Related by string. * telling . Telling . Tells . teller . Teller . TELL . tells . TELLS : tells Us Weekly . Teller Training Compliance . automatic teller machines . Tell Me . automated teller machines . automated teller machine . fortune teller . automatic teller / : DADT repeal . repeal DADT . repealing DADT . DADT Repeal . DADT repealed . Repeal DADT . Repealing DADT . DADT discharges * Tell DADT policy *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 83 Tell DADT policy 63 Tell Repeal 63 Ask Don't Tell 59 DADT 54 lesbian servicemembers 52 Don't Ask Don't 51 repeal DADT 51 Military Readiness Enhancement 50 repeal 49 HJ Res 49 repealing 49 gays 48 openly gay servicemembers 48 Act ENDA 48 SLDN 48 Network SLDN 48 repealing DADT 48 DADT repeal 47 Conscience Clause 47 repeal DOMA 46 forbidding gays 46 Repealing DADT 45 Bedbugs Bite Act 45 Sexually Oriented Businesses 45 unfairly punishes patriotic 45 resolution equating Zionism 45 resolution H.Res 45 Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach 44 Defense Authorization Bill 44 Solomon Amendment 44 Repeal DADT 44 Overseas Voter Empowerment 44 Servicemembers Legal Defense 44 Concurrent Receipt 43 Employment Non Discrimination 43 Global Gag Rule 43 Jarrod Chlapowski 43 National Defense Authorization 43 troop withdrawal deadlines 43 practicing homosexuals 43 DOMA 43 Repealed 43 Hudood ordinances 43 favors repealing 42 Whistleblower Protection Enhancement 42 Widow Penalty 42 Hudood ordinance 42 Rescission Act 42 repealing DOMA 42 Stupak Pitts amendment 42 Flag Desecration Amendment 42 SJ Res 42 concurrent receipt 42 Border Protection Antiterrorism 42 Defense Authorization Act 42 Be Repealed 42 bootleggers Saban 42 AFPSA 42 Conscientious Objector status 42 REPEAL OF 42 Travel Restriction 42 DADT Repeal 42 Employment Nondiscrimination Act 42 retroactivity clause 42 Servicemembers Legal Defence 42 COBRA subsidy eligibility 42 Allowing gays 42 LAW TRIBUNE 42 41 Student Non Discrimination 41 antidiscrimination protections 41 PATRIOT ACT 41 DADT discharges 41 William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims 41 Hudood Ordinances 41 Ariz. gov 41 Lt. Klingenschmitt 41 congressionally endorsed 41 homosexual orientation 41 Bipartisan Legislation 41 Act POSA 41 Gag Rule 41 Marriage Affirmation Act 41 DADT repealed 41 Defense Authorization 41 Glass Steagal Act 41 Intelligence Authorization 41 constitution renounces 41 Fetal Pain 41 PEMRA Amendment 41 equated Zionism 41 ENDA 41 Earmark Reform 41 Concurrent Resolution 41 Parental Notice 41 Jackson Vanik 41 Show Loophole 41 Torture Memo 40 Act NDAA 40 Joe Solmonese president 40 Margaret Witt 40 Amendment birthright citizenship 40 Head Start reauthorization 40 Jackson Vanik amendment 40 MoCRI 40 Roadless Area Conservation 40 Blaine Amendments 40 Employee Non Discrimination 40 Jackson Vanik Amendment 40 Shalikashvili 40 Mandatory Minimums 40 Ehren Watada 40 Serve Openly 40 Government Pension Offset 40 avowed homosexuals 40 Coburn Omnibus 40 Simpson Mazzoli 40 Posse Comitatus Act 40 ADA Amendments Act 40 Hadood Ordinance 40 Anti Homosexuality Bill 40 Uganda Anti Homosexuality 40 End Racial Profiling 