Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 73 procedural roadblock 65 procedural hurdles 65 filibuster delaying tactic 63 Republican delaying tactics 62 procedural hurdle 60 GOP stalling tactics 60 filibuster 60 invoking cloture 60 fillibuster 58 GOP filibusters 58 procedural maneuvers 57 overcome procedural hurdles 57 filibusters 55 stalling tactics 55 cloture motions 55 abolish judicial filibusters 54 cloture votes 54 overcome filibusters 54 GOP filibuster 53 ANWR provision 52 fifths supermajority 52 cloture vote 52 unprecedented obstructionist tactics 52 invoke cloture 52 procedural maneuver 52 cloture motion 50 gunmaker immunity bill 50 cloture 50 filibuster Alito 50 judicial confirmations 50 supermajority 50 Edu marking Tanaguchi 50 Recess appointments 49 noncontroversial nominees 49 Partisan bickering 49 filibustered nominees 49 intraparty squabble 49 unyielding partisanship 49 partyline vote 49 overcome procedural hurdle 48 procedural hurdle hindering 48 ban judicial filibusters 48 troop withdrawal timetables 48 Lincoln Chafee RR.I. 48 Proposed constitutional amendments 48 fillibuster proof majority 48 germane amendments 48 MTBE waiver 48 Bunning filibuster 48 ANWR drilling 48 Aderholt Y 48 Streamlined Procedures Act 48 gubernatorial vetoes 48 obstructionist tactics 48 party centrists rebelled 47 Disclose Act 47 troop withdrawal deadlines 47 bureaucratic obstacles 47 invoked cloture 47 CCAGW rated 47 partisan squabbles 47 filibuster proof 47 constitutional amendment HJR 46 thirds quorum 46 Democratically controlled 46 Jim DeMint RS.C. 46 DISCLOSE Act 46 trans inclusive ENDA 46 nonconfidence 46 lameduck session 46 delaying tactics 46 Broun N 46 regulated wolf hunts 46 wavering moderates 46 Unanimous consent 46 senate democrats 46 banning judicial filibusters 46 nonbinding resolution opposing 46 razor thin majority 46 horsepower carbureted engine 46 Majority Leader Harry Reid 46 Rule XXII 45 defunding Obamacare 45 Defund ACORN Act 45 eliminate judicial filibusters 45 overriding vetoes 45 roadblocks 45 barrier Calonge 45 partisan wrangling 45 notoriously balky Senate 45 approves impeaching Blagojevich 45 aye votes 45 DeGette Y 45 bureaucratic roadblocks 45 impeaching Sanford 45 Lame duck sessions 45 RESTORE Act 44 filibustering 44 nonbinding resolutions 44 SUNO UNO merger 44 muster quorum 44 oust Craddick 44 nonconfidence motion 44 Christmas Eve presuming 44 initiating troop withdrawals 44 filibuster proof margin 44 override vetoes 44 filibuster proof majority 44 PAYGO rule 44 leglislation 44 involuntary annexations 44 D Grosse Tete 44 bureaucratic logjams 44 Bilbray Y 44 Castle DeGette bill 44 filibustered 44 Bayh disillusionment 44 chubbing 44 paygo rules 44 Stupak Pitts 44 repeal DADT 44 Lingle vetoes 44 Jeffords defection gave 44 amendment HJR 44 Stupak Pitts amendment 44 DADT repeal 43 Cuss Free Week 43 Russ Feingold D Wis 43 appoint conferees 43 noncontroversial bills 43 recess appointments 43 earmark moratorium 43 constitutional amendment SJR 43 senators 43 precincts reporting Sestak 43 thirds supermajority 43 veto overrides 43 recriminalize abortion 43 Stupak Pitts Amendment 43 judge