
Related by string. Plurality * * Plurality Ltd. *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 60 pluralities 60 majority 52 majorities 51 Zogby poll 51 white mainline Protestants 50 unaffiliateds 49 overwhelming majority 48 independents 48 USA TODAY Gallup poll 48 Pluralities 47 polled 47 CNN Gallup poll 46 Opinion polls indicate 46 Gallup poll 46 precincts reporting Sestak 46 Independents 46 proportional representation 46 pluralistic 46 poll 46 leaning independents 45 exit polls 45 nonpartisans 45 pollsters 45 overwhelming majorities 45 effectively disenfranchises 45 NEWSWEEK Poll 45 respondents 45 GOP leaners 45 Fairleigh Dickinson PublicMind poll 45 independents disapprove 44 unicameral parliament 44 COMPAS poll 44 pluralist 44 Overwhelming majorities 44 Sizable majorities 44 white evangelical Protestants 44 indepedence 44 Exit polls 44 pollster Apoyo 44 mere scintilla 44 multimember 43 Princess Consort bow 43 electorate 43 Mainline Protestants 43 Quinnipiac poll 43 Large majorities 43 preelection polls 43 Metroscopia 43 ComRes poll 43 Gallup pollsters 43 frequent churchgoers 43 Guardian ICM poll 43 PIPA poll 43 Gallup Polls 43 majoritarian 43 unfairly disenfranchise 43 Edison Mitofsky exit 43 News Opinion Dynamics 43 respondants 43 Rasmussen Reports 43 Fidesz KDNP 43 francophone Quebecers 43 Rutgers Eagleton poll 43 fundamentalist Protestants 43 Latinobarómetro 43 PublicMind poll 42 Quinnipiac Poll 42 pollees 42 Muslim Malays 42 Zogby Poll 42 SurveyUSA poll 42 pluralism 42 Substantial majorities 42 avowedly secular 42 recountable 42 Proportional representation 42 Justice Rives Kistler 42 Very Favorable 42 minority 42 Mr. KOHUT 42 WNBC Marist poll 42 Polls suggest 42 Demcorats 42 Datanálisis 42 plebiscitary 42 Vox Latina 42 Rassmussen Reports 42 viewed unfavorably 42 Rasmussen Reports poll 42 strict constructionist judges 42 preponderant 42 polls 42 religiously unaffiliated 42 originalist interpretation 42 psephology 42 UPI Zogby poll 42 unreasonable obstructionists 42 Ginsburg Breyer 42 Electoral College 42 oversamples 42 proportional representation PR 42 Eduardo Estrella 42 leaners 41 Proportional Representation PR 41 bicameralism 41 unaffiliated voters 41 SurveyUSA 41 ComRes survey 41 Lien Soong ticket 41 Ross Perot siphoned 41 overwhelmingly 41 vote 41 Democratic caucus goers 41 Wilders PVV 41 overturning Roe 41 Keyssar 41 Strongly Approve 41 Very Unfavorable 41 pre-#/# worldview 41 pollers 41 Cedatos Gallup 41 sizable majorities 41 Zogby Interactive 41 FPTP 41 TNS Sofres 41 AP Gfk poll 41 unfavorability rating 41 FG Wahlen surveys 41 Strongly Disapprove 41 Tanner Tillotson 41 Metron Analysis 41 proportional representation blocs 41 Afrobarometer survey 41 precincts reporting Landrieu 41 apportion delegates 41 illiberal democracy 41 lesser evilism 41 Mormonism cult 41 Diageo Hotline poll 41 voters 41 Equipos Mori 41 candidate Balbina Herrera 41 Electorally 41 overrule Roe 41 gallup poll 41 nonevangelical 41 consequentialist 41 factional loyalties 41 Star-Ledger/Eagleton-Rutgers poll 41 Fernand Amandi executive 41 Justices Ginsburg 41 racially polarized voting 41 Hart McInturff 41 votes 41 Unenrolled voters 41 Sifo poll 41 Eurobarometer poll 41 Ecologists Greens 41 Ibrahim Suffian 40 bipartisan Battleground Poll 40 Suomen Gallup 40 Marist Poll 40 Supermajority 40 