44 Earth radii 44 HIP #b 44 GJ #b [002] 44 Caloris 44 planets asteroids 44 ecliptic plane 44 BLG #L 44 Cosmic Evolution 44 Saturn innermost 44 microlensing 44 quasar 44 supersymmetric 44 W boson 44 meteoritic material 44 brightnesses 44 supernovae 44 HAT P 44 astrophysical 44 Andromeda 44 Delta Aquarids 44 zodiacal constellations 44 binary quasar 44 OGLE 44 photometry 44 infrared astronomy 44 Dwarf Galaxies 44 constellation Aries 44 Extreme Ultraviolet 44 dwarf spheroidal 44 constellation Cepheus 44 ionized gas 44 constellation Andromeda 44 S/# [001] 44 Kuiper Belt objects 44 Cassini Finds 44 emit X rays 44 ST8 44 gadolinium Gd 44 ultraviolet wavelengths 44 ecliptic 44 supernova explosion 44 elongated orbits 44 Schematic representation 44 Monoceros 44 binary asteroid 44 constellation Gemini 44 earthlike planets 44 star Fomalhaut 44 Infrared Astronomical Satellite IRAS 44 astrophysical phenomena 44 Harlow Shapley 44 INTEGRAL 44 galaxies 44 CoRoT 9b 44 Pleiades 44 DEEP2 44 XMM Newton satellite 44 Great Orion Nebula 44 ionization mass spectrometry 44 Swift Tuttle 44 linearly polarized 44 Energy Stereoscopic 44 MINOS experiment 44 heliospheric 44 PG# [003] 44 Submillimeter 44 pulsar 44 THEMIS Image 44 chromosphere 44 Bullet Cluster 44 hydrated minerals 44 DR# [003] 44 electron volt 44 habitable planets 44 Quadrantid meteor shower 44 capacitively coupled 44 ejecta 44 La Silla Chile 44 Virgo Cluster 44 Orionid 44 Fomalhaut b 44 Large Magellanic Cloud 43 ESA Herschel 43 Evolution Explorer 43 PSR J# +# 43 intrinsic brightness 43 airglow 43 Nucleation 43 Microprobe 43 Hydrae 43 dynamical 43 Gliese #d 43 azimuthal 43 F#W 43 Sinus Meridiani 43 Cosmic Microwave Background 43 Interferometric 43 ESA Cluster 43 Uranus Neptune 43 submillimetre 43 exo planet 43 planets 43 spinning neutron stars 43 Earthlike planets 43 Robert Jedicke 43 Mars Phobos 43 constellation Ophiuchus 43 axions 43 pyroxene 43 Explorer WISE 43 DEM L# 43 reflectometry 43 Andromeda Galaxy M# 43 planetary Transits 43 Crab Pulsar 43 arcuate 43 UCO Lick 43 Bose Einstein Condensate 43 luminous galaxies 43 Churyumov Gerasimenko 43 photometer 43 unpolarized 43 Microscale 43 highly collimated 43 dense neutron stars 43 ellipsoids 43 baryonic 43 jovian 43 PO4 43 Gamma ray bursts 43 Andromeda Galaxy 43 Myr 43 Nebula 43 MeV 43 neutron scattering experiments 43 CoRoT 7b 43 SMBHs 43 spiral galaxy 43 Super Kamiokande 43 APXS 43 beta gamma 43 eclipsing binaries 43 starlike object 43 planets comets 43 Cassiopeia 43 dwarf galaxies 43 ionized gases 43 Using ESO Very 43 spiral galaxies 43 planet Gliese #g 43 Supermassive Black Holes 43 Observatory STEREO 43 relativistic particles 43 Achernar 43 Astronomers Discover 43 #C# [009] 43 polarimetry 43 faintest galaxies 43 Mini Thermal Emission 43 supernova remnant Cassiopeia 43 Kuiper Belt Object 43 highly elliptical orbits 43 Pleiades star 43 electron micrograph 43 Mushotzky 43 COROT 7b 43 starquakes 43 largest moon Charon 43 galactic halo 43 V# Mon 43 spiral nebulae 43 interacting galaxies 43 zodiacal dust 43 Cometary 43 astrophysical objects 43 Occultation 43 La Ce Pr 43 COROT 43 TrES 43 solar nebula 43 Candor Chasma 43 asteroidal 43 coronal magnetic field 43 SOHO LASCO 43 Comet Tempel Tuttle 43 collinear 43 twin STEREO spacecraft 43 C/# [001] 43 spiral galaxy Messier 43 gamma ray emission 43 gravitational lenses 43 Schematic diagram 43 nT 43 rotational axis 43 novas 43 supergiant 43 photometric 43 Type Ib 43 Planck satellite 43 Descent Imager Spectral Radiometer 43 Hydrus 43 outermost planet 43 high sulphidation alteration 42 micrograph 42 Type Ic supernova 42 Suzaku 42 auroral emissions 42 Hyades cluster 42 planet HD #b 42 Corona Borealis 42 Interferometry 42 magnetars 42 Corona Australis 42 distant galaxy clusters 42 Astrophysics MOA 42 Supernova Cosmology Project 42 star Gliese 42 Cytoplasmic 42 Puppis 42 lensing galaxy 42 Multi Object Spectrograph 42 Astrophysical Journal Supplement 42 Spitzer Space Telescope 42 spinel 42 Saturn outermost ring 42 RS Oph 42 Fig. 3A 42 CoRoT #b 42 ESO telescopes 42 ESA Integral 42 planets orbiting 42 