Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 56 bipartisan bicameral 56 statutory PAYGO 55 reauthorize SCHIP 52 Ranking Member Snowe 52 reauthorize NCLB 52 bipartisan 51 HJ Res 51 FHA Modernization Act 51 Marketplace Modernization 51 Shays Meehan 50 Defund ACORN Act 50 Credit Cardholders Bill 50 FHA modernization 50 Baucus Grassley 49 Increasing Adoptions Act 49 bipartisan cosponsors 49 AMT fix 49 Senate conferees 49 omnibus appropriation 49 Head Start reauthorization 49 Arbitration Fairness Act 49 Telework Enhancement Act 49 IRPSA 49 CFTC Gensler 49 reauthorize PEPFAR 48 greenhouse gasses mirrors 48 Broadcast Decency Enforcement 48 Dorgan Snowe 48 SCHIP reauthorization 48 reauthorizing SCHIP 48 SUNY Empowerment 48 Landrieu Snowe 48 repeal ObamaCare 47 Sebelius vetoed 47 Waxman Markey climate 47 Appropriations Committees 47 invoked cloture 47 nonbinding resolution condemning 47 Conferees 47 Paycheck Fairness Act 47 Parliamentarian Alan Frumin 47 appoint conferees 47 Bunning objected 47 Combating Autism Act 47 Tax Extenders 47 aa nonsmoker too 47 HR.# 47 cleared procedural hurdle 47 Castle DeGette 47 omnibus appropriations 47 Tax Extenders Act 47 loophole closers 47 legalize undocumented immigrants 46 Napolitano vetoed 46 PAYGO rules 46 Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization 46 WELNA 46 gunmaker immunity bill 46 Senator Snowe 46 Armenian Genocide Resolution H.Res.# 46 spokeswoman Regan Lachapelle 46 PAMTA 46 AMT patch 46 Bernie Sanders I-Vt. 46 Tax Extenders Bill 46 stimulus planKey senators 46 Sens. Dianne Feinstein D-Calif. 46 Mental Health Parity 46 paygo rules 46 Fair Minimum Wage 46 repeal DOMA 46 Lobbied fellow 46 Grassley Baucus 46 PELOSI Well 46 Stupak Pitts amendment 46 H.Con.Res 46 EPW Committee 46 Meaningfully Promote Excellence 46 aides Bakht Zada 46 BARTIROMO 46 Congressman Pallone 46 Verizon Tauke 46 Global Warming Pollution Reduction 46 Granholm vetoed 45 Cramdown 45 narrowly averted partial 45 Don Nickles R Okla 45 Kyl Cornyn 45 reauthorisation 45 Iran Refined Petroleum 45 liberals seethed 45 Baroody nomination 45 Wyden Snowe 45 lamented partisan bickering 45 nonbinding blueprints 45 Russ Feingold D-Wis. 45 Sheldon Whitehouse DR.I. 45 Recess appointments 45 Pataki vetoed 45 S.Res.# 45 Ben Cardin D Md 45 Explained Elmendorf 45 Waxman Markey bill 45 STEPHANOPOULOS 45 Lame Duck session 45 Mike Johanns R-Neb. 45 Senate Appropriations Committees 45 mildly worded 45 Russ Feingold D Wis 45 MacGuineas 45 statutory paygo 45 Amy Klobuchar D Minn 45 Lumbee recognition 45 DHUE 45 Baucus 45 Chairwoman Barbara Boxer 45 Moderate Dems 45 Child Nutrition Reauthorization 45 Corey Boles Of 45 Hiring Incentives 45 doc fix 45 Congressman Hulshof 45 INSURANCE MANDATE Like 45 H.Res.