Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 68 NAMAs 60 EGTT 60 National Adaptation Programmes 59 JPOI 58 RISDP 57 Add.1 57 UNFCCC Secretariat 56 IWRM 56 G-#/CHINA 56 Adaptation Framework 55 Angola Benin Burkina 55 MDGS 55 SBSTA 54 ICZM 54 REDD + 54 Hyogo Declaration 54 AWG KP 54 UNFPA UNICEF 54 G-#/China 54 Poverty Reduction Strategies 54 Centrally Sponsored 54 MBTOC 53 AMCOW 53 Millenium Development Goals 53 UNDAF 53 UNFF 53 UNFCC 53 Climate Change UNFCC 53 FCPF 53 Peacebuilding Cooperation Framework 53 Reduced Emissions 53 Nationally Appropriate Mitigation 53 SAICM 53 COP MOP 53 Mkukuta 53 POPRC 52 WSSD 52 NIPs 52 GEOSS 52 SAARC Development Goals 52 LULUCF 52 MKUKUTA 52 UNCT 52 Ad hoc Working 52 IIFB 52 MDGs 52 Development Goals 52 Climate Change Adaptation 52 UNCED 52 PRSPs 52 SDGs 51 Workplan 51 Millenium Goals 51 Short Course DOTS 51 workplan 51 CDM EB 51 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 51 UNEP GEF 51 UNCCD 51 SBSTTA 51 Strategy GPRS 51 verification MRV 51 NSDS 51 Almaty Programme 51 Medium Term Strategy 51 NAPs 51 Ministerial Declaration 51 REDD Programme 51 AWG LCA 51 REDD Reducing Emissions 51 UNDP GEF 51 GEF 51 Millenium Declaration 50 PRSP II 50 Marrakesh Accords 50 Cooperation Framework 50 Multilateral Fund 50 Assistance Framework UNDAF 50 forest degradation REDD 50 Papers PRSPs 50 AFRICAN GROUP 50 stakeholder consultations 50 Adaptation Fund 50 AOSIS 50 Millennium Development Goals 50 Action PoA 50 Vientiane Declaration 50 Poverty Eradication Action 50 UNGASS 50 ESFRI 50 PICTA 50 Implementation Agreements 50 Cancun Agreements 50 OECD DAC 50 CLMV 50 National Afforestation Programme 50 Renewable Energy Directive 50 UNFCCC secretariat 50 Busan Roadmap 49 GEF SGP 49 Biosafety Protocol 49 ICCD COP 7 49 measurable reportable 49 combating desertification 49 Consultative Process 49 ASEAN Framework Agreement 49 Operational Programmes 49 RFMOs 49 Least Developed Countries 49 PARTIES TO THE 49 inter sectoral 49 Plan PEAP 49 Heiligendamm Process 49 Less Developed Countries 49 UNDP UNFPA 49 Hyogo Framework 49 Millennium Goals 49 Certified Emission Reductions 49 universal salt iodisation 49 ICPD 49 Biodiversity Strategy 49 TEAP 49 Millennium Declaration 49 Ouagadougou Declaration 49 GRULAC 49 Security Code ISPS 49 Countries HIPC Initiative 49 Biosafety Clearing House 49 UNFCCC 48 expeditious implementation 48 Cancún Agreements 48 Multi Donor 48 LDCs 48 Decent Work Country 48 COP9 48 Trilateral Agreement 48 Accelerated Irrigation Benefits 48 ETSI TISPAN 48 JNNSM 48 BIODIVERSITY 48 Joint Implementation 48 RFMO 48 Conditional Grants 48 Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari 48 GHG emission reduction 48 ICPD Programme 48 Environmental Programme UNEP 48 ICGLR 48 RLTAP 48 Disaster Reduction Campaign 48 EC Directives 48 Yamoussoukro Decision 48 ICESCR 48 Multilateral Development 48 DIPECHO 48 Combat Desertification UNCCD 48 Sustainable Livelihood 48 Mr Sidibé 48 Environment Facility GEF 48 ICAAP 48 Sustainable Development WSSD 48 TORs 48 National Poverty Eradication 48 Scoping Plan 48 Trust Fund MDTF 48 Resident Coordinators 48 Aide Memoire 48 CAPACITY BUILDING 48 