Anthony Remijan 42 P3HT 42 reionization 42 Tauri 42 KH #D 42 SN #gy 42 inhomogeneities 42 Himiko 42 supermassive black hole 42 Fig. 1A 42 Area Telescope LAT 42 circular dichroism 42 distant quasars 42 Lulin 42 planet TrES 42 interstellar dust 42 gamma ray bursts 42 σ 42 Submillimeter Array 42 Pinwheel Galaxy 42 Charon Pluto 42 XMM 42 Arcturus 42 Helix Nebula 42 anthracene 42 γ 42 circumstellar dust 42 Earthlike planet 42 tau neutrinos 42 magnetic polarity 42 transiting planets 42 helium nuclei 42 Mars Uranus 42 baryon 42 planets circling 42 obscuration 42 transiting exoplanet 42 squares triangles 42 Canis Major 42 Moon Mineralogy Mapper M3 42 Dynamical 42 distant galaxy 42 Ghez 42 Kepler #b 42 planets constellations 42 inhabitable planets 42 planetarium dome 42 biosignatures 42 Kaluza Klein 42 smoothest flattest 42 Capricornus 42 spherical halo 42 backscattered 42 lunar highlands 42 gravitational lens 42 Comet Hartley 2 42 Herbig Haro 42 galactic clusters 42 merging galaxies 42 galactic 42 Herschel Space 42 hypervelocity star 42 Kuiper belt 42 constellation Pegasus 42 Quadrantids 42 fig. S1 42 constellation Monoceros 42 starlike 42 sundog 42 Gamma ray 42 Betelgeuse 42 galaxy cluster 42 celestial sphere 42 spinels 42 galaxies nebulae 42 Arches Cluster 42 supersymmetric particles 42 Geminids meteor shower 42 Figure 1C 42 Muons 42 tetragonal 42 weak gravitational lensing 42 Tharsis 42 maser emission 42 Recursive 42 planetary nebulas 42 Kuiper belt object 42 Confocal Raman 42 UVOT 42 moonlet 42 Spitzer infrared spectrograph 42 Extragalactic 42 Olympus Mons 42 antiparallel 42 LISA Pathfinder 42 Kelvins 42 Syrtis Major 42 interplanetary dust 42 Imaging Spectrometer 42 extrasolar planet 42 X ray telescopes 42 Nanoscopic 42 extrasolar planet HD #b 42 Hubble observations 42 cm -1 42 solar radii 42 Algol 42 afterglows 42 Ulysses spacecraft 42 Shri Kulkarni 42 photochemistry 42 Chajnantor 42 Microsatellite 42 Geminga 42 TR FRET 42 atmospheric neutrinos 42 comets asteroids 42 Saturn outermost 42 Fig. 1C 42 GRB #A 42 macrophage inflammatory protein 42 brightest supernova 42 GRB 42 galaxies collide 42 nuclei 42 Galactic cosmic rays 42 dusty disks 42 Comet Elenin 42 ULX 42 Gamma ray burst 42 quasars 42 carbonaceous chondrite 42 Gravitational Waves 42 La Silla observatory 41 Meteor Shower 41 S/# P2 41 blackbody 41 gravitationally 41 Andromeda galaxy 41 QQ# 41 magnetic reconnection 41 Comet Hale Bopp 41 magnetotail 41 relativistic protons 41 X ray observatories 41 Regolith 41 Galaxies 41 NGC #A 41 Space Telescope GLAST 41 constellation Canis Major 41 Yb Lu 41 Subaru telescope 41 Near Infrared 41 exoplanets planets 41 Corot 7b 41 Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory 41 Muchachos Observatory 41 plutoids 41 Type Ia supernovas 41 planetesimal 41 neutralino 41 diffraction patterns 41 Fig. 2A 41 arcsecond 41 XMM Newton observations 41 Fluorescence microscopy 41 Planitia 41 Pinwheel galaxy 41 Komossa 41 Type 1a supernova 41 gamma ray telescope 41 weakly interacting 41 SIM PlanetQuest 41 star clusters nebulae 41 Neptune Uranus 41 HD #b [002] 41 Vega Deneb 41 Pea galaxies 41 Serpent Bearer 41 Gliese #c 41 constellations planets 41 Magellanic Stream 41 spinning pulsar 41 neutrino 41 spheroidal 41 gamma ray burst 41 spectral fingerprints 41 microlensing events 41 Interferometer 41 #CM [002] 41 radial velocities 41 Gemini constellation 41 galactic cosmic rays 41 chondrules 41 X ray afterglow 41 Recombination 41 Astrophysicists 41 diffuse aurora 41 ENAs 41 Mimas 41 noctilucent cloud 41 rocky planets 41 superclusters 41 Bonneville Crater 41 foreground galaxy 41 volcanic moon Io 41 N#E# 41 galaxy clusters 41 millisecond pulsars 41 Auroral 41 GJ#b 41 Great Observatories 41 masers 41 Dynamic Light Scattering 41 Comet #P/Holmes 41 comet Lulin 41 IBEX spacecraft 41 #gy 41 extrasolar planets 41 Pegasus constellation 41 Fermi Gamma ray 41 Bosons 41 HARPS spectrograph attached 41 exosolar planets 41 Hyakutake 41 Popular Astronomy 41 ribosomal protein 41 Multiscale Modeling 41 Sonnar

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