40 homosexuals 40 Provisional Constitutional Order 40 de Baathification decree 40 Kagan Nomination 40 Engrossed Substitute Senate 40 USFSPA 40 USA PATRIOT ACT 40 punctured eardrum Widmark 40 Seventeenth Amendment 40 Same Sex Marriages 40 MHPAEA 40 operations Brigadier Gratien 40 Offshore Moratorium 40 sexual orientation 40 Transgender Pride Month 40 model nikahnama 40 H.Con.Res 40 America COMPETES Act 40 Telework Enhancement Act 39 Paid Sick Leave 39 PASS ID 39 RESTORE Act 39 Repeal 39 Criminal Libel 39 Parliamentarian Alan Frumin 39 Corporate Personhood 39 UNGA Resolution 39 Arbitration Fairness Act 39 Blasphemy Law 39 McCarran Ferguson 39 Arabic linguists 39 Unemployment Benefits Extension 39 HJRes 39 Unfriendly Fire 39 picketing funerals 39 Lumbee recognition 39 Regulation EEC 39 Honorably 39 Tiahrt Amendment 39 ADAAA 39 paygo rules 39 HCR# [002] 39 repealed 39 UCMJ 39 Marriage Licenses 39 Lt. Ehren Watada 39 PEMRA Ordinance 39 inclusive ENDA 39 Birthright Citizenship Act 39 Welfare Reform Act 39 Palin retweet 39 Blasphemy Laws 39 NSA Eavesdropping 39 UOCAVA 39 Abortion Laws 39 Homegrown Terrorism Prevention 39 Reduce Unnecessary Spending 39 prohibiting interracial marriage 39 Overseen Reviewed 39 Stupak Amendment 39 NSA Wiretapping 39 discharging openly gay 39 Handgun Ban 39 Increasing Adoptions Act 39 Referendum Law 公民 39 Safe Neighborhoods Act 38 Roadless Rule 38 Marriage Amendment 38 Disclose Act 38 Partial Birth Infanticide 38 DREAM ACT 38 Marriage Act 38 Hate Crimes Legislation 38 Feres doctrine 38 Broadcaster Freedom 38 Military Commissions Act 38 Involuntary servitude 38 Same Sex Unions 38 Zoe Dunning 38 Reemployment Rights Act 38 Stupak Pitts Amendment 38 amendement 38 SR NYSEArca 38 Paycheck Fairness Act 38 PAYGO rules 38 Illegal Immigration Control 38 Anti Homosexuality 38 antidiscrimination policies 38 Overseas Contingency Operation 38 miscegenation laws 38 EMASYA 38 decriminalizing homosexuality 38 Unanimous Consent 38 AUMF 38 Force AUMF 38 Parental Notification Law 38 WikiLeaker 38 fully inclusive ENDA 38 Matlovich 38 Concealed guns 38 Protection Reauthorization Act 38 Medicare Catastrophic Coverage 38 Mortgage Forgiveness Debt 38 Illegal Alien Amnesty 38 No Fault Divorce 38 Omnibus Budget 38 Lt. Col. Fehrenbach 38 Repeal ObamaCare 38 H.Res.# 38 photographing flag draped 38 Judge Tauro 38 DADT Skelton 38 Anthrax Shots 38 amendment HJR 38 Telecom Immunity 38 Addiction Equity 38 Hudood Laws 38 REPEAL 38 Assault Weapons Ban 38 Law Enforcement Hate Crimes 38 draconian AFSPA 38 Ex Felons 38 Continuing Appropriations 38 Protecting Tenants 38 Troop Readiness 38 Birthright Citizenship 38 UCITA 38 nonbinding resolution condemning 38 REINS Act 38 greenhouse gases endangers 38 USAPATRIOT Act 38 laws criminalizing homosexual 38 Hate Crimes Prevention 38 Seventh Commandment 38 Section #I 38 THE UNION ADDRESS 38 YAŞ decisions 38 Colonists bitterly protested 38 Justice UCMJ 38 Military Readiness conservative 38 Marine Corps Commandant 38 Individual Mandate 38 Pregnancy Discrimination Act 38 Simpson Mazzoli bill 38 Repealing 38 Temporary Provisions 38 USA PATRIOT Improvement 38 legalizes racial