Programme UNDP 48 Programmatic 48 Intersectoral 48 Joint Implementation JI 48 Orosi Mill project 48 FNDP 48 Climate Change Mitigation 48 ECOTECH 48 #/#/EC [001] 48 intersectoral 48 Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement 48 AU IBAR 48 Centrally Sponsored Schemes 47 GoB 47 Ozone Layer Protection 47 UNCTAD XII 47 CBD COP 47 SADC Secretariat 47 Forest Degradation REDD 47 NGRBA 47 Indira Awaas Yojana IAY 47 Revised Guidelines 47 ALDEP 47 Expect flyspeck scrutiny 47 Sustainable Livelihoods 47 REDD 47 UNCAC 47 TWGs 47 ARCHI 47 afforestation reforestation 47 A/C.#/#/L.# 47 WGs 47 IMPLEMENTATION 47 National Indicative Programme 47 LLDCs 47 Prioritisation 47 REDD Reduced Emissions 47 AUHIP 47 NRLM 47 Durban Declaration 47 Outcome Document 47 CRPs 47 IPSAS 47 Reducing Emissions 47 Climatic Changes 47 Revised Recommendations 47 gender mainstreaming 47 CARIFORUM EC 47 Union Territory Administrations 47 Multilateral 47 document A/#/# [002] 47 FAO IFAD 47 ICC Statute 47 Medium Term Budgetary 47 Danube Strategy 47 CDERA 47 Landlocked Developing Countries 47 Ethical Guidelines 47 Tetteh Hormeku 47 Goals MDGs 47 transboundary movements 47 imple mentation 47 IPEEC 47 banks MDBs 47 GHG Protocol 47 Credit PRSC 47 UNDP UNEP 47 Degradation REDD 47 FMOH 47 UNICEF UNFPA 47 Maputo Declaration 47 AU NEPAD 47 Accessibility Guidelines 47 Federal Contaminated Sites 47 eEurope 47 Least Developed Countries LDC 47 Ramsar sites 47 Global Rinderpest Eradication 47 Internal Capital Adequacy 47 intersessional 47 ENA FLEG 47 UNPRI 47 MGDs 47 Smallholder Farmers 47 Boreal Forest Conservation 47 ITTO 47 Trade Liberalisation 47 Child Mortality 47 Lamfalussy process 47 CarbonNeutral Protocol 47 CAADP 47 Renewables Directive 46 CDMs 46 RES# [001] 46 NAPRM 46 Combat Desertification 46 WG2 46 ISDR 46 COMIFAC 46 biodiversity conservation 46 Country Coordinating Mechanism 46 Submittals 46 CFATF 46 Appendix VII 46 COHSOD 46 Unregulated Fishing 46 CGPCS 46 EDPRS 46 Decision #/#/EC 46 UNEP CBD 46 TRIPS flexibilities 46 E/#/# 46 Climate Resilient 46 UNFCCC COP 46 Fadama Development 46 plurilateral 46 Bogor Declaration 46 NSDI 46 monitorable targets 46 Modality Plan 46 Forest Degradation 46 chronogram 46 Poor Countries HIPC 46 UNAIDS Secretariat 46 degradation REDD 46 mitigation 46 Emissions Trading Directive 46 EU Directives 46 IC GLR 46 Indicative Strategic 46 Peacebuilding Support Office 46 Reliability Standards 46 Lao PDR 46 Bachat Lamp Yojana 46 FLEG 46 Situational Analysis 46 CAMPA 46 AMCEN 46 NRCS Environmental Quality 46 MDG 46 Assessment Methodology 46 Aarhus Convention 46 NRDWP 46 Implementation Plan 46 subprogram 46 Emission Trading 46 Gender Mainstreaming 46 HLTF 46 trans boundary 46 Periodic Review 46 IOSN 46 Subsidiary Body 46 IMPLEMENTATION OF 46 Accelerated Reduction 46 IETF SIP 46 A/#/# [002] 46 IPBES 46 WATSAN 46 NEPAD ICT 46 AEC Blueprint 46 UNICRI 46 WHO UNAIDS 46 GFCM 46 GHG emission reductions 46 Strategic Framework 46 Thematic Strategy 46 OpenGIS 46 Core Principles 46 HIV AIDS malaria tuberculosis 46 BSUP 46 WGIP 46 Monterrey Consensus 46 Least Developed Countries LDCs 46 Pesticide Residues 46 Tobacco Control FCTC 46 