Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 73 Special Use Permit 65 Conditional Use 63 zoning variance 63 Special Exception 62 Use Permit 62 Preliminary Plat 62 preliminary plat approval 62 replat 62 Specific Use Permit 60 preliminary plat 60 zoning ordinance 60 zoning variances 60 replatting 59 rezoning request 59 BZA 59 subdivision plat 59 rezone 59 resubdivision 59 rezone parcel 58 Conditional Use Permits 58 variance 58 Zoning Administrator 58 permit 58 preliminary plats 57 Zoning Appeals 57 zoning 57 rezoning 57 zoning bylaw amendment 57 township Zoning Hearing 57 CUPs 57 Variances 56 Planned Unit 56 plat 56 Final Plat 56 Zoning 55 Zoning Ordinance 55 Subdivision Ordinance 55 Rezoning 55 ZHB 55 residentially zoned property 54 zoning designations 54 preliminary subdivision plat 54 Zoning Hearing Board 54 * Tabled 54 zoners 54 agriculturally zoned 54 easement 54 amdt 54 Subdivision Regulations 54 shoreland zoning ordinance 54 Rezone 54 Approved rezoning 54 ZBA 54 residentially zoned 54 Inland Wetland Commission 54 drainage easement 54 Preliminary plat 53 Zoning Adjustments Board 53 rezones 53 • Tabled 53 Permit 53 agriculturally zoned land 53 variances 53 TPZ 53 township zoning ordinance 52 Liquor License 52 overlay zoning 52 LUCB 52 Subdivision Map 52 zoning bylaw 52 upzone 52 APN #-#-# [002] 52 nonconforming uses 52 sketch plat 52 Occupancy Permit 52 unplatted 52 Watercourses Commission 51 zoning ordinances 51 Hearing Examiner 51 zoned residential 51 preannexation agreement 51 cartway 51 Environmental Assessment Worksheet 51 Zoning Adjustment 51 Hillside Ordinance 51 Rezoning Request 51 zoning classifications 51 CDCA Plan 51 industrially zoned 51 Inland Wetlands Agency 51 Rezoned 51 Special Exceptions Permit 51 CAFRA permit 51 Circulation Element 51 Zoning Commission 51 shoreland zone 51 CPCN 51 Platting 51 NPDES permit 51 Environmental Impact Report 50 Architectural Review Board 50 Easements 50 platting 50 Zoning Appeals BZA 50 Ordinance #-# [001] 50 Resolution #-# [003] 50 Permit Application 50 PZC 50 zoning codes 50 Voted unanimously 50 subdivision plats 50 Zoning Regulations 50 tentative plat 50 Zoning Bylaw 50 SEQR 49 zoned R1 49 • Unanimously 49 Zoning Board 49 plats 49 drainage easements 49 malt beverage license 49 LUBA 49 common victualler license 49 outlot 49 SEIR 49 Zoning Adjustments 49 Councilors voted unanimously 49 commercially zoned 49 EFSEC 49 liquor license 49 wetland buffer 49 Queset Commons 49 # Approving 48 rezoned 48 zoning overlay 48 subdivide 48 common victualer license 48 borough Zoning Hearing 48 Mine Permit 48 sideyard setback 48 Appropriateness 48 Architectural Review Committee 48 foot monopole 48 Reclamation Permit 48 Land Use 48 ordinance 48 Overlay Zone 48 Inland Wetlands Commission 48 Engineer Merlin Lindahl 48 Land Use Permit 48 Elimination System NPDES 48 malt beverage licenses 48 UIC Permit 48 sanitary sewer easement 48 Acres Subdivision 48 zoning bylaw amendments 48 APN #-#-# [001] 48 Associate