fiscally ailing

Related by string. * Fiscally : fiscally responsible manner . fiscally distressed . fiscally constrained . fiscally strapped . fiscally conservative . fiscally feasible . fiscally sound . fiscally prudent / AIL . AILING . ails . ailed . Ai Ling . Ailing . Ails : ailing Fidel Castro . HAVANA Ailing Cuban . ailing Jalaluddin Haqqani . ails ya . ailing emir . whatever ails . ailing grandmother Madelyn * *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 59 Lobbied fellow 52 attaching strings 51 Bunning objected 50 inject Fortis NV 50 bailout 49 Enzi Barrasso 49 euro regionā 49 regulate payday lenders 49 Granholm vetoes 49 fund Soffin 49 lease Alligator Alley 49 Granholm vetoed 48 INSURANCE MANDATE Like 48 euro#B 48 WASHINGTON The 48 taxing sugary beverages 48 Congress 48 CBO crunches 48 US#b [001] 48 President Barack Obamaā 48 underfinanced pension 48 Edujobs 48 FHA Modernization Act 47 Napolitano vetoes 47 Europe squanderers 47 DFI supervises 47 bailouts 47 DFL'ers 47 launched furious counterassault 47 eliminate CalWORKS 47 Daschle apologizes 47 Bipartisan majorities 47 financial instituion 47 miser mode 46 partyâ 46 Bunning relents 46 Congressional appropriators 46 unveiled multitrillion dollar 46 indebted eurozone 46 Resona Holdings #.T 46 monthā 46 Altmire Y 46 planWASHINGTON AP 46 RI gov 46 regulator Eric Dinallo 46 European Unionā 46 State 46 Financial Stability Facility 46 raising turnpike tolls 46 emir dissolved parliament 46 congressionally imposed 46 insures pensions 46 D Grosse Tete 46 fiscally strapped 45 Fiscally conservative Democrats 45 regulating tailpipe emissions 45 FMAP extension 45 earmarking pet 45 Carcieri vetoed 45 institutionalize bailouts 45 Education 45 Malloth appeal 45 debit card overdraft fees 45 Candidates spar 45 Conn. gov 45 WHouse 45 bailouts Hensarling 45 FNMI challenged 45 Russ Feingold D Wis 45 wasteful earmark 45 OCC regulates 45 unfreeze lending 45 A. LoBiondo 45 petrodollar transfers 45 regionâ 45 Congressman Hulshof 45 Auditor Suzanne Bump 45 Earmarking allows 45 stimulus packageThe 45 Fiscally conservative 44 Rep. Nita Lowey DN.Y. 44 Broun N 44 Partisan bickering 44 voter apathy inexcusable 44 banksâ 44 correspondent Jerry Bodlander 44 unspent TARP 44 spokesman Mark Perkiss 44 Greeceâ 44 constitutional amendment HJR 44 strengthen whistleblower protections 44 Gov. Arnold Schwarznegger 44 lawmakers 44 Mrvan 44 MTBE waiver 44 #billion £ #billion [002] 44 Bilbray Y 44 Irelandâ 44 abolish COAH 44 Marshall Griffin KWMU 44 Captain Tuputupu 44 stateâ 44 SPRINGFIELD Ill. Illinois 44 Ed Kosiur 44 Biggert N 44 issuing IOU 44 Concealed guns 44 fiscally troubled 44 Bernie Sanders I-Vt. 44 Public Instruction Tom Torlakson 44 Intense thunderstorms 44 produce eyepopping 44 EduJobs 44 bribing Kott 44 workers' comp 44 uneasily awaited 44 Hypo Real Estate HRE 44 fair damsels slay 44 TALLAHASSEE Gov. Jeb 44 expert Stanley Collender 44 Ariz. gov 44 Treasurer Bradley Abelow 44 Commissioner Ruth Damsker 44 Quinn amendatory veto 44 Delegates booed heartily 44 Ms. Jérôme Forget 44 Bob Corker R Tenn 44 ballooning deficits 44 lender Hypo Real Estate 44 McCAIN Said 