
Related by string. locutions . Locution * * discerned LaFontaine locution . Locution Systems *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 60 phrase 60 adjective 58 verbal tic 58 monosyllable 57 split infinitive 57 journalese 56 neologism 55 malapropism 55 circumlocutions 55 ineloquent 55 famous aphorism 55 simile 55 epigram 54 archaisms 54 coinages 54 panegyric 53 aphorism 53 abstract noun 53 plural pronoun 53 antonym 53 Compassionate conservatism 53 circumlocution 53 phraseology 53 plural verb 52 denotative 52 singular pronoun 52 aperçu 52 etymologies 52 birdbrain 52 biblical allusions 52 buncombe 52 split infinitives 52 tautologies 52 past participle 52 plural pronouns 51 prepositional phrase 51 locutions 51 metanarrative 51 participle 51 Columnist Charles Krauthammer 51 hectoring tone 51 misquotation 51 Orwellian newspeak 51 chiasmus 51 polysyllabic words 51 singular verb 51 pronoun 51 malaprops 51 misunderestimate 51 strawman argument 51 aphorist 51 ungrammatically 51 declarative sentences 51 biblical allusion 51 idiom 50 incuriosity 50 pretentious twaddle 50 descriptives 50 blithering idiot 50 etymological roots 50 prolixity 50 flip floppery 50 intransitive verb 50 sophistries 50 truthy 50 metonymy 50 www.merriam webster.com 50 obtusely 50 grammatically 50 genitive 50 deliberately obtuse 50 epithet 50 Satiricus 50 ironist 50 etymologically 50 subjunctive 49 verbing 49 gerund 49 trope 49 tritely 49 tautology 49 half naked fakir 49 triangulator 49 dialectal 49 possessive pronoun 49 verb tense 49 sesquipedalian 49 idiomatic expression 49 literary allusion 49 Orwellian Newspeak 49 presumptuously 49 derogatory connotation 49 dissembler 49 Cilizza 49 word niggardly 49 peroration 49 feminine pronouns 49 verb 49 pedantically 49 Orwellian doublespeak 49 moral absolutists 49 syllogism 49 sayer 49 noun 49 grammatical constructions 48 subjunctive mood 48 Et tu Brute 48 Palinesque 48 collective nouns 48 unpoetic 48 acronym PIGS 48 Hegelian Dialectic 48 pronounciation 48 Trumanesque 48 oratorically 48 diphthong 48 mere utterance 48 Zen koan 48 philosopher Theodor Adorno 48 Heritage Dictionary defines 48 wee wee'd 48 singular noun 48 excursus 48 rhetorician 48 phrasing 48 descriptive phrase 48 misplaced modifier 48 adjectival 48 onomatopoetic 48 overused adjective 48 plural noun 48 Palinism 48 speciousness 48 grammarian 48 weltanschauung 48 insubstantiality 48 platitude 48 paleos 48 SOTU speech 48 colloquialism 48 sophist 48 descriptive adjective 48 bullshitter 48 bureaucratese 48 Eleventh Commandment 48 utterance 48 intellectually incurious 48 negritude 48 diphthongs 48 mot juste 48 Latinate 48 Postmodernists 48 non sequitor 47 Bostonian accent 47 imprecation 47 Judas kiss 47 declarative sentence 47 Barack HUSSEIN 47 verb tenses 47 Rhetorically 47 repugnantly 47 nonanswer 47 Truthiness 47 perjorative 47 effete snob 47 inoffensiveness 47 Generalities 47 Kleinzahler 47 taciturnity 47 pejoratives 47 darky 47 faintly amused 47 raceless 47 Grammatically 47 ringingly 47 homophones 47 mirthless smile 47 bromidic 47 synonym 47 Obamessiah 47 cognomen 47 jackanapes 47 fence straddler 47 nothingburger 47 jabberwocky 47 diplomatese 47 McCainism 47 Bushian 47 anthropic principle 47 transitive verb 47 Bushspeak 47 loquacity 47 unpardonably 47 purblind 47 peccadillo 47 irenic 47 eruditely 47 historical analogies 47 meta narrative 47 Dr Pangloss 47 