Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 65 vehicular homicide 63 felony DWI 61 revoked license 61 Aggravated DUI 61 aggravated vehicular assault 61 aggravated DWI 61 vehicular assault 60 careless driving 60 intoxication manslaughter 60 reckless driving 60 aggravated vehicular homicide 59 DUI 59 misdemeanor DUI 59 Reckless homicide 59 vehicular manslaughter 59 intoxicants reckless 58 negligent vehicular homicide 58 drunken driving 58 Felony DUI 58 vehicular eluding 58 reckless homicide 58 inattentive driving 58 DWI 57 DWI convictions 57 vehicular homicide reckless 57 Vehicular Homicide 57 OUIL 57 Aggravated DWI 57 felony 57 DWI careless 57 aggravated vehicular hijacking 56 2nd Degree Murder 56 criminal vehicular homicide 56 aggravated battery 56 harboring felon 56 felony aggravated battery 56 fraudulently obtaining controlled substance 56 Aggravated Driving 55 DUI manslaughter vehicular homicide 55 OWI 55 Vehicular Assault 55 aggravated assault resisting arrest 55 Suspended License 55 1st Degree Murder 54 felony vehicular manslaughter 54 Aggravated battery 54 habitual offender 54 felony eluding 54 aggravated unlicensed 54 DUI manslaughter DUI 54 criminally negligent homicide 54 felony evading 54 Vehicular homicide 54 aggravated assualt 54 habitual criminality 54 capias warrant 54 negligent homicide 54 DUI convictions 54 Felony DWI 54 vehicular homicide drunken driving 54 Charge DUI 53 aggravated assault 53 uttering forgery 53 aiding felon 53 DUI manslaughter 53 fleeing eluding 53 child endangerment 53 DUI conviction 53 DWI conviction 53 Careless Driving 53 gross vehicular manslaughter 53 aggravated indecent liberties 53 Hindering Prosecution 53 armed robbery aggravated assault 52 Second Degree Assault 52 serious bodily 52 disorderly conduct intoxication 52 vehicular negligent 52 Aggravated Assault 52 impaired driving 52 Aggravated manslaughter 52 First Degree Murder 52 DWLR 52 misdemeanor negligent homicide 52 Intoxication Manslaughter 52 OMVI 52 obstructed windshield 52 firstdegree murder 52 Class IIIA felony 52 Negligent homicide 52 recklessly endangering safety 52 OWI convictions 52 Second Degree Murder 52 While Intoxicated 52 felonies 52 misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter 52 drunken driving convictions 52 felony malicious mischief 52 Aggravated Battery 52 Intoxication manslaughter 52 depraved indifference murder 52 DWLSR 51 degree wanton endangerment 51 reckless endangerment resisting arrest 51 felony terroristic threats 51 Parole Violation 51 burglary grand larceny 51 First Degree Assault 51 misdemeanor drunken driving 51 seconddegree murder 51 felony vehicular eluding 51 Reckless Driving 51 firearm specification 51 Reckless Homicide 51 vehicular homicide vehicular 51 DOB #-#-# [005] 51 misdeameanor 51 aggravated robbery 51 DWLS 51 eluding resisting arrest 51 transporting illegal aliens 51 intoxicated OWI 51 Involuntary Manslaughter 51 misdemeanor criminal trespass 51 indecent solicitation 51 Receiving Stolen Property 51 negligent vehicular 51 habitual offender revocation 51 Reckless Endangering 51 thirddegree 51 probation violation 50 aggravated unlicensed operation 50 OWIs 50 degree reckless homicide 50 misdemeanor 50 Negligent Homicide 50 BAC .