Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 82 SurveyUSA 79 Rasmussen Reports poll 73 Public Policy Polling 73 Quinnipiac Poll 73 Quinnipiac poll 73 Bluegrass Poll 72 EPIC MRA poll 72 SurveyUSA poll conducted 71 Zogby poll 70 RCP Average 70 NEWSWEEK Poll 70 Rasmussen Reports 69 InsiderAdvantage poll 68 Reuters Zogby poll 68 Marist Poll 67 Fairleigh Dickinson PublicMind poll 67 PPIC poll 67 Zogby Poll 67 CNN WMUR poll 66 Rutgers Eagleton poll 66 Diageo Hotline poll 66 Field Poll 66 CNN WMUR 66 InsiderAdvantage Majority Opinion 65 SurveyUSA Poll 65 Big Ten Battleground Poll 65 McClatchy Marist 64 USA TODAY Gallup poll 64 Badger Poll 64 Insider Advantage 64 Gallup poll 64 CNN Gallup poll 64 Courier Journal Bluegrass 63 News Opinion Dynamics 63 Battleground Poll 63 poll 63 McClatchy MSNBC 62 WNBC Marist poll 62 Winthrop ETV poll 61 Diageo Hotline 61 Epic MRA poll 61 C SPAN Zogby poll 61 Ekos poll 61 Star-Ledger/Eagleton-Rutgers poll 61 Zogby Interactive 61 61 C SPAN Zogby 60 Keystone Poll 60 CNN Gallup Poll 60 Star-Ledger/Eagleton-Rutgers Poll 60 GfK polls 59 unfavorability rating 59 independent Quinnipiac KWIN 59 GFK poll 59 ComRes poll 58 USA TODAY Gallup Poll 58 InsiderAdvantage Poll Position 58 Rutgers Eagleton Poll 58 Clarus Poll 58 Fairleigh Dickinson PublicMind Poll 57 Benenson Strategy Group 57 WMUR Granite State 57 polls 57 EKOS poll 57 Unofficial returns 57 Gallup polling 57 AP Gfk poll 57 Ipsos McClatchy 57 TPM Poll 57 uh pe ack 57 Datafolha poll 57 Tracking Poll 57 Gallup Poll 57 Ipsos poll 57 Constituent Dynamics 57 Rassmussen Reports 57 EMRS poll 56 Quinnipac University 56 Guardian ICM poll 56 bipartisan Battleground Poll 56 Associated Press Gfk poll 56 CNN WMUR TV 56 IBD TIPP Poll 56 MSNBC Zogby poll 56 opinion polls 56 Public Opinion Strategies 56 56 CROP poll 55 McClatchy Ipsos poll 55 ComRes survey 55 Tribune WGN 55 favorables 55 IBD TIPP poll 55 WMUR UNH 55 Qunnipiac University 55 Herald DigiPoll 55 Mustel poll 55 Westpoll 55 ACNielsen poll 55 Mason Dixon Polling 55 Very Favorable 55 WNBC Marist Poll 55 favorability rating 55 OF INTEREST 55 Associated Press Ipsos poll 55 unfavorables 54 Angus Reid poll 54 InsiderAdvantage 54 Zogby International 54 preelection polls 54 Polls 54 crosstabs 54 Critical Insights 54 Ibope poll 54 EPIC MRA 54 Ayres McHenry & 54 challenger Len Munsil 54 Unofficial tallies 54 Anzalone Liszt Research 54 Ipsos Apoyo poll 54 USAToday Gallup poll 54 Environics poll 54 WHDH-TV/Suffolk University 54 Newspoll survey 54 Opinion Dynamics Corp. 54 exit polls 54 LV MoE + 54 Anzalone Liszt 54 PublicMind poll 54 GfK survey 54 SUSA 54 Ciruli Associates 54 Poll 53 Epic MRA 53 Ipsos Poll 53 Howey Gauge Poll 53 PublicMind 53 RealClearPolitics 53 TPM Poll Average 53 Exit polls 53 53 Very Unfavorable 53 Gallup