Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 69 equivalent BOE 68 boes 68 per mcfe 68 mcfe 68 BOEs 67 Mcfe 67 #.#/Mcfe 67 #.#/BOE [001] 66 Operating netbacks 66 mmcf equivalent 65 #.#/BOE [002] 64 boe 64 #.#/boe [002] 64 per MCFE 63 MBoe 63 #.#/Mcf 62 expenses LOE 62 Mcf 62 Depletion expense 62 cfe 62 thousand cubic feet 62 Netbacks 61 equivalent mcfe 61 Operating netback 61 equivalents boe 61 #.#/mcfe 61 expense LOE 61 per Mcfe 61 6mcf 1bbl ratio 60 operating netback 60 Barrel bbl 60 #.#/boe [001] 60 equivalent MMcfe 60 gas equivalent Bcfe 60 mscf 59 proved reserves YE# 59 Mcf equivalent 59 boes d 59 Operating Netback 59 #.# Tcfe 59 LOE decreased 59 equivalent Mmcfe 59 unescalated 58 Adjusted EBITDAX 58 - -Kawasaki #cc 58 equivalent Tcfe 58 #/boe 58 USOGP 58 depletion depreciation 58 Netback 58 oil equivalent boe 58 amortization DD 58 Mmcfe 58 mcf 58 DAILY PRODUCTION # 58 DAILY PRODUCTION 57 ngl 57 barrels MMBbls 57 cubic feet Mmcf 57 Per boe 57 EBITDAX 57 Proved + 57 cubic feet equivalents 57 cubic feet equivalent bcfe 57 unproved properties 57 Standardized distributable cash 57 6 Mcf 1bbl 57 #.#/mmBtu 56 Adjusted Diluted EPS 56 equivalent mmcfe 56 Operating Expenses Operating 56 #/bbl WTI 56 operating netbacks 56 mbbls 56 Confirms Monthly Distribution 56 1bbl 56 equivalent Bcfe 56 barrel Bbl 56 AECO natural 56 mbbl 56 - -Overhead recoveries 56 GJ d 56 Proved Reserves 55 Probable 2P 55 TBtu 55 MMbtu 55 dekatherm 55 -Cnd 55 Recoverable reserves 55 liquid NGL 55 standardized distributable cash 55 Individual Annuities segment 55 liquid NGL fractionation 55 Proved Developed 55 Adjusted diluted 55 Gross Addition CPGA 55 Fazenda Brasileiro Mine 55 oil equivalent MMBoe 55 Sm3 oe 55 cubic feet mcf 55 Pro forma EPS 55 MMBbls 55 mboe 55 Recurring FFO 55 Mbbls 55 liquids NGLs 55 1P reserves 55 = Adjusted [008] 54 TEB adjustment 54 Adjusted Operating Expenses 54 Q4 #F 54 adjusted EBITDAR 54 COGP 54 Mboe 54 -stockcar 54 risked unproved resources 54 #.#/mscf 54 accretion DD & 54 Mmbtu 54 thousand BOEPD 54 Adjusted FFO 54 #.#/mmbtu [002] 54 #.#/diluted share 54 equivalents Mcfe 54 READER ADVISORY 54 - -Changzhi 54 unevaluated properties 54 #.# MMbbl 54 Normalized EBITDA 54 MBOE 54 cubic feet equivalent Bcfe 54 ANOI 54 equivalents Bcfe 54 adjusted distributable cash 54 depreciation depletion amortization 54 -CITY HOLDING COMPANY 54 -MOSAID Technologies 54 bcfe 54 MMBoe 54 Total Proved 54 unrisked resource 54 Pro forma adjusted EBITDA 54 - - Net [047] 54 per Mmbtu 54 = Basic [015] 54 equivalent tcfe 54 Oil MBbls 54 Lease Operating Expenses 54 Direct LOE 54 MBbls 54 From Operations AFFO 54 3Q FY# 54 #.