Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 86 Angus Reid Global 73 Angus Reid Consultants CPOD 73 Global Scan 68 Consultants CPOD Global 62 Angus Reid 59 CPOD Global Scan 57 Global Scan Adults 54 Scan Fewer 52 Scan Adults 50 CPOD Jun. 50 Opinion polls suggest 48 Polls indicate 47 opinion polls 47 CPOD Nov. 46 Polls suggest 46 Poll Shows 44 CPOD Aug. 44 Opinion polls 43 Opinion polls indicate 43 Poll Finds 43 CPOD Sept. 43 CPOD Oct. 42 Poll Reveals 41 Polls 39 Poll Indicates 39 Poll Shows Majority 38 pluralities 38 Pollara poll 38 Dahaf Institute published 38 Large majorities 38 Liberals PNL 37 Sizable majorities 37 Mircea Geoana defeating 37 EXIT POLL 37 Overwhelming majorities 37 Poll 37 Pluralities 37 surveyed disapproved 37 Strongly Oppose 37 Helle Thorning Schmidt 37 Poll Majority 37 Pollsters predict 37 Ipsos Bimsa 37 Nambariin Enkhbayar 37 experienced Liu Xiangyang 36 Majorities 36 polled 36 Disapprove 36 Survey Reveals 36 POLL 36 Centrists 36 Associated Press Gfk poll 36 Polls Suggest 36 Cast Votes 36 Marko Blagojevic 36 outpolls 36 perceived closeness 36 Attitudes Toward 36 GEA ISA 36 Opinion Polls 36 By SARAH LIEBOWITZ 36 Ipsos poll 36 outpoll 36 Teleseker published 36 AP Gfk poll 36 Suomen Gallup 36 Cifra Factum 36 tooth streaking 35 AP GfK Poll 35 Lojze Peterle 35 polls 35 Mammogram Recommendations 35 Gjorgje Ivanov 35 Netanyahu hawkish Likud 35 CBOS institute 35 Kemp ridleys nest 35 Pessimistic About 35 Equipos Mori 35 Substantial majorities 35 favourability rating 35 leaning independents 35 ComRes poll 35 Strongly Favor 35 Moldovan Communists 35 Oppose Gay Marriage 35 Zogby Poll 35 Sasko Kedev 35 Congress Remain Unpopular 35 Gallup poll 35 Lithuania Slovakia Slovenia 35 promotional items Misrack 35 GfK Polonia institute 34 Party Affiliation 34 charismatic predecessor Junichiro 34 incumbent Tassos Papadopoulos 34 Regains Lead 34 GfK survey 34 % strongly/# 34 conservative VVD 34 candidate Andrés Manuel 34 Óscar Berger 34 PublicMind poll 34 Jorge Buendia 34 Gallup polling 34 Emmanuel Riviere pollster 34 Survey Indicates 34 Thais revere 34 Still Undecided 34 Associated Press Ipsos poll 34 THE POLL 34 governor Juergen Ruettgers 34 Gfk poll released 34 Siumut party 34 Ipsos 34 TNS Nipo 34 Marek Borowski 34 typically Democratically aligned 34 Mustel poll 34 nationalist challenger Tomislav 34 FG Wahlen surveys 34 Voters Favor 34 Polls Indicate 34 Survey Shows 34 Gallup Poll finds 33 Party PUSC 33 GFK poll 33 disapprove 33 pollees 33 poll 33 Emnid polling institute 33 leftist SLD 33 intensely disliked 33 lipstick maxim 33 OBOP showed 33 CVVM 33 Ipsos polling 33 Ipsos McClatchy 33 firm Datanalisis 33 Socialist Party PS 33 Benjamin Netanyahu hardline Likud 33 evenly divided 33 Ambivalent About 33 Gen Nexters 33 Rutgers Eagleton Poll 33 CID Gallup poll 33 Strongly Disapprove giving 33 hypothetical matchups 33 independents disapprove 33 Survey Finds 33 Vox