Implementation Agreements IAs 46 Swajaldhara 46 workplans 46 intersessional meetings 46 CICA Handbook Sections 46 Ozone Depleting Substances 46 Intellectual Property Rights TRIPs 46 Parties COP 46 MDG targets 45 UN HABITAT 45 Barbados Belize 45 conserve biodiversity 45 Angola Botswana Lesotho 45 INSPIRE Directive 45 Chair Blaser 45 associated conformations 45 Consultative Workshop 45 Border Demarcation 45 d' Afrique Centrale 45 PC# Doc 45 MDG5 45 Implementation 45 Greenhouse Gas GHG 45 Health Regulations IHR 45 CDMP 45 document A/#/#/Add.# 45 IGWG 45 Gender mainstreaming 45 Development Plan RISDP 45 Countries HIPC 45 E/CN.#/#/# 45 REDD mechanism 45 UNICEF UNAIDS 45 SEDP 45 SPREP 45 Solemn Declaration 45 Lomé Convention 45 Enhanced Heavily Indebted 45 Rural Electrification Programme 45 CDEMA 45 IFRS changeover 45 Medium Term Plan 45 AFEP MEDEF 45 Equator Principles 45 NEPAD Heads 45 Environmental Impact Assessments 45 Malaria Tuberculosis 45 HIPC Highly Indebted Poor 45 eTEN 45 COP8 45 Paper PRSP 45 Focal Points 45 Technological Advice SBSTA 45 GHG Tailoring Rule 45 COMESA SADC 45 UNDESA 45 Optional Protocols 45 Nortel remedial 45 Kathy Burlison director 45 Angola Cunene 45 LUSIP 45 Framework Document 45 greenhouse gas GHG emission 45 HIPC Heavily Indebted Poor 45 Preventive Measures 45 CRZ Notification 45 Enabling Clause 45 transboundary waters 45 Makkah Declaration 45 IRP# 45 Transfrontier 45 UNPFII 45 Regional Indicative Programme 45 Carbon Emissions Trading 45 SADC Protocol 45 Energy Efficiency Commitment 45 Partners DCIP 45 DREF operation 45 ITU T Y.# 45 Directive #/#/EC [001] 45 Consultation Document 45 ILO IPEC 45 Prevent Combat 45 OPCAT 45 SGBV 45 Inter Sectoral 45 Comprehensive Ceasefire Agreement 45 Fadama III 45 Yojana SJSRY 45 Counter Terrorism Strategy 45 MTCT Plus 45 ToRs 45 WHO FCTC 45 Alberic Kacou 45 Greenhouse Gas Protocol 45 PACP 45 EU acquis 45 INSTRAW 45 OSPAR 45 Climate Change NAPCC 45 ITU T 45 Programme NAPEP 45 IEEE #.#m 45 TRIPs Agreement 45 States UTs 45 CIPs 45 HSSP 45 Environment Programme SPREP 45 ACDM 45 Intergovernmental Preparatory 45 XD Tiernan 45 GHG Inventory 45 eradicating extreme 45 Cotonou Partnership 45 Energy Efficiency Partnership REEEP 45 INDH 45 G3 Guidelines 45 Motorized Travel 45 NHRM 45 ADAPTATION 45 ORET 45 Trade Law UNCITRAL 45 ARWSP 45 IEEE Std 45 EACs 45 Guidance Document 45 hunger alleviation 45 Angola Botswana Namibia 44 Trade Agreement PICTA 44 KBRA 44 Greenhouse Gas Inventories 44 IMF Poverty Reduction 44 Interoperability Experiment 44 Enhanced HIPC Initiative 44 ON CLIMATE CHANGE 44 Aid Effectiveness 44 Habitats Directive 44 Cedaw 44 Djibouti Ethiopia 44 Summit Outcome Document 44 PM#.# NAAQS 44 Climate Adaptation 44 NLCPR 44 STCW Convention 44 Informal consultations 44 combat desertification 44 Stocktaking 44 Tailoring Rule 44 Development Goals MDGs 44 Knut Ostby 44 Nagoya Protocol 44 Interim Cooperation Framework 44 ECCD 44 Concluding Observations 44 Montreal Protocol 44 Agency CDERA 44 document A/#/# [001] 44 IGAP 44 EITE 44 EAC Treaty 44 GRI G3 44 poverty eradication 44 ILO Decent Work 44 Climate Change UNFCCC secretariat 44 Vulnerability Reduction 44 IMCI 