
Related by string. Spates . Spate . spates . SPATE * * Jack Spates . Eugene Spates . Korey Spates . separate spates . Spates Eugene . guard Korey Spates . SPATE OF . Spates Eugene #:# . Alicia Spates . SPATE magazine *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 66 rash 63 string 60 slew 58 SPATE 56 upsurge 55 flurry 55 spates 53 Spate 49 Highly publicized 46 Headline grabbing 46 spike 45 recent 45 deluge 45 wave 45 managerial sackings 44 surge 44 litany 44 dearth 44 unexpected refinery shutdowns 44 seemingly unending string 44 plethora 43 handbag snatches 43 improperly microwaved 43 seemingly endless string 43 relative lull 43 resurgence 43 shootouts kidnappings 42 highly publicized 42 seemingly endless stream 42 plagued 42 CHRONOLOGY Recent 42 clampdown 42 raft 42 kidnappings carjackings 42 bashings 42 veritable tidal wave 42 clampdowns 42 shootings stabbings 42 rapes carjackings 42 barrage 42 communal flare ups 41 carjackings robberies 41 Sporadic violence 41 rioting looting 41 beset 41 rising tide 41 numerous 41 named Mullah Khodaidad 41 Mohammed Marzouk 41 dozens 41 Communal riots 40 gangland shootings 40 RECENT 40 serenity Kirkwood 40 plaguing 40 sporadic outbursts 40 Murders rapes 40 Cantoni abduction 40 uptick 40 bevy 40 torchings 40 robberies carjackings 40 FELONY ARRESTS ESCAMBIA COUNTY 40 Bomb hoaxes 40 galore 39 Bombings shootings 39 Recent 39 dampened enthusiasm 39 upheavel 39 incessant 39 CHRONOLOGY Major 39 inrecent 39 knifepoint robberies 39 greed Goodkin 39 ram raids 39 anthrax hoaxes 39 kidnappings extortions 39 bomb hoaxes 39 plauged 39 CREDIT crunch 38 rekindled worries 38 upswing 38 Sporadic 38 Incessant 38 Sporadic incidents 38 manning checkpoints drunk 38 spree 38 several 38 lettuce peppers 38 sowed panic 38 sporadic bouts 38 sprees 38 drunken loutish behavior 38 CRACKDOWN 38 internecine clashes 38 purse snatches 38 series 38 knifings 38 accuse Boko Haram 38 ringing alarm bells 38 melamine contamination scandal 38 crocodile sightings 38 sat nav thefts 38 crackdown 37 Severe droughts 37 swarmings 37 student Nitin Garg 37 petty larcenies 37 incidents 37 boardroom upheaval 37 reorganizations mergers 37 risen steeply 37 THE RECENT 37 surfeit 37 influx 37 Shootings stabbings 37 rampant 37 car jackings 37 Unsolved murders 37 CATALOGUE 37 apparently motiveless 37 E.coli outbreaks 37 W.Cape 37 attempted self immolations 37 Teenager dies 37 glut 37 cataloged litany 37 STRING 37 Dire warnings 37 extortions kidnappings 37 steady stream 37 HUNTINGTON POLICE DEPARTMENT 37 kidnappings beheadings 37 balk flap 37 amid welter 37 hirings firings 37 spawn copycat 37 THERE HAVE 37 bossnappings 37 robberies muggings 37 broker downgrades 37 heightened geopolitical tensions 36 handful 36 rocked 36 SEVERAL 36 recents 36 Stone pelting 36 Racially motivated 36 ethno communal 36 careened wildly 36 bedevil Californians 36 Stray incidents 36 hijackings kidnappings 36 steady drumbeat 36 spawned copycat 36 IN SPITE 36 lull 36 brightening outlook 36 roiled 36 teen superpredators 36 rife 36 wettest Julys 36 hostage takings 36 widespread 36 mounting 36 muggings 36 random sniper shootings 36 Bichard Report 36 Corruption scandals 36 rapes beatings 36 cleric Mawlawi Abdullah 36 subprime mortage crisis 36 pedophilia