
Related by string. Reauthorizing . reauthorized * * periodically reauthorized . reauthorizing SCHIP . SCHIP reauthorized . reauthorizing NCLB . Legislation reauthorizing *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 78 reauthorization 74 reauthorize 65 Reauthorization 64 reauthorized 63 reauthorizes 58 appropriations bill 58 Continuing Resolution 58 WRDA bill 57 SCHIP reauthorization 57 Reauthorizing 57 reauthorisation 56 IHCIA 56 Congress reauthorizes 56 reauthorize PEPFAR 56 FAA reauthorization 56 Program Reauthorization Act 56 reauthorize SCHIP 55 Reauthorization Act 55 Reauthorization Bill 55 supplemental appropriations bill 54 reauthorizing SCHIP 54 omnibus spending 54 omnibus appropriations bill 54 Head Start reauthorization 54 PL #-# [001] 54 COMPETES Act 53 appropriations bills 53 Omnibus Appropriations Bill 53 Cybersecurity Enhancement Act 52 FAA reauthorization bill 52 FAA Reauthorization Act 52 SCHIP 52 Act WRDA 52 Omnibus Appropriations Act 52 Program SCHIP 52 COMPETES 51 reauthorizations 51 legislation 51 Act VAWA 51 Authorization Act 51 Lame Duck session 51 SAFETEA LU 51 Reauthorize 51 JJDPA 51 statutory PAYGO 51 defunds 51 Hinchey Rohrabacher amendment 51 Tax Extenders Act 50 bill 50 Child Nutrition Reauthorization 50 America COMPETES Reauthorization 50 omnibus bill 50 HR# [003] 50 FAA Reauthorization 50 S CHIP 50 Omnibus appropriations 50 Act S.# [001] 50 America COMPETES Act 50 SCHIP Reauthorization 50 Defense Authorization 50 S.# [003] 49 FMAP extension 49 Intelligence Authorization 49 Omnibus Appropriations bill 49 emergency supplemental appropriations 49 Protection Reauthorization Act 49 Supplemental Appropriations Bill 49 SCHIP reauthorization bill 49 Combating Autism Act 49 FAA Reauthorization Bill 49 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations 49 Senate conferees 49 Appropriations Committees 49 Consolidated Appropriations 49 Congress adjourns 49 repealing 48 FHA modernization 48 reauthorize NCLB 48 HR.# 48 PEPFAR reauthorization 48 Competes Act 48 approps 48 defund 48 Interstate Abortion Notification 48 Castle DeGette 48 Act S.# [002] 48 Captive Primate Safety 48 Related Agencies 48 S.# [002] 47 HJ Res 47 FAA Reauthorization bill 47 defunding 47 Surface Transportation Authorization 47 repealing ObamaCare 47 Safety Modernization Act 47 Homeland Security Appropriations 47 Arbitration Fairness Act 47 Senate appropriators 47 Healthy Hunger 47 Clean Water Legacy 47 Extended Unemployment Compensation 47 Mcare abatement 47 NICS Improvement Act 47 Congress 47 Credit VEETC 47 Omnibus Budget 47 Appropriators 47 MILC program 47 appropriations 46 Congress reconvenes 46 Doc Fix 46 McGovern Dole 46 PAMTA 46 Superfund Amendments 46 Interior Appropriations 46 Tax Extenders 46 Education Affordability Reconciliation 46 William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims 46 WRDA 46 NASA Authorization 46 Enhancement Act 46 omnibus appropriation 46 AgJobs 46 enactment 46 omnibus 46 SPY ACT 46 supplemental appropriations 46 appropriators 46 Appropriations Act 46 SAFETEA 45 congressionally approved 45 Legislation reauthorizing 45 Lumbee recognition 45 Defense