Poll finds 52 Clear Politics 52 52 Apoyo poll 52 52 52 Newspoll published 52 YouGov poll 52 AgePoll 52 Rutgers Eagleton 52 Decima poll 52 Newspoll 52 polling 52 IssuesPA Pew poll 52 pollster 52 Quinnipiac KWIHN' uh pee 52 Populus poll 52 precints reporting 52 independents disapprove 52 Metroscopia 52 Economist YouGov poll 52 Datafolha 52 Susquehanna Polling 52 Tarrance Group 52 Very Unfavorably 51 ICM poll 51 leaning independents 51 Ipsos Mori poll 51 Gallup Polls 51 precincts reporting Sestak 51 Gfk poll released 51 Ipsos MORI poll 51 disapproval rating 51 hypothetical matchups 51 Glengariff Group 51 Midghall Inc. 51 Unofficial totals 51 GfK battleground 51 Pollster 51 fav unfav 51 Harstad Strategic Research 51 Herald DigiPoll survey 51 YouGov Plc poll 51 Opinion Dynamics 51 GW Battleground 51 Harris Decima survey 51 Greenberg Quinlan Rosner 51 Daily Telegraph YouGov poll 51 CPAC straw poll 50 challenger Renee Ellmers 50 GfK poll 50 & Midghall 50 DFL endorsee 50 Gfk Poll 50 Cedatos Gallup poll 50 TNS Sofres poll 50 Populus survey 50 SurveyUSA Telephone interviews 50 PIPA poll 50 Ibope poll published 50 50 outpolls 50 Generic Ballot 50 Forsa poll 50 News Colmar Brunton 50 Ipsos Reid poll 50 ComRes Ltd. 50 Nanos Research 50 s 50 GOP caucusgoers 50 polling firm Datanalisis 50 8NewsNow 50 Guardian ICM 50 Democrat Creigh Deeds 50 Gallup 50 McClatchy Ipsos 50 Harris Decima poll 50 IPSOS poll 50 Davis Hibbitts 50 HuffPost Pollster 50 favorability ratings 50 Newspolls 49 RT Strategies 49 CNN Opinion 49 precincts reporting unofficial 49 TIPP poll 49 Lori Weigel 49 gfs.bern 49 Zogby 49 Colmar Brunton poll 49 McClatchy Newspapers Marist 49 Leger Marketing poll 49 RealClear Politics 49 Quinnipiac University 49 Strongly Disapprove 49 Datum poll 49 Associated Press GfK poll 49 precincts reporting 49 firm Datanalisis 49 GOP leaners 49 SWS survey 49 EKOS Research 49 Gfk poll 49 Exit Poll 49 pollster Bill McInturff 49 latest Newspoll 49 nonpartisan Pew Hispanic 49 Ipsos Apoyo 48 IFOP poll 48 favourability rating 48 Datum Internacional 48 viewed unfavorably 48 Leans Democratic 48 Democrat Celinda Lake 48 Leans Republican 48 Populus Ltd. 48 Fairbank Maslin Maullin 48 YouGov Polimetrix 48 WNBC Marist College 48 CID Gallup poll 48 Fairbank Maslin Maullin Metz 48 unfavorability rating stood 48 Ipsos polling 48 Battleground Poll conducted 48 Sanderoff 48 firm Greenberg Quinlan 48 Susan Pinkus 48 respondents disapproved 48 Poliarquia Consultores suggested 48 AP Ipsos poll 48 Gubernatorial Race 48 Pete Brodnitz 48 Democratic caucusgoers 48 Ibope 47 Midterm Election Poll 47 ComRes 47 Ayres McHenry 47 Fabrizio McLaughlin 47 GOP pollster 47 gallup poll 47 Siena pollster 47 ChangeWave survey 47 Newspoll surveys 47 CQ Politics rates 47 Democrat Jeff Merkley 47 Dahaf Institute 