#/Bbl 54 Depreciation Depletion 54 Proved Reserves Increase 53 -Judge Kozinski 53 -PORR 53 noninterest expense decreased 53 FFOPS 53 PVR Midstream 53 per dilutedshare 53 Vinyls segment 53 GJ AECO 53 Q2 #F 53 FFO allocable 53 Mcfpd 53 unbooked resource potential 53 -RCMI 53 Non GAAP adjusted EBITDA 53 EBITDAO 53 FIFO EBITDA 53 Discretionary cash 53 plus probable 2P 53 Bbl 53 #,# =Jaegle 53 equivalents Tcfe 53 MBbls d 53 equivalent MBOE 53 Unlevered Cash Flow 53 Distributable Income 53 Pro forma EBITDA 53 ngls 53 = Non GAAP [014] 53 Exterran stockholders 53 millioncompared 53 equivalents MMcfe 53 operating income1 53 Ps.#.# [006] 53 gigajoules GJ 53 MMCFEPD 53 - Non GAAP [031] 53 Discretionary Cash Flow 53 Bcfe d 53 Unitholder distributions 53 EQT Midstream 53 #F YTD 53 mmcfe d 53 Proved reserves 53 Unlevered free 53 #.#/mcf [001] 52 #.#/oz Ag [001] 52 #.#/MWh 52 Pro forma diluted 52 #,#,# cu ft 52 Proved plus 52 #.# perdiluted 52 DILUTED NET INCOME LOSS 52 Comparable EBITDA 52 unrealized derivative 52 cubic feet Mcf 52 - - Net [055] 52 Standardized Measure 52 =MAP Pharmaceuticals MAPP 52 - Equity Investee 52 Fully diluted EPS 52 #.#/MCFE 52 Consolidated EBITDAR 52 #.# Per 52 ascompared 52 income allocable 52 per barrel 6mcf/bbl 52 #,# =Bill Duemling 52 leased NGL 52 Payout Ratio 52 items impacting comparability 52 Interest expense decreased 52 oil equivalent MMBOE 52 share assuming dilution 52 Introductory teaser rates 52 excluding depreciation depletion 52 #,# -BOB SANSEVERE 52 GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE 52 = Income [003] 52 Administrative Expense 52 = DKey4Women 52 netincome 52 nondeductible portion 52 #,#,# #,#,# - [015] 52 netback 52 operatingincome 52 = Net [006] 52 mcfpd 52 Adjusted EBT 52 nine monthsended 52 ONEOK Partners segment 52 Ltd. GLJ 52 cents/m3 52 Diluted FFO 52 Scantron segment decreased 52 ATCF 52 Operating Netbacks 52 #.#Â [001] 52 OP Unit 52 per gigajoule GJ 52 - Adjusted [030] 52 Adjusted EBITDAR 52 3Q FY# representing 52 EARNINGS PER SHARE BASIC 52 PDP MLR 52 = Net [026] 52 #.#per [002] 52 = Diluted [014] 52 Mbbl 52 #.#/GJ [002] 52 BOEd 51 FFO FFO 51 Noninterest Expense Noninterest expense 51 Adjusted EBITDA1 51 #,#,# = [009] 51 continuingoperations 51 MILLIONS EXCEPT PER SHARE 51 Proved undeveloped reserves 51 = Income [001] 51 Selling Expenses 51 depletable base 51 netbacks 51 Projected FFO 51 unrisked unproved reserves 51 = Net [030] 51 Income Loss Per Share 51 Mmcf 51 Mcf NYMEX 51 -Miner Res 51 YTD Fiscal 51 -Name Directory DND 51 Cdn mcf 51 unproved acreage 51 Normalized Funds 51 drilling recompletions 51 = Diluted [030] 51 - -Billeaudeau 51 client reimbursables 51 = Diluted [006] 51 EBDDT 51 c Excludes 51 Total Proved plus 51 EBITDAS 51 Boe 51 #,# NOVA MEASURING 51 Pro forma Adjusted EBITDA 51 Outstanding #,#,# #,#,# [002] 51 Oil Equivalent 51 - - Diluted [003] 51 #.# Mbbl d 51 ACCRETION 51 Noninterest expense decreased 51 -Laemmle Music 51 Average Realized 51 NOI decreased 51 FHLB borrowings decreased 51 Inergy LP Inergy 51 = Diluted [033] 51 Summarized consolidated 51 Q1 #F 51 USD#.#m USD#.