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(Click for frequent words.) 51 defo 49 esp 49 would'nt 49 awfull 49 definately 48 alot 48 lol 48 mike tyson 48 relize 48 ok 48 definitly 48 anderson silva 48 lesnar 47 kno 47 definatly 47 lolol 47 definetly 47 cro cop 47 askin 47 beated 47 shutup 47 ass whooped 47 dont wanna 46 koscheck 46 thiago 46 supose 46 hink 46 beleave 46 tbh 46 dissapointed 46 mabey 46 f'd 46 goood 46 basicly 46 walcott 46 lazio 46 Just sayin 46 appriciate 46 probly 46 donno 45 u're 45 enuff 45 thats 45 imo 45 i realy 45 shuld 45 jus sayin 45 jardine 45 Personaly 45 i beleive 45 jon jones 45 i wouldnt 45 arnt 45 evn 45 disipline 45 thnk 45 affraid 45 teachin 45 huntley 45 Cmon 44 n * ggaz 44 teached 44 overeem 44 hatton 44 JT daniel 44 i kno 44 shouldve 44 likly 44 NO IDEA 44 ac milan 44 sumthing 44 wan't 44 u've 44 gona 44 surley 44 sry 44 faught 44 graet 44 intresting 44 Idk 44 whateva 44 sence 44 i dont 44 adu 44 marquez 44 hahaha 44 tho 44 gallas 44 maia 44 friggen 44 allways 44 u dont 43 guyz 43 sh1t 43 hahahaha 43 u hav 43 hahah 43 hopeing 43 cant beleive 43 thts 43 Psh 43 sumthin 43 idk 43 thay 43 shyte 43 retarted 43 SUPPOSED 43 personnaly 43 cant 43 dont 43 becuz 43 mayweather 43 mean't 43 cuz 43 guida 43 that.I 43 haha 43 dos santos 43 carling cup 43 mabye 43 relly 43 carefull 43 ranieri 43 roy jones 43 kirstiealley @ 43 aggree 43 strachan 43 YOu 43 knw 43 personaly 43 alright 43 . [046] 43 MrH 43 realy 43 don'tu 43 definatley 43 simular 43 hendo 43 evryone 43 cant belive 43 mutch 43 freakin awesome 43 nasri 43 THat 43 OGOchoCinco @ 43 Hahah 43 osu 43 hahahahaha 43 thats whats 43 godd 43 jennajameson @ 43 any1 43 deffinately 43 Bayani Domingo 43 cech 43 wouldve 42 i dunno 42 aight 42 actualy 42 wouldnt 42 HAHAHAHA 42 Hmmmmmm 42 awsome 42 lmfao 42 wut 42 chelski 42 boet 42 jelous 42 rashad 42 b ci 42 lyk 42 possitive 42 proove 42 remeber 42 actaully 42 bisping 42 aweful 42 is'nt 42 tough 42 carwin 42 cmon 42 hahahahahahaha 42 kimbo 42 coz 42 MrDax 42 im gonna 42 ummmmm 42 exept 42 admitt 42 whats 42 thik 42 did'nt 42 worng 42 alwys 42 now.I 42 damnit 42 SHANE MOSLEY 42 deff 42 i 42 usefull 42 zab 42 christ sake 42 dont kno 42 meself 42 frazier 42 tron @ 42 AWESOME 42 hey 42 Ehh 42 FLOYD MAYWEATHER Well 42 lke 42 ffs 42 tooo 42 littel 42 learing 42 del piero 42 coz i 42 meand 42 neva 42 lmao 42 unfortuantely 42 reall 42 pompeycarpet 42 hollyrpeete @ 41 especialy 41 pitty 41 shud 41 fa cup 41 Haha 41 sunderland 41 helpfull 41 gud 41 nobodys 41 were'nt 41 ya 41 somethng 41 brock lesnar 41 uefa cup 41 nevr 41 hes 41 Ok 41 what've 41 becasue 41 beleve 41 playin 41 Cant wait 41 MikeyGamst 41 tryed 41 dnt 41 maynard 41 definate 41 SUCKED 41 showin 41 wht 41 becouse 41 stamford bridge 41 wigan 41 palying 41 inconsistant 41 roddick 41 VENUS WILLIAMS Yeah 41 hmmm 41 beter 41 SERENA WILLIAMS Yeah 41 