47 Democratic challenger 47 SMG KRC 47 pollster Verne 47 Léger Marketing poll 47 pollster Pulse 47 PublicMind poll released 47 Pollara poll 47 Infratest poll 47 KAET TV 47 Democrat Gary Trauner 47 Strongly Favor repeal 47 Ipsos Reid survey 47 Democrat Kathy Hochul 47 GfK polling 47 survey 47 Gallup pollsters 47 Exit Polls 47 An Ekos poll 47 Dahaf poll 47 Eurobarometer poll 47 COMPAS poll 47 precincts reporting Coons 47 precincts counted 47 Undecideds 47 pollsters 47 Consulta Mitofsky 47 oversamples 47 outraises 47 undecideds 47 Guest lineups 47 CQPolitics 46 MORI poll 46 AP GfK Poll 46 Assemblywoman Scozzafava 46 PRRI RNS Religion 46 stations WXYZ WILX 46 unofficial tallies 46 DFL challenger 46 FiveThirtyEight 46 Eduardo Estrella 46 Democratic caucus goers 46 Annenberg Election 46 INSOMAR 46 Polls indicate 46 independent Anthony Pollina 46 Leans Democrat 46 outraising 46 THE POLL 46 Rodham Clinton 46 46 white mainline Protestants 46 uncounted votes 46 Weather Stations SWS 46 Stu Rothenberg 46 NOP poll 46 Quinnipiac Polling 46 incumbent Elizabeth Dole 46 sampling error margin 46 46 Gubernatorial Primary 46 Delegate Count 45 Maurice de Hond 45 buyer remorse Wolfson 45 precincts reporting Deutch 45 Cillizza 45 45 ZOGBY 45 CQ Politics 45 leaners 45 challenger Dick DeVos 45 Republican Jane Corwin 45 Quinnipac 45 GfK Polonia 45 45 45 NY1 Marist 45 Vox Latina 45 Incomplete returns 45 pollsters BVA 45 EPIC MRA pollster 45 Democrat Dina Titus 45 Nexis search 45 Polling 45 polled 45 precincts reporting Angelides 45 Pulse Opinion 45 rival Eduardo Montealegre 45 pollster Floyd Ciruli 45 businessman Danny Tarkanian 45 45 businessman Gary Trauner 45 Joe DioGuardi 45 white evangelical Protestants 45 Maagar Mohot 45 Democrat Kendrick Meek 45 Rasmussen Reports Telephone 45 Informe Confidencial 45 Voted Nay 45 Dahaf Institute poll 45 Suomen Gallup 45 Tossup 45 DFL gubernatorial 45 YouGov survey 45 Independent Ralph Nader 45 Libertarian Kathie Glass 45 CURS 45 Sarpolus 45 MBF Healthwatch survey 45 challenger Lynn Swann 45 Cedatos 44 unscientific poll 44 manager Justin Brasell 44 Republican Charles Djou 44 challenger Blake Farenthold 44 poll 44 Glengariff Group Inc. 44 Electoral Votes 44 Hart McInturff 44 Midghall 44 nonpresidential election 44 Granite Status 44 unfavorability ratings 44 Pinsonat 44 Republican Randy Altschuler 44 Guatemala Electoral Tribunal 44 Penn Schoen & 44 Poll Shows 44 spokesman Jeff Grappone 44 44 Trevor Tompson contributed 44 incumbent Deval Patrick 44 frontrunner Rudy Giuliani 44 Civitas Institute 44 pollster Lee Miringoff 44 Qunnipiac 44 Steve Singiser 44 Democrat Kamala Harris 44 Fenumiai counted 44 nonscientific poll 44 Kapa Research 44 Democrat Rodney Glassman 44 challenger Randy Altschuler 44 leadoff Iowa caucuses 44 unaffiliateds 