Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 69 menacing criminal mischief 62 misdemeanor criminal mischief 60 aggravated assault 59 wife Brooke Mueller 58 menacing reckless endangerment 57 Brian Bonsall 56 vehicular eluding 56 criminal mischief misdemeanor 56 misdemeanor assault 56 misdemeanor disorderly conduct 55 criminal mischief 54 ASPEN Colo. Charlie Sheen 54 deadly weapon 54 inflicting corporal injury 53 misdemeanor battery 52 felony vehicular eluding 52 Class IIIA felony 52 aggravated battery aggravated assault 52 disorderly conduct 52 felony aggravated battery 52 recklessly endangering safety 51 terroristic threatening 51 felony 51 aggravated assault reckless endangerment 51 Aggravated Assault 51 Charge Disorderly intoxication 51 Charge Aggravated assault 51 attempted murder 51 degree criminal trespass 51 felon possessing firearm 51 ASPEN Colo. Actor 51 Arnold Mordkin 51 misdemeanor 50 aggravated battery 50 criminal impersonation 50 aggravated harassment 50 false imprisonment 50 aggravated assault resisting arrest 50 criminal trespass criminal mischief 50 aggravated felonious 50 Charge Aggravated battery 50 Mordkin 50 resisting arrest 50 trespassing resisting arrest 50 making terroristic threats 50 aggravated stalking 49 reckless endangerment criminal trespass 49 degree terroristic threatening 49 criminal trespassing 49 recklessly evading 49 attemped murder 49 vehicular homicide vehicular 49 forcible rape sodomy 49 criminal trespass 49 Robert Ouriel 49 degree malicious mischief 49 misdemeanor indecent exposure 49 felony terroristic threats 48 kidnapping false imprisonment 48 degree criminal mischief 48 aggravated burglary 48 aggravated assualt 48 weapon uttering threats 48 terroristic threats 48 criminal trespass resisting arrest 48 First Degree Assault 48 stalking Ryan Seacrest 48 reckless endangerment terroristic threats 48 spousal battery 48 misdemeanors stemming 48 assault reckless endangerment 48 felony criminal mischief 48 eluding resisting arrest 48 forcible oral copulation 48 reckless endangerment 48 seconddegree 48 Felonious assault 48 2nd Degree Murder 48 firstdegree 48 forcible sexual 48 probation violation 48 negligently discharging firearm 48 felony counts 47 aggrevated assault 47 harboring felon 47 Second Degree Assault 47 controlled substance paraphernalia 47 Darcie Esson 47 degree hindering prosecution 47 Charge Aggravated 47 prohibited possessor 47 aiding felon 47 aggravated felonious sexual 47 feloniously pointing firearm 47 degree murder 47 Addie Kubisiak 47 misdemeanor criminal trespass 47 aggravated assault terroristic threats 47 aggravated menacing 47 hindering prosecution 47 unlawful intercourse 47 possessing concealed weapon 47 Criminal Impersonation 47 criminal mischief criminal trespass 47 Zaccaro pleaded guilty 47 misdemeanor DUI 47 armed robbery aggravated assault 47 willful cruelty 47 aggravated indecent liberties 46 attempted forcible sodomy 46 vehicular homicide involuntary manslaughter 46 Aggravated Battery 46 premediated murder 46 falsely impersonating 46 disorderly conduct resisting arrest 46 vehicular assault 46 brandishing weapon 46 disorderly conduct criminal trespass 46 unlawful restraint 46 Charge Domestic 46 Degree Kidnapping 46 felonious assault 46 false imprisonment aggravated assault 46 possessing methamphetamine 46 Christopher Bartkowicz 46 firstdegree murder 46 