# 45 Props aplenty 45 Tell Repeal 45 Steve Morris Hugoton 45 Senator Bingaman 45 Louise Slaughter DN.Y. 44 Ben Cardin D-Md. 44 America COMPETES Act 44 gavelled 44 curbing malpractice lawsuits 44 Barbara Boxer D Calif 44 struggled inconclusively 44 Paperwork Mandate Elimination 44 repealing ObamaCare 44 bicameral bipartisan 44 Sens. Chuck Grassley 44 regulate payday lending 44 NCOIL 44 H.Res [002] 44 Nunez Perata 44 Safety Modernization Act 44 America COMPETES Reauthorization 44 conferees 44 RESTORE Act 44 Waxman Markey 44 Sens. Bob Corker 44 limiting itemized deductions 44 Lavigne cited irreconcilable 44 designate andro 44 Ines Franck director 44 Kelliher DFL Minneapolis 44 Wyden Gregg 44 impose punitive 44 FAA reauthorization bill 44 Pawlenty vetoed 44 Democratic Leader Steny 44 Job Creation Act 44 economywide 44 Restore Employment HIRE 44 nonbudget 44 Claire McCaskill D-Mo. 44 theSenate 44 House 44 Nominations Sent 44 Lilly Ledbetter Fair 44 Cybersecurity Enhancement Act 44 spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki 44 impeaching Cheney 44 44 Congresswoman Hirono 44 Homolka pardon 44 Student Non Discrimination 44 Credit Cardholder 44 Earmark critics 44 R Beechers Lot 44 MTBE waiver 44 MTBE liability 44 Bunning filibuster 44 senate democrats 44 Ambassador Peter Allgeier 43 Ken Salazar D Colo 43 Mark Udall D-Colo. 43 troop withdrawal deadlines 43 Economic Stabilization Act 43 debit card swipe 43 Majority Leader Hoyer 43 group Familias Argentinas 43 constitutional amendment SJR 43 healh care 43 legislation 43 WRDA bill 43 Improper Payments Elimination 43 Representatives appropriations subcommittee 43 Refined Petroleum 43 Senate 43 Omnibus Budget 43 germane amendments 43 instruct conferees 43 JACKIE JUDD 43 Napolitano vetoes 43 Stupak Amendment 43 Ehrlich vetoed 43 nondefense discretionary spending 43 Debbie Stabenow D Mich 43 Emergency Economic Stabilization 43 Obamaā 43 CongressDaily reports 43 Chairwoman Alice Hausman 43 essentially codifies 43 Vetoing stem cell 43 McCaskill Corker 43 unveiled multitrillion dollar 43 Thomas R-Calif. 43 Nonadmitted 43 End Racial Profiling 43 Congressional appropriators 43 SCHIP Reauthorization 43 ungrudgingly cooperative 43 Iran Sanctions Enabling 43 Morris Hugoton Republican 43 Genetic Information Nondiscrimination 43 Crist vetoed 43 PEPFAR reauthorization 43 Barbara Boxer D-Calif. 43 Fostering Connections 43 fifths supermajority 43 SJR# [002] 43 Border Protection Antiterrorism 43 Jim Bunning R Ky 43 Hannity stances 43 FAA Reauthorization 43 FSC ETI 43 nominates Jacob Lew 43 resolution H.Res 43 PROTECT IP 43 abolish COAH 43 Cornyn Kyl 43 trans inclusive ENDA 43 A#.# trillion [001] 43 repealing DOMA 43 Majority Leader Francis Pangilinan 43 DISCLOSE Act 43 Dodd D Conn 43 Raise Debt Ceiling 43 WALLACE Senator 43 Stephanie Dhue reports 43 senators 43 Reauthorization 43 Nick Rahall DW.Va. 43 Chairman Collin Peterson 43 Restore Employment 43 Diesel Emissions Reduction 43 Senator Domenici 43 Paycheck Fairness 43 Democratically controlled 43 Jeanne Shaheen vetoed 43 Foreclosure Prevention Act 43 Trojan horse Braley 43 Kit Bond R-Mo. 43 wasteful earmark 43 ADA Amendments Act 43 robo signing controversy 43 Clean Water Restoration 43 SCHUMER Well 43 FinReg 43 Merkley Levin 42 spokesman Drew Hammill 42 SJ Res 42 Bob Casey D-Pa. 42 Senator Stabenow 42 Coburn R Okla 42 COMPETES Act 42 obviously misstatement 42 Gramm Rudman Hollings 42 Russell Feingold D-Wis. 42 PRO CON Is 