Latina 33 Rob Schroth 33 candidate Roberto Madrazo 33 favorability ratings 33 Rasmussen Reports 33 Cast Ballots 33 Communist Gennady Zyuganov 33 Nuke Treaty 33 challenger Len Munsil 33 harden attitudes 33 Teleseker 33 Deeply Divided 33 Micronesia abstained 33 Exit Polls 33 Party LeAlan Jones 33 pollster Taloustutkimus 33 unthinking lemmings 33 Cedatos Gallup 33 Opinion Poll 33 Forsa poll 33 WMUR Granite State 33 Poll Finds Majority 33 Forsa polling agency 33 Porfirio Pepe Lobo 33 Voters Cast Ballots 33 deeply divided 33 PublicMind 33 Democrat lawmaker Algirdas 33 CQ Politics rates 33 Leaders Urge 33 UPI Zogby 33 Dissolves Parliament 33 unilateralist tendencies 33 Matures ages #-# 33 professor Mirlande Manigat 33 Suffers Defeat 33 CID Gallup 33 Reshuffles Cabinet 33 FACTBOX Profiles 32 Noemi Sanin 32 Deeply unpopular 32 CNN Gallup poll 32 Exit Poll Shows 32 Favorability ratings 32 FACTBOX Quotes 32 Kapa Research 32 rival Eduardo Montealegre 32 GfK polls 32 C SPAN Zogby 32 Widens Lead Over 32 Poll Suggests 32 ultra nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky 32 Diageo Hotline 32 unreasonable obstructionists 32 LIKELY VOTERS 32 respondents 32 Demcrats 32 Associated Press GfK poll 32 Roberto Madrazo 32 Lead Widens 32 Exit polls 32 Latinobarómetro 32 Ipsos Reid poll 32 CDU CSU FDP 32 McClatchy MSNBC 32 leftist Ollanta Humala 32 ICM poll 32 Ibarretxe Basque Nationalist Party 32 Liberals VVD 32 ROMIR 32 furious Gary Widemann 32 Remain Divided 32 readmit Honduras 32 evenly split 32 EOS Gallup 32 PIPA 32 Attitude Toward 32 Majorities disapprove 32 Catalonia ERC 32 Newsmaker Interview 32 COMPAS poll 32 incumbent Traian Basescu 32 marrying Parker Bowles 32 Gfk poll 32 majorities 32 Haarde Independence 32 Rutgers Eagleton poll 32 Strongly Disapprove 32 unaffiliateds 32 Funes pragmatic 32 pollster Instituto Opina 32 Julia Kiden 32 Euroskeptic 32 Peter Schoeppner 32 Losing Patience 32 Ken Ballen 32 seat unicameral parliament 32 DeGette Y 32 pollster Darrell Bricker 32 CVVM poll 32 undecided 32 spokesman Naoya Narita 32 Tzipi Livni Kadima 32 % mlink 32 Marist Poll 32 Zogby Interactive 32 pollster Mark Baldassare 32 Majority UMP 32 Datafolha poll 32 unfavorability rating 32 Ipsos Poll 32 GfK Poll 31 Luis Castaneda 31 Tracking Poll 31 stations WXYZ WJRT 31 ambivalent networkers 31 Evite Citysearch 31 CDU CSU alliance 31 favourability ratings 31 centrist Kadima Party 31 fleet WestJet strives 31 Unaffiliated voters outnumber 31 NEWSWEEK Poll 31 lady Cristina Fernandez 31 Avi Dichter lagged 31 kingpin Ichiro Ozawa 31 independent Anthony Pollina 31 hurry Siddiqa 31 Evenly Split 31 CDU SPD 31 Survey Superdelegates Jump 31 favorably disposed towards 31 Legalizing Pot 31 PRESIDENTIAL RACE 31 Andres Manuel López Obrador 31 presumptive nominee Wolfson 31 undeclared superdelegates express 31 Surveys 31 pollster Ipsos 31 Sandinista dissident Edmundo Jarquin 31 candidate Balbina Herrera 31 