dangling modifier 47 prose stylist 47 statesman Edmund Burke 47 solecism 47 intransitive 47 asperity 47 toweringly 47 flatterer 47 typographically 46 Doublespeak 46 personna 46 mien 46 witticism 46 non sequitur 46 pedantry 46 Huh huh huh 46 intellectually vapid 46 dunderhead 46 churl 46 paraphrase 46 Manglish 46 schoolyard taunt 46 Infallibility 46 Egocentric 46 declension 46 attitudinizing 46 sophism 46 Roman orator Cicero 46 explications 46 vacuously 46 argumentum ad 46 moralist 46 polemically 46 eleventh commandment 46 pretentiously 46 priests bullying schoolmasters 46 journalist Walter Lippmann 46 succinctness 46 Weltanschauung 46 McLame 46 theologian Reinhold Niebuhr 46 duck quack 46 journalistic shorthand 46 flowery language 46 oxymoronically 46 Yogi ism 46 serial exaggerator 46 pronoun I. 46 anti Semitic canards 46 controversialist 46 sonofabitch 46 rhymed verse 46 leftist ideologue 46 doubleness 46 loyal Bushie 46 dangling participle 46 Nabokovian 46 obtuseness 46 Peggy Noonan 46 archaism 46 deism 46 self referentially 46 delphic 46 CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER SYNDICATED COLUMNIST 46 wordplays 46 babbler 46 epitaph 46 mangled syntax 46 plurals 46 philosopher Blaise Pascal 46 shtik 46 Bob Somerby 46 reductio ad 46 prevaricator 46 phooey 46 Bi partisanship 46 moralizer 46 psychologizing 46 Gov. Moonbeam 46 rebarbative 46 initialism 46 syllable 46 pompousness 46 methodological naturalism 46 adverb 46 sage Hillel 46 Platitudes 46 felicitously 46 gooderism 46 alliterative phrase 46 Merriam Webster dictionary defines 46 scrivener 46 doggerel 46 grandiloquence 46 apercus 46 Self deprecation 46 magic negro 46 vulgarism 46 unplaceable 46 diplo speak 46 excrescence 46 sloganeer 46 Euphemisms 46 hopelessly naïve 46 cosmopolite 46 speechwriter Peggy Noonan 46 narcissistically 46 weasel wording 46 Reinhold Niebuhr 46 dull monotone 46 ungrammatical 46 serial comma 46 garrulousness 45 Miss Manners assures 45 hagiographers 45 injun 45 casuistry 45 slavishness 45 Jacques Derrida 45 Carteresque 45 contemptibly 45 Krauthammer 45 neologisms 45 unworldliness 45 finger wagger 45 dictions 45 folk etymology 45 personage 45 rhetorical flourishes 45 omniscient omnipotent 45 Times reviewer Michiko 45 adjectives 45 unoffensive 45 glottal stop 45 syllogistic 45 solecisms 45 tu quoque 45 colloquial 45 commonplaces 45 philosopher Martin Buber 45 Etymologically 45 epigrams 45 mordantly 45 warped logic 45 ADL Abe Foxman 45 metaphor 45 malignant narcissism 45 Originalists 45 schwa 45 arguer 45 textualist 45 prudishly 45 nonracist 45 Bushism 45 poet Juvenal 45 oogedy boogedy 45 Ambrose Bierce defined 45 Casper Milquetoast 45 arrogant unilateralism 45 theocrat 45 unintentionally humorous 45 studiedly 45 biblical proverb 45 advisedly 45 pontificator 45 syllogisms 45 Dr. Pangloss 45 auxiliary verb 45 jeremiad 45 interrogative 45 newspeak 45 hyperboles 45 Yiddish proverb 45 smarmily 45 nasal whine 45 turd blossom 45 humorlessness 45 harumph 45 flowery prose 45 inarticulateness 45 hackneyed cliche 45 philosopher king 45 malapropisms 45 Beckian 45 imperially 45 Phrasing 45 deprecatory 45 odiously 45 metaphors 45 soundbite 45 fallacious reasoning 45 mmfa 45 pithy quote 45 cuttingly 45 Adjectives 45 le bourgeois 45 catchphrase 45 Honest Abe Lincoln 45 epigraph 45 witty retort 45 Henri Bergson 45 Obambi 45 ishly 45 grammatical error 45 Turd