Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 72 averting 71 avert 66 averts 63 avoided 61 narrowly averted 60 forestalled 55 narrowly averting 53 Averting 52 spared 51 forestall 51 staving off 50 stave off 50 staved off 49 narrowly avoided 47 prevented 47 mitigated 46 impends 46 saved 45 BARRING 45 avoiding 45 defused 44 foreseen 44 Deal averts 43 precipitated 43 befall 43 triggered 43 jeopardized 42 avoid 42 thwarted 42 narrowly escaped 41 escaped 41 minimized 41 offing 41 derailed 40 ensue 40 ameliorated 40 adverted 40 avoidable 40 resolved 40 brink 40 cataclysmic proportions 40 forebode 40 trigged 40 foiled 40 forestalling 40 scuppered 40 loomed 40 wholly avoidable 39 solved 39 dashed 39 risked provoking 39 thereby averting 39 dodged bullet 39 survived 39 imminent 39 trigerred 39 foretold 39 dodged 39 Gol Linhas Aereas Intelligentes 38 occuring Shum 38 Barring 38 prevent 38 leveraged buyout loomed 38 portends 38 snuffed 38 halted 38 NYC doormen 38 botched Cabinet reshuffle 38 alleviated 38 checkmated 38 incalculable proportions 38 quelled 38 disrupted 38 remedied 37 Fearing 37 scuttled 37 preventing 37 looming 37 Delfin Ganapin senior 37 looms 37 Spared 37 apropos lyric 37 Hatem Shurrab 37 Pitot troubles 37 Seismologists warn 37 verge 37 presaging 37 historic proportions 37 railway motormen 37 precipitate 37 Averted 37 precipitating 36 portended 36 trigger 36 harbinger 36 foreshadowed 36 resulted 36 braced 36 miraculously escaped 36 foreshadow 36 wrought 36 forseen 36 combated 36 abated 36 presage 36 foresaw 36 Jolted 36 administrator Mukhlesur Rahman 36 prompt 36 presaged 36 curtailed 36 provoked 36 containable 36 unavoidable 36 undone 36 ramifications 36 ensued 35 unfolded 35 rectified 35 effected 35 catastophic 35 catastrophic 35 caused 35 prelude 35 Refiner cutbacks 35 befallen 35 makings 35 ramification 35 neutralized 35 forewarned 35 dealt 35 materialized 35 Biden wife Neilia 35 Staving off 35 spelled doom 35 befell 35 forestalls 35 striked 35 salvaged 35 droughts melting glaciers 35 Avoided 35 stanched 35 precipitating factor 35 ocurred 35 narrowly avoiding 35 occured 35 CHILE MINE RESCUE 35 creditworthy borrowers loom 35 marred 35 entirely avoidable 35 lessened 35 overshadowed 35 Avoiding 35 portent 35 imperil 35 crippled 35 soothe trans Atlantic 35 disastrous consequences 35 engulf 35 curbed 35 Rudloe lifetime 34 Staving 34 countenanced 34 stokes fears 34 Biblical proportions 34 resolved peacefully 34 emerge unscathed 34 result 34 unpreventable 34 defuse 34 assuaged 34 allayed 34 catastrophic consequences 34 defused thorny 34 witnessed 34 thwarting 34 careens toward 34 imperiled 34 subsided 34 epic proportions 34 exacerbated 34 residents cowered indoors 34 repercussions 34 derail 34 scupper 34 Narrowly avoiding 34 befalling 34 hurtling towards 34 tepidly condemning 34 surving 34 Conservative lawmaker Heshmatollah 34 Haering handed 34 Tavishi Srivastava 34 Basler Zeitung newspaper 34 Yandi iron ore 34 incalculable consequences 34 difficulty fathoming 34 Gregorio Vergara 34 occurred 34 thwart 33 narrowly averted partial 33 Unnerved 33 dispersed peacefully defusing 33 Falahatpisheh criticized 33 salutary effect 33 inevitable 33 Ladbroke Grove rail 33 ensured 33 severely deforested 33 foreshadowing 33 triggering 33 barring 33 doomed 33 suffered 33 colossal proportions 33 diffused 33 al naqba 33 sparing 33 portend 33 dimmed 33 casued 33 nighttime curfew enforced 33 spell doom 33 impending 33 settled amicably 33 Contador Leipheimer 33 risked 