# per [002] 51 Remainco 51 bbl mmcf 51 BASIC AND DILUTED WEIGHTED 51 Pro Forma Adjusted EBITDA 51 liquids NGL fractionation 51 prioryear 51 equity excluding AOCI 51 Questar E 51 Items excluded 51 Natural Gas MMcf 51 Bois d' Arc's 51 Partially offset 51 EBITDA EBITDAM EBITDAR 51 Adjusted distributable cash 51 Average AECO 51 excluding goodwill impairment 51 Notikewin horizontal 51 = Non GAAP [005] 51 uncollectible accounts receivable 51 Bbls 51 Pro Forma EBITDA 51 Liquid hydrocarbon 51 = Diluted [012] 51 Bbl d 51 -Surdna Foundation 51 tonne milled 51 -Inkpop 51 MMCFE d 51 Vacation Interval sales 51 - Gross Profit [004] 51 #,#,# #,#,# #,#,# #,#,# [001] 51 = Income [004] 51 = Non GAAP [003] 51 MCFPD 51 Acquired Intangible Assets 51 ATTRIBUTABLE TO CEPHALON INC. 51 Per Mcfe 51 per share1 51 UNIVERSAL TRUCKLOAD SERVICES INC. 51 Metallurgical recoveries 51 income teb 51 FINANCIAL DETAILS 51 excludes depreciation amortization 51 Mainline CASM 51 = DiCañez 51 Natural Gas Equivalent 51 Pro forma net 51 -Activities NI #-# 51 TSX BTE.UN NYSE 51 Expenses Lease 51 ended September# 51 per ASM CASM 51 Eog Res Inc 51 AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 51 ore milled 51 months endedSeptember 51 4Q FY# 51 accretion expense 51 british thermal 51 = Basic earnings [014] 51 cubic feet BCF 51 = Adjusted [002] 51 Minesite costs 51 NJRES 51 Non GAAP Adjusted EBITDA 51 = NDelara 50 #,#,# #,#,# =Motichka 50 mboe d 50 USD#.#m USD#.# [002] 50 = Diluted [017] 50 excludes unrealized gains 50 = DiluteAbdul Ghafoor Haideri 50 NIOB interval n 50 Interest Expense Interest expense 50 = Net [019] 50 cubic feet mmcf 50 Capital Expenditures Acquisitions 50 Proved Producing reserves 50 Equity Investee Methanol 50 - - Non GAAP [007] 50 Mmcfd 50 ii fractionating 50 Normalized FFO 50 proved undeveloped PUD 50 conventionally recoverable natural 50 #.#per diluted 50 boe #:# 50 excluding unrealized gains 50 = Earnings [026] 50 #.#/unit [001] 50 #.#/lb U#O# 50 Non GAAP Gross Margin 50 = Adjusted [005] 50 Natural Gas Liquids NGLs 50 Midstream MLP #,# 50 Amanda Farinos dines anonymously 50 #bcf [002] 50 Total Capitalization 50 = Dilutswordsmanship 50 Kotaneelee 50 Adjusted FIFO EBITDA 50 Adjusted Earnings 50 Costs Incurred 50 per Mcfe Lease 50 tcfe 50 noncash amortization 50 Adjusted Gross Profit 50 Adjusted Distributable Cash 50 ENDED NINE MONTHS ENDED 50 = Adjusted [014] 50 Amortization Expense 50 Fully diluted earnings 50 DILUTED INCOME 50 Non GAAP 50 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS IN THOUSANDS 50 BERKSHIRE HILLS BANCORP INC. 50 - Loss [013] 50 CCPU 50 - - Non GAAP [001] 50 adjusted ebitda 50 Adjusted Homebuilding EBITDA 50 mmcfe 50 Ps.3 50 Etame Marin block 50 = Basic [010] 50 = quarterback Spergon Wynn 50 adjusted EBITDAS 50 - Operating [026] 50 TSX ENT.UN 50 AVAILABLE SEAT KM 50 Qtr Qtr Year 50 excluding Alumbrera 50 ANSYS INC. AND 50 Polymer Additives segment 50 LIFO inventory valuation 50 GAAP BASIS 50 = Basic [028] 50 headache diarrhea abdominal 50 COMMON SHARES OUTSTANDING Basic 50 Chemicals Segment 50 Non GAAP adjustments 50 OPANA franchise 50 - -Majority Whip Roy Blunt 50 ASSUMING DILUTION 50 - Diluted 50 Fully diluted 50 #.