Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 78 temporary impairment OTTI 76 temporary impairments OTTI 69 OTTI 68 OTTI charges 67 OTTI charge 67 unrealized losses 66 unrealized gains losses 65 unrealized depreciation 65 unrealized gains 64 Realized gains 63 intangible impairment 62 valuation adjustments 62 impairment charges 62 unrealized derivative 61 discount accretion 61 early extinguishments 61 amortized cost 61 intangible assets impairment 61 Unrealized gains 61 intangible asset impairments 61 debt extinguishments 61 unrealized appreciation 61 DAC unlock 60 hedge ineffectiveness 60 marketable securities 60 early extinguishment 60 noninterest expense decreased 59 owned OREO 59 unrealized gain 59 Reclassification adjustment 59 impairment 59 amortizable intangible assets 59 postretirement benefit plans 59 FHLMC preferred stock 58 asset impairments 58 LAE reserves 58 OREO valuation 58 unrealized derivative gain 58 adopting SFAS #R 58 FDIC indemnification asset 58 goodwill impairments 58 intangible impairments 57 nonoperating expense 57 derivative instruments 57 postretirement benefit 57 intangibles impairment 57 unconsolidated subsidiaries 57 Than Temporary Impairment 57 noncash impairments 57 asset impairments restructuring 57 unrealized derivative gains 57 DAC unlocking 57 FDIC indemnification 57 pension curtailment 57 d Represents 57 identifiable intangibles 57 Surface Specialties acquisition 57 noncash unrealized 56 repossessed assets 56 debt extinguishment 56 Adjusted EBITDA excludes 56 AMF Ultra Short 56 Unizan merger 56 derivative liabilities 56 goodwill impairment charge 56 noncash goodwill 56 unconsolidated investee 56 Than Temporary Impairments 56 excluding unrealized gains 56 undesignated hedges 56 noncurrent assets 56 b Excludes 56 remeasurement 56 foreign currency remeasurement 56 unallocated expenses 56 recourse indebtedness 55 Noninterest expense decreased 55 Interest expense 55 impairment charge 55 goodwill intangible 55 Real Estate Owned OREO 55 impairments 55 intersegment eliminations 55 currency remeasurement 55 reinstatement premiums 55 hedging derivative instruments 55 Catastrophe losses 54 pretax goodwill impairment 54 accretion expense 54 unamortized deferred 54 Restructuring asset impairments 54 Interest expense decreased 54 accretable 54 MSR impairment 54 asset impairment 54 PLRMBS 54 amortization expense 54 NOL utilization 54 MSR valuation 54 identifiable intangible 54 OTTI write downs 54 netincome 54 actuarial liabilities 54 extinguishment 54 MSR hedging 54 Noninterest expenses 54 Visa indemnification 54 depreciable assets 54 noncash accounting 54 LIFO inventory valuation 53 intangible assets 53 unallocated corporate 53 EURO#.# [002] 53 BlackRock MLIM transaction 53 Debt Extinguishment 53 No. #R 53 noninterest expenses 53 goodwill impairment 53 credit carryforwards 53 derivative instrument 53 identifiable intangible assets 53 nonaccruing loans 53 MSRs 53 excludes unrealized gains 53 intangibles amortization 53 Derivative Liabilities 53 securitized cardmember loans 53 discontinued operations 53 Accounts receivables 53 continuingoperations 53 valuation allowance 53 Than Temporarily Impaired 53 compensation expense 53 aftertax charge 53 commodity derivative instruments 53 nonoperating expenses 53 Restructuring impairment 53 Impairment Charges 53 unamortized issuance costs 53 inventories revalued 53 Incurred losses 53 LIFO adjustments 53 non recurring 53 valuation allowances 53 nonrecurring expenses 53 c Represents 53 noncash goodwill impairment 53 AOCI 53 Filtran Microcircuits Inc. 52 mandatorily redeemable 52 #.