Democratic caucusgoers

Related by string. * Demo cratic . Dem ocratic . Democratics . DEMOCRATIC . democratic . Democrat ic . demo cratic : Ian Paisley Democratic Unionists . Democratic gubernatorial candidate . Democratic Senatorial Campaign . Ian Paisley Democratic Unionist . democratic reforms . Democratic challenger . Democratic Change MDC / : caucusgoers . Iowa caucusgoers . GOP caucusgoers * *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 66 GOP caucusgoers 65 caucusgoers 62 caucus goers 62 undeclareds 61 GOP leaners 61 Iowa caucusgoers 61 Unenrolled voters 61 unaffiliateds 60 NEWSWEEK Poll 60 WNBC Marist poll 60 Very Favorable 60 precincts reporting Sestak 60 EXIT POLL 60 Big Ten Battleground Poll 59 Undecideds 59 Democratic caucus goers 59 CNN WMUR 59 Unaffiliated voters 59 Strongly Disapprove 58 Independent Ralph Nader 58 independent Quinnipiac KWIN 58 InsiderAdvantage Majority Opinion 58 WMUR UNH 58 Zogby Poll 58 McClatchy Ipsos 58 Iowa caucus goers 58 uncommitteds 58 white evangelical Protestants 58 Rassmussen Reports 58 nonpresidential election 58 57 fav unfav 57 Clinton 57 DETAILS Conducted Oct. 57 Rasmussen Reports Telephone 57 McClatchy MSNBC 57 leaning independents 57 precincts reporting Deutch 57 frequent churchgoers 57 Nancy Pfotenhauer adviser 57 News Opinion Dynamics 57 SurveyUSA Telephone interviews 57 white mainline Protestants 56 Undecided voters 56 precints reporting 56 Pollsters surveyed 56 Very Unfavorable 56 Independent Anthony Pollina 56 FG Wahlen surveys 56 Julia Kiden 56 undecided voters 56 independents disapprove 55 CNN WMUR TV 55 RCP Average 55 AP Gfk poll 55 religiously unaffiliated 55 unenrolled voters 55 caucus goers garnering 55 CNN WMUR poll 55 Edison Mitofsky exit 55 Courier Journal Bluegrass 55 caucus goer 55 unfavorability rating 55 Eduardo Estrella 54 CSTV AVCA Coaches 54 Clarus Poll 54 Insider Advantage 54 precincts reporting Landrieu 54 persuadable voters 54 unfavorability rating stood 54 Delegate Count 54 Annenberg Election 54 Congress Remain Unpopular 54 EPIC MRA poll 54 McClatchy Marist 54 outspending McCain 54 WMUR Granite State 54 hypothetical matchups 54 Among 54 uh pe ack 54 Glengariff Group 54 independents 54 unaffiliated voters 54 nonpartisans 54 OBOP showed 54 persuadables 53 CNN Gallup poll 53 stations WXYZ WILX 53 SurveyUSA poll conducted 53 DETAILS Conducted Sept. 53 voters 53 Diageo Hotline 53 Pollsters interviewed 53 unfavorables 53 undecideds 53 Star-Ledger/Eagleton-Rutgers poll 53 Gallup Poll finds 53 Dana Singiser 53 Strongly Favor 53 Mike Labno 53 Badger Poll 53 Gallup pollsters 53 polltakers 53 Barr P.Geo 53 Strongly Approve 53 Qunnipiac University 53 Strongly Disapprove giving 52 Rutgers Eagleton poll 52 Fairleigh Dickinson PublicMind poll 52 Fenumiai counted 52 PPIC poll 52 52 RealClear Politics 52 Midghall Inc. 52 USA TODAY Gallup poll 52 Yedioth poll 52 McCain 52 PRRI RNS Religion 52 Lori Weigel 52 poll title = Online 52 Caucus goers 52 Zogby Interactive 52 Half 52 Libertarian Eric Schansberg 52 undeclared superdelegates 52 markup Tollin 52 