Appropriations 45 Assault Weapons Ban 45 Securely Protect Yourself 45 Affordable Choices 45 Stupak Pitts Amendment 45 Enzi Barrasso 45 Specialty Crop Competitiveness 45 CongressDaily reports 45 Clean Water Restoration 45 Defense Authorization Bill 45 Paperwork Mandate Elimination 45 Program PDMP 45 repeal 45 Pawlenty vetoed 45 USAPATRIOT Act 45 FY# Defense Authorization 45 Non Discrimination Act 45 Act Reauthorization 45 COBRA subsidies 45 Senate Appropriations Committees 45 Unborn Victims 45 congressional recess 45 Stupak Pitts amendment 45 Gang Abatement 45 Defense Authorization Act 45 H.Res.# 45 EPW Committee 45 bipartisan bicameral 45 Terrorism Risk 45 repeal ObamaCare 45 Distracted Driving Prevention 45 Multiple Peril Insurance 44 Milk Income Loss 44 lame duck session 44 Marshall Griffin KWMU 44 Supplemental Appropriations bill 44 Title VIII 44 PASS ID 44 HR3 44 Patriot Act reauthorization 44 nonbinding resolution expressing 44 Senator Mikulski 44 Status Passed 44 Lawful Commerce 44 Patient Self Determination 44 Affordable Care Act 44 Safe Accountable Flexible 44 Stupak Amendment 44 Speaker Nancy Pelosi D-Calif. 44 reauthorised 44 SJ Res 44 Legislation authorizing 44 NCLB reauthorization 44 veto override 44 CHIP reauthorization 44 Ranking Member Snowe 44 Omnibus Spending Bill 44 PeachCare 44 FISA Amendments Act 44 supplemental appropriation 44 Granholm vetoed 44 Increasing Adoptions Act 44 Veterans Affairs Appropriations 44 Voted YES 44 defund ObamaCare 44 ROVNER 44 cloture vote 44 SUNY Empowerment 44 Voted NO 44 stopgap spending 44 vetoing 44 Reduce Unnecessary Spending 44 Pataki vetoed 44 Passenger Rail Investment 44 Conquer Childhood Cancer 44 Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax 44 PDUFA reauthorization 44 defunding Planned Parenthood 44 Magnuson Stevens 44 gunmaker immunity bill 44 AgJOBS bill 44 Broadcast Decency Enforcement 44 Act NDAA 44 earmark laden 44 Balanced Budget Amendment 44 Alien Minors DREAM Act 44 PATRIOT Act 44 Act ENDA 44 Against Cyber Trespass 44 Utilicare 44 Video Voyeurism Prevention 44 Medicaid Extenders 43 Supplemental Appropriations 43 RESTORE Act 43 Stem Cell Therapeutic 43 BadgerCare Basic 43 PROTECT IP 43 AgJOBS 43 Joint Appropriations Subcommittee 43 Napolitano vetoed 43 Mary Bono R-Calif. 43 Telework Enhancement Act 43 HB2 43 VEETC 43 Appropriations 43 Discharge Petition 43 DFL Mankato 43 bipartisan cosponsors 43 troop withdrawal timetables 43 Patriot Act 43 Meaningfully Promote Excellence 43 troop withdrawal deadlines 43 Bipartisan majorities 43 Foreclosure Prevention Act 43 Omnibus 43 defund Planned Parenthood 43 ANWR provision 43 averts shutdown 43 defund Obamacare 43 House 43 Defund ACORN Act 43 AB8 43 ROVNER Well 43 bipartisan 43 By Greta Wodele 43 Senate Appropriations subcommittee 43 Dickey Wicker amendment 43 H.Res [002] 43 Rep. Karla Bigham 43 Congress 43 Senator Snowe 42 trans inclusive ENDA 42 Fisheries Modernization Act 42 Legislature adjourns 42 User Fee Act 42 Senate 42 Equine Cruelty 42 Credit Cardholders Bill 42 Closing Tax Loopholes 42 Senate 42 #st Century TEA 42 #st Century Nanotechnology 42 passage 42 Hiring Incentives 42 omnibus