#/mcf AECO 50 - Non GAAP [027] 50 NGL margins 50 Field netback 50 GLJ Report 50 Proved Undeveloped 50 Exchangeable Share Ratio 50 Increases Quarterly Distribution 50 FINANCIAL MEASURES AND RECONCILIATIONS 50 MBoe d 50 Mmboe 50 #/oz Au [002] 50 Derivative Liabilities 50 Net chargeoffs 50 EOG RESOURCES INC. 50 Depletion depreciation amortization 50 FFO payout ratio 50 MMCFE 50 Undiscounted 50 depreciation depletion 50 MMCFED 50 = Net [004] 50 - Net [014] 50 MARTEN TRANSPORT LTD 50 earnings pershare 50 unabsorbed fixed overhead 50 #compared 50 Pro Forma Adjusted 50 unproved reserves 50 #,#-#,# boe d [002] 50 Sanish field 50 Upper Montney 50 OshKosh wholesale 50 normalized FFO 50 = Basic [024] 50 MBOED 50 - Non GAAP [028] 50 DILUTED #,#,# #,#,# [001] 50 Qtr Qtr 50 - Expenses [006] 50 3TEC 50 GAAP EARNINGS 50 NPV8 50 = Basic [019] 50 EQT Production 50 equivalent BCFE 50 #.#/lb copper 50 Proved Developed Reserves 50 - Adjusted [017] 50 Income Taxes Allocable 50 = Diluted [019] 50 Fully Taxed EPS 50 Basic #,#,# #,#,# [001] 50 #/lb U#O# 50 - Net income 50 = Earnings [018] 50 -By DON HUNTER 50 - - Net [038] 50 Adjusted EBTIDA 50 Capital Expenditures 50 IAROC 50 Accretion Expense 50 - Adjusted [026] 50 deferred loan origination 49 mainline CASM 49 exclude noncash 49 - -PORK MARKET FORMULA PURCHASE 49 DSR * 49 AFFO 49 pro forma adjusted EBITDA 49 Production Hedged 49 Depletion Depreciation 49 Wexpro 49 SPIN METER Competing 49 Adjustment Expenses 49 nonGAAP 49 Including discontinued operations 49 #.# = Diluted [002] 49 economically recoverable coal 49 Scantron segment increased 49 = Diluted [022] 49 #.# = Larry McKeeman 49 - NET INCOME [007] 49 - -OfficeMax ImPress R 49 mscf d 49 Constant Currency 49 TSX BTE.UN 49 Bcfe 49 QUALCOMM Strategic Initiatives 49 Declared distributions 49 reasonably estimable 49 MVAS gross 49 EBITDA1 49 MMscf 49 = Diluted [027] 49 Volume Floor Ceiling 49 -WIZO 49 = Basic earningsAusama Monajed spokesman 49 BOEPD 49 kboe d 49 = Diluted [013] 49 PMPS brand 49 MNOK #.# 49 Payout ratio 49 -Andrea Seabrook 49 - - Nesignandsight newsletter 49 Seamap equipment 49 mcfe d 49 ASUR regulated 49 = Net [037] 49 Nonutility 49 - Operating [030] 49 #.# = Diluted [003] 49 Recycle Ratio 49 MMbtu d 49 = Earnings [017] 49 - Operating Expenses [001] 49 Cleco Midstream 49 Natural Gas Mcf 49 AND ADJUSTED 49 QEP Energy 49 excluding BIBP 49 = Net [038] 49 MMSTB 49 - SegmentPrincess Dina Mired 49 = Diluted [032] 49 - -larg 49 EARNINGS PER SHARE DATA 49 Quarter Ended Year 49 -DD2 49 - -supervisory ranger 49 MMBtu d 49 - - Nforecaddie 49 #.