IBD TIPP poll 51 Economist YouGov poll 51 Very Unfavorably 51 Ciruli Associates 51 Strongly Favor repeal 51 DETAILS Conducted 51 Mainline Protestants 51 Schon Marques 51 Alan Secrest 51 51 InsiderAdvantage Poll Position 51 Bluegrass Poll 51 â € œJeanine Pirro 51 InsiderAdvantage poll 51 Representative Dick Gephardt 51 Sarpolus 51 pollster Ed Sarpolus 51 Hispanics 51 Presidential Straw Poll 51 precincts reporting Chafee 51 C SPAN Zogby 51 oversamples 51 Education Next PEPG 51 USAToday Gallup poll 51 Metroscopia 51 Poliarquia Consultores suggested 51 Reuters Zogby poll 51 favourability rating 51 favorables 51 nonpartisan Pew Hispanic 51 Ipsos McClatchy 51 nominee Alex Sink 51 AP GfK Battleground 51 Nevada Caucuses 51 Undecided Voters 51 caucusers 51 Voters Favor 51 spokeswoman Marion Steinfels 51 Unenrolled 51 Generic Ballot 51 OF INTEREST 51 Sen. Vincent Sheehen 51 persuadables lean toward 50 ESPN USAToday 50 outpolls 50 DEMOCRATIC primaries 50 Presidential Preference 50 C SPAN Zogby poll 50 Hall Singe 50 Winthrop ETV poll 50 Electoral Votes 50 bipartisan Battleground Poll 50 AP GfK Poll 50 candidate Ralph Nader 50 Alienation Index 50 NEC Preseason Coaches 50 Ames Straw Poll 50 McClatchy Newspapers Marist 50 businessman Danny Tarkanian 50 nonpresidential 50 ticket splitters 50 voter apathy inexcusable 50 Epic MRA 50 precincts reporting Bilbray 50 50 Hart McInturff 50 Blacks 50 Libertarian Lex Green 50 precincts reporting Tester 50 Conversely Culvahouse role 50 Fifty 50 Win Iowa Caucuses 50 ComRes Ltd. 50 THE DETAILS Conducted 50 Rutgers Eagleton Poll 50 thunderous acclamation 50 TNS OBOP institute 50 Benenson Strategy Group 50 Discounting civil servants 50 Quinnipac 50 precincts reporting Villaraigosa 50 Edges Ahead 50 THE POLL 50 Rasmussen Reports poll 50 spokeswoman Adrienne Elrod 50 50 Chairman Richard Schwarm 50 persuadable 50 Howey Gauge Poll 50 GW Battleground 50 Hillary CLinton 49 Calif gov 49 Congressman Dick Gephardt 49 Likability 49 Datafolha poll 49 CNN Gallup Poll 49 Nonwhite 49 Insomar 49 Wyoming Caucuses 49 Voters 49 precincts reporting Angelides 49 Rodham Clinton 49 civilian noninstitutionalized population 49 49 Libertarian Kathie Glass 49 counted Zapatero Socialist 49 Opinion Dynamics Corp. 49 Epic MRA poll 49 McCain 49 Rutgers Eagleton 49 uncommitted delegates 49 favourability ratings 49 CPAC straw poll 49 businessman Dave Nabity 49 Tanner Tillotson 49 Obama swapped accusatory 49 Corn silked 49 noncollege 49 Schoolchildren chanting Assassinate 49 cacuses won 49 firm Greenberg Quinlan 49 precincts reporting Nagin 49 Overwhelming majorities 49 operative Maria Cino 49 Democrat Walter Boasso 49 Diageo Hotline poll 49 chairwoman Sue Lowden 49 challenger Len Munsil 49 Precinct Caucuses 49 AVCA Coaches Top 49 Democrats caucused 49 liberal Chung Dong 49 unpledged superdelegates 49 superdelegate endorsements erasing 49 Pulse Opinion 49 precincts reporting Beshear 49 panelist abstained 49 NY1 Marist 49 WHDH-TV/Suffolk University 49 FG Wahlen 49 Iowa precinct caucuses 49 Gfk poll 49 evangelicals 49 campaign