Priscilla Owen 43 Biggert N 43 Interceptions 0 43 DISCLOSE 43 foregoing Magicalia shall 43 award delegates proportionally 43 Plame cause celebre 43 amendment SJR 43 Bilirakis N 43 Props aplenty 43 Aderholt N 43 Bilbray N 43 instruct conferees 43 obstructionist tactic 43 WRDA bill 43 Paycheck Fairness Act 43 Overriding veto requires 43 obstacles 43 Democratically controlled Legislature 43 reauthorize NCLB 43 procedural 43 AMT fix 43 unanimous consent 43 Status Passed 43 Cloture 43 retroactive immunity provision 43 troop withdrawal timelines 43 Outnumbered Republicans 43 legislative logjams 43 toughen prohibitions 43 Monserrate expulsion 43 GOP moderates 42 supermajority requirement 42 Lincoln Chafee RI 42 judicial filibusters 42 FMAP extension 42 Overriding veto 42 congressional bargainers 42 SJ Res 42 lame duck session 42 Enzi Barrasso 42 Ben Cardin D Md 42 drafting tandems 42 repeal DOMA 42 Sens. Dianne Feinstein D-Calif. 42 veto override 42 judicial nominees 42 Ernest Hollings DS.C. 42 Majority Whip Mitch McConnell 42 repeal ObamaCare 42 Dem ocrats 42 Shays Meehan 42 Homolka pardon 42 frivolous patent infringement 42 supermajorities 42 DADT repealed 42 stopgap measure expires 42 Senate 42 impeaching Cheney 42 forcing Pitmon 42 evaluated microscopically 42 SCHIP reauthorization 42 wasteful earmarks 42 Act ENDA 42 diabetes Danesh 42 Parliamentarian Alan Frumin 42 omnibus appropriations 42 cleared procedural hurdle 42 statutory PAYGO 42 Bipartisan majorities 42 criminalize illegal immigrants 42 wasteful earmark 42 lift retaliatory tariffs 42 Armenian genocide resolution 42 disallow filibusters 42 needless partisanship 42 Earmark reform 42 PAYGO rules 42 Bork nomination 42 Travaglini Lees 42 Kelliher DFL Minneapolis 42 monthlong recess 42 defund Obamacare 42 defund ObamaCare 42 postelection stalemate 42 override Lingle 41 gerrymanders 41 Republicans 41 Judge Priscilla Owen 41 Yellowstone bison slaughter 41 obstructionists 41 savings KayCee persuaded 41 Override opponents 41 crossbench senators 41 reauthorizing SCHIP 41 lawmkers 41 By Ron Chimelis 41 Blaine Amendments 41 repealing DOMA 41 Pawlenty vetoes 41 Crain Waldrop 41 Teammate Dustin Pedroia 41 partisan rancor 41 Constitutional Revision Committee 41 partisan obstructionism 41 relatively noncontroversial 41 Senate conferees 41 climactic Christmas Eve 41 Kucinich jabbed 41 Jeff Flake R Ariz 41 Maryland Rep. Steny 41 Speaker Mircea Geoana 41 Daschle apologizes 41 partisan squabbling 41 filibuster proof supermajority 41 omnibus spending 41 Sotomayor nomination 41 Castle DeGette 41 Bloc Québécois MPs 41 partisan gridlock 41 Leader Scott Heidepriem 41 Filibusters 41 Mukasey nomination 41 NCLB reauthorization 41 Eyman Initiative 41 Ousting al Maliki 41 coaxial feeder 41 Mukasey confirmation hearings 41 Altmire Y 41 procedural morass 41 implored Bunning 41 reserves 41 author Catherine Limperopoulos 41 fifths majorities 41 embed Lapan 41 alienating moderates 41 senatorial courtesy 41 Sebelius vetoes 41 deadlocks 41 nominaton 41 Diana DeGette D Colo 41 resolution H.Res 41 Majority Leader Frist 41 Coburn Omnibus 41 Sheldon Whitehouse DR.I. 41 Concealed guns 41 SJR# [001] 