pollster Synovate

Related by string. * Pollster : GOP pollster Whit . Republican pollster Whit . Marist pollster . Quinnipiac pollster . GOP pollster . Siena pollster . pollster Andrew Kohut . pollster Geoff Garin . plugins Pollster views . pollster Geoffrey Garin / : Synovate Temo . Synovate eNation . researcher Synovate . Synovate Motoresearch . Synovate Healthcare . Synovate Retail . Synovate PAX . Synovate * *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 66 Synovate Temo 64 Forschungsgruppe Wahlen 63 CVVM 63 FG Wahlen 63 Infratest poll 63 SANEP 62 Sifo 62 CVVM poll 62 Taloustutkimus 62 Maurice de Hond 62 Gfk Polonia 62 Datum Internacional 61 pollster Taloustutkimus 61 Metropoll 61 Infratest dimap 61 PBS DGA 61 Infratest 61 Sifo survey 61 Szonda Ipsos 60 TNS OBOP 60 Demoskop 60 CVVM agency 60 Metroscopia 60 Sifo poll 60 institute Forsa 60 Suomen Gallup 60 OpinionWay 59 pollsters BVA 59 CURS 59 Marktest 59 Ibope poll 59 Insomar 58 Ipsos Apoyo 58 Interview NSS 58 Instituto Sensus 58 Dahaf Institute 58 researcher Forsa 58 Forsa poll 58 gfs.bern 58 TNS Sofres 58 Taloustutkimus interviewed 58 Emnid 58 CROP poll 58 Ekos poll 58 Vilstrup 57 TNS Sofres poll 57 Indo Barometer 57 SIFO 57 CBOS institute 57 Capacent Gallup 57 TNS Gallup 57 Eurobarometer poll 57 Factum Invenio 57 Infratest Dimap 57 InsiderAdvantage Majority Opinion 57 VTsIOM polling 57 TNS Sofres Unilog 57 INSOMAR 57 GfK Polonia 57 VPRC 57 Daily Telegraph YouGov poll 56 Pollsters interviewed 56 ROMIR 56 Szazadveg 56 EOS Gallup 56 Metron Analysis 56 Ifop polling agency 56 GfK Praha 56 IFOP poll 56 Forsa institute 56 TNS Infratest 56 Capacent Gallup poll 56 TNS Sofres polling 56 TNS OBOP institute 56 Afrobarometer 56 Norstat 56 Cedatos Gallup 56 Suan Dusit Poll 56 Novus Opinion 56 Haaretz Dialog 56 Sigma Dos 56 Informe Confidencial 56 OBOP showed 56 Rassmussen Reports 56 CeSID 55 ROMIR Monitoring 55 Léger Marketing poll 55 Ifop poll 55 Kauppalehti SME 55 Emnid poll 55 TNS Emnid 55 Reinfeldt Moderates 55 Ipsos Apoyo poll 55 Cedatos Gallup poll 55 Adimark 55 Datafolha 55 Maagar Mohot 55 Allensbach Institute 55 Ipsos MRBI 55 Datafolha poll 55 Forsa polling agency 54 Viavoice 54 Allensbach 54 Pentor 54 Populus Ltd. 54 gallup poll 54 IFOP 54 Consulta Mitofsky 54 Diageo Hotline poll 54 Reuters Econometer 54 Romir Monitoring 54 Datum poll 54 Kapa Research 54 YouGov Plc poll 54 Vox Latina 54 De Hond 54 Ispos 54 Gani Bobi 54 Sensus polling 54 Infotrak Harris 54 Guardian ICM 54 DETAILS Conducted 53 Léger Marketing 53 SME Kauppalehti 53 National Rally KOK 53 Ipsos Markinor 53 EKOS poll 53 pollster Ipsos Apoyo 53 CBOS 53 Ifop 53 Poliarquia Consultores suggested 53 Dahaf Institute poll 53 Equipos Mori 53 Dimap 53 Sofres 53 McClatchy Marist 53 CNT Sensus 53 USA TODAY Gallup poll 53 SMG KRC 53 Star-Ledger/Eagleton-Rutgers poll 52 Dahaf poll 52 Forsa Institute 52 Environics poll 52 Rutgers Eagleton poll 52 Dahaf 