poll 40 McClatchy Ipsos poll 40 EKOS poll 40 GEA ISA 40 democratic 40 pollster Linda DiVall 40 unitary 40 proportionate representation 40 Quebec francophones 40 ideologically rigid 40 Prof Curtice 40 divergent ideologies 40 Unabashedly conservative 40 CPOD Nov. 40 Liberals PNL 40 Justices Breyer 40 Proportional Representation 40 YouGov poll 40 Yedioth poll 40 Gilles Duceppe Bloc Quebecois 40 Dahaf poll 40 favourability ratings 40 Voronin Communists 40 Justices Rehnquist 40 overweening influence 40 favourability rating 40 USAToday Gallup poll 40 strict constitutionalists 40 Polimetrix 40 heavily gerrymandered 40 CID Gallup 40 Pollsters interviewed 40 pesticide detections 40 undeclareds 40 ROMIR 40 Ipsos Bimsa 40 GOP caucusgoers 40 PublicMind 40 opinion polls 40 Clinton 40 Libertarian leanings 40 Keystone Poll 40 Badger Poll 40 GfK polls 40 evenly divided 40 Daily Telegraph YouGov poll 40 enfranchising 40 Kathryn Mickle Werdegar 40 RCP Average 40 Datanalisis poll 40 ICM poll 40 Democratic caucusgoers 40 communitarianism 39 proportional 39 Low voter turnout 39 unanimity 39 WHDH-TV/Suffolk University 39 republicans democrats 39 KnowledgePanel R 39 Midterm Election Poll 39 GfK survey 39 affirmative 39 Renewal RN 39 outpolls 39 democratically 39 unenrolled voters 39 grand bargainers 39 allophones 39 ideological prism 39 Winthrop ETV poll 39 challenger Len Munsil 39 Maurice de Hond 39 banker Burcin Atalay 39 JUSTICE STEVENS 39 CDU FDP 39 Zogby International 39 Environics poll 39 seat unicameral parliament 39 candidate Grzegorz Napieralski 39 MORI survey 39 concurring opinions 39 Opinion Dynamics 39 Mustel poll 39 SurveyUSA Telephone interviews 39 Borisov GERB 39 Field Poll 39 viewed favorably 39 Veto showdowns 39 Eleftheros Typos newspaper 39 ideological inclinations 39 politically polarized 39 Instant Runoff Voting IRV 39 respectfully dissent 39 Quebec anglophones 39 FPTP electoral 39 Bluegrass Poll 39 pollster Khalil Shekaki 39 Greens Libertarians 39 deference accorded 39 unicameral legislature 39 religious toleration 39 nonmarital sex 39 Julia Kiden 39 Guardian ICM 39 Public Opinion MCIPO 39 Exit Poll 39 electibility 39 downballot 39 disapproval rating 39 ideological litmus tests 39 independent Quinnipiac KWIN 39 Polls indicate 39 Populus 39 exit pollers 39 Justices Scalia Thomas 39 Ekos poll 39 equalitarian 39 Mr Ramkarran 39 demographic representivity 39 SurveyUSA poll conducted 39 Staunch Conservatives 39 Susick grandmother 39 abolish judicial filibusters 39 MORI poll 39 Associated Press Gfk poll 39 votings 39 Afro centrism 39 Taloustutkimus 39 presidentialism 39 spokesman Naoya Narita 39 winnability factor 39 democrat republican 39 Pew Research 39 CNN Gallup Poll 39 Afrikaans speakers 39 leftward leaning 39 theistic evolution 39 illiberal democracies 39 post-#/# worldview 39 First Amendment jurisprudence 39 OpinionWay 39 Very Unfavorably 39 MetroPOLL 39 vast majority 39 pluralistic society 39 Electoral Votes 39 subsamples 38 Populus poll 38 Justices Barbara Pariente 38 Single Transferable Voting 38 logically incoherent 38 percent/# 38 centrist 38 Datum poll 38 Gallup Poll finds 38 elections 38 voting 38 favorably disposed towards 38 nonincumbent 38 Clarus Poll 38 ComRes 38 hung parliaments 38 unbeholden 38 rightward leaning 38 racially polarized 38 TNS Sofres Unilog 38 multimember