41 PELOSI Well 41 standardized OTC derivatives 41 veto 41 Defense Authorization 41 Veto override 41 excuse absentee balloting 41 Odekoven 41 BUCHANAN Water 41 independents caucusing 41 ideological brinksmanship 41 Mike Castle R-Del. 41 appellate judgeships 41 constitutionally questionable 41 Appropriators 41 exercising peremptory challenges 41 Jeff Bingaman NM 41 WWD Subscription 41 John Cornyn R-Tex. 41 Partisan sniping 41 barriers 41 retroactivity clause 41 successfully filibustered 41 damn fishing DiNero 41 Blanche Lincoln Ark. 40 DFLer Al Franken 40 Marco Rubios 40 FAA reauthorization 40 House impeaches Porteous 40 Head Start reauthorization 40 Gunsmoke Oxford 40 CongressDaily reports 40 amendments 40 sway wavering 40 distortion misrepresentation 40 quorum 40 greenhouse gasses mirrors 40 partisan bickering 40 Lumbee recognition 40 Travaglini Lees amendment 40 Ordering troop withdrawals 40 obstructions 40 crossbench 40 procedural motions 40 Democrats 40 Baucus Tester 40 ratify START 40 Hobbled Dems eager 40 constitutional ammendment 40 bureaucratic impediments 40 lit cigarette Jakez 40 Quinn amendatory veto 40 filibustering Alito 40 overcame procedural hurdle 40 PeopleSoft poison pill 40 Repub licans 40 Jon Kyl R Ariz 40 Napolitano vetoes 40 Replete electrolytes 40 haphazard piecemeal 40 S. #/HR [002] 40 Bilirakis Y 40 defund ACORN 40 Dorgan Snowe 40 Demcorats 40 oxygenate requirement 40 Prop 1F 40 judicial nominations 40 Endy Chavez astounding 40 awarding delegates proportionally 40 Partisan wrangling 40 SJR# [002] 40 severability clause 40 Unaffiliated voters outnumber 40 briar patch Shanahan 40 fiscally conservative Democrats 40 candidate Luc Jochimsen 40 poisonously partisan 40 Lame Duck session 40 invalidated Blinka 40 SENATE PRESIDENT 40 bureaucratic massaging 40 fledgling leftist Sandinista 40 alarm Limbago 40 Onshore refineries 40 cross benchers 40 Senate Judiciary Committee 40 Mary Landrieu La. 40 intraparty contests 40 mark Olukunle 40 Patriot Act reauthorization 40 LOS ANGELES Patrick McGoohan 40 Tax Extenders Act 40 nonbinding resolution expressing 40 Skip Schumaker RBI groundout 40 Senate 40 Blumenauer Y 40 HJRes 40 granting Native Hawaiians 40 Bernanke reappointment 40 cowards Romao reportedly 40 Vermont legalizes 40 Stettner predicted 40 AgJobs bill 40 Sealaska lands 40 disperse biofilms 40 angering environmentalists 40 Armored bulldozers 40 Comp Lite 40 Mike Enzi Wyoming 40 bureaucratic hurdles 40 obstructionism 40 MTBE liability 40 stemcell research 40 celestial sightings 40 Filibuster 40 perch cupped 40 roadblock 40 angry al Khasawneh 40 filibustering senators 40 faithless electors 39 Geoana Social 39 reauthorize SCHIP 39 thirds supermajority requirement 39 kemcha Way 39 Baroody nomination 39 germaneness 39 doc fix 39 unsimilar dissimilar 39 gridlock 39 vetoes 39 Exit M1 39 premature institutionalization 39 Rokeberg 39 Sean Cairncross 39 Troopergate probe 39 unduly hostile 39 nasal sinus irritants 39 absentia Galli 39 Speaker Nancy Pelosi D-Calif. 