Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 83 Orbi speech 79 Urbi et Orbi 76 twice yearly Urbi 75 Orbi message 73 et Orbi 73 Easter Urbi et 72 Urbi et Orbi message 72 basilica balcony 72 Orbi 72 traditional urbi et 69 Urbi et Orbi blessing 67 urbi et orbi 67 blessing urbi et orbi 66 et Orbi message 65 Orbi Easter address 63 weekly Angelus prayer 63 midday Angelus 63 Orbi message Latin 62 Orbi Easter 61 yearly Urbi et 59 Orbi Latin 59 homily Benedict 58 Angelus prayer 58 weekly Angelus blessing 58 traditional Angelus prayer 57 orbi 57 traditional papal Urbi 57 pope vicar 57 noontime prayer 56 Sheri Zimpelman 56 homily 56 beatification Mass 56 Orbi blessing 55 Michel Sabbah 55 Regina Coeli prayer 55 Regina Caeli 55 Pope Benedict XIV 54 apostolic blessing 54 Angelus blessing 54 papal vicar 53 Saint Peter Basilica 53 homily Benedict urged 53 Benedict XVI 53 Capuchin Father Raniero Cantalamessa 52 Pope Benedict XVI blesses 52 Warsaw Pilsudski Square 52 homily Benedict XVI 52 Rome Cardinal Camillo 52 St Peter Basilica 52 pontifical household 52 Fouad Twal 52 Pope Benedict 52 POPE Benedict 52 Habemus papam 52 Archbishop Sandri 52 Sunday Angelus blessing 51 Latin Patriarch Fouad 51 Pilsudski Square 51 Agnelo archbishop 51 noontime blessing 51 Santo subito 51 sprinkled incense 51 Medina Estevez 51 pontiff 51 consecrate La 51 loggia overlooking St. 51 Armenians Karekin II 50 canopied altar 50 funeral oration 50 ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE 50 boat cade 50 chief rabbi Riccardo 50 Angelus Benedict XVI 50 canonization ceremony 50 AP Newsbreak Dolan 50 Archbishop Leonardo Sandri 50 AsiaNews Benedict XVI 50 St. Peter Basilica 50 delivered unflappably 50 pope 50 Celli likened 50 Pontifical Household preacher 50 Pope Bendict XVI 50 homily Ratzinger 50 Rabbi Riccardo Di 49 Monsignor Angelo Comastri 49 respiration quickening 49 loggia overlooking 49 Alba Tobella 49 Angelus prayers 49 Pope Benedict XVI 49 endures Mahony 49 Wawel castle 49 Easter Triduum 49 jeweled miter 49 Vatican camerlengo 49 Gabriel Montalvo 49 grottos underneath St. 49 born Karol Wojtyla 49 Maronite Archbishop Bechara 49 Chaldean Patriarch Emmanuel 49 Ha pi tu 49 All Armenians Karekin 49 Redemptoris Mater Chapel 49 Holy Liturgy 49 Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch 49 49 homily Benedict praised 49 sophisticated Predator drones 49 Holy Father 49 shouted Benedetto 49 Stara Boleslav 48 Agostino Gemelli Polyclinic 48 cardinals sequestered inside 48 VATICAN CITY MARCH 48 48 Wadowice Poland 48 pontiff pilgrimages 48 mi te yu 48 vespers service 48 habemus papam 48 holy Eucharist 48 chamberlain Cardinal Eduardo 48 Introd 48 III Delly 48 Jaro Iloilo Archbishop 48 Dario Laiti 48 singer Smokie Norful 48 fullest allusion 48 Khutba 48 papal liturgical 48 Bells rang 48 inside Modena cathedral 48 pope sprinkled incense 48 Latin Patriarch Michel 48 Martinez Somalo 48 Pope Benedict XVI beatified 48 frail pontiff 48 Solemn Vespers 48 