Blossom 45 philosopher Plato 45 wrongheadedness 45 ressentiment 45 smug arrogant 45 simple declarative sentences 45 onomatopoeia 45 Swiftian satire 45 vernacular 45 Obamian 45 Delphic oracle 45 neoconservativism 45 transcendentally 45 anti Semitic tropes 45 Judaeo Christian tradition 45 pithiness 44 Arthur Schopenhauer 44 officiousness 44 punster 44 Schiffren 44 authorial voice 44 solipsist 44 pretzel logic 44 sequitur 44 etymology 44 sarcasms 44 hortatory 44 clichs 44 person singular pronoun 44 euphemisms 44 jeu d' esprit 44 quiddity 44 dictum 44 Žižek 44 accusative 44 MMfA 44 slapstick routines 44 Platonism 44 smirking chimp 44 bullshit detector 44 gratuitous swipe 44 literalism 44 fusspot 44 gaffe prone Biden 44 fustiness 44 Manichean struggle 44 nasally voice 44 mindless repetition 44 poesy 44 argumentum ad hominem 44 intellectual elitism 44 Prof Soyinka 44 Lampooning 44 cogito 44 jocular tone 44 infelicitous 44 presidentialism 44 fatuously 44 idealogue 44 E pluribus unum 44 Pathetically 44 tragedian 44 blackly 44 overweening pride 44 Brooklynese 44 otiose 44 inverted commas 44 unblushingly 44 El Rushbo 44 mumbler 44 unhyphenated 44 romanticist 44 nebulously 44 moral absolutism 44 prose 44 ceremonial deism 44 comma 44 incoherent rant 44 transcendently 44 strict constructionism 44 vexingly 44 maundering 44 rhyming poem 44 pithy phrases 44 Rhetorical flourishes 44 Westbrook Pegler 44 negro dialect 44 contrariwise 44 ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny 44 Governor Moonbeam 44 abstract nouns 44 willful delusion 44 Tractatus 44 comma splice 44 oracular pronouncements 44 Jürgen Habermas 44 Britishisms 44 tautological 44 referents 44 Pascal wager 44 Yiddishisms 44 Neoliberals 44 rootless cosmopolitan 44 Landon Parvin 44 similitude 44 literalist interpretation 44 diacritical marks 44 Magical realism 44 hackneyed phrase 44 moral exhibitionism 44 sans serif typeface 44 Salem witch hunts 44 Paul Valéry 44 Yoruba proverb 44 instructively 44 bloviates 44 windiness 44 CAFFERTY 44 Chuang Tzu 44 philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer 44 Concise Oxford 44 William Hazlitt 44 dialectic 44 telos 44 monotoned 44 risibly 44 mythologise 44 Self deprecating 44 speechmaker 44 sophistry 44 philo Semitism 44 Slouching Towards Gomorrah 44 floridly 44 spoonerisms 44 Niebuhrian 44 Manichean worldview 44 grammarians 44 Nehruvian socialism 44 Mittster 44 polysyllabic 44 bons mots 44 orotund 44 Continetti 44 logical fallacy 44 thunderingly 44 pseudo intellectualism 44 idiomatically 44 auxiliary verbs 44 Obamaesque 44 Wikiality 44 literal mindedness 44 dogmatist 44 Borking 44 inimitably 44 philosophical musing 44 mudslinger 44 hoary cliche 44 conceit 44 phrasings 44 famously loquacious 44 poltroons 44 false equivalence 44 Newsweek Howard Fineman 44 lamestream 44 Ratherisms 44 phrase caveat emptor 44 snideness 44 analogies 44 arrant nonsense 44 paraphrase Shakespeare 44 sophists 44 asswipe 44 facetiousness 44 idiocracy 44 wishfulness 44 Gayatri Spivak 44 Wanniski 44 plural possessive 44 felicitous phrase 44 amiable dunce 43 koans 43 Leo Rosten 43 Compassionate Conservative 43 Yiddish accent 43 lexis 43 Clintonite 43 Webster dictionary defines 43 Associated Press Stylebook 43 embattlement 43 terminological inexactitude 43 schnook 43 prophetic utterance 43 allegorically 43 vaunting ambition 43 shibboleth 43 Harry Blackmun 43 