Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 64 nutrient depletion 61 overgrazing deforestation 61 saline intrusion 60 soil salinity 60 periodic droughts 60 Prolonged drought 60 semiarid regions 60 deforestation desertification 60 recurrent droughts 60 climatic extremes 59 abiotic stresses 59 salination 59 topsoil erosion 59 Dryland wheat 58 Soil compaction 58 salinization 58 Erratic rainfall 58 FAR WEST TEXAS 57 desertification deforestation 57 Warmer wetter weather 57 infertile soils 57 salinisation 56 mono cropping 56 aquifer depletion 56 uncontrolled urbanization 56 Overgrazing 56 salinity intrusion 56 broadacre crops 55 Soil erosion 55 erosion sedimentation 55 arid semi arid 55 leguminous crops 55 soil moistures 55 Warmer seas 55 Parasitic infections 55 urbanization industrialization 55 waterlogged soils 55 Adverse climatic 55 Armyworm 55 nitrogen leaching 55 Droughts floods 55 unplanned urbanization 54 mites pesticides 54 Semi arid 54 climatic variations 54 droughts floods storms 54 Domoic acid neurotoxin 54 groundwater depletion 54 prolonged droughts 54 floods droughts mudslides 54 nutria ate 54 WEST CENTRAL TEXAS 54 Stripe rust 54 nutrient leaching 54 rainfed crops 54 rainfed agriculture 54 septoria leaf spot 54 conserves moisture 53 agro ecosystems 53 Witoelar blamed 53 unfavorable climatic 53 breeding waders 53 monoculture farming 53 deforestation overfishing 53 Land Degradation 53 windswept slopes 53 microbial decomposition 53 Spike Jonze cinematic 53 MARKET ENVIRONMENT General 53 herbicide resistant crops 53 Excess nitrogen 53 Opium poppy 53 coarse cereals pulses 53 corn soybeans sorghum 53 insect outbreaks 53 Hotter summers 53 Conservation tillage 53 Nitrate contamination 53 sunflowerseed production 53 Hotter drier 52 worsening droughts 52 evapo transpiration 52 Overfishing pollution 52 erratic monsoons 52 overgrazing deforestation drought 52 Devastating wildfires avalanches 52 frequent waterings 52 boll worms 52 devouring insects 52 Ascochyta 52 saline soils 52 Excessive moisture 52 rye oats 52 parasitic mites 52 Soil moisture levels 52 salty soils 52 nutrient runoff 52 micro nutrient deficiencies 52 Potato blight 52 Rapid urbanization 52 Arahuay lone industry 52 drier winters 52 drier soils 52 Brackish water 52 dikes dams 52 rhizoctonia 52 illiteracy malnutrition 52 Pancreatic insufficiency 51 mycotoxin contamination 51 potato leafhopper 51 monoculture crops 51 coughing fatigue emaciation 51 Severe droughts 51 limb breakage 51 iron chlorosis 51 Eds Contains livestock 51 coral reef bleaching 51 semi arid tropics 51 locust infestations 51 warmer wetter winters 51 aridity 51 locust invasions 51 stalk borer 51 cyst nematodes 51 gravelly sandy 51 Amazonian forest 51 sunflowerseed 51 compacted soils 51 mildly alkaline 51 strain virtually untreatable 51 Mark Rosegrant 51 rhizosphere 51 habitat fragmentation 51 xxiv adverse effects 51 increased storminess 51 irrigated cropping 51 corn soybeans canola 51 habitat degradation 51 pesticide exposures 51 Fusarium wilt 51 deforestation overgrazing 51 sodic 51 viruses fungi 51 nutrient inputs 51 monocrop 51 warmer drier summers 51 nitrogen fertilization 51 bluff sandy soils 51 Malnourishment 51 drier summers 51 male fathead minnow 51 Whitebark pines 51 frost heaving 51 Scanty rainfall 51 shredded pine bark 51 soluble salts 51 Phytophthora root rot 51 nitrate nitrogen 51 miscarriages birth defects 51 Severe infestations 51 illicit opium poppy 51 benthos 51 nomadic