districts 38 Tea Party adherents 38 IFOP poll 38 manifest disregard 38 Alienation Index 38 Vance Raye 38 Governorships 38 partisan polarization 38 states' rights 38 Catholics mainline Protestants 38 Dominador Chipeco 38 favorability rating 38 particularist 38 uh pe ack 38 proportional representational 38 NCMPs 38 plural societies 38 electoral votes 38 favorables 38 Pollsters predict 38 Nazarbayev Nur Otan 38 Nader Camejo ticket 38 USA TODAY Gallup Poll 38 disapprove 38 Pollsters surveyed 38 nonjudicial statewide 38 strictly construe 38 construed liberally 38 EXIT POLL 38 Datafolha poll 38 multisectarian democracy 38 Unaffiliated voters 38 outvoting 38 inclusivism 38 candi dates 38 Forsa poll 38 38 disenfranchised felons 38 Forschungsgruppe Wahlen 38 winnable ridings 38 hypothetical matchups 38 francophone Quebeckers 38 coattail effect 38 statist ideology 38 leaderless Liberals 38 Leterme Flemish Christian 38 Narrow mindedness 38 Demcrats 38 polarized electorate 38 Kapa Research 38 Liberals VVD 38 Alianza País 38 critical Kuliesyte noted 38 scientist Dante Scala 38 independents caucusing 38 Majorities 38 Advantage enrollees remain 38 OBOP 38 ICM interviewed 38 CommunicateResearch 38 Anglosphere 38 polling 38 party Nazarbayev Nur 38 Strongly Favor repeal 38 thirds supermajority 38 Kurebwa 38 favourability 38 InsiderAdvantage poll 38 SMER 38 Sen. Vincent Sheehen 38 disfavoring 38 Democracts 38 Public Policy Polling 38 presumptively unconstitutional 38 unyielding partisanship 38 Decima poll 38 McClatchy MSNBC 38 plebiscite 38 Gallup 38 Smooha 38 largely unexamined 38 majorty 38 Strongly Favor 38 vastly outraised McCain 38 Broun N 38 judicial usurpation 38 identifiability 37 democrats republicans 37 preclearance requirement 37 supermajority 37 rival Eduardo Montealegre 37 fav unfav 37 proportional electoral 37 Alliance ARENA 37 candidate Noemi Sanin 37 EPIC MRA poll 37 disenfranchises voters 37 razor thin majority 37 favorability 37 electoral 37 DETAILS Conducted Oct. 37 nonpartisan Pew Research 37 HealthDay poll 37 Goodluck Sambo ticket 37 culturally homogeneous 37 stations WXYZ WILX 37 electors 37 Insomar 37 eleciton 37 Balance Luzon 37 YouGov Plc poll 37 Altmire Y 37 felon disenfranchisement laws 37 Somin 37 VTsIOM pollster 37 Two thirds 37 Euroskepticism 37 monolithically 37 govern 37 voting blocs 37 Yuri Levada Analytical 37 fractionalization 37 AC Neilsen poll 37 Kukali 37 Globescan 37 pollster Sergio Bendixen 37 YouGov survey 37 Red Toryism 37 Ayres McHenry 37 TNS Sofres poll 37 IPSOS MORI 37 undersampling 37 panelist abstained 37 Restructured Canwest 37 surveyed 37 Rutgers Eagleton Poll 37 ideological persuasions 37 thirds 37 irreconcilability 37 nones 37 majoritarianism 37 DETAILS Conducted Sept. 37 Lynn Yeakel 37 award delegates proportionally 37 ComRes Ltd. 37 whites coloreds 37 sharply worded dissent 37 Ipsos MORI poll 37 GFK poll 37 Siena pollster 37 Biggert N 37 Maine Estler 37 racially tolerant 37 Mappus Christian 37 vote.The 37 Menduh Taci 37 Institutional Revolutionary 37 Caucus goers 37 precincts reporting Nagin 37 normative Judaism 37 leftist SLD 37 textualist 37 JUSTICE BREYER 37 Judge Johnnie Rawlinson 37 founding fathers envisioned 37 nonsexist 37 ethno linguistic 37 Judge Tatel 37 evenly split 37 Economist YouGov poll 37 pluralistic democratic 37 Opinion