Marion Di Marco (née Weller)


Blockseminar SoSe 2023

Linguistic Information in Large Language Models II

8. and 9. August 2023

In this seminar, we will read and discuss papers concerned with analyzing and representing linguistic information in large language models with a focus on semantics and the understanding of concepts and relations in LLMs, for example identifying metaphors, the understanding of compounds and ontological knowledge.

The format of this seminar is similar to a reading group: participants should prepare a paper in advance and present it during the seminar as a basis for a discussion (see below for a list of papers), and also write a summary of the paper after the seminar.

If you are interested in participating, please contact me (dimarco -AT-

Location: Room 115

Time: 9:30

Please prepare a presentation of 20 minutes.

Written summary of the paper:
The summary should be 4 pages long (+ references) using the following template: example-pdf latex

Deadline for the summary: 05. September




Blockseminar WiSe 22/23

Linguistic Information in Large Language Models

14. and 15. March 2023

In this seminar, we will read and discuss papers concerned with analyzing and representing linguistic information in large language models. In the first part, we address the topic of segmentation and sub-word representation and its implications on morphology. In the second part, we look at papers analyzing different linguistic features in pre-trained language models.

The format of this seminar will be similar to a reading group; participants should prepare a paper in advance and present it during the seminar (see below for a list of papers).

If you are interested in participating, please contact me (dimarco -AT-

Please prepare a presentation of 20 minutes.

Written summary of the paper:
The summary should be 4 pages long (+ references) using the following template: example-pdf latex

Deadline for the summary: 5. April 2023
