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(Click for frequent words.) 65 bueno 64 hablo 63 habla 63 62 hablar 62 puedo 62 Donde esta 61 comprende 61 español 60 somos 60 nunca 60 qué 60 verdad 60 Que viva 60 la gente 60 habla espanol 59 estar 59 señor 59 los con 59 palabras 59 podemos 58 Aquí 58 importa 58 salir 58 sabe 58 cubanos 57 usted 57 democracia 57 ¡ Viva 57 se fue 57 nuestro 56 es mi 56 pendejo 56 pelo 56 excelente 56 tiempo 56 Por qué 56 atrás 55 Dear Wab 55 elecciones 55 mierda 55 Nunca 55 apoyo 55 busca 55 idioma 55 lectores 55 pregunta 55 y las de 55 la verdad 54 la cultura 54 para siempre 54 libertad 54 revolución 54 Todo el 54 mi casa 54 mi vida 54 humano 54 viva la 54 mundo 54 mi gente 54 Puedo 53 un programa de 53 cuento 53 cancion 53 del nuevo 53 televisión 53 país 53 ainda 53 Se puede 53 Fútbol 53 53 sueño 53 de EEUU 53 del Presidente 53 se puede 53 Viva la 53 todos os 53 revolucion 52 Inglés 52 Dear Gabacho 52 poquito 52 comunidad 52 poder 52 Aunque 52 sopa de 52 52 call gringos gringos 52 52 Uh ah 52 grupos 52 Llorar 52 claro que 52 Não 52 ¡ Ask 52 drogas 52 la prensa 51 Español 51 un lugar 51 el pueblo 51 tengan 51 Vamonos 51 mi amor 51 Yo soy 51 Fuera 51 canción 51 los ninos 51 cante 51 El presidente de 50 de salud 50 gobierno 50 Es Lo Mismo 50 Amarte 50 Quizas 50 independencia 50 Aprenda 50 el gobierno 50 ESPND ESPN Deportes 50 inicial 50 la guerra 50 de los Estados Unidos 50 presentar 50 por lo que 50 Sí se puede 50 destino 50 cultura 50 raza 50 voto 49 un poquito 49 Ya basta 49 Queremos 49 futebol 49 ganas 49 Marches chanted 49 indicó que 49 Português 49 si se puede 49 escala 49 ustedes 49 para todos 49 libros 49 Se Puede 49 não é 48 Cuba libre 48 Oo nga 48 el cambio 48 cosa 48 Las Mujeres 48 la libertad 48 Españoles 48 El tiempo 48 La noche 48 Colombianos 48 viejo 48 Somos 48 América Latina 48 trabajadores 48 mañana 47 isso 47 problemo 47 meu 47 Puedes 47 Paso Paso 47 de janeiro 47 ni ni 47 Estamos 47 cero 47 Bilingue 47 Otros 47 Beisbol 47 Partido Comunista 47 mestizaje 47 vez 47 Mira Quien Baila 47 ex presidente 47 Para Todos 46 votos 46 Yeahhh 46 del agua 46 teachin 46 paga 46 tradicional 46 intercambio 46 Familias 46 Indígena 46 Nuevos 45 fucking sucks 45 de la Verdad 45 la democracia 45 la lucha 45 Educación 45 Federación 45 manana 45 de Relaciones 45 Hispanos 45 Cuentos 45 justicia 45 Empresarios 45 Dios Mio 45 Socialismo 45 mso style noshow 45 Viver 44 verba 44 Fidel Castro Resigns 44 Post hoc ergo 44 Ciudadano 44 Seeks Sweeping Changes 44 bloqueo 44 mso style qformat 44 Mayan dialects spoken 44 chanted Si se 44 lomo saltado 44 la raza 44 Integracion 44 Comunitaria 44 Castilian Spanish 44 wanna puke 44 puede Spanish 43 revolutionary Ilich Ramirez 43 Umm yeah 43 Plus ça change 43 Kolla alienated neighbors 43 Asamblea Nacional 43 churrasco 43 la revolución 43 Entrevista 43 Aerosmith aero 43 organizaciones 43 patria 43 Yo Si Puedo 43 La Lucha 43 Programa de 43 El Momento 43 cada dia 43 re mi fa 42 Mano mano 42 Un Sueno 42 song Guantanamera 42 Grammy Mala Rodriquez 42 Hey pistolero 42 WQBA 42 shoutin 42 talkin smack 42 Vivir 42 governo 42 de Administracion 42 Derechos 42 Nuestra 42 Marchers