42 Healthy Hunger 42 CIR ASAP 42 FAA reauthorization 42 enact 42 Bayh disillusionment 42 AgJOBS bill 42 GERSH 42 grant retroactive immunity 42 Multiple Peril Insurance 42 Frist R Tenn 42 launched furious counterassault 42 Schumer Gillibrand 42 unfairly punishes patriotic 42 Reid D Nev 42 Sandy Levin D-Mich. 42 Fred Risser D 42 Darrel Steinberg 42 reauthorize 42 J. Dodd D-Conn. 42 Unanimous Consent 42 Bob Corker R Tenn 42 Richard Lugar R-Ind. 42 CLERP 9 42 SCHIP reauthorization bill 42 Zack Wamp 42 Sen. Arlen Specter R-Penn. 42 endless taxpayer bailouts 42 Sen. Arlen Specter R-Pa. 42 congressional recess 42 Defense Authorization 42 defund ACORN 42 mortgage cramdown 42 KYL Well 42 Balanced Budget Amendment 42 mortgage cramdowns 42 Paul Wellstone Mental 42 HIRE Act 42 Debbie Stabenow D-Mich. 42 DTV Delay 42 Sens. Jon Tester 42 Congressman Waxman 42 Brad Dayspring spokesman 42 Democratically controlled Congress 42 Majority Leader Frist 42 Another YouTuber uploaded 42 repeal 42 Edward Yingling 42 Congresswoman Capito 42 Barbara Mikulski D Md 42 Speaker Nancy Pelosi D-Calif. 42 fiscally conservative Democrats 42 EMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITY 42 Dole Shalala commission 42 TAPPER 42 UN Ambassador Maged 42 multibillion dollar stimulus package 42 Jon Kyl R-Ariz. 42 DEFICIT REDUCTION CBO 42 Glass Steagal 42 KORUS 42 American Dream Downpayment 42 Jon Kyl R Ariz 42 Dodd Frank 42 bipartisan majorities 42 GEITHNER 42 Fire Sprinkler Incentive 42 PATRIOT Act reauthorization 42 filibustering senators 42 Carcieri vetoed 42 Haridopolis 42 Richard Durbin D-Ill. 42 unionize workplaces 42 congressional bargainers 42 Steny Hoyer D Md 42 modernize FISA 42 staunchest allies deteriorated 42 dismiss al Marri 42 Credit Card Accountability Responsibility 42 Interview Walesa 42 Marty Meehan D-Mass. 42 Decerega issued 42 Coburn Omnibus 42 Secretary Spellings 42 Holtz Eakin 42 Lame Duck Session 42 Military Readiness Enhancement 42 FDIC Bair 42 FAA Reauthorization Bill 42 unamendable 42 Congress 42 stimulus package 42 STRIVE Act 42 uneasily awaited 42 unfreeze credit 42 Janises 42 Brightening prospects 42 DIRECTOR ORSZAG 41 nonbinding resolution expressing 41 Christopher Dodd D-Conn. 41 Bedbugs Bite Act 41 unfairly punishes gays 41 outlaw abortions 41 omnibus bill 41 nonsecurity spending 41 InvestMaryland 41 Tom Lantos D Calif 41 reauthorization 41 Education Affordability Reconciliation 41 spokesman Steve Adamske 41 Sens. Arlen Specter R-Pa. 41 Monserrate expulsion 41 Ranking Member Grassley 41 debates Psaki 41 Davnie 41 Nydia M. Velázquez 41 GRASSLEY 41 Broadcaster Freedom 41 Corker McCaskill 41 Tom Carper D-Del. 41 PERAB 41 relatively noncontroversial 41 HOMESTAR program 41 Bi partisan 41 Robert Byrd DW.V. 41 Distracted Driving Prevention 41 GOP stalling tactics 41 Mike Enzi R-Wyo. 41 Baucus D-Mont. 41 Domenici RN.M. 41 broad foreclosure moratoriums 41 ROVNER Well 41 By Corey Boles 41 Senate 41 REINS Act 41 Senate Judiciary Committees 41 Stupak Pitts Amendment 41 Combating Child Exploitation 41 Al Franken D Minn 41 Pomeroy DN.D. 41 CARFA 41 FMAP extension 41 