appropriations 42 ARKids First 42 wheat barley oat 42 Orderly Growth Initiative 42 SJR# [002] 42 PL #-# [002] 42 sunsetting 42 repeal DADT 42 Granholm vetoes 42 No Taxpayer Funding 42 Wyden 42 DADT repeal 42 Birthright Citizenship Act 42 designate andro 42 Insure Missouri 42 Safe Accountable Flexible Efficient 42 Sherwood Boehlert RN.Y. 42 Troop Readiness 42 WIC Reauthorization Act 42 FHA Modernization Act 42 Supplemental Appropriations Act 42 STANDUP Act 42 AgJobs bill 42 catchall spending 42 enacting 42 Combating Child Exploitation 42 Waxman Markey cap 42 amendment HJR 42 Nonadmitted 42 Congressional appropriators 42 appropriation 42 bipartisan majorities 42 Marketplace Modernization 42 Schip 42 Water Appropriations Subcommittee 42 ACELA 42 subcommittee 42 SCHIP enrollees 42 Chairwoman Alice Hausman 42 Newborn Screening Saves Lives 42 HOPE Chest 42 ANWR drilling 42 amendment 42 Job Creation Act 42 Act UAFA 42 Fairness Act 42 Violent Crime Control 42 Crist vetoed 42 appropriations subcommittee 42 Users TEA LU 42 Deficit Reduction Act 42 Concurrent Receipt 42 Legislatively 42 doc fix 42 Surface Transportation Reauthorization 42 Dependent Coverage 42 HB# [001] 42 Law Enforcement Hate Crimes 42 Continuing Appropriations 42 AMT patch 42 Peachcare 42 sunsetted 42 KidsCare 42 H.Con.Res 42 Paycheck Fairness Act 42 ObamaCare 42 appropriations subcommittees 41 Napolitano vetoes 41 Student Non Discrimination 41 Pensions HELP Committee 41 Project BioShield Act 41 Cohn CongressDaily 41 privatizing Social Security 41 TEUC 41 PEPFAR 41 S. #/HR [002] 41 appoint conferees 41 Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee 41 Project Bioshield 41 A#/S# [001] 41 Neotropical Migratory Bird 41 Highway Reauthorization 41 packer ownership 41 Pensions HELP 41 HJRes 41 PROTECT Act 41 Sen. Kathy Sheran 41 invoking cloture 41 Physician Payments Sunshine 41 Rep. Nita Lowey DN.Y. 41 Stupak Pitts 41 federally funded 41 Genetic Information Nondiscrimination 41 federalizing 41 Appropriation Subcommittee 41 Human Cloning Prohibition 41 H.# [003] 41 Enumerated Powers Act 41 TEA LU 41 antiterrorism Patriot Act 41 Appropriations Subcommittee 41 Paul Wellstone Mental 41 reauthorizing NCLB 41 Shays Meehan 41 Drug User Fee 41 CIR ASAP 41 ordering troop withdrawals 41 Restore Employment HIRE 41 Combat Methamphetamine Act 41 PAY GO 41 Modernization Act 41 Recovery Act 41 Richard Cauchi 41 Magnuson Stevens Fisheries 41 Democratically controlled 41 Reauthorizes 41 Nunn Lugar Comprehensive 41 Sebelius vetoes 41 lameduck session 41 Veterans Omnibus 41 ESSB 41 Subcommittee Ranking Member 41 Facility Anti Terrorism 41 override veto 41 Malaria Reauthorization Act 41 Restore Employment 41 uncharted waters Potter 41 Dickey Wicker Amendment 41 MDUFMA 41 MinnesotaCare 41 H.R. 41 Unemployment Compensation Extension 41 Unborn Child Pain 41 Omnibus Appropriations 41 Reliable Replacement Warhead 41 Healthy Forests 41 Tax Moratorium 41 Military Readiness Enhancement 41 CARFA 41 impeaching Cheney 41 enhanced FMAP 41 KidsCare Parents 41 congressional appropriators 41 Ines Franck director 41 underfunds 41 NASPER 41 Mastercard Visa accepted 41 deauthorize 41 