# perdiluted 52 Excluding goodwill impairment 52 nonconsolidated affiliate 52 -Gottron 52 flow hedges 52 LIFO adjustment 52 IAROC 52 TEB adjustment 52 per dilutedshare 52 c Excludes 52 securitization trusts 52 Total noninterest income 52 stock basedcompensation 52 LIFO reserve 52 unrealized 52 noninterest income 52 undernoted items 52 equity method investees 52 reinsurance commutations 52 amortizable 52 GSCT program 52 Equity Investees 52 aftertax 52 OREO properties 52 FAS #R 52 Pro forma adjustments 52 unamortized 52 doubtful accounts receivable 52 lease terminations 52 unamortized debt 52 MSR valuation adjustments 52 Reported Unaudited Condensed 52 Pro forma EBITDA 52 Ps.6 52 severance accruals 52 ChannelRe 52 purchased intangible assets 52 EITF #-# [001] 52 -disc protrusion 52 Consolidated Entities 52 FNMA preferred 52 BioMarin Genzyme LLC 51 unamortized discount 51 EURO#.# [001] 51 accretion DD & 51 Merchandise inventories 51 unconsolidated investees 51 unfavorable variance 51 equity investees 51 TOTAL OTHER INCOME EXPENSE 51 #,# -ANDREW J. FERRARO 51 reinsurance recoverable 51 - Adjusted [028] 51 lien RMBS 51 Impairment Losses 51 Visa MasterCard antitrust 51 nonrecurring items 51 unconsolidated ventures 51 write downs 51 uncollectible accounts receivable 51 SFAS 51 depreciation amortization depletion 51 c Consists 51 noncurrent liabilities 51 acquisitions dispositions 51 nondeductible expenses 51 #,# -SPIN BOLDAK Afghanistan 51 junior subordinated debentures 51 equity accounted investees 51 ended September# 51 - - Net [055] 51 Valuation allowance 51 asset valuation allowance 51 - - Net [003] 51 nonrecurring 51 unamortized financing 51 - Income [002] 51 FSAH Acquisition 51 Currency translation adjustment 51 nonaccrual loans 51 hedging instruments 51 Derivative instruments 51 reinsurance recoveries 51 - - Income [022] 51 - Loss [013] 51 unrealized derivative losses 51 infrequently occurring 51 unrealized hedging 51 -Josephine Marcotty 51 - - Net [047] 51 liabilities# [001] 51 DAC offsets 51 FAS CAS Pension 51 Loss Gain 50 EBDDT 50 LOCOM adjustment 50 - - Income [016] 50 FASB #R 50 LIFO accounting 50 - Loss [034] 50 loans receivable 50 perpetual preferred 50 - - Net [035] 50 mandatorily redeemable preferred 50 FSP #-# 50 postretirement benefits 50 adopting SFAS 50 Total noninterest expenses 50 diluted share 50 Vinyls segment 50 equity investee 50 perpetual debentures 50 loss NOL carryforward 50 non amortizing intangible 50 Capital Gains Losses 50 f Reflects 50 CGAAP 50 Background Screening segment 50 postretirement expense 50 Valhi stockholders 50 PMPS brand 50 Interest Expense Interest expense 50 aftertax gain 50 noninterest expense 50 Noncash 50 nonperforming assets totaled 50 junior subordinated deferrable 50 SFAS No. 50 = NetSao Pedro 50 - NeDEFENDERS 50 Timeshare segment 50 FAS CAS pension 50 Qualcomm Strategic Initiatives 50 unconsolidated joint ventures 50 noncash impairment charge 50 Currency translation differences 50 intangible amortization 50 Unrealized 50 Embedded Derivatives 50 -Gacy 50 - - Income [012] 50 #.#/diluted share 50 TOTAL OTHER INCOME 50 - - Nesignandsight newsletter 50 unamortized deferred financing 50 #,# -BOB SANSEVERE 50 trust preferreds 50 - IncLightWorks 50 noninterest expense partially offset 50 Unrealised gains 50 unamortized portion 50 Asset Retirement Obligation 50 b Relates 50 FSAH acquisition 50 fiscal# 50 -By DON HUNTER 50 - Income [007] 50 principal paydowns 50 Partially offset 50 b Reflects 50 - Total Assets [013] 50 - - Income [009] 50 securitizations 50 AOCL 50 Mortgage Servicing Rights 50 c Includes 50 Realised gains 50 -mintages 50 EBIAT 50 inventory obsolescence 50 MFB Corp 50 Cumulative