unlawful sexual intercourse 46 Aggravated assault 46 possessing brass knuckles 46 NJSA 2C :# 5b 46 loitering prowling 46 aggravated assault false imprisonment 46 Kasey G. Kazee 46 lewd molestation 46 Cecil Suwal pleaded guilty 46 Morongo Basin Jail 46 drug paraphernalia resisting arrest 46 incest statutory rape 46 unregistered destructive 46 Kalonniann Clark 46 Rozita Swinton 46 burglary criminal mischief 46 aggravated assault forcible confinement 46 trendy SoHo nightspot 46 probation VOP 46 Charge Resisting officer 46 spouse false imprisonment 46 custodial interference 46 Nol pros 46 aggravated robbery 46 resisting arrest disorderly conduct 46 Defensive lineman Jonathan Babineaux 46 Anthony Ench 45 Scott Homar 45 Anita Slone 45 mutilating corpse 45 unlawfully possessing firearm 45 breaching recognizance 45 sexual imposition 45 Rudy Gaytan 45 Melvin Jovel pleaded guilty 45 terroristic threats reckless endangerment 45 misdemeanor petit larceny 45 felonies 45 degree custodial interference 45 Aggravated battery 45 violating probation 45 homicide aggravated assault 45 1st Degree Assault 45 reckless endangering 45 aggravated incest 45 wanton endangerment 45 § #a subd 45 Alan Panettiere 45 degree reckless endangerment 45 felony evading 45 Martinez Fabela 45 Edna Jester 45 nolled 45 hiding corpse 45 Degree Assault 45 inducing panic 45 Disorderly conduct 45 dissuading witness 45 UCLA Dragovic 45 Lynn Kimbrough 45 Van Nuys Superior Court 45 SE Massillon 45 Indio Jail 45 Gianno Alaimo 45 terroristic threats disorderly conduct 45 violating restraining order 45 criminal mischief disorderly conduct 45 Warterfield pleaded guilty 45 assault uttering threats 45 aggravated assault recklessly endangering 45 Linnie Burton Jr. 45 Tharin Gartrell 45 negligent vehicular homicide 45 Felony Assault 45 Michael Kuhnhausen 45 Brittany Maggard 45 possessing amphetamines 45 Orsi protested 45 disorderly intoxication 45 parole violation 45 terroristic threats false imprisonment 44 administering noxious substance 44 trespassing disorderly conduct 44 blames Jenna Jameson 44 forced oral copulation 44 spokeswoman Stephanie Dasaro 44 degree statutory sodomy 44 thirddegree domestic 44 Degree Robbery 44 felony eluding 44 harboring runaway 44 resisting evading 44 Jeffery Planey 44 xiii impairment 44 unlawful mischief 44 burglary criminal trespass 44 burglary petit theft 44 possessing bladed article 44 Rianne Theriault Odom 44 felony bigamy 44 carrying concealed weapon 44 Miriam Gallegos 44 criminal tresspass 44 Charge VOP 44 Alayna Higdon 44 assault occasioning bodily harm 44 administering stupefying drug 44 DOB #-#-# [005] 44 terroristic threats recklessly endangering 44 Richard Nedlin 44 degree intentional homicide 44 Ramon Alberto Midence 44 misdemeanor counts 44 Richard Heene pleaded guilty 44 Vehicular Homicide 44 terroristic threats harassment 44 fraudulently obtaining controlled substance 44 misdemeanor trespassing 44 Ronald Swerlein 44 negligent vehicular 44 lewd lascivious molestation 44 Carlos Irwin Estevez 44 rape patronizing prostitute 44 involuntary deviant sexual intercourse 44 uttering threats 44 degree wanton endangerment 44 Reckless Endangering 44 Olivares Coster 44 Prosecutor Arnold Mordkin 44 SCOTTSDALE Ariz. Charles Barkley 44 felony misbranding 44 Aggravated Burglary 44 Charge DUI 44 Charge Resisting arrest 44 aggravated sexual 44 attempted