profiling 38 Faster FOIA 38 Mental Health Parity 38 Anti Harassment 38 Pedophile Protection 37 unmarried cohabitating couples 37 CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS 37 ESIGN Act 37 Feres Doctrine 37 H.Res [002] 37 Orantes injunction 37 Fehrenbach discharge 37 DISCLOSE Act 37 Terrorist Expatriation Act 37 Obstruct Terrorism Act 37 Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups 37 GAY MARRIAGE 37 LIKELY VOTERS 37 Cassandra Melnikow glanced 37 Military Readiness 37 prohibiting interracial marriages 37 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation 37 Goldwater Nichols 37 Same Sex Couples 37 JCARR 37 Marine Corps shipmates 37 drilling moratoriums 37 Hudood laws 37 S. #/HR [002] 37 draconian blasphemy 37 Congresswoman Hirono 37 Arbitration Clause 37 chief Rookmangud Katawal 37 Stupak Pitts 37 Special Legislative Session 37 Tiahrt amendment 37 Birth Definition 37 Teen Endangerment 37 fillibuster 37 Eleventh Commandment 37 anti miscegenation 37 Pressler Amendment 37 Aaron Belkin 37 Maputo Protocol 37 binational couples 37 Gays 37 McCarran Ferguson Act 37 Rookmangud Katawal 37 FISA Amendments Act 37 Fallen Heroes Act 37 START Treaty 37 Same Sex Marriage Licenses 37 posse comitatus 37 Geneva Conventions protections 37 Halliburton Loophole 37 A.#/S.# 37 Supreme Court Nominee 37 Issue preclusion 37 Stokes MOTHERS Act 37 Streamlined Procedures Act 37 Archbishop Timothy Broglio 37 ACESA 37 Stem Cell Veto 37 THE SUPREME COURT 37 Tax Extenders Bill 37 PEMRA ordinance 37 appeal Tauro rulings 37 Partial Birth Abortions 37 repeals 37 Kemp Kasten 37 Pemra ordinance 37 Paul Wellstone Mental 37 Windfall Elimination Provision 37 Dred Scott Decision 37 Block Burmese JADE 37 Indemnity Ordinance 37 Posse Comitatus 37 Indemnity Clause 37 activist Frank Kameny 37 Cityhood Laws 37 Armenian genocide resolution 37 Eighteenth Amendment 37 Felon Voting 37 Constitutional amendment 37 Tyler Clementi Higher Education 37 Military Whistleblower Protection 37 anti miscegenation laws 37 Conscientious objector 37 Tenant Protection 37 Sexual Orientation Regulations 37 noncelibate gay 37 Mrs. Schlafly 37 Grandfather Clause 37 constitutional amendment disallowing 37 sine die adjournment 37 Declared Unconstitutional 37 Hyde Amendment 37 Algiers Accords 37 Dickey Wicker amendment 37 Anti Bullying Bill 37 Cloture Vote 37 Conscientious Objectors 37 Powers Resolution 37 Gainful Employment Rule 37 Patriot Act Renewal 37 BAIPA 37 troop withdrawal timetables 37 Alito Hearings 37 better psychiatrist Schertler 37 Voted NO 37 UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE 37 Parental Notification 36 DISCLOSE 36 Fraudulent Mediums Act 36 Antiterrorism Law 36 DREAM Act 36 Paris Peace Accords 36 Homosexual Activists 36 Opponents deride 36 Proposed Legislation 36 Hometown Democracy amendment 36 Alito Nomination 36 Fifteenth Amendment 36 UNSC Resolution 36 Prop. 1F 36 SLDN Executive 36 Assemblywoman Lieber 36 openly gay 36 Hinchey Rohrabacher amendment 36 Williamses suspensions 36 JUSTICE SCALIA 36 DOMA repealed 36 convene constituent assembly 36 Judge Bork 36 Mandatory COOL 36 consitution 36 Constitution abolishing