cattle herders 51 metabolic dysfunctions 51 Irritability anxiety cognitive 51 chemical fertilizers herbicides 51 hydrological cycles 51 overgrazing 51 fisheries wildlife refuges 51 green manures 51 Eutrophication 51 reproduce prolifically 50 grains legumes 50 meltoff 50 oysters shrimp crabs 50 Unfavourable weather 50 cystic fibrosis chronic pancreatitis 50 microbial biofilms 50 brood rearing 50 straw corn stover 50 Spider mites 50 Polluted runoff 50 semi arid climates 50 storms floods droughts 50 fertile soils 50 Occupied Palestinian territories 50 soil crusting 50 monocropping 50 synthetic pesticides herbicides 50 elevated atmospheric CO2 50 seals walrus 50 nutrient loadings 50 Encroaching 50 intensively cultivated 50 alfalfa weevils 50 Intensification 50 rangeland grasses 50 Insect pests 50 plant parasitic nematodes 50 Micronutrient deficiencies 50 agrarians harvested 50 semi arid regions 50 hotter drier summers 50 forest denudation 50 plantlike bacteria 50 worm infestations 50 pollinator dependent 50 Retreating glaciers 50 resource depletion 50 tropical subtropical 50 desertified 50 Prolonged droughts 50 Bamboo flowering 50 included hog manure 50 rating nonsignificant 50 Saltcedar 50 Brian Fuchs climatologist 50 Armyworms 50 downloading sideloading 50 allergenic reactions 50 streambank erosion 50 wetlands flood plains 50 yearslong drought 50 wetter winters 50 Atopic dermatitis 50 calcareous soils 50 Warmer winters 50 seas droughts floods 50 agro biodiversity 50 riverine ecosystems 50 synthetic nitrogen fertilizers 50 corn soybeans oats 50 Severe drought 50 pasture grasses 50 severe droughts 50 climatic variability 50 Sool Plateau 50 Subsistence farming 50 underwatering 50 Warmer oceans 50 cultivate opium poppy 50 Overfeeding 50 rural depopulation 49 frequent droughts 49 Ozone depletion 49 Rampant deforestation 49 Siltation 49 Aiguo Dai 49 Meghna rivers 49 creeping desertification 49 grainbelt 49 cypress domes 49 prussic acid poisoning 49 agro pastoral 49 depletes oxygen 49 organic manures 49 phytophthora root rot 49 Jiangxi Anhui 49 severe droughts floods 49 GrowSmart controls 49 ensiled 49 Rapid industrialization 49 rainfed 49 fungus thrives 49 deicing salts 49 Harmful algal blooms 49 aquatic fauna 49 rabi oilseeds 49 semi arid Sahel 49 Wild parsnip 49 Arsenic contamination 49 drenching springs 49 Mandera Wajir 49 N2O emissions 49 Delayed monsoon 49 underlie famine 49 weedy grasses 49 armyworm outbreaks 49 Elevated CO2 49 Galapagos volcano erupts 49 Alan Broadbent Expert 49 vibrios 49 heavier rainfalls 49 Bees pollinate 49 Mahmoud Solh 49 Increasing urbanization 49 cedars contributes 49 fallows 49 weed pollens 49 Dr. Maria Neira 49 Coral bleaching 49 Supervisory omission 49 constipating effects 49 desiccation 49 acid sulfate 49 tobacco budworm 49 rainfed farming 49 crop pollination 49 Shandong Hubei 49 nitrates phosphates 49 Grinding poverty 49 irrigated crops 49 Ips beetles 49 groundwater recharging 49 damming rivers 49 weed infestation 49 drylands 49 Impervious surfaces 49 bacterial decomposition 49 contend loosens soils 49 sorghum millet 49 soggy soils 49 dysentery typhoid 49 cotton bollworm 49 nonirrigated 49 inundate coastal 49 boosted topsoil moisture 49 Boreal forests 49 Fluctuating temperatures 49 blew flaming embers 49 Irri Boro 49 cholera typhoid fever 49 Forage availability 49 inorganic fertilizers 49 stem borers 49 Soil pH 49 locust outbreaks 49 MOST VULNERABLE 49 Soybean cyst nematode 49 STABILITY AND 49 