Thirteenth Amendment

Related by string. * THIRTEENTH . thirteenth : Thirteenth Fourteenth . Thirteenth Judicial District . Thirteenth Judicial Circuit . Thirteenth Annual . Thirteenth Finance / amendments . Amendments . amendment . AMENDMENT . AMENDMENTS : First Amendment protects . constitutional amendment banning . proposed constitutional amendment . constitutional amendment defining * *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 66 Fifteenth Amendment 62 Seventeenth Amendment 62 Nineteenth Amendment 61 Soulbury Constitution 60 Reconstruction Amendments 60 Lincoln Emancipation Proclamation 60 abolishes slavery 59 Amendment abolishing slavery 59 Sixteenth Amendment 58 Twelfth Amendment 58 Consitution 58 Civil Rights Acts 58 abolished slavery 57 Slavery Abolition Act 57 chattel slavery 57 Fugitive Slave Law 57 Thirteenth Fourteenth 57 abolishing slavery 57 Fifteenth Amendments 56 Fugitive Slave Act 56 Objectives Resolution 56 Abraham Lincoln Emancipation Proclamation 56 Dred Scott Decision 56 Emancipation Proclamation freeing 55 ICESCR 55 Constitution 55 CFR pt 55 Fourteenth Amendment 55 slaveholding states 54 Slaughterhouse Cases 54 Dred Scott decision 54 Constitutional amendment 54 Constituion 54 emancipation proclamation 53 Judicature Act 53 consitution 53 infamous Dred Scott 53 Eighteenth Amendment 53 ICC Statute 53 Citizenship Clause 52 Immunities Clause 52 Annexation Treaty 52 Bolivarian Constitution 52 abolish slavery 52 Hudood Laws 52 Rule XXII 52 Delimitation Act 52 Consti tution 51 Te Tiriti o Waitangi 51 Constitutional amendments 51 Revised Treaty 51 Maputo Protocol 51 Ceasefire Agreement CFA 51 Widow Penalty 51 Volstead Act 51 consti tution 51 Juneteenth celebrates 51 EAC Treaty 51 Rescission Act 51 RCW #.#.# [003] 51 NDCC ch 51 Panglong Agreement 51 legislative enactments 51 Transitional Administrative Law 51 Hudood ordinances 51 Taft Hartley Act 51 Constitutional Amendment 51 Double Jeopardy Clause 51 Presidential Succession 51 emancipated slaves 50 Tenth Amendments 50 Constitutional Convention 50 UNCAT 50 Compensated Emancipation Act 50 Cherokee Freedmen 50 Taef Agreement 50 Reconstruction Era 50 ILO Conventions 50 ICCPR 50 magna carta 50 emancipation 50 Bomas Draft 50 UDHR 50 Constitution abolishing slavery 50 AUMF 50 Constitution framers 50 Anti Federalists 50 Emancipation Proclamation 50 Slavery 50 Due Process Clauses 50 Naturalization Act 50 jus cogens 50 Stupak Pitts amendment 50 amendatory 50 TVPA 50 Chieftaincy Act 50 Second Optional Protocol 50 constitution 50 PEMRA Ordinance 50 Tort Liability Law 50 Article XVII 50 abhorred slavery 49 AU Constitutive Act 49 construing statutes 49 Attainder 49 JR Jayawardene 49 Amendment 49 anti miscegenation laws 49 constituional 49 Welfare Reform Act 49 Comprehensive Peace Accord 49 APMC Acts 49 Women Suffrage 49 Anti Defection 49 Cease Fire Agreement 49 ratifiers 49 Voting Rights Act 49 Ceasefire Agreement 49 Kadhi Courts 49 Cotonou Partnership 49 Abrogation 49 Immunity Clause 49 Anti Defection Law 49 Shillong Accord 49 Vadukoddai Resolution 49 Parental Notice 49 Criminal Procedural Code 49 judicial usurpation 49 Unclos 49 slavery 49 Loving v. 49 Uwais Report 49 Taif accords 48 Civil Rights Act 48 Ex Parte Milligan 48 OPCAT 48 GG Ponnambalam 48 Nullification 48 Hindu Succession Act 48 Marbury v. 48 ZDERA 48 Treaties 48 VSA § 48 anti miscegenation 48 Great Writ 48 Comprehensive Peace 48 Constitutions 48 corporate personhood 48 Vaddukoddai Resolution 48 Kadhis courts 48 Concurrent Resolution 48 Kadhis Courts 48 IHCIA 48 Unity Accord 48 manumission 48 Indo Lanka 48 Constitutional Amendments 48 Ammendment 48 Article XIV 48 Sentencing Reform Act 48 La.Civ.Code art 48 Fugitive Slave 48 Minimum Wage Act 48 Engrossed Substitute Senate 48 Art.