Disclose Act 41 Colby Itkowitz CALL 41 antiterrorism Patriot Act 41 D Mont 41 Volcker Rule 41 Speaker Greg Stumbo 41 Ms. Ignagni 41 Veto Stem Cell 41 defund Obamacare 41 Strongly Favor repeal 41 Marriage Equality Amendment 41 USTR Kirk 41 COMPETES 41 Schoolchildren chanting Assassinate 41 rejoins nuke 41 BY CORY REISS 41 climactic Christmas Eve 41 IGREA 41 Representative Barney Frank 41 Wonkbook 41 impose punitive tariffs 41 STANDUP Act 41 defund ObamaCare 41 crossbench senators 41 COBRA Subsidy Extension 41 Jon Corzine DN.J. 41 Congress adjourns 41 Avert Shutdown 41 Bipartisan 41 lameduck session 41 Blaine Amendments 41 bi partisan 41 Bowles Simpson 41 FISA Amendments Act 41 Surface Transportation Authorization 41 maximum Pell Grant 41 Charlie Crist vetoed 41 CBO crunches 41 Line Item Veto 41 Durbin D Ill 41 STANZEL Well 41 Cindy Davidsmeyer spokeswoman 41 rescind unspent 41 commissioner Harvey Goldschmid 41 IMMIGRATION DEBATE 41 invoke cloture 41 Emler Lindsborg Republican 41 strengthen whistleblower protections 41 D Prestonsburg 41 elect Barrack 41 John Sununu RN.H. 41 speedily enacted 41 omnibus spending 41 Sens. Jay Rockefeller 41 Employee Non Discrimination 41 PRESIDENT BARACK 41 stimuluses 41 lobbied furiously 41 Magnuson Stevens 41 bill 41 CLEAN TEA 41 fin reg 41 Stokes MOTHERS Act 41 Mary Landrieu D-La. 41 SAFETEA 41 emir Sheik Sabah 41 Lingle vetoes 41 convene constituent assembly 41 Assemblyman Thiele 41 Martinez R Fla 41 Sanctions Accountability 41 William Delahunt D-Mass. 41 sweeping antifraud 41 Kyl R Ariz 41 Republicans 41 Max Baucus D-Mont. 41 Rodent scurries 41 Makkah Declaration 41 Offshore Moratorium 41 WASHINGTON President 41 Specialty Crop Competitiveness 41 Marco Rubios 41 WASHINGTON RNN 41 Hate Crimes Prevention 41 KONDRACKE 41 repeal DADT 41 Darren Gersh reports 41 Bill Ketron Murfreesboro 41 honoring Barbara Mikulski 41 PAYGO 41 lame duck session 41 grandfathering clauses 41 Extend Jobless Benefits 40 Granholm vetoes 40 exempting fracking 40 cloture vote 40 Regulatory Reform Act 40 US#b [001] 40 Patrick Leahy D-Vt. 40 Chairwoman Mary Schapiro 40 Disagreements persist 40 impose surtax 40 HOME STAR 40 Sens. Amy Klobuchar 40 Enzi Barrasso 40 Frank Pallone DN.J. 40 receives royal assent 40 recoup unrecovered 40 Invents Act 40 Captive Primate Safety 40 ANWR drilling 40 spokeswoman Jill Kozeny 40 CBS4/AP TALLAHASSEE 40 Omnibus appropriations 40 noncontroversial 40 unfreeze lending 40 CQ HealthBeat reports 40 Doc Fix 40 remains unratified 40 Carl Levin D-Mich. 40 Continuing Resolution 40 congressionally enacted 40 SEBELIUS Well 40 DEMINT Well 40 de La Sabliere 40 Capital Markets Subcommittee 40 EESA 40 Hanaa Adwar 40 Jim Bunning R-Ky. 40 President Barack Obamaā 40 Climate REDI 40 taxing sugary beverages 40 Rivlin Domenici 40 Pelosi D Calif 40 Insure Missouri 40 #B bailout 40 Protecting Tenants 40 HOLTZ EAKIN 40 kemcha Way 40 Status Passed 40 Both 40 GOP govs 40 Marsha Blackburn R Tenn 40 ROVNER 40 Act FATCA 40 Affordable Choices 40 GPhA 40 paygo rule 40 Native Hawaiian Recognition 40 regulate hydraulic fracturing 40 CORNYN Well 40 Passenger