eventual decimation 49 squid scarcer Nascimento 49 aphid infestations 49 RESEARCHERS FOUND 49 Campylobacter spp 48 coral reef habitats 48 maize millet 48 nonnative weeds 48 wheat midge 48 reed canarygrass 48 Defoliation 48 toxic algal blooms 48 root rots 48 tropic regions 48 river catchments 48 harvested acreage 48 sanitary sewer overflows SSOs 48 johnsongrass 48 durum acreage 48 herbicide resistant weeds 48 adequate topsoil moisture 48 chemical fertilizers pesticides 48 Svaliava 48 streambanks 48 Anthracnose 48 maple basswood 48 oligotrophic 48 pulses oilseeds 48 overgrazing deforestation urban sprawl 48 nutrient deficiency 48 retinal ischemia 48 Bumblebees pollinate 48 Cholera epidemics 48 Hypocalcemia 48 Ethiopian scientist Gebisa 48 Freshwater mussels 48 Saturated soils 48 agropastoral 48 Seagrasses 48 Uncontrolled diabetes 48 phosphorus runoff 48 crop husbandry 48 natriuresis 48 overfarming 48 Melting glaciers 48 nutrient deficient 48 Borena zone 48 freshwater impoundments 48 boreal ecosystems 48 decay fungi 48 Shivaji Pandey 48 leaky septic 48 unacceptable brutalization 48 bloating constipation 48 Warmer drier weather 48 drier warmer 48 Riparian Areas 48 Nominal GDP includes 48 weedicides 48 droughty 48 favors fieldwork 48 nitrate leaching 48 agrofuel production 48 spray fungicides 48 mesic 48 pasture wrecking porkers 48 Erratic monsoon 48 Blowouts onshore Fear 48 Thoratec Schedules 48 leaking septic tanks 48 Pelvic inflammatory 48 Temperature extremes 48 Hotter drier weather 48 fever skin rashes 48 wily fox waging 48 Mild winters 48 ecological degradation 48 osmotic stress 48 parched farmland 48 Sedimentation 48 thrombosis blood clots 48 solar geothermal biogas 48 millet maize 48 perlite vermiculite 48 bladder cervix 48 boro cultivation 48 Water hyacinth 48 Herbicide tolerant 48 leaf scorch 48 Irrigated cotton 48 Harvesting rainwater 48 irruptions 48 wireworms 48 PROPER LEGAL REPRESENTATION 48 spruce budworm 48 Goss wilt 48 Parasitic worms 48 overfishing pollution 48 sorghum sudan 48 Florida betony 48 cassava sweet potato 48 soil erosion 48 Zinc deficiency 48 cormorant populations 48 Postherpetic neuralgia PHN 48 temporal variability 48 irrigated lands 48 scrub shrub 48 cyclical droughts 48 rodent populations 48 upland soils 48 freshwater swamps 48 corn wheat barley 48 winter sown oilseeds 48 Dryland cotton 48 combating desertification 48 transgenic varieties 48 depreciating shilling 48 seedbed preparation 48 clayey 48 seasonal cyclones 48 humid subtropical 48 phytoplankton zooplankton 48 suppresses weeds 48 kharif output 48 sunscald 48 crop yields 48 conventionally farmed 48 overspreading 48 spew funnel clouds 48 sidewall compaction 48 alkaline soils 48 forage sorghums 47 vegetations 47 zoonotic pathogens 47 forested watersheds 47 quelea birds 47 Locust swarms 47 Imprinted genes 47 broadleaved 47 mangroves coral reefs 47 Salvano Briceno director 47 Stem rust 47 Adverse effects 47 livestock manures 47 Heretaunga Plains 47 genetically engineered Roundup Ready 47 bushes bloomed 47 Tick borne diseases 47 northerly latitudes 47 Chronic renal failure 47 topsoils 47 Feral hog 47 corn rootworms 47 S. aureus bacterial infections 47 overfertilizing 47 glacier retreat 47 spruce beetles 47 riverine forests 47 FEWS Net 47 wetland restorations 47 metolachlor 47 weed infestations 47 planktons 47 insect pollinated 47 kharif rice 47 nausea dizziness vomiting 47 Warmer harvests 47 clover alfalfa 47 huckleberry crop 47 soybeans canola 