St.Peter s Square 48 O'Malley OFM Cap 48 Gemelli Polyclinic Hospital 48 Bishop Aloysius 48 Cardinal Francesco Marchisano 48 gospel hymn Take 48 John Lateran Basilica 48 Holy Father Pope Benedict 48 simple cypress coffin 47 faithful lit candles 47 John Lateran 47 Ineunte 47 church bells tolled 47 pope Angelo Comastri 47 Viva il Papa 47 Pontifical Mass 47 begotten son 47 Cardinal Agostino Vallini 47 beatify John 47 Archbishop Sambi 47 VATICAN CITY APRIL 47 Bartholomeos 47 Cardinal Claudio Hummes 47 chrism Mass 47 LORENZAGO DI CADORE Italy 47 POPE Benedict XVI 47 Angelo Comastri 47 Bethlehem Manger Square 47 Ailing Pope 47 Italian Cardinal Camillo 47 VATICAN CITY Pope 47 Cardinal Saraiva Martins 47 Hijli shrine 47 Emmanuel Delly 47 apostolic palace 47 Constantinople Bartholomew 47 Papal Homily 47 Romano Canavese 47 47 Tsuglakhang temple 47 Patriarch Bartholomew I. 47 Joab 47 Cologne synagogue 47 white robed priests 47 Modena cathedral 47 benedictory address 47 Cardinal Geraldo Majella 47 Archbishop Cremona 47 POPE BENEDICT XVI 47 senior cardinal deacon 47 Rome Elio Toaff 47 Theophany 47 HIGHYAG Lasertechnologie GmbH HIGHYAG 47 VATICAN CITY JUNE 47 ANONYMOUS #-#:# pm 47 solemn vespers 47 liturgical feast 47 Berlin Du bist 47 responded Et cum 46 Krakow Cardinal Franciszek 46 upstage Barbra Streisand 46 Ecumenical Orthodox Patriarch 46 Aida refugee camp 46 Via della Conciliazione boulevard 46 Orthodox patriarch 46 VATICAN CITY JULY 46 Riccardo Di Segni 46 encyclical Spe Salvi 46 pope john paul 46 Joel Osteen weekly 46 Begotten Son 46 Cardinal Hummes 46 All Holiness Ecumenical 46 Encyclical 46 medieval Byzantine emperor 46 under Bernini towering 46 Wadowice 46 Doremi server 46 46 Altoetting 46 extremist Wahabi beliefs 46 Lorenzago di Cadore 46 Songwriter Phoebe Snow 46 Pope Benedict XVI canonized 46 Cardinal Okogie 46 VATICAN CITY MAY 46 ailing pontiff 46 angelus 46 Pope Presides Over 46 golden miter 46 Benedict 46 assalaamu alaykum 46 funeral cortege departed 46 Piero Marini 46 Cardinal Leonardo Sandri 46 persona ebullient showmanship 46 Gemelli Polyclinic hospital 46 Apostolic Letter 46 grandmother Nelda Winslette 46 Jerusalem Michel Sabbah 46 near Kielce Poland 46 Bressanone 46 proyecto de ley el 46 white vestments 46 Aparecida Brazil 46 Pontifical Household 46 born Karol Jozef 46 WYD pilgrims 46 mistakes Belykh 46 Homily 46 clerical molesters 46 Martins prefect 46 Joab e mail 46 Archbishop Cordes 46 Cardinal Pio Laghi 46 incarnate Word 46 Latin Patriarch 46 Solemn Eucharist 46 homily Danforth 46 Pam Veith 46 Chaldean Patriarch 45 solemn liturgy 45 Tahrir Square waving flags 45 Patriarchal Basilica 45 canonizations 45 apostolic vicar 45 Urban inspirationA text 45 Sabina Basilica 45 pope canonized 45 Pontiff 45 Pilgrims flock 45 Easter vigil 45 Hebrew prayer Avinu 45 45 Nelson Mandela Lecture 45 Eucharistic liturgy 45 Quirinale Palace situated 45 Solemn Evensong 45 Benedict sprinkled incense 45 Bishop Nickless 45 Your Holiness 45 golden