Mina Tzemach 31 Sen. Vincent Sheehen 31 Zogby International 31 Poll Shows Strong 31 governing Concertación coalition 31 spokesman Isaiya Kabira 31 lawmaker Haim Ramon 31 persuadables lean toward 31 nationalist Tomislav Nikolic 31 EKOS poll 31 shifted rightward 31 Seek Recount 31 pacifists protesting 31 PBS DGA 31 strategist Ed Goeas 31 Presidential Hopefuls 31 Concedes Defeat 31 Vote Recount 31 PPIC poll 31 Datafolha polling institute 31 USA TODAY Gallup Poll 31 Pull Troops 31 flamboyant ultranationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky 31 Race Tightens 31 pollster Apoyo 31 ACNielsen poll 31 OBOP 31 Lincoln Chafee RI 31 ComRes survey 31 Livni centrist Kadima 31 GOP leaners 31 somewhat monocellular 31 Very Unfavorably 31 Strongly Opposed 31 populist Joerg Haider 31 centrist Fianna Fail 31 Lee Hoi Chang 31 Pollsters interviewed 31 precincts reporting Sestak 31 Angela Merkel CDU 31 post-#/# worldview 31 IFOP 31 Presidential Runoff 31 Joseph Bafumi 31 Maurice de Hond 31 Metron Analysis 31 Stuttering affects 31 substitute hella 31 Bun B witty 31 Voronin Communists 31 wounded Qudus 31 Party KESK 31 Papandreou PASOK party 31 Western Wats Maccabee 31 favorability dips 31 pollsters 31 Overwhelming Support 31 Gfk Polonia 31 candidate Noemi Sanin 31 Cynthia Viteri 31 renounce Hagee endorsement 31 challenger Tomislav Nikolic 31 Ibope poll 31 Datum poll 31 Forsa institute 31 VCIOM 31 Politicians React 31 disapproval rating 31 Fret Over 31 respondents disapproved 31 UYO Nigeria 31 Merkel CDU CSU 31 ADVENTRX Pharmaceuticals ADVENTRX Pharmaceuticals 31 Lasama 31 prior 31 Álvaro Colom 31 candidate Keiko Fujimori 31 Survey Shows Majority 31 Outnumber 31 Vote Looms 31 IPSOS MORI 31 Horacio Serpa 31 Civic Platform Bronislaw Komorowski 31 Press Digests . 31 Trade Jabs 31 McClatchy Ipsos poll 31 Princess Consort bow 31 Sunesis Pharmaceuticals Sunesis 30 populist True Finns 30 exit polls 30 Bob Straniere prevailed 30 Specter Sestak 30 NDP Bloc Quebecois 30 Overriding veto requires 30 Claim Victory 30 Lori Weigel 30 Conflicted Over 30 used shoddy lawyering 30 Vermont legalizes 30 Jeffords defection gave 30 ICM interviewed 30 Voter Anger 30 author 30 vastly outraised McCain 30 Bipolar disorder affects 30 independents caucusing 30 Metroscopia 30 Quinnipiac Poll 30 Mario Canseco 30 OeVP 30 Ipsos Apoyo poll 30 USAToday Gallup poll 30 Algirdas Butkevicius 30 plurality 30 GfK poll 30 Two thirds 30 Valery Fyodorov 30 USA TODAY Gallup poll 30 unilaterally abrogate NAFTA 30 Presidential Election 30 Luis Lacalle 30 Shuffles Cabinet 30 sizable majorities 30 poll title = Online 30 competition Iraheta Desai 30 Angus Reid Strategies 30 Two Thirds 30 Mr. KOHUT 30 Edges Ahead 30 SANEP 30 WHO VOTED 30 McClatchy Ipsos 30 Vicente Leon 30 RESEARCH ALONE 30 nationalist True Finns 30 PoliGazette encourages comments 30 Jerome Sainte Marie 30 Pollster Populus interviewed 30 Jaromir Jagr Vincent Lecavalier 