47 highly erodible soils 47 genetically modified herbicide tolerant 47 Shrinking glaciers 47 irrigable 47 Kenya Ethiopia Eritrea 47 seedling vigor 47 fescue toxicosis 47 waterborne infectious diseases 47 Obstetric fistula 47 Soy beans 47 Genetic predisposition 47 Coarse cereals 47 phosphorous fertilizers 47 trembling aspen 47 lygus 47 fertilizers herbicides 47 bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis 47 fertilizing lawns 47 Ascochyta blight 47 biogeochemical cycling 47 degraded soils 47 intensively farmed 47 emitting fossil fuels 47 whitebark pines 47 Fairly widespread 47 lemons avocados oranges 47 Appy Sluijs 47 Reduced tillage 47 nomadic herding 47 Toxic algae blooms 47 nutrient discharges 47 Vast swathes 47 grasshopper infestations 47 hydrological drought 47 calcium phosphorus magnesium 47 wreaking ecological 47 6 phosphate dehydrogenase 47 AMPYRA doses 47 anemia jaundice 47 abiotic stress 47 nematode populations 47 arid Sahel belt 47 hotter drier 47 encroaching deserts 47 melting snowpacks 47 concomitant cardiac 47 shrublands 47 Drought tolerant 47 Mike Palmerino 47 bacterial blight 47 mangrove vegetation 47 coastal marine ecosystems 47 nitrate concentrations 47 pollution overexploitation 47 pesticide herbicide 47 Donnie Clap spokesman 47 streamside vegetation 47 oriental bittersweet 47 salicornia 47 Climate Change Threatens 47 freshwater aquaculture 47 synthetic fertilizers pesticides 47 brassica crops 47 highly erodible 47 irrigate farmland 47 Excess nutrients 47 Laki eruption 47 marshes swamps 47 Saturated soil 47 cropland pasture 47 Margin compression 47 overuses antibiotics 47 riparian habitats 47 excessive wetness 47 underground aqueducts 47 silverleaf whitefly 47 Widespread deforestation 47 bespectacled Lavallee Davidson 47 eastern Dakotas 47 grain harvests 47 vegetation greenness 47 Non communicable diseases 47 squash melons 47 East Hararghe 47 Oromiya regions 47 insect infestations 47 fertile lowlands 47 Kapaskhali futures 47 green manuring 47 heatwaves floods 47 exportable supplies 47 nitrogen deposition 47 digestive disturbances 47 irritative 47 Purple loosestrife 47 abiotic stress tolerance 47 tundra vegetation 47 Multiple wildfires scorch 47 arid lands 47 soya maize 47 boll weevil infestation 47 stratospheric ozone depletion 47 untimely rains 47 Heavy rainfalls 47 Abnormally dry 47 agronomical 47 sweetpotato 47 maize cultivation 47 lakeshores 47 malaria vectors 47 Clogged gutters 47 thawed permafrost 47 Racially motivated violence 47 bacterium Francisella tularensis 46 blister rust 46 subarctic regions 46 nitrate poisoning 46 H#N# highly pathogenic 46 conventionally tilled 46 bicarbonate ions 46 wetland riparian 46 crambe 46 wheat oat 46 Hormonal imbalances 46 thatch buildup 46 sorghum silage 46 cultivatable land 46 THE POTENTIAL EXISTS 46 distillers grains byproduct 46 itchy flaky 46 locust upsurge 46 Slime molds 46 harsher climates 46 loamy sand 46 typhoid dysentery 46 parched deserts 46 hayfields pastures 46 poverty underdevelopment 46 Janet Sawin 46 digestion absorption 46 Listeria infections 46 climatic conditions 46 donut toaster pastry 46 changeable cloudy 46 Drought Prone Areas 46 Soybean aphid 46 karstic 46 corn soybean harvests 46 orchardgrass 46 parasitic infestations 46 cyst nematode 46 Mud volcanoes 46 eastern tent caterpillars 46 hay fever asthma 46 Turkana Samburu 46 cotton bollworms 46 intimal hyperplasia 46 diarrhea bloating 46 fertilized lawns 46 foodgrain pulses 46 hayland 