39 Alito confirmation 39 fully inclusive ENDA 39 constitutional amendment disallowing 39 partisan acrimony 39 sine die adjournment 39 spokeswoman Regan Lachapelle 39 Carryon bag fees 39 WELNA 39 Sens. Jon Tester 39 logjams 39 convening constituent assembly 39 Minority Leader Mitch McConnell 39 SJR2 39 bushing collar 39 Louise Slaughter DN.Y. 39 glaring inequity 39 repealing ObamaCare 39 Judicial Proceedings Committee 39 unrushed methodical manner 39 outlaw abortions 39 Demo crats 39 partisan recriminations 39 Bratara called 39 crimes Peter Isely 39 override veto 39 Concrete barricades 39 inflaming hostilities 39 impermeable barriers 39 ordering troop withdrawals 39 WAYCROSS Ga. Firefighters 39 unimportant Whelan 39 Maine Estler 39 Reid D Nev 39 Nominations Sent 39 Majority Leader Bill Frist 39 Filibustering 39 HJ Res 39 Military Readiness Enhancement 39 Dail Eireann parliament 39 Russ Feingold D-Wis. 39 Lobbied fellow 39 Bundesrat upper house 39 postelection session 39 Arline Isaacson cochairwoman 39 JW 'S SALOON 39 Hoyer Murtha 39 HB3 39 amendatory vetoes 39 Exume tried 39 Ben Nelson D-Neb. 39 legislation 39 multimember districts 39 AMT patch 39 Supermajority 39 Jeff Sessions R-Ala. 39 chairwoman Tina Benkiser 39 Legislature adjourns 39 candidate Carl Romanelli 39 proposed constitutional amendment 39 deposing dictator 39 Bureaucratic delays 39 Eluana Englaro alive 39 filibuster proof majorities 39 TABOR Amendment 39 Corker McCaskill 39 Arlen Specters 39 Shanghai Intech Electric 39 renominate Greenspan 39 Hometown Democracy amendment 39 Harry Reid D-Nev. 39 Coburn R Okla 39 lieutenant governor presides 39 multichallenger regatta 39 Victory Gallop Baffert 39 DREAM ACT 39 rhetorical ruckus 39 unsolvable antagonistic contradictions 39 Bloc Quebecois MPs 39 Sen. Joel Chaisson 39 remained unstopped 39 Senate Judiciary Committee 39 Constituencies Bill 39 Angelyn Frazer 39 speaker rostrum 39 overflown creeks 39 congressional recess 39 Partisan disagreements 39 weeklong recess 39 Speaker Albio Sires 39 dilatory tactics 39 liberal judicial activism 39 impediments 39 legislatively enacted 39 Justice Priscilla Owen 39 troop withdrawl 39 Cheroenhaka Nottoway tribe 39 HCR# [002] 39 Abednico Bhebhe spokesman 39 fortified shantytown 39 Russell Feingold D-Wis. 39 given immuno depressants 39 Campaigns uncork 39 Judiciary Committee 39 receives royal assent 39 Keeslings recalled 39 filibustering judicial 39 apportioning delegates 39 honoring Barbara Mikulski 39 Stupak Amendment 39 JUPITER Fla. Rick Ankiel 39 nonmilitary discretionary 38 Bunning relents 38 D Meridianville 38 quorums 38 artist Anastasia Prikhodko 38 Robo signers Mortgage 38 Dog Breeding Establishments 38 Speaker Franco Marini 38 DFL'ers 38 nays 38 Bernie Sanders I-Vt. 38 pulse thrusters 38 Current negative coggins 38 Värde Partners Inc. 38 sodden muddy floors 38 disallowance motion 38 partisan gridlock Perino 38 nonaligned IAEA board 38 Pam Gulleson 38 Snapshot administrators 38 Lloyd Doggett D 38 Reid pointedly refrained 38 Intense thunderstorms 38 RN.H 38 jack knifed tractor trailers 38 further incensing Pyongyang 38 D Nev 38 Mike Enzi R-Wyo. 38 Partisan gridlock 38 designate andro 38 dipping crosscourt forehand 38 Sanford vetoes 38 crossbenchers 38 viii inability 38 millionaire Dick DeVos 38 corroboration