translation adjustment 50 CDFS joint ventures 49 Earned premiums 49 Loans receivable 49 Individual Annuities segment 49 Partnered Brands segment 49 Scantron segments 49 FASB Interpretation No. 49 impaired OTTI 49 depreciable real estate 49 MDS Proteomics 49 unconsolidated affiliate 49 depreciation depletion amortization 49 securitized receivables 49 INCOME LOSS BEFORE TAXES 49 unfunded commitments 49 - Loss [019] 49 investees partially offset 49 derivative contracts 49 Intangibles amortization 49 Noninterest expense 49 c Relates 49 uncollectible accounts 49 Positively impacting 49 intangible asset 49 - Adjusted [001] 49 Items impacting comparability 49 - -Belusko 49 Unlevered Cash Flow 49 realizability 49 - -seemingly unquenchable 49 FASB Statement #R 49 Nonperforming assets totaled 49 exclude noncash 49 = Net [005] 49 Ps.7 49 inventory write downs 49 Unrealized derivative 49 Amortized 49 CDO squared transactions 49 f Represents 49 - Income [009] 49 operatingincome 49 Currency fluctuation 49 Write downs 49 Amortized cost 49 OREO write downs 49 CICA Handbook section 49 - IncomeMarkit Economics showed 49 loan chargeoffs 49 carryforwards 49 Unallocated expenses 49 - Adjusted [003] 49 noncash impairment 49 c Reflects 49 MtM gains 49 ninemonths ended 49 intercompany loans 49 ABCP holdings 49 redeemable preferred stock 49 postretirement 49 OPEB expense 49 VIOXX Lawsuits 49 adjusted EBITDAR 49 - Loss [003] 49 Copano commodity 49 acquired intangible assets 49 OSIs 49 LIFO inventory 49 Ps.3 49 reclassed 49 mortgage loan originations 49 Impaired loans 49 FSP FAS #-# 49 - Income [020] 49 NETg acquisition 49 Cleartel 49 Variable Interest Entities VIEs 49 PTOI 49 -Andrew Mayeda Postmedia News 49 - - [094] 49 Impairment Charge 49 Alcott Routon intangible assets 49 - Net [006] 49 obj obj = 49 CIC convertible debenture 49 REITs FFO 49 - - Non GAAP [008] 49 Goodwill Impairment 49 Agency MBS 49 assets# [002] 49 Consolidated EBITDAR 49 SFAS #R 49 Non Controlling Interests 49 unevaluated properties 49 depreciation accretion 48 - -plumbers pipefitters 48 - Loss [031] 48 Hedging Activities 48 = Net [039] 48 ceded reinsurance 48 - Loss [020] 48 LPT Agreement 48 Polymer Additives segment 48 #.#per diluted 48 Impairments 48 nonroutine income 48 - - NetMarigot Bay r 48 income AOCI 48 NOL carryforwards 48 PGP Acquisition 48 noncash pretax 48 - -Guldeniz 48 Real Estate Owned 48 Noninterest 48 Normalized EBITDA 48 Income Taxes Allocable 48 COS Restructuring 48 SILO LILO charges 48 Non GAAP adjusted EBITDA 48 - - EarningsGordan Strachan 48 prepayment speeds loan originations 48 Unallocated corporate 48 FAFLIC 48 translation adjustment 48 European Windstorm Xynthia 48 - Loss [017] 48 depreciable asset 48 EBITDAO 48 Remeasurement 48 net realizable 48 - Income [033] 48 LIFO expense 48 #compared 48 - - Income [007] 48 pretax noncash 48 Accretion expense 48 BPPR reportable segment 48 Purchased intangible assets 48 charge offs 48 -Alcampo 48 SFSB transaction 48 non CDFS 48 Derivative Instruments 48 j Includes 48 - - [061] 48 excluding goodwill impairment 48 accompanying unaudited consolidated 48 QSI segment 48 - - [016] 48 FFO allocable 48 nonreportable segment revenues 48 QUALCOMM Strategic Initiatives 48 Excludes depreciation 48 Goodwill impairment charge 48 EBITDA EBITDAM EBITDAR 48 nonperforming residential 48 Deferred Income Tax 48 - Adjusted [016] 48 Tikcro holdings 48 Doubtful Accounts 48 pretax 48 noncash pretax charge 48 unproved properties 48 Noncurrent assets 48 Total noninterest 48 = LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS [006] 48 =SpatialFX 48 Noninterest income 48 - - Total [007] 48 LIFO