# 50 culpable negligence manslaughter 50 probation VOP 50 illegal window tinting 50 OVI convictions 50 improper lane 50 Aggravated Unlicensed Operation 50 Criminal Impersonation 50 resisting evading 50 DUII reckless 50 manslaugher 50 Aggravated robbery 50 wanton endangerment 50 roadway laned 50 habitual offender enhancement 50 Felonious Assault 50 Aggravated Sexual Assault 50 controlled substance 50 Probation Violation 50 feloniously pointing firearm 50 DUI Manslaughter 50 larceny shoplifting 50 custodial interference conspiracy 50 uttering forged instrument 50 Veh. Code § 50 DUII 50 aggravated malicious wounding 50 Persistent Felony Offender 50 Residential Burglary 50 Aggravated Robbery 50 Gourgeois 50 evading arrest 50 aggravated battery aggravated assault 50 intoxicants DUII 50 culpable negligence 49 causing bodily 49 loitering prowling 49 Criminally negligent homicide 49 false personation 49 concealing homicidal death 49 felony malicious wounding 49 Aggravated Burglary 49 aggravated misdemeanor punishable 49 flagrant nonsupport 49 Thomas Sewastynowicz 49 seconddegree 49 DOB #-#-# [007] 49 burglary criminal mischief 49 possessing brass knuckles 49 Terroristic threatening 49 While License Invalid 49 issuing worthless 49 lewd molestation 49 fictitious license plates 49 aggravated assault reckless endangerment 49 vehicular manslaughter criminally negligent 49 Charge VOP 49 premediated murder 49 Domestic Abuse Battery 49 nolled 49 trespassing disorderly conduct 49 Intoxicated Manslaughter 49 kidnapping carjacking 49 underage consumption 49 Careless Operation 49 Criminally Negligent Homicide 49 criminal impersonation 49 firstdegree 49 degree murder 49 drunk driving 48 Domestic Battery 48 possessing concealed weapon 48 Criminal Recklessness 48 intoxication 48 Reckless Endangerment 48 aggravated cruelty 48 Wanton Endangerment 48 Reckless endangerment 48 inattentive careless 48 withheld adjudication 48 Vehicular Manslaughter 48 Evading Arrest 48 County Lockup 48 wreckless endangerment 48 Aggravated Murder 48 Evading arrest 48 Sagle ID 48 Charge Felony 48 mutilating corpse 48 parole violation 48 criminal trespass 48 degree statutory sodomy 48 prohibited possessor 48 aggravated arson 48 wreckless driving 48 nonmoving violation 48 involuntary manslaughter felonious assault 48 Morongo Basin Jail 48 Habitual Offender Act 48 abusing corpse 48 Antoine Larkins 48 Intoxication Assault 48 abetting concealment 48 hiding corpse 48 manslaughter criminally negligent 48 felony aggravated unlicensed 48 probation revocation 48 cancellation inimical 48 intoxicated 48 Vehicular manslaughter 48 Involuntary manslaughter 48 Aggravated assault 48 Calcasieu Correctional Center 48 Malicious Wounding 48 controlled substance hydrocodone 48 recklessly evading 48 Great Bodily Harm 48 Disorderly Conduct 48 aggravated incest 48 roadways laned 47 Degree Sexual Assault 47 uninspected motor vehicle 47 drunken driving conviction 47 Drug Paraphernalia 47 SUSPENDED LICENSE 47 degree hindering prosecution 47 intoxicated aggravated unlicensed 47 Serious Bodily Injury 47 vehicular homicide involuntary manslaughter 47 endangerment 47 Carrying Concealed Weapon 47 Felonious assault 47 parole detainer 47 Forged Instrument 47 DWAI 47 involuntary manslaughter recklessly endangering 47 Gross Sexual Imposition 47 Terroristic Threatening 47 Aggravated Child Abuse 47 transporting illegal immigrants 47 harboring runaway 47 #S# block 47 deferred adjudication probation 47 