Emery 38 objections 38 eliminates CalWORKS 38 grand bargainers 38 appropriations bills 38 AND SENATE 38 Paperwork Mandate Elimination 38 logistical logjams 38 Pedestrian crosswalks 38 reddened fist 38 noncitizen immigrants 38 constitutional infirmity 38 GMO authorizations 38 Leslie Southwick 38 Rep. Anh Cao 38 omnibus appropriations bill 38 deeply ingrained bitterness 38 independents Bernie Sanders 38 hangover afflicting 38 Proposition #âÑ# 38 MCCONNELL Well 38 offered angry denouncements 38 Evan Bayh Ind. 38 Jim Jeffords I-Vt. 38 Counterfeits Act 38 Cheered robustly 38 unicameral Legislature 38 Prop. 1F 38 Robert Byrd DW.V. 38 unconstitutional overreach 38 nominees Priscilla Owen 38 Impeachment proceedings 38 Dwayne Umbarger 38 voter referendums 38 unstemmed flow 38 Sagamore Rotary 38 WRFA 38 rising protectionist sentiments 38 Fernandez Peronist party 38 Ejehi boasted 38 earmark laden 38 Alito dissents 38 partisan gerrymandering 38 nonconfidence vote 38 operative Maria Cino 38 plenary debates 38 Drew Hammill spokesman 38 logjam 38 Mukasey confirmation 38 thirds majorities 38 Appropriations committees 38 federally funded embryonic 38 bipartisan comity 38 missy fit 38 Exorbitant salaries 38 hydrogen sulfide toxic 38 Peremptory challenges 38 insuperable obstacles 38 Vermontasaurus whimsical sculpture 38 sevenths majority 38 Bolten Miers 38 panelist abstained 38 allegations Rydze violated 38 forest thinning 38 CARMI TOPS 38 discrimination Skorupa 38 Chairwoman Tina Benkiser 38 Norv Fouts 38 Sen. Mike Enzi 38 Omnibus Spending Bill 38 embarrassing goofs 38 unpassed 38 CANYON LAKE Water 38 cramdown provision 38 repealing DADT 38 take displinary action 38 convene constituent assembly 38 Nunez Perata 38 locate Tawakal 38 symmetrical staircases 38 Napoleon Artioli 38 mourner Nasreen Gill 38 nontariff barriers 38 Arlen Specter R-Pa. 38 libertarian leaning conservatives 38 TORT reform 38 vetos 38 looping windup 38 Stokes MOTHERS Act 38 Al Franken D Minn 38 Polluaas case 38 Miers withdraws 38 GENDA 38 Representative Richard Pombo 38 Ryan Boschetti DT 38 Proposition 1a 38 Flag Desecration Amendment 38 Inaccurate scales 38 Reid D-Nev. 38 Cornyn Kyl 38 bipartisan coalitions 38 TOUCHDOWNS 0 38 Chambliss Isakson 38 Elizabeth Tisdahl 7th 38 Drainage ditches 38 partisan gerrymander 38 terrestrial loophole 38 Veto showdowns 38 Abdollah Araqi top 38 fleeting expletive regime 38 AND RIG RUNNERS 38 recess appointment 38 Gawker Media polls 38 Cramdown 38 Armenian Genocide Resolution H.Res.# 38 nonlinear distortion 38 clunkers refill 38 legislatively 38 Debbie Stabenow D Mich 38 Bill Frist R-Tenn. 38 homestate senator 38 Senate Majority Leader 38 Arkansas Sens. Blanche 38 condor preserve 38 lawmaker Ayaz Amir 38 DOMAs 38 Periodic lane closures 38 Williamses suspensions 38 bureaucratic snafus 38 Max Baucus Mont. 38 constitutionally infirm 38 Pari mutuels 38 Suitcase nukes 38 navigational hazards 38 JCAR 38 Jon Tester Mont. 38 Ken Salazar D Colo 38 Chairwoman Colleen Hanabusa 37 Corey Boles Of 37 Congress adjourns 37 Lakeview Optimist Club 37 Wyden Snowe 37 conflagration Brig 37 Deo Ferrer Daily 37 Norman Ornstein resident 37 Alito