vestments 45 Martyrs Orthodox 45 Pietrelcina 45 spokesman Joaquín Navarro 45 Germanic pope 45 Ole ole 45 Archbishop Nikola Eterovic 45 excommunicate Williamson 45 saint Cardinal Stanislaw 45 Solemn Mass 45 Choral Evensong 45 Via Crucis procession 45 Bishop Szczepan Wesoly 45 pope Benedict XVI 45 decree attesting 45 concelebrated mass 45 Eucharistic Liturgy 45 secretary Georg Gaenswein 45 Sala Clementina 45 Keven Harris 45 45 Mayor Ewa Filipiak 45 Twal 45 requiem Mass 45 DPN pain intended 45 al Kharat 45 rituals infusing 45 Cardinal Ruini 45 atoning sacrifice 45 Cardinal Spidlik 45 Krakow archbishop 45 Cardinal Peter Kodwo 45 red plumed helmets 45 45 Devout Shiites believe 45 thanksgiving Mass 45 Rouco Varela 45 Viva il papa 45 Alexy II 45 beatify Mother Teresa 45 Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales 45 His Eminence Cardinal 45 Chains Cathedral 45 zucchetto 45 alternately hooted 45 Solemnity 45 Hussein bin Talal 45 Patriarchal Cathedral 45 mail mail 45 Jesus crucifixion burial 45 Saint Alphonsa 45 Namira Mosque 45 ROME Pope Benedict 45 rabbi Riccardo di Segni 45 arrival seco de 45 Archbishop Demetrios 45 bells pealed 44 Pope Benedictus XVI 44 Ephesians #:#-# [003] 44 ROME JULY 44 Reverend Federico Lombardi 44 Avison e mail 44 liturgical celebrations 44 Guido Marini 44 Gemelli Hospital 44 Cape Town Desmond Tutu 44 Coptic cathedral 44 His Beatitude 44 Apostolic Blessing 44 Archbishop Paolo Pezzi 44 Cardinal Jozef Tomko 44 Chrism Mass 44 Nuptial Mass 44 Albino Luciani 44 Peter Basilica 44 Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew 44 Corpus Domini 44 VATICAN CITY VIS 44 Polish Pontiff 44 Henry Schopfer 44 Cagrici 44 Babe Waxpak Box 44 Archbishop Dziwisz 44 Maronite Archbishop 44 Chigi Premier 44 Lagiewniki 44 AMERICAN EAGLE COMPARATIVE PRELIMINARY 44 grottoes underneath 44 papal blessing 44 Sincerely La Linea 44 Byzantine liturgy 44 Patriarch Bartholomew 44 Bishop Balke 44 VATICAN CITY Pope Benedict 44 Easter Vigil Mass 44 ROME MAY 44 gEvil beta # 44 novena prayers 44 prostitution gravely immoral 44 Ecumenical Patriarch 44 Gaetano Errico Neapolitan 44 Salaam aleikum 44 nuncio 44 Bohai medicines 44 Papal Household 44 Patriarch Maxim 44 beatified Mother Teresa 44 These Competitor Reports 44 Sala Regia 44 Vatican Apostolic Palace 44 Roman basilica 44 Benedict begged forgiveness 44 Ruini 44 His Holiness Pope 44 Canterbury Turnpike NORWICH 44 Via Crucis Way 44 44 Fatima shrine 44 blesseds 44 clergymen worshipers 44 apostolic exhortation 44 beatify Cardinal Newman 44 subscribe visit http:/ 44 Elio Toaff 44 homily delivered unflappably 44 Damien canonization 44 YEARS TO COME 44 Holy Father Benedict XVI 44 Pope Benedict VXI 44 Natalie Elting 44 hunker hunker 44 encyclical Centesimus Annus 44 include Benedetto Odescalchi 44 Rev Federico Lombardi 44 44 Choral Eucharist 44 Franz Gruber 44 wearing scarlet vestments 44 CNS Pope Benedict 44 Mariazell 44 Sister Alphonsa 44 Divine Mercy Chaplet 44 Curé d' Ars 44 