discouraged counterprotest 49 spokeswoman Kirsten Searer 49 Michael Peroutka 49 Marist Poll 49 Presumptive Democratic nominee 49 strategist Ed Goeas 49 Chafee Whitehouse 49 noninstitutionalized adults 49 Nader Camejo 48 Kathleen Troia McFarland 48 Keystone Poll 48 randomly selected precincts 48 unfavorability ratings 48 Star-Ledger/Eagleton-Rutgers Poll 48 Ipsos Bimsa 48 JoDee Winterhof 48 Chairwoman Sue Lowden 48 seeing pluses minuses 48 Midwesterners disapprove 48 Krusor 48 North Carolina 48 Justin Jacobsma Hull 48 New Hampshirites 48 Zogby poll 48 vote respectively Ndongou 48 Voter turnouts 48 Undeliverable refund checks 48 LeAlan Jones 48 Iowa caucuses 48 leaners 48 Senator HARRY REID 48 undecided 48 fabulously brainless movie 48 Maagar Mohot 48 nominee Vincent Sheheen 48 cites strident partisanship 48 candidate Jean Nayinzira 48 Daily Telegraph YouGov poll 48 Datum Internacional 48 frontrunner Rudy Giuliani 48 Mircea Geoana defeating 48 Kamran Daneshjoo senior 48 pollster Bill McInturff 48 pollster Sergio Bendixen 48 Hispanic surnames 48 candidate Jim Lendall 48 exurban counties 48 precincts reporting Coons 48 DFL gubernatorial 48 By Ron Chimelis 48 BIG EAST Preseason Coaches 48 Susan Pinkus 48 provisionals ballots 48 Bennet Romanoff 48 Democrat Jeanne Shaheen 48 Dahaf poll 48 Strongly Oppose 48 McClatchy Ipsos poll 48 Datum poll 48 Equipos Mori 48 ESPN WBCA Coaches 48 Ross Perot siphoned 48 Strongly Opposed 48 Unaffiliated voters outnumber 48 Gfk Polonia 48 Sanderoff 48 Only 48 Mike Mokrzycki 48 By Roger Cleaveland 48 Forschungsgruppe Wahlen 48 Viavoice agency 48 racial disparities persist 48 Toss Ups 48 lawyer Byron Georgiou 48 SurveyUSA poll 48 48 BPIX poll 48 scientist Dante Scala 48 adviser Greg Strimple 48 Low Turnout Expected 48 Lead Widens 48 wishy washy mealy mouthed 48 Suomen Gallup 48 scariest Halloween costume 48 Pluralities 48 Van Ostern 48 ERIN NEFF 48 respondents disapproved 48 nonaffiliated voters 48 Reps. Leonard Boswell 48 adviser Tad Devine 48 ELECTION NOTEBOOK 47 Margaret Kenski 47 unaffiliated groupings 47 favorability ratings 47 lipstick maxim 47 Geoff Garin 47 preelection polls 47 Voter registrations 47 Shy Ector 47 Universidad de Lima 47 pollster Stan 47 GfK Polonia institute 47 SurveyUSA 47 exchanged routine unpleasantries 47 Quinnipiac Poll 47 47 consultant Bernie Pinsonat 47 MSNBC Zogby poll 47 evangelical Christians 47 Anzalone Liszt Research 47 spokeswoman Irena Etinger 47 Altmire Y 47 Favorability 47 strategist Tad Devine 47 Fabrizio McLaughlin 47 Republican Presidential Nominee 47 called Hayworth huckster 47 PublicMind poll 47 Constituent Dynamics 47 persuadable meaning 47 pollsters 47 Romilda Vane chocolates 47 plusers 47 Unofficial totals 47 Trevor Tompson contributed 47 caucuses 47 Guardian ICM 47 Independents 47 Assemblywoman Scozzafava 47 AAPIs 47 exit polls 47 Businessman Herman Cain 47 http:/ 47 AARP MedicareRx Saver 47 Illinois senator 47 SOXX gained 47 Scott Keeter 47 pollster Ed Goeas 47 Greg Mankiw economics 47 Rasmussen Reports 47 apportion delegates 47 EPIC MRA Lansing 