# 48 Plessy v. Ferguson 48 Anti Defection Act 48 MHPAEA 48 Constitutive Act 48 Article XIX 48 GL c 48 Treaty 48 Paris Peace Accords 48 PNDC Law 48 SJ Res 48 suffrage 48 Thirteen Colonies 48 ROPAL 48 miscegenation laws 48 extraconstitutional 48 Transitional Provisions 48 CEDAW 48 UNGA Resolution 48 ILO Convention 48 PL #-# [002] 48 kadhis courts 48 Sugauli Treaty 48 Amend ment 47 Vested Property Act 47 Ninth Amendment 47 Penal Laws 47 categorical imperative 47 Unanimous Consent 47 constitional 47 interpreting statutes 47 Eighth Amendments 47 TRIPS Agreement 47 Article XXII 47 Hudood laws 47 Legal Practitioners Act 47 Abraham Lincoln emancipation 47 indentureship 47 Helsinki Accords 47 Flag Desecration Amendment 47 Patient Self Determination 47 Simpson Mazzoli bill 47 Their Lordships 47 homosexual sodomy 47 Peace Accord 47 Versailles Treaty 47 Minn. R. Evid 47 Customary Law 47 FCC untrammeled 47 Arbitration Clause 47 slavery segregation 47 Code § #.#-#.# [001] 47 Suffrage 47 MoA AD 47 Appointments Clause 47 Lausanne Treaty 47 SADC Protocol 47 Corporate Personhood 47 de jure segregation 47 Upazila Parishad Act 47 Morrill Tariff 47 Stupak Pitts 47 P TOMS 47 ADAAA 47 UNCITRAL Model Law 47 Additional Protocols 47 amendement 47 CEDAW Convention 47 Linas Marcoussis Agreement 47 Segregationists 47 Windhoek Declaration 47 regulating interstate commerce 47 Coinage Act 47 Criminal Libel 47 Fundamental Objectives 47 Laeken Declaration 47 BAIPA 47 ARB No.# 47 ANCSA 47 disfranchisement 47 Appropriation Bill 46 p rior 46 Noumea Accord 46 Lord Lugard 46 Repeal Amendment 46 Asean Charter 46 Amending Directive 46 admendment 46 Sovereign Immunity 46 La.Code Civ.P. art 46 SADC Principles 46 preclearance requirement 46 Ex Post Facto 46 Panchayat Raj Act 46 Provincial Councils 46 CIFTA 46 Manusmriti 46 statutory enactments 46 Universal Adult Suffrage 46 Indemnity Clause 46 UCCJEA 46 UNCIP resolutions 46 Plea Bargaining 46 unenumerated 46 Constitu tional 46 Hudood ordinance 46 Collective Agreements 46 Parliamentary Standing Orders 46 Comprehensive Peace Agreement 46 Cultural Rights ICESCR 46 Minimum Wages Act 46 Kemp Kasten 46 Sedition Acts 46 Tenn. R. Civ 46 slaveowners 46 Depositories Act 46 JR Jayewardene 46 Creamy layer 46 Founding Documents 46 legalized racial segregation 46 habeas statute 46 Rowlatt Act 46 Edwards v. Aguillard 46 mutatis mutandis 46 Blaine Amendments 46 Unauthorised Occupants Act 46 Okla. Stat 46 Emancipation Proclamation declaring 46 NREG Act 46 RSMo 46 Code § #.