malicious wounding 44 stalking Ivanka Trump 44 causing bodily 43 Terroristic threatening 43 Suspected serial rapist 43 Douglas Tallman 43 Louise Egan Brunstad 43 Wanton Endangerment 43 defaced firearm 43 Isaia Medina 43 aggravated vehicular hijacking 43 Illston declared mistrial 43 Criminal Trespass 43 aggravated cruelty 43 Donald Segerstrom 43 Carrying Concealed Weapon 43 Aggravated menacing 43 assaulting 43 Cory Andrewski 43 First Degree Burglary 43 Omer Abdi Mohamed 43 custodial interference conspiracy 43 kidnapping carjacking 43 affray 43 Second Degree Murder 43 Residential Burglary 43 firearm Pen. Code § 43 semiautomatic firearm 43 burglary 43 Patrolman Deron Ilarraza 43 hotdog afterward 43 felony grand larceny 43 withheld adjudication 43 Nescopeck Pa. 43 unsupervised probation 43 Aspen Colo. 43 carrying switchblade knife 43 Daniel Ehrlick Jr. 43 Pascal Bensimon 43 burglary coercion 43 burglary malicious mischief 43 Charge Uttering false 43 Shayne Souza 43 felonious sexual 43 controlled substance methamphetamine 43 Wheatland Wyo. 43 thirddegree 43 aggravated assault aggravated battery 43 Degree Sexual Assault 43 obliterated serial number 43 Forcible Touching 43 Abdel Nur pleaded guilty 43 Hindering Prosecution 43 Anthony Carleo 43 Limon Correctional Facility 43 Alford Plea 43 Arfat Fadel 43 Vista Detention Facility 43 Yacteen 43 Kevin Elmarr 43 attempted voluntary manslaughter 43 felonious restraint 43 Jeff Dorschner spokesman 43 Victoria Rathgeb pleaded 43 Amirhossein Sairafi 43 misdeameanor 43 Rhett Epler 43 James Farentino 43 sexual assault 43 Teonna Monae Brown 43 probation revocation 43 Sheila Darlene Sones 43 Degree Arson 43 Barouh pleaded guilty 43 stet docket 43 malicious wounding 43 aggravated sodomy 43 Falu Vives 43 intoxicants reckless 43 felony malicious mischief 43 Maria Berkenkotter 43 Charge Battery 43 possessing switchblade 43 statutory sodomy 43 sexually assualting 43 disorderly intoxication resisting arrest 43 Thom LeDoux 43 unlawful trespass 43 Charge FTA 43 Charge Burglary 43 Maria Razo 43 Antonio Stridiron 43 Port Coquitlam Provincial 42 hindering apprehension 42 Tyrone Everhart 42 aggravated kidnapping 42 Attempted Assault 42 Gregory Zielesch 42 Aggravated Harassment 42 causing bodily harm 42 felony carnal knowledge 42 Lucien Trammell 42 armed robbery false imprisonment 42 Actor James Farentino 42 David Nickolas Delich 42 Nathan Helburn 42 murdering Abdel Majid 42 Pen. Code 42 grand larceny petit larceny 42 Trafficking Controlled Substance 42 Eduardo Capote 42 vehicular homicide 42 Commit Felony 42 Aggravated burglary 42 weapon forcible confinement 42 arson recklessly endangering 42 Leslie Luchinski 42 Landry Boullard 42 name Jihan Jeffers 42 forcible sodomy 42 Charge Felony 42 Charge Shoplifting 42 grand theft 42 escaping lawful 42 defiant trespass disorderly conduct 42 Maksim Myaskovskiy 42 sexual intercourse indecent assault 42 facsimile firearm 42 forcible touching 42 Reckless Endangerment 42 Vehicular Assault 42 misdemeanor inciting riot 42 involuntary manslaughter aggravated assault 42 terroristic threat 42 BPSO Jail 42 forcible rape lewd 42 unlawful imprisonment 42 Calvin Tillie 42 assault forcible confinement 42 distribute methamphetamine 42 involuntary manslaughter recklessly endangering 42 accosting Wiesel 42 1st Degree Murder 42 aggravated malicious wounding 42 seconddegree murder 42 Degree