Cyprian Lwanga 44 R. Walker Nickless 44 Rubaga Cathedral 44 Cardinal Delly 44 Sao Salvador 44 Ballesteros ashes 44 Patriarch Alexy 44 Lord Ranganatha 44 john 44 Cardinal Sodano 44 Istanbul Kartal prison 44 dwight Heavenly Father 44 ecclesial movements 44 Melkite Greek Catholic 44 friend Kathye Herrera 44 44 titah 43 Gary Chorpenning 43 sprinkling incense 43 Guru Ravidas Jayanti 43 Bishop Victor Galeone 43 Fernando Filoni 43 Arturo Mari 43 Rossini Chorus 43 rheumatoid arthritis viral infections 43 santo subito 43 eucharistic liturgy 43 commemorate Jesus crucifixion 43 Metropolitan Methodios 43 Encyclical Deus Caritas Est 43 President Georgio Napolitano 43 43 grottoes beneath 43 Easter rituals infusing 43 Bishop Mulvee 43 Toyoda bowed 43 Vartan Armenian 43 Fidelity Investments Vern Brownell 43 Triduum 43 Archbishop Demetrios primate 43 Dulce Nombre de 43 Aida Refugee Camp 43 Amadou Ahidjo stadium 43 Saint Padre Pio 43 Cardinal Sepe 43 Lanny Poffo Facebook 43 Santo Subito 43 red hatted cardinals 43 Gregorian chant Grant 43 white bishop miter 43 St Julians parish 43 Cebu Archbishop 43 Sloops apartment 43 Doa Selamat 43 Via Crucis 43 43 Father Cutié 43 Italian nuns Giulia 43 solemn Lenten 43 Necek 43 Paulos Faraj Rahho 43 Sister Lucia 43 Creates link 43 43 church bells tolling 43 Giovanni Paolo 43 catechesis 43 Milan Duomo 43 ROME JUNE 43 funeral liturgy 43 aria Nessun Dorma 43 Karol Josef Wojtyla 43 frescoed Sala Regia 43 All Armenians Garegin 43 Mahavir Jayanti 43 chanted Santo Subito 43 43 Singer Sinead O'Connor 43 Cremona OP 43 Bradman Oration 43 Saint Faustina 43 Father Cantalamessa 43 Pascha Easter 43 al Husseini Mosque 43 Fadel Fadel loved 43 principal celebrant 43 43 Divine Liturgy 43 Las Mananitas 43 Penitential Rite 43 Gaenswein 43 LUANDA Angola Pope Benedict 43 His Holiness Pope Benedict 43 pontiff Benedict XVI 43 Roberto Rojo Aguado 43 Cardinal Sfeir 43 Regina Apostolorum university 43 basilica 43 Mayor Victor Batarseh 43 Archbishop Piero Marini 43 triduum 43 Haghia Sophia domed 43 Eastertide 43 neat rows bowed 43 43 Greek Orthodox Patriarch 43 Czech Republic IOCB 43 43 Vatican frescoed Apostolic Palace 43 Focolare movement 43 bronze baldachin 43 Lajos Kossuth Gymnasium 43 Kidron Valley 43 Congregational hymns 43 celestial choirs 43 Thy kingdom come 43 Schori presiding bishop 43 43 ancient Chaldean Catholic 43 crimson vestments 43 encyclical Humanae vitae 43 rattled maracas along 43 Camillo Cardinal Ruini 43 Krakow Stanislaw Dziwisz 43 Sister Prema 43 Zhan Silu 43 Marktl Am Inn 43 Ecclesia de Eucharistia 43 Archbishop Fernando Filoni 43 sermon Pfleger 43 Emmanuel Cardinal Wamala 43 Bharananganam 43 Appiah Turkson 43 waved palm fronds 43 Thailand Patong beach 43 Paul Cremona OP 43 cardio circulatory collapse 43 solemn Eucharistic celebration 43 O bam 43 INVOLVING THE 43 Bishop Paprocki 43 Pope Benedict xvi 43 Ratzinger homily 43 lifted Williamson excommunication 43 Carlos Aguiar Retes 43 black robed clerics 43 Sainthood