44 Jeffords defection gave 44 profligate spenders 44 budget deficits 43 Representative Judy Biggert 43 auditor Susan Montee 43 regulate payday lending 43 Mr Sócrates 43 EUâ 43 Rockford News LeaderObama 43 DeGette Y 43 averts shutdown 43 unvouchered expense 43 Pataki vetoed 43 STAR rebate checks 43 regionā 43 Fannie Mae FNM.P 43 DeLeo Winthrop 43 bankrupty 43 Director Peter Orzsag 43 Medi caid 43 Investors reacted coolly 43 Fingerpointing 43 Veto override 43 narrowly averted partial 43 OLYMPIA WA N3 43 inaction jeopardizes 43 outsize bonuses 43 reauthorizing NCLB 43 multibillion dollar bailouts 43 Medicaid caseloads 43 Aderholt Y 43 Plame cause celebre 43 statutory PAYGO 43 Lumbee recognition 43 Assistance Programs ADAPs 43 governmentā 43 Greeceā 43 NH gov 43 voter referendums 43 Unfairly Fuld 43 advocating politically expedient 43 constitutionally protected rainy 43 comptroller Hevesi 43 Christopher Dodd D-Conn. 43 KidCare enrollment 43 Irelandā 43 Ark. gov 43 AB8 43 Rejecting pleas 43 Leader Scott Heidepriem 43 COPS grants 43 Aderholt N 43 NCPA accepts 43 reauthorize NCLB 43 burdening taxpayers 43 LISBON Portugal Debt 43 heavily indebted Greece 43 spokeswoman Leslee Fritz 43 Bilbray N 43 perpetuate bailouts 43 Partisan gridlock 43 AMERISAFE actively markets 43 Tax 42 C. LaTourette 42 diverting nonviolent offenders 42 recissions 42 #B bailout 42 MCare fund 42 euros# billion 42 Joachim Poss 42 occuring Shum 42 Comptroller Judy Baar 42 impose surtax 42 nominates Jacob Lew 42 joblessness bankruptcies 42 yawning deficits 42 strict austerity measures 42 Brookly McLaughlin spokeswoman 42 Gerzofsky 42 stateā 42 Fewest requests 42 McCaskill Corker 42 Senate 42 Hinchey Rohrabacher amendment 42 AP IMPACT Bypassing 42 #bFM Audio Opposition 42 Lawmaker pushes 42 Puerto Rico nonvoting delegate 42 STIMULUS WATCH Less 42 Rockford News LeaderQuinn 42 gov vetoes 42 Bilirakis Y 42 unfairly punishes gays 42 cleared procedural hurdle 42 Crist vetoed 42 chairman Gary Emineth 42 nondefense discretionary 42 Supervisor Roger Quindel 42 Zaneske 42 Nancy Cordes reports 42 HOMESTAR program 42 Stop Overspending 42 BoF Noyer 42 Hoboken Revolt 42 Allows 42 partially nationalize 42 Federal 42 IMPACT Lobbyists 42 Doubts revolve 42 Blake Zeff spokesman 42 conditionally vetoed 42 ABX1 1 42 cash strapped 42 JobsPAC 42 federal 42 cover octuplet mom 42 fund SoFFin 42 moneysaving measures 42 Juana Velasquez 42 Blumenauer Y 42 Barofksy 42 Rmb4 #bn 42 Republican delaying tactics 42 renominate Greenspan 42 Wage freezes 42 WASHINGTON A 42 Unpaid furloughs 42 Unfunded mandates 42 constitutional amendment SJR 42 Reuters Ń 42 defund ACORN 42 bailoutWASHINGTON AP 42 delist gray wolves 42 greenhouse gasses mirrors 42 Kanjorski 42 FDIC Bair 42 Boost nutrition programs 42 Asset Relief Program 42 Mike Vasilinda tells 42 Rep Hilda Solis 42 Legislature enacts midyear 42 amendment HJR 42 speedily enacted 42 commissioner Janusz Lewandowski 42 Commissioner Bobby Humphryes 42 Rep Eric Cantor 41 OTC orlistat along 41 relentlessly assailed 41 Legislation authorizing 41 rescinding unspent 41 Mr Bolkestein 41 PELL grants 41 Overriding veto requires 41 