nomination 37 Orrin G. 37 Tropila 37 backdoor amnesty 37 true Wallice 37 Lakas Reps. 37 frosty reception awaits 37 UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION 37 Leader Dominic Pileggi 37 Birthright Citizenship Act 37 #/#rds majority 37 nonbinding resolution condemning 37 troop withdrawal timetable 37 Carolyn Weyforth spokeswoman 37 ayes 37 June Ribard 37 FairDistricts 37 Russian cosmonauts onboard 37 Hoyer D Md 37 unattended technicality 37 Dickey Wicker 37 REINS Act 37 Senator DeMint 37 Senate bargainers 37 hydrate crystals 37 ARB No.# 37 Rep. Dwayne Dobbins 37 protests Basij militiamen 37 factional bickering 37 Kyl Cornyn 37 Commissioner Janice Rettman 37 launched furious counterassault 37 amendment 37 Republicans reacted warily 37 gEvil beta # 37 worms weasels 37 speaker Marek Jurek 37 cooperate Ramuglia 37 Sen. Debra Plowman 37 By Roger Cleaveland 37 Senate Judicial Proceedings 37 GCP Liquors Horseheads 37 Lacking quorum 37 Democrats caucused 37 earthshaking revenge 37 Continuing Resolution 37 Justices Scalia Thomas 37 unity Alienating 37 No Snoopy bedsheets 37 partisan divides 37 Democratic Farmer Laborite 37 Partisan polarization 37 grapnel hook 37 Southers nomination 37 cramdown legislation 37 drilling moratoriums 37 eureka moment Dobbs 37 quirky blueblood 37 Pataki vetoes 37 bill LB# [003] 37 Meredith Attwell Baker 37 Fiscally conservative Democrats 37 law Soligenix assumes 37 intraparty battle 37 Lawmakers haggled 37 Overheated rhetoric 37 HR.# 37 con ass 37 Gentler treatments 37 SNOWE 37 Steffen fingertip got 37 incumbent Casey Cagle 37 OTHER DAYS 37 Defense Authorization Bill 37 Chafee DeWine 37 Leodis McKelvin fumble 37 underbrush 37 ideological divides 37 soundwall 37 attaching strings 37 midair refueling tankers 37 Stichting InBev 37 encourage disaffected Sunnis 37 courage rectitude 37 Stephen Breyer dissented 37 Caracas Petare slum 37 By Greta Wodele 37 intraparty bickering 37 GSI Commerce R 37 nonbudget 37 electrified wires 37 Stopgap 37 Specter defection 37 adjourn sine die 37 meaure 37 Sizable majorities 37 studied hairless mice 37 HCR# [001] 37 Daniel Radcliffe Carla Gugino 37 spousal notification provision 37 Bob Corker R Tenn 37 entrenched incumbents 37 Jean B. Cryor 37 convene incoming Senates 37 Duplicate entries 37 Carl Levin D-Mich. 37 Jon Corzine DN.J. 37 spokeswoman Christina Angarola 37 SCHUMER Well 37 leaders cajoled bargained 37 Jon Kyl R-Ariz. 37 bathroom Chatel 37 Joe Pitts R-Pa. 37 THE FACTS Bennet 37 poison pills 37 constitutionally mandated referendum 37 Betsy Markey D Colo 37 Hoyer Clyburn 37 partisan divide 37 Onlookers applauded 37 lobbied fiercely 37 repeal Obamacare 37 Sens. Mike Enzi 37 Wisma Cheshire 37 whip Roy Blunt 37 interpreting statutes 37 Senate Judiciary Committees 37 Sens. Tim Grendell 37 conservative jurists 37 SmartMeter installation 37 KONDRACKE Well 37 Speaker Nancy Pelosi 37 subcommittee chairmanships 37 Jaafari candidacy 37 Gabrielle Giffords D-Ariz. 37 AgJobs 37 Sen. Vincent Sheehen 37 DFLer Franken 37 sweeping antifraud 37 childish bickering 37 legislature adjourns 37 Yazoo Backwater Project 37 rovers solar panels 37 modernize FISA 37 D