Planner 48 Quit Claim Deed 48 Easement 48 Zoning Ordinances 48 Inland Wetland 48 Planning Commission 48 sewer hookups 48 KOEZ 48 Historic Architectural Review 48 shoreland ordinance 48 & amdt 48 commercially zoned property 48 Niagara Escarpment Plan 48 R 1AAA 48 Tabled 47 Zoners 47 Vesting Order 47 easements 47 EIR 47 Subarea 47 Shadowrock 47 shoreland zoning 47 downzone 47 PUGAMP 47 DPLU 47 Low Density Residential 47 nuisance abatement ordinance 47 Township Zoning Hearing 47 Kotroco 47 permits 47 PlanCom 47 Shoreland Zoning Ordinance 47 Resolution #-# [002] 47 UAWCD 47 nonconforming 47 deannex 47 residentially zoned land 47 zoning bylaws 47 granting variances 47 Lattizori 47 Folluo 47 Architectural Review 46 ap proval 46 Statement SEIS 46 Amerikohl 46 deed restriction 46 AUAR 46 Section #.#.# [003] 46 Bedkes 46 Mayor Susan McBryant 46 GOCO grant 46 License Application 46 nonsuit 46 OKH 46 Outlot 46 Nemee 46 Inclusionary Housing Ordinance 46 subdivider 46 Demolition Landfill 46 Tax Abatement 46 ordinance annexing 46 Rule #:#-# [001] 46 Variance 46 Ordinance #-# [003] 46 KOZ status 46 cereal malt beverage 46 zon dist map 46 ordinace 46 ETZ 46 Tentative Subdivision 46 dwellinghouse 46 Planned Residential 46 Exploitation Concession 46 preapplication 46 Platting Commission 46 Platting Board 46 #/#/FUL 46 prescriptive easement 46 Adjustment 45 nonconforming structures 45 Sealcoat 45 reroof 45 Watercourses Agency 45 submittal 45 Historic Landmarks Commission 45 Chicory Ridge 45 Animal Control Ordinance 45 Permits 45 Mr. Moujabber 45 locational clearance 45 judgment nunc pro 45 Ordinances 45 Cristallago 45 Section #.#.# [002] 45 Appeals ZBA 45 Interlocal Agreement 45 Historic Preservation Ordinance 45 Mitigated Negative Declaration 45 platted subdivision 45 township zoning ordinances 45 Grawtown Estates 45 categorical exclusion 45 Ordinance #-# [004] 45 reversionary clause 45 ordinances 45 PUBLIC HEARING 45 Selectmen voted unanimously 45 vegetative buffer 45 prejudgment remedy 45 AND LEIGH 45 Unanimously approved 45 ROGO 45 Mining Leases 45 Industrial Siting 45 Rockford Blacktop 45 Glenn Goldan 45 Woldruff 45 LAFCO 45 Merriam Mountains 45 zonings 45 supplemental EIR 45 Overlay District 45 Sanness 45 n Tabled 45 replatted 44 NRS #.# [001] 44 Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance 44 Pentwater Village 44 Grandfathering 44 Vespera 44 ORDINANCE 44 Lionshead garage 44 Leavell McCombs Joint Venture 44 Bituminous Roadways 44 Easement Agreement 44 abutter 44 Provinsalia 44 Duininck Bros. 44 Officer Kathy Castagnetta 44 Supplemental Environmental Impact 44 PAD overlay district 44 Creekside Estates 44 Order Granting 44 LAFCo 44 Comp Plan 44 Approved preliminary plat 44 LERTA 44 NPDES permits 44 Vandervert 44 wetlands delineation 44 Simianer 44 BOCC 44 Specific Plan 44 Overlay Districts 44 sewer hookup 44 Conditional Use Planned 44 inch asphalt overlay 44 Coyote Willows 44 disannexation 44 Miscellaneous Licence 44 Symetron TM generally 44 ADUs 44 RHMC 44 upzoning 44 Quartz Mining 44 § #.