#/bbl WTI 49 EBITDARM 49 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 49 MBOE d 49 ultimate recoverability 49 = Net [005] 49 MCFE 49 - - Net [012] 49 = Barenâ 49 - -stories contradicted Silsby 49 Adjusted pro forma 49 = Net [012] 49 #.# =Atatahak 49 Adjusted EBITDA 49 = Basic earnings [001] 49 reserves leasehold acreage 49 Equity Investee Liquids 49 #.# mmscfpd 49 Adjustments Inventory 49 = Diluted [005] 49 PNOI 49 NOI FFO 49 Canext 49 Distributable cash 49 Phosphates segment 49 BBLS 49 theprior 49 ton milled 49 = Net [017] 49 PER UNIT 49 depreciation amortization accretion 49 AvenEx 49 TSX CLL 49 HOPFED BANCORP INC. 49 Taxable equivalent 49 Engineered Support Structures 49 EBITDAA 49 = Diluted [021] 49 calculating distributable cash 49 Tangible Book 49 = EMusei 49 = Net [021] 49 #,#,# #,#,# -IBS C 49 Reimbursable revenues 49 - NeDEFENDERS 49 situ bitumen production 49 GAAP Excluded 49 -Neurotrauma 49 BioMarin Genzyme LLC 49 pershare 49 Boepd 49 - -Sebastien Tortelli 49 Cana Woodford 49 Proved Probable -Schematic illustration 49 = Earnings [012] 49 upon statistical inferences 49 #.#.# [011] 49 = Diluted earnings [010] 49 #,#,# #,#,# Operating Expenses [001] 49 = Diluted [009] 49 Equity investee liquids 49 = Diluted [007] 49 TRAFINA 49 distributable cash 49 museum Julie Setlock 49 Petrofund merger 49 Quest Midstream 49 Per Mcf 49 #/Bbl 49 FFOM 49 Unproved 49 #.# BBtu d 49 = Diluted earningsAll Dogfighters 49 unabsorbed manufacturing 49 barrels MBbls 49 NOK#.# [005] 49 mmcfpd 49 expenses totaled Ps 49 Tcfe 49 Schels expects 49 noninterest expense totaled 49 Cdn bbl 49 RESERVE FOR 49 Adjusted EBITDAS 49 #,#,# #,#,# - [016] 49 Income Per Share 49 = Adjusted [004] 49 analyst William 49 = Earnings [007] 49 leasehold acquisitions 49 = Per [005] 49 capital employed ROACE 49 + Possible 3P 49 - - Diluted [007] 49 LIMITED PARTNER UNIT 49 Nonperforming loans totaled 49 Himax stockholders 49 mbbl mbbl 49 SHARE DILUTED 49 MFB Corp 49 Boe d 49 = Net [039] 49 = Diluted [026] 49 liquids NGL 49 morbidity mortality persistency 49 = NetSao Pedro 49 = Earnings [013] 49 - Adjusted [010] 49 SEK -#.# -#.# [001] 49 Proved 1P 49 Pigments segment 49 Excluding Unusual Items 49 NATIONAL FUEL GAS COMPANY 49 Normalized EBIT 49 processing PGM ounces 49 = Diluted earnings [009] 49 Proved Plus 49 SUBSIDIARIES RESULTS 49 - INVESTING ACTIVITIES [004] 48 Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA 48 EBIAT 48 NYSE UPL 48 Comparable FFO 48 = Net [018] 48 ProspEx 48 -Louisa Ada Seltzer 48 MLP Affiliate 48 = Diluted earnings [008] 48 -homing instinct 48 - Operatinluddites 48 HERCULES OFFSHORE INC. AND 48 Costs Per MCFE 48 Months Ended Six Months 48 BASIC AND DILUTED NET 48 Paperboard Packaging segment 48 EURO#.