30 CVVM agency 30 Quinnipiac poll 30 Globescan 30 Yanukovich Regions 30 Euroskeptics 30 Debate Merits 30 constitutional amendment disallowing 30 TNS Sofres 30 strongly disapprove 30 expert Karlyn Bowman 30 Samuel Alito Antonin Scalia 30 UPI Zogby poll 30 rival Andres Manuel 30 Concede 30 Consulta Mitofsky 30 PIPA poll 30 Fairleigh Dickinson PublicMind poll 30 Ljubomir Frckoski 30 CURS exit poll 30 Ipsos MORI poll 30 Infratest Dimap 30 Strongly Favor repeal 30 Nevada Caucuses 30 strict constitutionalists 30 Doubts Grow 30 Paints Bleak Picture 30 viewed unfavorably 30 pollster Lee Miringoff 30 follow animist beliefs 30 Livni Kadima 30 leader Timo Soini 30 INSTANT VIEW Reaction 30 Gallup Poll 30 overwhelming majorities 30 Rasmussen Reports poll 30 socialist Segolene Royal 30 ComRes interviewed 30 By STEVE MARRONI 30 hardline Likud 30 Taloustutkimus 30 Angus Reid poll 30 Raises Doubts About 30 C SPAN Zogby poll 30 REGISTERED VOTERS 30 DigiPoll 30 counted Livni centrist 30 knowingly lie 30 parliamentary elections 30 Dahaf 30 Staunch Conservatives 30 analyst Minoru Morita 30 Zoran Milanovic 30 Stirs Debate 30 Lieberman caucusing 30 ruling VMRO DPMNE 30 JDRF expenditures 30 Generic Ballot 30 Synovate Temo 30 News Colmar Brunton 30 I'ma serial monogamist 30 Rightwing extremism 30 CNN Gallup Poll 30 analyst Arne Modig 29 ANDREW KOHUT 29 Wilders PVV 29 HELSINKI Finland Finland 29 Caucus goers 29 mistaken Barhoum 29 nonpartisan Pew Research 29 proportional representation blocs 29 ERIN NEFF 29 Susick grandmother 29 Haaretz Dialog 29 Informe Confidencial 29 Moderates 29 Aderholt Y 29 Yedioth poll 29 Retakes Lead 29 Press Harris Decima 29 lawmaker Keiko Fujimori 29 . Diaries Index 29 Poll Shows Support 29 GOP caucusgoers 29 #,# gasped Ohhhh 29 Passport Files Breached 29 Civic Platform party 29 SurveyUSA Telephone interviews 29 Thorning Schmidt 29 pollster Ricardo Rouvier 29 Altmire Y 29 Tusk Civic Platform 29 Manfred Guellner head 29 researcher Forsa 29 Very Favorable 29 centrist Lib Dems 29 stop behaving rudely 29 razor thin majority 29 Reshuffle Cabinet 29 Likud Binyamin Netanyahu 29 Troop Withdrawal 29 Anambra Guber 29 TNS Teleseker 29 Lykketoft 29 spokeswoman Irena Etinger 29 Ekos poll 29 Lawmakers Reject 29 Presidential Contenders 29 Gilles Duceppe Bloc Quebecois 29 preelection polls 29 Gains Clout 29 rightist 29 Misspoke About Ground Zero 29 pollster VTsIOM 29 WNBC Marist poll 29 Jobless Numbers 29 Szonda Ipsos 29 firebrand politician 29 candidate Deb Shafto 29 Colmar Brunton poll 29 widely divergent views 29 Delegate Count 29 Face Tough Choices 29 ZoomPanel 29 Schacter cautioned 29 Hinterlaces 29 Leans Democratic 29 Frederic Dabi 29 YouGov Plc poll 29 Pachulia ejection 29 fav unfav 29 signaled impatience 29 Catalan Socialists 29 OF INTEREST 29 Independent Anthony Pollina 29 FG Wahlen 29 ZOGBY 29 Tilt Toward 29 Aso LDP 29 partisan gridlock Perino 29 Comoros islands returning 