inventory adjustments 48 - - Randy Shearouse 48 - Total noninterest [010] 48 - - IncoLawrence Schiffman 48 acquired intangibles 48 loan originations totaled 48 CICA Handbook Section 48 Early Extinguishment 48 Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA 48 - CASH FLOWS [012] 48 Nontaxable 48 notes receivable 48 leaseback transactions 48 deductible goodwill impairment 48 - Adjusted EBITDA [006] 48 Significant Items 48 Downstream CCS 48 EMEA Subsidiaries 48 - -watt amp 48 realizable value 48 postretirement benefit obligations 48 SFSB Inc. 48 uncollectable receivables 48 DNOI 48 excluding BIBP 48 OREO 48 #,# -Abdullah Hamoud 48 accompanying condensed consolidated 48 - - Income [019] 48 - TOTAL ASSETS [009] 48 Adjusted EBITDAX 48 #,#,# #,#,# - [004] 48 Impairment 48 - Total noninterest expense 48 guaranty insurers 48 - - [019] 48 nonperforming loans totaled 48 = Net [019] 48 asset dispositions 48 - Income [025] 48 DiaMed acquisition 48 - Non GAAP [019] 48 b Represents 48 FAS #-# 48 loss carryforward 48 microcap segment 48 Assumed provision 48 uncollectible receivables 48 reclass 48 -Pentair Inc 48 #,# -Outasight 48 interim condensed consolidated 48 Currency translation adjustments 48 - Net [011] 48 = Net [006] 48 nonaccruals 48 - Total noninterest [002] 48 Exterran stockholders 48 Total noninterest expense 48 LibertyBank Acquisition 48 -CSMMU 48 postemployment benefits 47 - Total Liabilities [005] 47 pretax noncash charges 47 OPERATING LOSS INCOME 47 - Income [023] 47 excluding depreciation depletion 47 Total Stockholders Equity 47 Unrealized Gain 47 #,# -oxidative enzymes 47 millioncompared 47 NAREIT FFO 47 Excluding nonrecurring items 47 subordinated CMBS 47 - - Loss [006] 47 - - Income [020] 47 Noncurrent liabilities 47 DJO Merger 47 ninemonths 47 Oxy ER 47 USD#.#m USD#.# per [002] 47 - Income [024] 47 Pro forma EPS 47 Invested assets 47 - Adjusted [006] 47 nonoperating income 47 Negatively impacting 47 intercompany balances 47 noncovered loans 47 thefourth quarter 47 - ADLs 47 Fixed annuity 47 consolidated VIEs 47 Identifiable intangible assets 47 Core FFO 47 liabilities noncurrent 47 - - Net [049] 47 FHLB advances decreased 47 amort 47 liabilities #,#,# [001] 47 = Earnings [026] 47 Scantron segment increased 47 - - Net [015] 47 unaccreted discount 47 -dissect frog 47 FSP APB #-# 47 - Ifreshly dug 47 amortization 47 Intangibles Goodwill 47 undernoted 47 Loan servicing 47 ALLL 47 EnPro consolidated 47 -Laemmle Music 47 - Loss [030] 47 Nonoperating 47 - - Net [037] 47 writedowns 47 - Operating [019] 47 - LTEAMMATES 47 Interest receivable 47 income teb 47 - Income [017] 47 depletion depreciation 47 asset write downs 47 d Reflects 47 Nonoperating expenses 47 Adjustments Restructuring 47 RMBS exposures 47 -TUMS 47 - Loss [014] 47 Unitrin Direct segment 47 Non NAREIT Compliant 47 MFFO 47 #,#,# #,#,# Deferred [001] 47 No. #R SFAS 47 - Income [010] 47 intersegment sales 47 Marketable Securities 47 Asset impairments 47 Asset impairment 47 preopening expenses 47 = LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS [001] 47 INCOME TAX EXPENSE BENEFIT 47 - - Income [031] 47 - - Total [002] 47 - - Income [006] 47 Accounting Guideline AcG 47 - INCOME LOSS [001] 47 items affecting comparability 47 - Loss [029] 47 REIT taxable 47 - Loss [024] 47 Including discontinued operations 47 timberland disposals net 47 non accrual 47 CTVgm 47 - - Net [008] 47 Normalised earnings 47 - - Net [059] 47 - Income [011] 47 - - Net [046] 47 - Operating [030] 47 Comprehensive Income 47 - Total Assets [011] 47 AGY Asia 47 adopting FIN 47 - - [087] 47 noncontrolling interests 47 =steepling bounce 47 extinguishments 