defunding ACORN 40 Agency Kim Belshe 40 Pedophile Protection 40 PennSecurity Fuels Initiative 40 Debbie Stabenow D-Mich. 40 Historic Covered Bridge 40 HF# [003] 40 repeals 40 partyline vote 40 Subcommittee 40 Steny Hoyer D-Md. 40 DREAM Act 40 Waxman Markey climate 40 Grassley Baucus 40 DREAM ACT 40 Act ESEA 40 repealing Obamacare 40 cosponsors 40 Lawmakers overrode 40 Both 40 S MINER 40 earmark moratorium 40 resolution H.Res 40 Senate Appropriations Committee 40 Medicare Modernization Act 40 ETHA 40 Emmett Till Unsolved 40 Standards CFATS 40 legislature adjourns 40 Cameron Gulbransen Kids 40 Subcommitee 40 Baucus Tester 40 toughening penalties 40 Judiciary Committees 40 Dietary Supplement Health 40 Democratically controlled Congress 40 Care GAMC 40 Veto Threat 40 Disability Lifeline 40 USA Patriot Act 40 climactic Christmas Eve 40 Bunning relents 40 Users SAFETEA LU 40 federally funded stem cell 40 Combating Online 40 Medically Needy Program 40 Invents Act 40 porkfest 40 Improper Payments Elimination 40 nonbinding resolution condemning 40 BAIPA 40 Carcieri vetoed 40 Baucus Grassley 40 Degette 40 Armenian Genocide Resolution H.Res.# 40 Frank Pallone DN.J. 40 federally financed 40 Mo HealthNet 40 Welfare Reform Act 40 regulate payday lending 40 Delinquency Prevention Act 40 MO HealthNet 40 Defence Authorisation 40 Surface Transportation 40 Senator Harkin 40 Hobbled Dems eager 40 USA PATRIOT 40 House Appropriations subcommittee 40 lawmakers 40 Dorgan Snowe 40 Export Enhancement 40 Judiciary Committee Subcommittee 40 CLEAN TEA 40 Chairman Collin Peterson 40 House Appropriations Committee 40 USA PATRIOT Act 40 Higher Education Reauthorization Act 40 Baroody nomination 40 CALFED 40 Joe Pitts R-Pa. 40 Representatives appropriations subcommittee 40 CWRA 40 WASHINGTON The 40 constitutionally questionable 40 Terrorist Expatriation Act 40 Frangas 40 MAWD 40 CAPITOL HILL AP 40 National Defense Authorization 40 greenhouse gasses mirrors 40 nondefense 40 Speaker Pelosi 40 defunding Obamacare 40 End Racial Profiling 40 frosty reception awaits 40 Appropriations Subcommittees 40 USA PATRIOT Improvement 40 legislatively mandated 40 EMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITY 40 Medically Needy 40 subcommitee 40 imposes stiffer penalties 40 Mary Landrieu D-La. 40 invoked cloture 40 concurrent receipt 40 Hyde Amendment 40 Iran Refined Petroleum 40 Legislature reconvenes 40 Patent Reform Act 40 repealer 40 TESRA 40 legislative session 40 Mike Enzi R-Wyo. 40 Legislature 40 Jacob Lew testifies 40 Castle DeGette bill 40 Stuthman 39 Cervical Cancer Early 39 Antideficiency Act 39 Healthy Forests initiative 39 Secure Fence Act 39 Jim McDermott D-Wash. 39 Lawsuit Abuse Reduction 39 Interior Appropriations subcommittee 39 Project BioShield 39 Healthy Forests Restoration 39 Fiscal Responsibility Act 39 VAWA 39 Jo Ann Emerson R-Mo. 39 MediKids 39 Healthy Forests Initiative 39 Mandatory COOL 39 Offshore Moratorium 39 Conferees 39 nonbudget 39 cleared procedural hurdle 39 Democratically controlled Legislature 39 Nominations Sent 39 swift enactment 39 Medicare Catastrophic Coverage 39 Yazoo Backwater Project 39 Trade