Rape 42 Resisting Arrest 42 Buttafuoco pleaded guilty 42 child enticement 42 custodial indecent liberties 42 prosecutor Arnold Mordkin 42 burglarious instruments 42 Involuntary manslaughter 42 NJSA 2C :# 4a 42 Pogline 42 patronizing prostitute 42 dogfighting conspiracy charges 42 burglary grand larceny 42 Attempted Aggravated 42 reckless endangerment resisting arrest 42 Gonzalez Loujun 42 causing GBH 42 accuses Philip Markoff 42 grand larceny coercion 42 Deadly Weapon 42 firearm specification 42 causing grevious bodily harm 42 resisting arrest hindering apprehension 42 Criminal Mischief 42 Detra Farries 42 Brawley Nolte 42 stalking criminal trespass 42 domestic disturbance 42 DUII reckless 42 Persistent Felony Offender 42 seconddegree battery 42 Criminally negligent homicide 42 James Jud Bondsteel 42 kidnapping forcible confinement 42 Aggravated Sexual Assault 42 Jane Robison 42 Lummi Nation Police 42 Unlawful Restraint 42 Demetrio Salas 42 misdemeanor negligent homicide 42 operated alarm clocks 42 disorderly conduct criminal mischief 42 Kiyoshi Higashi 42 rape forcible sodomy 42 Alford Doctrine 42 forcible rape forcible 42 Brandon Baynes 42 sodomy indecent assault 42 criminal mischief resisting arrest 42 Aggravated Menacing 42 First Degree Murder 42 Brooke Mueller 42 Joseph Yacteen 42 Jonathan Ajar 42 sideswiping worshiper 42 Charge Disorderly conduct 42 stalking Audrina Patridge 42 undergo psychosexual evaluation 42 murdering Julissa Brisman 42 Aaron Lalbachan 42 Greenland Etienne 42 involuntary manslaughter negligent homicide 42 Marietta Patek 41 Stephanie Dasaro 41 harassment criminal trespass 41 Brhely 41 DWAI 41 grevious bodily harm 41 Arapahoe County 41 quotes Brooke Mueller 41 Domestic Battery 41 grievous bodily harm GBH 41 Degree Murder 41 abetting statutory rape 41 Audrina Patridge stalker 41 reckless endangerment custodial interference 41 forcible lewd act 41 child endangerment 41 narcotic paraphernalia 41 Sconticut Neck Rd 41 Andrew Muhle 41 Zion Dutro 41 Saher Macarius lawyer 41 misdemeanor drunken driving 41 witness tampering 41 entered pretrial diversion 41 concealing stolen 41 statutory rape child molestation 41 Reckless endangerment 41 Allanah Benton Wells 41 brother Robby Kuenzi 41 false personation 41 disorderly conduct intoxication 41 felonious misconduct 41 Ingrid Gustafson 41 identity theft forgery 41 Patrick Aniban 41 armed robbery carjacking 41 served consecutively 41 forfeiture specification 41 Brisenia head 41 Resisting arrest 41 Rapides Parish Jail 41 commit grievous bodily 41 teenagers Brandon Piekarsky 41 Ploysy 41 aggravated misdemeanor punishable 41 DUI manslaughter DUI 41 Frank Salemme 41 Polty 41 Genevieve Barea 41 2nd Degree 41 Erin Caffey 41 Stacie Mullins 41 Pete Hautzinger 41 Vaghari 41 deferred adjudication 41 Aggravated Kidnapping 41 degree recklessly endangering 41 depressant stimulant narcotic 41 Jesse Bickett 41 Jacqueline Beems 41 forcible rape forcible sodomy 41 Dean Allen Lavorante 41 Juston Graber 41 disseminating obscenity 41 J. Bacos pleaded guilty 41 possessing controlled substance 41 Tisha Vega 41 Barragan Balderas 41 Criminal Sexual 41 burglary petit larceny 41 Suspect Faisal Shahzad 41 Brooke Mueller Sheen 41 aggrivated assault 41 Second Degree Burglary 41 wrestle Herkelman 41 inflicting grievous bodily harm 41 Child Endangerment 41 false imprisonment terroristic threats 