46 oceanside coasts 46 bacterial wilt 46 arid Sahel 46 acidifying oceans 46 eggshell thinning 46 Powdery mildew 46 leguminous 46 Codling moth 46 inflammation metabolic disorders 46 Kotido Moroto 46 Irrigated agriculture 46 residue cellulosic biomass 46 limerock deliveries 46 agro pastoralist 46 dizziness heart palpitations 46 drained soils 46 protozoan parasites 46 pink bollworms 46 birdsfoot trefoil 46 citrus fruits berries 46 grass tetany 46 honey bee colony 46 NSAID induced GI 46 riparian zones 46 antibiotic resistant pathogens 46 saturated catchments 46 thereby exacerbating 46 locust infestation 46 Hindu Kush Himalayan 46 recharge groundwater 46 waves droughts floods 46 phytophthora 46 loss disorientation incoherence 46 psychosocial stressors 46 mildews 46 grasshopper populations 46 malaria vector 46 hypertension congestive heart 46 rumen pH 46 Rotational grazing 46 Carlos Seré 46 chlorophyll concentrations 46 Feral swine 46 arid regions 46 habitat poaching 46 freshwater habitats 46 untreated STDs 46 bogs swamps 46 arable cropping 46 Elevated concentrations 46 landlessness 46 leguminous plants 46 depleted aquifers 46 grassed waterways 46 tiny pteropod 46 maize sorghum millet 46 Quake jolts Anchorage Alaska 46 nausea diarrhea vomiting 46 colonialism neo colonialism 46 recharges groundwater 46 biogeochemical cycles 46 Glue traps 46 boreal regions 46 nutrient deficiencies 46 upland forests 46 Resistant bacteria 46 insects fungi 46 semi arid lands 46 EL Nino 46 soil carbon sequestration 46 Corn soybeans 46 Cotton bolls 46 locust plagues 46 ammonia hydrogen sulfide 46 jowar bajra 46 acidic oceans 46 oxidized cholesterol 46 Vast expanses 46 Freedom Giant Miscanthus 46 worker Wendy Hilcher 46 centners 46 ecotoxicity 46 Ankole cattle 46 Tinder dry 46 adverse climatic 46 overabundant deer 46 agro climatic 46 Antarctic stratosphere 46 Adjacent Areas 46 dryland salinity 46 diarrhea cramps nausea 46 pollutes waterways 46 chronic undernutrition 46 rampant deforestation 46 nitrate fertilizers 46 acidic soils 46 seawater intrusion 46 nomadic Arabs 46 scanty rains 46 Spotted knapweed 46 Lake Yoa 46 Opposes drilling 46 Coccidiosis 46 Telangana Rayalaseema 46 frogeye 46 quelea 46 myocardial oxygen 46 nausea diarrhea fatigue 46 nonnative grasses 46 Morshyn 46 Shakidor dam 46 Lupus renal 46 Sorghum harvest 46 banned Darvon Darvocet 46 corn soybeans hay 46 Herbicide resistant 46 Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation AMO 46 Localised flooding 46 Demographers attribute 46 parched pastures 46 nonnative invasive 46 bays estuaries 46 overplanting 46 erratic monsoon 46 aquatic biota 46 pea lentil 46 Zooplankton 46 Cattle grazing 46 Rhizoctonia 46 Ganges Indus 46 headache arthralgia 46 tropical savannah 46 Adverse weather 46 army cutworms 46 ear rots 46 insects mites 46 vector borne 46 floods heatwaves droughts 46 Thrips 46 seedling blight 46 eroding shorelines 46 drillers Stricklin 46 silages 46 inorganic minerals 46 FSU WESTERN 46 Sulfates 46 sodium chloride NaCl 46 Compacted soil 46 alfalfa weevil 46 thawing permafrost 46 Religious fanaticism 46 Iodine counteracts 46 Mycobacterium bovis 46 Summary Box Wheat 46 caterpillar pests 46 irrigated pastures 46 conservation tillage practices 46 pH soils 46 freshwater sawfish 46 atmospheric oceanic 46 floods droughts heatwaves 46 ensiling 46 slurred speech drowsiness 46 acid soils 46 nonnative predators 46 Leaky toilets 46 hydrologic cycle 46 nitrogen fixers 46 Nutritional