Preference 39 Emergency Unemployment Compensation 39 Activity Tax Simplification 39 American Competitiveness Initiative 39 Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation 39 Coburn Omnibus 39 Accountability Act 39 cosponsor 39 Post-#/# Veterans Educational 39 Revenue Stabilization 39 SHVERA 39 monthlong recess 39 Price Gouging Prevention 39 Congressionally directed 39 SCHIP eligibility 39 repeal DOMA 39 receives royal assent 39 ADA Amendments Act 39 nonsecurity 39 Increased Accessibility Act 39 fiercely contested remake 39 subcomittee 39 conferees 39 Ben Nelson D-Neb. 39 Permanent Normal 39 unpassed 39 Wyden Snowe 39 retroactive immunity 39 Lawmaker pushes 39 Combat Meth 39 Healthcare Identifiers Bill 39 fillibuster 39 Kelliher DFL Minneapolis 39 D Rienzi 39 PAYGO 39 politically sacrosanct 39 ConnectOregon 39 subpanel 39 Program CHIP 39 Smoking Prevention 39 Joshua Omvig suicide 39 underfunds Medicaid 39 Armenian genocide resolution 39 healh care 39 Pete Domenici RN.M. 39 adjourning 39 Fire Sprinkler Incentive 39 Reform Act 39 DTV Delay 39 outlaw texting 39 Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee 39 nondefense discretionary 39 Diesel Emission Reduction 39 constitutional amendment SJR 39 sevenths majority 39 fullday kindergarten 39 Project Bioshield Act 39 Clear Skies initiative 39 haphazard piecemeal 39 item veto 39 S. #/HR [001] 39 impeaching Sanford 39 Senator Grassley 39 Equitable Treatment 39 Lung Cancer Mortality Reduction 39 S.Amdt 39 Act TSCA 39 Herb Kohl D Wis 39 invoke cloture 39 Sens. Dianne Feinstein D-Calif. 39 Senate bargainers 39 Communal Violence Bill 39 Industrial Hemp Farming 39 Constitutional Revision Committee 39 Continuing Resolutions 39 Nondiscrimination Act 39 Webcaster Settlement Act 39 By Amy Klamper 39 Vetoing 39 lamented partisan bickering 39 unionize workplaces 39 Telework Improvements Act 39 Appropriations subcommittee 39 inclusive ENDA 39 DFL Winona 39 Broadcaster Freedom 39 Mental Health Parity 39 Badgercare 39 Clean Water SRF 39 Sebelius vetoed 39 WELNA 39 Sealaska lands 39 Commercial Advertising Loudness 39 Amy Klobuchar D Minn 39 FDAAA 39 eliminates CalWORKS 39 NH gov 39 nondefense discretionary spending 39 Medical Assistance Percentages 39 constitutional amendment HJR 39 Anti Smacking 39 Pets Evacuation 39 Judy Biggert R-Ill. 39 Government Pension Offset 39 Everglades Forever 39 HB1 39 Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability 39 earmarks 39 S.Res.# 39 defund NPR 39 Subtitle B 39 PAYGO rules 39 grant retroactive immunity 39 cloture motion 39 germane amendments 39 NSA warrantless surveillance 39 Secretary Kim Belshé 39 intercarrier compensation reform 39 bi partisan 39 RN.M. 39 Travel Restriction 39 Employment Nondiscrimination Act 39 Senator Crapo 39 veto overrides 39 unconstitutionally delegated 39 Broadcast Decency 39 DeLauro 39 Rep. McMorris Rodgers 39 Commemorative Coin Act 39 Congressman Blumenauer 39 MTBE waiver 39 CBAE 39 Governing Justly 38 prolong Schiavo 38 Grasslands Reserve 38 Hate Crimes Prevention 38 troop withdrawal timelines 38 Cobell settlement 38 Jerrold Nadler DN.Y. 38 defund ACORN 38 Arveschoug Bird 38 cloture 38 Employment Non Discrimination 38 Omnibus Crime 38 nonpartisan CBO 38 James Oberstar D-Minn. 38 Diesel Emissions Reduction 38 By Otto Kreisher 38 authorizers 38 ESEA reauthorization 38 Surface Mining Control 38 enacted 38 Tiahrt amendment 38 STELA 38 Congresswoman Matsui 38 Lilly Ledbetter Fair 38 Pelosi D-Calif. 