41 concealing homicidal death 41 Uttering Threats 41 arraigment 41 Elijah Gayden 41 Porterville substation 41 Criminal Possession 41 Vesperas 41 verbal altercation escalated 41 petty larceny 41 Tirth Sehmbi 41 DWLR 41 forcible compulsion 41 indecent solicitation 41 pepper spray misbehaving 41 Vlavianos ordered 41 abetting concealment 41 Jordan Curet 41 Aggravated Child Abuse 41 assault occasioning 41 rape Juniak 41 Ramrattan Queens apartment 41 Pen. Code § 41 racketeering conspiracy narcotics 41 OUIL 41 younger Fierstine 41 Diaz Arevelo 41 nes MEZ' ur lee 41 Lael Montgomery 41 felony DWI 41 Lakeland Terrace Apartments 41 Attempted Murder 41 rape housebreaking 41 Degree Burglary 41 Pled guilty 41 OHL Boulerice 41 felonious assault aggravated 41 Accused embezzler 41 Weapon Possession 41 felony coercion 41 manslaugher 41 Gross Sexual Imposition 41 Patricia Roosa 41 Tausha Borland 41 Felony Aggravated 41 Aggravated Robbery 41 Unlawful Imprisonment 41 Seetot 41 assault 41 nol prossed 41 obey lawful orders 41 Dangerous Weapon 41 felony malicious wounding 41 aggravated assault NJSA 2C 41 Charge Larceny 41 Aggravated Arson 41 Shelly Koontz 40 Actor comedian Faizon 40 knowingly concealing 40 murdering Bonny 40 Criminal Recklessness 40 Vehicular Manslaughter 40 against Critchley Browning 40 fleeing eluding 40 mother Latrina Moore 40 forcible touching misdemeanor 40 Robert Scheiring 40 Draco Slaughter 40 1st Degree Burglary 40 Brandon Manai 40 forcible rape 40 allegedly assaulting 40 indecent assault corrupting 40 Traci Housman 40 probationable 40 Clint Engstrom 40 Bernard Uckele 40 accelerated rehabilitative disposition 40 Like Zazi Ahmedzay 40 Aggravated Sexual Battery 40 supervised probation 40 Aspen 40 Kurt Vernier 40 espionage desertion 40 Nickolas Bright 40 narcotic controlled substance 40 pandering obscenity involving 40 evading wanton endangerment 40 degree reckless homicide 40 Mutilating corpse carries 40 involuntary manslaughter reckless endangerment 40 Seacrest stalker 40 IN SKOWHEGAN 40 Anne Throneberry 40 Jeffry Courtney 40 Post Glenn Asakawa 40 voluntary manslaughter aggravated assault 40 Hank Croslin Jr. 40 Joshua Southwick 40 Prosecutor Raymond Patricco 40 Jurors deadlocked 40 Judge Cerena Wong 40 DUI Foxen 40 Patricia Barrales 40 Evi Quaid pleading 40 Azim Ibragimov 40 Marian Wegiel 40 Aquash kidnapping 40 Charge Lewd 40 oral copulation 40 Parramatta Childrens 40 Motor Vehicle Homicide 40 resisting arrest eluding 40 Reckless homicide 40 Flower Tompson 40 forcible sexual intercourse 40 rearraigned 40 Farhoud Masoumian 40 short barreled shotgun 40 misdemeanor animal cruelty 40 Linda Witong 40 Jared Loughner LAWF' nuhr 40 Collins Masese 40 Casey Eleeson 40 Jahmir Ricks 40 Receiving Stolen Property 40 narcotics paraphernalia 40 Antoine Larkins 40 reckless endangerment disorderly conduct 40 lawyer Karen Winckler 40 Michelle Paet 40 pandering obscenity 40 Custodial Interference 40 Diaz Arevalo 40 Sagle ID 40 Skylar Inman 40 Deborah Carona 40 Medellin brother Vernancio 40 Russells disappearance 40 aggravated unlicensed 40 TAHLEQUAH Cherokee County 40 Ismael Juarez 40 Jay Myran 40 Aggravated robbery 40 Sebastian Olivares Coster 40 transporting narcotic 40 aggravated vehicular homicide 40 lascivious battery 40 possessing firearm 40 Nicholas Vovos 40 voluntary manslaughter 40 Wyzanowski 40 Somee 40 Youthful Offender System 40 