Rail Investment 40 Blanche Lincoln D-Ark. 40 Caulkers 40 Bipartisan Campaign Finance 40 prolonging Schiavo life 40 spokesman Rodell Mollineau 40 Passes Sweeping 40 unyielding partisanship 40 Jeff Merkley D-Ore. 40 overcome procedural hurdle 40 chairwoman Sheila Bair 40 repealing Obamacare 40 Charles Schumer DN.Y. 40 Treasury Secretary 40 partisan wrangling 40 Senators Chuck Grassley 40 avert shutdown 40 curbing frivolous lawsuits 40 institutionalize bailouts 40 averts shutdown 40 reregulate 40 Reform Legislation 40 Congress 40 Patrick Yoest Of 40 Credit CARD Act 40 spokesman Afshin Mohamadi 40 pregnancies Mishell 40 fifths majorities 40 Faster FOIA 40 bailoutWASHINGTON AP 40 CHIP reauthorization 40 Johnny Isakson R-Ga. 40 Partisan bickering 40 GIANNOULIAS 40 reduce greenhouse gasses 40 fully inclusive ENDA 40 OVERBY 40 Jeff Bingaman DN.M. 40 Distrust lingers 40 Majority Whip Clyburn 40 haphazard piecemeal 40 defunding ACORN 40 Congressman Sensenbrenner 40 Congress reconvenes 40 wealthier Medicare beneficiaries 40 DFL'ers 40 Outnumbered Republicans 40 veto overrides 40 Extending Unemployment Benefits 40 HOW MANY COVERED 40 Individual Mandate 40 Physician Payments Sunshine 40 Sen. Ben Cardin 40 senators Saxby Chambliss 40 Partisan disagreements 40 Auto Bailout 40 Higher Education Reauthorization Act 40 Financial Stability Improvement 40 omnibus appropriations bill 40 lawmakers 40 AgJobs 40 Majority Leader Steny Hoyer 40 impeaching Sanford 40 filibustered 40 Democratically controlled Legislature 40 Trumka 40 prefile 40 Supplemental Appropriations Bill 40 Lois Capps D Calif 40 really poweful antibiotics 40 KUDLOW 40 Legislature adjourns 40 Cheaper Medicines 40 packer ownership 40 Reduce Unnecessary Spending 40 mandatory emission reductions 40 angering environmentalists 40 spokeswoman Tessa Hafen 40 Fairness Act 40 Broadcast Decency 40 reforming entitlements 40 transcend partisan 40 Hoyer D-Md. 40 repeal Obamacare 40 Assm 40 Stabenow Levin 40 Senator DeMint 40 Tom Harkin D 40 Welfare Reform Act 40 Tackling Violent Crime 40 enactment 40 Rep. Steny Hoyer D-Md. 40 NAT GAS Act 40 tag pepsifail 40 override vetoes 40 HealthierUS Initiative 40 Patty Murray D-Wash. 40 Jeffords defection gave 40 Cullerton spokeswoman Rikeesha 40 Bruce Josten 40 Strongly Favor 40 Commodity Futures Modernization Act 40 spokeswoman Leslee Fritz 40 Udall Merkley 40 readmit Cuba 40 Henry Waxman D-Calif. 40 Pets Evacuation 40 PROMISES PROMISES Jobs 40 Legislation reauthorizing 40 Crain Waldrop 40 Her 40 Genocide Resolution 40 Jeff Merkley Ore. 40 invoking cloture 40 shortchanged civil liberties 39 KWAME HOLMAN 39 Omnibus Spending Bill 39 Congresswoman Madeleine Bordallo 39 Dec #,# 39 Ambassador Wang Yingfan 39 troop withdrawal timelines 39 Gauzès 39 Congressman Nussle 39 enacted 39 Smoking Prevention 39 Earmark Reform 39 Clear Skies Initiative 39 Startup Visa 39 Waxman Markey cap 39 Larry Cretul R 39 Permanent Normal 39 troop withdrawl 39 Congresswoman Waters 39 Represenatives 39 Billy Tauzin R-La. 39 SBIR STTR Reauthorization Act 39 petition cites irreconcilable 39 Senate Majority Leader Harry 39 Collin Peterson D-Minn. 39 uncharted waters Potter 39 litmus test Guillory 39 Bob Menendez DN.J. 39 Antitrust Enforcement 39 ANWR provision 39 Ron Wyden D-Ore. 39 Joe Manchin DW.Va. 39 USINPAC 39 Bipartisan Effort 39 Diagnoses vary 39 Toxic Chemicals Safety 39 Trent Lott R-Miss. 39 reauthorizing 39 S.