# [002] 44 Emerging Energies 44 Planner Bob Schiermeyer 44 HPRC 44 postjudgment motion 44 Unanimous approval 44 Sexually Oriented Businesses 44 CSR #-#.# 44 Pinon Ridge 44 Carla Simunek 44 n Unanimously 44 Porete Avenue 44 Crosstrail 44 Abutter 44 High Density Residential 44 unzoned 44 § #.#.# [002] 44 zoned 44 SR NYSEArca 44 Ordinance 44 rezonings 44 Davidon Homes 44 agendized item 44 PUD 44 Roblar Road 44 Occupation Certificate 44 WECS 44 Colusa Generating Station 44 Ex Parte Reexamination 44 FONSI 44 Estates Subdivision 43 ROWs 43 com missioners 43 Quotations RFQ 43 Ordinance #-# [002] 43 ordinances regulating 43 acre parcel 43 contiguous parcels 43 Inland Wetlands 43 Extra Territorial Jurisdiction 43 Zoning Enforcement 43 Statement EIS 43 ordinance prohibiting 43 supersedeas 43 stormwater retention pond 43 Plan ning 43 Quiet Zones 43 Councilmember Wyse 43 Ohio Adm.Code #-#-# 43 Kaunisvaara mill 43 Scottdale Borough 43 Honua'ula 43 Historic Overlay 43 semi detached dwellings 43 § #.# c 43 multiuse recreational 43 abutters 43 prescriptive easements 43 Suttons Bay Township 43 ordinance amending 43 Ambler Architects 43 PLANNING permission 43 ILMB 43 Alquist Priolo 43 Idaho Code § 43 Fanita Ranch 43 WAC #-#-# 43 stormwater discharge 43 Cedros Crossing 43 TDU ordinance 43 Retention Licence 43 Nutri Blend 43 PUD zoning 43 RWQCB 43 drainfield 43 DANCO 43 resource consents 43 Consent Agenda 43 reh'g 43 Zoning Administrator Will Shashack 43 Housing Element 43 Guest Editorials 43 vegetated buffer 43 Mining Permit 43 Quotation RFQ 43 postjudgment 43 draft EIR 43 CrR #.# 43 Surland 43 Supervisor Wilensky 43 S. Frontage Rd 43 CECPN 43 Bonita Springs Utilities 43 Section #.#.# [001] 43 agendize 43 Statement FEIS 43 bylaw amendments 43 planning ref #/#/FUL 43 Preliminary Injunction 43 avigation easement 43 DRB 43 Compliance Certificate 43 foot monopole tower 43 Calvada Eye 43 Alcohol License 43 Fife LaFrenz 43 Stormwater Permit 43 Planners Approve 43 Doc. No. 43 Downzoning 43 CDAP grant 43 CEQA 43 CDBG grant 43 NJSA #A #A 42 Breviary prayer book 42 landscaped buffer 42 Dewey Burdock 42 Connecticut Siting Council 42 NRS #.# [002] 42 Replat 42 Magruder Limestone 42 abutting landowners 42 FAR #.# 42 Gessling 42 WFCCA 42 EIR EIS 42 KSA #-# [002] 42 curtilage 42 Shoreland Zoning 42 Jerry Wiezbiskie 42 Incidental Take 42 SEQRA 42 Replansky 42 DDRA 42 Waste Discharge 42 zoned R3 42 ORDINANCE NO 42 Siting 42 Realen 42 Premises Licence 42 Ownership Limitation 42 Shoreland Management 42 hereof shall 42 Pitchford Landing 42 Medium Density Residential 42 ConsCom 42 Environmental Impact Statement EIS 42 Dkt. 42 ordi nance 42 Hazardous Mitigation 42 submit Biologics License 42 CEQA Guidelines 42 sub nom 42 Coopers Gap 42 National Pollution Discharge 42 Extraterritorial Jurisdiction 42 Lawfulness 42 Shoreland Protection 42 ARS § #-# [002] 42 Substantial Completion 42 Schiermeyer 42 liquor licenses 42 reqs amdt 42 Permitting 42 Plaintiff Motion 42 gravel extraction 42 Species Habitat 42 unlawful detainer 42 RESOLUTION authorizing 42 Borough Solicitor 42 Commissioners voted unanimously 42 Pepplitsch 42 OCGA § #-#-# [007] 42 6Wak 42 Smokerise 42 Demosi 42 FS #.