learnin 41 Cro cop 41 seein 41 prolly 41 FORZA JUVE 41 gareth 41 sh * [003] 41 dissapointing 41 tht 41 doesent 41 tito 41 bj 41 terible 41 wec 41 espically 41 vdv 41 silva 41 Ummmmm 41 GET OVER IT 41 anyting 41 MORGAN PRESSEL 41 differant 41 luv 41 thx 41 definetely 41 wernt 41 beggining 41 havn't 41 dificult 41 agasint 41 orton 41 arsene 41 darnit 41 jenas 41 derserve 41 belive 41 YEAH RIGHT 41 okay 41 LMAO 41 JohnDoe 41 scholes 41 AMÉLIE MAURESMO 41 laker fan 41 FORZA INTER 41 gunna 41 christ sakes 41 man utd 41 OOOOH 41 obvioulsy 41 souths 41 WHat 40 oh yea 40 wern't 40 Chels 40 i hav 40 Wtf 40 evry 40 ÒBut 40 lil 40 SADY 40 bullsh * [002] 40 whats goin 40 allright 40 yall 40 lol jk 40 #:# sqF Mailbag 40 freaken 40 wat u 40 capello 40 Oh yea 40 fookin 40 dunno 40 overated 40 jsut 40 HAHAHAHAHAHA 40 * ed [003] 40 bcuz 40 anyways 40 unfortunetly 40 shanahan 40 losin 40 giv 40 DEFINITELY 40 calderon 40 Bernio 40 disapoint 40 Hahahaha 40 comming 40 ofcourse 40 PATHETIC 40 f'ed 40 :-) 40 ppl 40 anythin 40 wtf 40 beleive 40 Haha yeah 40 sunday 40 truely 40 alves 40 @ kiranchetrycnn @ 40 Um yeah 40 KOed 40 So MMA peeps 40 SOOOOOO 40 dosent 40 expirience 40 experiance 40 siasia 40 mcuh 40 couldve 40 citeh 40 robbie 40 ballack 40 thot 40 chelseaforever 40 nicki 40 proffesional 40 Yory Boy 40 wud b 40 gratefull 40 * es [001] 40 should'nt 40 bolton 40 Thank GOD 40 THis 40 MARDY FISH 40 Scott Kuczkowski 40 i luv 40 undestand 40 micheal 40 NOVAK DJOKOVIC Yeah 40 teache 40 whupped 40 Glencoffe 40 sth 40 STEVE STRICKER 40 eh 40 soemthing 40 reallly 40 ot 40 deosn't 40 ROBERT BLAGOJEVICH 40 don'tknow 40 daspecial1 40 srsly 40 i'ma 40 saturdays 40 MARIA SHARAPOVA Yeah 40 uh yeah 40 matc 40 MALIGNAGGI 40 good'un 40 tI 39 mancs 39 wat ur 39 learn't 39 whups 39 GO JAZZ 39 maby 39 Uhmm 39 gomez 39 becoz 39 prob 39 liek 39 etc etc. 39 john cena 39 EPIC FAIL 39 yeah 39 i wud 39 shure 39 kyle 39 uve 39 dicipline 39 probally 39 disapointing 39 mosley 39 redknapp 39 hargreaves 39 u'll 39 Yall 39 amirite 39 WHO CARES 39 hala madrid 39 hm 39 . [006] 39 u cant 39 south african 39 obviosly 39 quaresma 39 ROGER FEDERER Well 39 some1 39 good 39 dont beleive 39 gooners 39 jits 39 ashame 39 diffence 39 brazilians 39 disapointed 39 torres 39 sh * t [002] 39 cuz i 39 diffrent 39 fook 39 Uhh 39 effin 39 Rafa Youzhny 39 mancini 39 iniesta 39 Dont forget 39 john terry 39 Definately 39 sux 39 sould 39 defenitely 39 hasen't 39 u 39 whay 39 f'n 39 gues 39 WHy 39 hmmmmmmm 39 juventus 39 Ummmm 39 comon 39 lol lol 39 probaly 39 PETER MAJOR 39 i belive 39 alittle 39 afterall 39 Toropchina 39 agreat 39 BOXING HERALD 39 definitley 39 sayin 39 agian 39 DESPISE 39 ahve 39 gonna whup 39 Yea yea 39 TIMOTHY BRADLEY 39 danny 39 truley 39 huntelaar 39 imma 39 decieving 39 JELENA JANKOVIC 39 was'nt 39 stfu 39 anfield 39 guessin 39 dumbass 39 thougt 39 wont 39 dought 39 discusting 