#-# [001] 46 Arthasastra 46 Akaka Bill 46 Sexual Offences Amendment 46 Accra Comprehensive Peace 46 Federalists 46 Nuremberg Laws 46 Founding Fathers 46 Magna Carta 46 Convention Relating 46 Pemra Ordinance 46 Statutory Instrument 46 constitutional 46 Administrative Tribunals 46 UNCRC 46 La.Code Crim.P. art 46 justiciable 46 Sexual Offences Bill 46 Baselines Law 46 MOA AD 46 Hasba Bill 46 Gouverneur Morris 46 Joint Communique 46 unequal treaties 46 Communal Land 46 Patriot Act Reauthorization 46 Nullification Crisis 46 Colorblindness 46 Taif Agreement 46 Korematsu v. United 46 Teen Endangerment 46 Suspension Clause 46 Halifax Resolves 46 expressly delegated 46 ILO conventions 46 felon disenfranchisement 46 Gangmasters Licensing Act 46 thirteen colonies 46 ratifying treaties 46 construing statute 46 Penal Procedure Code 45 consitutional 45 majoritarianism 45 constitutionally valid 45 Claims Settlement Act 45 Dual Citizenship 45 Presidential Decree No. 45 Medicare Catastrophic Coverage 45 PNDCL 45 Aippa 45 preambular paragraph 45 constition 45 Severability 45 acted ultra vires 45 FGN ASUU 45 Commodity Futures Modernization Act 45 KRS #.#-# 45 Tamil Homeland 45 Lecompton Constitution 45 Machakos Protocol 45 multipartism 45 adult suffrage 45 eighteen sixty 45 dormant Commerce Clause 45 constitutions 45 unilateral abrogation 45 Act RFRA 45 Electoral Act 45 § #.# Vernon 45 Voter Confidence 45 Partition Plan 45 Article XIII 45 HJ Res 45 Commodities Futures Modernization Act 45 BILL SUMMARY 45 Cedaw 45 Humanist Manifesto 45 Second Inaugural Address 45 USSG § #D#.# 45 Racial Integrity 45 Dowry Prohibition Act 45 ICSID Convention 45 USA PATRIOT ACT 45 Nuremberg Principles 45 constitu tional 45 RFRA 45 Intestate Succession Act 45 Statute Governing 45 negatived 45 NJSA #A :# 45 constituion 45 BOFIA 45 elective despotism 45 Plebiscite 45 Act NLRA 45 AEDPA 45 IC § #-# 45 Mayflower Compact 45 Interesting Narrative 45 Equal Pay Act 45 Dayton Accords 45 BAPCPA 45 Bodo Accord 45 KAR #:# 45 Anglo Saxon jurisprudence 45 Agreement CPA 45 KRS #A.# [001] 45 prohibiting interracial marriages 45 Kariba draft 45 decolonised 45 Federalist Paper 45 Magna Charta 45 Hadood Ordinance 45 Hudood Ordinances 45 Lucretia Mott 45 bigamy polygamy 45 Federalist Papers 45 NRS #.# [003] 45 antisodomy laws 45 IMDT Act 45 Act AEDPA 45 Wako Draft 45 Guelzo 45 sub silentio 45 Child UNCRC 45 Render unto 45 Habeus Corpus 45 James Truslow Adams 45 Declaration 45 Negroes 45 nonbinding preamble 45 v. Hardwick 45 Humanae vitae 45 OCGA § #-#-# [005] 45 propounder 45 Wellstone Domenici 45 Hasba bill 45 ATCSA 45 mootness doctrine 45 kadhi courts 45 ADA Amendments Act 45 TRIPS compliant 45 enforced racial segregation 45 CACR 45 Employment Guarantee Act 45 IMDT 45 Transatlantic Slave Trade 45 APTTA 45 OAU AU 45 Freedmen descendants 45 Nationality Law 45 La Republique du 45 Interconnection Regulation 45 Ark. R. Civ 45 subsection f 45 pseudonym Publius 45 indentured labor 45 Incest Punishment Act 45 GRP MNLF Final 45 EACJ 44 Tenth Schedule 44 Nuremburg Laws 44 Wallace v. Jaffree 44 Gilgit Baltistan Empowerment 44 NYCHRL 44 originalist interpretation 44 treaty 44 UNCLOS 44 constitutionalized 44 Proclamation 44 constitutional ammendment 44 Transitory Provisions 44 Southern Cameroons 44 Sex Discrimination Act 44 Three Fifths Compromise 44 habeas stripping 44 Official Languages Act 44 Faretta v. California 44 constitution renounces 44 Glorious Revolution 44 Scheduled Tribes STs 44 Parental Notification 44 Karnataka Panchayat Raj 44 Sexual Offenses Act 44 Regulation FCR 44 Bayh Dole Act 44 Marital Rape 44 non justiciable 44 convening constituent assembly 44 Sri Lanka GOSL 44 § #.#.