bookman 43 sarcastic retort 43 Edward Bulwer Lytton 43 hairsplitting 43 professorial demeanor 43 intellectually lazy 43 German philosopher Hegel 43 postulation 43 archly 43 hopey changey 43 adjectives adverbs 43 Jean François Revel 43 adverbial 43 swearword 43 non compos mentis 43 Walter Pater 43 liberal internationalism 43 simp 43 absurdum 43 crashingly 43 monomaniac 43 eulogistic 43 exegeses 43 Powell Doctrine 43 subversiveness 43 prose stylists 43 e pluribus unum 43 maxim 43 faute de mieux 43 ascription 43 apologia 43 Sinisterists 43 sardonic grin 43 disquisition 43 ex nihilo 43 sordidly 43 Doctor Alfred Sant 43 tildes 43 overused phrase 43 ex cathedra 43 metonym 43 Hegelian dialectic 43 poet ee cummings 43 THE SCRAPBOOK 43 gerunds 43 conversational fillers 43 racist bigot 43 mellifluously 43 Psalm #:# [002] 43 cognates 43 mouthings 43 Obamabots 43 aquiline 43 Presumptuous 43 Jeanne Kirkpatrick 43 nonperson 43 Pascal Wager 43 dictionary definition 43 incoherent ramblings 43 McCainiac 43 ambiguousness 43 wryness 43 unattributed quote 43 parti pris 43 Dumenco 43 fuhrer 43 Hideously 43 honorifics 43 neo Cons 43 hagiographies 43 philosopher Roger Scruton 43 Pastor Martin Niemoller 43 anecdote 43 aphorisms 43 AJP Taylor 43 intellectual superiority 43 mossbacks 43 appositely 43 Ziggah 43 Bushisms 43 overbearingly 43 wordiness 43 preachment 43 barnyard epithet 43 pejorative connotation 43 truthiness 43 Learned Hand 43 pea brains 43 genre tropes 43 Maupassant 43 Oprah Uma 43 disagreeably 43 hopelessly idealistic 43 bureaucratic gobbledygook 43 meaningless drivel 43 phrase irrational exuberance 43 textualism 43 IDers 43 establishmentarian 43 gobbledy gook 43 pugnaciously 43 webster.com 43 impenetrable dialect 43 apocryphally 43 critic HL Mencken 43 priggishness 43 swiftboated 43 Dead Parrot Sketch 43 Gunga Dan 43 masculine pronoun 43 analogy 43 lesser evilism 43 descriptive adjectives 43 famous dictum 43 GWF Hegel 43 hyperreality 43 Charles Krauthammer 43 softheaded 43 philosopher Yogi Berra 43 bureaucratic overreach 43 philosopher Hannah Arendt 43 inexactitude 43 wingnuttery 43 grammatically correct sentences 43 tendentiously 43 cuss word 43 unquotable 43 verbs nouns 43 rhetorical flourish 43 poltroon 43 eye rollingly 43 Anglicisms 43 plainspokenness 43 meaninglessly 43 Jack Handey 43 Protagoras 43 diplomat Abba Eban 43 intellectual contortions 43 self deprecatory humor 43 Strangelovian 43 malediction 43 Time James Poniewozik 43 rabid partisanship 43 cliché 43 David Ehrenstein 43 historicism 43 Hillaire Belloc 43 Slezkine 43 soundbyte 43 Cogito ergo sum 43 quadrennially 43 rephrases 43 Stepford Wife 43 poetic diction 43 Grammatical errors 43 Cockney accent 43 hagiographical 43 Wieseltier 43 Enlightenment philosophers 43 neo Darwinists 43 adjective noun 43 participles 43 trite phrases 43 expostulation 43 sanctimoniousness 43 Loony Left 43 koan 43 bumper sticker slogans 43 terseness 43 Odumbo 43 cartoonist Ted Rall 43 verba 43 Bushworld 43 dictionary definitions 43 epistemologically 43 sluggard 43 metafiction 43 cringingly 43 deracination 43 Judge Learned Hand 43 smug self righteous 43 Ms. Estrich 43 inveterately 43 salutation 43 axiomatically 43 harlotry 43 puckishly 43 alliterations 43 idiomatic phrase 43 Breathtakingly 43 basso profundo voice 43 euphemism 43 Quis custodiet ipsos custodes 43 noun adjective 43 Daniel Henninger 43 Konongo