scandals 36 downward trend 36 housebreaks 36 AMIDST 36 incidences 36 bombings kidnappings assassinations 36 whooping cough epidemic 36 highprofile 36 many Omanis unaccustomed 36 crimewave 36 involving 36 Operation Saruman 36 sporadic flare ups 36 McAllister landed awkwardly 36 defect coverup 36 Lex McCorvey executive 36 AN OUTBREAK 36 torrent 36 armed robberies carjackings 36 Rapes robberies 36 transit heists 36 Wheelie bin 36 loyalist paramilitary feud 36 Schoolgirl dies 35 needle stabbings 35 improprieties anemic 35 headline grabbing 35 Heightened awareness 35 suicide bombings gunbattles 35 flury 35 TWO 35 seafood toothpaste 35 worsen sectarian tensions 35 kneejerk reaction 35 Tobey Maguire Demi Moore 35 abductions rapes 35 rock throwings 35 Femcon Fe arrives 35 inspire copycat 35 Mohib Ullah local 35 marred 35 seemingly unending rash 35 bumper crop 35 sectarian overtones 35 gloomy outlooks 35 rampant looting 35 lawless Diyala province 35 noticeable uptick 35 racially motivated assaults 35 Activists decry 35 shellings 35 apparent sectarian reprisal 35 THREE 35 fakery scandals 35 abductions extortions 35 Xinjiang Bequelin 35 Antoine Dodson dramatic 35 disappearances abductions 35 buying frenzies 35 ethno religious crises 35 gang shootouts beheadings 35 fratricides 35 sporadic 35 largescale 35 slight uptick 35 chaotic overinvestment 35 mushrooming 35 IN RECENT 35 DETECTIVES investigating 35 FORTNIGHT 35 boat sinkings 35 curry bashings 35 risen sharply 35 Commander Seyfullah claim 35 runway incursions instances 35 beatings stabbings 35 bikie brawl 35 desertions dismissals retirements 35 fetid alleys 35 seemingly motiveless 35 hogged headlines 35 escalating 35 surrouding 35 profusion 35 steep declines 35 BINGE drinking 35 self immolations 35 infant entrapments 35 robberies burglaries 35 littany 35 secretary CJ Karamargin 35 heightened 35 seemingly unexplainable 35 burglaries larcenies 35 Find RSS feeds 35 Craig Hatkoff founded 34 Steep declines 34 cyclist Wouter Weylandt 34 church burnings 34 plague 34 abductions disappearances 34 rung alarm bells 34 Esteban Primera 34 smattering 34 Pakistanâ 34 covering grisly aftermaths 34 skyrocketting 34 Pensioner dies 34 suicide bombings kidnappings 34 tensions simmered 34 rare Asiatic lions 34 scandals 34 unseasonally warm weather 34 buffeted 34 paucity 34 Unavoidably 34 Spiralling 34 uproars 34 aseries 34 crackdowns 34 some 34 report covers 34 Sporadic gunbattles 34 #-YEAR-OLD boy 34 monthslong hiatus 34 housebreakings 34 stabbings beatings 34 militancy wracked 34 Viral fever 34 monthā 34 enflame sectarian violence 34 restive Xinjiang 34 spurred 34 monsoon rains lashing 34 upheavals 34 slashings 34 Panic grips 34 AN APPARENT 34 TRUANCY 34 stone pelting incidents 34 anthrax scares 34 Anger mounts 34 steel vise squeezing 34 birdflu outbreak 34 surging 34 During postmarketing surveillance 34 Visit 34 sparked outrage 34 snatchings 34 boss nappings 34 raged unabated 34 tropical cyclone Tasha 34 trend 34 defect coverups 34 yob behavior 34 Fear grips 34 Escalating violence 34 inflamed sensibilities 34 bombings kidnappings 34 upswell 34 Operation Nemesis 34 steady drip 34 continued unabated 34 FOUR 34 detect earthquakes tsunamis 34 Rio Ferdinand Robbie Keane 34 controllers