44 MPR Humphrey 44 Taloustutkimus 44 BPIX poll 44 Democrat Peter Shumlin 44 Iowa caucusgoers 44 surveyed disapproved 44 Republican Gubernatorial Candidate 44 Strongly Approve 44 Democrat Jeanne Shaheen 44 Equipos Mori 44 Alan Secrest 44 CID Gallup 44 Sigma Dos 44 Clear Favorite 44 GEA ISA 44 statistically insignificant 44 Brody File 44 Pollster Ed Sarpolus 44 Ifop poll 44 Demcorats 44 DigiPoll 44 Bernie Porn 44 strategist Ed Goeas 44 undecided voters 44 Infratest dimap 44 Forsa institute 44 OpinionWay 44 OpinionWorks 44 Marae DigiPoll 44 Bucuvalas Inc. 44 Forschungsgruppe Wahlen 44 straw poll 43 Democrat Gaye Symington 43 Suan Dusit Poll 43 precincts reporting Landrieu 43 precincts reporting Nagin 43 43 PBS DGA 43 persuadable voters 43 Tim Hibbitts 43 Tim Hibbits 43 Anthony Salvanto 43 EKOS 43 ISPO institute 43 KRC Research 43 UMR Research 43 Opinion Research 43 Ispos 43 Democrat Ed Perlmutter 43 Poliarquia Consultores 43 Digipoll 43 Pollsters surveyed 43 Nielsen VideoCensus 43 Post Chris Cillizza 43 challenger Larry Kissell 43 coattail effect 43 pollster Joel Benenson 43 ticket splitters 43 challenger Keith Fimian 43 challenger Pat Toomey 43 GOPer 43 Synovate Temo 43 challenger JoAnne Kloppenburg 43 nominee Alex Sink 43 SANEP 43 GlobeScan 43 LeAlan Jones 43 pollster Ed Goeas 43 unpredictable multicandidate race 43 IBD TIPP 43 DFLer Al Franken 43 Herald Digipoll 43 pessimists outnumber optimists 43 EXIT POLL 43 Alice Forgy Kerr 43 spokesman Jeff Sadosky 43 Teleseker 43 SRBI 43 Leger Marketing survey 43 tossups 43 outpolling 43 Unaffiliated voters 43 Dahaf 43 Nancy Pfotenhauer adviser 43 precincts reporting Villaraigosa 43 voters 43 Press Harris Decima 43 firm Penn Schoen 43 Metron Analysis 43 Canvassing Board certified 43 Reichert Burner 43 Voted Yea 43 43 Datamar 43 pollster Apoyo 43 Charlotte Observer WCNC 43 AP GfK Battleground 43 nonpartisan Pew Research 43 Shad Plank 43 Ipsos 43 precincts reporting Beshear 43 Quinnpiac 43 Cedatos Gallup 43 NAFTA Goolsbee 43 challenger Andrew Romanoff 43 Emnid poll 43 Gallup Healthways 43 Pollster Tim Hibbitts 43 DETAILS Conducted 43 favorability 43 Democrat Dannel Malloy 42 GfK Poll conducted 42 Dean Debnam 42 surveys 42 Congressman Ben Cardin 42 Hinterlaces 42 IPSOS MORI 42 Jorge Buendia 42 Mike Mokrzycki 42 AVCA Coaches Top 42 unaffiliated voters 42 42 MORI survey 42 plurality 42 pollers 42 Sean Trende 42 DETAILS Conducted Oct. 42 42 unseating Bunning 42 EPIC MRA Lansing 42 Associated Press Ipos poll 42 Pew Research 42 Instituto Sensus 42 uncommitteds 42 Jon Hulburd 42 Universidad de Lima 42 Insomar 42 DemFromCT 42 Ifop polling agency 42 & Berland Associates 42 CSTV AVCA Coaches 42 pollster Ed Sarpolus 42 Democrat Claire McCaskill 42 ChangeWave Research 42 Blogger Sentiment 42 TNS OBOP 42 Rob Schroth 