felony grand larceny 47 misdemeanor citation 47 recklessly discharging firearm 47 deferred adjudication 47 Felony Theft 47 impaired Wysokowski 47 2nd Degree Assault 47 pleaded nolo contendere 47 voluntary manslaughter involuntary manslaughter 47 reckless endangerment 47 grevious bodily harm 47 felony criminal mischief 47 felonious assault 47 DOB #-#-# DUI 47 surreptitious intrusion 47 wrongful entrustment 47 violating probation 47 aggravated statutory rape 47 Jeffery Planey 47 Lakeith 47 capias warrants 47 Charge Aggravated battery 47 1st Degree Assault 47 burglary petit larceny 47 Voluntary Manslaughter 47 Felony Murder 47 Demorris Hill 47 trespassing resisting arrest 47 DWIs 47 Trafficking Controlled Substance 47 controlled substance methamphetamine 47 1st Degree Burglary 47 aggravated burglary 47 OVI 47 criminal trespass resisting arrest 47 Charge Driving 47 aggravated vehicular manslaughter 47 criminal trespassing 47 While Ability Impaired 47 manslaughter 47 hindering prosecution 47 petty larceny 47 probationable 47 statutory sodomy 47 aggravated assault false imprisonment 47 LICENSE SUSPENDED 46 adjudication withheld 46 Deferred adjudication 46 unclassified misdemeanor 46 Reckless driving 46 Public Intoxication 46 attempted voluntary manslaughter 46 Child Endangerment 46 Carrying concealed weapon 46 criminal trespass criminal mischief 46 Judge Kathryn Creswell 46 resisting arrest 46 Aggravated unlicensed operation 46 Motor Vehicle Homicide 46 unlawfully discharging firearm 46 aggravated felonious 46 2nd Degree 46 involuntary homicide 46 Degree Kidnapping 46 forcible lewd act 46 resisting arrest hindering apprehension 46 Tangipahoa Parish Jail 46 Manufacturing Methamphetamine 46 Aggravated Sexual Battery 46 First Degree Burglary 46 resisting arrest eluding 46 Vista Detention Facility 46 attemped murder 46 Charge Disorderly intoxication 46 Charge Reckless 46 possessing hypodermic needle 46 attempted malicious wounding 46 FVPA assault * 46 Aggravated Arson 46 intoxication disorderly conduct 46 refusing breathalyzer test 46 recognizance bond 46 custodial interference 46 aggravated manslaughter 46 nonreporting probation 46 statutory rape child molestation 46 Felony Child Neglect 46 jail probated 46 degree intentional homicide 46 Criminal Trespassing 46 forcible felony 46 Sprind 46 Disorderly Conduct Public Intoxication 46 unlawful possession 46 Trafficking Marijuana 46 unlawfully possessing weapon 46 Felony Child Abuse 46 Lapoleon Colbert 46 eluding reckless 46 DOB #-#-# [002] 46 disorderly conduct persisting 46 Aggravated burglary 46 unlawful mischief 46 refused Breathalyzer test 46 forcible touching misdemeanor 46 Rabah Samara 46 inflicting corporal injury 46 willful cruelty 46 Petit Larceny 46 misdemeanor indecent exposure 46 Unlawful Possession 46 defaced firearm 46 While License Suspended 46 drunken boating 46 drug paraphernalia resisting arrest 46 lewd lascivious molestation 45 Tracie Nininger 45 Reckless manslaughter 45 Peontke 45 misdemeanor animal cruelty 45 Lipske 45 Tom Prasertphong 45 carrying concealed weapon 45 DOB #-#-# [006] 45 Unlawful Restraint 45 Charge Uttering false 45 DOB #/#/# [007] 45 Kendis Circle 45 Nanette LaFleur 45 2nd Degree Burglary 45 Ascension Parish Jail 45 refusing breathalyzer 45 intoxicating liquor 45 Causing Injury 45 Criminal Possession 45 nonmoving traffic 45 