44 Mitigated Negative Declaration 44 ambitious Bharat Nirman 44 WatSan 44 Greater Mekong Subregion 44 stakeholder consultation 44 Ghana Poverty Reduction 44 WGII 44 Pantawid Pamilya 44 Renewable Obligation 44 Coordination Mechanism 44 Resource Mobilisation 44 Tracing Instrument 44 Land Degradation 44 Human Settlements Programme 44 IPAP 44 Priority Areas 44 IGAD Heads 44 PRGF 44 COMSTECH 44 MNCH 44 GLOBAL FUND 44 ANSI HSSP 44 RBM Partnership 44 Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration 44 ICAO 44 UT Administrations 44 Artificial Recharge 44 Convention Against Corruption 44 Biketawa Declaration 44 Yogyakarta Principles 44 Nicholas Alipui 44 MGDS 44 HITRUST Common Security 44 UNGC 44 sixtieth session 44 Annexes 44 Accession Partnership 44 EUROCAE 44 document E/#/# 44 Routine Immunisation 44 Additional Protocols 44 ICAO Annex 44 methane CH4 nitrous oxide 44 CDDP 44 PRME 44 Harmonised 44 CONVENTION ON 44 INBAR 44 OECS Secretariat 44 PoA 44 Xth Plan 44 Specification PAS 44 CDM JI 44 Multi Stakeholder 44 Designated Operational 44 Rashtriya Sam 44 mutual supportiveness 44 Counterparty Criteria 44 Equator Principles voluntary 44 Ozone Secretariat 44 emission reduction 44 ASEAN Socio Cultural 44 Shared Responsibilities 44 FANR 44 Interoperability Framework 44 JTIs 44 Population Activities 44 WAEMU 44 CTAG 44 maternal newborn 44 Oxfam Novib 44 EIS EIR 44 Greater Mekong subregion 44 Trade Liberalization 44 Urigen URG# 44 tenurial 44 Kenya Slum Upgrading 44 Structural Funds 44 PHRP 44 ARV regimens 44 SEAs 44 SGIG 44 INTOSAI 44 BRGF 44 UNPF 44 Eminent Person 44 Spike Jonze cinematic 44 transboundary 44 NPT Safeguards Agreement 44 WCDR 44 Environmental Facility GEF 44 FICs 44 HIPC Initiative 44 AELM 44 Indigenous Populations 44 ARWSP guidelines 44 Gender Budgeting 44 ASYCUDA 44 monitorable 44 UNEP Governing Council 44 PCPIRs 44 Authority NGRBA 44 Multi Stakeholder Forum 43 subproject 43 Comesa secretariat 43 Ecodesign 43 SoaML 43 BASEL II 43 Nitrates Action 43 Ramsar Convention 43 L.# [001] 43 Nairobi Communiqué 43 7th Framework Programme 43 ITU Y.# 43 NCASC 43 PrepCom 43 Verification Mechanism 43 OHADA 43 NSAP 43 CBNRM 43 EPBD 43 IFCS 43 implemention 43 Voluntary Guidelines 43 relevant UNSC resolutions 43 Reintegration DDR 43 Cobit 43 SEA Directive 43 Iron Deficiency Anemia 43 TB Vaccine 43 Immunization Programme 43 Action Plan 43 Successful Breastfeeding 43 forest Degradation REDD 43 Saarc Secretariat 43 Draft Outcome Document 43 Radius Studio 43 codecision procedure 43 Review Mechanism 43 Promoting Gender Equality 43 EU Structural Funds 43 implemen tation 43 Management SAICM 43 SIDF 43 WIPO Performances 43 JASPERS 43 Peacebuilding Fund 43 Ad Hoc Working 43 Malaria Elimination 43 multi sectorial 43 Petronella Sibeene 43 NCRPB 43 Countries HIPCs 43 Green Grid PUE 43 GRI Guidelines 43 FRAMEWORK 43 Guinea Solomon Islands 43 HACCP GMP 43 Migratory Species CMS 43 Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana 43 reduction DRR 43 EAC Secretariat 43 Polio Eradication Programme 43 FLEGT 43 LifeHouse Theater musical 43 plurilateral negotiations 43 Highly Indebted 43 UHAPI 43 IMoSEB 43 Globally Harmonized