42 comScore NSDQ SCOR 42 42 unfavorability 42 Lydia Saad 42 Populus 42 JOHN ZOGBY 42 businessman Dave Nabity 42 pollster Tim Hibbitts 42 Democrat Patty Wetterling 42 Democrat Barbara McIlvaine 42 TNS Sofres Unilog 42 IPSOS 42 Samiyah Diaz 42 Christina Bellantoni 42 pollster Synovate 42 scientist Dante Scala 42 researcher Forsa 42 DETAILS Conducted Sept. 42 CVVM poll 42 Mystery Pollster 42 Francisco Canseco 42 BPIX 42 Infratest 42 Strongly Favor 42 nonpartisans 42 Pulse Survey 42 Capacent Gallup poll 42 spokeswoman Adrianne Marsh 42 DFL endorsed 42 Race Tightens 42 Szonda Ipsos 42 Penn Schoen Berland 42 Times TNS mrbi 42 Libertarian Party nominee 42 Ibope polling institute 42 challenger Jonathan Tasini 42 CBOS institute 42 Miringoff 42 optimists outnumber pessimists 42 Strategic Counsel 42 Online AdRelevance 42 Times Ipsos MRBI 42 Jay Leve 42 Opinion polls 42 Josh Kraushaar 42 incumbent Jon Corzine 42 Ciruli 42 DiBileo 42 Congresswoman Herseth Sandlin 42 Democrat Dan Onorato 42 Gubernatorial Debate 42 Opinium 42 recorded robocall 42 religiously unaffiliated 42 Democrat 42 Bud Chiles 42 Democrat Sharon Renier 42 auditor Claire McCaskill 42 downticket 42 Marist pollster 42 Ross Perot siphoned 42 incumbent Marilyn Musgrave 42 By SCOTT RASMUSSEN 42 ChangeWave Alliance 42 Sen. Vincent Sheehen 42 Newsmaker Interview 42 Star WTHR Channel 42 Democrat Joe Sestak 42 Iowa caucus goers 42 Margaret Kenski 42 Hibbitts 42 WomanTrend 42 Spiliotes 42 spokeswoman Shannon Gravitte 41 recanvass 41 Borge y Asociados 41 Raese 41 Boxer Fiorina 41 Sifo poll 41 Independent Anthony Pollina 41 Erin McPike 41 Ipsos Bimsa 41 Democract 41 Bowling Green ophthalmologist 41 AC Neilsen poll 41 LendingTree Weekly 41 Jed Lewison 41 FG Wahlen 41 Politco 41 41 Indo Barometer 41 Domenico Montanaro 41 Ekos 41 Linc Chafee 41 precincts reporting Chafee 41 Mustel 41 Democrat Betsy Markey 41 Democrat Stan Matsunaka 41 blog Daily Kos 41 Edison Mitofsky exit 41 TNS mrbi 41 ESPN WBCA 41 Democrat Walt Minnick 41 Yedioth poll 41 oversample 41 Survey ARIS 41 VPRC 41 Chip Cravaack 41 challenger JD Hayworth 41 aldermanic runoffs 41 Haaretz Dialog 41 apportion delegates 41 consultant Christian Sinderman 41 Congressman Bob Beauprez 41 landlady Debora Maruca Kovac 41 41 Vinroot 41 MasterCard SpendingPulse survey 41 survery 41 Creigh Deeds 41 Alan Schlesinger 41 Republican Keith Fimian 41 Ekos survey 41 Quinnipiac KWIN' ih pee 41 Democrat Peter Corroon 41 Fritz Wenzel 41 challenger Kristi Noem 41 unenrolled voters 41 Democrat Ashwin Madia 41 Stuart Rothenberg 41 Lucky Narain 41 independents 41 businessman Buz Mills 41 PublicMind Poll 41 Mark Mellman 41 novice Ned Lamont 41 gubernatorial 41 Chris Cillizza 41 TalkingPointsMemo 41 station KUHF 41 downballot 41 Mark Rutte VVD 41 Nick Rerras 41 challenger