slavery 36 overrule Roe v. Wade 36 THE MILITARY 36 supermajority requirement 36 Ulcra 36 Cybersecurity Enhancement Act 36 SCALIA 36 Citizens Absentee Voting 36 criminalizing homosexuality 36 DFARS 36 1 Corinthians #:#-# [003] 36 Commander Frank Bainimarama 36 Lame Duck Session 36 Shakman decree 36 Surface Mining Control 36 Cipel McGreevey 36 Warrantless Wiretaps 36 Patriot Act reauthorization 36 Musladin conviction 36 TroopTube 36 misnamed Patriot Act 36 Credit CARD Act 36 Hate Crimes Statistics 36 reauthorizing SCHIP 36 Traditional Marriage 36 Lieutenant Ehren Watada 36 Unfriendly Fire How 36 Strongly Opposed 36 Travaglini Lees 36 Aubrey Sarvis 36 State Secrets Privilege 36 Seabed Act 36 Gramm Leach Bliley 36 OLC memo 36 Islamic shari'a 36 Hudud laws 36 openly homosexual 36 Unemployment Extension 36 troop withdrawal timelines 36 Fair Minimum Wage 36 SANTORUM 36 Log Cabin Republicans 36 gay marraige 36 site www.visit 36 Non Discrimination Act 36 Opposes gay marriage 36 antisodomy laws 36 IN OPENING TEASER 36 unconsitutional 36 smokefree workplace 36 constitutional ammendment 36 cloture motions 36 Legal Practitioners Act 36 Judicature Act 36 Volstead Act 36 DC Handgun Ban 36 Tax Nondiscrimination Act 36 Exon Florio 36 Wayne Besen gay 36 Oregon Assisted Suicide 36 Same Sex Relationships 36 CFR pt 36 GUN CONTROL 36 judicial confirmations 36 Taft Hartley Act 36 Equal Benefits 36 Omnibus Appropriations Act 36 homosexuality bisexuality 36 Siljander Amendment 36 dual officeholding 36 STRIVE Act 36 constitutional amendment HJR 36 Torture Memos 36 Bangit 36 DTV Delay 36 Marriage Equality Amendment 36 Pietrangelo II 36 Jackson Vanick amendment 36 Genocide Resolution 36 Epidemic Diseases Act 36 unfairly punishes gays 36 forbid concealing 36 EESA 36 Sexual Orientation 36 Armenian Genocide Resolution 36 Judicial Activism 36 Paperwork Mandate Elimination 36 admendment 36 forbids nonresidents 36 Surface Transportation Authorization 36 Term Abortion Ban 36 Countervailing Duty 36 greenhouse gasses mirrors 36 Supplemental Appropriations Act 36 Gender Expression 36 Corporate Tax Loopholes 36 Patriot Act Provisions 36 gays bisexuals 36 Russ Feingold D Wis 36 War Objector 36 ordaining homosexuals 36 Proposed constitutional amendments 36 WRDA bill 36 constition 36 Reauthorize 36 statutory PAYGO 36 Supplemental Appropriations Bill 36 Gramm Rudman Hollings 36 Korematsu conviction 36 homosexual marriages 36 Sharra E. Greer 36 Antitrust Enforcement 36 EQCA Executive 36 congressionally enacted 35 antitorture 35 homosexual bisexual 35 Congressman Conyers 35 Education Affordability Reconciliation 35 impose harsher punishments 35 FAA Reauthorization Bill 35 Commandant Gen. James 35 Violent Radicalization 35 Majority Leader Hoyer 35 Exclusion Act 35 ATCSA 35 Paycheck Fairness 35 Tax Extenders 35 Dickey Wicker Amendment 35 encyclical Humanae vitae 35 NEW YORK Preppy teen 35 Servicemembers Protection 35 nondiscrimination 35 Physician Payments Sunshine 35 Charles Moskos 35 Funeral Picketing 35 Kevin Benderman 35 Dole Shalala Commission 35 unmarried heterosexuals 35 Tax Extenders Act 35 Patriot Act Reauthorization 35 SBP DIC offset 35 Tax Moratorium 35 KRS #A.