repealing ObamaCare 41 Baroody nomination 41 Corey Boles Of 41 omnibus appropriation 41 releasing nonviolent offenders 41 Congressman Jim Nussle 41 unconstitutionally inadequate 41 troop withdrawal timetables 41 Willets Point redevelopment 41 Freddie Fannie 41 Hamler Fugitt 41 Ben Cardin D Md 41 SACRAMENTO KABC 41 openly gay nonincumbent 41 Leader DuBose Porter 41 paygo rules 41 Councilman Jeff Berding 41 Rockford News LeaderIllinois 41 She 41 Thruway tolls 41 MICHIGAN NEWSCHANNEL 3 41 Merski 41 Measure WW 41 workers' compensation 41 fiscally conservative Democrats 41 Legislator Leni Binder 41 payless paydays 41 unjustly penalize 41 massively overpay 41 Dem ocrats 41 broad foreclosure moratoriums 41 Repubicans 41 Mark Scolforo covers 41 Elective abortions 41 incarcerating illegal aliens 41 Protectionist pressures 41 Kris Theilen 41 Kan. gov 41 Monserrate expulsion 41 US#billion [001] 41 Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi 41 IndyMac depositors 41 GOP govs 41 senate democrats 41 PeachCare 41 dunning taxpayers 41 spokeswoman Melanie Fonder 41 President Barack Obama 41 regents rubber stamped 41 cited irresolvable conflicts 41 regulator Matthew Elderfield 41 challenger Rocky Raczkowski 41 TARP repayments 41 CARFA 41 Lufthansa AUA 41 Deficit hawks 41 Motor Vehicle Excise Tax 41 Haridopolis 41 Weiner DN.Y. 41 Freddie Mac FRE.P 41 Secretary Darin Bergquist 41 Commissioner Lucinda Jesson 41 swats licks 41 Wasteful spending 41 profligate Greeks 41 taxpapers 41 EUOBSERVER BRUSSELS MEPs 41 Watchdog Gov't 41 Treasurer Jeb Spaulding 41 fund Klaus Regling 41 LANSING WJRT #/#/# 41 PROVIDENCE Governor Carcieri 41 association BdB 41 Congresswoman Nancy Boyda 41 Kitty Rhoades 41 USSenate 41 fiscally irresponsible 41 Governor Dannel Malloy 41 MTBE liability 41 governmentâ 41 standardized plain vanilla 41 giving shortshrift 41 bill 41 erect protectionist trade 41 troop withdrawl 41 Clean Water SRF 41 Stephanie Dhue reports 41 Superintendent Bernard Pierorazio 41 peanut salmonella outbreak 41 hopelessly indebted 41 Demcare 40 Hodes Shea Porter 40 Dunstan McNichol covers 40 CEO Kerry Winterer 40 taxpayersâ € ™ 40 unclog credit 40 GODOLLO Hungary 40 Tax Extenders Act 40 Senator Darrel Aubertine 40 nonbinding resolution condemning 40 Controller Melinda Kantner 40 NIT Capsules 40 Mr Steinbrück 40 noncitizen voting 40 defunds 40 Kunzwiler 40 porkulus 40 Mrs. Weirauch 40 prolonging Schiavo life 40 leader Timo Soini 40 JCIDA 40 Pinellas Suncoast Fire 40 hopefuls spar 40 recapitalizing banks 40 Ryan Boschetti DT 40 Evan Bayh D-Ind. 40 wages garnisheed 40 Chairwoman Alice Hausman 40 Comptroller Glenn Klocko 40 Daschle withdraws 40 Steel Loan Guarantee 40 director Dave Schmiedicke 40 taxpayers 40 Anger brews 40 Banning earmarks 40 Chief Executive Robert Willumstad 40 Raynham selectmen 40 A#.