# [002] 42 FCB Homes 42 DLCD 42 OSLAD grant 42 PMT# # 42 Roripaugh Ranch 42 directionally drill 42 Permitted Uses 42 crosswind runway 42 mobilehome 42 extraterritorial zoning 42 Shovel Shop 42 PUD commissioners 42 multifamily dwelling 42 Environmental Impact Review 42 Rattlesnake Wash 42 subdivision 42 Sue Laybourn 42 Dkt. No. 42 Tajkowski 42 Eureka Redevelopment Agency 42 DIP financing facility 42 Vacating 42 tax abatement 42 Hiddenbrook 42 Chescavage 42 Kostner Ave 42 Madaket Marine 42 Franchises subcommittee 41 condemnor 41 preliminary injunctive relief 41 Temporary Restraining Order 41 Industrial Siting Council 41 Power Siting 41 Facilities Ordinance 41 National Pollutant Discharge 41 Clymire 41 SLUP 41 Reconsideration 41 Bridger Canyon 41 JNOV motion 41 #.#-# [003] 41 Qualifications RFQ 41 Buckinghamshire HP# Householder 41 Growth Boundary 41 STEAP grant 41 Director Rob Loveberg 41 Brickstone 41 applica tion 41 MURA 41 MHRB 41 nunc pro tunc 41 Falea exploration 41 La.Code Civ.P. art 41 ap plication 41 Wellhead Protection 41 CONSENT AGENDA 41 annexation 41 ordiance 41 RSA #:# [001] 41 Draft EIR 41 MALVERN WEST 41 FLPMA 41 PVWMA 41 Elimination System 41 Rieth Riley 41 mobilehome park 41 HarborCorp 41 Stipulations 41 granted Caltrans Encroachment 41 exemptive relief 41 warranty deed 41 ATCOG 41 Code Enforcement 41 Lympus 41 GridCom 41 MMDs 41 MR Civ 41 Calle Joaquin 41 APN #-#-# [003] 41 unimproved alley 41 Eastpark 41 Jennrich 41 Rancho Potrero 41 Stefanonis 41 sideyard setbacks 41 Amendment Bylaw 41 Macco 41 Howland Crossings 41 Tabled request 41 Crestridge Road 41 emergency haying 41 Zoning Map 41 Mobilehome Park 41 InEnTec 41 drainfields 41 deannexation 41 Ansborough 41 Ranch ISR 41 Weilage 41 DDES 41 quitclaim deed 41 Colorado Revised Statutes 41 detached dwelling 41 SEPP 41 Reappointments 41 Rich Fairservis 41 LEDBURY Proposed 41 Exemption Certificate 41 § #.# b 41 Chino Cone 41 Authorization 41 APFO 41 hereby GRANTED 41 Colts Neck Crossing 41 Overlay Zoning 41 Novarr 41 supplemental EIS 41 Calvada 41 KLINK 41 reqs conditional use 41 Reaffirmation Agreement 41 Antinelli 41 HATT 41 Routsong 41 declaratory ruling 41 Eureka Moly 41 Boschult 41 non conforming 41 Sportsites LLC 41 procedural bylaw 41 Syncon Homes 41 Domenigoni 41 bylaw 41 CR #N [001] 41 Glades Reservoir 41 Mehoopany Township 41 VVWD 41 eminent domain proceedings 41 Overom 41 LCRA TSC 41 Remcon 41 Plan SWPPP 41 quitclaim 41 depredation permits 41 § #-# [001] 41 Dkt. # 41 Ryf Road 41 SWRCB 41 Wensmann 41 Wing Tsue 41 Clabber Creek 41 A#D# 41 CRZ clearance 41 Alan Ostner 41 Deerwood Drive 41 downzoned 41 reverter clause 41 Exploration Permit Application 41 Schiller seconded 41 Sulkis 41 Doc. # 41 • Approved 41 Sahtu Land 41 WRCOG 41 Subpart H 41 berming 41 Mendocino Crossings 41 Supervisors 41 HOW THEY VOTED 41 Bathen 41 PlanCon 41 Pulda Farm 41 Ugstad Road 41 Altman Tract 40 Residential Medium Density 40 Joint Ministerial Decree 40 SUBDIVISION 40 Calimesa Boulevard 40 Code #.