Kaya 43 Couched 43 politesse 43 Delingpole 43 dittohead 43 articulateness 43 Holy Writ 43 elegiac tone 43 spoonerism 43 vowel 42 colloquial phrase 42 puritanically 42 JakeD 42 women libber 42 self servingly 42 joltingly 42 Rubinomics 42 sprezzatura 42 raison d' état 42 Historical analogies 42 rhetorical sleight 42 inscrutability 42 Glaringly 42 Leveretts 42 Homer Simpson D' 42 colloquial expression 42 Epictetus 42 ignoramus 42 jargony 42 fatuity 42 philosopher Slavoj Zizek 42 Mordden 42 Jean Baudrillard 42 autobiographer 42 nonliteral 42 contrarianism 42 Richard Hofstadter 42 doublespeak 42 guru Marshall McLuhan 42 pejorative 42 affectation 42 dilettantism 42 pricelessly 42 fancily 42 Christopher Lasch 42 pentameter 42 Crony capitalism 42 stentorian tones 42 plural 42 situationists 42 contentless 42 Oops! 42 infinitive 42 misspeaks 42 unironically 42 Mrs. Malaprop 42 self righteous moralizing 42 theistic religions 42 shtick 42 shit Sherlock 42 nucular 42 sycophant 42 blaringly 42 wafflers 42 verbal contortions 42 tautologically 42 Cinco de Cuatro 42 sock puppetry 42 #th Commandment Thou 42 Monicagate 42 queerly 42 chosenness 42 accusatory rhetoric 42 cumbersomely 42 ephemerally 42 Freudian slip 42 Rudy McRomney 42 ingenuously 42 discourse 42 idiosyncrasy 42 poetic prose 42 bloviator 42 cultureless 42 glittering generality 42 RICHARD NORTON SMITH 42 Rumsfeldian 42 wordier 42 Purposefully 42 philosopher Aristotle 42 lowercase d 42 Unapologetically 42 Swift Boat vets 42 rejoinder 42 self confessedly 42 utterances 42 pluralize 42 Cherrie disappearance 42 eternal verity 42 mangler 42 Lord Acton 42 counterexample 42 cloth eared 42 phrase f - 42 avant gardism 42 Bittergate 42 presentiment 42 intellectual snob 42 irreverently 42 disquietingly 42 witty quip 42 Finders keepers losers weepers 42 unuttered 42 Leebaert 42 bomb thrower 42 pedant 42 misunderestimated 42 Australianism 42 Mr Ramkarran 42 Potus 42 George Orwell dystopian 42 Exceptionalism 42 knee jerk reactionary 42 monism 42 alliteration 42 Delphic discourse 42 outright untruths 42 Bernard Henri Lévy 42 historical antecedents 42 satirist PJ O'Rourke 42 Niceness 42 imposture 42 empty platitudes 42 dingbat 42 pluperfect 42 Birtherism 42 inspiringly 42 sunniness 42 borking 42 disingenuity 42 parenthetical 42 gratuitous insult 42 invidiously 42 Concise Oxford Dictionary 42 dee dee dee 42 intellectual snobs 42 pronouns 42 post structuralist 42 gasbag 42 foppery 42 footnoting 42 exculpation 42 mealy mouth 42 scrupulous avoidance 42 Biblical quotations 42 factuality 42 syntactically 42 L' etat c'est 42 poltics 42 prolix 42 phrases 42 Wishy washy 42 essentialism 42 lisped 42 judgmentally 42 teleprompter 42 antidisestablishmentarianism 42 untranslatable 42 Temperamentally 42 Scalito 42 literary pretensions 42 congenitally 42 Greenspeak 42 derangement syndrome 42 fractured syntax 42 rhetorical overkill 42 churnings 42 convoluted logic 42 postmodern irony 42 Basbanes 42 nitwit 42 pithy phrase 42 didactically 42 poet Rimbaud 42 Neo Ottomanism 42 civitas 42 jolie laide 42 intellectual snobbery 42 Okoampa 42 verbal flubs 42 worlds colliding 42 putdown 42 nit picker 42 thee thou 42 hearer 42 Thou art 42 brutalism 42 pejorative connotations 42 Useful Idiot 42 naturalistically 42 rakish charm 42 Kipling poem 42 prissiness 42 temporized 42 Ubermensch

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