polls suggest 37 SANEP 37 AgePoll 37 Newspoll published 37 Bilirakis N 37 plural tolerant 37 nonreligion 37 Horacio Serpa 37 Tim Woolstencroft 37 convening constituent assembly 37 commissioner Rene Sarmiento 37 Khenin 37 Lojze Peterle 37 mainline Protestants 37 Dr. Nabil Kukali 37 ghetto ization 37 consociational democracy 37 thirds supermajority requirement 37 Susana Villarán 37 nonrepresentative 37 Hamdi v. 37 dubious Muzzle Awards 37 Pollster Andrew Kohut 37 Gfk poll 37 v. Raich 37 Jorge Buendia 37 counted Zapatero Socialist 37 Evangelical Protestants 37 Half 37 Opinion Dynamics Corp. 37 sowed dissension 37 oversample 37 election 37 laicism 37 ACNielsen poll 37 bicameral legislature 37 Huckabee Baptist preacher 37 bipartisan gerrymander 37 Poll 37 constitutionally 37 candidate Frank Rennicke 37 proportional allocation 37 pluralists 37 Hinterlaces 37 disfavouring 37 intellectual elites 37 Cedatos 37 Merdeka Centre 37 Libertarian Kathie Glass 37 monism 37 quaint notions 37 filibustered nominees 37 justices Antonin Scalia 37 disfranchised 37 racial intermarriage 37 GfK Polonia 37 elector cardinals 37 Ex parte Young 37 Dahaf Institute 37 Newspoll survey 37 faithless electors 37 nondemocratic 37 unalterably committed 37 Hugick 37 Sigma Dos 37 McClatchy Ipsos 37 appointive positions 37 secretary Ronald Pofalla 37 Working industriously 37 noncitizen voting 37 liberally biased 37 predominance 37 businessman Sebastián Piñera 37 Allawi bloc 37 ticket splitters 37 enfranchised 37 LenDale falling 37 shifted rightward 37 Aaron Conetta 37 polltakers 37 downscale whites 37 particularism 37 Dail Eireann parliament 37 pragmatic centrist 37 PPIC poll 36 representativeness 36 awarding delegates proportionally 36 Linda DiVall 36 mistaken Barhoum 36 evangelical Protestants 36 Herald DigiPoll survey 36 Cifra Factum 36 surveyed disapproved 36 Rita Garman 36 DeGette Y 36 Leger Marketing poll 36 disinterestedness 36 rightward shift 36 Generic Ballot 36 Strict confidentiality 36 chairwoman Janet Yellen 36 lenity 36 Judeo Christian worldview 36 proportion 36 MORI 36 Democrat Celinda Lake 36 Raoul Cantero 36 Civic Platform Bronislaw Komorowski 36 Sunnism 36 bicameral legislatures 36 ideological leanings 36 Voter apathy 36 BPIX 36 Fabrizio McLaughlin 36 respondents disapproved 36 parliamentary unicameral 36 Mr. Nemenoff describes 36 Marta Lagos 36 KnowledgePanel ® 36 Race Chasm 36 Datafolha 36 delegates proportionally 36 spousal notification 36 gfs.bern 36 Lori Weigel 36 favorably disposed toward 36 particularistic 36 Bilirakis Y 36 sentient human beings 36 exceptionalists 36 communitarian 36 ROMIR Monitoring 36 voter turnout 36 Megawati PDI P 36 Ovelar 36 pessimists outnumber optimists 36 Thaci PDK 36 Polls 36 Education Next PEPG 36 disjunction between 36 sampling error margin 36 Viavoice agency 36 religiously inclined 36 Monserrate expulsion 36 Adibekyan 36 multireligious society 36 Reinfeldt Moderate 36 polling firm Datanalisis 36 MAJORITY 36 EOS Gallup 36 Nambariin Enkhbayar 36 disfranchisement 36 YouGov Polimetrix 36 Allowing noncitizens 36 repondents 36 uphold Roe v. 36 Crouere 36 Maori electorates 36 Harris Decima survey 36 lead ership 36 usos y costumbres 36 De Hond 36 gerrymander districts 36 doctrinally conservative 36 Ideologically 36 postracial 36 pluralism secularism 36 Judeo Christian beliefs 