33 Dire predictions 33 defusing 33 avert shutdown 33 scalloped Taurus 33 prevent recurrence 33 weather droughts floods 33 sabotaged 33 squelched 33 superheated containers 33 avoide 33 dampened 33 Legislature enacts midyear 33 supervisor Jody Noiron 33 eventuated 33 Ife Modakeke 33 hardscrabble dealmaking between 33 occasioned 32 temporarily halted 32 likeliest outcome 32 loom 32 catastrophic proportions 32 whosoever shall kill 32 largely unaffected 32 sparked 32 fatalistically accept 32 infernal spiral 32 makeshift detonator 32 omen 32 forgiven 32 affected 32 inched closer 32 heeded 32 redressed 32 eradicated 32 biblical proportions 32 Challenger Karioth noted 32 Pablo Albella 32 multi tentacled villain 32 Cat astrophe 32 wiped 32 severely disrupted 32 Rwandans schooled 32 blunted 32 CHARLOTTE NC Travelers Cos. 32 shutterless homes 32 trigger domino effect 32 necessitated 32 floods droughts desertification 32 spokesman Jerry Dobrovolny 32 jolted 32 immeasurable proportions 32 calamity 32 Qatari mediated 32 wreak devastation 32 Allaying fears 32 Walkerton E. coli 32 Apprehending 32 fearing 32 solved amicably 32 s Elandsrand Mine 32 Overshadowing 32 flares anew 32 Expressing grief 32 spiritless smile 32 faced 32 eased 32 momentary reprieve 32 thereby avoiding 32 erupt 32 ruined 32 precipice 32 foreseeable 32 wreaked devastation 32 pilots union Sepla 32 Risking 32 Evil Samurai Warlord 32 haulted 32 risking 32 feared 32 handled 32 rescued 32 derails 32 happen 32 toprevent 32 resolved amicably 32 Jnaneshwari 32 Jnaneswari 32 deepened 32 Leaders exuded confidence 32 Ajkai Timfoldgyar metals 32 nightmare scenario 32 stung 32 halts 32 Jnaneswari train 32 miraculously survived 32 Earthquakes tsunamis 32 Marred 32 acerbated 31 Saptakoshi embankment 31 extinguished 31 Avert 31 ripped asunder 31 poses graver 31 Selma Asplund 31 gripped 31 FEARING 31 Gyaneshwari train 31 strike 31 banning judicial filibusters 31 halt 31 consequence 31 deterred 31 quashed 31 Alarmed 31 inkling whatsoever 31 coordinator Andre Sougarett 31 Sainthia train 31 Plane diverted 31 unaffected 31 PXRE undertakes 31 relatively unscathed 31 decimated 31 unfolding 31 Chief Ken Scandariato 31 miraculous escape 31 precursor 31 Barring unforeseen 31 wireless redundancy VPNs 31 tamed 31 reimposed 31 movie spoof Airplane 31 Sayed Kheil area 31 airplanes Rodi 31 stoutly resisted 31 Triggering 31 torpedoed 31 imperils 31 reached 31 Danzeng sixth grade 31 Forewarned 31 Barring cataclysmic 31 undid 31 aggravate latent 31 aftermath 31 inching toward 31 wildfire scarred hillsides 31 inflame sectarian passions 31 Painful reminders 31 heaved sigh 31 surmounted 31 Lalith Weerathunga secretary 31 bitterest foes 31 Wage freezes 31 distant memory 31 Protracted 31 silver lining 31 negated 31 derailing 31 befallen Mrs. 31 Quake triggers 31 Trooper Rasinski 31 Howrah Kurla Gyaneshwari Express 31 staunched 31 foreseeing 31 official Munzir Shiblak 31 occur 31 unleashed tidal wave 31 Forselv 31 relived 31 Awami League misrule 31 avert catastrophe 31 ingestion Soltoski 31 forebodes 31 repercussion 31 intercity highways 31 Sheriff Lamar Guymon 31 Elaine Quijano reports 31 Exacerbated 31 irreparable rift 31 devastate 31 sparking fears 31 Union Averts Strike 31 Heathrow Stansted Southampton 31 volcanic mudflow 31 implications 31 avoids 31 felled 31 Anticipating 31 rent asunder 31 Glen Juban 31 bankruptcies consolidations 31 pre empted 31 Triggered 31 entailing 31 Art Caleda president 31 Braced 31 delayed 31 titanic