47 Operating Expense Ratio 47 adjusted EBITDAS 47 - - [054] 47 #,#,# -Samsung DualView TL# 47 Intangible amortization 47 - -freefall parachute 47 - Adjusted [017] 47 #,# -INDUSTRIES INC. 47 Based Compensation Expense 47 -DD2 47 accruals 47 - - [124] 47 Other Income Expense 47 depreciation amortization accretion 47 Pretax unrealized gains 47 contingently convertible securities 47 noninterest expense totaled 47 - Income [018] 47 Term Securitization 47 shortline railway 47 Loan originations 47 - Loss [032] 47 g Represents 47 Covered Loans 47 - INVESTING ACTIVITIES [004] 47 Harland Acquisition 47 noncash 47 ASC Topic #-# 47 CREL CDOs 47 refundings 47 Subordinate MBS 47 - InFree Documentation License 47 - - [007] 47 TRUPs 47 -Resiliency Campus 47 = Net [031] 47 Modified EBITDA 47 Fine Chemicals segment 47 loss carryforwards 47 % unannualized 47 policyholder dividends 47 -ABGL 47 IBNR reserves 47 - Income [022] 47 FIN #R 47 DEFERRED COSTS 47 Asset Backed Commercial 47 consolidated VIE 47 - - Net [016] 47 #,#,# #,#,# Allowance [001] 47 Previously Securitized Loans 47 undepreciated assets 47 accretable yield 47 charges IAROC 47 Standard Messaging Rates 47 - - [085] 47 - Loss [009] 47 - Income [031] 47 - - Income [014] 47 Accelerated depreciation 47 - Non GAAP [001] 47 Homebuilding pretax 47 unfavorable variances 46 readily determinable 46 - Total Current Liabilities [001] 46 noncash amortization 46 - - Total [037] 46 income# [001] 46 addback 46 Items excluded 46 -BY ALLISON PRIES 46 unamortized premiums 46 efficiency ratio teb 46 - Income [019] 46 Unearned compensation 46 FHLB advances 46 QSPEs 46 Pro forma net 46 - - Income [035] 46 AcG 46 accrued liabilities 46 Remainco 46 Note Receivable 46 BOLI 46 - - Net [031] 46 Addback Depreciation 46 - Loss [033] 46 bespoke tranche 46 Identified intangible assets 46 - Net [029] 46 - - Net [048] 46 Compensation Expenses 46 condensed consolidated statements 46 Dropdown Predecessor 46 Foreclosed assets 46 Benefit Provision 46 Contingent consideration 46 Brokered CDs 46 - CASH FLOWS [014] 46 - Total noninterest [001] 46 - - Earnunderwent resection 46 Unusual Items section 46 - - Net [061] 46 Add subtract 46 Extra Ordinary Income 46 EFFECT OF FOREIGN CURRENCY 46 PROVISION BENEFIT FOR 46 - Aijaz Hussain 46 accumulated undistributed 46 Filtran 46 Realized Gains 46 - Adjusted [026] 46 - - [005] 46 SFAS No.# 46 taxes EBDDT 46 collateralized debt obligations CDOs 46 OTHER INCOME 46 - Adjusted [029] 46 NON INTEREST EXPENSE 46 NTIC consolidated 46 Goodwill impairment 46 - - Net [051] 46 - - Nforecaddie 46 - Total Assets [006] 46 Pigments segment 46 - - Net [007] 46 reinsurance recoverables 46 - - [042] 46 unfavorably impacted 46 Adjustments Impairment 46 -Steamie 46 Adjustment Expenses 46 Asset Impairments 46 depreciation amortization 46 VIEs 46 Excludes amortization 46 Stockholders Equity #,#,# #,#,# [001] 46 USED IN OPERATING ACTIVITIES 46 - Income [012] 46 Noninterest Expenses 46 excluding nonrecurring 46 #,#,# #,#,# Accounts receivable [002] 46 balance sheet deleveraging 46 GAAP 46 Ambac insured 46 - - Total [053] 46 - - Total [072] 46 AIFRS 46 unsecuritized loans 46 BOLI COLI 46 ATCF 46 - - [106] 46 - - Income [002] 46 Excluding discontinued operations 46 - Net [013] 46 Munghana Lonene Listenership 46 Recurring FFO 46 unconsolidated investments 46 -Kunati 46 Hedge ineffectiveness 46 IFRSs 46 non capitalizable 46 - - Non GAAP [007] 46 PNOI 46 = LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOPinkNews 46 Specified Items 46 Deferred income 46 Total [001] 46 postretirement obligations 46 CDFS 46 - Adjusted [011] 46 excludes depreciation amortization 46 