dozing 34 indecent exposures 34 Bombings mortar 34 onslaught 34 abrupt dismissal 34 snatch thefts 34 furore 34 infamous Boozegate affair 34 fled Isea 34 knife wielding thugs 34 precipitous drop 34 Listeria outbreak 34 AND FIRE REPORT 34 Measles outbreak 34 refereeing controversies 34 drunken brawls 34 Gela businessmen 34 Sociologists attribute 34 Ayodhya Varanasi 34 reeling 34 upsurges 34 wing EOW 34 fragile truces 34 vanishings 33 Intensified rocket 33 seemingly unending 33 resurgences 33 reigniting sectarian 33 Triple whammy 33 exodus 33 Upsurge 33 Ops Sikap XI 33 slump 33 Krue Se 33 engulfed Enron WorldCom 33 plagues Diyala province 33 carjackings 33 inconclusive offensives 33 Stung 33 brutalities meted 33 frayed tempers 33 shakeouts 33 Nortel restatements 33 Pillowcase Burglar 33 prospective Bulava intercontinental 33 FOLLOWING 33 HEAVY rains 33 imposing harsher penalties 33 robberies rapes 33 popular kaba yaki 33 E. Coli outbreak 33 LAGOS Nigeria Nigerian 33 salmonella poisonings 33 Serial blasts 33 EU trustbusters 33 territorial spats 33 soaring 33 erratic monsoons 33 rise 33 Crimewatch appeal 33 fallouts 33 Teething troubles 33 Mena sirens sounded 33 cyclones earthquakes 33 dogged 33 SWINE flu 33 Curfew imposed 33 rising 33 POLICE swooped 33 tsunamis earthquakes 33 stampedes 33 suicide bombings assassinations 33 Abdella Zuheir policeman 33 scream HELP WANTED 33 Conflicting casualty counts 33 SPIRALLING 33 WIDESPREAD 33 Scandals involving 33 gangland feud 33 AMID 33 DETECTIVES probing 33 Dissident IRA 33 seemingly unending stream 33 wake 33 bombings kidnappings beheadings 33 targeting Sufi shrines 33 flared tempers 33 bedeviled 33 dry spell 33 shield gunmakers 33 unleashed torrent 33 jackings 33 widespead 33 include Layla Cocaine 33 halfhearted offensives 33 FLURRY 33 Baghdad Nisour Square 33 widely publicized 33 boss Menzi Simelane 33 Haryana khap panchayats 33 suspiciously timed 33 Chiltern Vale 33 inartful answers 33 Murphy Norbit 33 ransom kidnappings beheadings 33 daring daylight 33 few 33 many 33 DOZENS 33 Bloodgate affair 33 collapse 33 backlashes 33 factional clashes 33 WAC commish calls 33 NORTH COAST Caltrans 33 VIOLENT 33 Yunnan Fujian 33 Cronulla Maroubra 33 mosquito borne infection 33 dengue fever outbreak 33 Potters Bar derailment 33 riots erupted 33 furores 33 Swine flue 33 Burglaries thefts 33 unplanned refinery 33 rampant banditry 33 Newcastle winger Hatem 33 Drink spiking 33 E. coli tainted spinach 33 Sliwa accusation 33 subfreezing nights 33 spiraling 33 mystery shrouds 33 MOUNTING 33 snowballing 33 Vomiting bug 33 mobs rampaged 33 tire slashings 33 Lahore Data Darbar 33 postponements 33 desecrations 33 Frayed nerves 33 Manis Lor 33 wettest Augusts 33 rattled nerves 33 Chebeya Bahizire 33 revelations 33 axings 33 gay bashings 33 oubreak 33 chief Julian Leyzaola 33 homicides sexual assaults 33 Itamar massacre 33 postelection glow 33 stoked fears 33 pronounced Muhr suh 33 myriad 33 sackings 33 Multibillion dollar 33 Multibillion dollar accounting 33 shuttled Geoghan 33 brazen daylight 33 politician Raza Haider 33 Uneasy calm prevails 33 littering loitering 33 Norman Paech awoke 33 AN EXPLOSION 33 suicide bombings ambushes 33 banned Darvon Darvocet 33 Hasan behaved erratically 33 Tavishi Srivastava 32 Increasing urbanization 32 mini crimewave 32 Heavy rains lash 32 Anti semitic 32 skyrocketing 32 revealations 32 antigovernment riots 32 Malaysian advices 32 trio 32 botched Cabinet reshuffle 32 Lahore Oct.