52 Pollsters surveyed 52 WNBC Marist poll 52 Teleseker 52 Guatemala Electoral Tribunal 52 GMIPoll 52 Times Ipsos MRBI 52 BPIX 52 opposition socialist PASOK 52 Participacion Ciudadana 52 pollster Szonda Ipsos 52 OBOP 52 Herald DigiPoll 52 TNS Nipo 52 MBMD 52 PublicMind 52 McClatchy Ipsos 52 GfK Polonia institute 51 TNS Teleseker 51 Ibope 51 IPSOS poll 51 Markit PMI 51 Glengariff Group 51 Decima poll 51 NEWSWEEK Poll 51 TNS Emor 51 Wirthlin Worldwide 51 Turkstat 51 LH2 poll 51 RB Borsen 51 Survey ARIS 51 Marae Digipoll 51 Tarki 51 GfS 51 Party KESK 51 latest AAII Sentiment 51 Ibope poll published 51 Isae 51 Pollara poll 51 TNS mrbi 51 PIPA poll 51 Forsa polling institute 51 nonpartisan Pew Hispanic 51 FG Wahlen surveys 51 Homo Homini 51 Rutgers Eagleton 51 Latinobarómetro 50 Midwinter Bald Eagle 50 Qunnipiac University 50 ISPO institute 50 LP3ES 50 Portfolio.hu poll 50 Mustel Group 50 Merdeka Centre 50 Forsa polling 50 Maagar Mochot 50 ComRes poll 50 Ipsos Stat 50 MasterIndex survey 50 COMPAS poll 50 EPIC MRA poll 50 Suan Dusit Rajabhat 50 polling firm Datanalisis 50 weekly MasterCard SpendingPulse 50 CNN WMUR poll 50 Ecologists Greens 50 Guardian ICM poll 50 McClatchy MSNBC 50 Diageo Hotline 50 ComRes survey 50 Capacent 50 stations WXYZ WILX 50 PPIC poll 50 Harris Decima survey 50 from#.# [002] 50 CID Gallup 50 Glengariff Group Inc. 50 Poliarquia Consultores 50 Tami Steinmetz Center 50 Markinor survey 50 pessimists outnumber optimists 50 Fairleigh Dickinson PublicMind poll 50 StrategyOne conducted 50 CNN WMUR 50 CommunicateResearch 49 pollster Apoyo 49 Abac Poll 49 ICM interviewed 49 Forsa 49 Telephone Omnibus 49 Viavoice agency 49 oversamples 49 Emnid institute 49 ComRes Ltd. 49 ShapeNZ 49 Merkel CDU CSU 49 Harris Decima poll 49 GFK 49 Progress Party FrP 49 Mustel poll 49 Gfk consumer 49 Tickbox.net 49 Borisov GERB 49 Eurobarometer surveys 49 Benenson Strategy Group 49 GfK AG 49 candidate Gianni Lettieri 49 Bluegrass Poll 49 uh pe ack 49 NTC Economics Ltd. 49 ABAC Poll 49 GFK Consumer Confidence 49 Confidence Index SM 49 favourability rating 49 Thaci PDK 49 MORI poll 49 Reuters Zogby poll 49 Marae DigiPoll 49 Moravia KSCM 49 Ipsos Markinor survey 49 Apoyo poll 48 SurveyUSA poll conducted 48 NOP poll 48 Ipsos MORI poll 48 An Ekos poll 48 VTsIOM pollster 48 Universidad de Lima 48 Baltijos 48 TNS NIPO 48 Travelex Confidence Index 48 Fafo 48 INSEE statistics 48 Ipsos MORI interviewed 48 CURS exit poll 48 Vocal Laboratories 48 Cedatos 48 firm Datanalisis 48 Leger Marketing survey 48 Education Next PEPG 48 AP Gfk poll 48 ACNielsen poll 48 weekly Proto Thema 48 sq km 3D seismic 48 Times TNS mrbi 48 statistics institute INSEE 48 Datafolha polling institute 48 Sentix 48 Voronin Communists 48 Mark Rutte VVD 48 speaker Amien Rais 48 THE DETAILS Conducted 48 YouGov Plc survey 48 Bucuvalas Inc. 48 pollster Pulse 48 MetroPOLL 48 Eleftheros Typos newspaper 48 CUTTING DOWN 48 