# [002] 39 Marshall Griffin KWMU 39 Trillion Spending 39 Draft Outcome Document 39 AgJOBS 39 Feingold censure 39 Privatizing Social Security 39 Lily Ledbetter Fair 39 Posey R Fla 39 Bilbray Y 39 Keith Langseth DFL Glyndon 39 Anti Bullying Bill 39 Belshé 39 Plame cause celebre 39 GW Battleground 39 Hometown Democracy amendment 39 Activity Tax Simplification 39 Senate appropriators 39 ACESA 39 Veto override 39 de la Sabliere 39 LAMAR ALEXANDER 39 Rell vetoed 39 filibuster proof majorities 39 Bernanke renomination 39 HJ RES 39 Clifford Traisman 39 Joe Manchin III 39 Paul Sarbanes D-Md. 39 BOEHNER 39 Senator Crapo 39 HJR# [002] 39 Closing Tax Loopholes 39 INSURANCE MARKET REFORMS 39 Ryan Boschetti DT 39 Automaker Bailout 39 Congressman Nadler 39 President Elect Barrack 39 Senators Barbara Boxer 39 Act UAFA 39 DeGette Y 39 Hobbled Dems eager 39 petition skimps 39 Public Works EPW 39 Jonathan Pershing 39 Adamske 39 Paygo 39 lobbyist Bruce Josten 39 Congressional Budget Office 39 cloture votes 39 Flag Desecration Amendment 39 spokeswoman Kate Cyrul 39 This mindless paralyzing 39 Herb Kohl D Wis 39 Affordable Care Act 39 Extend Unemployment Benefits 39 Smoot Hawley 39 Leader Capri Cafaro 39 Speaker Franco Marini 39 ARB No.# 39 frosty reception awaits 39 hasty retreat bowing 39 Judicial Proceedings Committee 39 ABX1 1 39 spokesman Linden Zakula 39 Senator Brownback 39 R. Ariz 39 Evan Bayh D-Ind. 39 cap noneconomic damages 39 heat trapping pollutants 39 Fin Reg 39 necessary precautions Turnquest 39 Act FOCA 39 stopgap measure expires 39 Senator Ben Cardin 39 legalize undocumented migrants 39 Turbak Berry 39 Jessica Santillo spokeswoman 39 S.# [003] 39 Chairman Daniel Inouye 39 Kathy Saltzman DFL 39 Sens. Tom Harkin 39 Travaglini Lees 39 John Rockefeller DW.Va. 39 unspent TARP 39 NBCSL 39 constitutional amendment HJR 39 legis lation 39 Major Economies Forum 39 Opposes gay marriage 39 Grassroots Lobbying 39 Boxer D Calif 39 NCOIL model 39 Christopher Dodd D Conn 39 Patent Reform Act 39 PL #-# [001] 39 Democrats 39 Barbara Mikulski D-Md. 39 ambassador Wang Yingfan 39 bill LB# [003] 39 HARI SREENIVASAN 39 Dunstan McNichol covers 39 Funding Advancements 39 BENEFIT PACKAGE 39 COZY O 'S 39 Goss R Fla 39 Roland Burris D-Ill. 39 WASHINGTON The 39 Frankenstein Veto 39 Sens. Claire McCaskill 39 Everglades Forever 39 D Nev 39 cramdowns 39 Arlen Specter R-Penn. 39 DICT 39 Human Cloning Ban 39 WRDA 39 Roger Wicker R-Miss. 39 Cobell settlement 39 Jim Lowthers 39 reform 39 Jim Sensenbrenner R-Wis. 39 Senator Enzi 39 Deficit Reduction 39 carryback provision 39 Impartial Justice 39 Wagnon Topeka 39 unicameral Legislature 39 Appropriators 39 combatting HIV AIDS 39 Byron Dorgan DN.D. 39 FAA Reauthorization Act 39 nonmilitary discretionary 39 neither Murray Garnick 39 negotiator