# [001] 44 ICC Rome Statute 44 Posse Comitatus Act 44 Simla Agreement 44 Voting Rights Acts 44 Constitutional 44 Jeffersonian principles 44 San Andrés Accords 44 FoI Bill 44 unalienable rights 44 prohibiting interracial marriage 44 Fetal Pain 44 Potsdam Declaration 44 Wickard v. Filburn 44 UNCRPD 44 Cabotage Act 44 suspending habeas corpus 44 Berne Convention 44 Military Commissions Act 44 KSA #-# d 44 s uch 44 § #-#-# [002] 44 constitutionally invalid 44 SJV Chelvanayagam 44 Miscellaneous Provisions 44 Algiers Accords 44 NLRA 44 Anti Hijacking Act 44 manual scavenging 44 Section #-#-# [001] 44 section #.#.# 44 Constitu tion 44 Regulations FCR 44 Congress Trample 44 TGTE 44 non derogable 44 Ohrid Framework Agreement 44 Racial Discrimination ICERD 44 Supplementary Protocol 44 UCMJ Article 44 Section #I 44 Truman Doctrine 44 Credit Institutions Stabilisation 44 La. RS #:# [003] 44 residuary powers 44 codecision procedure 44 Peace Accords 44 Rooker Feldman 44 Indigenous Peoples Rights 44 Exclusionary Rule 44 Articles Supplementary 44 Parental Notification Law 44 Algiers Agreements 44 FSP EITF #-#-# [001] 44 Lockean 44 Parental Consent 44 unalienable Rights 44 Nuremberg Tribunal 44 Taif Accords 44 Blackstone Commentaries 44 Blasphemy Law 44 Arbitration Fairness Act 44 Sati Prevention 44 ORS #B.# 44 SR NYSEArca 44 § #-#-# c [001] 44 Untouchability 44 impermissibly retroactive 44 Burros Act 44 Amendments 44 KRS #A.# [002] 44 prefatory clause 44 Arusha Declaration 44 Blasphemy Laws 44 RESTORE Act 44 Bechuanaland 44 William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims 44 Stupak Amendment 44 § #-#-# [006] 44 Relationships Statutory References 44 Emmanuel Kant 44 liberties enshrined 44 Administrative Procedure 44 Bangsamoro Juridical Entity BJE 44 Expropriation Act 44 Wyo. Stat 44 grundnorm 44 mere surplusage 44 purposive approach 44 Article VII 44 TRIPs Agreement 44 Jim Crow 44 HJRes 44 Lunatic Fringe Hijacked 44 Agreement VFA 44 pari materia 44 constitutionalize 44 Thanksgiving Proclamation 44 Tamil separatism 44 Elizabeth Cady Stanton 44 Involuntary Servitude 44 Madras Presidency 44 Meat Inspection Act 44 Ninth Schedule 44 justiciability 44 Anders Bylund More 44 Pedophile Protection 44 § #B#.# [002] 44 Gag Rule 44 Meyers Milias Brown 44 Due Process Clause 44 Apology Resolution 44 fortiori 44 Repl. 44 de jure 44 slaveholding 44 DC Code § 44 substantively unconscionable 44 Optional Protocols 44 Slave Trade 44 Political Parties Order 44 KRS #.# [001] 44 Bommai judgment 44 Kariba Draft 44 antislavery 44 Constituent Assembly 44 Amendement 44 AMMAA 44 § #-#-# [001] 44 Hindu Succession Amendment 44 patriation 44 La République du Cameroun 44 Sessional Paper 44 USAPATRIOT Act 43 Ex parte Young 43 Involuntary servitude 43 SWRD Bandaranaike 43 constitutional amendment 43 Legislative Decree 43 PTOMS 43 Exclusion Act 43 Appropriation Bills 43 CONSTITUTION 43 Military Tribunals 43 Constitution enjoins 43 resolution H.Res 43 § #D#.# 43 severability 43 Durban Declaration 43 Bhurban Declaration 43 Originalists 43 SLGO 43 USA PATRIOT 43 purposive interpretation 43 Article XII 43 Slaveholders 43 suspend habeas corpus 43 Provisional Constitutional Order 43 Scheduled Areas 43 EPIRA 43 Dhimmitude 43 Dormant Commerce Clause 43 Concurrent List 43 Abolition Act 43 subclause 43 Constituent assembly 43 treaties 43 CHT Peace 43 Plan PEAP 43 retrogress 43 unamendable 43 MR Civ 43 Annex VI 43 nonnuclear principles 43 Fourteenth Amendment Equal 43 UOCAVA 43 Promulgation 43 S. #/HR [002] 43 Ordinance #-# [004] 43 Vidhan Sabhas 43 seditious libel 43 Cloture 