Immediately 43 Archbishop Salvatore Pennacchio 43 church bells pealed 43 Philip Freier 43 Giovanni Battista Montini 43 Chaldean Catholic archbishop 43 adoring Colombians 43 pallbearers flanked 43 Karol Jozef Wojtyla 43 papal pilgrimages 43 prayer sermon 43 Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino 43 NASHVILLE Tenn. Miranda Lambert 42 Medina Estivez 42 lettuce pico de 42 Macharski 42 A. Saltarelli 42 Eric Crasta 42 Trumpets sounded 42 Aparecida basilica 42 Patriarch Michel Sabbah 42 Patriarch Alexei 42 Friendster prides itself 42 Katherine Greek Orthodox 42 homilist 42 Antonio Maria Veglio 42 Sister Faustina 42 concelebrated 42 Archbishop Antonio Mennini 42 #-# www.grace 42 42 Rev. Georg Ratzinger 42 basilica rector 42 Mosul Chaldean Archbishop 42 Manila Archbishop Gaudencio 42 papal Masses 42 traditional Grito 42 Bishop Pierre Pican 42 Bardakoglu 42 Saviours Day 42 Santa Maria Maggiore 42 Eucharistic procession 42 V. Murry 42 Guang'an echoed 42 Hebrew psalms 42 lawyer Patrick Peranteau 42 Rabbi Di Segni 42 crimson robed body 42 Chrism Mass marks 42 stirring homily 42 Pope Benedict XVI 42 Cardinal Etchegaray 42 Njongonkulu Ndungane 42 Cardinal Lustiger 42 Church enthrones 42 Sagrada Familia church 42 Bishop DiMarzio 42 Seakamela daughter 42 patriarchal vicar 42 Mgr Cremona 42 Tridentine Mass. 42 spiritual closeness 42 wailing mourners 42 LIMITED BRITISH VIRGIN 42 Jesus Himself 42 ALL LOSSES 42 Archbishop Jozef Kowalczyk 42 Rev. Steven Foppiano 42 Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko 42 Raniero Cantalamessa 42 metropolitan archbishops 42 Blige wowed 42 Karekin 42 Pilgrims Flock 42 Happy Kwanzaa 42 Pope beatifies 42 Khutbah 42 Gemelli Polyclinic 42 recited hymns 42 terrorists fled Khurmal 42 PGA Tour Ted Purdy 42 Sung Eucharist 42 Kalwaria Zebrzydowska 42 beatboxer microphone 42 Bishop Guido Marini 42 Afternoon Wrap 42 hymn Panis 42 Bartchak 42 Patriarch Irinej 42 Pope Benedict XV 42 antiphon 42 papal pronouncement 42 Joseph C. Bambera 42 Las Mañanitas 42 Dancing frenetically 42 FROM THE PULPIT 42 Rino Fisichella 42 Cardinal Oswald Gracias 42 text ya 2morrow 42 Fener Greek Orthodox Patriarch 42 Innocent XI 42 Samir sj 42 Archbishop Fouad Twal 42 Holyroodhouse Palace 42 Regina Coeli 42 LeRoy Telstad 42 42 Ondash logged 42 Filipe Neri Ferrao 42 Gov. Leonel Godoy 42 divine liturgy 42 Wow Customer Experience 42 Slater profanity laced 42 John L. Sillasen 42 miter Benedict 42 • Craig Kapitan 42 Sandro Barbagallo wrote 42 TO SOLVE THE 42 Bishop Kaffer 42 Pope Benedict XV1 42 braided palm frond 42 Archbishop William Levada 42 1 Thessalonians #:#-# 42 hardworking everyman 42 Prophet Muhammad teachings 42 SE Jacksontown 42 42 Eucharistic Celebration 42 Plaza del Obradoiro 42 silk veil 42 Apostolic Palace 42 McCarrick archbishop emeritus 42 Firma un importante 42 Holy Apostles Parish 42 Orthros 42 Bishop Cupich 42 Deus Caritas Est 42 Mass concelebrated 42 Cardinal Husar 42 Luminous Mysteries 42 Italian Nanni