Globescan 48 Spherion Employment Report 48 SoonerPoll.com 48 IBD TIPP poll 48 Hinterlaces 48 statistics bureau Istat 48 McClatchy Newspapers Marist 48 TUIK 48 independent Quinnipiac KWIN 48 www.gallup.com 48 IPSOS 48 GDP shrank 48 Transatlantic Trends 48 Geocartography Institute 48 SME Direkt 48 Harstad Strategic Research 48 GFK NOP 48 WMUR Granite State 48 Rural Mainstreet economic 47 candidate Jean Nayinzira 47 ComRes interviewed 47 Unofficial tallies 47 Bangkok Suan Dusit 47 Democracy CeSID 47 DETAILS Conducted Sept. 47 Press Harris Decima 47 GFK poll 47 #.#percentage points 47 GSPF slid 47 CDC Vital Signs 47 pollster Instituto Opina 47 Trillion Dollar Gap 47 BigResearch 47 Computer Shopper reader 47 Ekos survey 47 BIGresearch http:/www.bigresearch.com 47 News Opinion Dynamics 47 Fairleigh Dickinson PublicMind Poll 47 AgePoll 47 CCH Unscheduled Absence 47 Zogby Interactive 47 Gfk NOP 47 YouGov Polimetrix 47 Incoma Research 47 Dahaf polling 47 optimists outnumber pessimists 47 Angus Reid poll 47 Big Ten Battleground Poll 47 Ipsos Mori survey 47 UMR Research 47 WHDH-TV/Suffolk University 47 WorldPublicOpinion.org 47 Brazil IBGE statistics 47 Zawya.com data 47 newspaper Proto Thema 47 Gallup polling 47 McClatchy Ipsos poll 47 ORG Marg 47 INSTAT 47 realclearpolitics.com 47 British Gambling Prevalence 47 from#.# [001] 47 perc ent 47 BIGResearch 47 Ifop institute 47 Congresswoman Keiko Fujimori 47 Rutgers Eagleton Poll 47 C SPAN Zogby 47 AC Neilsen 47 Eurobarometer survey 47 Ulat ng Bayan 47 incumbent Tassos Papadopoulos 47 Nanos Research 47 Abac poll 46 Yuri Levada Analytical 46 UMich consumer sentiment 46 Statistics Institute TurkStat 46 SVME PMI 46 RasmussenReports.com 46 Herald DigiPoll survey 46 DETAILS Conducted Oct. 46 Ciruli Associates 46 Angus Reid Strategies 46 RBC CASH Index 46 Ipsos Reid survey 46 Opinionway 46 WMUR UNH 46 GYTS 46 Populus interviewed 46 survey 46 Polimetrix 46 CASH Index 46 SRBI 46 Alienation Index 46 Health NSDUH 46 pollees 46 statistics institute Insee 46 Hart McInturff 46 Eduardo Estrella 46 Statistics INE 46 Dahaf Research 46 ShopperTrak RTC 46 STOXX#E shed 46 counted Zapatero Socialist 46 WNBC Marist College 46 Colmar Brunton poll 46 Marttila Communications 46 SWG Srl 46 Zogby Poll 46 Forecasts ranged 46 SMG KRC shows 46 Schulman Ronca 46 AIDS Epidemic Update 46 Emnid polling institute 46 Apoyo polling 46 OMX Copenhagen 46 RT Strategies 46 Thomson FirstCall 46 JNLR 46 Mustel 46 unfavorability rating stood 46 POLLARA 46 CESID 46 unweighted probability sample 46 candidate Balbina Herrera 46 GEA ISA 46 headline unadjusted jobless 46 respondents disapproved 46 IFO institute 46 BOJ quarterly tankan 46 Weather Stations SWS 46 pollsters GfK NOP 46 CNN WMUR TV 46 poll title = Online 46 InsiderAdvantage Poll Position 46 IFOP agency 46 Leger Marketing poll 46 Star-Ledger/Eagleton-Rutgers Poll 46 Mediametrie 46 Multiple Indicator Cluster 46 