43 NPCSC 43 Intolerable Acts 43 sine die adjournment 43 FOI Act 43 principles enunciated 43 strictly enforced segregation 43 Panchayats Extension 43 Establishing Religious Freedom 43 Social Darwinism 43 Surface Mining Control 43 Epidemic Diseases Act 43 Miscellaneous Provisions Act 43 handwritten Emancipation Proclamation 43 jus soli 43 Consequential Provisions 43 slave rebellions 43 constitutionally entrenched 43 Unilateral Declaration 43 Matrimonial Property 43 Referendum Law 公民 43 Vagrancy Act 43 Scheduled Tribes Recognition 43 Constitutionally guaranteed 43 Pension Reform Act 43 UNDRIP 43 Ordinance promulgated 43 Servicemen Readjustment Act 43 Norway brokered truce 43 Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance 43 male primogeniture 43 freed slaves 43 Temporary Measures 43 Public Premises Eviction 43 Danbury Baptists 43 Rolando Choque 43 ORS #A.# 43 Lysander Spooner 43 Code § #.#-#.# [002] 43 Criminalization 43 fetal personhood 43 Pa.CSA § 43 Revised Statutes 43 derivation principle 43 Woman Suffrage Association 43 Cooperative Societies Act 43 Proper Clause 43 Law Miscellaneous Amendments 43 Brezhnev Doctrine 43 Assam Accord 43 Punjab Termination 43 Trafficking Protocol 43 SEA Directive 43 ESIGN Act 43 Free Exercise Clause 43 Religious Hatred Act 43 Roaming Horse 43 Juneteenth commemorates 43 Sedition Act 43 Act 43 Nineteenth Centuries 43 Legislated 43 KRS #.# [003] 43 ratified CEDAW 43 RCW #.#A.# 43 unalienable 43 Tort Law 43 EESA 43 Procedure Rules 43 TCA § 43 emancipating slaves 43 HCR# [002] 43 essay Civil Disobedience 43 normative framework 43 Ark. R. Crim 43 Witchcraft Suppression Act 43 Con stitution 43 #:#-# Abstract Free [007] 43 Common Minimum Programme CMP 43 Hostilities Agreement 43 criminalizing abortion 43 Noise Pollution Regulation 43 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation 43 section #-#-# [002] 43 Accession Treaty 43 Taef Accord 43 Sykes Picot 43 Broadcast Decency 43 Creamy Layer 43 Same Sex Relationships 43 archipelagic baselines 43 Sevres Treaty 43 Travis Hoium More 43 Stipulation Agreement 43 FS #.# [001] 43 Kyoto Protocol AWG KP 43 Lotteries Regulation 43 Hitler Stalin pact 43 ANILCA 43 UNSC Resolution 43 Mujib Indira 43 Section #.#.# [001] 43 Naivasha Accord 43 Presidential assent 43 Scalia dissented 43 #:#-# Abstract Free [002] 43 LSA CCP art 43 GATT WTO 43 Telework Enhancement Act 43 Temporary Provisions 43 Hudood Ordinance 43 validly enacted 43 Judicial Activism 43 § #A [001] 43 Arrangement MFA 43 EEBC ruling 43 WHO FCTC 43 Bomas draft 43 antenuptial agreement 43 Motor Voter 43 Grandfathered plans 43 HoR 43 lenity 43 Afrikans 43 MoCRI 43 slaves 43 invoking Article 43 enumerated powers 43 Fundamental Duties 43 primogeniture 43 Seventh Commandment 43 Paycheck Fairness 43 majoritarian 43 Rule XIX 43 Human Rights UDHR 43 Agreement KORUS 43 Pension Offset 43 decriminalized homosexuality 43 Taif Accord 43 albeit imperfectly 43 Intoxicating Liquor Act 43 Constitutionally protected 43 Scheduling Order 43 jus sanguinis 43 Article #.#.# [001] 43 OCGA § #-#-# [002] 43 § #A [002] 43 Enforced Disappearance 43 Cheaper Medicines Bill 43 § #-#.