negligent discharge 40 convict Helen Golay 40 Probation revocation 40 terroristic threats criminal mischief 40 commit indictable offense 40 Josh Peek Pueblo 40 Sylvia Mojica 40 Cornerback Knowledge Timmons 40 DUI manslaughter Stallworth 40 co habitant 40 IN BINGHAM 40 uttering forged instrument 40 Presley Detention 40 Disclaimer Domain owner 40 Shannon Wilfong 40 Stephen Liczbinski liz skee 40 Nicholas Stefanov 40 Carrie McCandless 40 racketeering conspiracy bribery 40 defendant Avion Lawson 40 Anthony Brazington 40 Stan Rosenfield resigned 40 Bradley Netwal 40 vehicular manslaughter criminally negligent 40 Bergendorff cousin 40 Rafik Mohamad 40 Lynn Kimbrough spokeswoman 40 habitual criminality 40 Fairborn Municipal 40 recklessly endangering another 40 Aretha Wilson 40 DOB #-#-# [002] 40 DUI conviction 40 involuntary deviate 40 Samuel Valdivia 40 psychiatric evaluation 40 investigator Bo Nevarez 40 Miguel Chaidez 40 furnishing controlled substance 40 Touma unborn baby 40 taking indecent liberties 40 drunkenness resisting arrest 40 Danial Rinehart 40 Technology NASDAQ AZPN 40 Thomas Patrick Destories 40 Regal Watering Hole 40 pleaded nolo contendere 40 malicious wounding battery 40 DOB #-#-# [006] 40 deferred adjudication probation 40 murdering Bakley 40 Intoxication Assault 40 waives prelim 40 R. Ferrier Orwigsburg 40 Adult Detention Facility 40 James Joseph Pewean 40 Natchitoches Parish Detention 40 Criminal trespass 40 drunkenness disorderly conduct 40 Andres Nava 40 Leticia Ines 40 wreckless endangerment 40 Diane Bakdash 40 risking catastrophe 40 served concurrently 40 Sixto Balbuena 40 Wendy Bellar 40 Forcible Confinement 40 Brenda Eitzen 40 inactive docket 40 Sharon Avendano 40 False Imprisonment 40 Ek Luna 40 Ja Rule Lil Wayne 40 Victor Sotelo 40 resisting obstructing 40 committing lewd 40 attempted feticide 39 aggravated indecent assault 39 Sundra Oakley 39 Scott Leehy 39 kidnapping felonious assault 39 arraigned 39 unsworn falsifications 39 Penifoti Taeotui 39 Breach Probation 39 felony animal cruelty 39 Pen. Code § § 39 Mislabeling fur 39 burlgary 39 spokeswoman Holli Drinkwine 39 Eric Schorling 39 reindicted 39 Maria Siavichay 39 overturns Arthur Andersen 39 negligent homicide aggravated assault 39 Disorderly Conduct 39 Lemon Creek 39 possessing amphetamine 39 Magistrate Carolyn Ostby 39 Antonio Jose Canchica 39 Golden Gun Moonraker 39 criminal trespass disorderly conduct 39 rape sodomy 39 Andvik 39 Amalia Mirasola 39 child molestation statutory rape 39 malicious mischief 39 Cynthia Manzo 39 Bridgeton Blotter 39 disorderly conduct persisting 39 Defendant pled guilty 39 gunman William Morva 39 Wehmas 39 Tammy Imre 39 sucker punching Colorado Avalanche 39 flagrant nonsupport 39 Shawna Nelson 39 Blankenburg twin Dr. 39 improperly discharging firearm 39 Grand Junction 39 Statutory Sodomy 39 Keyonda Lumpkin 39 indecent liberties 39 involuntary manslaughter 39 reckless endangerment criminal mischief 39 Degree Sexual Abuse 39 Matthew Yanke 39 Sandrama Lamy 39 unlawful possession 39 Judge Claudia Laycock 39 cohabitant 39 possessing unregistered 39 Rockiett 39 Zachary Neagle 39 Joshua Ponicappo 39 Shubenacadie Provincial Court 39 Felony Larceny 39 Leshanor Thomas 39 Welgos 39 Falconer killingA third 39 disorderly persons 39 willful concealment 39 degree larceny 39 Chessmore Peterson 39 assaulting barman 39 Allen Taschuk 39 