38 Sentate 38 Enrolled Act 38 TSCA reform 38 earmarks congressionally 38 Owcharenko 38 Conscience Clause 38 SENATE APPROPRIATIONS 38 Tax Extenders Bill 38 ABX1 1 38 Markosek 38 authorizes 38 Habeas Corpus Restoration 38 wilderness designations 38 overriding vetoes 38 Veto Override 38 clunkers refill 38 steroid precursors 38 Breast Cancer Patient Protection 38 Health HITECH Act 38 Judiciary Committee 38 Fair Minimum Wage 38 REPEAL 38 veto 38 DADT repealed 38 D Grosse Tete 38 Congressional Budget Office 38 Addiction Equity 38 Senate Judiciary Committees 38 Judiciary committees 38 HOW MANY COVERED 38 Posey R Fla 38 Increases 38 renewing 38 modernize FISA 38 Rental Purchase Agreement 38 Violent Radicalization 38 weeklong recess 38 Russell Feingold D-Wis. 38 Prop 1E 38 ESHB 38 Stephanie Dhue reports 38 Obstruct Terrorism Act 38 Bart Gordon D-Tenn. 38 Fostering Connections 38 Yearlong wiretapping orders 38 Impoundment Control 38 Innocence Protection 38 immigration reform 38 spokeswoman Kate Cyrul 38 postelection lame duck 38 provisions 38 Subcommittee Chair 38 Worker Retiree 38 Pelosi D Calif 38 nonbinding resolutions 38 amending 38 Rep. Jerrold Nadler DN.Y. 38 Anabolic Steroid Control 38 Kyl Cornyn 38 Fund LWCF 38 civil liberties protections 38 Financial Stability Improvement 38 congressional bargainers 38 spokesman Drew Hammill 38 EPSDT 38 TALLAHASSEE Gov. Jeb 38 ARKids 38 Reserve Enhancement 38 AdultBasic 38 Agricultural Disaster Assistance 38 Recommendations Implementation 38 Acquisition Reform Act 38 legislatively 38 Hardrock Mining 38 Horse Slaughter 38 Clairsville 38 Drug Administration Amendments 38 Applauds Passage 38 nonmilitary discretionary 38 H. Res 38 Election ACRE 38 wasteful earmark 38 Counterfeits Act 38 Refuge Enhancement 38 AIDS Relief PEPFAR 38 CQ HealthBeat reports 38 Border Protection Antiterrorism 38 amendments 38 Chairman Dwayne Umbarger 38 McKinney Vento 38 impeaching Blagojevich 38 legislature reconvenes 38 BadgerCare Core 38 Partnership Encouragement 38 warrantless eavesdropping 38 Goodlatte 38 maximum Pell Grant 38 WASHINGTON RNN 38 Nina Owcharenko 38 Piracy Deterrence 38 approves impeaching Blagojevich 38 bicameral conference 38 Senator Enzi 38 Defunding 38 Congressman Sensenbrenner 38 Judiciary subcommittee 38 Subcommittees 38 Oberstar 38 Contract MILC program 38 noncontroversial 38 group Familias Argentinas 38 essentially codifies 38 Commissioner Lucinda Jesson 38 Piracy Prohibition 38 Streamlined Procedures Act 38 Mitigation CALM Act 38 Antitrust Enforcement 38 D Nambé 38 Dignified Treatment 38 R-Mo. 38 PATRIOT Act reauthorization 38 Bernie Sanders I-Vt. 38 Claire McCaskill D-Mo. 38 Senator Bingaman 38 Opsommer 38 ESPLOST 38 shortchanged civil liberties 38 repeal Obamacare 38 Rescissions Acts continued 38 Reinsurance Reform Act 38 reform 38 PELOSI Well 37 constitutional amendment outlawing 37 backed securities FABS 37 MVST 37 NAT GAS Act 37 HR# [001] 37 BadgerCare Plus Basic 37 USA PATRIOT ACT 37 unobligated funds 37 STRIVE Act 37 Operation Offset 37 Jr. Hate Crimes 37 proposed P#.