chanted 42 Norteamericano 42 Soluciones 41 Nassau Bahamas Info 41 themexican@askamexican.net myspace.com 41 looooove 41 Mandarin Cantonese Vietnamese 41 Legalize Drugs 41 Ciencia 41 Remainder Mark 41 hermanos 41 Orquestra Sinfonica 41 Si se puede 41 de origen 41 Revisionist History 41 Infancia 41 jambo 41 Nope nope 41 tunay 41 Programa 40 American Parliament Parlatino 40 Corojo 40 lipstick maxim 40 Instituto Superior 40 Democrático 40 undestand 40 Euskara 40 Sí Se Puede 40 zip nada 40 Felipe Lores native 40 conjugating verbs 40 IS RACIST 40 Consejos 40 Taglish 40 esperanza 40 Decriminalize 40 PRESIDENT CALDERÓN 40 Projecto 40 chief Othoniel Montes 40 siree 39 writer Eduardo Galeano 39 composer Ernesto Lecuona 39 vivos 39 El Celler de 39 Yo si puedo 39 Humberto Rios Labrada 39 Diet Pyramid 39 Tch tch 39 volution 39 para Todos 39 Publica 39 Stati Uniti 39 Nyet nyet 39 questioned Czisny athleticism 39 Value Specified 39 goin nowhere 39 HUGO CHAVEZ 39 writer Ignacio Ramonet 39 Pan Flute 39 nada zilch 39 LIBERAL TRANSLATION 39 center fielder Yoennis 39 singer Albita 39 incorporates Sambo 39 shit Sherlock 39 Novelas 39 Camilo José Cela 39 Xiomara Blandino 38 CHANCELLOR MERKEL 38 sin Barreras 38 Oficial 38 Tagalog Filipino 38 trova 38 El Libertario 38 Martin Mahr TEEN 38 cueca 38 Grenada Guyana Haiti 38 turquoise polo shirt 38 quo vadis 38 charanga 38 indeedy 38 Huh uh 38 Investigacion 38 la Democracia 38 País 38 absolute BEST 38 juris 38 Ciudadana 38 Unete 38 TAMMY LAWMAN 38 kidding 38 NOt 38 twistin 38 Jamaican Patois 38 GLENN RENWICK 38 Sindicato de Trabajadores 38 Ana Fidelia Quirot 38 Yankee doodle 38 sama sama 37 hindi po 37 CB Manalastas Manila 37 Solidaria 37 declensions 37 Pronounce 37 President Hugo Chà 37 horsin around 37 Juntos 37 Melissa Ferderer 37 fighter Ernesto Che 37 Nuestras 37 Gracias la Vida 37 cuban 37 told WAQI AM 37 intelligencia 37 La Puntilla 37 kinda weird 37 author Eduardo Galeano 37 Caminos de la 37 slappy 37 Hmm. 37 PRESIDENT SARKOZY 37 waffle cone sundaes 37 Quechua Aymara 37 novo 37 Carmen Arevalo 37 CeU 37 Papiamentu 37 liber 37 Mision Robinson 37 blank slate Schumer 37 Jejemon 37 e Celulose SA 37 suitcases garbage cans 37 aw * ker 37 Dorival Caymmi 37 PRIME MINISTER HARPER 37 NORMAN FINKELSTEIN 36 VP Esteban Lazo 36 foolin 36 FOREIGN MINISTER LIVNI 36 CENTRAL AMERICA 36 Liberté égalité fraternité 36 pluralize 36 WEB VOTE 36 Unidos por 36 Literatura 36 Momma Boy 36 comon 36 MOI JR 36 el proceso 36 Gessner Glance 36 Maybach assumes 36 teached 36 wows em 36 lollipop licking 36 minces words 36 totalitarian Marxist Leninist 36 Acceso 36 Somos el Mundo 36 Dye Easter Eggs 36 Violeta Parra 36 Cubanization 35 molto sexy 35 Rev. Robes 35 Same ol 35 Juntos Podemos 35 Pablo Milanés 35 Semillas 35 ASSISTANT SECRETARY SHANNON 35 businessman Farhan Alin 35 Op Ed Contributors 35 RTFA 35 grammer 35 mack daddy 35 Them Apples 35 Informática 35 hardbody 35 strawman argument 35 Bull Crap 35 Universidad de Oriente 35 de l' etre 35 ZORN REPLY 35 Si Se Puede 35 María del Carmen 35 Attend Inauguration 35 hopey changey thing 35 Honduras Coup 35 You Duet CMT 35 #.#.