Type: cmu.cs.scs Topic: Healthy Office Seminar Dates: 12-May-93 Time: 1:00 PM PostedBy: skees+ on 5-May-93 at 11:12 from SKEES.ADM.CS.CMU.EDU (Jim Skees) Abstract: SCS will sponsor a seminar on ways to achieve a healthy office environment at 1 p.m . Wednesday, May 12th, in Wean Hall 5409 . The speaker will be Karlis Mateus , a representative of Steelcase, Inc., the office equipment manufacturer . He will focus on the ways in which poorly designed office furniture can contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome and other illnesses . I have asked Mr. Mateus to keep the discussion as generic as possible . However, I do anticipate he will use some illustrations of Steelcase products during his presentation .