Moretti 42 SIEP platform creates 42 Archbishop Rino Fisichella 42 Cardinal Poupard 42 Novus Ordo Mass 42 Bishop Socrates Villegas 42 42 Harmoniemesse 42 Emmanuel III Delly 42 Florence Duomo 42 Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli 42 42 Birmingham Cofton Park 42 attorney Matthew Schimizzi 42 Alejandro teared 42 St. Andrew Bobola 42 Ecumenical Patriarch Vartholomeos 42 Cardinal Castrillon 42 Roman Catholic clergymen 42 Papal envoy 42 CNA EWTN News 42 Italy Rebibbia prison 42 Jakob Schoetz spokesman 42 Risen Lord 42 Holiness Pope Benedict 42 Cardinal Njue 42 Palazzo Grazioli residence 42 quoted Byzantine emperor 42 DAVID GARRICK Staff Writer 42 Lourdes grotto 42 Archbishop Lwanga 42 liturgical ceremonies 42 Patriarch Emmanuel 42 Archbishop Levada 42 Joseph Adamec 42 Manila Cardinal Gaudencio 42 patronal feast 42 Donald Wuerl 42 Do Si Doers 42 Centesimus Annus 42 Greek Melkite 42 Monsignor Joseph Bambera 42 khutba 42 elrous0 # * 42 inculturation 42 42 latest Freeway Faceoff 42 administer sacraments 42 Numara Software trusted 42 Peapack Reformed Church 42 Rome Gemelli Polyclinic 42 Vangheluwe resigned 42 Warduni 42 42 kevjack# 42 42 Christ resurrection 42 Paschal Triduum 42 Byzantine rite 42 Zenti twice 42 Primate Archbishop 42 Bishop Bransfield 42 ROME APRIL 42 Frank Dewane 42 CHURCH Holy Eucharist 41 truly blessing Chukwu 41 Pehin Dato Ustaz Haji 41 Bishop Matano 41 Bishop Sartain 41 Archbishop Paolo Sardi 41 requiem mass 41 prophet Isaiah 41 Jerome Listecki 41 Jardim da Saudade cemetery 41 Istiqlal Mosque 41 stiff breeze Spyglass 41 Cardinal Pompedda 41 Archbishop Mgr 41 Rev. Guo Jincai 41 Pope Presides 41 Angelus 41 Archbishop Chrysostomos II 41 Ssekadde 41 Jn #:# [001] 41 Omarosa publicist 41 O LORD 41 Day WYD 41 Their Majesties King Gyanendra 41 outlawed Bahai faith 41 Tanzanian prelates 41 André Bessette 41 Yacoub Youssef 41 Holy Land pilgrimage 41 Estevam Hernandes Filho 41 'S BIRTHDAY LUCK 41 Redeemer Statue Brazil 41 Joanne Fagan Oslawskyj 41 Milad Un Nabi 41 Jagadguru Shankaracharya 41 Archbishop Pietro Sambi apostolic 41 replying STOP 41 Cubao Bishop Honesto 41 Last Judgment fresco 41 Mother Teresa beatification 41 Baccalaureate Mass 41 Archbishop Nienstedt 41 OAS José 41 Pontificate 41 FATIMA Portugal Pope Benedict 41 Bianca Solorzano reports 41 Born Karol Wojtyla 41 Eucharistic Procession 41 Castrillon Hoyos 41 Vatican doctrinal watchdog 41 Syrian Orthodox Knanaya 41 Holiness prays 41 ROME MARCH 41 Orthodox liturgy 41 Alexander Nevski cathedral 41 complicit Reisman 41 shortest conclaves 41 morgan greywolf # 41 archpriest 41 cheap wooden coffins 41 evangelistic sermon 41 Cops Pigs Murderers 41 mother Juannessa Bennett 41 Inc. NASDAQ VSEA 41 WCup lookahead capsules 41 Annunciation Cathedral 41 predecessor Pius XII 41 Advent wreath 41 Cardinal Joachim Meisner 41 Westminster Cathedral 41 concelebrated Mass 41 Western monasticism 41 Castel Sant Angelo 41 canonized Nicholas 41 41 Filtered words 41 VALLETTA