# #:#:# [002] 35 AMBASSADOR DYBUL 35 Wearing lacy 35 Motherland Begins 35 Alberto Barrera Tyszka 35 Plaza Comunitaria 35 butt kickin 35 mono lingual 34 sultry gaze 34 pyrotechnic punctuation 34 Freaking Out 34 stoppin 34 ROGER MAYWEATHER 34 slouch 34 Ted Henken professor 34 Lizt Alfonso Dance 34 lazy bum 34 excells 34 ab roller 34 Tireless Marceau took 34 Marta Harnecker 34 Exit Polls 34 News Investigates segement 34 Socialism Communism 34 UBV 34 Tabaré 34 Proyecto 34 gimme 34 Gracias la vida 34 Casio Exilim Zoom EX 34 Sur del Lago 34 Concurso 34 Lizt Alfonso 34 GIGO 34 Be Impeached 34 Turkki voluntarily submitted 34 breast cancer Klatsky 34 ANDRES OPPENHEIMER 34 Studying Abroad 34 I'mf * ing 34 Men Have Nipples 34 Bolivarian socialism 34 kid'sa 34 Venceremos 34 Clipboard c o 34 METRO WEEKLY 34 de Apoyo 33 Barbuda Bahamas 33 My Stimulus Payment 33 FMNN REPLY 33 mano y mano 33 getting jiggy 33 anyone De Salis 33 Eat Healthy 33 HAVANA Cuba Sept 33 Patricky 33 tech nique 33 hells yeah 33 oxy moron 33 finess 33 Reinvent Themselves 33 languge 33 Bolivarian Movement 33 questioner chimes 33 nylon stringed guitar 33 Rumor Mongering 33 Co Exist 33 PRO CON 33 Elio Cequea 33 Be Saved 33 chintzy Halloween costume 33 outsold Nissan Leaf 33 Cast Ballots 33 ketuanan 33 allright 33 Vicki Ruiter 33 turrible 33 Andrés Oppenheimer 33 malanga 33 whimp 33 AHMADINEJAD 33 ripped fishnet stockings 33 Mexicanization 33 Get Flu Shot 33 Violetta Chamorro 33 Jeff Spicoli 33 Yasuhito Endo Makoto Hasebe 33 Portuguese Cantonese Farsi 33 ALAN DERSHOWITZ 33 slouches 33 Leonardo Padura Fuentes 33 sturmtruppen 33 www.oas.org 32 Ecopetrol del 32 bahasa 32 marxism 32 Phyllis Asayama replied 32 grammar syntax 32 Whiz wit 32 rocket launchers Abdel Salam 32 Inner sanctum 32 Rose Leobrera Manila 32 HERALD POLL 32 slouches either 32 Cristina Marcano 32 visit Analytiqa Interactive 32 dork 32 Nuevatel 32 Lefou 32 HARVEY WASSERMAN 32 Hugo Chaves 32 dorkier 32 sluggin 32 Personality wise 32 totalitarian socialism 32 Strings attaches 32 Standardized Tests 32 Simón Bolivar 32 Guaicaipuro 32 ridic 32 tad overrated 32 Ekaterina Kudashkina 32 Just askin 32 bee knees 32 Abarth SS 32 JOHN PERKINS 32 cowgirl outfits 32 liao 32 AUDIENCE MEMBER 32 Rubén Darío 32 Afaan Oromo 32 BETWEEN THE LINES 32 outmuscles 32 Oppose Abortion 32 Demonstrators chanted 32 anybodys 32 then fielded tapper 32 AMBASSADOR HILL 32 chiptune duo 32 putzing 32 chromed aluminum 32 stylin 32 Pedagogical Institute 31 Plurinational State 31 Stray Thoughts 31 outscores 31 BERNIE KRONE 31 Felix Ramento USA 31 Sight Words 31 Venezuela Bolivarian Revolution 31 S5 Coupe 31 Arabic Cyrillic 31 glass slipper fits 31 Nothing fazes 31 Ruel Bautista Laguna 31 Cui bono 31 sirree 31 Associação Brasileira de 31 creampuff 31 spew obscenities 31 Bolivarians 31 E. Pluribus Unum 31 Cast Votes 31 socialist marxist 31 cutoff jean shorts 31 momma boy 31 Aymaran 31 Stress Reduction Cognition 31 CHÁVEZ 31 civitas 31 Simón Rodríguez 31 rolly 31 Pimsleur 31 Children Orchestras 31 Presencia 31 Indoctrinate 31 mac daddy 31 Alexander Raquepo Ilocos Sur 31 Frei Betto 31 NEXT INBOX QUESTION 31 Depreciate Property 31 consulta 31 wussy 31 hero José Martí 31 FIDEL CASTRO 31 Reduce Deficit 31 Scutaro flied 31 