# [002] 48 Non GAAP diluted 48 Munghana Lonene Listenership 48 FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNAUDITED 48 #,#,# =blueberries strawberries 48 Veresen 48 Administrative Expenses 48 =steepling bounce 48 = Earnings [010] 48 Bpd 48 Depreciation depletion amortization 48 #,#,# #,#,# [001] 48 MMBOE 48 AND SUBSIDIARIES FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 48 Nonoperating expenses 48 = Diluted [004] 48 Probable reserves 48 - -Apace Systems 48 MMgal 48 unfavorable variance 48 - -Ascaron 48 kbd 48 FCF = 48 Regulated Businesses 48 = Operating [002] 48 AND DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS 48 = Diluted espokesman Dan Jiron 48 Regulated Gas 48 d Represents 48 oil equivalent MMboe 48 NET INCOME TO ADJUSTED 48 = Diluted [008] 48 Noninterest expense totaled 48 EOG EOG 48 = Diluted [024] 48 = Diluted [020] 48 Segment Operating 48 cubic feet MMcf 48 -GUSTAV SANDSTROM 48 #,#,# =Rayola Dougher senior 48 INCOME LOSS FROM CONTINUING 48 Consolidated OIBDA 48 liquids fractionation 48 adopting SFAS #R 48 - Adjusted [012] 48 OPERATING LOSS INCOME 48 intangible asset impairments 48 =Thomas van Schaik 48 adjusted OIBDA margin 48 NONRECURRING ITEMS 1 48 EBITDA distributable cash 48 Downstream CCS 48 #,#,# #,#,# = DilChoking Hazards 48 - -plumbers pipefitters 48 = Net [034] 48 = Diluted [029] 48 noninterest expense partially offset 48 SS NOI 48 Non GAAP Operating Margin 48 BOE d 48 - - Net [003] 48 Proved Developed Non 48 Unitrin Direct segment 48 Midstream segment 48 Segment adjusted OIBDA 48 kbd decreased 48 Filtran Microcircuits Inc. 48 Mbbl Mbbl 48 capitalizable 48 underlift 48 unabsorbed fixed manufacturing 48 AJM Petroleum Consultants AJM 48 Proved Developed Producing 48 transportation fractionation 48 tables summarize 48 Adjusted Pro Forma 48 Maintenance Capital Expenditures 48 Mcf d 48 Baytex TSX BTE.UN 48 Operating Expenses 48 Items impacting comparability 48 energy equivalency conversion 48 = Diluted [031] 48 butane blending 48 Mcm 48 Operations FFO 48 -# -# -#,# 48 Normalized EPS 48 Diluted #,#,# #,#,# [002] 48 Diluted 48 USD#.#m USD#.# per [001] 48 Ps.#.# [004] 48 End Proved Reserves 48 -axions 48 = DilPIC#F 48 per ASM RASM 48 -Follow Vishay 48 Adjusted EBIDTA 48 = Diluted [023] 48 excluding reimbursables 48 Average dayrate 48 LAE reserves 48 - Earnings [001] 48 MMboe EV EBITDA 48 frac spreads 48 = Shares [002] 48 VERISIGN INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES 48 excluding nonrecurring 48 mmcfed 48 = Earnings [015] 48 Unconsolidated Properties 48 - NET INCOME [017] 48 SORL consolidated 48 TOFUTTI brand 48 #.#/GJ [001] 48 - -Nicolas Leoz 48 Engineered Material Systems 48 #.