47 uncounted provisional 47 Haaretz Dialog 47 AVCA Coaches 47 Edison Mitofsky 47 Vanishing Voter Project 47 recommended longjohns 47 candidate Peter Camejo 47 businessman Sebastián Piñera 47 Susquehanna Polling 47 Running Mates 47 researcher Forsa 47 Pete Brodnitz 47 Pollsters predict 47 Presumptive GOP 47 Ecologists Greens 47 candidate Deb Shafto 47 spokesman Jeff Sadosky 47 COMPAS poll 47 Bryan DeMain Appeal 47 evangelical Protestants 47 Ayres McHenry & 47 Gubernatorial Primary 47 DFL endorsee 47 Refinery utilization rebounded 47 CBOS institute 47 Roger Pinate 47 latest AAII Sentiment 47 candidate Gianni Lettieri 47 richest quintile 47 Senator Carol Moseley 47 gfs.bern 47 challenger Kristi Noem 47 47 Julie Rodewald 47 challenger Jonathan Tasini 47 novice Ned Lamont 47 s 47 seasonally adjusted nonfarm 47 Battleground Poll conducted 47 Ifop polling agency 47 Democratic Presidential Nominee 47 Undeclareds 47 challenger Dick DeVos 47 Ispos 47 Dianne Bystrom 47 Makes Closing Argument 47 HOW MANY COVERED 47 Michigan 46 David Redlawsk 46 USCHO CSTV 46 downscale whites 46 Gfk poll released 46 VTsIOM polling 46 Repliform R revenues 46 Rob Schroth 46 lawyer Stanislas Sankara 46 Just 46 pollster ICM 46 Uncommitted 46 Nonoperating expense 46 Midwinter Bald Eagle 46 Bositis 46 46 percent/# 46 3 Station CSHR 46 Synovate Temo 46 SurveyUSA Poll 46 Mayor Elver Montano 46 Positive Intensity 46 TNS Sofres Unilog 46 congressman Rob Portman 46 Susick grandmother 46 Ipsos MORI interviewed 46 Berwood Yost 46 Favors parental 46 Ziriax 46 spokeswoman Erin VanSickle 46 AP Newsmaker Interview 46 REGISTERED VOTERS 46 Colin Powell endorses 46 Midterm Election 46 Fairleigh Dickinson PublicMind Poll 46 GSPF slid 46 IBD TIPP Poll 46 Maurice de Hond 46 Preseason Coaches 46 nonmusical theater 46 Rodell Mollineau spokesman 46 Star WTHR Channel 46 web 46 Vox Latina 46 Langton Towungana 46 Broun N 46 Scott Keeter Pew 46 disenfranchised felons 46 OpinionWay 46 Unemployment Rate Increases 46 Clinton 46 pollsters ICM 46 challenger Renee Ellmers 46 battleground states 46 Bayh centrist 46 RLEC adjusted EBITDA 46 respondants 46 Exit Poll 46 renounce Hagee endorsement 46 strategist Mark Mellman 46 Culver Branstad 46 incumbent Casey Cagle 46 those Washingtons numbering 46 ambivalent networkers 46 Mustel poll 46 Incomplete returns 46 MaryAlice Erickson 46 Democrat Bruce Braley 46 Obama disowns critique 46 Persuadable voters 46 Democrat lawmaker Algirdas 46 YouGov Plc poll 46 Biggert N 46 seasonally unadjusted payroll 46 Opposes gay marriage 46 46 Rodolfo Pajo 46 HSNSI stood 46 undecided voter 46 Substantial majorities 46 Gallup polling 46 Pledged delegates 46 Anthony Salvanto 46 Opposes abortion 46 Obama 46 Nonresidential structures 46 polled 46 Nonwhites 46 Ibope poll 46 Sixty 46 pollees 46 downballot 46 BigResearch 46 pollers 46 Tracking Poll 46 Polls Suggest 46 Joe Legay 46 Rep. Bartel Jonkman 46 Moran Tiahrt 46 Newspoll survey 46 http:/ 46 NSCAA adidas Top 46 pollster Joel Benenson 46 Towerbrook Partners 46 Democracts 46 nonfarm wage 46 CommunicateResearch 