System 43 implementating 43 certified emission reductions 43 RTAs FTAs 43 Framework Convention 43 Impacts Adaptation 43 Categorisation 43 Double Taxation Agreements 43 Aquaculture Stewardship Council 43 enhanced Heavily Indebted 43 GeSI 43 CLMV countries 43 Country Team UNCT 43 Developing Countries REDD 43 ecodesign 43 Deliverables 43 NER# 43 Safeguards Agreements 43 Quality Standards NAAQS 43 additionality 43 Poverty Reduction Support 43 Thorough knowledge 43 EUREPGAP 43 GHG mitigation 43 Eradicate extreme 43 GFATM 43 #.#-# Offeror Representations 43 legally binding instrument 43 Combating HIV AIDS 43 Emission Reduction Units ERUs 43 PANCAP 43 Partnership EDCTP 43 Environment Impact Statement 43 Pandemic Flu Preparedness 43 MDTF 43 NTCP 43 Mocana Device Security 43 Remuneration Code 43 NFSM 43 enhanced HIPC initiative 43 Edwards Aquifer Recovery 43 UN CEFACT 43 GRI Sustainability Reporting 43 TeleFood 43 Forum Eminent Persons 43 Revised Treaty 43 Persistent Organic Pollutants 43 Population Fund UNPF 43 Activities UNFPA 43 Concession Agreements 43 Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement 43 Tertiary Education Strategy 43 Ministerial Steering Committee 43 Preferential Trade 43 Emission Reduction 43 WCC Decade 43 CESCR 43 MoWD 43 LMO FFPs 43 International Hydrological Programme 43 Annex VI 43 Working Groups 43 Mozambique Tanzania 43 Countries HIPC initiative 43 Doha Ministerial Declaration 43 Ocean Acidification 43 BioCarbon Fund 43 RoO 43 Stakeholder Workshop 43 Influenza Pandemic Preparedness 43 Al Dhameen 43 SPECA 43 Multilateral Trade 43 Valorisation 43 Rapid Reaction Mechanism 43 document A/C.#/#/L.# [002] 43 Sensitisation 43 CEN CENELEC 43 Aceh Nias 43 CIQS 43 AMFm 43 OFID 43 Burundi Comoros 43 Greenhouse Gas Reduction 43 Poverty alleviation 43 CIVIL SOCIETY 43 Carbon Principles 43 cofinancing 43 AMMAA 43 ECOWAS Trade Liberalisation 43 Action AWG LCA 43 Sustainable Communities Strategy 43 Common Minimum 43 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 43 Least Developed 43 multiannual 43 maternal neonatal 43 Migration Accords 43 combating HIV AIDS 43 Extra Ordinary Session 43 Mauritania Niger 43 IAASTD 43 ESSP 43 Poverty Reduction Growth 43 GCLME 43 AIDS UNAIDS 43 compensatory mitigation 43 GreenBuilding 43 Citizens Economic Empowerment 43 DIVERSITAS 43 Clean Development Mechanism 43 IBIs 43 AEWA 43 Clinical Guideline 43 SADC COMESA 43 Indonesia Lao PDR 43 Fifth Framework Programme 42 Institutional Strengthening 42 Poverty Reduction Programme 42 WAPP 42 GAID 42 ISO IEC JTC 42 Budget Support MDBS 42 WHO Framework Convention 42 Biofuels Directive 42 ICF CY 42 ITTA 42 RSVY 42 RKVY 42 ENP Action 42 Tropical Forests 42 Initiative NBI 42 CoPs 42 Aquaculture Dialogues 42 Swarnjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana 42 Multi Sectoral 42 Resource Mobilization 42 FNPRM 42 Orbit Validation 42 Priority Sectors 42 GAFSP 42 Combating Desertification 42 Algiers Agreements 42 Human Epigenome Project 42 Systems CCTNS 42 Rajiv Awas Yojana RAY 42 ATWS 42 Water Framework Directive 42 Tariff CEPT 42 OIE FAO 42 DECCW 42 Biopesticides 42 Economic Communities RECs 42 FATF Recommendations 