39 epl 39 thinkin 39 ppl dont 39 theres alot 39 StockportJambo 39 arsene wenger 39 Awsome 39 NOw 39 Hell yea 39 COACH BLUDER 39 cincy 39 cesc 39 cus 39 TOMAS BERDYCH 39 giggs 39 Choreographed chaos 39 JeremyShockey @ 38 AdrianneCurry 38 malouda 38 Thats 38 nuttin 38 sanchez 38 russellm 38 butt whupped 38 complainin 38 compitition 38 tebow 38 hopfully 38 sooooooooooo 38 cockeril 38 fck 38 i couldnt 38 congradulations 38 totti 38 tottenham 38 LoL 38 SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA 38 uhhhhh 38 litle 38 smae 38 dosn't 38 Fernando ALONSO 38 sh * tty 38 jessie 38 jennings 38 Yea 38 samantharonson @ 38 FOR SURE 38 mourinho 38 tonite 38 fedor 38 obviosuly 38 Hehehe 38 ronaldinho 38 robben 38 geeze 38 barton 38 questlove @ 38 fricken 38 fecking 38 ect 38 ANDY RODDICK Well 38 sum1 38 laughs. 38 ive 38 moyes 38 NOVAK DJOKOVIC Well 38 phuck 38 themselfs 38 them.I 38 sonnen 38 Uhhhh 38 have't 38 unfortunatly 38 BUt 38 j k 38 toughie 38 outa 38 Wayang Wayang 38 rossi 38 vince 38 Tonights 38 BOO HOO 38 absolutly 38 anelka 38 Loouise 38 abit 38 DEFINATELY 38 adebayor 38 dangit 38 AC milan 38 ANDY RODDICK Yeah 38 wat 38 excellant 38 gr8 38 preety 38 CHAMPIONS LEAGUE CRUNCH 38 SheldenWilliams @ 38 utd 38 Unfortunatly 38 skillwise 38 showes 38 meredith 38 THEO VORSTER Yes 38 frankie 38 wud u 38 Hmmm 38 gonig 38 ancelotti 38 thats ok 38 stright 38 I'ts 38 f cked 38 finsih 38 COACH WEIS 38 OH WELL 38 supprised 38 sheesh 38 amzing 38 kalou 38 estatic 38 Nick HEIDFELD 38 unbeleivable 38 ALICIA MOLIK 38 itll 38 REALLY REALLY 38 everythin 38 thangs 38 WHOLE LOT 38 Lmao 38 sh * [002] 38 watford 38 diego 38 Sooo 38 hudd 38 blackburn 38 oxfordspur 38 huh 38 Definetly 38 desperatly 38 suprises 38 theres 38 could'nt 38 Man utd 38 progressa 38 kuyt 38 vidic 38 oppertunity 38 i dnt 38 Gokhan Saki 38 Gerald Fenech di 38 Vincent Lecavalier Stamkos 38 DONT 38 intellegent 38 dn't 38 O O 38 i cant 38 ìAnd 38 nxt 38 hmmmmmm 38 yall dont 38 dida 38 have'nt 38 joe cole 38 RT @ @ 38 we'l 38 wenger 38 mich 38 hmmmmm 38 havnt 38 mayb 38 fo sho 38 QUOTABLE @ 38 omg i 38 i tink 38 whr 38 tha 38 forza 38 scotty 38 jst 38 southgate 38 oppinion 38 ANDRE AGASSI Yeah 38 Thudd 38 are'nt 37 werent 37 jonas brothers 37 winge 37 reson 37 kenny 37 totaly 37 NOTHING ELSE 37 leeds 37 drogba 37 understan 37 Indeed Rakieten 37 PAUL GOYDOS 37 manc 37 henderson 37 somethign 37 Owenspompey 37 problably 37 TADD FUJIKAWA 37 wilkinson 37 AWSOME 37 LHW division 37 essien 37 Question DaVarryl 37 fack 37 powerfull 37 nowdays 37 pakistanis 37 sns ap 37 MIGUEL COTTO 37 toooooo 37 goose bumps Hagelin 37 tonights 37 Pfft 37 portugese 37 suprised 37 rafa 37 happ 37 ppl r 37 it.I 37 anythign 37 BUBBA WATSON 37 benzema 37 does'nt 37 hapy 37 strugling 37 SERENA WILLIAMS Well 37 whut 37 toure 37 PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE 37 lotta 37 xavi 37 KTFO 