GfK institute 46 Environics Research 46 PublicMind poll 46 Unimer 46 Ethnic Hazara chieftain 46 MasterCard SpendingPulse weekly 46 Latinobarometro 46 Populus survey 46 pollster VTsIOM 46 noninstitutionalized adults 46 latest EquiTrend 46 PBS DGA poll 46 Frantisek Lipka 45 MDA Dataquick 45 unadjusted jobless 45 CSAE 45 Rzeczpospolita daily 45 Gallup WorldView World 45 ACNielson 45 CNN IBN CSDS 45 ACNeilsen 45 Opinium 45 biweekly Lundberg Survey 45 precincts reporting Landrieu 45 Constituent Dynamics 45 Partnership Attitude Tracking 45 Ipsos Mori poll 45 Howey Gauge Poll 45 Afrobarometer survey 45 Gallup poll 45 Union SDKU 45 Green Party Grune 45 Gfk Consumer Confidence 45 IBOPE 45 Peter Schoeppner 45 Wprost weekly 45 Opinium Research carried 45 CNN Gallup poll 45 MEMRB 45 latest Distributive Trades 45 MORI survey 45 Yury Levada 45 BIGresearch polled 45 Geocartographia 45 kilometer airborne magnetic 45 respected Datafolha polling 45 Rasmussen Reports 45 Sabre Travel Networks 45 Associated Press Gfk poll 45 Datamar 45 Nationen 45 PublicMind poll released 45 downhole gamma logging 45 Winthrop ETV poll 45 Teleseker poll 45 Household Panel 45 industry tracker comScore 45 #,# surveyors Zagat 45 Gallup Polls 45 PRRI RNS Religion 45 Netcraft netcraft.com 45 Ekos Research 45 agency Indec 45 pollster Ipsos Reid 45 pollsters ICM 45 VTsIOM 45 UMich consumer 45 Davis Hibbitts 45 Amarach Consulting 45 net PLT inflow 45 poll 45 Insightrix 45 Inflation quickened 45 unofficial overnights 45 Gfk 45 Ifop published 45 USAToday Gallup poll 45 AC Nielson 45 institute INE 45 Quinnipiac KWIHN' uh pee 45 Newspoll survey 45 randomly selected precincts 45 comScore NASDAQ SCOR 45 MRBI 45 Thomson Reuters Proprietary 45 DAX Xetra 45 Munich Ifo institute 45 Suan Dusit 45 An IFOP poll 45 Public Opinion MCIPO 45 Instituto Opina 45 observant believers 45 AC Neilsen poll 45 WorldPublicOpinion.org poll 45 NeuroReport 45 SUSR 45 KOF Swiss 45 Respons 45 Badger Poll 45 NADbank 45 Rasmussen Reports poll 45 Ipsos McClatchy 45 MasterCard Worldwide Index 45 RBC CASH 45 EMRS poll 44 Zogby poll 44 Force Survey LFS 44 Global Corruption Barometer 44 InsiderAdvantage poll 44 Morpace Omnibus Study 44 ORG GFK 44 unadjusted jobless rate 44 Algirdas Butkevicius 44 Chairman Apollinaire Malu 44 LV MoE + 44 PEW Research 44 NPOC 44 Yury Levada Analytical 44 Yougov 44 Replication NCS R 44 STOXX#E gained 44 Faktum 44 BPIX poll 44 MPR Humphrey 44 EquiTrend ® 44 Ipsos 44 OneStat 44 MegaView Search 44 polled 44 Newspoll published 44 Critical Insights 44 Glevum Associates 44 PubMatic AdPrice Index 44 randomly selected sample 44 Populus 44 Gallup Healthways 44 nonfederal hospitals 44 Poliarquia 44 UMich index 44 survery 44 Sasko Kedev 44 Nielsen Netratings 44 Realclearpolitics.com 44 Morpace Omnibus 44 Gallup pollsters 44 Factset JCF 44 seasonally unadjusted payroll 44 Charttrack 44 Razumkov Centre 44 JPMorgan EMBI Plus 44 Auspoll survey 44 Statewide voter turnout 44 ICM poll 44 #.