46 dubbed Super Duper 46 nonpartisan Pew 46 Becky Greenwald 46 Misspoke About Ground Zero 46 straw poll 46 PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY 46 Passport Files Breached 46 NEWSWEEK POLL 46 Democrat Al Gore 46 Mike Hucakbee 46 uncounted provisional ballots 46 Cantwell McGavick 46 Pollster Ed Sarpolus 46 INSOMAR 46 Roughly 46 legislator Tom Emmer 46 Superdelegates swelled 45 Gephardt 45 Iowans 45 gubernatorial candidate R. Creigh 45 director Susan Pinkus 45 Catholics mainline Protestants 45 Quinnpiac 45 businessman Byron Georgiou 45 Mark Mellman 45 noncollege educated 45 insourced jobs 45 Presidential Candidates 45 pollster Verne 45 Carolyn Weyforth spokeswoman 45 Rob Wasinger 45 CURS 45 date Wholesale Leathercraft 45 Straw Poll 45 Populus Ltd. 45 NFCA Coaches Poll 45 Sen. Heloisa Helena 45 Ifop poll 45 Pinsonat 45 Potomac Primaries 45 hopeful Alexi Giannoulias 45 Seasonally adjusted nonfarm 45 ROMIR 45 Fritz Wenzel 45 Kerry website newsbio 45 slaves Hollaway 45 Libertarian Party nominee 45 DeGette Y 45 Paul Maslin 45 Euro Libor #.# 45 ticketmates 45 Bernie Porn 45 IELEC.T Quote NEWS 45 gallup poll 45 MCain 45 pollster Geoffrey Garin 45 Infratest 45 Values Voter 45 overcounts 45 MPR Humphrey 45 TRXFLDAXPU 45 incumbent Elizabeth Dole 45 KAET TV 45 Mitt Romney 45 RNC committeeman 45 Battleground Poll 45 Alan Abramowitz political 45 sporadic heckling 45 Less 45 CLAIRE McCASKILL 45 multistate Mega 45 spokeswoman Delacey Skinner 45 Bilirakis Y 45 spokesman Blake Zeff 45 Ed Goeas 45 Kathleen Krehbiel 45 convention Schon Marques 45 Specter Sestak 45 Mark Mellman pollster 45 stations WXYZ WJRT 45 Rivals Mitt Romney 45 absentee ballots postmarked 45 Latinos 45 Religious Identification 45 Sasko Kedev 45 PRI candidate Eviel 45 Rival Hillary Rodham 45 Boxer Fiorina 45 Huckabee 45 Kristian Denny 45 Voronin Communists 45 spokeswoman Wendy Riemann 45 CPAC attendees 45 fullyear outturn represents 45 Exit Polls 45 Veepstakes 45 Pechter Middle East 45 Ms. Zinga 45 NAFTA Goolsbee 45 BCS standings Weiberg 45 USA TODAY Gallup Poll 45 Ekos poll 45 pollster Mark Baldassare 45 typically Democratically aligned 45 Survey Superdelegates Jump 45 vastly outraised McCain 45 Inside Lacrosse Media 45 Mitt Romney Rudy Giuliani 45 TPM Poll 45 Chairwoman Sue Dvorsky 45 Voted Nay 45 voter getters 45 unmarried births 45 EPIC MRA 45 HIllary Clinton 45 JDRF expenditures 45 polling firm Datanalisis 45 By 45 presumptive nominee 45 Helen Mirren Nicole Kidman 45 coalesce evangelicals around 45 Evita Paschall 45 NFHCA poll 45 JEWELRY Down 45 PORTRAITS SINGLES 45 cast ballots 45 Halina Szpilman 45 Blogger Sentiment 45 ISPO institute 45 Chafee DeWine 45 Congressman Boozman 45 crosstabs 45 unreasonable obstructionists 45 PublicMind poll released 45 8NewsNow 45 rival Eduardo Montealegre 45 outraises 45 Populus interviewed 45 Public Policy Polling 45 incomes scarcely budged 45 SEIU Endorsement 45 downbeat drumbeat 45 challenger Jon Runyan 45 manager Chip Saltsman 45 PIPA poll 45 Cassreino 45 adviser Nick Baldick 45 relentlessly wooed 45 