37 BomBom 37 grea 37 thnx 37 penn 37 steelers 37 crawford 37 couldnt 37 worring 37 REALLY 37 Hm 37 lucas 37 BRITTANY LINCICOME 37 blaim 37 . [038] 37 agood 37 obv 37 real madrid 37 Havent 37 mullered 37 damm 37 wayyy 37 ppls 37 diffcult 37 Errr 37 Boo hoo 37 michael vick 37 yur 37 ANASTASIA MYSKINA 37 deffo 37 Srsly 37 HWs 37 talkin shit 37 likin 37 flamini 37 diffrence 37 gomes 37 EDDIE GOLDMAN 37 unfortunatley 37 THey 37 bret 37 gibbs 37 b c 37 much amazed Trindle 37 Btw 37 soooooooooo 37 allready 37 COACH TRESSEL 37 hve 37 F'ing 37 4get 37 discrace 37 carlo 37 bleek 37 forgeting 37 JO WILFRIED TSONGA 37 zac efron 37 HEATH SLOCUM 37 sh * te 37 thoug 37 Rousimar 37 wnat 37 anybodies 37 FUCKED 37 hunh 37 RAFAEL NADAL Yeah 37 pirlo 37 COACH CALIPARI 37 dats 37 KOOS BEKKER 37 OLASAL 37 watever 37 Obvioulsy 37 melvin 37 lil nog 37 nuff 37 SHOULD 37 dayum 37 jakester 37 Absolutly 37 genuinly 37 Flag Abuse 37 monotony Morukov 37 KrisSrikkanth says 37 waht 37 westbrook 37 zelda 37 proabably 37 DANIELA HANTUCHOVA 37 indys 37 wayyyyy 37 Omg 37 berba 37 I'v 37 whould 37 :) 37 CAPTAIN McENROE 37 LOL 37 lol im 37 taught 37 wud 37 jacobs 37 rediculous 37 absolutley 37 hmmmm 37 @ KhloeKardashian 37 Ummm 37 mano y mano 37 suarez 37 guy easiy 37 exaclty 37 peter andre 37 smash bros 37 fabregas 37 bernie 37 finaly 37 arn't 37 What've 37 Anyways 37 ANDY MURRAY Yeah 37 wayne rooney 37 soooooooo 37 GREAT 36 wen u 36 brits 36 Hmmm . 36 ARTURO GATTI 36 especiall 36 Shogun Machida 36 and. 36 outcoached outplayed 36 morrison 36 arshavin 36 RAFAEL NADAL Well 36 sandro 36 clemson 36 jonas 36 defnitely 36 ourselfs 36 Pfff 36 nole 36 lampard 36 FERNANDO VARGAS 36 @ ChrisHarrisNFL 36 TOMAS SCHECKTER 36 BOB BRYAN 36 negitive 36 tmrw 36 UFC LHW 36 mabe 36 Dont worry 36 pete 36 i havnt 36 suposed 36 pacman 36 nuf 36 van persie 36 abt 36 XXXXXXing 36 u'r 36 HORRIBLE 36 west brom 36 LUCAS GLOVER 36 harrison 36 afta 36 stevens 36 GASTON GAUDIO 36 carlisle 36 lindsey 36 consistancy 36 JUSTINE HENIN HARDENNE 36 Sebastian VETTEL 36 hv 36 havent 36 ur 36 mavs 36 PWNED 36 COACH CALHOUN 36 sooooooooo 36 dougie 36 Iike 36 COACH McCAFFERY 36 LOVE MY JOB 36 david villa 36 hhh 36 GnP 36 raul 36 Drogstark 36 itz 36 carrick 36 Prolly 36 stil 36 Automatic Fuel Injected SILVE 36 fulham 36 sexiest queer 36 im 36 pandu 36 OH WAIT 36 uhhhh 36 MARAT SAFIN 36 Nil nil 36 nigel 36 improtant 36 DONALD YOUNG 36 CAPTAIN TOM LEHMAN 36 nash 36 comeing 36 F'N 36 gotta 36 daley 36 f * d 36 messi 36 good.I 36 BRANDT SNEDEKER 36 CAROLINE WOZNIACKI 36 enthused LaLanne 36 Ali Shakoor 36 BUT 36 berbatov 36 handeling 36 Wow how'd 36 defens 36 swe 36 chris brown 36 honestly 36 probabaly 36 somthing 36 Yonnhy 36 fellahs 36 Viddie 36 ther 36 evans 36 DAMN 36 tevez 36 ehhh 36 rodriguez 36 lession 36 TERRIBLE 36 etc etc 36 judd 36 competetive

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