Dangerous Driving 45 reckless endangering 45 forged instrument 45 unlawfully possessing firearm 45 OUI 45 unlawful intercourse 45 causing grievous bodily 45 forgery uttering 45 felony counts 45 menacing reckless endangerment 45 Disorderly intoxication 45 felony carnal knowledge 45 DPS Trooper 45 Causing Death 45 driving occasioning 45 assault uttering threats 45 entered pretrial diversion 45 incest statutory rape 45 Resisting Arrest 45 DWUI * 45 Charge FTA 45 aggravated kidnapping 45 Louise Egan Brunstad 45 aggravated murder 45 served consecutively 45 Jaffrie 45 involuntary manslaughter 45 Zaccaro pleaded guilty 45 NO LICENSE 45 attempted murder 45 criminal nonsupport 45 Criminal Trespass 45 seconddegree battery 45 Leandra Law 45 Ouachita Correctional Center 45 predatory offender 45 aggravated assault aggravated battery 45 assaulting Hatab 45 hindering apprehension 45 aggravated sodomy 45 unlawful driveaway 45 Unlawful Imprisonment 45 commit custodial interference 45 homicide aggravated assault 45 OVIs 45 disorderly conduct criminal trespass 45 robbing pizza deliveryman 45 DUR dismissed 45 Sixto Balbuena 45 Pineda Doval 45 Caddo Correctional Center 45 BREACH OF PEACE 45 KPD Jail 45 disorderly conduct resisting arrest 45 Bragwell 45 concealed firearm 44 criminal recklessness 44 Turppa 44 Natchitoches Parish Detention 44 armed robbery false imprisonment 44 habitual felon 44 pandering obscenity involving 44 degree recklessly endangering 44 .# BAC 44 felonies punishable 44 Phengsene 44 Marijuana Possession 44 Custodial Interference 44 criminal mischief 44 Misdemeanor 44 DWS revoked 44 administered Breathalyzer test 44 Hiawassee GA 44 uttering forged instruments 44 dob #/#/# [002] 44 pled nolo contendere 44 Todd DeGain 44 aggravated 44 Rapides Parish Jail 44 aggrevated assault 44 sentences consecutively 44 license restrained DUR 44 MWPD warrant 44 furnishing alcohol 44 narcotic controlled substance 44 possessing controlled substance 44 Hayesville NC 44 #N# block [001] 44 breathalizer test 44 Massieville Road 44 manslaughter vehicular homicide 44 daughter Noor Faleh 44 parole absconder 44 DUID 44 nolle prossed 44 proceeding disobey 44 lascivious molestation 44 Defendant pled guilty 44 Thomas Patrick Destories 44 Felony Larceny 44 Attempted Murder 44 uninspected motor 44 premeditated murder 44 Hindering Apprehension 44 Aaron Lalbachan 44 bac refused 44 Noor Faleh Almaleki 44 reindicted 44 Nikkolas 44 FAILURE TO APPEAR 44 intoxicants 44 cancellation inimical danger 44 LARCENY MISDEMEANOR UNDER 44 motor vehicle 44 OUI convictions 44 DUI Impaired 44 Bienville Parish Jail 44 petit theft 44 Possess Use 44 Honesdale Borough Police 44 criminal mischief disorderly conduct 44 involuntary manslaughter aggravated assault 44 aggravated assault terroristic threats 44 resisting arrest disorderly conduct 44 Tausha Borland 44 immigration detainer 44 DUI manslaughter Stallworth 44 Malicious Assault 44 involuntary manslaughter reckless endangerment 44 Charge Probation 44 Prosecutors refiled 44 Addie Kubisiak 44 defective taillight 44 BPSO Jail 44 Dontez Tillman 44 Carl Suchocki 44 knowingly concealing 44 Statutory Sodomy 44 prosecutor Warren Diepraam 44 Sylvia Mojica 44 Myra Orozco 44 wearing seatbelt 44 misdemeanor petit larceny 44 lewd lascivious behavior 44 voluntary manslaughter 44 Avellini 44 petty larceny misdemeanor 44 False