# [003] 43 Maj. Op 43 Justice Frankfurter 43 unConstitutional 43 Rakove 43 AIPPA 43 Cluster Munitions Convention 43 constitution drafters 43 construed liberally 43 Ineligibility Clause 43 peonage 43 ECOWAS Protocol 43 Judges Inquiry 43 UCMJ 43 OF COUNCIL AMENDING 43 SORNA 43 authorize warrantless wiretaps 43 NDCC § 43 Supplementary Budget 43 constitutionalism 43 Amendment Ordinance 43 parol evidence rule 43 Federalist papers 43 FCUBE 43 R2P doctrine 43 Shesol 43 sepoy mutiny 43 Chattel slavery 43 Simla Accord 43 Ohrid Agreement 43 Civil Procedure Code 42 Physician Assisted Suicide 42 Election Offences 42 ICERD 42 Statutory Instruments 42 State ex rel 42 abolish monarchy 42 Presidential Assent 42 Comprehensive Ceasefire Agreement 42 Participatory democracy 42 Convention Against Corruption 42 unallotment statute 42 RCW #A.#.# [001] 42 First Ammendment 42 Solemn Declaration 42 How Capitalism Underdeveloped 42 PATRIOT Act 42 negroes 42 Monarchical 42 Safeguards Agreements 42 Caste discrimination 42 Funeral Picketing 42 Unanimity 42 Stokes MOTHERS Act 42 Tonkin Resolution 42 hudud laws 42 expert Subhash Kashyap 42 updated Interstate Horseracing 42 Cheaper Medicines Act 42 IIRIRA 42 MPRDA 42 Benes decrees 42 Self Governance 42 Stupak Pitts Amendment 42 void ab initio 42 constitutional amendment prohibiting 42 Dred Scott 42 Practice Direction 42 Merry Widow Jackpot 42 Byrd lodestar 42 strictly construe 42 Presidential Decrees 42 Rome Statute 42 OBC quotas 42 Article VIII 42 suffragists 42 s.# [002] 42 Algiers Accord 42 Anti Homosexuality 42 KSA #-# [001] 42 Bruce Catton 42 shall construe subsection 42 fundamental precepts 42 Roe v 42 KSA #-# [002] 42 Revised Statute 42 hereditary kings 42 equitable apportionment 42 Sec.# [001] 42 Gram Sarker 42 rotational presidency 42 dhimma 42 recodified 42 Sixth Schedule 42 DSHEA 42 Retroactively 42 Bayh Dole 42 Anti Secession Law 42 enactments 42 Mahinda Chinthanaya 42 SWRD 42 amendements 42 adjourn sine die 42 Barotse Agreement 42 Pa.RAP 42 Mountainous Karabagh 42 Kariba Draft Constitution 42 Adverse Possession 42 Insurrection Act 42 Elias Zacarias 42 Law No.#/# [001] 42 AN ORDINANCE 42 women suffrage 42 Humanae Vitae 42 FG ASUU 42 religious toleration 42 Rana oligarchy 42 Fundamental Rights Enforcement 42 Habeas Corpus Restoration 42 § #-#-# [003] 42 Biketawa Declaration 42 decolonization 42 Pemra ordinance 42 territorial conquest 42 ORS #.# [001] 42 Royal Prerogative 42 Panglong 42 § 8C 42 Gen. Stat 42 EU Roaming Regulation 42 PATRIOT ACT 42 Dudley Senanayake 42 Workmen Compensation Act 42 Immorality Act 42 FASB ASC Topic 42 TCA § #-#-# [001] 42 Herbert Croly 42 Stats. 42 QMV 42 APMC Act 42 Tort Reform 42 Gram Nyayalaya Act 42 Disestablishment 42 Colorado Revised Statutes 42 racial gerrymandering 42 Uniform Prudent Management 42 Hatch Waxman Act 42 congressionally sanctioned 42 Arusha Accords 42 Act AJCA 42 Supplementary Appropriation Bill 42 communist totalitarianism 42 Kellogg Briand Pact 42 Marriage Affirmation Act 42 AGOA Acceleration Act 42 § #a [002] 42 Unorganised Workers Social Security 42 Abyei Protocol 42 Posse Comitatus 42 divinely mandated 42 MRTP Act 42 Lame Duck session 42 Frankenstein Veto 42 NDCC § #-#-# 42 subsection c 42 fore fathers 42 Repealed 42 Upcountry Tamils 42 Confederacy 42 surplusage 42 section #-#-# [003] 42 OCGA § #-#-# [004] 42 Palestine Mandate 42 CSR #-#.# 42 Multiparty 42 AS #.#.# 42 ammended 42 APB Opinion No. 42 Invents Act 42 Financial Stability Improvement 42 Torture Memo 42 Article XXI 42 constitutionally 42 null void 42 Constitutionalism

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