Malta Pope Benedict 41 incorrect readback investigators 41 41 Bushie Bushie 41 Rev. Keith Pecklers 41 Achille Serra 41 ® vitaminwater 41 41 candlelit procession 41 41 Berretta leaned forward 41 Lubaga Cathedral 41 Antonio Mennini 41 prayed Wangerin 41 Rev. Gerhard Gruber 41 Nasrallah Sfeir 41 Supreme Pontiff 41 Ya Hossein 41 wounds Abu Aen 41 old vermeil flatware 41 antibiotics Navarro Valls 41 Archbishop Giacinto 41 Archbishop Schnurr 41 41 sing Silent Night 41 Maria Cathedral Basilica 41 Rome basilica 41 quick registraton 41 bade solemn 41 prelates 41 stepdaughter Caroline Raclin 41 apostolic exhortations 41 Oberndorf Austria 41 regal trumpets 41 Rocio Sperry girl 41 Gesu Catholic 41 Mgr Mercieca 41 Fain Farata Systems 41 concelebrant 41 41 Archbishop Khajag Barsamian 41 Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson 41 clearer Chaput 41 Lifestyles Briefs 41 swinging truncheons clashed 41 funeral Mass 41 Brother Alois 41 ram horn sounded 41 Bells pealed 41 Martinez y Alire 41 Bontoc Lagawe 41 Synod Fathers 41 Chaldean church 41 encyclical Caritas 41 SPRING RUMMAGE SALE 41 Armenian Patriarch 41 Navarro Valls 41 Louis Sako 41 Apostle Creed 41 Lublin diocese 41 secretary Monsignor Georg 41 Archbishop Angel Lagdameo 41 incur latae sententiae excommunication 41 Marktl 41 Oyez oyez 41 canonizing Sister Faustina Kowalska 41 rabbis Yona Metzger 41 papal envoy 41 plate umpire Tony Randozzo 41 homilies 41 chanted Yang Wei 41 Turrr co 41 Williamson recant 41 CHORUS BARBERSHOPPERS MEETING 41 Bishop Bambera 41 Saraiva Martins 41 Dragged deeper 41 archbishop emeritus 41 Scripture readings 41 Church Patriarch Alexy 41 Populorum Progressio 41 Archbishop Ranjith 41 Cardinal Franciszek Macharski 41 Listecki 41 homegoing 41 frequently blares U2 41 synodal assembly 41 Casmoussa 41 VATICAN 41 Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk 41 LOURDES France 41 Epiphany Cathedral 41 Easter triduum 41 sermon 41 Lookstein performed 41 41 Cardinal Turkson 41 Father Ihab 41 Eucharistic celebrations 41 Aquileia 41 Manger Square 41 Pontifice 41 41 Blessed Alphonsa 41 Advent Lessons 41 Tepeyac Hill 41 ZZFNV 41 TODAY 'S ANNIVERSARIES Happy 41 gold colored vestments 41 Russian Orthodox Patriarch 41 Psalm #:#-# [006] 41 By TARA PARKER 41 Pope2You 41 Deltastock Inc. 41 Gilberto Buta 41 papacy Benedict 41 Paul G. Bootkoski 41 ANDREW MEDICHINI 41 Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop 41 Basilique Notre Dame 41 Cardinal Martino 41 Liturgical Celebrations 41 Air Force multimission fighter 41 Vatican Sistine 41 declared Popieluszko martyr 41 41 41 VATICAN CITY Zenit 41 Coadjutor Bishop 41 Donovan Coogan 41 cordially impart 41 41 Motu Proprio 41 cardinal archbishop 41 Venerable Servant 41 papacy 41 Lingayen Dagupan 40 Luke #:#-# [001] 40 woven palm frond 40 http:/ 40 Beragh Northern Ireland 40 Latin Patriarchate 40 saints canonized 40 40 Catalino Arevalo 40 Ordinations 40 De Veuster 40 multipage encyclicals 40 40 Guru Nanak Jayanti