opposition socialist PASOK 45 Representative Jim Nussle 45 Pixar flicks Viane 45 chairman Saul Anuzis 45 Nader Camejo ticket 45 rival Kizza Besigye 45 spokesman Naoya Narita 45 Marktest 45 proportional representation blocs 45 Greens Libertarians 45 constitutional amendment disallowing 45 Eric Rademacher 45 Libertarian Kenn Gividen 45 viewed unfavorably 45 pessimists outnumber optimists 45 Times TNS mrbi 45 Being Counted 45 Andy Arrenquin Appeal 45 Low voter turnout 45 Congressman Jim Nussle 45 Geraldo Alckmin Sao Paulo 45 mobile centrics 44 Boergers lifelong Democrat 44 Democrat Dina Titus 44 Democrat Celinda Lake 44 3G LaptopConnect cards 44 Indo Barometer 44 Reichert Burner 44 Stephen Ansolabehere political 44 Whitman Poizner 44 Quinnipiac poll 44 Canvassing Board certified 44 Cazayoux Jenkins 44 Ipsos Apoyo poll 44 BY ROGER CLEAVELAND 44 Luis Alberto LaCalle 44 stool coatless 44 Leans Democrat 44 favorability rating 44 Celinda Lake Democratic 44 CVVM agency 44 Presidential Hopefuls 44 presidential hopefuls 44 Democrat Chet Culver 44 Electability 44 Democrat Chellie Pingree 44 Ken Salazar D Colo 44 ComRes poll 44 Adjusted EBITDAR margin 44 businessman Gary Trauner 44 BYE' suh witts 44 somewhat monocellular 44 renter households 44 #,# WeddingWire newlyweds 44 Vilsacks 44 Unofficial returns 44 Curtis Gans director 44 website newsbio 44 nonfarm payrolls shrank 44 Nonfarm employment 44 44 Party Affiliation 44 Outages ranged 44 WHO VOTED 44 Southerner Jimmy Carter 44 Chairman Steve Achelpohl 44 caucus goers independents 44 respondees 44 44 presidential nominee 44 repondents 44 Avi Dichter lagged 44 NBC Leno segued 44 Leominster Fitchburg Gardner 44 % mlink 44 aldermanic runoffs 44 Iowa Caucuses 44 Irrawaddy Labutta township 44 Maymin 44 Renewal RN 44 voter Ray Melick 44 Martinique banana 44 Bilbray N 44 biweekly Lundberg Survey 44 Kuwait ruler Sheik 44 Teleseker 44 AGE BIRTH DATE LOCATION 44 allies vastly outspent 44 unpledged delegates 44 Kapa Research 44 Temeraire novels increased 44 ACNielsen poll 44 Marlin Stutzman 44 Garin Hart 44 Don Nickles R Okla 44 unilaterally abrogate NAFTA 44 Democrat Peter Shumlin 44 Fleeced How 44 LIASSON 44 Cobb LaMarche 44 Asmar Muhammad 44 BY SUZANNE BOYLE 44 pollster Lee Miringoff 44 Leonard Boswell 44 Sen. Hillary Rodham 44 editor Bob Gabordi 44 FOOTWEAR Down 44 Depressive disorders afflict 44 Arne Moltis 44 persuadable independents 44 GfK survey 44 Mohamed Bouchiha 44 Deo Ferrer Daily 44 presumptive frontrunner 44 Teresa Vilmain 44 unpledged super 44 BPH afflicts approximately 44 key midwestern battlegrounds 44 Seek Recount 44 unseating Bunning 44 forgave Zidane 44 church attenders 44 unitemized contributions 44 Governors Assn 44 Longboat Key congresswoman 44 veep sweepstakes 44 strategist Tucker Eskew 44 Bankruptcies soar 44 Aaron Conetta 44 CSTV AVCA Coaches Poll 44 ZOGBY 44 incumbent Jon Corzine 44 Wessel Kroeschell 44 JOHN ZOGBY 44 Midterm Election Poll 44 CureMichigan 44 Equipment Leasing Fluid 44 GfK polls 44 Ben Tulchin 44 Congresswoman Herseth Sandlin 44 Wireline adjusted EBITDA 