Jeff Pash 39 intraparty bickering 39 BROWN Deandra 39 Majority Leader Steny H. 39 Rep Barney Frank 39 CAGW Names 39 historian Fred Beuttler 39 repealing 39 Bob Corker R-Tenn. 39 Feingold D Wis 39 Obamaâ 39 Mike Vasilinda tells 39 D Grosse Tete 39 Undersecretary Grant Aldonas 39 Home Affordable Refinance 39 AnnMarie Morse 39 Senators Byron Dorgan 39 troop withdrawal timetables 39 weeklong recess 39 loosen hidebound labor 39 relentlessly assailed 39 Susan Eckerly 39 WHouse 39 Dr. Gerald Mastio 39 ORSZAG 39 legislature adjourns 39 Minority Leader Harry Reid 39 John Warner R-Va. 39 Affordability Agenda 39 Ms Hedegaard 39 C. Shelby R-Ala. 39 setting Koffenberger 39 postelection session 39 Broadcast Indecency 39 A#/S# [001] 39 Bernard Schaber 39 Motor Vehicle Owners 39 produce eyepopping 39 regulating tailpipe 39 reinsert Schiavo feeding tube 39 unhappiness Norquist 39 revive Mideast peacemaking 39 Genachowski 39 FHA Modernization 39 Gregory Junemann 39 concurrent receipt 39 Cybersecurity Caucus 39 Republican delaying tactics 39 Elective abortions 39 Congresswoman Maloney 39 John Kline R-Minn. 39 Lingle Aiona Administration 39 NRA scorekeeping 39 Armenian Genocide Resolution 39 fillibuster 39 regulate payday lenders 39 Passed 39 malpractice tort reform 39 FAIR USE Act 39 StartUp Visa Act 39 Companies ACIC 39 stimulous package 39 Jacob Lew testifies 39 HR# [003] 39 cramdown legislation 39 Joe Barton R-Tex. 39 antispeculation 39 clears procedural hurdle 38 Nathan Deal R-Ga. 38 smokefree workplace 38 Repealing Obamacare 38 GENDA 38 Payday Loan Reform Act 38 Safe Accountable Flexible 38 Program Reauthorization Act 38 Chris Coons D-Del. 38 Mike Vehle 38 Hinchey Rohrabacher amendment 38 A.#/S.# 38 Telecommunications Subcommittee 38 fissile material cutoff 38 granting retroactive immunity 38 Perino 38 Toxics Rule 38 Opsommer 38 SCHUMER 38 Hedge Fund Transparency 38 Healthcare Reform 38 Ariz. gov 38 THE INFLUENCE GAME Lobbyists 38 Addiction Equity 38 Survey Superdelegates Jump 38 Chief Executive Richard Syron 38 Isakson Chambliss 38 Constitutional Revision Committee 38 enacting 38 THE CAUCUS 38 DISCLOSE 38 banning cruel inhuman 38 FBN Gerri Willis 38 repealing Glass Steagall 38 Hoyer D Md 38 castigates Sanford 38 Bill Novelli 38 CISADA 38 Sarbannes Oxley Act 38 Debt Limit 38 Congresswoman Eshoo 38 DFL Glyndon 38 director Peter Orszag 38 needless partisanship 38 eliminates CalWORKS 38 Unemployment Compensation Extension 38 Stop Overspending 38 Demcorats 38 Winning Bidders 38 Leader Dan Gelber 38 Speaker Cretul 38 recoup unrecovered TARP 38 Inducing Infringement 38 Dorgan Grassley 38 Rent Tax MRRT 38 Kathleen Jaeger 38 Surface Transportation Reauthorization 38 Employment Non Discrimination 38 overrode veto 38 approves impeaching Blagojevich 38 Filibuster Reform 38 procedural maneuvers 38 defund NPR 38 SECRETARY SPELLINGS 38 Chairman Mohammadmian Soomro 38 Spokesman Johannes Laitenberger 38 offered angry denouncements 38 Barck Obama 38 Kerry liveliest disagreement 38 Gramm Rudman 38 COICA 38 Judiciary subcommittees 38 S.Amdt 38 Sens. Barbara Mikulski 38 No Taxpayer Funding