#percentage 44 Merchant Confidence Index 44 centrist D# 44 Ipsos Mori 44 OLAP Survey 44 Markinor 44 Public Policy Polling 44 TurkStat 44 Markit Economics Purchasing Managers 44 Opinion Dynamics Corp. 44 Nomura JMMA Purchasing Managers 44 precincts reporting Chambliss 44 Manfred Guellner head 44 SurveyUSA Telephone interviews 44 Rajabhat Suan Dusit 44 Teleseker published 44 Haver Analytics 44 BMC Psychiatry 44 SWS surveys 44 Kamran Daneshjoo senior 44 pollster Khalil Shikaki 44 Thierno Bayo 44 Spira cites 44 Markit Economics showed 44 statistics bureau ISTAT 44 French Cac 44 CID Gallup poll 44 Nielson NetRatings 44 Martin Hamblin GfK 44 TRXFLDAXPU 44 journal Morbidity 44 http:/www.MyVoucherCodes.co.uk 44 broadcaster RUV 44 IPSOS Public 44 Ethnos newspaper 44 RCP Average 44 Research System GQRS 44 Diabetes Fact Sheet 44 MBF Healthwatch survey 44 Westpoll 44 ISAE 44 reports MarketingCharts 44 precincts reporting Sestak 44 National Action PRIAN 44 National Readership Survey 44 firm Netcraft netcraft.com 44 MasterIndex 43 Eurobarometer 43 SWS survey 43 Values Survey 43 Consumer Sentiment Index 43 Shandong Yunnan 43 Stuttering affects 43 Datafolha polling 43 CZK#.# billion [001] 43 #.#pps y y 43 Public Opinion Strategies 43 ZEW institute 43 Ibope interviewed 43 CNN Gallup Poll 43 Induced polarization IP 43 Greendex 43 Marist Poll 43 Survey.com 43 Renewal RN 43 IELEC.T Quote NEWS 43 HSBC Markit Purchasing Managers 43 pollster Ipsos 43 News Colmar Brunton 43 secular Iraqiya coalition 43 MarketTools ensures 43 Cifra Factum 43 Berland Associates PSB 43 RCT ShopperTrak 43 Rhones Alpes region 43 candidate Grzegorz Napieralski 43 civilian noninstitutionalized population 43 Brice Teinturier 43 RVA LLC 43 IBD TIPP Poll 43 Corn silked 43 TNS mrbi poll 43 Dr. Nabil Kukali 43 Courier Journal Bluegrass 43 to#.# [006] 43 YouGov Plc 43 IPSOS Reid 43 EPIC MRA 43 APCO Insight 43 IBD TIPP 43 BizRate Research 43 Yedioth poll 43 ComRes 43 respected Levada Analytical 43 Pollara Strategic Research 43 GQRS 43 Social Attitudes 43 secretary Razzy Hamadi 43 Chile IPSA slipped 43 kilometer airborne geophysical 43 Statistik Austria 43 USA TODAY Gallup Poll 43 Pew Hispanic 43 Consumer Confidence Survey 43 candidate Levan Gachechiladze 43 Spherion Employee Confidence Index 43 Digipoll 43 Datanálisis 43 Serge Audate 43 vote respectively Ndongou 43 RBC CCO 43 CARAVAN ® 43 independents disapprove 43 Statistics Institute TUIK 43 Intersearch 43 FrP 43 C SPAN Zogby poll 43 Democracy CESID 43 Keystone Poll 43 Organisation NSSO 43 System BRFSS 43 TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence 43 nationally projectable 43 YouGov survey 43 SIX Estimates 43 Afro Barometer 43 radiometric magnetic 43 writes MarketingCharts 43 Annual Demographia 43 SORA Institute 43 NLSY 43 NSDUH 43 YouGov poll commissioned 43 MSNBC Zogby poll 43 Unemployment