29 PublicMind poll released 29 Marist pollster 29 challenger Jonathan Tasini 29 Confounds 29 sexted shared 29 Runoff Vote 29 scientist Dante Scala 29 Presidential Elections 29 unjustly detaining 29 Instituto Opina released 29 Unsigned editorials represent 29 Stances 29 TV6 wonders 29 Less Than Half 29 Psoriasis affects 29 Pollster ICM interviewed 29 symbol CGX.UN 29 POLLS 29 TNS OBOP institute 29 southerners embittered 29 Favors parental 29 La Sama 29 Resonates 29 Lawmaker Quits 29 Newspoll published 29 centrist D# 29 Theologically conservative 29 Mark Rutte VVD 29 prefectural chapters 29 Nancy Pfotenhauer adviser 29 staunchly oppose 29 surveyed 29 WMUR UNH 29 USDP fielded 29 Referenda 29 Mainline Protestants 29 SORA Institute 29 stations WXYZ WILX 29 NEWSWEEK POLL 29 Strategic Counsel 29 Pin Hopes 29 Prime Minister Serge Sarkisian 29 ethical Gednalske 29 Mathare slum Odinga 29 Maagar Mohot 29 Tanner Tillotson 29 Stéphane Dion Liberals 29 Oshurakhunova 29 nationalist Ollanta Humala 29 Eurobarometer poll 29 Enríquez Ominami 29 Ulat ng Bayan 29 Ciruli Associates 29 Libertarian Lex Green 29 Unanimous Choice 29 Dahaf poll 29 Populus interviewed random 29 Pollsters 29 Prof Curtice 29 Fenumiai counted 29 Election Nears 29 SMG KRC 29 By Ron Chimelis 29 Secede From 29 Gaade estimated 29 Yanukovych Tymoshenko 28 Demcorats 28 AP Ipsos poll 28 leaderless Liberals 28 Public Opinion 28 pollsters ICM 28 wields considerable influence 28 Concertacion coalition 28 GRAHAM MESSNER 28 EKOS Research 28 Paavo Lipponen 28 outpolled Labour 28 unfavorables 28 Party PVV 28 Datanalisis poll 28 Fogh Rasmussen candidacy 28 Vote Nears 28 Backs Gay Marriage 28 Mina Zemach 28 Canadian Facts www.tns 28 Factum Invenio 28 poll 28 Universidad de Lima 28 MORI poll 28 gfs.bern 28 Incumbent Richard Cordray 28 Lien Soong ticket 28 Opinium Research carried 28 Against Gay Marriage 28 Yuri Levada Analytical 28 predictably livid 28 Margita Thompson spokeswoman 28 Narrowly Wins 28 Hamas propositions Nazzal 28 Capacent Gallup 28 white mainline Protestants 28 Feel Betrayed 28 euroskeptic 28 Forschungsgruppe Wahlen 28 pollster Pulse 28 Srdjan Milic 28 Robert Speel 28 David Souter dissented 28 candidate Antanas Mockus 28 Strongly Approve 28 YouGov poll 28 Sigma Dos 28 Pollsters surveyed 28 Seek Cutback 28 Quinnipiac pollster 28 WHO 'S COVERED 28 eurosceptic True Finns 28 Buckling Up 28 representative Erika Zarante 28 favorability rating 28 misperceive 28 unknown Andrei Bogdanov 28 AP GfK Battleground 28 legislator Tom Emmer 28 Undecided voters 28 Opinions varied 28 SurveyUSA Poll 28 CBOS 28 IBD TIPP Poll 28 Maven Semantic Medical 28 Aderholt N 28 Democrats SPÖ 28 Unenrolled voters 28 Daily Telegraph YouGov poll 28 McClatchy Marist 28 pollster Khalil Shekaki 28 News Opinion Dynamics 28 conservative VMRO DPMNE 28 downscale whites 28 perceived unmarried heterosexual 28 Could Sway 28 favorably disposed 28 Shi'ites oppressed 