proportions 31 consquences 31 jeopardy 31 Normalcy returns 31 pointedly distancing 30 Rubina shanty 30 Fishermen unrestrained 30 upended 30 Gyaneshwari 30 catastrophy 30 adversely affected 30 short circuited 30 conciliated 30 herald 30 Butthe 30 NWA flight attendants 30 forewarning 30 contributing factor 30 Eiffel Tower reopens 30 Jnaneshwari Express 30 gigantic proportions 30 unscathed 30 nullified 30 snarled 30 reigniting sectarian 30 teachable moment 30 dims 30 sufffered 30 occurrs 30 spells doom 30 volcanologist Agus Budianto 30 hypoglycaemic unawareness 30 alive Wehrwein 30 prolonged 30 heeded warnings 30 negotiator Gil Cates 30 toavoid 30 Indonesia Krakatau 30 Gregg Overman spokesman 30 unfairly scapegoated 30 ASUU FG 30 HV Parashwanath secretary 30 defender Rauwshan McKenzie 30 FACED 30 Mianus River bridge 30 skirted 30 devestating 30 Getzug 30 biblical proportions Queensland 30 prevent reoccurrence 30 preindustrial temperatures 30 overridden 30 fullscale 30 Avert Strike 30 Paralyzing 30 avenged 30 Gujjar Meena 30 Influenza pandemics 30 Mutually assured 30 deadliest peacetime 30 blinked 30 facilitated 30 scuttle 30 spokesman Kaoru Yoshida 30 save 30 mangle migration 30 Dispelling fears 30 swift 30 2 #/#-year-long scandal 30 temporary reprieve 30 undoing 30 Haryana Kaithal district 30 shriveling paychecks 30 decompression sickness acute respiratory 30 Cooler heads 30 monumental proportions Steger 30 miscalculation 30 Perilously close 30 astonished Orban 30 unnerved 30 monumental proportions 30 CAUSED 30 escape 30 worsen sectarian tensions 30 Averts 30 Greg Yakunin 30 repurcussions 30 potassium imbalance brought 30 contigency 30 emergeny 30 Turin La Stampa 30 occurr 30 saving grace 30 rendered useless 30 rippled outward 30 worsened 30 wreak 30 allays fears 30 largely abided 30 Embroiled 30 official Rusdiyanto 30 snuffing 30 payless payday 30 By VIKKI ORVICE 30 hemorrhage arterial thromboembolic 30 Gaping hole 30 Overshadowed 30 Concern mounts 30 folllowing 30 Clock ticks 30 tempered 30 goalie Nadine Angerer 30 foretell 30 al Naqba Arabic 30 Floods droughts 30 protract 30 Scott Hartnell ejection 30 resumed 30 Mollie Reiley interim 30 engulfed 30 unforseeable 30 bracing 30 cripple 30 Glitch snarls air 30 rendered toothless 30 blockbusters Birns 30 unthinkable 30 revived 30 Reformists denounced 30 Sebastian Giuliano mayor 30 escaping unscathed 30 dreaded Conficker worm 30 stymied 30 STATION Closed 30 flaring anew 30 erased 30 eliminated 30 THE NAZIS 30 Fausto Carmona fizzled 30 Mudflows 30 surefire recipe 30 revives memories 30 starvations 30 Often schoolhouses 29 teary eyed Varela 29 amid bitter recriminations 29 al Muhaimin mosque 29 obviated 29 deep sixed 29 mitigate 29 spokesman Francois Brousse 29 Husseiniyah blockade 29 reduced 29 irreversible 29 sanity prevailed 29 oncoming locomotive 29 juddering halt 29 anticipating 29 prompts evacuation 29 warded 29 suggested Geoblog reading 29 engendered 29 stoked fears 29 dire consequences 29 direr 29 Petco Park swayed 29 Max Papis Dave Blaney 29 Nurse practitioners argue 29 facing 29 Menhenett 29 remembered 29 pleases tea partiers 29 false alarm 29 covert CIA drone 29 cataclysmic 29 escape unscathed 29 overcome 29 writes Zulfiqar frets 29 career Lorrie Sullenberger 29 Tension mounts 29 Quelling 29 commissioner Gyorgy Bakondi 29 Kerang rail 29 coexist Jaitley 29 big fright Tafalla 29 Setbacks mounted 29 paralyze 29 salved 29 ravaged Aceh 29 shaken 29 Studios Girlfriends Films 29 WASHINGTON Perilously close 29 