# trillion [001] 40 shouldnā 40 Dismissive Republicans 40 counteroffered seeking 40 taxpayer 40 Spencer Bachus R Ala 40 Bankruptcies skyrocketed 40 R Pierrepont Manor 40 taxpayer bailouts 40 Bobby Humphryes 40 prefile 40 PATASKALA Pataskala 40 Chairwoman Sheila Bair 40 Cut 40 Sens. Jon Tester 40 Democrat Sharon Renier 40 bureaucratic logjams 40 Secretary Estelle Richman 40 CTA doomsday 40 Pawlenty vetoes 40 reauthorizing SCHIP 40 forbid concealing 40 congressional scorekeepers 40 Mr. Blankenbush 40 vaccine additive thimerosal 40 Eyman Initiative 40 Judge Philip Mangones 40 Affairs Commissioner Olli 40 bumper crop sprouting 40 sirignanos 40 Sandy Levin D-Mich. 40 fiscally reckless 40 Timothy Geithner GYT' nur 40 By Ron Chimelis 40 provider TracFone Wireless 40 fiscally unsustainable 40 Wash. gov 40 Vetoing stem cell 40 NPR Rehm 40 theSenate 40 massive taxpayer bailouts 40 Homestead Rebates 40 TREASURIES Prices rise 40 troop withdrawal timelines 40 Icelanders overwhelmingly 40 mill levy overrides 40 Pooled Money Investment 40 Eurozone sovereign 40 gainful employment rule 40 worms weasels 40 Councilman Doug Marmie 40 Paul Kanjorski D-Pa. 40 Obamaā 40 haphazard piecemeal 40 Override opponents 40 Public 40 Mr. Wansacz 40 ew Hampshire 40 defund ObamaCare 40 EFSF Regling 40 By Giles Mole 40 Loren McMaster 40 underwrites malpractice 40 Councilwoman Rhenda Strub 40 Ines Franck director 40 Gov. Arnold Schwarz enegger 40 Acquario 40 PRO CON Should 40 taxpayer foots 40 unrefunded 40 Congressman Butch Otter 40 eliminates CalWORKS 40 vastly complicating 40 irrigate parched 40 PEEHIP 40 Jon Corzine DN.J. 40 property lender Hypo 40 Senate Judiciary Committee 40 eliminate township assessors 40 Margaret Diekemper 40 Lopez Cantera 40 John Kowalko 40 Mcare abatement 40 discarding federally funded 40 Correspondent Jerry Bodlander 40 earthshaking revenge 40 D Peckville 40 stimulous 40 designate andro 40 ýýý# [002] 40 authoritarian Lukashenko 40 MARYLAND O'Malley 40 Bayh disillusionment 40 enacted foreclosure moratoriums 40 emir Sheik Sabah 40 Meena Thiruvengadam Of 40 Sean Ramaley 40 fin reg 40 € #bn [002] 40 owner Dyke Messinger 40 TennCare recipients 40 Representatives appropriations subcommittee 40 Sen. Rob Wonderling 40 HSDF 40 reacted sourly 40 Jeff Merkley Ore. 40 AGs threaten 40 responded tepidly 40 Speaker Shap Smith 40 KOLD News #Obama 40 Jennifer Brunner Democrat 40 overturn DADT 40 financially strapped 40 Rick Capka 40 defecits 40 Clairsville 40 TALLAHASSEE Fla. Gov. Jeb 39 Supervisor Joanne Latkanich 39 Don Nickles R Okla 39 Maloney DN.Y. 39 antipathy partisanship 39 Senator Bingaman 39 Representative Peter DeFazio 39 director Mary Lannoye 39 planWASHINGTON 39 Conrad DN.D. 39 Bundesrat upper house 39 FED FOCUS Fed 39 chairwoman Sheila Bair 39 International Monitory Fund 39 President Olafur R. 39 Sen. Aubertine 39 MacGuineas 39 A#.# trillion [002] 39 ALBANY NY WIVB 39 stimulus 39 Emler Lindsborg Republican 39 By Emily Benammar 39 earmark laden 39 heavily indebted eurozone 39 Sheldon Whitehouse D 39 lietenant governor 39 Oscherowitz 39 stimulus planThe federal 39 PAYGO rule 39 budget shortfalls 39 Representative Marcy Kaptur 39 defunding Planned Parenthood 39 Bernanke renomination 39 Trichet reticence 39 paycheck Marfisi 39 Fuschillo 39 Lemetayer 39 Sentate 39 Opsommer 39 Secretary Hank Paulson 39 multibillion bailouts 39 Chairman Steven Panagiotakos 39 TARP Troubled Assets 39 Prime Minister George Papandreou 39 spokesperson Inga Jagomagi 39 US4 trillion 39 Rep. Mario Scavello 39 Rep. Mauree Gingrich 39 fiscally unsound 39 Dh#.