# [001] 35 noncelibate gays 35 self avowed practicing 35 constitutionally questionable 35 homosexuals bisexuals 35 USERRA 35 ESHB 35 Rescissions 35 antidiscrimination 35 Recess Appointments 35 Prop H8 35 Intelligence Surveillance Act 35 Partial Birth 35 Genuine Agrarian Reform 35 Gen. Victor Ibrado 35 cyanide leach mining 35 Transgender Issues 35 chief Gen. Delfin 35 interrogation memos 35 Enumerated Powers Act 35 FDAAA 35 Objectives Resolution 35 Warrantless Wiretapping 35 impeaching Cheney 35 consitutional 35 defunding ACORN 35 chronically seasick 35 ELENA KAGAN 35 prohibits cruel inhuman 35 ARB No.# 35 filibuster delaying tactic 35 Violent Crime Control 35 IMDT Act 35 Gay Marriages 35 Act EFCA 35 outlawing discrimination 35 USERRA prohibits 35 obamacare 35 First Amendement 35 Fairness Doctrine 35 Rogowskyj 35 Lawful Commerce 35 CIFTA 35 ESSB 35 Resolution B# 35 Immigrant Responsibility Act 35 JUSTICE STEVENS 35 noncitizen immigrants 35 Cobell settlement 35 Prosecutor Firings 35 Argentina legalizes 35 TRAY' us 35 Compassionate Use Medical 35 Unfunded Mandates Reform Act 35 defunds 35 Sonogram Bill 35 Plastic Bag Recycling 35 lawful combatants 35 Minimum Wage Act 35 spousal notification requirement 35 Nuclear Posture Review 35 Grandfathered plans 35 antigay harassment 35 PFAWF 35 Workplace Religious Freedom 35 Ineligibility Clause 35 Kadhi Courts 35 Promulgated 35 Akaka Bill 35 Scripture citations 35 § #.# Vernon 35 Senate Concurrent Resolution 35 Veto Stem Cell 35 Balanced Budget Amendment 35 Stats. 35 S.Amdt 35 criminalises homosexuality 35 invalidated interracial marriage 35 unconditional constituent assembly 35 defines deserter 35 Nondiscrimination Act 35 Indefinite Detention 35 Anti Secession 35 DOJ OLC 35 Supplemental Appropriations 35 Panglong Agreement 35 TIPRA 35 Peace Corps AmeriCorps 35 Multi Ethnic Placement 35 Post-#/# GI Bill 35 USA PATRIOT 35 Congressman Filner 35 Gramm Leach Bliley Act 35 Unfunded Mandates 35 Data Breach Notification 35 Whistleblower Protection Act 35 Lt. Col. Ellen Krenke 35 contacting Daian Pena 35 CAN SPAM 35 FSC ETI 35 Congressman Bilbray 35 Nuremberg Principles 35 Job Creation Act 35 conscientious objection 35 statutes prohibiting 35 HCR# [001] 35 Honorable Discharge 35 Stonewall uprising 35 Strongly Favor 35 prosecutable offenses 35 Counterfeits Act 35 samesex marriage 35 UIGEA 35 banning unmarried couples 35 C. Dixon Osburn 35 Winery Definition 35 legalizing gay marriage 35 Patents Amendment 35 ULCRA 35 same gotra marriages 35 BPOL tax 35 Combat Methamphetamine Act 35 ABM Treaty 35 FMLA 35 Dixon Osburn 35 involuntarily discharged 35 Cloture 35 Col. Denise Vowell 35 Senator DeMint 35 Hate Crime Laws 35 Title VIII 35 Napolitano vetoes 35 Benes Decrees 35 Silent Reflection 35 Statute Governing 35 Offshore Drilling Ban 35 NSA Spying 35 Nationality Act INA 35 Reconstruction Amendments 35 Pension Offset 35 Congressman Sestak 35 harshest interrogation techniques 35 Sexual Orientation Non Discrimination 35 Mehmet Tarhan 35 Defund ACORN Act 34 Sonny Bono Copyright 34 ACLU Lambda Legal 34 Loving v. 34 IHCIA 34 Pemra Ordinance 34 YOU PERSONALLY 