#.# 40 Resolution Authorizing 40 appli cation 40 Situ Recovery 40 Pulelehua 40 Ord. 40 ARS § #-#.# 40 zx Approved 40 Exploration Permit 40 detached garages 40 Abatements 40 EIRs 40 inverse condemnation 40 Aldermen voted unanimously 40 DOLA grant 40 § #-#.# [001] 40 Holpe 40 Planning 40 shoreland 40 Ithaca Landmarks Preservation 40 Towantic Energy 40 Drainage Ditch 40 Purchasing Agent 40 § #E 40 subdivison 40 Neighborhood Overlay 40 conditional 40 TCEQ commissioners 40 subdividers 40 Akwa Vista 40 Schematic Design 40 selectmen voted unanimously 40 Skunk Hollow Road 40 stormwater retention 40 subdivsion 40 interlocutory orders 40 parol evidence 40 perpetual easement 40 Operator License 40 Maymead 40 GWF Energy 40 Rimrock Road 40 Referendum Petition 40 Hafferman 40 Chevreaux 40 Kapalua Mauka 40 Sensitive Lands 40 NPDES 40 Meadows Subdivision 40 abatements 40 Conditional 40 Energy Facility Siting 40 Rezonings 40 Lisciotti 40 KSA #-# d 40 renumber 40 Asphalt paving 40 Aquifer Protection 40 EnXco 40 Town Planner 40 O. Reg 40 Proppant 40 Straban 40 accessory dwelling 40 Siller Ranch 40 outlots 40 Ashby BART 40 forcemain 40 Pa.RAP 40 inclusionary zoning ordinance 40 shorelands 40 #R# [001] 40 Kachemak Drive 40 RC #.# [002] 40 LEE COUNTY BOARD OF 40 application 40 FNPRM 40 Boxelder Road 40 Ulland Bros. 40 remonstrators 40 n Approved 40 scenic byway designation 40 ERAC 40 Unimin Offer 40 LakeWatch Plantation 40 Citivest 40 Redevelopment Commission 40 acre conservation easement 40 unbuildable 40 Oakview Drive 40 Shorezone 40 Liquor Licence 40 Mullner 40 Partial Summary Judgment 40 KOZ designation 40 PUBLIC COMMENT 40 Facilities Tax Exemption 40 Landmarks Commission 40 Municipal Liquor Store 40 Keizer Station 40 Jennifer Bergel Catoctin 40 Agency Formation 40 IT IS ORDERED 40 Dutra asphalt 40 Edgeway 40 Colonia del Sol 40 Carlsborg 40 Shawmut Ave 40 RDKB 40 PZB 40 Southford Road 40 Large Scale Mining 40 Lopac 40 Ciesielka 40 Nuisance Ordinance 40 Planning Inspectorate 40 SOAH 40 Landmark Preservation 40 Yuba Highlands 40 Addition Burk 40 Fieldstone Estates 40 Subdividing 40 Devens Reuse Plan 40 Mined Land Reclamation 40 multifamily residences 40 attorney Geri Waksler 40 KEY ACTION 40 gravel pit 40 LHR Farms 40 CBDG 40 Rick Fagerlie 40 Baeurle 40 platted lots 40 disinterested shareholder 40 Grimando 40 Revocable Living Trust 40 Heights Subdivision 40 Clubview Drive 40 Rent Stabilization Code 40 depredation permit 40 platted subdivisions 40 Ordinance Subcommittee 40 IRCP 40 RV campground 40 Codes Enforcement 40 NJSA #A 40 ULURP 40 An Bord Pleanala 40 Neose intends 40 monopole tower 40 IV.#.