# trillion [001] 39 Assemblyman Pete Grannis 39 Ohio Congresswoman Marcy 39 Re publicans 39 Sen. Larry Bomke 39 Credit raters 39 Commissioner Deidre Malone 39 renounce protectionism 39 Zack Wamp 39 HOW MANY COVERED 39 Voted YES 39 endless taxpayer bailouts 39 S.Amdt 39 Sens. Johnny Isakson 39 porkulus bill 39 Abe Amoros spokesman 39 landesbank 39 PROVIDENCE RI Rhode Island 39 centrist Heath Shuler 39 Treasurer Converse Chellis 39 Rep. Jeanne Poppe 39 AHCCCS eligibility 39 spokeswoman Regan Lachapelle 39 reauthorize PEPFAR 39 Geoana Social 39 Advantage enrollees remain 39 Jodi Alberts 39 nonfederal entities 39 multibillion euro 39 financially troubled 39 congressional bargainers 39 Increases 39 Representative Peter Roskam 39 PAYGO rules 39 Brian Rieselman 39 Councilwoman Twanda Carlisle 39 systematic underfunding 39 Allyn Wash. 39 Nominations Sent 39 Judge Bruce Romanick 39 EU finmins 39 Mastercard Visa accepted 39 Jake Corman 39 DFL Crookston 39 COLA freezes 39 Scott Mulhauser spokesman 39 Tropila 39 Raj Bhansaly 39 rescuing Fannie 39 omnibus appropriations 39 install magnetometers 39 OPPOSITION Leader Simon Crean 39 Baucus Tester 39 WOODBURY NY Sarah Palin 39 toughen prohibitions 39 farm subsidies 39 Hometown Matters 39 aides prodded uncommitted 39 Pay czar 39 loophole closers 39 member Doreen Frasca 39 bill LB# [003] 39 Joint Strike Fighter outmaneuvered 39 AdultBasic 39 economyWASHINGTON AP 39 exempted hydraulic fracturing 39 REYKJAVIK Iceland Iceland 39 issuing eurobonds 39 taxpayer funded 39 Speaker Rod Jetton 39 Jimi Grande 39 BJPennfan 39 Bernanke reconfirmation 39 IMMIGRATION DEBATE 39 SuperSIV 39 CNY4 trillion 39 PORTLAND Maine Maine 39 Alitalia SpA AZA.MI 39 Stocks tumble 39 Leader Darrell Steinberg 39 Ruddbank 39 DC AHN 39 Hoklin 39 Ismael Ozanne Democrat 39 Governor Don Carcieri 39 liberal Progressive Caucus 39 Provides 39 unfreeze credit 39 FasTracks transit 39 Mike Vereb 39 Interior Appropriations subcommittee 39 POUGHKEEPSIE Dutchess County 39 thefederal 39 Congressman Chris Chocola 39 Stephen Acquario 39 Rosa DeLauro D Conn 39 Economic Stabilization Act 39 SUNO UNO merger 39 Wyden Snowe 39 Props aplenty 39 Gerald Mullery 39 mortgage financers 39 FREE' den thawl 39 postelection stimulus package 39 implored Bunning 39 cramdowns 39 Husner 39 Mohammad Sundal 39 Chairman Herb Shepardson 39 Saakashvili defused 39 gEvil beta # 39 BERLIN MNI 39 Jim DeMint RS.C. 39 Allow 39 Jean Michel Lemetayer 39 Schumer Gillibrand 39 Susan Urahn managing 39 spokeswoman Lynelle Jolley 39 Bunning filibuster 39 BRUSSELS AFX EU 39 Bernanke reappointment 39 PRESIDENT ELECT Barack Obama 39 Representative Carolyn Maloney 39 hindering postwar reconstruction 39 prime minister Jose Socrates 39 offered angry denouncements 39 crossbench senators 39 Lasan Kromah scored 39 Janklow RS.D. 39 Lehman Brothers LEH.N 行情 39 £ #.