28 Koizumi LDP 28 Voter turnouts 28 Nikolic Radicals 28 Global Attitudes 28 consultant Bernie Pinsonat 28 VTsIOM polling 28 Bilirakis N 28 candidate Francois Bayrou 28 pollster Pete Brodnitz 28 incumbent Megawati Sukarnoputri 28 Abortion Stance 28 Sifo 28 ruling Civic Platform 28 cites strident partisanship 28 visit 28 Prime Minister Adrian Nastase 28 Zogby poll 28 Infratest dimap 28 Misleads 28 Kan reshuffled 28 Environics poll 28 grave misgivings 28 Glengariff Group 28 Voter Apathy 28 Fernandez Peronist party 28 Reelection 28 plebiscites 28 Cautiously Optimistic About 28 Consumption Habits 28 daily Frettabladid 28 Schroeder SPD 28 Presidential Bid 28 Viavoice agency 28 Niinistö 28 incumbent Nikitas Kaklamanis 28 voter apathy inexcusable 28 Economist YouGov poll 28 Dahaf Institute 28 extrasensory perception 28 Designers Vivienne Westwood 28 Byelections 28 Strongly Agree 28 candidate Grzegorz Napieralski 28 JEWELRY Down 28 religiously unaffiliated 28 Eduardo Estrella 28 pollster 28 tensely divided 28 rightwinger Nicolas Sarkozy 28 Jaros ³ aw Kaczyñski 28 younger linguists Glowka 28 Borge y Asociados 28 polling firm Datanalisis 28 Edwinna Herrera Who 28 EnergyCurrent terms 28 ideologically compatible 28 GMIPoll 28 rightist Likud party 28 observant believers 28 Radio Dan Gorenstein 28 favorables 28 presumed frontrunner 28 CDU FDP 28 Regains Momentum 28 IBOPE 28 Unenrolled 28 Bilbray N 28 Likud Kadima 28 upstart Ned Lamont 28 challenger Manuel Rosales 28 Geert Wilders Freedom 28 republicans democrats 28 engineer Ghazi Mashal 28 Ifop polling agency 28 Poll NYers 28 secretary Ronald Pofalla 28 Upends 28 TIPP 28 Pastor Hagee views 28 Darrell Bricker 28 Former Aide Blames 28 elections 28 Low Voter Turnout 28 Szazadveg 28 Progressive Anthony Pollina 28 Insomar 28 Regions Viktor Yanukovych 28 IPSOS poll 28 Datum Internacional 28 governing Socialists 28 Boergers lifelong Democrat 28 Polled 28 Dahaf polling institute 28 CSTV 28 skeptic True Finns 28 Ipsos Reid survey 28 Legalize Gay Marriage 28 TNS NIPO 28 Associated Press Ipos poll 28 worms weasels 28 Field Poll 27 Dems Seek 27 Poll Method 27 independent Quinnipiac KWIN 27 Pechter Middle East 27 Abac Poll 27 CDU FDP coalition 27 Romir Monitoring 27 SIMON CREAN OPPOSITION LEADER 27 Governorships 27 CNN WMUR 27 Bracketed figures 27 director Emanuel Kalafatelis 27 Ballot Measures 27 Debate Focuses 27 unyielding partisanship 27 Bucuvalas Inc. 27 Episode #A 27 contrasting visions 27 Demercrat 27 TNS OBOP 27 analyst Wojciech Jablonski 27 dubious Muzzle Awards 27 Gay Marriage Ban 27 Low Turnout Expected 27 Congresswoman Keiko Fujimori 27 SWS surveys 27 Enrages 27 Elisa Carrio 27 Animists account 27 Outranks 27 streaky sheens 27 Ipsos Apoyo Opinión y 27 OpinionWay 27 Ispos 27 Economy Improves 27 HOLTZ EAKIN 27 Populus Ltd. 27 minorities outnumbers 27 Offends 27 Flavored Cigarettes 27 Times TNS mrbi 27 Emnid poll 27 Cry Foul 27 opposition