# trillion 37 wolf delisting 37 Senator Frist 37 Congressman Hulshof 37 Lateral Attrition 37 Sodsaver 37 Physician Payments 37 Nick Rahall DW.Va. 37 prohibited cruel inhuman 37 IowaCare 37 HB #/SB [002] 37 bipartisan Passenger Rail 37 CASE HOSPICE SUPPLIES 37 antitrust exemption 37 CARP extension 37 Congressman Butch Otter 37 Prop. 1F 37 Act MIPPA 37 Cheaper Medicines Bill 37 Parental Kidnapping Prevention 37 Bill Morrisette 37 CAPITOL HILL 37 Credit Cardholder 37 Collin Peterson D-Minn. 37 Boost nutrition programs 37 Senate Concurrent Resolution 37 Obamacare 37 drug reimportation 37 HCR# [001] 37 strengthen whistleblower protections 37 veto pen 37 Republicans 37 Senator Stabenow 37 theSenate 37 Obey D Wis 37 Director Charles Krogmeier 37 JULIE ROVNER 37 AIDS Relief 37 retroactive immunity provision 37 curbing frivolous lawsuits 37 Emergency Response MINER 37 Bill Nelson D-Fla. 37 Anti Bullying Bill 37 Global Warming Pollution Reduction 37 Partisan disagreements 37 unobligated 37 Hate Crime Prevention 37 granting retroactive immunity 37 earmark 37 paygo rules 37 prefile 37 Sheppard Towner 37 Vermont legalizes 37 James Rohack 37 enact 37 Servicemembers Protection 37 McCarran Ferguson Act 37 Lame Duck Session 37 Lifespan Respite Care 37 Simplification Act 37 Veto override 37 Waxman Markey bill 37 Chairman Doc Hastings 37 launched furious counterassault 37 Merkley Levin 37 Physician Payment 37 NITRD 37 litmus test Guillory 37 Motor Vehicle Owners 37 Jim Oberstar D-Minn. 37 Interior Appropriations Subcommittee 37 Partisan bickering 37 Cornyn Kyl 37 Motorcoach Enhanced Safety 37 ENDA 37 Appropriations Committee 37 repealing DOMA 37 Terrorist Surveillance 37 Internet Gambling Prohibition 37 Stephen Driesler deputy 37 Judiciary Subcommittee 37 loophole closers 37 Acquisition Streamlining 37 Line Item Veto 37 Civil Marriage Equality 37 DeGette 37 politically perilous 37 Assistance Percentage 37 Dr. Dynasaur 37 authorizing 37 Stokes MOTHERS Act 37 Brad Dayspring spokesman 37 Trojan horse Braley 37 converter box subsidy 37 Prescription Drug Monitoring 37 Secure Rural 37 April Gromnicki 37 Stop Arming Iran 37 HCR# [002] 37 unamendable 37 spokesman Francis Rullan 37 Lobbied fellow 37 Carl Levin D-Mich. 37 pork barrell 37 sweeping antifraud 37 Show Loophole 37 DFL Maplewood 37 Begins Debate 37 Appropriations subcommittees 37 fully inclusive ENDA 37 SJR# [001] 37 Act DSHEA 37 manager Duane DuRay 37 provision 37 HCRA 37 Emergency Response SAFER 37 congressionally 37 Employee Non Discrimination 37 Appropriations committees 37 prolonging Schiavo life 37 Seapower Subcommittee 37 Sens. Jay Rockefeller 37 Gender Expression 37 Threatens Veto 37 Representative Peter DeFazio 37 Rep. Kathy Brynaert 37 Hunger Caucus 37 LWCF 37 Generations Invigorating Volunteerism 37 TALLAHASSEE Fla. Gov. Jeb 37 spokesman Austin Shafran 37 banning texting 37 Stupak amendment

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