#tn 39 Markosek 39 overriding vetoes 39 citing irresolvable conflicts 39 spokeswoman Jeanette Schwamberger 39 Herb Kohl D Wis 39 antispeculation 39 Mayor Melody Currey 39 Swede Tomas Holmstrom 39 Lynacre 39 orderly insolvency 39 Crisis Responsibility 39 Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther 39 racetrack slot machines 39 Steven Rothman DN.J. 39 nontax revenues 39 EmbeddedJanitor # 39 Mr Munchenberg 39 Monique Hanis spokeswoman 39 Southers nomination secured 39 NORTH DAKOTA LEGISLATURE 39 Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg 39 limiting itemized deductions 39 FACT CHECK Barbour 39 Fincher Cookeville 39 Gawrylow 39 reauthorize SCHIP 39 Pawlenty unallotment 39 Roae 39 Dr. Sarruda 39 nationalized Anglo Irish 39 Impose 39 Achramovitch 39 Chairman Barney Frank 39 reregulate 39 deploy interceptor missiles 39 unyielding partisanship 39 Bounced checks 39 noted euroskeptic Kaczynski 39 golden parachute payoffs 39 Propositions 1A 1F 39 Medi Cal reimbursements 39 Jane Harman D-Calif. 39 Miers withdraws 39 Benjamin Cardin D Md 39 Health care 39 Pawlenty unallotments 39 R Weyers Cave 39 bringing ridicule dishonor 39 prison Nwafor disappeared 39 minister Shizuka Kamei 39 townships boroughs 39 cramdown legislation 39 Gordner R 39 ill conceived divisive 39 overborrowed 38 advisers Steven Rattner 38 Millcreek Township supervisors 38 WHO GETS WHAT 38 Ms. Sandom 38 Liegeot 38 Jacob Lew testifies 38 CORPUS CHRISTI Nueces 38 retailored battle 38 Jean B. Cryor 38 Mike Johanns R-Neb. 38 John Olver D-Mass. 38 jealousy Halderman 38 wages Ecton 38 Muerth 38 levying punitive 38 congressionally earmarked 38 nonconfidence motion 38 procedural roadblock 38 site tracks 38 Amy Klobuchar D Minn 38 DeLuna Castro 38 Lifetime Savings Accounts 38 Voter discontent 38 Teacher Bragi 38 Mr. Kest 38 giants Fannie Mae 38 Senator Judd Gregg 38 Leader Dean Skelos 38 President Olafur Grimsson 38 Krista Halla Valdes 38 PennVest 38 fiancial 38 neither Murray Garnick 38 subsidizers 38 Superintendent Steven Achramovitch 38 BY BOB DODA 38 Salowe Kaye 38 Seal Sitters gets 38 Commissioner Steven Antonakes 38 PROMISES PROMISES Jobs 38 JPMorgan Dimon 38 spokeswoman Cari Gerchick 38 Morhard founded 38 R Redgranite 38 Solar Flagships Program 38 Per diems 38 water receded anguished 38 Councilman Phil Latinski 38 Soured loans 38 Cheneys owed 38 unspent stimulus 38 precollegiate education 38 Foreclosures skyrocketed mortgage 38 John Adler DN.J. 38 partial rollback 38 Ms. Zinga 38 Jonathan Graffeo 38 Sanford vetoes 38 Gov't mulls 38 Prescription Advantage Program 38 Commissioner Jack Lettiere 38 Fraudulently obtaining 38 Speaker Herb Wesson 38 Randy Kuhl R 38 AUGUSTA Maine Maine 38 SJR# [002] 38 doc fix 38 secretary Rakkiat Pattanapong 38 spokesman Gerardo Cardenas 38 minister Herve Gaymard 38 Essigs 38 legislation 38 morgan greywolf # * 38 Lee Nak yeon 38 chairman Volodymyr Stelmakh 38 secretary Hank Paulson 38 Bilirakis N 38 Devil Staircase Wilderness 38 M. Koczera 38 RANDOMLUSER # 38 airline Alitalia SpA 38 SACRAMENTO CA KFSN 38 SUNY CUNY 38 deepening recession 38 reporting progess 38 nonbudget 38 TREASURIES Bonds slip 38 LGEA 38 healthinsurance 38 Timothy Geithner 38 Partisan disagreements 38 Icesave depositors 38 #/#/#Spain 38 Unanimous consent 38 MCARE 38 woman chastising Barletta 38 Secretary Roderick Hickman 38 