36 Socialist Worker Party 36 ideological predispositions 36 uncommitteds 36 Clifton MHC 36 consultant Bernie Pinsonat 36 indubitable 36 Shiites Sunnis Arabs 36 secular Iraqiya slate 36 Pollster Darrell Bricker 36 Laissez faire capitalism 36 Putin handmaiden 36 IPSOS poll 36 pollster Darrell Bricker 36 counted Livni centrist 36 grossly underrepresented 36 McClatchy Marist 36 Hispanics 36 supermajorities 36 bumiputra equity 36 SRBI 36 pollster 36 Anzalone Liszt 36 Peter T. Zarella 36 Islamic shari'a 36 majoirty 36 Opposes abortion 36 Social Democracy PSDB 36 Jeffords defection gave 36 precincts reporting Chafee 36 Iowa caucusgoers 36 Euroscepticism 36 SMG KRC 36 devolving powers 36 Theologically conservative 36 think tank Theos 36 humanitarian interventionism 36 Tarrance Group 36 Justices Antonin Scalia Clarence 36 Overwhelmingly 36 res publica 36 provincial legislatures 36 CID Gallup poll 36 culturally ethnically 36 moderate Republicanism 36 pollsters ComRes 36 Constitutionalists 36 pluralist democracy 36 Venezuela Venevision 36 Participacion Ciudadana 36 limitation Knaack 36 grossly misread 36 Ethnic Malays 36 ideologically polarized 36 grossly unequal 36 Shiites Sunnis Kurds 36 OBOP showed 36 empirically verified 36 TNS OBOP 36 precedential value 36 Cameronism 36 CVVM 36 36 vot ing 36 Justice Joette Katz 36 candidate Ralph Nader 36 Voter turnouts 36 Marktest 36 Pollsters 36 Overriding veto requires 36 restricts constitutionally protected 36 liberal internationalism 36 IPC NASDAQ IPCR 36 parliamentarianism 36 con servative 36 Fifty 36 Ernie Oakleaf 36 Joyce Kennard 36 Judge Emilio Garza 36 Kenn Gividen 36 Civic Platform party 36 CURS exit poll 36 Independent Anthony Pollina 36 Sunni Arabs Kurds 36 Justice Kathryn Werdegar 36 tacitly conceded 36 centralist 36 nonracialism 36 electon 36 Single Transferable Vote 36 PBS DGA 36 member proportional MMP 36 favorability ratings 36 candidate Deb Shafto 36 Alito dissents 36 centralists 36 Helen Hoens 36 ERIN NEFF 36 Asamblea Nacional 36 rightward tilt 36 Alawi sect 36 strict constructionism 36 consociational 36 demographically representative 36 Naturalized citizens 36 Mike Labno 36 Protestants Catholics 36 circumscription 36 Justice Judith Lanzinger 36 Québec solidaire 36 PublicMind Poll 36 inherently unequal 36 nonpartisan redistricting 36 Mustel 36 Global Attitudes 36 coalitional 36 electable 36 reelections 36 Communist AKEL 36 pluri national 36 Protestant churchgoers 36 By Ron Chimelis 36 Movadef 36 Bilbray Y 36 nonblack 36 precincts reporting Chambliss 36 conservative VVD 36 mso style qformat 36 PRRI RNS Religion 36 Among 36 originalist judges 36 ethical relativism 36 Edison Mitofsky 36 precincts reporting Bilbray 36 supervoting stock 36 Originalists 36 oversampled 36 Ibope poll 36 Pollster Ed Sarpolus 36 nominaton 36 nationalist MHP 36 disfranchise 36 Herald DigiPoll 36 Bakiyev Ak Zhol 36 communist KKE party 36 challenger Manuel Rosales 36 Social Attitudes 35 Row v. Wade 35 Latinobarometro 35 universalistic 35 constitutional constructionist 35 Phil Maymin 35 Multiparty democracy 35 Solop 35 PRI Roberto Madrazo 35 paleocons 35 multiracial multicultural 35 ideological biases 35 devolved parliaments 35 undecideds 35 unfavorables 35 Susie Gemmell 35 Global Scan Adults 35 #/#rds majority 35 Brice Teinturier 35 Westpoll 35 Movement