pre emptively pardon 31 Bilinguals 31 finsih 31 sinkerball guy 31 ASSISTANT SECRETARY LOWENKRON 31 poseur 31 Fondo de 31 Fancy footwork 31 DEFENSE OFFICIAL 31 Wolfson Campus 31 PESCA 31 Quechua translation 31 Presidential Runoff 31 endearingly goofy 31 DEPEND 31 murderous puncher 31 AJ'sa 31 vocabulary grammar 30 misiones 30 Paulo Freire 30 WIIFM 30 ya yas 30 plasticy 30 comprehension vocabulary 30 indistinctive 30 highboys 30 Hugo Chavez Frias 30 NObama 30 Attempted Coup 30 AECID 30 Graduation Rates 30 Socialism Marxism 30 Reasonable Citizen 30 locha 30 Economic Cooperation Marta Lomas 30 hearing ursprache 30 #st Century Socialism 30 repetition repetition repetition 30 Negritude 30 skinny scrawny 30 arrogant prick 30 called almadraba 30 Gulf Corexit #A 30 TANSTAAFL 30 jus soli 30 phonetic spelling 30 wimp 30 Counterrevolution 30 outpowered 30 Miguel Angel Asturias 30 intelectual 30 undeniably charming 30 AMBASSADOR BAKER 30 Transmilenio 30 wuss 30 marble mouthed 30 LUDDEN 30 Vaganova 30 outmatches 30 inconsiderately woken 30 grammar vocabulary 30 Empresa Electrica de 30 downshift rev matching 30 scootin 30 lunk 30 writer Leonardo Padura 30 CubaDebate 30 M#z [001] 30 waaaaaaay 30 Bolivarianism 30 Be Stopped 30 Ignacio Ramonet 30 FIGS 30 FARJ 30 badass 30 Nationalizations 30 Brecha 30 Terrible Idea 30 Resolve Differences 30 Los Tiempos 30 porn stache 30 Gustavo Esteva 30 KATU Poll 30 Similar Outcome 30 bantu 30 baaaaad 30 chiseled abs 30 Legalizing Marijuana 30 ROBERT MACNEIL 30 Laughter. THE PRESIDENT 30 ChÁvez 30 gene splicing discoveries 30 fuddy 30 speedwise 30 Marx Lenin Stalin 29 anarcho syndicalism 29 overmatches 29 sour puss 29 Communes 29 Ameyaw Debrah 29 JIM ROGERS 29 nemisis 29 practically unbeatable 29 contained PGM ounces 29 Daniel Shoer Roth 29 casemod 29 Destabilization 29 None c Attachments 29 half assing 29 RAKYAT 29 E pluribus unum 29 Dan Rothfarb 29 outhitting 29 Mir Nogueira 29 Different Languages 29 outguns 29 Transliteration 29 Tabare Vasquez 29 legit contender 29 pushover 29 Repeal ObamaCare 29 showboater 29 boulevardier 29 bowlegged 29 phonemic awareness phonics 29 Help Themselves 29 Aporrea.org 29 Si Cumple 29 indigenous Taino 29 PRESIDENT AHMADINEJAD 29 educ 29 Dictate 29 venezuelanalysis.com 29 Political Deadlock 29 ThinkPad SL# 29 orthography 29 Ya es Hora 29 Questioner 29 Salim Lamrani 29 Chávez Bolivarian 29 Invalidate 29 Rapid Risk Stratification 29 hairsprayed 29 VLADIMIR PUTIN 29 adjective counterrevolutionary continue 29 tryer 29 Ya Es Hora 29 Hill doorman Reinaldo 29 monogrammed cuffs 29 eliptical 29 mano dura 29 Institutionalization 29 enthusiastically exiling dietary 29 grammar spelling punctuation 29 idiomatic phrase 29 tiyaga 29 Concertation 28 snoots 28 manlier 28 Handle Actors 28 outthought 28 Gitaroo Man Lives 28 ESL EFL 28 Hopelandic 28 Nationalize 28 Nope 28 Wikipedia defines 28 Enitel 28 tall leggy 28 OVERWHELMINGLY 28 Commander Ernesto Che 28 oldish 28 purple polka dot 28 boogeying 28 folksy Midwestern 28 braggadocious 28 Sarah van Gelder 28 neo beatnik 28 overtly masculine 28 show offy 28 car Borihanh 28 alphabetization 28 txt spk 28 bragger 28 Reading Comprehension 28 PRESIDENT MEDVEDEV 28 CHARLES GATES 28 enshrine socialist 28 wears cowboy hat 28 #PE [001] 28 unlock iPhone #G/#Gs/#.