MEP Joint Venture 46 - Loss [026] 46 - Loss [022] 46 -Inc. NASDAQ CHTR 46 GMDB 46 obligations CDOs 46 - Income [027] 46 - - NetGranara 46 Ps.4 46 - Total assets [003] 46 unconsolidated entities 46 b Includes 46 deferred loan origination 46 - - Income [013] 46 OTHER INCOME Interest 46 - Total assets [001] 46 - Adjusted [025] 46 SchoolHouse division 46 - Total Assets [018] 46 Nonperforming loans totaled 46 OTHER INCOME Gain 46 Intangible asset 46 - - Net [028] 46 Hesperion acquisition 46 unproved leasehold 46 - - Income [021] 46 currency translation 46 adequately collateralized 46 OF DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS 46 - Non GAAP [002] 46 invoiced shipments 46 Gramercy Realty 46 ASC #-# 46 Subscription receivable 46 balance sheet securitizations 46 unbilled revenue 46 Deductions depreciation 46 ABS CDOs 46 - Adjusted [009] 46 - Total Assets [014] 46 LTM Adjusted EBITDA 46 - Adjusted [010] 46 - - Income [027] 46 EUR -#.# -#.# [001] 46 operating loss carryforwards 46 Unearned compensation restricted 46 Lasertel subsidiary 46 -tiger muskies 46 NOI decreased 46 Noninterest Expense 46 -lipid nanoparticles 46 - - Total [039] 46 accounts receivable balances 46 - - Total [020] 46 ResiLogic model 46 AND INCOME TAXES 46 MMLP Annual Report 46 Adjusted diluted 46 undiscounted cash 46 - - [027] 46 Leasehold inducement 46 - Total noninterest [003] 46 assets# [001] 46 MBS Forwards 46 per share1 46 discontinued operations - 46 Continuing Operations Before 46 affecting comparability 46 -David# 46 substantively enacted 46 Q1 #F 46 Amortiz 46 - TOTAL ASSETS [003] 46 Oilseeds Processing 46 Marketable securities 46 = Net [017] 46 Timberland disposals net 46 - TOTAL ASSETS [015] 46 FDIC insured institutions 46 Cumulative distributions 46 LIFO liquidation 46 Non accruing 46 Efficiency ratio excluding 46 - - Net [034] 46 SHAREHOLDER 'S EQUITY 46 Adjusted EBT 46 Unlevered Free Cash Flow 46 - Adjusted [022] 46 NMHG Retail 46 Discontinued Operations 46 profitsharing 46 reasonably estimable 46 Scantron segment 46 excluding unrealized derivative 46 Non Current Liabilities 46 - Total assets [004] 46 Non GAAP Diluted EPS 46 -#.# % [001] 46 nonaccrual loan 46 - - Non GAAP [002] 46 stockholders equity 46 - - Loss [004] 46 Nonrecurring 46 - Income [016] 46 - - Non GAAP [004] 46 Asset Retirement Obligations 46 -Tioman 46 Normalized EPS 46 - -Items Collectors 46 Noninterest expense totaled 45 - Loss [018] 45 textphone minicom 45 - Income [001] 45 CalFirst Bancorp 45 tables summarize 45 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 45 - Income [006] 45 amortization #,#,# 45 Total nonperforming assets 45 = Net [036] 45 - - Earnings [004] 45 share assuming dilution 45 - Total Shareholders Equity 45 Acquired Intangible Assets 45 -Jill Allread partner 45 Adjusted Earnings 45 Mayne Pharma intangible assets 45 - Adjusted [030] 45 surety marine 45 - - Net [021] 45 -VXIbus 45 cash equivalents 45 -Murabayashi 45 SunPower incurs amortization 45 amortization DD 45 nonoperating items 45 INCOME LOSS BEFORE INCOME 45 Nonoperating income 45 SEK -#.# -#.# [003] 45 NTIC joint ventures 45 nonoperating 45 nonmarketable 45 - Income [021] 45 - Loss [001] 45 -him.I 45 - Loss [021] 45 From Operations AFFO 45 Non Current Assets 45 - Loss [010] 45 - NetTransy 45 ceding commissions 45 recoverables 45 loss carryovers 45 - - NET INCOME [002] 45 operating income1 45 USD#.#m USD#.# [001] 45 Harland Clarke tradename 45 -By Cliodhna McGowan 45 Total Liabilities #,#.# #,#.# [001] 45 Metris Master Trust 45 convertible exchangeable 45 Crisa acquisition 45 - -Virginie Ledoyen 45 Interest Income Expense 45 nonaccruing loans accruing