Imprisonment 44 Commit Robbery 44 Alford Plea 44 stalking Ryan Seacrest 44 disseminating obscenity 44 Ouachita Parish deputies 44 Degree Robbery 44 misdemeanors 44 Impaired Operation 43 Public Drunkenness 43 illegally reentering 43 Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition 43 Robert Canizalez 43 Edens Expressway 43 Maybrook courthouse 43 intentional homicide 43 felonious larceny 43 Glencroft Ave 43 Resisting arrest 43 unlawfully possessing firearms 43 involuntary deviant sexual intercourse 43 aggravating factors 43 Reckless Conduct 43 Skylar Inman 43 Zilhaver 43 wear seatbelt 43 arson recklessly endangering 43 Demetrio Salas 43 felony animal cruelty 43 Simple Assault 43 negligently discharging firearm 43 habitual sex offender 43 Aggravated Kidnapping 43 Baron Pikes 43 disorderly conduct 43 own recognizance 43 Felony Aggravated 43 criminal mischief resisting arrest 43 resisting arrest obstructing 43 § #a subd 43 facsimile firearm 43 aggravated assault recklessly endangering 43 Deliver Cocaine 43 resisting obstructing 43 Herbie Deshawn Durham 43 Contreras Galdean 43 Lafourche Parish Detention 43 nol prossed 43 NHP trooper 43 Influence DUI 43 Opelousas La. arrested 43 Amanda Bodoh 43 teammate Brian Carlwell 43 furnishing controlled substance 43 deadly weapon 43 Detra Farries 43 Criminal Contempt 43 Tippecanoe Superior Court 43 Degree Sexual Abuse 43 PROBATION VIOLATION 43 excessively tinted windows 43 Criminal Solicitation 43 Danielle Holdgrafer 43 Alicia Lewie 43 Garcia Penaloza 43 misdemeanor petty larceny 43 vehicular homicides 43 Hawariyat 43 Terroristic threats 43 dob #/#/# [004] 43 Kimisha 43 DUIs 43 #.# subd [002] 43 impaired Roeske 43 possessing drug paraphernalia 43 Carlos A. Martinelly 43 Commit Theft 43 WARRANT ARREST 43 Negligent Driving 43 Criminal Attempt 43 Uttering Threats 43 Attending dogfight 43 Disorderly conduct intoxication 43 false imprisonment recklessly endangering 43 Indecent Liberties 43 Recklessly Endangering 43 felon possessing firearm 43 Fredy Giovanni Garcia Tobar 43 incapacitating injuries 43 Marguerite Engle 43 Metzcar 43 Attempted Assault 43 sen tenced 43 administering stupefying drug 43 Draco Slaughter 43 Perlitz pleaded 43 kidnapping felonious assault 43 criminal mischief criminal trespass 43 Rolling Meadows courthouse 43 Negligent homicide carries 43 plead nolo contendere 43 Genevieve Barea 43 controlled substance paraphernalia 43 baby sitter Chasity 43 interlock ignition device 43 Involuntary manslaughter carries 43 maximum sentence 43 Controlled Dangerous Substance 43 Second Degree Burglary 43 Dustin Serpas 43 Official Oppression 43 distribute methamphetamine 43 Terroristic Threats 43 Morehouse Parish Jail 43 degree aggravated unlicensed 43 Oakview Apartments 43 Wepsiec 43 Martinez Detention Facility 43 negligent endangerment 43 Pleading guilty 43 DWI aggravated unlicensed 43 Commit Murder 43 Slightest Degree 43 Stacey Anvarinia 43 ticketed 43 methadone toxicity 43 OWI careless operation 42 sentences concurrently 42 Implied Consent Law 42 misdemeanor Montimere 42 determinate sentence 42 Unlicensed Operation 42 negligently causing 42 DWUI 42 Lorain Correctional Institution 42 Intermediate Punishment 42 Breach Probation 42 unregistered destructive 42 Criminal trespass 42 administering noxious substance 42 Ramiro Gallegos 42 Issuing Worthless Checks 