#.# 28 Elías Antonio Saca 28 legislator Vladimir Ryzhkov 28 exactly ringing endorsement 28 finely chiseled 28 LT#u 28 outworks 28 Persian Farsi 28 Aymara Quechua 28 Oswaldo Payá 28 P4P king 28 aluta continua 28 Adversely Affect 28 butch haircut 28 Improve Ties 28 TransMilenio 28 Brain Learns 28 Z4 #.#si 28 outclasses 28 snob 28 soundly thumped 28 6ft 4in #.#m 28 Snooki poof 28 Accessorized 28 phonemic 28 ditto 28 smokin 28 virtually unguardable 28 Neo Liberalism 28 cowboyed 28 Si vis pacem 28 Silvia Cattori 28 bookishness 28 fluency comprehension 28 whomps 28 waify 28 Internationalism 28 telecoms regulator Conatel 28 rah rah guy 28 wears cowboy boots 28 Tomas Borge 27 Socialized medicine 27 lawyer Eva Golinger 27 Federico Fuentes 27 Etecsa 27 aww shucks 27 Moginot 27 Twinkletoes 27 wears wire rimmed 27 moper 27 truckish 27 DMITRY MEDVEDEV 27 Pythagoras Theorem 27 Superleggera 27 Journalism Pethokoukis 27 Nightmare Happen 27 Amhara elites 27 Feasible 27 '#st century socialism 27 decolonizing 27 workout fiend 27 ridonkulous 27 pinyin 27 Socialism 27 Inculcate 27 TARIQ ALI 27 hurtin 27 Tamazight 27 Deo Durante Camarines Sur 27 wilting violet 27 Cuban Embargo 27 Eee Pad EP# 27 false modesty 27 Gussied 27 Garibi 27 Taurosevicius 27 punchable 27 Tesla Roadster accelerates 27 manhandles 27 tasted sweeter 27 psychopathic hitman 27 trounces 27 Withdraw Troops 27 biculturalism 27 overmatched 27 counterpuncher 27 Sovietization 27 wonderfully supple 27 spunkier 27 President Óscar Arias 27 langauge 27 Andean Amazonian 27 Electoral Process 27 shrieking grunts 27 DSG gearbox 27 recognizeable 27 sizewise 27 PRIME MINISTER KOIZUMI 27 C# 4Matic 27 Are Undermining 27 hoper 27 Overcome Barriers 27 Romulo Gallegos 27 Currency Devaluation 27 Stop Meddling 27 braggart 26 muscley 26 ELIZABETH FARNSWORTH 26 overpowers 26 GOTHAM GAZETTE 26 outbattle 26 diagramming sentences 26 outcoach 26 Boolean algebra 26 kicky 26 Exploder suplex 26 Gioconda Belli 26 standoff Stacho 26 beatable 26 underdog 26 Answer 26 HAVANA Cuba ACN 26 versitile 26 Bedbugs Bite Act 26 Mazda3 Sport 26 ol gunslinger 26 Communistic 26 va va voom 26 Latin alphabet 26 N# #.#GHz 26 Redistribute 26 oozing charisma 26 dumb cluck 26 Posada Carriles extradition 26 fazes 26 Zen ness 26 chopped liver 26 wise crackin 26 mauler 26 bit samey 26 polarises opinion 26 lightyears ahead 26 TIM FLANNERY 26 YES 26 prude 26 plural pronouns 26 gee shucks 26 rangier 26 knockout puncher 26 S5 coupe 26 rote memorisation 26 Mission Barrio Adentro 26 BNamericas 26 Abstinence Only 26 Jawbone Icon 26 Ambassador Rodrigo Malmierca 26 CELAC 26 Qosmio X# Q# 26 rugged outdoorsy 26 One'sa 26 showoff 26 putonghua 26 Isturiz 26 HAASS 26 pretensions 26 #cm taller 26 buffest 26 granite chin 26 ALLAN NAIRN 26 frou frou 26 FAIR TAX 26 Miss Nerdy Nun 26 gimmies 26 weighs #lbs [002] 26 Peep toe 26 ENLACE 26 Interventionism 26 transliteration 26 hickup 26 asume 26 sartorial splendor 26 U#Jc A1 26 Dumbing Down 26 performs admirably 26 wears bull's eye 26 unluckiness 26 cajones

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