34 Junk Fax 34 WRFA 34 Vagrancy Act 34 gay 34 invoke cloture 34 banning interracial marriage 34 PL #-# [002] 34 Dred Scott decision 34 COBRA Subsidy Extension 34 GENDA 34 Lame Duck session 34 D Avondale Estates 34 noncelibate gay clergy 34 Partial Birth Abortion Ban 34 Flag Burning 34 HR# [003] 34 Strongly Favor repeal 34 Nondiscrimination 34 Omnibus Spending Bill 34 repealing ObamaCare 34 CARD Act 34 Detainee Treatment Act 34 Webcaster Settlement Act 34 decriminalized homosexuality 34 Attainder 34 habeas statute 34 Navy SEAL lieutenant 34 Economic Stabilization Act 34 EAWA 34 Geneva Accords 34 Darren Manzella 34 FINRA Rule 34 VETO SB 34 Convention Relating 34 Act S.# [001] 34 Japan postwar pacifist 34 FOIA exemption 34 INF Treaty 34 Genetic Information Nondiscrimination 34 Detainee Interrogation 34 EGTRRA 34 REAL ID Act 34 Gay Marriage Amendment 34 Omnibus Appropriations Bill 34 Gays PFOX 34 Consitution 34 Judicial Nominees 34 ObamaCare 34 Florida Statute #.# [002] 34 heterosexual unmarried couples 34 DOMAs 34 reenlistment 34 Racial Integrity 34 Drilling Moratorium 34 ZDERA 34 Industrial Hemp Farming 34 Delimitation Act 34 LAPD consent decree 34 Commodities Futures Modernization Act 34 Supplemental Appropriations bill 34 America COMPETES Reauthorization 34 paygo 34 Hiring Incentives 34 Anti Defection 34 oxygenate requirement 34 Gays lesbians 34 Preppy teen retailer 34 OLC memos 34 Financial Stability Improvement 34 Richard Socarides 34 conscription 34 Assemblymember Tom Ammiano 34 Yashirin 34 constitution enshrining 34 nondiscrimination clause 34 climactic Christmas Eve 34 Activity Tax Simplification 34 AMENDMENT 34 OSH Act 34 Veterans Affairs Appropriations 34 House Concurrent Resolution 34 Paid Sick Days 34 Severability 34 Defence Authorisation 34 sub silentio 34 TERM LIMITS 34 LGBT Equality 34 Relationships Statutory References 34 NMHC NAA 34 Elaine Donnelly 34 lawyer Anthony Coppolino 34 interpreting statutes 34 Patient Self Determination 34 Title IX prohibits 34 Authorization Act 34 Volcker Rule 34 activist Nikolai Alekseev 34 pacifist Constitution 34 sex marriage 34 NICS Improvement Amendments 34 YES VOTE 34 Interfaith Solidarity 34 interracial couples 34 Abortion Provider 34 ratify CEDAW 34 homosex 34 draft dodger 34 Scalia homophobe 34 SEA Directive 34 Religious Hatred Act 34 COICA 34 Hate Crime Legislation 34 Intolerable Acts 34 commander Frank Bainimarama 34 # teaparty 34 Affordable Care Act 34 screeners collective bargaining 34 OutServe 34 sex marriages 34 nondiscrimination protections 34 PAYGO rule 34 Extend Jobless Benefits 34 Admiral Mullen 34 Conscientious objectors 34 Glass Stegall 34 defund ObamaCare 34 Civil Rights Acts 34 Uniform Prudent Management 34 Detainee Treatment 34 recaptured Mahabad 34 nonbinding resolution opposing 34 soldiers sailors airmen 34 Domestic Spying 34 Courts Martial 34 PTSD Stichman 34 Tafas v. Doll 34 Judicial Nominee 34 swift enactment 34 Pablo Paredes 34 Joe Solmonese HRC 34 bigamy polygamy 34 FOI Act 34 First Lieutenant Ehren 34 Rep. Karla Drenner 34 Chai Feldblum 34 Gay Pride Month 34 Congressman Kucinich 34 HB #-# 34 THE PENTAGON 34 Opposes constitutional