# ANI 32 widescale 32 backdowns 32 innumerable 32 ongoing Gujjar agitation 32 HARD HITTING 32 Farid Shakar Ganj shrine 32 sporadic skirmishes 32 kidnappings 32 Opalesque Exclusive Review 32 savage bloodletting 32 broad daylight shootouts 32 laser pointings 32 copycat 32 gangland feuds 32 outbreak EHEC 32 Torrential downpour 32 & FIRE REPORT 32 dot com implosion 32 Nandigram Singur 32 Kleman marathon 32 TEENAGE boy 32 Katsu shrugged 32 couple 32 stocktheft 32 Cr Treloar 32 Torrential rains lashed 32 fiascoes 32 whether Shane warne 32 Brisbane bikeways 32 judge Midhat 32 Pumped Up Gas 32 Sachsgate row 32 upon Gellert Grindelwald 32 fallout 32 Influx 32 aplenty 32 Several 32 CLAMPDOWN 32 anti semitic tirade 32 glamorisation 32 abounded 32 rekindle sectarian 32 dwindling attendances 32 climbdowns 32 plummeting 32 transactions PE VC 32 ANTI SOCIAL behavior 32 Geopolitical worries 32 communal conflagration 32 reporting progess 32 Turbi massacre 32 climategate scandal 32 backlash 32 sectarian bloodshed ebbs 32 cattle mutilations 32 sickening regularity 32 Khairlanji killings 32 Alarm bells ring 32 resurgance 32 factional feuds 32 C. difficile outbreaks 32 Violence flares 32 verbal broadside 32 speculative frenzy 32 AN ALARMING 32 syringe stabbings 32 Shia processions 32 defaults wracking 32 denying Fielder Civil 32 writes Graham Huband 32 gang initiations 32 furors 32 ministerial resignations 32 seeming intractability 32 Prakasham districts 32 fiascos 32 sporadic outbreaks 32 extortion loansharking 32 wreaked havoc 32 Somalia Noordin Muhammed 32 mumps epidemic 32 strategic alliances divestitures 32 scandal embroiling 32 sent shockwaves 32 recessionary headwinds 32 wanton killings 32 spurt 32 factional bickering 32 students hung nooses 32 verbal missteps 32 Chief Executive Didier Lombard 32 dotcom implosion 32 bomb blasts 32 albino killings 32 Protests erupt 32 glassing incidents 32 NUMEROUS 32 comparatively placid 32 Varanasi Faizabad 32 torrential rainstorms 32 NECC exhibitor 32 Roslyn Crawl 32 Thug jailed 32 lawlessness plaguing 32 poisoned dumplings 32 fatal bikie brawl 32 seabirds sea lions 32 infamous Yorkshire Ripper 32 Strike Force Enoggera 32 chain snatchings 32 worsen suicidal tendencies 32 endless stream 32 Visit 32 steep selloffs 32 visit mercurynews 32 Low voter turnout 32 Pakistan fanning revulsion 32 deadly firestorms 32 bossnapping 32 Ucal Chin 32 Polish geologist Piotr 32 causing untold sufferings 32 Balloon Called Moaning 32 dampened sentiment 32 Heightened nervousness 32 Torrential rainfall 32 Rapper DMX pleads guilty 32 Masked bandits 32 shoddy outpatient care 32 Swiss association ProBasket 32 CONTINUING 32 Greka installations 32 Numerous 32 irregulars loyal 32 CPJ condemns 32 Curfew reimposed 32 Devastating wildfires avalanches 32 gangland wars 32 speculator Ivan Boesky 32 Uneasy calm 32 unceremonious sacking 32 widespread condemnation 32 Stomach bug 32 Mafia underboss William 32 anarchists nihilists 32 lingering mistrust 32 potentially deadly irukandji 32 bloodgate scandal 32 