socialist PASOK 27 fiercely contested constitutional amendments 27 pre-#/# worldview 27 Voting Begins 27 Congressman Hal Daub 27 Bosniaks Croats 27 SMG KRC showed 27 bitterly divided 27 van Middelkoop welcomed 27 Manfred Guellner 27 Troop Pullout 27 unfavorability rating stood 27 sampling error margin 27 SurveyUSA 27 Nelson Eisman 27 Casts Vote 27 Economic Indicators DJ 27 Bleaker outlook 27 Populus survey 27 Democracy UDF 27 thunderous acclamation 27 McCain 27 Norstat 27 generation Z'ers 27 centrist 27 hawkish Likud 27 Democracts 27 Ecologists Greens 27 SPOe 27 ballgame Rambis 27 Blumenauer Y 27 Susana Villarán 27 challenger Romano Prodi 27 Broun N 27 Double Digit Lead 27 McClatchy Newspapers Marist 27 businessman Sebastián Piñera 27 different musicals Fela 27 broadcaster RUV 27 IBD TIPP poll 27 Undecideds 27 Approval Ratings 27 Rightward 27 Pullout Plan 27 Borisov GERB 27 Geoana Social 27 retry Blagojevich 27 Clone Wars Fellman 27 Stephen Ansolabehere political 27 diplomatically bludgeoned 27 Ibrahim Suffian 27 Bilirakis Y 27 Margaret Kenski 27 unfairly disenfranchise 27 Gallup pollsters 27 Capacent Gallup poll 27 Muslim Malays 27 erotic fantasies meddle 27 Judd Gregg Bob Corker 27 apportion delegates 27 observant Catholics 27 Kathleen Frankovic 27 Remain Unchanged 27 Gay Marriage Ruling 27 white evangelical Protestants 27 Populus interviewed 27 YellowPages properties 27 Pulls Ahead 27 RNC committeeman 27 Very Unfavorable 27 forgave Zidane 27 Aged Fifty 27 weekly Proto Thema 27 Thaci PDK 27 oysters eaten 27 Pollster 27 candidate Michel Martelly 27 Democrat R. Creigh 27 Chafee Whitehouse 27 Tension Builds 27 Lee Miringoff director 27 spokesman Stephen Hourahan 27 Frets Over 27 Troop Levels 27 Chaldean Assyrians 27 Gay Marriage Issue 27 Nanos Research 27 Lincoln Chafee RR.I. 27 EPIC MRA poll 27 uh pe ack 27 Press Digests 27 dismayed disheartened 27 By Roger Cleaveland 27 persuadable voters tentatively 27 Alejandro Toledo Peru 27 VTsIOM pollster 27 Sukarnoputri 27 stridently opposed 27 CNN WMUR poll 27 Trade Barbs 27 Švejnar 27 Eamonn Gilmore 27 Voter Turnout 27 polygamy casts shadow 27 viewed favorably 27 word hermanos 27 Bernie Porn 27 GfK Polonia 27 Epic MRA 27 Infertility affects 27 Gillibrand DioGuardi 27 hawkish Netanyahu 27 candidate Manuel Rosales 27 Maagar Mochot released 27 Leans Democrat 27 Prosser Kloppenburg 27 warmly reciprocated 27 pollster Nik Nanos 27 Yolanda Soler 27 incomes scarcely budged 27 Durex Sexual Wellbeing 27 Minimum Wage Hike 27 Rodham Clinton 27 tacitly conceded 27 An Ekos poll 27 Reject Proposal 27 condone torture 27 allergies plush microfiber 27 Yury Levada Analytical 27 Persuadable 27 Papandreou Socialists 27 Dalia Mogahed executive 27 Heavily Favored 27 Bilbray Y 27 wing nationalist Ollanta 27 NABE panelists 27 nonmarital sex 27 pollster Floyd Ciruli 27 forgives Kanye 27 Survey Suggests 27 Ipsos Mori poll 27 Ifop published 27 ambivalent