42 Finalisation 42 Verification Methodology Manual VMM 42 NEPAD Secretariat 42 PROTECTED AREAS 42 Asean Intergovernmental 42 Non Communicable Diseases 42 empirically validated 42 poverty alleviation 42 Linguistic Diversity 42 Legally Binding 42 Reference TOR 42 BTWC 42 FADAMA 42 Centrally sponsored 42 eVC 42 Refugees Returnees 42 Asylum Procedures 42 mainstreaming gender 42 Neglected Tropical Diseases NTDs 42 Unep 42 ACMECS 42 SHSP 42 MDBs 42 NAASP 42 DUTP 42 Emergency Management Agency CDEMA 42 Peacebuilding Commission 42 GHG emitting 42 TITLE File Inclusion 42 ROAP 42 Permanent Missions 42 Catchment Management 42 Bali Roadmap 42 Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar 42 Semi Autonomous 42 CICA Accounting Guideline 42 Operational Programme 42 NACP 42 UNite 42 GC GMEF 42 NF κB pathway 42 Cambodia Laos Myanmar 42 Developing Countries 42 UNEP WCMC 42 Bretton Woods Institutions 42 Assessment Framework 42 Against Corruption UNCAC 42 Adolescent Girls 42 Associations EFPIA 42 ICT4D 42 Climate Change COP# 42 PNPM 42 mitigative 42 Combating Climate Change 42 subprojects 42 Tuberculosis Malaria 42 Fiji Kiribati 42 Related Intolerance 42 Biennial Meeting 42 BIMP 42 Development Strategy PSDS 42 1Malaysia Concept 42 Recommended Practices 42 ;) SRC AP 42 Kiraso 42 Backward Regions Grant 42 implementation 42 EAN.UCC 42 FANRPAN 42 Emission Trading Scheme 42 GHG Reduction 42 CARIFORUM 42 Alternative Livelihoods 42 Prioritising 42 CMIM 42 UNON 42 GHG reduction 42 Voluntary Carbon Standard 42 prioritization Shindo 42 Certified Emission Reduction 42 avoided deforestation 42 abiotic stresses 42 Savanna Accelerated Development 42 Orphan Drugs 42 Medium Term Expenditure Framework 42 Corrective Actions 42 BUSAC Fund 42 UNISDR 42 Formative Assessment 42 SEMP 42 Bogor Goals 42 Mitigation Strategies 42 Concession Arrangements 42 multidonor 42 GHG reductions 42 Vulnerable Children 42 AML CTF 42 Simon Nhongo 42 FASB Emerging 42 CTTF 42 EADEAD 42 Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative 42 mitigative measures 42 PIA SarGen top 42 Implementers 42 BC EAO 42 Malaria GFATM 42 ESRP 42 PISG 42 Transatlantic Agenda 42 cleared FC2 42 Swaziland Zambia 42 Mutual Recognition 42 IRDP 42 OPRC 42 NIPF 42 Federating 42 Brownfield Cleanup Program 42 TEQIP 42 MISRA 42 slow progressors 42 Dr. Kamil Idris 42 Urgent Issues 42 Environment Programme Unep 42 ASEAN Integration IAI 42 Savio Carvalho 42 Test Methodology 42 Adaptation 42 NRTRDE 42 Naivasha Accord 42 Artemisinin Combination Therapies ACTs 42 Nusaf 42 prioritized 42 Harmonise 42 WCPFC 42 NATURA 42 EHPM 42 BFHI 42 ICERD 42 Stakeholders Consultation 42 influenza pandemic preparedness 42 Troop Contributing 42 OECS Economic 42 combating HIV Aids 42 FINANCIAL RESOURCES 42 Livelihood Programme 42 EIDHR 42 Forced Evictions 42 subregional organizations 42 ISPS Code 42 UN Peacebuilding 42 Directive #/#/EC [005] 42 AML CFT regime 42 Position Paper 42 Joint Needs Assessment 42 Programme IGBP 42 Regional Coordinating Councils 42 IEEE #.#ag 42 UNDRIP 42 bestpractices 42 PRDP 42 Potential Impacts 42 GHTF 42 Early Psychosis 42 INSARAG 42 Antiretroviral Therapy ART 42 MFs NBFCs