devastatingly vicious 32 China restive Xinjiang 32 sensationalisation 32 unplanned urbanization 32 ethno religious conflicts 32 Terry Cordwell 32 DELUGE 32 runups 32 Facing flak 32 TOUGHER 32 seemingly endless procession 32 HEADTEACHER 32 well trodden path 32 THE ONGOING 32 unofficial walkouts 32 Beset 32 selected bluechips 32 unseasonably mild winter 32 heavy rains lashing 32 legislator Manoj Pradhan 32 intensified 32 mishaps 32 unjustly penalize 32 periodically convulsed 32 Jos Maiduguri 32 motiveless attack 32 ominous harbinger 32 Overcrowded jails 32 Monsoonal rains 32 policeman Filippo Raciti 32 murders kidnappings assassinations 32 Masvingo Manicaland 32 Biker dies 32 Widespread 32 Bogus caller 32 Gunbattles erupt 31 downwards spiral 31 Matabeleland massacres 31 notorious blackspot 31 communal tensions 31 Jalvinder Singh 31 star Roys Halladay 31 unsightly algae blooms 31 attacks 31 debacles 31 Visit 31 vastly overplayed 31 craze 31 Bloodgate saga 31 sharp selloff 31 scalebacks 31 Niger Delta swamps 31 seeming unending 31 occurences 31 SHAILY 'S VERDICT 31 dengue fever epidemic 31 wracked 31 spawned 31 inceased 31 ENERGY REPORT 31 Violent confrontations 31 conspiracy theories abounded 31 unintentional acceleration 31 ambuscades 31 DEVASTATING 31 Lake Chivero 31 MANY 31 crashgate scandal 31 Natascha Kampusch escaped 31 unseasonal 31 Unseasonal 31 Bombarded 31 Tariq Salim Dogar 31 Unseasonable weather 31 northwestern Bajur 31 haemorrage 31 shouted Jettison 31 brazen 31 COMPLAINTS 31 Fear stalks 31 Priyadarshini Mattoo rape 31 joint ventures divestitures 31 therewere 31 kidnappings rapes 31 mass exodus 31 driest monsoon 31 Maharashtra Malegaon 31 Normalcy returns 31 Rampant 31 outbreaks 31 shootouts beheadings 31 outcry 31 bag snatchings 31 darkening mood 31 Tension grips 31 Faizabad Varanasi 31 blacklash 31 rang alarm bells 31 Tsunami tidal waves 31 relative mildness 31 doorstep conmen 31 restive Niger delta 31 Nashik Pune 31 Prostitution sting nets 31 setbacks 31 controversies 31 gruesome beheading 31 Cr Bunnell 31 unidentified assailants detonated 31 proven standby simvastatin 31 Dibrugarh Tinsukia 31 Umpteen 31 piled Kwoka plate 31 swathe 31 countless 31 debacle 31 Besieged 31 Marton pensioner Mona Morriss 31 deadly rampages 31 typhoon Wipha 31 Samjhota Express tragedy 31 awash 31 Attractive valuations 31 typhoons floods 31 widepsread 31 Waterlogging 31 Gastro outbreak 31 Leicestershire Nottinghamshire 31 Wawel sparked 31 renegade tribesmen 31 brazen daylight robberies 31 Xenophobic violence 31 Rachel Jungeon Lee 31 slipshod investigations 31 Suavai Ioane 31 Benjamin Kwashi 31 haunt Blacksburg 31 Timothy Marchell director 31 fratricidal killings 31 floodings 31 reawakened memories 31 twin scourges 31 prepackaged cookie dough 31 commonplace 31 knifing rampage foretold 31 hooch tragedies 31 Ansett collapse 31 respose 31 Accrual Consumer 31 routers switches DNS 31 specter 31 recesion 31 secessionist Chechen rebels 31 Bwlch y Gle Dam 31 Plaw Hatch Close 31 Barely fortnight 31 Haswa highlighted 31 prayer resounded 31 botulism toxin pales 31 Deadly riots 31 Heavy snowfalls 31 assorted 31 unsettled Urumqi 31 STUNG 31 LAGOS AFP 31 OECD Cotis 31 heighten sectarian tensions 31 Sirba Sileia 31 moral panics 31 