44 Denounces Pastor 44 color Gutwillig 44 Dem Nominee 44 By STEVE MARRONI 44 older NSAID diclofenac 44 Democrat Robin Weirauch 44 Poliarquia Consultores 44 Field Poll 44 44 ASPS comprises 44 Atlantic Pik 44 By NANCI HELLMICH 44 Actress Mary Steenburgen 44 Outspent 44 Granholm DeVos 44 Bundlers 44 tossups 44 Gubernatorial Races 44 segregationist Dixiecrat 44 Nightly News averaged 44 Primary Runoff 44 Kymm Mann Appeal 44 Populus interviewed random 44 Thom Riehle 44 Senator HILLARY CLINTON 44 Democrat Victoria Wulsin 44 mainline Protestants 44 holdovers grossing 44 poll 44 Quinnipiac KWIHN' uh pee 44 44 Moderate Dems 44 Larry Rasky Biden 44 Lead Shrinks 44 precincts reporting unofficial 44 precincts reporting Chambliss 44 Capella doctoral 44 Huckabee Baptist preacher 44 TIPP poll 44 adviser Minyon Moore 44 Implied vols 44 cast Bruzzo 44 Pollster Andrew Kohut 44 presidential 44 Sen. Hillary Clinton 44 Aged Fifty 44 Daily Iowegian Centerville 44 Gallup poll 44 Aderholt Y 44 Thirty 44 drywall Brincku 44 closest pursuer Romney 44 Pew Hispanic 44 Cedatos Gallup 44 John Edwards DN.C. 44 Spanish langauge 44 vastly outspending 44 Gubernatorial Race 44 Dresner Wickers 44 upstart Ned Lamont 44 Unemployment Rate Jumps 44 firm Datanalisis 44 Widens Lead Over 44 legalized medicinal marijuana 44 aldermanic races 44 Taloustutkimus 44 Domestic Liftboats 44 percentiles decreased 44 Voter Strategies 44 unity Alienating 44 award delegates proportionally 44 GfK polling 44 strategist Jenny Backus 44 http:/ 44 Jeffrey Passel 44 Overriding veto requires 44 Barack Obama 44 pollster Khalil Shikaki 44 worms weasels 44 Dahaf Institute 44 Jonathan Collegio spokesman 44 spokeswoman Tricia Enright 44 Luis Lacalle 44 Average SAT scores 44 spokeswoman Nicolle Devenish 44 Voter Turnout 44 Omaha Neb. Melanie Welte 44 spokeswoman Brigid O'Rourke 44 Spider phobia 44 Tim Grussendorf 44 Democrat Roxanne Conlin 43 Working industriously 43 Minority Leader Marty Seifert 43 non pledgers 43 Karen Slifka 43 Forsa poll 43 Carol Mosely Braun 43 Jeanette DeForge 43 Leans Democratic 43 Steve Schale 43 station KUHF 43 skoh zuh FAH' vuh 43 SORA Institute 43 Unofficial tallies 43 Deposada 43 Romney 43 Hillary 43 teen birthrates 43 MyNetwork TV reach 43 Robert Beltrani 43 Representative Bruce Braley 43 Chairman Tim Shallenburger 43 Earned Doctorates 43 Dahaf Institute poll 43 Absentee balloting 43 presidential candiate 43 BRCA1 mutation carriers 43 #.#percentage 43 Greatest Hometown Heroes 43 Alito Filibuster 43 female endoscopist 43 Strongly Agree 43 Gallup Polls 43 Roxanne Conlin 43 Associated Press Gfk poll 43 candidate Grzegorz Napieralski 43 Christopher Agrella 43 Fairbank Maslin Maullin 43 Democrats 43 nonemployer businesses 43 BBWAA balloting 43 Massooda Jalal 43 uncommitted 43 Newspoll published 43 Davis Hibbitts 43 nonelderly adults 43 pollster Celinda Lake 43 By Lynda Waddington 43 Infotrak Harris 43 pollster Khalil Shekaki 43 Obama 43 defining interracial marriages 43 awaiting kidney transplants 43 WVWV

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