42 inhabited dwelling 42 refused breathalyzer test 42 resentenced 42 capiases 42 Degree Arson 42 aggravated felonious sexual 42 NJSA 2C :# 4a 42 drug paraphernalia 42 grand theft 42 making terroristic threats 42 misdemeanor logbook 42 DOB #/#/# [001] 42 Conviction upheld 42 Golfview Lane 42 falsely impersonating 42 Pamunkey Regional Jail 42 felony nonsupport 42 WLPD 42 Brittany Maggard 42 Misdemeanor Assault 42 Causing Bodily Harm 42 Felony Possession 42 interlock device 42 defective muffler 42 Tyrone Everhart 42 Aggravated Harassment 42 Dahinda 42 Grand Larceny 42 Yusef Kareem Brown 42 old Irma Morado 42 Newcombtown Road 42 ignition interlock device 42 aggravated assault discharging firearm 42 indeterminate penitentiary 42 ordered presentence investigation 42 lascivious exhibition 42 committing terroristic 42 criminal mischief misdemeanor 42 abetting statutory rape 42 child molestation statutory rape 42 Forcible Sodomy 42 Omhari Sengstacke 42 parole eligibility 42 reckless endangerment disorderly conduct 42 Jeannette Sliwinski 42 Charge Resisting officer 42 Rossville GA 42 Grace Headlee 42 Yorktowne Drive 42 #W# block 42 Josefina Prospero 42 unlawful restraint 42 Richard Heene pleaded guilty 42 Beauregard Parish Jail 42 Veh. Code § #.# 42 Bench Warrant 42 reclusion temporal 42 Actual Bodily Harm 42 Cohansey Street 42 awaiting arraignment 42 DOB #/#/# [006] 42 hitand run 42 furnishing liquor 42 Acadia Parish Jail 42 ungraded misdemeanor 42 Lummi Nation Police 42 Faces Drunken Driving 42 capias 42 Impaired Driving 42 lascivious battery 42 possessing marijuana 42 terroristic threats harassment 42 nonviolent felonies 42 Leandra Rosado 42 Christopher Swiridowsky 42 Arrestee Processing Center 42 forcible confinement uttering threats 42 reckless endangerment criminal mischief 42 Charge Burglary 42 Randall Ashauer 42 mischief endangering 42 armed robbery carjacking 42 driving recklessly 42 Unlicensed Driver 42 Bobe Street 42 Poliarny 42 Robley Drive 42 intoximeter test 42 Resisting Law Enforcement 42 Ernestina Reyes 42 Farhoud Masoumian 42 DUI ARRESTS ESCAMBIA COUNTY 42 Suspected serial rapist 42 disorderly intoxication 42 heedless indifference 42 possessing crack cocaine 42 aggravated child molestation 42 Percey Jordan Jr. 42 John Scotillo 42 Woodhill Drive 42 petit larceny 42 Mutilating corpse carries 42 accelerated rehabilitative disposition 42 mandatory minimum 42 grand larceny 42 forcible rape forcible sodomy 42 nolo contendere plea 42 OWI endangering 42 pleaded nolo contendre 42 Opelousas La. charged 42 noninjury 41 Underage Consumption 41 Hopffer 41 breaching conditional discharge 41 NJSA 2C :# 5b 41 inflicting grievous bodily harm 41 plays Tweener 41 distributing crack cocaine 41 attempted feticide 41 Aggravated Rape 41 Iberia Parish Jail 41 Nickolas Bright 41 Latwan 41 Darryl Frierson 41 Sandlewood Drive 41 Lunbeck Road 41 DUI arrests 41 priors 41 Weapon Possession 41 alcoholic beverage container 41 Strawmatt 41 DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE 41 spotted driving erratically 41 Alias Warrant 41 Alan W. Snader 41 Jakscht 41 degree reckless endangerment 41 Endangering 41 DUI CASE 41 identity theft forgery 41 corrupting minors 41 Timothy Bakdash 41 Levon Warner 41 distributing oxycodone 41 Charge Failure 41 felony larceny 41 Elvis Tahirovic 41 Sandpoint ID 41 attempted forcible sodomy 