proliferated 31 Mouth Disease HFMD 31 heightened sensitivity 31 Sangu Mera checkpoint 31 Chief Executive Hisakazu Imaki 31 PROMPTED 31 oilprices 31 scandals implicating 31 drunken yobbery 31 Uighur separatists 31 Knifeman 31 Safety 31 KTEN Meredith Saldana 31 banditry looting 31 thefts arsons 31 knife wielding assailants 31 persistent 31 robberies Foresman 31 diverging fortunes 31 VARIOUS 31 resurgent 31 IN THESE 31 tumult 31 controversies surrounding 31 Matrix compacts 31 glassings 31 Singur Nandigram 31 mobs torching 31 factional brawling 31 noose hangings 31 prosecutors Giovanni Falcone 31 Visit 31 Widespread looting 31 ARSONISTS 31 stabbings 31 selldowns 31 sky rocketing 31 investor skittishness 31 McNabb rehabbed vigorously 31 integrating Aleris 31 Rising delinquencies 31 Heavy snows 31 guerrilla ambushes 31 foulups 31 George Tita criminologist 31 flouting Scripture 31 powercuts 31 incited resentment 31 neighboring Songkhla 31 Grayrigg Cumbria 31 soured subprime mortgages 31 xxiv adverse effects 31 Whitechapel murders 31 BLACKBERRIES Considered essential 31 Ahmadi mosques 31 NJ PDs 31 Here'sa rundown 31 carnage wreaked 31 pathological gambling addiction 31 Twins Kindergarten Cop 31 WASHINGTON TIMES EDITORIAL 31 cellulite receding hairlines 31 merrymakers gathered 31 Yelwa Shendam 31 Algal bloom 31 self styled godmen 31 extrajudicial killings disappearances 31 CHRONOLOGY 31 Cyclist dies 31 Drug coated stent 31 uproar 31 retaliatory airstrikes 31 deficient monsoon rains 31 against muggings beatings 31 bedbug outbreaks 31 Greysteel massacre 31 gruesome decapitation 31 Cautionary tale 31 TTDI Jaya 31 numbing regularity 31 Anxiang Du 31 scorching heatwave 31 triple whammy 31 orthodox Sikhs 31 PERSISTENT 31 Speeding motorists 31 kerfuffles 31 Anjana Pasricha reports 31 xenophobic attacks 31 Dissident republicans 31 Nour jailing 31 homicides rapes 31 perceived affronts 31 amid 31 knee jerk reactions 31 Visit 31 prowlings 31 TORY councilor 31 assaults 31 committee Hassan Watwet 31 rabid foxes 31 aberration Wexler 31 kidnappings extortion 31 Baroda Dairy 31 PETROL 31 Deadly hippo 31 Gujjars agitation 31 battered Chechen rebels 31 SIXTEEN 31 abductions beatings 31 scaledown 31 Chaotic scenes 31 serious Interstitial Lung 31 caused untold misery 31 latest 31 petrol vends 31 tropical storm Caloy 31 receiving salmeterol 31 Supt Haggett 31 Sariska tiger reserve 31 monk Thich Quang Duc 31 Biden decries unbecoming 31 Suspects nabbed 31 FACED 31 faulty bookkeeping 31 Alexa Manocchio spokeswoman 31 ran amuck 31 steep dropoff 31 prompted 31 Andrew Sekely head 31 curry bashing 31 producing Niger delta 31 lately 31 Pakistani pacer Shoaib 31 feeling masochistically nostalgic 31 boomlet 31 Valdez supertanker ran aground 31 Caught unawares 31 ocurring 31 earthquakes cyclones 31 COMBAT OUTPOST Afghanistan 31 Miss Anara 31 shriveling paychecks 31 Truman Capote chilling 31 deluges 31 MEC Leonard Ramatlakane 31 Stray bullet 31 almost universally reviled 31 THE DANGERS 31 BARRING 31 Unrelenting violence 31 dwindling 31 bitter recriminations 31 factional feud 31 Supt Keogh 31 newfound boldness 31 power outtages 31 Danzinger Bridge 31 mob takedown 30 sparked 30 roadside booby traps

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