Towards Socialism 35 subsidiarity principle 35 Khadjimba 35 Davis Hibbitts 35 de jure segregation 35 Sanderoff 35 al Hadbaa 35 minorities 35 manifestly unprepared 35 Lavín 35 mayoralties 35 scientifically testable 35 Instant Runoff Voting 35 democratically constituted 35 BY ROGER CLEAVELAND 35 straw poll 35 Procol Harum organist 35 Assemblywoman Scozzafava 35 GfK poll 35 democratically legitimized 35 First Amendment Establishment Clause 35 D. Susano 35 conservatism 35 geographic contiguity 35 nonblacks 35 legalist 35 unilateralist tendencies 35 Inc. NASDAQ ADSX 35 Jim Sendelbach 35 Crin Antonescu 35 wafer thin majority 35 Bernie Porn 35 WMUR UNH 35 fundamentally misunderstand 35 Sabean Mandaeans 35 principalists 35 foreclose litigant success 35 elec tion 35 Disenfranchising 35 mso style noshow 35 fortiori 35 congressional reapportionment 35 Ipsos poll 35 nonpartisan Pew Hispanic 35 Harris Poll 35 strategist Mark Mellman 35 Constitutional amendment 35 DTR#.#.# g 35 CPOD Jun. 35 governed 35 Matures aged 35 NONE OF THE ABOVE 35 Mesežnikov 35 Witness Faleh 35 partial dissents 35 Unanimous consent 35 conversative 35 supermajority requirement 35 communitarians 35 Ipsos Markinor survey 35 sufferage 35 Samuel Alito Antonin Scalia 35 instant runoffs 35 Aderholt N 35 Ang Kapatiran 35 ideological polarization 35 Semih Idiz columnist 35 Colmar Brunton poll 35 Concertacion coalition 35 Rodham Clinton 35 Ipsos Mori poll 35 fundamentally undemocratic 35 unpartisan 35 bureaucratic collectivism 35 independent Anthony Pollina 35 offered succinct summation 35 firm Greenberg Quinlan 35 felon disenfranchisement 35 Artashes Geghamyan 35 Donald Ramotar 35 centrist D# 35 parental notification statute 35 KnowledgePanel SM 35 Participatory democracy 35 Margaret Kenski 35 u nder 35 evangelicals 35 Opinion polls 35 Polinard 35 concurrences 35 representatively 35 twothirds 35 racial minorities 35 IBD TIPP Poll 35 Re publicans 35 Billionaire Sebastian Pinera 35 EPIC MRA 35 defeating Tusk 35 electable candidate 35 Ciruli Associates 35 Noem benefited 35 Curtis Gans director 35 Tzipi Livni centrist Kadima 35 Originalism 35 Rob Schroth 35 collectivistic 35 Strategic Counsel 35 manual recounts 35 ma jority 35 Muwafaq al Rubaei 35 Sinhala supremacist 35 pluralist society 35 lieutenant governorship 35 Lydia Saad 35 CURS 35 CeSID 35 fellow Pashtuns 35 pollster Andrew Kohut 35 candidate Mohsen Rezaei 35 Universal Adult Suffrage 35 Benenson Strategy Group 35 5th DCA 35 lowest voter turnouts 35 CPOD Global Scan 35 Assyrians Chaldeans 35 Ziguele 35 ComRes interviewed 35 breast conserving 35 diluting Icahn 35 Burkean 35 UPI Zogby 35 Socialism MAS 35 plebiscitary democracy 35 CBOS 35 Populus survey 35 Dimap 35 DETAILS Conducted 35 numerosity 35 IBD TIPP poll 35 Szonda Ipsos 35 35 fundamental misreading 35 unknown Andrei Bogdanov 35 diametrically opposing 35 religiously plural 35 randomly selected sample 35 candidate Levan Gachechiladze 35 televote 35 concurring 35 Ricardo Guedes 35 downballot races 35 35 unalienable Rights 35 centrist François Bayrou 35 Pierre Giacometti 35 formerly unchurched 35 thinly disguised quota 35 transcends partisan 35 Unenrolled 35 Democrat Robin Weirauch 35 born agains 35 ceremonial deism 35 NP NPC 35 Sogeade 35 Fifteenth Amendment 35 Mursuli

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