Angela Manns 39 petty larceny misdemeanor 39 STOLEN GOODS POSSESSION OF 39 Doelitsch 39 indecent exposure 39 Michael Sipili 39 2nd Degree Assault 39 Christina Priem 39 Szwalla faces 39 Evading Arrest 39 robbing pizza deliveryman 39 possessing hypodermic needle 39 Carmela Camero 39 unlawfully possessing firearms 39 Pennine magistrates 39 unlawfully discharging firearm 39 Katie Hibson 39 Cinthia Romero 39 convicting Neil Entwistle 39 LeRay Town 39 Curry Demus pleaded guilty 39 arrested Yuta Saito 39 conditional discharge 39 forcible lewd acts 39 Darell Livingston 39 BURGLARY ROAD 39 bac refused 39 Charge Trespassing 39 petit theft 39 Karland Bennett 39 Dan Mabley 39 Natasha Oldfield 39 Sparpaglione 39 disseminating indecent material 39 convicted Zugsberger 39 Radler pleaded guilty 39 Lea Fastow withdraws 39 Brian Mattert house 39 possessing codeine 39 Jeremy Forquer 39 petit larcenies 39 misdemeanor larceny 39 Clarence Coe 39 burglarious tools 39 enters Alford plea 39 terroristic threats resisting arrest 39 Damien Candland 39 awaiting arraignment 39 Iberia Parish Jail 39 pleaded guity 39 unlawful driveaway 39 Luchinski 39 Roxanne Bailin ordered 39 DOB #-#-# [007] 39 Jesus Chuy Labra 39 Spokesman Frank Mateljan 39 Marine Tyrone Hadnott 39 Conspirator Terry 39 burglary larceny 39 Mehtala 39 possessing cocaine 39 Claire Tourand 39 girlfriend Karla Giraldo 39 Kingman Ariz. awaiting 39 Charge Probation 39 burglarly 39 brandished knife 39 Terroristic Threatening 39 surreptitious intrusion 39 Wu declared mistrial 39 Karen Grammer 39 steak knife 39 Defendant pled 39 malicious castration 39 controlled substance codeine syrup 39 lewdly propositioning 6 39 awaiting sentencing 39 BREACH OF PEACE 39 Merril Leroy Jessop 39 Nate Cogburn 39 Barefoot Bandit pleads 39 aggravated vehicular assault 39 actual bodily harm 39 Girlicious singer 39 Suspected Somali pirate 39 Curtis Halberstadt 39 petit larceny 39 Herbie Deshawn Durham 39 vehicular homicide drunken driving 39 Recendes 39 Republish without 39 maliciously inflict grievous 39 bartender Melvyn Otterstrom 39 mischief endangering 39 illegally possessing 39 Faces Sex Assault 39 Cleveland Metroparks Euclid 39 Beau Maestas 39 Teenager pleads guilty 39 Jerry Nemnich 39 pedophile Mesereau 39 Christopher Vydfol 39 brandishing firearm 39 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Battle Creek 39 Brooke Sheen 39 unlawful coercion 39 Olmedo Hidalgo 39 Involuntary Manslaughter 39 Third Degree Assault 39 aggravated DWI 39 Patrolman Ashon Lovick 39 Janice Thibodeaux 39 wed Noa 39 Petit Theft 39 Calcasieu Correctional Center 39 Lalbachan 39 Trudy Randell 39 Mount Isa Magistrates Court 39 Jakaris Taylor 39 false imprisonment recklessly endangering 39 Miguel Angel Caro Quintero 39 Allegra Dahlquist 39 1ST Degree 39 indictment supersedes 39 laid indictably 39 Kiana Barker 39 Official Misconduct 39 Felony Battery 39 Teonna Brown 39 Kissel drugged 39 Vanswan Polty 39 Banayat 39 Maribel Gomez 39 Jherica Richardson 39 Troy Kowalsky 39 Negligent homicide carries 39 Buffalocalf 39 Teven Rutledge 39 Allen Glade Steed 39 Millville Blotter 39 Felony Drug 39 Roadrunner Parkway 39 Malicious Wounding 39 misdemeanor Montimere 39 possessing methylamphetamine 39 Pamelia Town 39 Hungary Bosnia Hercegovina 39 accuse Leavell Keaton 39 raped Aquash 39 Elphage 39 guardian Caren Ramirez 39 Petit Larceny 39 Mueller Sheen