deficiencies 46 encroaching urbanization 46 Clostridium Difficile Associated 46 floral nectar 46 Strip tillage 46 Phytophthora infestans 46 woodlands grasslands 46 tetany 46 unfertile 46 soil tilth 46 Sedentary lifestyle 46 Madhya Maharashtra Marathwada 46 Warmer summers 46 legume crops 45 dammed rivers 45 anthropogenic interference 45 droughtlike conditions 45 infectious citrus canker 45 DRY WEATHER 45 typhoons floods 45 floodplains wetlands 45 Grass tetany 45 Floods displace thousands 45 Surinder Sud 45 alfalfa clover 45 thaw cycles 45 pesticide contamination 45 parches 45 dizziness nausea headaches 45 Nate Mantua 45 cardiometabolic syndrome 45 oilseeds pulses 45 rootworm resistant 45 Indo Gangetic 45 Refinery shutdowns 45 Waterborne diseases 45 Timely rains 45 hyperammonemia 45 Mike Palmerino forecaster 45 phosphorus nutrient 45 insect vectors 45 allergic rhinitis hay fever 45 Minister Shri Sharad 45 Soil moisture 45 enforced disappearances torture 45 aquatic biodiversity 45 coral reefs mangroves 45 poleward shift 45 fusarium fungus 45 Genetically Modified crops 45 phosphorous potassium 45 Chronic malnutrition 45 overexploitation 45 pest infestation 45 Combating Desertification 45 ecologically delicate 45 heatwaves droughts 45 Korty stressed 45 stress hormone corticosterone 45 allergen induced 45 nitrates directive 45 alluvial plains 45 corn milo 45 denuded mountains 45 insect pollination 45 Energtek Natural Gas 45 tropical savannas 45 remains virtually unpoliced 45 underconsumption 45 sericea lespedeza 45 dryness irritation 45 nomadic pastoralists 45 excessive salivation 45 phytoplankton bloom 45 phenotypic plasticity 45 tremors numbness 45 Scanty rains 45 contaminants leach 45 spotted spider mite 45 salinated 45 droughts heatwaves floods 45 soil borne diseases 45 Athabasca watershed 45 environmental degredation 45 extratropical cyclones 45 AND ENVIRONMENTAL 45 migrate seasonally 45 El Nino Southern Oscillation 45 millet sorghum 45 irritability restlessness 45 karakul sheep 45 arable crops 45 Azolla 45 Androgenetic alopecia 45 ivory poaching 45 permeable surfaces 45 corn earworm 45 nonvascular 45 Irrigate 45 colic diarrhea 45 Moderate Drought 45 Conventionally grown 45 Overtreatment 45 arid soils 45 rabbits groundhogs 45 cyanobacterial blooms 45 wheat seedings 45 nutrient absorption 45 allelopathic 45 Streamflows 45 Nonalcoholic fatty liver 45 marshy terrain 45 lipogenesis 45 wheat oats barley 45 impermeable surface 45 Salmonella Campylobacter 45 Acidification 45 reverends More > 45 mania hypomania 45 reed bunting 45 synthetic nitrogen fertilizer 45 Antibiotic overuse 45 irrigated cropland 45 wind pollinated 45 Tall fescue 45 leaf wetness 45 fiercer storms 45 PANHANDLE Soil moisture 45 Snowmelt swollen rivers 45 Afar Amhara 45 seedbank 45 Pythium 45 nitrogenous fertilizers 45 megadisasters 45 agroecosystems 45 soyabean crop 45 tuberculosis diphtheria 45 Mike Taugher covers 45 Gash Barka 45 Droughts 45 subterranean termite 45 degradation 45 Cow burps 45 nutrient uptake 45 viii component 45 Hemlock woolly adelgid 45 TITLE SQL Injection 45 Hypertensive heart 45 sod webworms 45 Redlands Emotions Anonymous 45 Ganges Brahmaputra 45 Urbanization 45 oceanic circulation 45 N dists 45 stalk rots 45 chinch bug 45 wetter summers 45 Picky eating 45 selenium deficiency 45 Sleep disturbances 45 boll rot 45 livestock rearing 45 karez 45 unseasonal rainfall 45 Mauritania Niger 45 Palle Pedersen 45 Birth defects 45 saturated soils 45 salinity