Tags: * improve communication with reviewers * improve COI detection (acknowledgments) * improve matching
"I have always said yes when ASKED to review. I find it rude and demeaning to receive emails informing
me of reviews that I WILL do. There is one way to contact editors (I’ve tried at all levels but there
is no communication between levels even when you’re told an assignment has been fix/reassigned due
to conflicts of interest). In concept, the idea of fast turn around is great. However, your turn around
time during the semester are insane. Your system also doesn’t seem to recognize that those from the
same school or mentioned in the acknowledgments are NOT a good option for a reviewer. Finally, while
you can select your areas of expertise, my reviews have never once been ANYWHERE near my areas. I have
been assigned heavily math/algorithm based papers outside of my field entirely. It is inappropriate
and not fair to the authors for me to comment. I do not trust that work of my own would be well assigned
based on my reviewing assignments. "