amendment 34 FECA 34 objector status 34 Judge Steeh 34 reauthorize NCLB 34 Nunn McCurdy 34 Enhanced Interrogation Techniques 34 PROTECT IP 34 Judge Joao Ghisleni 34 gunmaker immunity bill 34 Gov. Arnold Schwarz enegger 34 Goodridge v. 34 SONDA 34 Communication Decency Act 34 Abortion Ban 34 Ban Gay Marriage 34 Stopgap Spending Bill 34 Coastal Area Takutai 34 clergyperson 34 EEOC enforces federal 34 Sharon Mullowney 34 conscientious objector discharge 34 Rule XXII 34 Gay Clergy 34 Native Hawaiian Recognition 34 Regulatory Reform Act 34 Slavery Abolition Act 34 Constitution Eighth Amendment 34 S.# [003] 34 LGBTQ servicemembers 34 constitutional amendment 34 cohabitating couples 34 Lieutenant Watada 34 changes Angius vehemently 34 lame duck session 33 servicemember 33 Aubrey Sarvis executive 33 unmarried cohabitators 33 reauthorize PEPFAR 33 MR Civ 33 Trust SAHMAT 33 Thirteenth Amendment 33 antisodomy law 33 PUHCA 33 Bipartisan Effort 33 Second Ammendment 33 antidiscrimination laws 33 TADO 33 Patent Reform Act 33 Uniformity Clause 33 Abortion foes capitalize 33 Colonel Fehrenbach 33 ACLJ amicus brief 33 SJR# [002] 33 constitutional amendment prohibiting 33 Homegrown Terrorism 33 Intoxicating Liquor Act 33 Female Genital Mutilation FGM 33 Broadcast Decency 33 PRO CON Should 33 Russell Feingold D-Wis. 33 Obamacare 33 Default Retirement 33 Homosexual Marriage 33 NICS Improvement Act 33 Scalia dissented 33 CARFA 33 FREE SPEECH 33 Fraternization 33 Glass Steagal 33 NSLs 33 To Backyard Grilling 33 Row v. Wade 33 Res judicata 33 USA PATRIOT Act 33 Credit Card Reform Act 33 Doc Fix 33 Kadhis courts 33 signature corncob pipe 33 Gen. Schoomaker 33 CAN SPAM Act 33 plea bargain Canny 33 Cherry Slurpees 33 Landrieu Snowe 33 construing statutes 33 Military Recruiters 33 qui tam statutes 33 Sexual Minorities 33 Commodity Futures Modernization Act 33 Makua Valley 33 textual commands 33 lawyer Eugene Fidell 33 Constitution Establishment Clause 33 celibate gay 33 AmeriCorps IG 33 Presidential Directive 33 Prosecutor Clay Trivett 33 Arabic linguist 33 Secure Fence Act 33 Stem Cell Therapeutic 33 Lt. Watada 33 warrantless snooping 33 Ex Parte Milligan 33 swats licks 33 Partial Birth Abortion 33 felon disenfranchisement 33 Structured Sentencing 33 JAMAICA NEWSWEEKLY For 33 Military Force AUMF 33 Frankenstein Veto 33 Congressman Tancredo 33 cloture vote 33 CIR ASAP 33 setting Koffenberger 33 MARRIAGE DIGEST 33 S MINER 33 Senators Jeff Merkley 33 Gay Marriage Ban 33 gay marriages 33 non celibate gays 33 Gay da Bahia 33 originalists 33 allegations Rydze violated 33 legitimatizing 33 modernize FISA 33 PATRIOT Act 33 gays lesbians 33 Gen Katawal 33 Dorgan Snowe 33 memos authorizing 33 Hudood Ordinance 33 Equine Cruelty 33 visit 33 criminalizing Holocaust denial 33 repeal ObamaCare 33 Tethered Citizens Time 33 Immigration Reform Act 33 excuse absentee balloting 33 Civil Confinement 33 Worker Homeownership 33 Tailoring Rule 33 Kiyemba v. Obama 33 PPACA 33 cloture 33 pseudonym JD 33 Kadhis Courts 33 FS #.# [001] 33 Gen. Shinseki 33 PENTAGON 33 Uniformed Code 33 Granholm v. Heald

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