41 civil infraction punishable 41 Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition ARD 41 Assumption Parish Detention 41 Antonyo Reece 41 Sidnee Stephens 41 Felony Evading 41 aggravated assault NJSA 2C 41 Regal Watering Hole 41 Cassingham Hollow Drive 41 furnishing alcoholic beverages 41 guardian Caren Ramirez 41 Helgevold 41 Bossier Maximum Security 41 CDS paraphernalia 41 narcotics paraphernalia 41 Unlawful Flight 41 Anthony Apruzzese 41 defective headlight 41 maltreating detainees conspiracy 41 Troy Kowalsky 41 charged Westley Strellis 41 VGCSA 41 Robinhood Lane 41 C felony punishable 41 Degree Rape 41 pandering obscenity 41 bartender Melvyn Otterstrom 41 Coercion carries 41 assault reckless endangerment 41 DeButy 41 Nol pros 41 burglary petit theft 41 Gabriel Delrisco 41 #mgs [002] 41 Sexual Battery 41 STOLEN GOODS POSSESSION OF 41 Juneway Terrace 41 Rapper DMX pleads 41 Had Suspended License 41 false imprisonment aggravated assault 41 OUI negligent 41 unaccompanied learner driver 41 controlled substance oxycodone 41 Samara Stricklen 41 Public Indecency 41 indecent liberties 41 adjudicate guilt 41 pleaded NOT GUILTY 41 depressant stimulant narcotic 41 habitual offender statute 41 Official Misconduct 41 Port Coquitlam Provincial 41 reckless endangerment custodial interference 41 Karen Irby 41 Third Degree Assault 41 Indecent exposure 41 misdemeanor disorderly conduct 41 Charge Battery 41 Probation revocation 41 Shelly Koontz 41 Youthful Offender System 41 Unlawful Taking 41 Richlands Magistrates Court 41 Yadira Torres 41 malicious wounding 41 involuntary manslaughter negligent homicide 41 Crash snarls 41 Pencyla 41 Misdemeanor punishable 41 unlawful trespass 41 mo ped 41 Alianiss N. Morales 41 DRIVING WHILE LICENSE REVOKED 41 misdemeanor criminal mischief 41 obliterated serial number 41 Controlled Substance 41 Roxie Miss. 41 petit larceny misdemeanor 41 Warrichaiet 41 Andrew Kokoraleis 41 terroristic threats recklessly endangering 41 Agim Demiri 41 xiii impairment 41 Hevle 41 Chanton Jenkins 41 drunkenness disorderly conduct 41 Hartrey Avenue 41 inactive docket 41 infraction punishable 41 NHP Trooper 41 Eastbound Interstate 41 nonfelony 41 Julia Rietz 41 misdemeanor trespassing 41 Michelle Limtiaco 41 Alford Doctrine 41 Cory Andrewski 41 Recklessly Endangering Another 41 Sentences ranged 41 B felony punishable 41 Jose Alfredo Landa 41 probationary sentence 41 Arman Ter Esayan 41 Degree Murder 41 Adan Pineda Doval 41 Adult Detention Facility 41 Felony Drug 41 Marigny Circle 41 Lindini 41 citable offense 41 Carrying Concealed 41 Kyle Lazarchik 41 SW Pataskala 41 Trooper Preston Raban 41 • CHARGED 41 Child Neglect 41 Youthful Offender Act 41 criminal tresspass 41 quarterback Bob Avellini 41 reckless endangerment endangering 41 Ingrid Gustafson 41 burglary criminal trespass 41 Rienow 41 probation detainer 40 OVI arrests 40 OWI arrests 40 lewd wanton 40 Calyx Powers Schenecker 40 chasing speeder 40 capias warrant charging 40 grossly negligent manner 40 DRUG PARAPHERNALIA POSSESSION OF 40 Routine toxicology tests 40 Jessica Syzak 40 USSG § #L#.# 40 sexually assualting 40 forcible lewd acts 40 unsworn falsifications 40 Aggravated identity theft 40 Edgardo Serrato 40 degree felonies punishable 40 Aaron Danoff 40 Portal convergent billing 40 unregistered motor 40 Sandra Bullock stalker 40 Felony