Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 69 NET EARNINGS 69 Normalized EBITDA 67 66 Adjusted Non GAAP 66 DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE 65 EBITDA Margin 65 EARNINGS PER SHARE Basic 65 BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE 65 FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS 64 Pro Forma Net 63 Interest Expense Net 63 Weighted Average Common 63 pct -#.# 63 Adjusted Diluted EPS 63 From Continuing Operations 63 Diluted Earnings Per Share 63 Fully Diluted 63 Earnings Loss Per 62 RECONCILIATION OF 62 DILUTED 62 Earnings Per Common Share 62 Operating Margin 62 PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES 61 Expense Ratio 61 + - + - [006] 61 Income Per Share 61 SHARE Basic 61 Gross Profit Margin 61 INCOME TAX EXPENSE 61 Guides Q3 61 Noninterest Expense 61 & s2 = 61 AND SUBSIDIARIES RECONCILIATION OF 61 Revenues Increase 61 = Diluted [031] 61 EPS Guidance 61 Guides Q2 61 OPERATING PROFIT 60 - + [005] 60 Pro forma diluted 60 NON GAAP 60 Shareholder Equity 60 PER COMMON SHARE 60 OPERATING INCOME LOSS 60 Segment Profit 60 Expense ratio 60 Expense Income 60 Gross Profit 60 = Diluted [013] 60 .# Per Share 60 CONTINUING OPERATIONS 60 Short Term Borrowings 60 - Operating [004] 60 Trades -#.# 60 Accounting Principle 60 GROSS MARGIN 60 assuming dilution 60 - NeDEFENDERS 60 Adjusted EBIT 60 NET INCOME PER SHARE 60 Outstanding Diluted 60 Technical Uptrend Continuation 60 Operating Profit 60 Continuing Operations Before 60 Per Share Basic 59 PER SHARE 59 Per Share Diluted 59 Guides Q1 59 = Diluted [014] 59 Based Compensation Expense 59 WEIGHTED AVERAGE SHARES OUTSTANDING 59 Guides Q4 59 INCOME FROM OPERATIONS 59 Net Charge Offs 59 Income Tax Provision 59 Provision Benefit 59 = [027] 59 Consolidated Cash Flow 59 Combined Ratio 59 Income Loss Before 59 Nine Month 59 Outstanding #,#,# #,#,# [002] 59 - Net [011] 59 COMMON SHARE 59 Administrative Expense 59 Diluted EPS 59 Dividend Increase 59 OPERATING INCOME 59 EARNINGS PER SHARE 59 Outstanding Basic 59 Trades +#.# % 59 - Net [013] 58 Operating Margins 58 Payout ratio 58 NET INCOME 58 THE PERIOD 58 Weighted Average Shares 58 Efficiency Ratio 58 Common Share Basic 58 View Quick Facts 58 -Edgewater Networks