# 40 Subpart E 40 deed restrictions 40 wetland delineation 40 Tule Desert 40 Approval 40 Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement 40 permittee 40 Code Enforcer 40 Schminke 40 Mr. Dirienzo 40 permisson 40 Bord Pleanála 40 Development Ordinance UDO 40 JUB 40 submittals 40 Necessity CPCN 40 SummerHill 40 arbitrary capricious unreasonable 40 Wabuska 40 Amerikohl Mining 40 Bill Cheshareck 40 Vossburg 40 multiunit dwelling 40 Lyp 40 Waksler 40 C# [002] 40 subarea 40 JNOV 40 Rehearing 40 Short Explanation 40 Section #.# [001] 40 Enosburgh Town 40 Environment Impact Statement 40 Code § #.#-# [003] 40 Parking Permit 40 Upper Explorerland Regional 40 Scheduling Order 40 Neighborhood Revitalization Plan 40 Packerton Yards 40 preservation easement 40 Cerjanec 40 aldermen voted unanimously 40 landuse 40 PARTF grant 40 Rose Anne Kwaks 40 permittees 40 Plat Annexation 40 postconviction relief 40 reversion clause 40 Matheny Tract 40 Kootenai Lodge 40 Scoping Document 40 re MINUTE ORDER 39 Whispering Meadows 39 Approving 39 Subdivision 39 MetroPlains 39 Steep Slope 39 permission 39 Historical Preservation Commission 39 Sexually Oriented Business 39 hog confinement 39 Copperleaf 39 ZONING 39 Roaring Brook Twp 39 MoPC 39 Ninigret Hamlet 39 AN ORDINANCE 39 Warranty Deed 39 Appropriation Ordinance 39 Sunny Acres 39 MALVERN LINK 39 codified ordinances 39 hereby DENIED 39 commissioners voted unanimously 39 PUDs 39 MECO Engineering 39 Arcata Endeavor 39 Tooby Ranch 39 decomposed granite 39 leasee 39 Wisconsin PSCW 39 Investigational Device Exemption 39 Applicant 39 § #.# [005] 39 Environmental Impact Study 39 Surland Cos. 39 Napa Pipe 39 Kincore 39 Mining Lease 39 Rupple Road 39 Section #.# [002] 39 Report DEIR 39 voluntary annexations 39 MVLWB 39 Trustees voted unanimously 39 County Commissioners BOCC 39 Land Disposition Agreement 39 Upper Explorerland 39 OCGA § #-#-# [003] 39 Hogsback Road 39 BLUAC 39 Urban Renewal Plan 39 Comprehensive Plan 39 anti SLAPP motion 39 NDEQ 39 De Vaul 39 instream flow 39 Dewey Humboldt 39 Siting Council 39 permitee 39 § #-#-# b [002] 39 KSA #-# [001] 39 Ranchettes 39 KRS #A.# [002] 39 ODEQ 39 Defs. 39 OR SUPPLY WORK 39 MRCOG 39 injunction enjoining 39 Nevada Revised Statutes 39 Chisos Basin 39 COWOP 39 Drainage Improvements 39 Sehestedt 39 Councillors voted unanimously 39 Regis tration 39 remittitur 39 drainage swale 39 Pheasant Hollow 39 industrially zoned land 39 Revolving Loan Funds 39 CFR § #.# [007] 39 Eaglehead 39 Veard 39 percolation tests 39 downspacing 39 Ridge Subdivision 39 DRGR 39 JSDC 39 subdividing 39 HPOZ 39 TRPA Governing Board 39 Ponterril 39 Protective Covenants 39 LUR 39 SR ISE 39 Merita Callaway 39 NLCFPD 39 Sex Offender Residency 39 Amending Chapter 39 CCEDC 39 Laughlin Ranch 39 BUILDING PERMITS 39 Adaptive Reuse 39 abutting landowner 39 Underground Injection 39 easement appurtenant 39 § § #-# [002] 39 Cloverland Drive 39 APPROVED 39 Final Environmental Impact 39 EPM# 39 conscientious objector discharge 39 Masner 39 Mineral Extraction 39 Hassenflu 39 Mitigation Fee 39 Camino Ramon 39 Newville Borough 39 annex