#/barrel [003] 48 = DiluSteel Tariffs 48 Pro Forma Net 48 Midstream Refining 48 Distributable Cash 48 Modified EBITDA 48 Fully taxable 48 -Icah 48 - -Sows Purchased live 48 = Average [001] 48 Recurring EBITDA 48 = Non GAAP [001] 48 Core FFO 48 = Earnings [001] 48 horizontal Woodford Shale 48 Nonoperating income 48 mcf d 48 Fully Converted 48 Fund TSX SEF.UN 48 Lebork S 1 48 = Diluted [010] 48 Motorized RV 48 MMcfe per 48 EARNINGS IN RETROSPECT 48 = Net [036] 48 Mcfe Lease operating 48 Costless Collar 48 = Non GAAP [012] 48 cynical Canlla 48 Mmcfed 48 AVERAGE SHARES OUTSTANDING 48 COMMON SHARE Basic 48 probable 2P reserves 48 intersegment purchases 48 = Earnings [025] 48 Non GAAP net 48 horizontal Haynesville shale 48 -#,# -#,# -#,# -#,# [003] 48 = Net [001] 48 -BiH Presidency 48 visit 48 consolidated OIBDA 48 Wireline adjusted EBITDA 48 unaudited condensed consolidated 48 AMORTIZATION OF INTANGIBLE ASSETS 48 Cheniere Partners 48 #.#/bbl [002] 48 NGLs 48 Ozona Northeast 48 amortization expense 48 Nonaccrual loans totaled 48 Realized Earnings 48 Licorice Products segment 48 CPNO 48 BioFuel Announces 48 #.# - -Beart 48 c Calculated 48 Bc d 48 - Operating [016] 48 BASIC AND DILUTED 48 - - NetGranara 48 #,#,# #,#,# -archival collections 48 = Net [009] 48 Fully Diluted EPS 48 CASM decreased 48 USD#.#m USD#.# [001] 48 OUTSTANDING DILUTED 48 = Net [014] 48 Lubrizol Additives segment 48 #.#/mcf [002] 48 BOPD NAR 48 AND ADJUSTED DILUTED EARNINGS 48 KMP unitholders 48 = Earnings [006] 48 #.# = WeGTIV E 48 -Louise Hawkley 48 Updates Hedging 48 - Operating [009] 48 - - Net [059] 48 #bcf [001] 48 unbilled revenue 48 unrealized hedging 48 Numerator Net income 48 #.#/ADR 48 Sproule Associates Limited 48 = Diluted earniSivasubramaniam 48 NOVA MEASURING INSTRUMENTS LTD 48 MBbl d 48 DPAC amortization 48 Proved Reserve 48 EUR -#.# -#.# [001] 48 - - Net [015] 48 = Diluted [015] 48 Reimbursable Expenses 48 properties ultimate recoverability 48 -myrtle spurge 48 TC Pipelines 48 restated restated -INC. SEGMENT INFORMATION 48 = Net [031] 48 Standardized Distributable Cash 48 -Dehring Bunting 48 = Diluted earnings [012] 48 - NET INCOME [023] 48 Fully Diluted Earnings 48 NGL Logistics 48 Fourth Quarter Earnings Per 48 - -Distribution BULLETIN DATE 47 - Non Shane Germann 47 -Kahaani Ghar Ghar Ki 47 OPERATING EXPENSE 47 #,#,# #,#,# = DilutedEphrata Raceway 47 SEK -#.# -#.# [003] 47 -murtad 47 similarly captioned 47 YTD Q3 47 NOL utilization 47 EARNINGS UNAUDITED 47 quarter# 47 Bossier shales 47 refrac 47 Art's Way Scientific 47 Gold Eq 47 FIRST INDUSTRIAL REALTY TRUST 47 = Diluted earnings [005] 47 - -Meho Kodro 47 = Net [002] 47 INCOME AVAILABLE TO 47 Reported Unaudited Condensed 47 Basic #,#,# #,#,# [003] 47 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION TO RECONCILE 47 FAS CAS pension 47 Gross Margin Gross 47 Peyto Energy 47 - Adjusted [019] 47 RATIO OF 47 accruing restructured 47 SEK -#.# [002] 47 Shareholders Equity #,#,# #,#,# [003] 47 boe conversion 47 Hedge ineffectiveness 47 - -Mauras 47 Provident Upstream 47 #.# bcfe 47 -Hua Tian 47 Compensation Expenses 47 Nonperforming assets totaled 47 ENDED SIX MONTHS ENDED 47 LIFO adjustment 47 FAS CAS Pension 47 annualized ROAE 47 Gordondale 47 DAC unlock 47 SUMMIT FINANCIAL GROUP INC.