cast shadow 29 nonbinding resolution labeling 29 denouement 29 reprieve 29 unforeseeable 29 ensues 29 Sule Pagoda flash 29 swallowed 29 stanching 29 Dharamdev 29 Kalam condoles 29 Strong aftershock rattles 29 Expressing regret 29 fallout 29 convulsed 29 Suhodol dump 29 conse quences 29 heighten sectarian tensions 29 pulse pounding climax 29 Geovany Soto Mark DeRosa 29 speeded 29 reacted calmly 29 Squarely blaming 29 Gosselins Drama 29 protracted 29 Smelling rotting flesh 29 endless bandhs 29 stricken Zafaraniyah neighborhood 29 postponed 29 deterent 29 Threatened 29 inching towards 29 pardonable 29 calamitous 29 immanent 29 hammered 29 commissioner Augusto Fantozzi 29 alerted 29 STRIKES 29 Gov Jeb 29 Tragedy averted 29 militated against 29 undo 29 brittle bones fractures 29 recesion 29 Still smarting 29 Looming 29 Rattled 29 Josh Collmenter pitched 29 Volcano eruptions 29 hastier 29 Christian Bale foul mouthed 29 solvable 29 graver 29 Expressing sorrow 29 pacified 29 devastating 29 girding 29 starkly illustrates 29 marked 29 Ayodhya Varanasi 29 ordered magisterial probe 29 swifter 29 consequences 29 unmitigated 29 narrowly escaping 29 harbingers 29 unraveling 29 cosmic proportions 29 Johannesburg Metrobus 29 forcing repeated adjournments 29 destablised 29 strange happenings thundersnow 29 hurtling headlong 29 stopwork 29 Meira Matos 29 inevitable consequence 29 receded 29 destabilized 29 rendered helpless 29 brinks 29 resolved diplomatically 29 blown 29 dented 29 Venkat Thannir 29 rudely interrupted 29 unforeseeable consequences 29 magnified 29 brother Raca shall 29 Pyrrhic 29 levee eases 29 tipped Canion 29 put damper 29 Govt Oppn 29 ushered 29 stike 29 droughts ravage fields 29 Galena Ill 29 risked derailing 29 Whipsawed 29 dreaded laminitis 29 clearest manifestation 29 dooming 29 Avoidable 29 eminently avoidable 29 minimally impacted 29 rekindles memories 29 staves 29 bad omen 29 rendered irrelevant 29 pyrrhic victory 29 calmed 29 gone unnoticed 29 sliding backhanded stab 29 my kimchee breath 29 ozone layer shielding 29 endures deadly firestorms 29 sufferred 29 outweighed 29 flooded Caviezel 29 touched Walter Grotte 29 Decimated 29 justified 29 salvaging 29 Stewardesses Association 29 minister Mortaza Hossain 29 commissioner Guenther Verheugen 29 caught napping 29 implosive 29 heatwaves droughts 29 rudely shattered 29 pestilence famine 29 Unaffected 29 droughts famines 29 THE ONGOING 29 nipping Clint Bowyer 29 ligament rupture 29 compounded 29 CARDIFF CITY 'S 29 Liberal Jim Karygiannis 29 precipitious early 29 beset 29 appeased 29 drastically reduced 28 Irakli Metreveli 28 WGA AMPTP 28 crippling 28 Smoot Hawley Act 28 jeopardize 28 Chamunda Devi Temple 28 stoke hatreds 28 vomiting hallucinations 28 Imminent 28 Claudine Zap 28 bulletproof cockpit 28 Medic Abdel Monem 28 Depsite 28 provoke 28 kiboshed 28 wage rollbacks 28 detect earthquakes tsunamis 28 Choshane 28 setpoints programmable zone 28 hasty pullout 28 eleventh hour 28 Balco chimney 28 drifting helplessly 28 scotched 28 survives 28 Lemole smiled 28 prolonging 28 Had 28 caught unawares 28 Burt Shevelove enjoyed 28 extricated 28 discerned 28 floods heatwaves droughts 28 SAS swoops 28 stirs memories 28 OKLAHOMA CITY OKLA 28 Hamstrung 28 Left unrepaired 28 intensifed 28 Walker Graupner 28 forgotten 28 Chessmore Peterson 28 justify warrantless searches 28 imperil eventual 28 blunder 28 monumental traffic jams 28 necessitating 28 severely crimped 28 WYATT Mo. 28 ship sinkings 28 VIAGRA EXPERIENCES 28 