Sen. Joseph Robach 38 Pomeroy DN.D. 38 Sen. Debra Plowman 38 Employers throttled 38 White Plains Pacenza 38 Patchak Layman 38 Debts owed 38 ZIFF DAVIS HOLDINGS INC. 38 racetrack VLTs 38 stimulate diddly 38 Pam Gulleson 38 Senate Appropriations Committees 38 spokeswoman Tish Busselle 38 Rmb1 #bn 38 DARTA 38 plunged precipitously hurtling 38 enhanced FMAP 38 mulled canceling 38 soothe jittery markets 38 Patrick Yoest Of 38 Prop. 1B 38 John Shadegg R-Ariz. 38 HB# Relating 38 Medically Needy Program 38 Broncos Perrish Cox 38 SmartMeter installation 38 stimulous package 38 Chafee RI 38 Schlomach 38 pork barrell 38 messenger Goldenberg Hart 38 linked menopause hormones 38 losing Yemen Sharqieh 38 riskiest subprime mortgages 38 Sen. Greg Ryberg 38 Chairman Bob Goodlatte 38 DFL Woodbury 38 Congress reshaped recessive 38 multimember districts 38 Sebelius vetoes 38 weathered mahogany 38 Diagnoses vary 38 federally insured depository 38 bipartisan Passenger Rail 38 TARP infusions 38 Trade Unions ICTU 38 Gregg Goslin 38 Rick Santorum R 38 incumbent Randy Kuhl 38 DISTRESS SALE Bank 38 Hobbled Dems eager 38 escheats 38 GARVEE bond 38 Jeanne Shaheen vetoed 38 Beglitis 38 Nonetheless Jefri 38 thirds supermajority requirement 38 E. Kanjorski 38 Rep. Sally Perz 38 stimuluses 38 Sen. Richardville 38 #-# 38 Representative Jerrold Nadler 38 Accel Partners FTVentures 38 Representative Jeff Flake 38 provoke protectionist backlash 38 nonmilitary discretionary 38 spokesman Steve Adamske 38 By PÉRALTE C. 38 TABOR refunds 38 broadly mocks 38 Homeowner Tax 38 Magistrate Jack Guedalia 38 Partisan wrangling 38 stimulus package 38 undesignated reserves 38 CFTC Gensler 38 Commissioner Stan Deatherage 38 shun protectionism 38 Property Appraiser Gary Nikolits 38 horseshoe crab harvesting 38 Christine Katsock 38 Editor note 38 Proposition #âÑ# 38 Sen. Pamela Althoff 38 Rob Lever 38 bank Cajasur 38 Troubled Assets Recovery 38 OECD Cotis 38 headwinds buffeting consumers 38 Sen. Andrew Dinniman 38 W.Va. gov 38 fed eral 38 D Okolona 38 FDIC Chairwoman Sheila 38 Secretary Buck Limehouse 38 remitters check cashers 38 Democratic Farmer Laborite 38 unfunded retiree 38 Gov. Jim Risch 38 bureaucracy humming 38 creditworthy borrower 38 souring subprime 38 Commissioner William Librera 38 Rimcoski 38 Spokeswoman Abby Ottenhoff 38 Bethlehem Steel retirees 38 FBN Gerri Willis 38 Homolka pardon 38 intraparty feud 38 BRUSSELS ATHENS 38 unconstitutionally infringes 38 deficit hawks 38 auditor Elaine Howle 38 Melody Currey 38 cosigners 38 IndyMac Bancorp Inc IMB.N 38 overstuffed mailboxes 38 spokeswoman Jamie Hais 38 Rell vetoes 38 Pawlenty overstepped 38 Matthew Parella 38 Renewed worries 38 RR.I. moderate 38 Heaghney 38 Exclusive Bosnian Serbs 38 Michael Masch 38 angering environmentalists 38 Supervisor Sally Stutsman 38 Leader Dominic Pileggi 38 Dennis Yablonsky secretary 38 Ratepayer advocates 38 Kelly Ayotte RN.H. 38 defunding Obamacare 38 Representative Barney Frank 38 BOSTON Putnam Investments 38 Robert Genuario Rell 38 congressional 38 downticket races 38 NCUA insured 38 Rodent scurries

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