Al Franken 41 outraise 41 Congress Remain Unpopular 41 Gfk Polonia 41 Republican Brian Bilbray 41 SHERROD BROWN 41 Democrat Chellie Pingree 41 41 Adwatch 41 Jennifer Agiesta contributed 41 Lynn Yeakel 41 Libertarian Party candidate 41 Longboat Key congresswoman 41 NFCA Coaches Poll 41 polltakers 41 Democrat Dan Maffei 41 YouGov Plc survey 41 Harris Poll 41 Matt Towery 41 YouGov Plc 41 Mike Labno 41 Charles Mahtesian 41 TNS Sofres 41 Undecided voters 41 FiveThirtyEight Nate Silver 41 CPOD Oct. 41 TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence 41 tossup 41 Patricia Lundstrom 41 FG Wahlen surveys 41 Auspoll 41 biweekly Lundberg Survey 41 legislator Tom Emmer 41 presumptive frontrunner 41 pollster Stan 41 41 Quinnipiac Polling Institute 41 precincts reporting Chambliss 41 challenger Edwin Eisendrath 40 Politico 40 outraised 40 GOPers 40 undeclareds 40 outpolled 40 Rodell Mollineau spokesman 40 Democrat Ethan Berkowitz 40 eleciton 40 By Margo Rutledge 40 Democrat Victoria Wulsin 40 Greg Sargent 40 Mike Baselice 40 Weather Stations 40 Ramstad Kline 40 Merdeka Centre 40 nominee Vincent Sheheen 40 MaryEllen FitzGerald 40 Democrat Scott Heidepriem 40 Escada Michael Kors 40 Clark Duffe 40 Mustel Group 40 40 40 TNS OBOP institute 40 Representative Dick Gephardt 40 CommunicateResearch 40 Michael Bennet D-Colo. 40 Biggert N 40 Democrat Angie Paccione 40 Cifra Factum 40 Job Vacancy Survey 40 Ipsos Mori 40 Democrat Stephanie Herseth 40 Democrat Frank Kratovil 40 ccAdvertising 40 Alex Isenstadt 40 40 GOP gubernatorial 40 Solop 40 Cilizza 40 pluralities 40 Angus Reid Strategies 40 Polidata 40 Adam Nagourney 40 Maine Estler 40 Marae Digipoll 40 Wirthlin Worldwide 40 Ekos Research 40 Renee Ellmers 40 Presidential Straw Poll 40 pollster Ipsos Apoyo 40 analyst Stuart Rothenberg 40 Apoyo Opinion y 40 Dick Mountjoy 40 Education Next PEPG 40 Republican Brian Dubie 40 undecided voter 40 Political commentator Arianna 40 DeVore Fiorina 40 Positive Intensity 40 TNS MRBI poll 40 spokeswoman Wendy Riemann 40 BIGResearch 40 ABC7 Listens 40 Intelligence CMAG 40 NFHCA poll 40 Igor Volsky 40 Heaberg 40 40 superdelegate Chris Stampolis 40 Republican pollster Whit 40 Hall Singe 40 Democrat Don Cazayoux 40 Ifop institute 40 Mrs. Dahlkemper 40 David Paleologos 40 Profughi 40 Apoyo polling 40 nominee Dede Scozzafava 40 Chafee Whitehouse 40 Drought Monitor map 40 precincts reporting Tester 40 GfK Polonia institute 40 adviser Darrin Schmitz 40 recanvassing 40 McCaskill Tester 40 BY HOLLY MEYER 40 pollsters Populus 40 MCain 40 incumbent Arlen Specter 40 GOP Gubernatorial Candidate 40 spokesman Dan McLagan 40 Latinobarometro 40 TNS MRBI 40 Democrat Niki Tsongas 40 spokeswoman Nachama Soloveichik 40 Prosser Kloppenburg 40 spokeswoman Marion Steinfels 40 offered angry