Destrehan 37 spokesman Rodell Mollineau 37 Elizabeth Dole RN.C. 37 towel Lochbaum 37 reprimand censure 37 FHA Modernization Act 37 Gender Expression 37 Jim Wansacz 37 HJR# [001] 37 Dianne Feinstein D Calif 37 Maloney DN.Y. 37 stalling tactic 37 FHA modernization 37 scrutiny Gidari added 37 Kathryn Mickle Werdegar 37 reauthorize PEPFAR 37 strenuously oppose 37 judges Carolyn Kuhl 37 staunchest conservatives 37 precincts reporting Landrieu 37 Leader Dean Skelos 37 John Cornyn 37 attorney WH Newbold 37 diffraction limit 37 Chafee Whitehouse 37 backwater levees 37 Amy Klobuchar D Minn 37 By Amy Klamper 37 Whip Jon Kyl 37 Patrick Leahy D-Vt. 37 member Peter Schaumber 37 See p# 37 http:/ 37 Research CAMR 37 Marsha Blackburn R Tenn 37 obstructionist 37 Daschle Thune 37 hurdle 37 Representative Doc Hastings 37 roofing shingles awnings 37 Reps. Vernon Ehlers 37 paygo rule 37 PDUFA reauthorization 37 Collateral Alda 37 amend ments 37 VVD CDA 37 Eaniri 37 intraparty warfare 37 Ending Offshoring Act 37 downticket races 37 mollify conservatives 37 spokeswoman Julie Hasquet 37 Prosecute Contractors 37 Gibson apology unremorseful 37 Thad Cochran R-Miss. 37 DEFICIT REDUCTION CBO 37 hulking Boeing Stratofreighter 37 Councilman Doug Marmie 37 Senate Majority Leader Harry 37 Supervisor TC Waddy 37 H.Con.Res 37 Barbara Boxer D Calif 37 Majority Leader Hoyer 37 Senate Majority Leader Mitch 37 mourning dove hunt 37 constitutionally defensible 37 D Prestonsburg 37 Soaring Hoover Dam 37 Sen. Arlen Specter R-Penn. 37 necessary Blawn 37 ammendments 37 Union TEEU 37 Hinchey Rohrabacher amendment 37 Frist R Tenn 37 anger Adlerstein 37 sometimes listened impassively 37 protectionist instincts 37 Banning earmarks 37 Stupak amendment 37 ERISA preemption 37 regulating greenhouse gases 37 Nelsonville bypass 37 ballgame Rambis 37 Ideological differences 37 powerful RocketStream Protocols 37 interlocutory appeals 37 FAA Reauthorization bill 37 openly gay nonincumbent 37 disapproving Rangel 37 green onions Zavertnik 37 Rahm Emanuel D Ill 37 partisan finger pointing 37 subpoenaed Bolten 37 Documentary Feature Documentary 37 voter apathy inexcusable 37 Ines Franck director 36 eliminate CalWORKS 36 holdouts Lokitis included 36 EMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITY 36 Pa. Chaka Fattah 36 spokesman Austin Shafran 36 Concurrence motion 36 Jeff Merkley D-Ore. 36 tall flightless bird 36 outlawed interracial marriages 36 Ambaum Blvd 36 rhetorical posturing 36 Mike Modano Nieuwendyk 36 vague overbroad 36 jail Alshahari 36 coincidence Trentadue 36 defective fasteners 36 impeach Sanford 36 Appropriations subcommittees 36 free registration 36 Congress reconvenes 36 impeached Roh 36 dubious Muzzle Awards 36 Kemp ridleys Landry 36 Arbitration Fairness Act 36 gable vents 36 ANWR 36 proceeded haltingly 36 UN Ambassador Nassir 36 steerable waterjets 36 Jury nullification 36 access Shrimani 36 Jackie Warford 36 postelection stimulus package 36 Merkley Levin 36 VAN HOLLEN Well 36 Democrat Carte Goodwin 36 Earmark Transparency Act 36 enacting tort reform 36 Arab Jubour 36 36 excessively burdensome 36 Eliot Shapleigh 36 Chisam recommendation 36 S MINER