soft answer turneth 28 earthquakes tornados 28 Chairman Ofer Eini 28 across VicPower outages 28 cyclones floods 28 ENGLAND 'S Ashes 28 Cerak bedside 28 Union TEEU 28 #/#-like attack 28 Yukio Takahashi 28 instigated 28 scatter radioactive 28 fled Isea 28 Anguished relatives voiced 28 reoccurence 28 self calibration BACnet 28 pyrrhic 28 pre empt 28 Declawing cat 28 thrown monkey wrench 28 prevailed 28 WGA pickets 28 owl kingdoms 28 involuntarily furloughed 28 Fittingly Sharpley threw 28 raged unabated 28 Wary 28 inflame sectarian tensions 28 overspilling 28 Tensions flared anew 28 unforeseen consequences 28 distrupted 28 scuppering 28 worsens 28 obviate 28 chairman Peter Kalikow 28 Gakhar Plaza 28 aftershock jolted parts 28 escaped unscathed 28 bode ill 28 doggedly pursued sanctions 28 chalked 28 Fabio Berti 28 Purim commemorates 28 Pre emptive 28 covers Swat Buner 28 Inmate dies 28 Park Myung lim 28 Chittisinghpora 28 Pouha grabbed 28 shakier footing 28 seven crossbench senators 28 restored 28 upend nascent 28 BASTIA Corsica 28 Gyaneswari Express 28 disastrous 28 Warding off 28 exacerbate 28 raged unchecked 28 rung alarm bells 28 worse 28 ribbons holly wreaths 28 Chile choreographs 28 reversed 28 needlessly prolonging 28 preferable 28 El Hallak 28 Inquest hears 28 Outreach Professional DMHP 28 Scotland outermost Hebrides 28 Editor Thom Fladung 28 severely dented 28 defeating Anastasiya Yakimova 28 emerged unscathed 28 bargained 28 resulting 28 Unions Threaten 28 balloted 28 Pilots Reach Tentative 28 survivors swam ashore 28 vastly overplayed 28 lazy whiners blog 28 looms ominously 28 Military helicopters ferried 28 escapes unhurt 28 doom 28 undermined 28 witnessing 28 honoring Imam Moussa 28 fathomed 28 co ordinator Andre Sougarett 28 premonition 28 presages 28 inflict irreparable damage 28 blundered 28 Darrell Vanyo Cass 28 Unscathed 28 Salwa el 28 Precipitated 28 hurtles towards 28 #/#-like [001] 28 wizard Voldemort 28 airports witting 28 arrested Jackkqueline Pogue 28 overtaken 28 staged wildcat 28 Janet Raulin 28 occure 28 Angel Albino Corzo 28 Melissa Brymer 28 catastrophe 28 Saakashvili defused 28 THREATENED 28 Hungary toxic sludge 28 inflict punishing 28 weathered 28 Pummeled 28 delaying 28 sidestep 28 hitherto unthinkable 28 Farepak hamper 28 rescinded 28 deescalate 28 leader Giorgos Tzortzatos 28 materialize 28 shutdown 28 airports Heathrow Stansted 28 Cyclone Nisha 28 acted swiftly 28 goners 28 foreshadows 28 fallouts 28 situation Shaginian Needham 28 readied 28 sky Goglia 28 providential escape 28 LANSING WJRT #/#/# 28 unless Widrlechner 28 bodes ill 28 Barawafat procession 28 NEW DELHI Terming 28 torn apart 28 immiment 28 striken 28 threatened 28 Foreshadowing 28 unkindest 28 mule deer pronghorn 28 Fissile material 28 surivors 28 Diabetics skimp 28 subsiding 28 coordinator Jan Vandemoortele 28 CHRONOLOGY 28 dePolo 28 Superintendent Leonard Rezmierski 28 floods heatwaves 28 Nick Clegg Lib Dems 28 Thou fool 28 potentialy 28 protested loudly 28 disruption 28 spotting amyloid plaque 28 cruelly snatched 28 Laurent Bigot director 28 Schoolgirl dies 28 barest glimmerings 28 Badly burned 28 USA KFSN 28 Anne Marie Morel 28 CN Rail TSX CNR 28 bridged 28 Melamine poses 28 Escravos pipeline 28 spokeswoman Rochelle Ogershok 28 canceled 28 CHRONOLOGY Recent 28 millenarian cultists making 28 Dake Abel 28 risked harming 28 Labourer dies 28 escaping 28 reverberated throughout 28 cast pall 28 apocalyptic proportions 28 official NK Srivastava 28 Lakhimpur Dhemaji