hovers 43 Ipsos MORI 43 Sigma Analytics 43 unknown Andrei Bogdanov 43 statewide unadjusted jobless 43 Emmanuel Riviere pollster 43 NABE Outlook 43 CPAC SES 43 Apoyo Opinion y 43 precincts reporting Deutch 43 Discounting civil servants 43 Strongly Favor 42 Nonfarm payroll 42 Dahaf Institute published 42 Merrill Lynch Cap Gemini 42 Refinery utilization rebounded 42 Graduation Success Rate GSR 42 Rev. Donald Cozzens 42 Democratic Movement KDH 42 Apoyo Opinión y 42 Friedrich Ebert Foundation 42 Statistical Institute TUIK 42 Populus interviewed random 42 Clarus Poll 42 Herald Digipoll 42 Quinnipac University 42 Omnibus Survey 42 Mina Zemach 42 SPOe 42 Newspaper Audience Databank 42 GfK survey 42 HSNSI stood 42 Ipsos Bimsa 42 retrospective cohort 42 monthly distributive trades 42 Jerome Sainte Marie 42 Mario Canseco 42 Strategic Counsel 42 AGB Nielsen Media 42 nonpetroleum import prices 42 Zew 42 Nationwide Consumer Confidence 42 Colombia IGBC gained 42 Pechter Middle East 42 Instituto Opina released 42 Consultores 42 office ISTAT 42 prefectural assemblies 42 Global Reputation Pulse 42 Jimmie Aakesson 42 CARAVAN R 42 Manuel Alegre 42 Quinnipiac poll 42 unscientific straw 42 Regions Viktor Yanukovych 42 Leaders Confidence Index 42 Retail FootFall Index 42 Statistical Handbook 42 MasterCard SpendingPulse survey 42 nonpartisan Pew Research 42 EU Harmonized 42 teleVox 42 MCI EFI 42 ISM nonmanufacturing index 42 VCIOM 42 Gini index 42 Populus poll 42 latest Newspoll 42 SurveyUSA poll 42 Holiday Consumer Intentions 42 CompuBox statistics 42 SMG KRC poll 42 Investor Optimism 42 Religious Identification 42 Young Adults CARDIA 42 CIPS RBS 42 Datafolha interviewed 42 spokeswoman Nellika Little 42 Global Gender Gap 42 Skilled vacancies 42 WorldatWork Salary Budget 42 CAPMAS 42 journal Demography 42 Milan SP Mib 42 Zyuganov Medvedev 42 daily Frettabladid 42 Very Unfavorable 42 Interview Survey CHIS 42 Rasmussen Reports Telephone 42 SOXX gained 42 Census Bureau IBGE 42 Zogby International 42 code O Murchu 42 GfK Consumer Confidence 42 favourability ratings 42 Midghall Inc. 42 Reputation Quotient 42 Unofficial totals 42 parlimentary elections 42 UPI Zogby poll 42 benchmark BUX index 42 radiometric airborne 42 YouGov 42 Environics 42 forgave Zidane 42 Rakhine Yoma Elephant Sanctuary 42 Legatum Prosperity Index 42 Evi Mustel 42 Mitofsky polling 42 sexted shared 42 publisher Trilby Lundberg 42 Environment RIVM 42 BOJ quarterly Tankan 42 Democrat Celinda Lake 42 7percent 42 Swedish Mammography Cohort 42 Quinnipiac KWIN' ih pee 42 Pollsters YouGov 42 urology journal BJU 42 Democracy VVD 42 Survey YRBS 42 Crin Antonescu 42 Ecostat 42 CSAMT MT 42 BrightRoll Video Network 42 Andrija Mandic 42 Liberal Party Folkpartiet 42 EBRI Issue Brief 42 IELEC.T 42 Implied vols 42 Germany Ifo institute 42 eNation 42 OzTam 42 AGB Nielsen Philippines 42 SMG KRC showed 42 Benjamin Netanyahu hawkish Likud 