denouncements 40 Iowa Caucuses 40 prime minister Cellou Dalein 40 Straw Poll 40 David Ehrenstein headlined 40 pollster Ipsos Reid 40 LifeWay Research 40 markup Tollin 40 Ipsos Mori survey 40 Glevum Associates 40 40 Kim Geveden 40 institute Forsa 40 By SANDRA BLOCK 40 AGB Nielsen Philippines 40 40 pollster Khalil Shikaki 40 Casey Wian 40 Outspent 40 Potomac Primaries 40 Democrat Bruce Braley 40 Weprin Associates 40 BY GEORGE PAWLACZYK 40 Midwesterners disapprove 40 ThinkProgress 40 Zogby poll commissioned 40 Berland Associates PSB 40 spokesman Blake Zeff 40 incumbent Saxby Chambliss 40 Atlantic Marc Ambinder 40 Aaron Conetta 40 Nightly News averaged 40 Huffmon 40 mayoral runoff 39 nonincumbent 39 Evi Mustel 39 election 39 independents caucusing 39 Ken Gjertsen 39 Sandra Endo 39 Demo crat 39 Nevada Caucuses 39 Election Day 39 Yougov poll 39 lieutenant governorship 39 headline grabbing upstart 39 Democrats 39 CQ MoneyLine 39 AVCA Coaches Poll 39 Democratic Farmer Laborite 39 Marlin Stutzman 39 stalwart Barbara Boxer 39 City Councilman Keiffer 39 CONSOLIDATED BUDGET 39 39 Nielson NetRatings 39 39 39 39 postelection canvass 39 Sigma Analytics 39 Maritz Poll 39 VTsIOM pollster 39 Patricia Lightner 39 #,#-#,# [006] 39 Statewide voter turnout 39 pollster Kellyanne Conway 39 Progressive Anthony Pollina 39 Tom Kise 39 Republicans 39 spokeswoman Melanie Fonder 39 NEC Preseason Coaches 39 Chairman Tim Shallenburger 39 Stephanie Herseth 39 RBJ Daily 39 Chairman Luke Esser 39 Lynn Daucher 39 Half 39 UPI Zogby poll 39 OzTam 39 Gallup Organization 39 Democrat Walter Boasso 39 poll 39 Schulman Ronca 39 Poliarquia 39 exurban counties 39 Dresner Wickers 39 caucus goer 39 Employee Confidence Index 39 pollsters ICM 39 PBS DGA poll 39 Libertarian Eric Schansberg 39 Party Straw Poll 39 Cole Hargrave Snodgrass 39 Times Jeff Zeleny 39 GQR 39 CVVM agency 39 chairwoman Sue Lowden 39 deadlier outbreaks 39 lowest voter turnouts 39 CVVM 39 NWCA Coaches Poll 39 pollster Taloustutkimus 39 Alienation Index 39 Clinton 39 primaries 39 Demoskop 39 Marttila Communications 39 DeDe Scozzafava 39 Pollsters interviewed 39 Democrat Mark Begich 39 Ames Straw Poll 39 Ulat ng Bayan 39 Democrat Virg Bernero 39 ChangeWave 39 HealthDay poll 39 Reps. Chaka Fattah 39 Datafolha polling institute 39 unscientific survey 39 Globescan 39 gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds 39 uncounted provisional ballots 39 Ms. Scozzafava 39 consultant Bernie Pinsonat 39 Poll Indicates 39 OBOP showed 39 voter getters 39 Battleground Polls 39 Trillion Dollar Gap 39 Evita Paschall 39 Kathleen Troia McFarland 39 precincts reporting Bilbray 39 ESPN WBCA Coaches 39 vastly outspending 39 Democrat Suzan DelBene 39 Robert Beltrani 39 pollster Brian Sanderoff 39 Ibope institute 39 IFOP 39 Sens. Eddie Calvo