42 pollster ICM 42 Field Poll 41 Hershkowitz comprise 41 ChangeWave survey 41 Vendor Value 41 Geocartography 41 GfK NOP 41 Newspolls 41 Unofficial returns 41 Opinion Polls 41 white mainline Protestants 41 DigiPoll 41 Noppadon Kannika 41 Redbook Research 41 ODA GNI 41 AXFJ 41 Fabrizio McLaughlin 41 TNS MRBI 41 USCHO.com CSTV Division 41 BSA IDC 41 attending antenatal clinics 41 USCHO CSTV 41 communist KKE party 41 CPI HICP 41 ruling VMRO DPMNE 41 Pan Hellenic Socialist 41 EU Harmonised Index 41 Climate Impact Assessment 41 pollsters Populus 41 Birmingham Midshires Saving 41 MediaCurves.com 41 Democratic caucusgoers 41 COMPAS 41 precincts reporting Villaraigosa 41 Marek Borowski 41 Swiss KOF leading 41 Gallup Organization 41 Experian Gallup 41 BBM Nielsen 41 Order Lawfulness Justice 41 Nielsen VideoScan 41 #.#percent [003] 41 pollsters Mori 41 Guttmacher Institute nonprofit 41 Ipsos poll 41 Rutte VVD 41 Landmine Impact 41 airborne magnetic radiometric 41 Slovak Statistical 41 Swedish newspaper Nerikes 41 pollster Khalil Shekaki 41 Readex Research 41 businessman Sebastián Piñera 41 HSBC Purchasing Managers 41 Index MMHI 41 Nomura JMMA 41 centrist Basescu 41 PLoS Biology journal 41 kronor euro# 41 Sociological 41 Latvijas Avize newspaper 41 percentof 41 Mina Tzemach 41 favourability 41 Seasonally Adjusted Annualized 41 IBGE statistics institute 41 TRXFLDPIPU 41 Dahaf polling institute 41 IssuesPA Pew poll 41 BoydsWorld.com 41 Creditreform 41 Macroeconomic Confidence Index 41 Governance Indicators 41 www.ziprealty.com NASDAQ ZIPR 41 YouGov poll 41 Partial tallies 41 and#.# [002] 41 SKDS 41 Gallup 41 quarterly Tankan 41 Wisconsin Sleep Cohort 41 Nielsen LabelTrends 41 Consumer Sentiment Survey 41 ASD prevalence 41 Democrat lawmaker Algirdas 41 Consumer Attitudes 41 Japan Hiroyasu Shimizu 41 Survey NCVS 41 Party MHP 41 gamma ray spectrometry 41 Sociological Investigations 41 Advancers outpaced decliners 41 UoM consumer 41 Gallup Poll finds 41 seasonally unadjusted jobless 41 TDC TDC.CO Quote Profile 41 populist True Finns 41 monthly Distributive Trades 41 editor Trilby Lundberg 41 Student Engagement NSSE 41 StatCounter Global 41 Austria ATX 41 Factset Research 41 Journalism PEJ 41 Leger Marketing 41 stations WXYZ WJRT 41 Electoral Calculus 41 BAK Basel Economics 41 Otton Solis 41 repondents 41 Wilkofsky Gruen Associates 41 KRC Research 41 Contemplated projected forecasted 41 Teikoku Databank Ltd. 41 CDS PP 41 National Epidemiologic Survey 41 Taiwan Thinktank 41 TOPX gained 41 TechnoMetrica Institute 41 YouGovSiraj 41 NY1 Marist 41 conservative VVD 41 franc depreciated 41 SPD Greens 41 Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 41 Maagar Mohot polling 41 Viktor Orban Fidesz 41 OeVP 41 Quinnipac 41 Newspoll surveys 41 conservative TOP# 41 Vanco Arctic 41 Ibope institute 41 markup Tollin 41 Euro Libor #.#

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